Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung OL-8376-01 des Produzenten Cisco Systems
Zur Seite of 118
Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 F A Q and T r oubleshooting Guide for the CiscoW orks W ireless LAN S olution Engine R ele ase 2 .
iii FAQ and Trou bleshoo ting Guide for the Cisco Works Wire less LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 CONTEN TS Preface v Audienc e v Convent ions v Produ ct D ocu ment atio n vi Obtain ing Documentati on.
Contents iv FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine OL-8376-01 CHAPTER 2 Fault Desc riptions 2-1 Acce ss P oint /Br idg e Faul ts 2-2 Radio In terface Fault s 2-8.
v FAQ and Troub leshoot ing Guide fo r the Ci scoWorks Wi reless LAN Solu tion Engi ne OL-8376-01 Preface This gui de provides troub lesho oting hints, F A Qs, and info rmat ion on faults fo r the Cisco W o rks Wireless LAN Solut ion Engine and Wireless LAN Engine Express.
vi FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Preface Product Docu mentatio n Cautio n Means re a d e r b e c a re f u l . In this situation, you might do something that cou ld result in equipment dam age or loss of data.
vii FAQ and Troub leshoot ing Guide fo r the Ci scoWorks Wi reless LAN Solu tion Engi ne OL-8376-01 Pre face Obtaining Documentation Obtaining Documentation Cisco d ocumenta tion and a ddition al lite rature are av ailable on Cisc m. Cisco also provides s ev eral ways to obtain tec hnical assi stance an d other tec hnical re sources.
viii FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Preface Obtaining D ocument ation Y ou can access the mo st curren t Cisco documen tation at this U RL: http://www h support Y ou can access th e Cisco w ebsite at this URL: http://www .
ix FAQ and Troub leshoot ing Guide fo r the Ci scoWorks Wi reless LAN Solu tion Engi ne OL-8376-01 Pre face Documentati on Feedba ck Documentatio n Feedback Y ou can rate an d pro vide fe edback abo ut Cisco techni cal document s by co mpleting the online feedbac k form that appears with the te chnical documents on Cisc o.
x FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Preface Obtaining Te chnica l Assistance Ti p W e encourage you to use Pretty Good Pri vac y (PGP) or a compatible p roduct to encrypt a ny sensiti ve information that you send to Cisco.
xi FAQ and Troub leshoot ing Guide fo r the Ci scoWorks Wi reless LAN Solu tion Engi ne OL-8376-01 Pre face Obtaining Additional Publications and Information Submitting a Se rvice Request Using the online T A C Service Re quest T ool is the fastest w ay to op en S3 and S4 service requests.
xii FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Preface Obtaining A dditional Pub lications and Informa tion • Cisco Pre ss publishes a wide range o f general networkin g, training and cer tifi cation titles.
C HAPTER 1-1 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 1 FAQs and Troubleshooting Revised: June 20, 2006, OL-8376 -01 This chapt er provides F A Qs and trou bleshoo ting h ints for all W LSE f unctions.
1-2 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting General FAQ s and Tro ubleshoo ting • Q.Which po rts and protocol s does the WLSE use ? • Q.Which tra nsport pro tocols and au thentica tion meth ods does WLSE use ? • Q.
1-3 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting General FAQs and Tr oublesh ooting Q. Can SSH be disable d? A. It cannot be disabl ed on the WLSE itself, b ut you can use the fire wall command to den y all SSH connecti ons.
1-4 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting General FAQ s and Tro ubleshoo ting A. Upgrad ing your WLSE will no t disru pt ser vice on your a ccess points. T he APs conne ctivity will remain intact an d the WLAN will functio n normally .
1-5 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting General FAQs and Tr oublesh ooting Sympto m When I t ry to a ccess an access point we b page thr ough t he WLSE, the fo llowing error me ssage appe ars: Ac tion Can cel led.
1-6 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting General FAQ s and Tro ubleshoo ting Sympto m After the WLSE 1 130 seri es starts u p, th e setup login prom pt appe ars.
1-7 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting General FAQs and Tr oublesh ooting 5. If no c onditio ns are preventing the system from c onnectin g to t he networ k, conta ct Cisc o’ s T ech nical Assista nce Cen ter .
1-8 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting General FAQ s and Tro ubleshoo ting Sympto m The system time or date is incor rect. Possible Cause – NTP is misconfigured.
