Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung OL-20949-01 des Produzenten Cisco Systems
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco Unif ie d IP P hone S er vice s Application De v elopment Notes Suppor ting XML Applications R ele ase 7 .
iii Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 CONTENTS Preface vii Overvi ew vii Revisi on Hist ory vii Audienc e vii Cisco Dev elope r Support Progr am vii Organi zat.
Cont ent s iv Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 CiscoI PPhon eResponse 3-19 CiscoI PPhon eError 3-1 9 Custom Sof tkeys 3-19 XML C onside rat ions 3-20 Mandator.
Content s v Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 Applic atio n Managemen t URIs 5-16 Init 5-16 Notify 5-16 Applic atio n 5-18 CHAPTER 6 HTTP R equests a nd Heade .
Cont ent s vi Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 User S ervi ce Subs crip tion 9-4 CHAPTER 10 DeviceLi stX Repor t 10-1 Benefi ts 10-2 Restri ctions 10-2 Integr.
vii Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 Preface Overview Use this document with Cisc o Unified Commun icati ons Manage r, Rele ase 7.1 (3) to develop and depl oy customized client ser vices f or the Cisco Unif ied IP Phones t hat su ppo rt C is co U nified Pho ne se rvic es.
viii Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Preface formali zed process provi des access to CDN Engineers who ar e an extension of the produc t technology engine eri ng te am s. CDN En gine ers have access to t he re sou rces nece ssar y to pr ovide exper t supp ort i n a timely ma nner .
ix Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 Pre face Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request Related Documentation For more inform at i on about Cisc.
x Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Preface Obtainin g Docume ntation and Submitt ing a Servic e Request Cisco Product Security Overview This pr odu ct co ntai n s c rypt ogr aphi c fea ture s a nd is su bj ect t o Uni te d Sta tes an d loca l c ou ntry laws governing impor t , export , t ransf er and use .
xi Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 Pre face Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request T imesaver Means the descri bed ac tion sa ves t ime . Y ou can s a ve time b y pe rform ing th e actio n desc ribe d in the paragr aph.
xii Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Preface Obtainin g Docume ntation and Submitt ing a Servic e Request.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 1 Overview Y o u can use Cisco Unifi ed IP Phones to dep lo y cust omized clien t ser vices with w hich us ers ca n in teract via the keypad and display . Services deploy us ing the HTT P protocol fro m standa rd web servers.
1-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Ch apter 1 Ov erv iew Figur e 1 -2 Gra phic Me nu on a Cisc o Unified IP Phone Sampl e Phone use rs ca n navigate a text m enu by usi ng the Navigation butt on fol lowed by the Sel ect softkey , or by using t he n ume ric keypad t o ent er a sel ect ion dire c tly .
1-3 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 1 Overview Note HTML Disclaimer : Phone se rvic e developers mu st ta ke int o con si der ation tha t th e p hone i s no t a web browser and c an not p arse HTM L.
1-4 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Ch apter 1 Ov erv iew.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 2 New and Changed Information This ch apter gi ves details on the new and ch anged information in the XML service in terface for the lat est releases of Cisco Unif ied Communication Ma nager .
2-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 2 New and Changed Information New Inf ormati on for Cisc o Unifie d Commu nication s Mana ger 7.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 3 CiscoIPPhone XML Objects The fo llowing section s describ e the genera l behavior an d use of XML obje cts.
3-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts Underst anding O bject Beh avio r Ta b l e 3-1 shows th e supported XML object s for this relea se. Ta b l e 3-1 XML Objec ts Suppo rt ed f or Release 7 .
3-3 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPPhone XML O bjects XML Object Definitions XML Object Definitions The fol lo wing sectio ns pro vide def.
3-4 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts XML Obj ect Definit ions When a m enu is loa ded, the p hone beha ve s the sam e as for bu ilt-in phone menus.
