Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung SPA8000 des Produzenten Cisco Systems
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Cis c o Small Busine s s Pro SP A2102, SP A3102, SP A8000, P AP2T , WRP 400 Analog T elephone Adapt ers ADMINISTR A TION GUIDE.
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Contents A T A Administration Guide i About This Document ix Chapter 1: Introducing Cisco Small Bu siness Analog Telephone Adapters 16 Comparison of ATA Devices 17 ATA Connectivity Requirements 20 PAP.
Contents A T A Administration Guide ii Reboot URL 44 Provisioning Your ATA Device 44 Provisioning Capabilities 44 Configuration Profile 45 Chapter 3: Configuring Your Syst em for ITSP Interoperability.
Contents A T A Administration Guide iii Using a Mini-Certi ficate 74 Generating a Mini Certificate 75 SIP Trunking and Hunt Groups on the SPA8000 77 About SIP Trunking 78 Setting the Trunk Group Call .
Contents A T A Administration Guide iv Configuring VoIP Failover to PSTN 102 Sharing One VoIP Account Between the FXS and PSTN Lines 103 Other Options 104 PSTN Call to Ring Line 1 104 Symmetric RTP 10.
Contents A T A Administration Guide v Port Forwarding Settings section 119 DMZ Settings section 1 19 Miscellaneous Settings section 120 System Reserved Ports Range section 120 Appendix B: ATA Voice Fi.
Contents A T A Administration Guide vi Distinctive Ring/CW T Pa ttern Names section 150 Ring and Call Waiting Tone Spec section 151 Control Timer Values (sec) section 151 Vertical Service Activation C.
Contents A T A Administration Guide vii PSTN Line page (SPA3102) 190 Line Enable section 191 NAT Settings section 191 Network Settings section 192 SIP Settings section 193 Proxy and Registration secti.
Contents A T A Administration Guide viii Appendix C: Provisioni ng Reference (WRP400) 221 Appendix D: Troubleshooting 235 Appendix E: Environm ental Specifications 239 PAP2T 239 SPA2102 240 SPA3102 24.
Preface A T A Administration Guide ix Ab out This D o cument This guide is int ended t o help V ARs and Ser vice Pr oviders to ma nage and configure the Cisco Analog T elephone Adapt ers (A T As). This preface pr ovide s helpful inf ormation ab out this guide and other r esources that are a vailable t o you.
Preface A T A Admi nistration Guide x Firmware This guide describe s the f eatures that are a vailable in the f ollowing firmware re le a se s . Document Conventions The f ollowing are the typo graphic conventions used in this document . Prod uct Fir mw ar e Ver si on P AP2T 5.
Preface A T A Admi nistration Guide xi Organization The inf ormation in this guid e is organized into t he f oll owing chapters and appendic es : Chapter Con te nt s Chapter 1 , “Introducing Cisc o .
Preface A T A Admi nistration Guide xii Appendix D , “T r ou bl esh oot in g” This appendix provides solutions to pr oblems that may occur during the installation and operation of the A T A devices .
Preface A T A Admi nistration Guide xiii Finding Information in PDF Files The SP A9000 V oice Syst em do cuments ar e published as PDF files. The PDF Fi nd/ Sear ch tool within Adobe ® R eader ® lets you find inf ormation quickly and easily online. Y ou can per f orm the f ollowing tasks : • Sear ch an individual PDF file.
Preface A T A Admi nistration Guide xiv Finding Text in Multiple PDF Files The Sea rc h window lets you sear ch f or terms in multiple PDF files that are st ored on your PC or local net work . The PDF files do not nee d t o b e open. STEP 1 Star t Acro b at Pr of e ssional or Adobe Reader .
Preface A T A Admi nistration Guide xv STEP 4 When the Results appear , click + t o open a f older , and then click an y link to o p en the file where the search t e rms appear . F or more inf ormation ab out the F ind and S ear ch functions , see the Adob e Acrobat online help.
1 A T A Admi nistration Guide 16 In tro ducing Cis c o Sm all Busine s s Analo g T elephone A dapters This guide describ es the administration and use of Cisco Small Busines s analog te lephone adapters (A T A s). Thes e A T A device s are a key element in the end-to- end IP T elephon y solution.
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters Comp arison of A T A Dev ice s A T A Admi nistration Guide 17 1 C omp aris on of A T A D evic e s Each A T A device is an int elligent .
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters Comp arison of A T A Dev ice s A T A Admi nistration Guide 18 1 NOTE The inf ormation containe d in this gui de is not a warrant y fr om Cisco.
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters Comp arison of A T A Dev ice s A T A Admi nistration Guide 19 1 Fi gure 1 How A T A s Provide V oic e Conne ctivit y • The SP A3102 and SP A8000 act as S IP -PSTN gat eways. They provide PS TN connectivit y in addi tion to a single FXS por t .
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters A T A Connectivit y R e quiremen ts A T A Admi nistration Guide 20 1 A T A C onne ctivit y Re quiremen t s An A T A device can be connected t o a lo cal r outer , or directly to the Int ernet .
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters A T A Connectivit y R e quiremen ts A T A Admi nistration Guide 21 1 P AP2T C onne ctivit y As shown in the f ollowing figure, the P AP2T has two FXS p or ts (voice lines 1 and 2) . NOTE • The IVR functions are acces se d by connecti ng an analog telephone to Line 1 .
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters A T A Connectivit y R e quiremen ts A T A Admi nistration Guide 22 1 SP A2102 C onne ctivit y As shown in the f ollowing illustration, the SP A 2102 has t wo FXS por ts (voice lines 1 and 2) .
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters A T A Connectivit y R e quiremen ts A T A Admi nistration Guide 23 1 SP A3102 C onne ctivit y As shown in the f ollowing figure, the SP A3102 has one FXS p ort (voice line 1). By default, the devic e on the LAN por t is assigned the network address 192.
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters A T A Connectivit y R e quiremen ts A T A Admi nistration Guide 24 1 SP A8000 C onne ctivit y As shown in the f ollowing illustration, the SP A8000 consists of eight voice por ts (voice lines 1 -8).
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters ATA S o f t w a r e F e a t u r e s A T A Admi nistration Guide 25 1 NOTE • W ith the S P A8000, use line 1 or line 2 t o acc ess the IVR functions . See the SP A8000 Quick Installation Guide f or IVR instructions .
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters ATA S o f t w a r e F e a t u r e s A T A Admi nistration Guide 26 1 code c is t o b e used f or each line. G.711 a and G.711 u are alwa ys enabled. Configure y our pref erred co dec in the (FXS) tab in the Administration W eb Ser ver .
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters ATA S o f t w a r e F e a t u r e s A T A Admi nistration Guide 27 1 SIP Pro x y Re dundancy In typical c ommer cial IP T elephon y deploy ments , all calls are established thr ough a SIP pro x y s er ver .
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters ATA S o f t w a r e F e a t u r e s A T A Admi nistration Guide 28 1 Modem and Fax Pas s- T h rou gh • Modem pas s-thr ough mode can be triggered only by predialing the number s et in the Modem Line T oggle C ode.
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters ATA S o f t w a r e F e a t u r e s A T A Admi nistration Guide 29 1 Adjustab le Audio Fr am e s Pe r Pa c ket This f eature allows the user t o se t the number of audio frames contained in one RTP packet .