1-9 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting General FAQs and Tr oublesh ooting 2. If you have specif ied hosts using the telnetenable CLI co mmand, ma ke sure the host from which you are attem pting to T elnet is o n the list.
1-10 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Deploymen t Wizard Troub leshoot ing Sympto m After pe rform ing.
1-11 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Faults FAQs an d Troublesh ooting Sympto m Access points do not get the e x pected conf iguration applied fro m a W izard templa te.
1-12 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Faults FAQ s and Troubl eshooti ng b. Chan ge the F ault Hist ory T runcati on Int erv al parame ter to redu ce the num b er o f days th e cleared faults ar e sav ed.
1-13 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Faults FAQs an d Troublesh ooting A.
1-14 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Faults FAQ s and Troubl eshooti ng Sympto m After a dding an AAA serv er to a WLSE, the f ault ‘ AAA serv er is Not a vail able’ is generated for that AAA serv er .
1-15 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Devices FAQs and Tr oubleshoot ing Sympto m SNMP Unreac hable f aults are displaye d more fr equently than the s et p ollin g interv al.
1-16 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Devices FA Qs and Troublesh ooting Q. What is an in valid CDP seed? A. An inv al id seed is a device that does no t ru n Cisco Discovery Prot ocol ( CDP), suc h a s a PC or worksta tion).
1-17 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Devices FAQs and Tr oubleshoot ing Devices Troubl eshooting This .
1-18 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Devices FA Qs and Troublesh ooting Sympto m There is a time di screpa ncy in the schedul ed di scovery jobs. Possible Cause The local or system time is not set correctly on the WLSE.
1-19 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Devices FAQs and Tr oubleshoot ing Sympto m An IO S access p oint c onfigured with a n iee802 dot11 view is not d iscovered.
1-20 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Devices FA Qs and Troublesh ooting Sympto m After c reating a cu.
1-21 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Confi guration FAQs an d Troubleshoot ing Sympto m AP 1230 and A P 1231 are no t sho wn in WLSE displays. Possible Cause These APs ha ve the same sysOb jectID as the AP 12 10.
1-22 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Configuration FAQs an d Troubles hooting • Q.Can I give a configuration job a nam e that is used for a firmware or ra dio manage ment jo b? • Q.
1-23 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Confi guration FAQs an d Troubleshoot ing A. The two configur ation s are merged un less you have specified that you want to overwrite t he existing configurati on wh en you r an the job .
1-24 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Configuration FAQs an d Troubles hooting Q. What is star tup configurat ion templ ate? Startup c onfiguration t emplate is used right after a de vice (access po int) rebo ots.
1-25 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Confi guration FAQs an d Troubleshoot ing Configuration Troubles .
1-26 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Configuration FAQs an d Troubles hooting Sympto m A conf iguration job f ails using a template imported from an IOS access point.
1-27 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Firmware FAQs an d Troublesh ooting Sympto m An SC P jo b fail s wi th us erna me h av ing 15 pr ivil e ge.
1-28 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Firmware F AQs and T roublesho oting Q. What kinds of j ob logs are available? A. There ar e two kinds of job logs: Job run log and the jobvm log.
1-29 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Firmware FAQs an d Troublesh ooting Sympto m When uplo ad ing an ima ge to an acce ss point from a fr om a remo te T FTP server, the ac cess point reports an In valid checksu m error o r Unkno wn failure.
1-30 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Firmware F AQs and T roublesho oting For more inf ormat ion on u pdatin g firmware, see the User Guide for the CiscoW orks W ir eless LAN Solutio n Engin e, 2.
1-31 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Report s FAQs and Troub leshoot ing Reports FAQs and Troubleshootin g • Reports F A Qs, pa ge 1-31 • Reports T rouble shooting , page 1-32 Reports FAQs Q.
1-32 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Reports FAQs and Trou bleshoot ing A. The As Of column i ndicates th e startin g time of th e aggre gation for the utilizati on report .
1-33 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Report s FAQs and Troub leshoot ing Sympto m The T op N Busiest Clients report and the Client Statistics re port display 0 (zero) v alues.
1-34 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Reports FAQs and Trou bleshoot ing Sympto m After runn ing a job, t he upd ate d data doe s not a ppea r in a rep ort.