3-5 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPPhone XML O bjects XML Object Definitions CiscoIPPho neInpu t When a Cisco Unifie d IP Phone rece i ves an XML obje ct of type CiscoIPPhoneInput , it constructs an input f orm and displays it.
3-6 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts XML Obj ect Definit ions During te xt entry , Cisco Unif ied IP Phones displa y softkeys to assist u sers with text entry .
3-7 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPPhone XML O bjects XML Object Definitions </DirectoryEntry> </CiscoIPPhoneDirectory> Note F.
3-8 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts XML Obj ect Definit ions <Depth>Number of bits per pixel</Depth> <D.
3-9 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPPhone XML O bjects XML Object Definitions Exam ple The fol lowing XML code d efines a CiscoIPPhoneImage.
3-10 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts XML Obj ect Definit ions If the number of color s in the image is not reduced to match the phon e capabilities, the image will be dithere d by the phone and y ield le ss than de sirable results i n most ca ses.
3-11 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPPhone XML O bjects XML Object Definitions CiscoIPPho neGraphicM enu Graphic m enus serv e the same purpose as te xt menu s: th e y allo w a user to select a URL fr om a list.
3-12 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts XML Obj ect Definit ions Figure 3-5 shows the dis pla y of the Cisc oIPPh oneGr aphi cFil eMenu.
3-13 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPPhone XML O bjects XML Object Definitions Icons in the CiscoI PPhoneMen u object have a maximum width of 16 pixels and a maximum he ight of 10 pixels. Figure 3-6 sh ows an IconMe nu on a Cisco Unif ied IP Phone.
3-14 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts XML Obj ect Definit ions CiscoIPPho neIcon FileMenu This icon menu is simi lar to CiscoIPPhon eMenu , but it uses colo r PNG icons rather than graysca le CIP icons.
3-15 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPPhone XML O bjects XML Object Definitions The Sta tus o bject cann ot be close d or cleare d b y the use r (fo r ex ampl e, b y pr essin g Serv ices) becaus e the Statu s object is only pr esent on th e Call pla ne.
3-16 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts XML Obj ect Definit ions The Appl icati on Status window contains three main area.
3-17 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPPhone XML O bjects XML Object Definitions Note Th e Cisco I P Ph one mode ls 9 951 , 997 1, an d 896 1 d oes no t sup por t Ci scoI PPhoneSt atu s obj ect.
3-18 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts XML Obj ect Definit ions Note that in st ead of us i ng t he <Da ta> tag to embed th e image d ata, this ob ject uses a <URL> tag to point to the PNG imag e file to be used fo r the graph ics area.
3-19 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPPhone XML O bjects Custom Softkeys <ExecuteItem Priority=”1” URL=”http://server/textmessage.
3-20 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts XML Consi deration s Note Th e <UR LD own> tag can on ly contai n Intern al UR Is— it can not cont ain an H TTP URL . The “URL ” in the name “URL D own” does no t si gnif y th at an H TTP U RL ca n b e use d.
3-21 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPPhone XML O bjects XML Consi derati ons Note A ll Cisco IPPho ne elem ent names an d attribute na mes ar e case sensitive.
3-22 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts Applic ation Eve nt Handl ers Application Eve nt Handlers The App lication Ma nag.
3-23 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPPhone XML O bjects Applicati on Event Ha ndlers Attribute Description appID Iden tifi es the applic ation to which this di splayable XSI o bject be longs.
3-24 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 3 Cis coIPP hone X ML Obje cts Applic ation Eve nt Handl ers Event H andler Schem a <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 4 Component APIs In add ition to the primary p hone XSI A PI, two addi tional componen t APIs ar e a vailabl.
4-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapt er 4 Component APIs RTP Streaming API Interaction Rules with Legacy RTP U RI Streams The R TP Streaming API a llows a full -duplex stre am (mo de=send Receive) to be se tup as a sing le strea m request whic h simplif ies the usag e of the API.