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters ATA S o f t w a r e F e a t u r e s A T A Admi nistration Guide 30 1 Signaling Hook Flash Ev ent The A T A devic e can signal hook flash events to the r emote par ty on a conne ct e d call.
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters ATA S o f t w a r e F e a t u r e s A T A Admi nistration Guide 31 1 Calling P ar t y Cont rol Calling P ar t y Control (CPC) signals t.
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters ATA S o f t w a r e F e a t u r e s A T A Admi nistration Guide 32 1 SIP O ver TL S SP A 2102, SP A3102, and WRP 400 devices allow the use of S IP over T ranspor t Layer Securit y ( TLS).
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters ATA S o f t w a r e F e a t u r e s A T A Admi nistration Guide 33 1 Register Retr y Enhancements The Regist er Retr y Enhanc ements f .
Intr o ducing Cisc o Small Busine ss Analo g T elephone Adapters ATA S o f t w a r e F e a t u r e s A T A Admi nistration Guide 34 1 DHCP Renewal on Ti m e o u t SP A 2102, SP A3102, and P AP2T voice devices t ypically operate in a net work where a DHCP ser ver assigns IP addr e sse s t o the device s.
2 A T A Admi nistration Guide 35 B asic A dministra tion and C onfigura tion This chapter describe s the equipment and ser vices that are r e quir e d t o install your A T A device and explains how t o complete the basic administration and configuration tasks .
B asic Administration and Confi gura tion Dow nl oad in g F ir mw ar e A T A Admi nistration Guide 36 2 • An alog p hon es • UPS (uninterruptible P ower Source) recommended f or devic es such as t.
B asic Administration and Confi gura tion Se tti ng u p Y ou r A T A De vi ce A T A Admi nistration Guide 37 2 STEP 3 Use the administration co mput er to insta ll the latest firm ware: a. Ext ract the Zip file, and then run the ex ecu table file to upgrade the firmware.
B asic Administration and Confi gura tion Using the Adminis tra tion W eb Ser ver A T A Admi nistration Guide 38 2 The Administrator account can modif y a ll the web pr ofile parameters and the pass wor ds of b oth Administrator and User account . The User ac count can acc ess only par t of the web profile paramet e rs.
B asic Administration and Confi gura tion Using the Adminis tra tion W eb Ser ver A T A Admi nistration Guide 39 2 C onnec ting to the Administration W eb S er ver T o ac ces s the A T A administration web s er ver , pe rform the f ollowing steps.
B asic Administration and Confi gura tion Using the Adminis tra tion W eb Ser ver A T A Admi nistration Guide 40 2 STEP 3 Complete the W AN configurat ion f or DHCP , static IP addressing, or PPPoE. For DHCP: a. Sele ct DHCP fr om the Connection T ype dr op- down menu.
B asic Administration and Confi gura tion Using the Adminis tra tion W eb Ser ver A T A Admi nistration Guide 41 2 Re gistering to the Ser vic e Provider T o us e V oIP phone ser v ice, you must configure y our A T A devic e t o the Se r vice Provider .
B asic Administration and Confi gura tion Upgrading, Rebooting, and Resyncing Y our A T A D evice A T A Admi nistration Guide 42 2 NOTE If the device has mor e than one Line tab, each line tab must be configured separately . Each line tab can be configu r ed for a diff erent IT S P .
B asic Administration and Confi gura tion Upgrading, Rebooting, and Resyncing Y our A T A D evice A T A Admi nistration Guide 43 2 NOTE If the value of the Upgrade Enable parameter in the Pr ovisioning page is No , you cannot upgrade the A T A devic e even if the web page indicates other wise.
B asic Administration and Confi gura tion Pr ovisioning Y our A T A Devic e A T A Admi nistration Guide 44 2 The profile-path is the path to the new profile with which to r e sync, f or example: resync?tftp://
B asic Administration and Confi gura tion Pr ovisioning Y our A T A Devic e A T A Admi nistration Guide 45 2 The A T A device suppor ts up to 256-bit sy mmetric ke y encr yption of profiles .
B asic Administration and Confi gura tion Pr ovisioning Y our A T A Devic e A T A Admi nistration Guide 46 2 The names of parameters in XML profiles can generally b e inf erred fr om the A T A configuration W eb pages , by substituting unders cores (_) f or space s and other control charact ers .
3 A T A Admi nistration Guide 47 C onfiguring Y our S ystem for ITSP In terop erabilit y This chapter pr ovides c onfiguration deta il s to he lp you to e ns ure th a t yo ur infrastructure pr operly supp orts voice s er vice s.
Configuring Y our System for ITSP Interoperabilit y Network Addr ess T ransla tion (N A T ) and V oice over IP ( V oIP) A T A Admi nistration Guide 48 3 NA T Mapping with S e s sion B order Contr oller It is strongly r ec ommended that y ou cho ose an ITSP that suppor ts NA T mapping through a Session B order Contr oller .
Configuring Y our System for ITSP Interoperabilit y Network Addr ess T ransla tion (N A T ) and V oice over IP ( V oIP) A T A Admi nistration Guide 49 3 STEP 3 Scroll down t o the N A T S uppor t Para.
Configuring Y our System for ITSP Interoperabilit y Network Addr ess T ransla tion (N A T ) and V oice over IP ( V oIP) A T A Admi nistration Guide 50 3 C onfiguring NA T Mapping with STUN If the ITSP.
Configuring Y our System for ITSP Interoperabilit y Network Addr ess T ransla tion (N A T ) and V oice over IP ( V oIP) A T A Admi nistration Guide 51 3 Voice ta b > S IP > NA T Suppor t Parameter s STEP 4 Click Vo i c e t a b > L i n e N , wher e N is the numb er of the line inter face.
Configuring Y our System for ITSP Interoperabilit y Network Addr ess T ransla tion (N A T ) and V oice over IP ( V oIP) A T A Admi nistration Guide 52 3 D etermining Whether the Router Use s Symmetric or As ym me tr ic NA T STUN does not work on r outers with sy mmetric NA T .
Configuring Y our System for ITSP Interoperabilit y Fi rew a ll s an d SI P A T A Admi nistration Guide 53 3 STEP 6 Click Submit All Change s . STEP 7 V iew the syslog mes sages to det ermin e whether your network uses symmetric NA T .