1-35 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Radio Man ager FAQs and Troubl eshooti ng Possible Cau se This is.
1-36 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Radio Manage r FAQs an d Troubles hooting Auto Re-Site Survey • Q.Is th ere a limit to the number o f floors or acce ss points th at can be enabled for the auto re-site survey? • Q.
1-37 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Radio Man ager FAQs and Troubl eshooti ng Q. What is the t hrough put impa ct i f Radi o Moni toring is ena bled? A.
1-38 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Radio Manage r FAQs an d Troubles hooting Y ou use Assi sted Sit.
1-39 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Radio Man ager FAQs and Troubl eshooti ng The radi o in quest ion is det ecting a large am ount of neighbor ing radios.
1-40 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Radio Manage r FAQs an d Troubles hooting Q. Why does the Cli ent MA C Spoofing fault reappe ar aft er it has been cleared? A.
1-41 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Sites FAQs an d Troublesh ooting Sympto m My clients are not bein g authenticated through WDS. Possible Cause Y ou have not created a server g roup on the WDS for client au thentication.
1-42 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Sites FAQs and Tr oubles hooting • Q.When I sel ect devices in the Assisted Site Survey Wizard, why a re some shown in red? • Q.
1-43 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Sites FAQs an d Troublesh ooting Q. Why d oes L ocation Manag er sho w a cove rag e map for an AP ba sed o n th e co nfigured t ransmi t power setting even when the radi os are shut dow n? A.
1-44 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Sites FAQs and Tr oubles hooting Q. When I’m usin g the Assis ted Site Surv ey W izard, why is the Next b utton disab led af ter I comp lete step one? A.
1-45 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Sites FAQs an d Troublesh ooting Q. In the Constr aints and Goals step in the A ssisted Site S urve y W izard, ho w do I select multiple channels in the chann el list? A.
1-46 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Sites FAQs and Tr oubles hooting Radio Parameter Generation Q. When WLSE is trying t o calculate ne w radio parameter generations, why d o I get an error about walkabou t locations? A.
1-47 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Sites FAQs an d Troublesh ooting Sympto m It tak es a v ery long time to import a building or flo or image in to Loca tion Ma nager .
1-48 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Sites FAQs and Tr oubles hooting There are q uite a fe w r easons wh y an inte rface might be remo ved from the scan.
1-49 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Intru sion Detect ion System FAQs and Tr oubleshooting Intrusion .
1-50 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Intrusion De tection System F AQs and Trouble shootin g Dete cting Rog ue APs Q. How does WLSE detect rogue APs ? A.
1-51 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Intru sion Detect ion System FAQs and Tr oubleshooting WLSE consi ders hardware , both clien t and access poin ts, to be truste d sources, an d assumes tha t vendors are repor ting the field corre ctly .
1-52 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Intrusion De tection System F AQs and Trouble shootin g Q. I understa nd that WLSE does not accept SNMP trap s that indicat e an AP detected a rogue.
1-53 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Intru sion Detect ion System FAQs and Tr oubleshooting – First, a rogue is detected which has an RSSI value higher than the configur ed thresh old.
1-54 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Admin FAQs and Troub leshooting A. When the Frie ndly-t o-Rogue pol icy e valuat es a site, any device that hasn’t been seen in “too long a time” is reclassified as rogue .
1-55 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Admin FAQs and Tr oublesh ooting • Q.Can I restore a b ackup th at I made on a WL SE run ning be ta sof tware to a WLSE runnin g rele ased software? • Q.
1-56 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Admin FAQs and Troub leshooting Check the statu s by using the CLI command redu ndancy statu s, or by sel ecting Admin > A ppliance > Redundancy > Redundancy Status .
1-57 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Admin FAQs and Tr oublesh ooting Admin Troubles hooting This se c.
1-58 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Admin FAQs and Troub leshooting • Symptom Cannot back up WLSE conf iguration to a remote serv er when using the secure f ile transf er option.
1-59 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Admin FAQs and Tr oublesh ooting Sympto m When using I nternet Explo rer 6.
1-60 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Admin FAQs and Troub leshooting Possible Cause At e ach in stanc.
1-61 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 1 FAQs and Troublesh ooting Admin FAQs and Tr oublesh ooting b. T eln et or SSH into the acti ve 2.13 syste m and e xecu te the CLI com mand rel o ad .