4-3 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 4 Component APIs RTP Strea ming AP I <xs:complexType> <xs:all> <xs:element name="mediaStream&.
4-4 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapt er 4 Component APIs RTP Streaming API </xs:element> <xs:element name="port" minOccurs="0&qu.
4-5 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 4 Component APIs RTP Strea ming AP I Examples Star t Me dia • Request HTTP POST /C GI/E xecute <startMed ia&.
4-6 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapt er 4 Component APIs RTP Streaming API Request object doe s not comply with th e API’ s XML schema all 400 (B adRe.
CH A P T E R 5-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 5 Internal URI Features Intern al uni form res ource ident ifiers (URIs) provide ac cess to embedd ed pho ne feat ures such as pl acin g calls, play ing audio f iles, and i n voking b uilt-in object features.
5-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Intern al URI Features Device C ontro l URIs Device Control URIs These sect ions de scri be t he d evice cont rol URI s: • Key • Display Key The K e y URI allo ws a programmer to send an e vent that a ke y has been pre ssed.
5-3 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Internal URI Fea tures Device Contro l URIs Ta b l e 5-2 lists the Ke y URIs and the phone models in which these are supported.
5-4 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Intern al URI Features Device C ontro l URIs Unsupported Key URIs and Alternate Options This se ction de scribes t he unsup ported Ke y URIs in the ph one m odels and provides a lternative options, if any , for the un supporte d URIs.
5-5 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Internal URI Fea tures Device Contro l URIs Display The Display URI is a va ilable only on those Cisco Unif ied IP Phones that have a color backlight on the phone disp lay , includi ng the Ci sco Un ified IP Phone 7 970G and 7 971G-GE.
5-6 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Intern al URI Features XML Displ ayable O bject URI s XML Displayable Object URIs These sec tions de scri be t .
5-7 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Internal URI Fea tures XML Displayable Object URIs The new generati on 8900 / 9900 ser ies IP phones have the following enha nceme nts to thei r display: • The positio ns of the sofke ys ha ve been chang ed.
5-8 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Intern al URI Features XML Displ ayable O bject URI s <Name>Delete</Name> <URL>http://server/delete.
5-9 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Internal URI Fea tures Multimedia URIs Multimedia URIs These sectio ns describ e the multimedia URI s: • R TP Streaming • Play • Vi b r a t e RTP Stream ing Y ou can in voke R TP stream ing via URI s in servi ces.
5-10 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Intern al URI Features Mult im edia URIs The user has no ex plicit mecha nism for terminatin g the Rx URI stream independen t of the call. Thus, i f the Rx stream is not terminat ed automatica lly , it w ould continu e to play .
5-11 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Internal URI Fea tures Multimedia URIs RTPTx Use the R T PTx URI to instruct the phone to transmit a Unicast R T P stream or to stop transmitting Unicast or Multicas t R TP streams.
5-12 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Intern al URI Features Mult im edia URIs Play The Play URI downloads a n au dio file from th e TFTP ser ver and play s through t he phone spe aker . Thi s same mech anism also plays rin g files, an d the format of the f iles is the same.
5-13 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Internal URI Fea tures Telephon y URIs URI Format Vibrate:vibrateDuration:silenceDuration:count Where vibrateDura tion = duration (in millisec onds) in which the vibrate state remains on.
5-14 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Intern al URI Features Telephon y URIs useA ppUI = Specifie s whether or not this applic ation will be used as the use r interfa ce for this call.
5-15 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Internal URI Fea tures Telephon y URIs Audible feedba ck to the user can b e enabl ed or di sabled and an opti.
5-16 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Intern al URI Features Applicat ion Man agement URI s Application Mana gement URIs Thes e sections describ e t.
5-17 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Internal URI Fea tures Application Management URIs The Not ify URI is not mad e in the co ntext of an XSI a pplic ation session and does not c ontain any HTTP cookie or sessi on infor mation.
5-18 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Intern al URI Features Applicat ion Man agement URI s HTTP POST /path/streamhandler?event=stopped HTTP/1.