4 A T A Admi nistration Guide 54 C onfiguring V oic e S er vic e s This chapter describe s how t o c onfigur e your A T A device to meet the cust omer ’ s r e quirements f or voice ser vice s.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Using a F AX Machine (SP A 2102 , SP A3102 or SP A 8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 55 4 • G.726-40 • G.729a • G.723 WRTP54G • G.711 u (configured by def ault) • G.711 a • G.726-32 • G.729a • G.723 WRP 400 • G.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Using a F AX Machine (SP A 2102 , SP A3102 or SP A 8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 56 4 STEP 3 T o optimize G.711 fallback fa x c ompletion rat es , set the f ollowi.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Using a F AX Machine (SP A 2102 , SP A3102 or SP A 8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 57 4 F ax T rouble shooting If ha ve problems sending or r ec eiving f axes, complete the f ollowing steps : STEP 1 V erif y that your f ax machine is set t o a spe ed bet ween 7200 and 14400 .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Managing Caller ID Ser vice A T A Admi nistration Guide 58 4 Managing Caller ID S er vic e The choice of caller ID (CID) method is dep endent on your ar ea/region.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Managing Caller ID Ser vice A T A Admi nistration Guide 59 4 Ther e are thr e e types of Caller ID : • On Hook Caller ID As so ciat ed with Ringing — This t ype of Caller ID is used f or incoming calls when the at tached phone is on hook .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Silence Suppr e ssion and Comf or t Nois e Gener ation A T A Admi nistration Guide 60 4 Silenc e Suppres sion and C omfor t Nois e Genera tion V oic e Activity Detecti.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Configuring Dial Plans A T A Admi nistration Guide 61 4 C onfiguring Dial Plans Dial plans determine how the digits ar e interpr eted and transmit ted. They also det ermine whether the diale d number is acc ept e d or r eje ct ed .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Configuring Dial Plans A T A Admi nistration Guide 62 4 Digit Se quence Fun c ti on 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * # Enter an y of these characters to r epr e sent a ke y that the user must press on the phone ke ypad. x Enter x t o repr e sent an y charact er on the phone key p ad .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Configuring Dial Plans A T A Admi nistration Guide 63 4 Digit Se quenc e Example s The f ollowing examples show digit sequences that you can enter in a dial plan.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Configuring Dial Plans A T A Admi nistration Guide 64 4 • L ocal dialing with seven-digit number EX A MPL E: ( [1-8]xx | 9, xxxxxxx | 9, <:1>[2 -9]xxxxxxxxx | 8, <:1212>xxx xxxx | 9, 1 [2 -9] xxxxxxxxx | 9, 1 900 xxx xxxx ! | 9, 011xxx xxx.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Configuring Dial Plans A T A Admi nistration Guide 65 4 • Blocked number EX A MPL E: ( [1-8]xx | 9, xxxxxxx | 9, <: 1>[2-9]xxxxxxxx x | 8, <:1212 >xxxxxxx | 9, 1 [2-9] xxxx xxxxx | 9, 1 900 xxxxxxx ! | 9, 011xxx xxx.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Configuring Dial Plans A T A Admi nistration Guide 66 4 Ac cept ance and Transmission the Diale d Digits When a user dials a s eries of digits , each se quence in the dial plan is test ed as a pos sible match. The mat ching s equence s f o rm a s et of candidat e digit sequenc es .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Configuring Dial Plans A T A Admi nistration Guide 67 4 Dial Plan Timer (O f f -Ho ok Timer) Y ou can think of the Dial Plan T imer as “ the of f -ho ok timer .” This timer star ts counting when the phone goes of f hook .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Configuring Dial Plans A T A Admi nistration Guide 68 4 Interdigit Long Timer (Incomplete Entr y Timer) Y ou can think of this timer as the “incomplete entr y ” timer . This timer measures the inter val bet ween dialed digits.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Configuring Dial Plans A T A Admi nistration Guide 69 4 Syntax for the Inter digit Shor t Timer • SYNT A X 1 : S :s , ( dial pla n ) Use this syntax to apply the new settin g to the enti re dial plan wi thin the parentheses .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Configuring Dial Plans A T A Admi nistration Guide 70 4 Editing Dial Plans Y ou can e dit dial plans and can modify the control timers. STEP 1 Star t Internet Explor er , and then ent er the IP address of the S P A9000.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Configuring Dial Plans A T A Admi nistration Guide 71 4 STEP 4 Enter the desired values in the In terdigit L ong Timer field and the Interdigit Shor t Timer field. Ref er to the definitions at the b eginning of this se ction.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Se cur e Call Implemen tation A T A Admi nistration Guide 72 4 S e cur e Call Implementation Thi s sect ion d escribes sec ur e cal l impl emen ta tion with the A T A devic e .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Se cur e Call Implemen tation A T A Admi nistration Guide 73 4 The signing agent is implicit and must be the sam e f or all A T A s that communicate securely with each other .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Se cur e Call Implemen tation A T A Admi nistration Guide 74 4 STEP 2 The caller sends the “Caller Final” mess age t o the calle d part y with the f ollowing inf o.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Se cur e Call Implemen tation A T A Admi nistration Guide 75 4 Genera ting a Mini C er tific ate Cisco provides a Mini Cer tificate Generat or f or the generation of mini c er tificat e s and privat e keys.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es Se cur e Call Implemen tation A T A Admi nistration Guide 76 4 EXAMP LE : gen_mc ca_key “Joe Smith” 14085551234 “00:00:00 1/1/34” This ex ample produce s the f.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es SIP T runking and Hunt G roups on the SP A 8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 77 4 SIP T runking and Hunt Groups on the SP A8000 The SP A8000 suppor ts SIP T runking, which allows you t o conne ct a traditional PBX t o V oIP ser vices .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es SIP T runking and Hunt G roups on the SP A 8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 78 4 Ab out SIP T runking The SIP T runking f eature allow s a traditional PBX t o seamle ssly migrat e from PSTN ser vice to V oIP ser vic e over a br oadb and link .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es SIP T runking and Hunt G roups on the SP A 8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 79 4 The f ollowing figure shows a simplified logical block diagram of the S P A8000 with the SIP T runking f eature.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es SIP T runking and Hunt G roups on the SP A 8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 80 4 NOTE Although the figur e shows only one IT S P account , each standalone line and each T runk Group can be c onfigur e d with a diff erent IT S P (with some limitations applie d).
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es SIP T runking and Hunt G roups on the SP A 8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 81 4 STEP 5 If the call is pick e d up by the PBX, the Line UA r eplies 200 OK with SD P t o the internal Proxy . The T r unk U A in turn replies 200 OK t o the ITSP and rela y the Line SDP in the 200 OK mes sage also.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es SIP T runking and Hunt G roups on the SP A 8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 82 4 below) , the hunt pr oc eeds randomly through the unchosen lines until each line is tried. - al : All. The T runk U A ring s all the lines at the same time.
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es SIP T runking and Hunt G roups on the SP A 8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 83 4 • ?,hunt= ra;12;1,cfwd=14 085550123 A wildcard charact er is use d t o repr e sent “ all trunk line s.” The T runk UA choos es lines in random order ( hunt=ra ).
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es SIP T runking and Hunt G roups on the SP A 8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 84 4 C onfiguring a T runk Group T o c onfigur e a hunt group, y ou must first sp ecify the trunk lines by assigning lines t o trunk groups .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es SIP T runking and Hunt G roups on the SP A 8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 85 4 STEP 3 Enter the settings f or each trunk group, as need ed: a. Click Vo i c e t a b > T n , where n r epresents the trunk gr oup numb er ( T 1 .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es SIP T runking and Hunt G roups on the SP A 8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 86 4 The Tr u n k S t a t u s page shows all calls that ar e currently activ e on each trunk gr oup . This page shows a snapshot of the trunk activit y .
Confi guring V oic e S er vic es SIP T runking and Hunt G roups on the SP A 8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 87 4 Additional Note s Ab out T runk Group s This sectio n includes inf ormation ab out other t opic s that may be of int erest when you ar e configuring trunk groups: • V oice mail: There is no individual mail bo x f or a trunk line.
5 A T A Admi nistration Guide 88 C onfiguring Music on Hold This chapter e xplains how to configure Musi c on Hold using either a music file or streaming audio.
Confi guring Music on Hold Using the Internal Music Source for Music On Hold A T A Admi nistration Guide 89 5 STEP 2 Star t Internet Explor er , and then ent er the IP address of the telephone. The T elephone C onfiguration page appears in a separate br owse r window .