1-62 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapte r 1 FAQs and Trouble shooting Internal AAA Ser ver (WL SE Express Only) FAQ s and Tro ubleshoo.
C HAPTER 2-1 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 2 Fault Descriptions This section p rovides th e follo wing information on the f aults displayed in Faults > Display Faults . The follo wing information is provided: • Fau lt—The f ault as it appear s in the Display Faults t able.
2-2 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions Acces s Point /Bridge Fa ults Access Point /Bri dge Faults T able 2-1 Acc.
2-3 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons Access Point /Bridge Faults AP CPU utiliz ation is Over loaded ( utilization %) The fault thre shold set for the overload ed s tat e ha s bee n exce eded .
2-4 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions Acces s Point /Bridge Fa ults Device was not reachab le via SNMP The SN MP Ag ent could be down. Using the SNMP threshold setting, you configure t he WLSE to poll th e sysUpT ime MIB object p eriodically .
2-5 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons Access Point /Bridge Faults Etherne t ban dwidt h utilization is De graded ( utilization %) The fault thre shold set for the de grade d state has been e xcee ded.
2-6 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions Acces s Point /Bridge Fa ults HotSta ndBy is act iv e The acce ss point that is configure d for ho t sta ndby has bec ome a ctiv e.
2-7 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons Access Point /Bridge Faults MIC i s di sabled for the VLAN number MIC is not en able d for the s elect ed VLAN on the access point.
2-8 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions Radio Interfac e Faults Radio Interface Faults WEP is disabled WEP is not enabled for the VLAN defined on the access poi nt.
2-9 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons Radio Interface Faults Appe ared up|down. Compe nsated fo r b y Up/Down radi o(s). The indi cated radio ap peared up or down on this AP , so other radi os were modif ied to maintain cove ra g e.
2-10 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions Radio Interfac e Faults Compensation calcu lation di d not compl ete due to errors Errors for ced the cance llation of Self Healing compensatio n calculation s.
2-11 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons Radio Interface Faults No t Mo ni tore d be c aus e: re a s o n , Ig nored T o qualify for Self Heal ing, an AP must : • Enable Radio Monitor ing on both Se rving an d Non-Ser ving channe ls.
2-12 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions Radio Interfac e Faults Port is do wn The port is operatio nally do wn. When this faul t is cleared, the follo wing message displays: Port is up Manage Fault Settings > Radio-8 02.
2-13 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons Radio Interface Faults Retr y Count rate is Degr aded number per minute The retry count ra te alarm indicates if t he wireless medium is congeste d.
2-14 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions IDS (Intrusi on Detect ion Syst em) Fau lts IDS (Intrusion Detection System) Faults WEP Error is in Degr aded sta te ( error rate %) The fault thre shold set for the de grade d state has been e xcee ded.
2-15 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons IDS (Intrusion Detection System) Faults Ad-h oc ne twor k ssid recla ssified f rom Friendly to Rogue due to rule An a d-hoc network t hat was prev iously determ ined to be Friendly has been rec lassif ied to Rogu e.
2-16 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions IDS (Intrusi on Detect ion Syst em) Fau lts Bad MI C while MF P enabled This faul t is raised ag ainst the AP that is ob served genera ting t he viol ati on.
2-17 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons IDS (Intrusion Detection System) Faults Client a u thent ication er ror rate is Degra ded number per m inute The fault thre shold set for the de graded sta te has be en exc eeded.
2-18 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions IDS (Intrusi on Detect ion Syst em) Fau lts Excessive A ssociation Frames in Channel: channel [Fr ames: framecount ,Interv al: wind owsize ] The fa ult thr esholds been exce eded.
2-19 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons IDS (Intrusion Detection System) Faults Excessive D isassociatio n Frames from ST A: station [Fram es: framecount ,Interv al: wind owsize ] The fa ult thr esholds been exce eded.
2-20 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions IDS (Intrusi on Detect ion Syst em) Fau lts Number of CCM P Replay Discar ded is Degra ded. The fault thre shold set for the de grade d state has be en exc eeded.
2-21 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons IDS (Intrusion Detection System) Faults Number of TKIP Loca l MIC failures is De graded. The fault thre shold set for the de graded sta te has be en exc eeded.