5-19 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Internal URI Fea tures Application Management URIs This pre v ents open, b ut not acti v e, applica tions whic.
5-20 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 5 Intern al URI Features Applicat ion Man agement URI s • 0—Do immediately , e ve n if user is interac ting with the phone.
CH A P T E R 6-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 6 HTTP Requests and He ader Settings Cisco Unifie d IP Phones use HTTP to communicate to external application s. The phone firm ware includ es both an HTTP client for makin g reques ts, and an HTT P serv er for recei ving request s.
6-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapte r 6 HTTP Re quests an d Header Setting s HTTP Header Se ttings The f orm that is po sted should ha ve a case- sensiti ve f orm f ield name called “XML” th at cont ains the desir ed XML obje ct.
6-3 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 6 HTTP Reques ts and Header Set tings HTTP Head er Setti ngs HTTP Refresh Setting The HTTP h eader s that ar e sen t with an y pa ge fr om an HTTP ser v er can include a Ref re s h s ett ing .
6-4 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapte r 6 HTTP Re quests an d Header Setting s HTTP Header Se ttings MIME Typ e and Other HT TP Head ers Although deliv .
6-5 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 6 HTTP Reques ts and Header Set tings HTTP Head er Setti ngs This fu nc tio nalit y allows you t o ma ke the co nte nt of a ny page tha t i s sen t to t he phone expir e.
6-6 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapte r 6 HTTP Re quests an d Header Setting s HTTP Header Se ttings HTTP Encoding Header Setting The en coding he ader con trols langua ge and char acte r settings re late d to local izatio n.
6-7 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 6 HTTP Reques ts and Header Set tings Identifying the Capabilities of IP Phone Clients If 'c harset' is n ot specif ied, the phones will use th e defa ult encodin g for the curr ently conf igure d user locale.
6-8 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapte r 6 HTTP Re quests an d Header Setting s Accept Header x-CiscoIPPh oneSDKVers ion This Cis co-prop rieta ry head er contai ns the ve rsion of the IP Phone Ser vices SDK that th e reques ting phone su ppor ts.
6-9 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 6 HTTP Reques ts and Header Set tings Accessing IP Phone Information Accessing IP Ph one Informati on Cisco Unifi.
6-10 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapte r 6 HTTP Re quests an d Header Setting s Access ing IP Phone Informa tion.
CH A P T E R 7-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 7 Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Service Appli cations This chap ter cont ains the foll o wing secti.
7-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 7 Troubleshooting Cisco Unified IP Phone Service Applications Error M essages – CiscoIPPhone Menu Obj ect—If the field <Name > is missi ng for a < MenuIt em> , the orig inal parser would stop rende ring fr om tha t <Me nuItem > onwards.
CH A P T E R 8-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 8 Cisco IP Phone Services Software Development Kit (SDK) The C isco IP Phone Servi c es Softwa re Dev elop m.
8-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 8 Cisco IP Phone Services Software Developmen t Kit (SDK) SDK Componen ts • D evelopment T ools – Cip.8bi— Adobe Pho toshop plug-in tha t allows .cip extension s to be viewed and sav ed.
8-3 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Cha pter 8 Cis co IP Ph one Serv ice s So ftwa re De velo pm ent K it ( SDK) Sample Services Requirements – Speed Dials.
8-4 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 8 Cisco IP Phone Services Software Developmen t Kit (SDK) Sample S ervices Requireme nts.
CH A P T E R 9-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 9 IP Phone Service Administration and Subscription Cisco Unifie d Communications Man ager admi nistra tors m aintai n the list of serv ices t o which users c an subscribe.
9-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 9 IP Phone Ser vice Admi nistratio n and Subsc ripti on Adding a P hone Service Exam ple http:// < servername > /ccmuser/sample/sample.asp Wher e < s ervern ame > designates a fully qualif ied domain name or an IP address.