Confi guring Music on Hold Configuring a Str eaming Audio S er ver A T A Admi nistration Guide 90 5 • path: The location and name of a music file in the correct f ormat • F or example, if the c omput er lo cal IP addr es s is 192. 168.0.5, the dir ector y is named musicdir , and the conv er ted music file is named jazzmusic.
Confi guring Music on Hold Configuring a Str eaming Audio S er ver A T A Admi nistration Guide 91 5 After you complete the required configurat ion, the FXS por t is ready to str eam audio.
Confi guring Music on Hold Configuring a Str eaming Audio S er ver A T A Admi nistration Guide 92 5 C onfiguring the Str e aming Audio S er ver Use the f ollowing procedure t o c onfigur e an S AS with an external music source. STEP 1 Connect an RJ- 11 adapt er bet ween the music source (a CD play er or iPod, f or ex ample) and an FXS por t .
Confi guring Music on Hold Configuring a Str eaming Audio S er ver A T A Admi nistration Guide 93 5 g. Clos e the window f or the T elephone Configuration page.
6 A T A Admi nistration Guide 94 C onfiguring the PSTN (FX O) Ga tewa y on the SP A3102 This chapter describe s how t o configure the PS TN gatewa y on the SP A3102.
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 How V oIP- T o -PS TN Calls W ork A T A Admi nistration Guide 95 6 • V oIP us er — V oIP caller that has a user acco unt (user -id and pas sword.
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 How V oIP- T o -PS TN Calls W ork A T A Admi nistration Guide 96 6 If the FX O por t is currently in use (off-hook) or the PSTN line is being used by another extensio n, the A T A device replies to the INVITE with a 503 r espons e.
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 How V oIP- T o -PS TN Calls W ork A T A Admi nistration Guide 97 6 NOTE If Authentication is disabled, a default dial plan is used f or all unknown V oIP users .
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 How PS TN- T o - V oIP Calls W ork A T A Admi nistration Guide 98 6 T able 2 Parameters for Two-Stage Dialing How PSTN- T o- V oIP Calls Work PSTN- T o- V oIP calls can be made with t wo-stage dialing only .
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 How PS TN- T o - V oIP Calls W ork A T A Admi nistration Guide 99 6 T ermin a ting Gatewa y Calls Ther e are two call le gs in a PS TN gatewa y call: the PSTN call leg and the V oIP call leg. A gatewa y call is terminat e d when either call leg is ended.
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 How PS TN- T o - V oIP Calls W ork A T A Admi nistration Guide 100 6 Disconne ct To n e : PSTN Line T one Script of the disc onnect tone t o detect . The A T A devic e suppor ts two frequency components .
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 How PS TN- T o - V oIP Calls W ork A T A Admi nistration Guide 101 6 V oIP Outb ound Call Routing Calls made fr om Line 1 are rout e d through the configur e d Line 1 ser vice provider , by default .
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 Configuring V oIP Failover to PSTN A T A Admi nistration Guide 102 6 The f ollowing table lists so me e xample s. Y ou can s et up multiple PS TN gatewa ys at dif f erent locations and configure Line 1 t o us e a diff erent gat eway when dialing specific numbers .
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 Sharing One V oIP Ac c oun t B etween the FXS and PS TN Line s A T A Admi nistration Guide 103 6 Sharing One V oIP Ac c ount B et we en the FXS and PSTN Line s Both the FXS (Line 1 ) and FX O (PS TN Line) can to r e ceive incoming calls f or a single V oIP account if they are diff erent por ts.
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 Oth er Op ti on s A T A Admi nistration Guide 104 6 Ot he r O p ti on s This section de scribes other options provided by the A T A device.
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 Call Sc enarios A T A Admi nistration Guide 105 6 Call Progre ss T one s The A T A has configurable call progress tones. Call progr e ss tones are generat ed locally on the A T A , so an end user is advised of status (such as ringback) .
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 Call Sc enarios A T A Admi nistration Guide 106 6 PSTN to V oIP Call with and Without Ring- Thru The PSTN caller calls the PSTN line connected to the FX O por t .
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 Call Sc enarios A T A Admi nistration Guide 107 6 The number diale d is pr oc es sed by the dial plan corresp onding t o the V oIP caller . If the dial plan cho ice is 0, no dial plan is ne eded a nd the user hear s the PSTN dial t one right after the PIN is ent ered.
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 Call Sc enarios A T A Admi nistration Guide 108 6 Without Authenticatio n This scenario ca n also be implemented wi thout authentication, using one-stage or two-stage dialing, as in the HTTP Authenti cation case.
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 Call Sc enarios A T A Admi nistration Guide 109 6 Call For warding to PSTN Ga teway This section describe s a number of scenario s that f or ward ca lls to the PS TN gatewa y .
Configuring the PSTN (FXO) Ga teway on the SP A3102 Call Sc enarios A T A Admi nistration Guide 110 6 For ward to a Particular PSTN Numb er In this scenario, the f or ward destination is set to < target -number>@gw0 >.
A A T A Admi nistration Guide 111 A T A Routing F ield Re f erenc e This chapter describe s the sett ings that you can configur e under the Router and Net w o r k tabs in the administr ation web ser ver pages. NOTE This inf ormation applie s t o the S P A 2102, S P A3102, and S P A8000 rout ers.
A T A Routing Field Reference Rou te r St atu s p ag e A T A Admi nistration Guide 112 A Router tab > Status page > Produc t Info rm a tion s e ction Router tab > Status page > Sys tem S ta tus s ectio n Pr o duct Name Model number of the A T A device.
A T A Routing Field Reference W AN Setup page A T A Admi nistration Guide 113 A WA N S e t u p p a g e Y ou can us e the WA N S e t u p page to enter the W AN connection s ettings .
A T A Routing Field Reference W AN Setup page A T A Admi nistration Guide 114 A Router tab > W AN S etup page > Static IP S et tings s ec tion Router tab > W AN S etup page > PPPoE S et tings s e ction Static IP Static IP address of A T A device, which takes eff ect if DHCP is di s abled.
A T A Routing Field Reference W AN Setup page A T A Admi nistration Guide 115 A Router tab > W AN S etup page > Optional S et tings s e ction HostName The host name of the A T A device. Domain The net work domain of the A T A devic e. Primar y DNS The DNS ser ver that is used by the A T A devic e.
A T A Routing Field Reference W AN Setup page A T A Admi nistration Guide 116 A Router tab > W AN S etup page > MA C Clone S et tings s e ction A MAC ad dres s is a 1 2- digit code assigne d t o a unique piece of har dware f or identification, like a social se curity numb e r .
A T A Routing Field Reference L AN S etup page A T A Admi nistration Guide 117 A Router tab > W AN S etup page > VL AN S et tings s e ction LA N S e t u p p a g e Y ou can us e the LA N S e t u p page to ent er your L AN settings .
A T A Routing Field Reference Applica tion page A T A Admi nistration Guide 118 A Router tab > LA N Setup page > LA N N e tw o r k i n g Se tt i n g s se c t i o n Use the se network s ettings when using NA T . Router tab > LA N Setup page > Static DHCP Le ase S et tings s e ction Use the se set tings when using a static IP addr es s .
A T A Routing Field Reference Applica tion page A T A Admi nistration Guide 119 A Router tab > Application page > P o rt F o rwa r di n g Se tt i ng s sec t i o n This f eature allows y ou to set up spe cialize d Int ernet applications that require por t f or war ding on a range of p orts .