2-22 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions IDS (Intrusi on Detect ion Syst em) Fau lts Radi o Role m ust be “roleSc anner” to sup port Frame Monitor ing (was x ).
2-23 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons IDS (Intrusion Detection System) Faults Unregis tered Clien t(s) prese.
2-24 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions Voi ce Faul ts Voice Faults WLSE Faults Ta b l e 2 - 4 V o i c e F a u l.
2-25 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons WLSE Fau lts Duplicate IP Detectio n During disco very , an AP w ith a dupli cate IP is found an d place d in the D uplicat e IP fold er unde r De vice s > Ma naged > Manage/U nmanage.
2-26 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions AAA Server F aults AAA Server Faults Other no de is runn ing a dif ferent v ersion . Red undan cy will be turned of f. A mismatch of WLSE software version has be en detect ed betwee n the acti ve and th e standb y WLSEs.
2-27 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons AAA Server Faults EAP-F AST server is not av ailable EAP-F AST Can be cause d by an y of the following reas ons: • WLSE IP Address is not conf igured as a N AS on the server .
2-28 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions AAA Server F aults EAP-MD5 ser ver is Degr aded EAP-M D5 The fa ult thr eshold set for the de graded st ate has bee n exce eded.
2-29 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons AAA Server Faults LEAP s erv er is Over loaded LEAP The fault thr eshold set for the overloade d state has been e xceeded.
2-30 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions AAA Server F aults PEAP server is Over loaded PEAP The fault threshold set for the overloade d state has been e xceeded.
2-31 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons Switch Fau lts Switch Faults Ta b l e 2 - 7 S w i t c h F a u l t s Fa.
2-32 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions Swit ch Faults Port is down . The port is operationally do wn. When this f ault is cle ared, the following message displays: Port is UP .
2-33 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Solution E ngine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault De scripti ons Router Fault Router Fault WLSM Faults T able 2-8 Router F ault Fault Description Explanation Related Setting Recommended Actio n Device was not reachab le via SNMP The SNMP Agent on the switch is do wn.
2-34 FAQ and Troub leshooting Guide f or the Ci scoWorks Wirele ss LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions WLSM Faults.
IN- 1 FAQ and Trou bleshoo ting Guide for the Cisco Works Wire less LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 INDE X A AAA serv er AAA server not ava ilable fault, falsely genera ted 1-60 internal ( WLSE Expres.
Index IN-2 FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine OL-8376-01 B backup (WL SE) backup to remote server with SCP 1-59 backup t o Windows serve r 1-59 restorin g fr.
IN- 3 FAQ and Trou bleshoo ting Guide for the Cisco Works Wire less LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Index devices FAQs 1-15 hostnam e, n ot u pdated 1-15 IP a ddress c hange, not disp laye d 1-20 not .
Index IN-4 FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine OL-8376-01 Display Faults screen , refresh rate 1-12 Display Fault view, blank 1-14 FAQs 1-11 HA Standby AAA RA.
IN- 5 FAQ and Trou bleshoo ting Guide for the Cisco Works Wire less LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Index fault descriptio ns 2-14 interfer ence dete ction settings 1-53 rogue A P, cove rage p robl em.
Index IN-6 FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine OL-8376-01 O operating system, on W LSE informa tion about 1-3 P pass words (WLS E), rule s for 1-55 ports used.
IN- 7 FAQ and Trou bleshoo ting Guide for the Cisco Works Wire less LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Index Group Clie nt Associa tion repor t, differe nt data from Curre nt Client Associ ations report .
Index IN-8 FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine OL-8376-01 genera l 1-4 T Telne t on WLSE, disable d by default 1-2 troublesh ooting FAQs 1-1 hints Admin ta b .
IN- 9 FAQ and Trou bleshoo ting Guide for the Cisco Works Wire less LAN Soluti on Engine OL-8376-01 Index WLSE-WDS authen tication failed 1-41 WLSM discovery log errors 1-20 fault descriptio ns 2-33 m.
Index IN-10 FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine OL-8376-01.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco Systems OL-8376-01 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco Systems OL-8376-01 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco Systems OL-8376-01 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco Systems OL-8376-01 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco Systems OL-8376-01 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco Systems OL-8376-01 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco Systems OL-8376-01 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco Systems OL-8376-01. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco Systems OL-8376-01 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.