A T A Routing Field Reference Applica tion page A T A Admi nistration Guide 120 A Router tab > Application page > Mis cellane ous S et tings se c tion Router tab > Application page > System Re s er ve d Por ts Range s e ction Multicast Passthr u Use d f or pas sing multicast traffic.
B A T A Admi nistration Guide 121 A T A V oic e F ield Referenc e This chapter describe s the sett ings that you can configur e under the Vo i c e tab in the administration web ser ver page s. NOTE F or inf ormation ab out the V oic e > Pro visioning tab, s ee the SP A Provisioning Gui d e .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Info p ag e A T A Admi nistration Guide 122 B Info page Y ou can us e the V oice tab > Inf o page to view inf ormation about the A T A device.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Info p ag e A T A Admi nistration Guide 123 B Vo i c e t a b > I n f o p a g e > Sys tem S ta tus s ectio n Vo i c e t a b > I n f o p a g e > Line Status se ction Current T ime Current dat e and time of the system; f or example, 10/3/ 2003 16:43:00.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Info p ag e A T A Admi nistration Guide 124 B Mes sage W aitin g Indicates whether you ha ve new voice mail waiting. Options are either Y es or No. The value aut omatically is s et to Y e s when a mess age is received. Y ou als o can clear or set the flag manual ly .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Info p ag e A T A Admi nistration Guide 125 B Call 1 and 2 Rem ote Hol d Indicates whether the fa r end has plac ed the call on hold. Call 1 and 2 Call bac k Indicates whether the call was trigger ed by a call b ack re qu e st .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Info p ag e A T A Admi nistration Guide 126 B Vo i c e t a b > I n f o p a g e > System Information se ction (P AP2T ) Vo i c e t a b > I n f o p a g e > PSTN Line Status se ction (SP A3102) DHCP Indicates if DHCP is enabled.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Info p ag e A T A Admi nistration Guide 127 B Last PSTN Disconne ct Reason Reason f or S P A hanging up the FX O p or t . Can be one of the fo l l o w i n g : • PSTN Dis.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Info p ag e A T A Admi nistration Guide 128 B V oIP State May tak e one of the f ollowing values : • Idle • Colle cting PS TN Pin • Invalid PS TN PIN • PSTN C alle.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Info p ag e A T A Admi nistration Guide 129 B Vo i c e t a b > I n f o p a g e > T runk St a tus s e ction (SP A8000) V oIP Call De code Lat ency Number of milliseconds f or deco der lat ency . V oIP Call Jitter Number of millise conds f or receiver jitter .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Syst em page A T A Admi nistration Guide 130 B Sys tem p a ge Y ou can us e the V oice tab > S ystem page t o configure your syst em and net work connections .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Syst em page A T A Admi nistration Guide 131 B V oice tab > Syst em page > Internet Conne ction Typ e s ec tion (P AP2T ) V oice tab > Syst em page > Optional Net work C onfigura tion s ec tion (P AP2T ) DHCP Enable or di s able DHCP .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Syst em page A T A Admi nistration Guide 132 B V oice tab > Syst em page > Mis cellane ous S et tings se c tion (not use d with P AP2T ) DNS Ser ver Order Specifie s the method f or sele cting the DNS ser ver .
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 133 B SIP p age Y ou can us e the V oice tab > S IP page t o c onfigur e the S IP sett ings.
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 134 B SIP Use r A g en t Name User -Agent header use d in outbound r e quests. The default is $V ERSION . If empt y , the header is not included. Macro e xpansion of $A to $D corr esp onding t o GPP_A t o GPP_D allowed.
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 135 B Vo i c e t a b > S I P p a g e > S IP Ti me r V al ues (sec ) secti on Escape Display Name L ets you keep the Display Name privat e.
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 136 B SIP T imer B INVITE time-out value, which can range from 0 t o 64 second s. The default is 32 . S IP T imer F Non-INVITE time-out value, which can range from 0 to 64 second s. The default is 32 .
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 137 B Vo i c e t a b > S I P p a g e > Re spons e St a tus C ode Handling s e ction Reg Retr y Long Intv l When r e gistration f.
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 138 B Vo i c e t a b > S I P p a g e > R TP Parameters se ction SIT 4 RS C SIP response status co de t o INVITE on which t o play the S I T4 To n e . T r y Backup RS C S IP response c ode that r etries a b ackup ser ver f or the curr ent request .
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 139 B RT CP T x Interval Inter val f or se nding out RT CP sender repor ts on an active conne ction. It can range fr om 0 to 255 seco nds. During an active connection, the A T A dev ice can be programmed to send out c ompound RT CP packet on the connection.
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 140 B Vo i c e t a b > S I P p a g e > SDP Paylo ad Type s s e ctio n NSE D ynamic Payl o ad NSE dynamic payload t ype. The valid range is 96- 127 . The default is 10 0 . AV T D y n a m i c Payl o ad A V T dynamic pa ylo ad typ e.
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 141 B Vo i c e t a b > S I P p a g e > NA T Supp or t Parameters s e ction G 726r32 Co dec Name G.726-32 c odec name used in S DP . The default is G 726-32 . G 726r 40 Co dec Name G.
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 142 B Inser t VIA rpor t Inser ts the paramete r into the VIA header of S IP re sp on s e s i f t he rec e ive d -f rom IP an d V IA s en t-b y I P values dif f er . Select yes or no from the dr op-down menu.
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 143 B E XT RTP Port Min Ex ternal p or t mapping number of the RTP Port Min. number . If this value is not ze ro, the RTP por t number in all outgoing SIP mes sages is substituted f or the corresponding por t value in the external RTP port range.
A T A Voice Field Re ference SIP page A T A Admi nistration Guide 144 B Vo i c e t a b > S I P p a g e > T runking Parameters s ec tion (SP A 8000) The trunking paramet ers apply to the T runk Groups that you configure on the T runk Group pages.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 145 B Re gional p age Y ou can us e the V oice tab > Re gional page to localize your syst em with the appropriat e regional set tings.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 146 B V oic e tab > Regional page > Call Progre ss T one s s e ction Dial T one Pr ompts the us er t o enter a phone number . Reorder T one is pla yed automatically when Dial T one or an y of its alternatives times out .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 147 B Ring Back 2 T one Y our A T A device plays this ringback t one instead of Ring Back T one if the called par ty replies with a SIP 182 response without SDP to its outb ound INVITE request .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 148 B V oic e tab > Regional page > Distinctive Ring Patterns s e ction Holding T one Inf orms the local caller th at the far end has plac ed the call on hold. The default is 600@- 19*(.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 149 B V oic e tab > Regional page > Distinctive Call Waiting T one Pa t terns s e ction Ring3 Cadence C adenc e script f or distinctive ring 3. The default is 60(.8/.4,.8/ 4) .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 150 B V oic e tab > Regional page > Distinctive Ring/CW T Pattern Name s s e ction CW T 6 Cadence Cadence script f or distinctive CW T 6. The default is 30(. 3/. 1 ,.3/. 1 ,.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 151 B V oic e tab > Regional page > Ring and Call W aiting T one Sp e c se ction IMPORT ANT: Ring and Call W aiting tones don’t work the same way on all phones .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 152 B Hook Flash T imer Max Maximum on-hook time bef ore off-hook qualifies as hook - flash. Mor e than this the on-ho ok event is tr eated as on- hook (no hook -flash event) . Range: 0.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 153 B V oic e tab > Regional page > V er tic al S er vic e Ac tiva tion C o de s se c tion V er tical Ser vice Activation Co des are aut omatically appende d t o the dial-plan.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 154 B Blind T ransf er C ode B egins a blind transf er of the current call to the e x t ension spe cified after the activation code. The default is *98 . Call Back Act Code Star ts a callback when the last outbound call is not busy .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 155 B Block Last Act Code Blocks the last inb ound call. The default is *60 . Block Last Deact Code Cancels blocking of the last inbound call. The default is *80 . Acce pt Last Act Code Acce pts the last outbound call.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 156 B DND Act Code Enables the do not disturb f eature. The default is *78 . DND Deact C ode Dis ables the do not disturb f eature. The default is *79 . CID Act Code Enable s caller ID generation.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 157 B At t n -X fer A c t C o d e I f t h e c o d e i s s p e c i f i e d , t h e u s e r m u st e n t e r i t b e fo re d i a l i ng the thir d par t y f or a call transf er . Ent er the c ode f or a call transf er .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 158 B F eature Dial Services Cod es Thes e codes tell the A T A devic e what t o do when the us er is list ening to the first or second dial tone. One or more *code can be configured into this paramet er , such as *72, or *72|*74|*67|*82, et c.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 159 B V oic e tab > Regional page > V er tic al S er vic e Announc ement Co de s s ec tion (SP A2102, SP A8000) V oic e tab > Regional page > Outb ound Call Co de c S elec tion C ode s s ec tion These co des automatically appended to the dial-plan.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 160 B F orce G 723 Code Makes this code c the only codec that can b e used f or the ass ociat e d call. The default is *02723 . Pr efer G 726r 16 Code Makes this codec the pref erred co dec f or the as so ciat e d call.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 161 B V oic e tab > Regional page > Mis cellane ous s e ction Set Local Dat e (mm/ dd) Sets the lo cal dat e (mm stands f or months and dd stands f or da ys). The year is optional and uses t wo or f our digits .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 162 B Da ylight Saving Ti m e R u l e Enter the rule f or calculating daylight saving time; it should include the star t , end, and sa ve values . This rule is compris ed of three fields.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 163 B Da ylight Saving Ti m e E n a b l e Day light S a ving T ime can be turne d on or off . This option aff e cts the time stamp on C allerID and aff e cts all the lines and extensions of the phone.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Regional page A T A Admi nistration Guide 164 B Caller ID Method The f ollowing choices are a vailable : • B ellcore (N.Amer ,China) —CID , CIDC W , and VMWI. FSK sent after first ring ( same as E TSI FSK sent after first ring) (no polarit y r eversal or DT A S).
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 165 B Line p age Depending on the A T A device, there ma y be one or more Line pages (L 1 , L2, and so on). Y o u can use the Vo i c e t a b > L in e page to configur e the lines f or voice ser vice.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 166 B The SP A 2102 pr ovide s one User tab f or each Line tab (User 1 and User 2), where many of the line-spe cific configuration parameters ar e contained. The S P A8000 does not provide User tab s, but cons olidat es all the line-specific paramet ers on the Line tab.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 167 B V oic e tab > Line page > NA T S et tings s ec tion SA S Inbound RTP Sink This set ting works ar ound device s that do not pla y inbound RTP if the str eaming au dio ser ver line declares itse lf as a send-only device and tells the client not t o stream out audio.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 168 B V oic e tab > Line page > Net work S et tings s e ction NA T Keep Alive Dest Destination that should receive NA T keep alive mess ages. If the value is $PRO X Y , the mess ages ar e s ent t o the curr ent pro x y ser ver or outbound pro x y s er ver .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 169 B V oic e tab > Line page > SIP S et tings s ec tion Fie l d D e s c ri pt io n SIP T ran spo rt The T CP choic e pr ovides “guarant e ed deliver y ”, which assures that lost packets are r etransmit t e d.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 170 B SIP GU ID This field is not f ound in the P AP2T . The Global Unique ID is generated f or each line for each device. When it is enabled, the A T A devic e adds a GUID header in the SIP request .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 171 B Restrict Source IP If Line s 1 and 2 use the same S IP P or t value and the Restrict Source IP f eature is enabled, the pr ox y IP address f or Lines 1 and 2 is treated as an accepta ble IP addr e ss f or both lines .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 172 B V oic e tab > Line page > Call Fe a ture Set tings s e ction Us e Anonymous with RPID When set t o ye s, us e “a n on ymous” in the S IP mes sage when remot e par t y ID is r e quested in the S IP mes sage.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 173 B V oic e tab > Line page > Pro x y and Registration s ec tion Pr ox y SIP prox y ser ver f or all outbound reques ts. Outbound Pro x y SIP Outb ound Pr ox y Ser ver wher e all outbound requests ar e s ent as the first hop.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 174 B V oic e tab > Line page > Sub scrib er Information se ction Use DNS SRV Whether to use DNS SRV lookup for Pr ox y and Outbound Pro x y .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 175 B V oic e tab > Line page > Supplementar y S er vic e Subs cription s e ction The A T A device provides native support of a large s et of enhanced or supplementar y ser vic es .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 176 B Block CID Ser v Enable Block Caller ID Ser vice. The default is yes . Block ANC Ser v Enable Block Anonymous Calls Ser vice The default is yes . Dist Ring Ser v Enab le Distinctive Ringing Ser vic e The default is yes .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 177 B Call Bac k Se r v Enable Call Back Ser vice. Three W ay Call Serv Enable Three W ay Calling Ser vic e. Thr ee Wa y Calling is requir e d f or Three W ay Conf erence and Attended T r ansf er .
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 178 B V oic e tab > Line page > Audio C onfigura tion s e ction A code c r esource is considered as allocat e d if it has been included in the SDP code c list of an active call, even though it eventually ma y not be the one chos en f or the connection.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 179 B V oic e tab > Line page > V oIP Fallback to PSTN s ection (SP A3102) V oic e tab > Line page > Dial Plan se c tion The default dial plan script f or each line is as f ollows: (*x x|[3469] 11|0|00|[2- 9 ]xxxxx x| 1 xxx [ 2 - 9 ]xxx xxx | xxxxxxxxxxxx.
A T A Voice Field Re ference Line page A T A Admi nistration Guide 180 B Dial Plan Dial plan s cript f or this line. The default is (*x x|[3469] 11|0|00|[2-9]x x x x x x|1 x x x[2- 9 ] xxxxxx S 0 | xxxxxxxxxxxx.
A T A Voice Field Re ference T runk Group page ( SP A8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 181 B V oic e tab > Line page > FXS Por t Polarit y C onfiguration se ction T runk Group page (SP A8000) On the SP A8000, y ou can use the Vo ic e ta b > T r unk Gr ou p page s ( T 1 .
A T A Voice Field Re ference T runk Group page ( SP A8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 182 B Vo i c e t a b > T r u n k G r o u p p a g e > Line Enable s e ction Vo i c e t a b > T r u n k G .
A T A Voice Field Re ference T runk Group page ( SP A8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 183 B SIP P ort P or t number of the S IP mes sage listening and transmission port .
A T A Voice Field Re ference T runk Group page ( SP A8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 184 B SIP Debug Option S IP mess ages are r ec eived at or sent from the pro x y list en por t . This f eature controls which S IP mes sages to log. Choices are as f ollows: • none —No logging.
A T A Voice Field Re ference T runk Group page ( SP A8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 185 B Restrict Source IP If Line s 1 and 2 use the same S IP P or t value and the Restrict Source IP f eature is enabled, the pr ox y IP address f or Lines 1 and 2 is treated as an accepta ble IP addr e ss f or both lines .
A T A Voice Field Re ference T runk Group page ( SP A8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 186 B Vo i c e t a b > T r u n k G r o u p p a g e Sub scrib er Information se ction Displa y Name Display name f or caller ID . User ID Extension number f or this line.
A T A Voice Field Re ference T runk Group page ( SP A8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 187 B Contact List This paramet er determines which trunk lines to ring on an incoming call. When an incoming call is det e ct ed by the T runk S UA (SIP User Agent) , the SUA first checks if ther e is capacit y t o handle the call.
A T A Voice Field Re ference T runk Group page ( SP A8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 188 B Vo i c e t a b > T r u n k G r o u p p a g e > Dial Plan se c tion Vo i c e t a b > T r u n k G r o u p p a g e > NA T S et tings s ec tion Fie l d D e s c ri pt io n Dial Plan Dial plan script f or this trunk .
A T A Voice Field Re ference T runk Group page ( SP A8000) A T A Admi nistration Guide 189 B Vo i c e t a b > T r u n k G r o u p p a g e > Pro x y and Registration s ec tion Pr ox y SIP prox y ser ver f or all outbound reques ts. Use Outb ound Pr ox y Enablse the use of an Outbound Pro x y .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 190 B PSTN Line p age (SP A3102) On the SP A3102, you can use the Voi ce t ab > P ST N L in e page t o configure your PSTN line.
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 191 B • ”Network S ettings s ection” section on page 192 • ”SIP S ettings se ction” section on page 193 .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 192 B V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > Net work S et tings s e ction NA T Keep Alive Enable T o send the configured NA T keep alive message perio dically , select yes .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 193 B V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > SIP S et tings s ec tion Ne two rk Ji tt er Le ve l Determines how jitter buffer siz e is adjusted by the A T A device. Jitter buf f er size is a djusted dynamically .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 194 B SIP Re mo t e- P arty- ID T o use the Remot e-Part y-ID header inst ead of the From header , s elect yes. O ther wise, select no. The default is yes . SIP GUID This field is not ava ilable with the P AP2T .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 195 B V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > Pro x y and Registration s ec tion Restrict Source IP If Line s 1 and 2 .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 196 B Use Outb ound Pr ox y Enable the use of Outbound Proxy . If set t o no, the Outbound Pro x y parameter and Use OB Pro x y in Dialog is ignored. The default is no .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 197 B V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > Sub scrib er Information se ction Pr ox y F allb ack Intvl This paramete.
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 198 B V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > Audio C onfigura tion s e ction A code c r esource is considered as allocat e d if it has been included in the SDP code c list of an active call, even though it eventually ma y not be the one chos en f or the connection.
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 199 B G 723 Enable T o enable the us e of the G 723a c odec at 6.3 kbps , select yes. O ther wise, sele ct no. The default is yes . Echo C anc Adapt Enable T o enable the echo canceller to adapt , select ye s.
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 200 B FA X C o d e c Sym metr ic T o f orce the A T A device to use a symmetric codec during fax passthrough, select yes . Other wise, s elect no. The default is yes .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 201 B V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > Dial Plan s se c tion F A X Enable T38 T o enable the use of the ITU- T T .38 standard f or faxing, sele ct yes. O therwis e, select no.
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 202 B V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > V oIP - T o-PSTN Gatewa y S etup s ec tion Vo I P-T o - P S T N Gateway E nabl e Enable or disable V oIP - T o-PSTN Ga tewa y functionalit y .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 203 B V oIP Caller ID Pat ter n A comma-s eparat e d list of caller number t emplates such that callers with numbers not matching any of the se tem pl ate s are rej e cte d for PST N g ate way s er v ic e , regar dle ss of the s etting of the authentication method.
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 204 B V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > V oIP Us ers and Pas swords (HT TP Authentic a tion) s ec tion V oIP Us .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 205 B V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > Ring S et tings s ec tion V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > FXO (PST.
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 206 B V oIP DL G Refresh Intv l In terval between (SIP) Dial og r efr esh messa ges se nt b y the SP A t o detect if the V oIP call -leg is still up.
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 207 B V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > PS TN D isc on nect Det e cti on secti on PSTN Hook Flash Le n The length of the hook flash in seconds .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 208 B Det ect (P ST N) L ong Silence I f enabled, S P A will dis connect both call le gs when the PSTN side has no v oice activ ity f or a duration longer than the length specified in the L ong Silenc e Duration paramete r during a gat eway call The default is yes .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 209 B Disconne ct T one This value is the t one script which des cribes to the SP A the tone t o detect as a disconnect tone. The syntax f ollows a standar d T one Script with s o me r estrictions .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 210 B Disconne ct T one continue d Spain —425@- 10 ; 10(0.2/0 .2/ 1 , 0 .2/0.2/ 1 , 0.2/0 .6/ 1 ) — Impe danc e : 220+820||120nF Por tugal —425 @- 10 ; 10(0.5/0 .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 211 B V oic e tab > PS TN Line page > Interna tion al Control (Set tings) s e ction FX O Port Impedanc e Desired impe dance of the FX O Port .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN Line page (SP A3102) A T A Admi nistration Guide 212 B SP A T o PSTN G ain dB of digital gain (or atte nuation if negative) t o be applied to the signal sent fr om the S P A to the PS TN side. The range is - 15 to 12.
A T A Voice Field Re ference User page A T A Admi nistration Guide 213 B Us er p age Depending on the model of A T A device, ther e may be one or mor e User pages .
A T A Voice Field Re ference User page A T A Admi nistration Guide 214 B V oic e tab > User page > Call For ward Set tings s e ction C fwd All Dest Forw ar d numb er f or Call Forw ar d All S er.
A T A Voice Field Re ference User page A T A Admi nistration Guide 215 B V oic e tab > User page > S elec tive Call For ward Set tings s ec tion V oic e tab > User page > Sp ee d Dial S et tings s ection This section do es not apply to the WIP310 wir eles s phone.
A T A Voice Field Re ference User page A T A Admi nistration Guide 216 B V oic e tab > User page > Supplementar y S er vice S et tings se ction The A T A device provides native support of a large s et of enhanced or supplementar y ser vic es . All of these ser vice s ar e optional.
A T A Voice Field Re ference User page A T A Admi nistration Guide 217 B V oic e tab > User page > Distinctive Ring S et tings s e ction Caller number patterns ar e matched fr om Ring 1 to Ring 8. The first mat ch (not the close st match ) will be us ed f or alerting the subscriber .
A T A Voice Field Re ference User page A T A Admi nistration Guide 218 B V oic e tab > User page > Ring S et tings s ec tion Default Ring D efault ringing patter n, 1 – 8, f or all caller s. The default is 1 . Default CW T Default CW T pat tern, 1 – 8, f or all callers .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN User page (SP A3102 Only) A T A Admi nistration Guide 219 B PSTN Us er p age (SP A3102 Only) On the SP A3102, you can use the V oice tab > P S TN User page to configure the PSTN user settings .
A T A Voice Field Re ference PS TN User page (SP A3102 Only) A T A Admi nistration Guide 220 B V oic e tab > PS TN User page > PSTN Ring Thru Line 1 Distin ctive Ring S et tings s e ction V oic .
C A T A Admi nistration Guide 221 Provisioning Refer enc e ( WRP 400) This chapter pr ovides in f ormat ion about the parameters that can be provisioned from an XML pr ofile by using the pr ofile compiler tool (SP C) . NOTE F or instructions about pr ovisioning, s ee the SP A Provisioning Guide in Cisco Pa r tner C entral, http ://w w w .
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 222 C RTSP <RTSP > <RTSP>r tsp_enable</RTSP> r tsp_enable: Real T ime Streaming Prot oc ol (RT S P) ; 1 (enabled) or 0 (.
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 223 C QoS Cat egory Priorit y Rule < QOS_ PR IO RI T Y _ RULE> <QO S_PRIORIT Y_RULE>cat e gor y_ number ,name, priority ,por t.
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 224 C Basic W ireless Settings f or Primar y Network <WL_BA S IC_SE T _1> <WL_BA SIC_S ET_1>wl_net_mo de,wl _clos ed,wl_ssid&l.
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 225 C Wi rel e s s S e c ur i t y f o r SSID 1 <WL_S ECURIT Y_ SE T_1> Wi rel e s s S e c ur i t y f o r SSID 2 <WL_S ECURIT Y SE.
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 226 C WP A Personal and WP A 2 Personal Pa ra m e ter s wl_cr ypto: WP A algorithms ; tkip ( TKIP) or aes (AES) wl_wpa_psk : WP A shared k.
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 227 C LAN DHC P <L AN_DHCP> <L AN_DHCP>dhcp_l ease,dhcp_defa ult_lease</L AN_DHCP> dhcp_lease : Client lease time in min.
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 228 C WA N Ty p e <W AN_T YPE> <W AN_T YPE>wan _prot o=[mode], [parameters ]</ W AN_T YPE> wan_prot o : Int ernet conne ction type ; dhcp, static, pppo e, pptp, l2tp, hear tbeat DHCP Paramet ers No other set tings are r equired.
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 229 C Hear tbeat f or T elstra Cable Network Par am e ter s hb_ser ver_ip: Hear tbeat s er ver IP address ppp_username : User name ; ent e.
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 230 C Fa il Pa t t er n : <PPP_DEMAND>ppp_demand=1 ,ppp_ idletime= 66666</PPP_DEMAND> <PPP_DEMAND>ppp_demand=0,ppp_ redi.
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 231 C Fa il Pa t t er n <W AN_MTU>mtu_enable=0,wan_mtu= 999</ WA N _ M T U > <W AN_MTU>wan_mtu=777</ W AN_ MTU> WA.
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 232 C Single Port Fo r w a rd i n g <S INGLE_PO RT_ FORW A RDI NG> <SINGLE_P ORT_FORW ARDING>fo r ward _single=name :on|off:b .
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 233 C Por t R an ge Fo r w a rd i n g <P ORT_R ANGE_ FOW AR DIN G> <PORT_R ANGE_FORW ARDING>forward _single=name :on|off:b oth.
Provisioning Reference ( WRP 400) A T A Admi nistration Guide 234 C Router Syslo g <ROUT ER_SY S L O G> <ROUTER_S YSL O G>log_provision</ ROUTER_SYSL O G> log_provision: Ty p e o f l.
D A T A Admi nistration Guide 235 T r ouble sho oting This appendix provides solutions to pr oblems that may occur during the installation and operation of the A T A devices . NOTE If you can't find an answer her e, visit ww w .cis go/ smallbiz .
T roublesho oting A T A Admi nistration Guide 236 D 3. Click To o l s . Click Internet Options . Click the Sec ur ity tab. Click the Def au lt level but t on. Make sure the securit y level is Medium or l ower . Then click the OK but t on . Q. How do I s a ve my curr ent c onfigura tion? A .
T roublesho oting A T A Admi nistration Guide 237 D Press the appropriat e co de t o reset the unit : • Press 877778# to r es et the unit t o the defaults as it shippe d fr om the ITSP . This will reset the User account pas sword t o the default of blank .
T roublesho oting A T A Admi nistration Guide 238 D NOTE S TUN do es not work with a symmetric NA T router . Enable debug through syslog (see F AQ#10), and set STUN T e st Enable to ye s . The mes sages indicate whether y ou hav e symmetric NA T or not .
E A T A Admi nistration Guide 239 Envir o nmen t al Sp e cific a tions This appendix provides the sp ecifications for the f ollowing A T A s : • “P AP2T ,” on page 239 • “SP A 2102,” on pa.
Environmental Spe cific ations SP A 2102 A T A Admi nistration Guide 240 E SP A2102 SP A3102 St orage Humidit y 10% to 90% r elative humidity , Non-Condensing Devi ce Dimensions 3.98” x 3.98” x 1 . 10” ( 101 x 101 x 28 mm ) W x H x D Unit W eight 5.
Environmental Spe cific ations SP A8000 A T A Admi nistration Guide 241 E SP A8000 Cer tificatio n FCC (Part 15 Class B) , CE, ICES- 003, A- T ick Cer tification, RoH Operating Te m p 32º to 113º F .
Environmental Spe cific ations WRP 400 A T A Admi nistration Guide 242 E WRP 400 WR TP54G Devi ce Dimensions 5.51 ” x 5.51 ” x 1 .06” ( 140 x 140 x 27 mm) Unit W eight 10.05 oz (285 g) Pow er Ex ternal, Swit ching 5VDC 2A Cer tificatio n FCC (Part 15 Class B) , CE, ICES- 003, RoHS, UL, A- T ick , NZ T elepermit , CB, Wi-F i (802.
Environmental Spe cific ations WRTP54G A T A Admi nistration Guide 243 E Operating Humidit y 10% to 85% r elative humidity , Non-Condensing St orage Humidit y 5% to 90% relative humidity , Non-C onden.
F A T A Admi nistration Guide 244 Wher e to Go F rom Here This appendix de scribes additional resources that are a vailable to help y ou and your cust omer obtain the full benefits of the S P A9000 V oic e Syst em.
Where to Go F rom Here Rel ate d D o c um e ntat io n A T A Admi nistration Guide 245 F Rela te d D o cumenta tion The f ollowing table de scribes the various documents that Cis co provides to help you t o install, c onfigur e, and manage the SP A9000 V oice System and its comp onents .
Where to Go F rom Here Rel ate d D o c um e ntat io n A T A Admi nistration Guide 246 F SP A9x 2 Ph one User Gui d e • Phone setup • Phone f eatures • SP A9 x2 ser ies IP phones V ARs and phone .
G A T A Admi nistration Guide 247 Addition al Informa tion This appendix provides links to resour ces that provide additional inf ormation about Cisc o Small Busines s and Cisco Small Busines s Pr o products and ser vices . Res ource Loc atio n End User License Agr eement w w w .
H A T A Admi nistration Guide 248 Supp or t C ont act s T o obtain current suppor t contact inf ormation f or Cisc o Small Busines s and Small Busines s Pro pr oducts , visit the f ollowing URL : w w w .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco Systems SPA8000 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco Systems SPA8000 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco Systems SPA8000 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco Systems SPA8000 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco Systems SPA8000 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco Systems SPA8000 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco Systems SPA8000 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco Systems SPA8000. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco Systems SPA8000 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.