9-3 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 9 IP Phone Servi ce Admini stration and Subscription Defining IP Phone Service Parameters Defining IP Ph one Service Para meters Each se rvice c an hav e a list of para meters.
9-4 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 9 IP Phone Ser vice Admi nistratio n and Subsc ripti on User Servic e Subscriptio n Ti p If you c hange the servi.
CH A P T E R 10-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 10 DeviceListX Report The DeviceL is tX Repo rt is no lo n ger sup ported a s of Cisco Unified Communi c ation s Ma nager R elease 5.
10-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 10 DeviceL istX Report Bene fits • Device Po ol • IP Addre ss • Real-T ime Info rmat ion The complete d list of data gets formatted into a simple XML obje ct and gets returned in the HTT P Resp onse to the de ve loper .
10-3 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 1 0 DeviceListX Rep ort Security Security This report, which is within the Cisco Unif ied Communic ations Man ager Administra tion, inherits its security fro m that web site, so no security issues directl y relate to this report.
10-4 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 10 DeviceL istX Report Troubles hooting D eviceL istX Re ports <?xml version="1.
10-5 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 1 0 DeviceListX Rep ort Troubl eshootin g DeviceList X Reports Error Message 1001 Too many simultaneous requests f or Device List. Please wait at least 60 seconds and try again.
10-6 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Chapter 10 DeviceL istX Report Troubles hooting D eviceL istX Re ports.
A- 1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 APPENDIX A CiscoIPPhone XML Object Quick Reference Ta b l e A-1 provid es a qu ick re fer en ce o f th e Cisc oIPPho ne X M L obj ec ts a nd the de finition s th at ar e ass oc iat ed w it h ea ch .
A- 2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Appendix A Cisco IPPho ne XML Object Qu ick Refe rence CiscoIPPhoneImage <CiscoIPPhoneImage> <Title>Image ti.
A-3 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 Append ix A CiscoIPPhone XM L Object Quick Refe rence CiscoIPPhoneIconMenu <CiscoIPPhoneIconMenu> <Title>Titl.
A- 4 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Appendix A Cisco IPPho ne XML Object Qu ick Refe rence.
B-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 APPENDIX B Cisco Unified IP Phone Services XML Schema File These sec tions provide detai ls about th e XML schem a supported on Ci sco Unified IP Phones: • U pda ted X ML Pars er a nd Sch em a E nfo rc em ent • Ci scoIPPhone .
B-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Appe ndix B Cisco Un ified I P P hon e Se rvic es XML Sc hema File CiscoIPPhone.xsd CiscoIPPhone.xsd <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- edited with XML Spy v4.
B-3 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 Append ix B Cisco Unified IP Phon e Services XML Schema File CiscoIP Phone.
B-4 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Appe ndix B Cisco Un ified I P P hon e Se rvic es XML Sc hema File CiscoIPPhone.
B-5 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 Append ix B Cisco Unified IP Phon e Services XML Schema File CiscoIP Phone.
B-6 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Appe ndix B Cisco Un ified I P P hon e Se rvic es XML Sc hema File CiscoIPPhone.
B-7 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 Append ix B Cisco Unified IP Phon e Services XML Schema File CiscoIP Phone.
B-8 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Appe ndix B Cisco Un ified I P P hon e Se rvic es XML Sc hema File CiscoIPPhone.
B-9 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 Append ix B Cisco Unified IP Phon e Services XML Schema File CiscoIP Phone.
B-10 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Appe ndix B Cisco Un ified I P P hon e Se rvic es XML Sc hema File CiscoIPPhone.
B-11 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 Append ix B Cisco Unified IP Phon e Services XML Schema File CiscoIP Phone.
B-12 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Appe ndix B Cisco Un ified I P P hon e Se rvic es XML Sc hema File CiscoIPPhone.
B-13 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 Append ix B Cisco Unified IP Phon e Services XML Schema File CiscoIP Phone.
B-14 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development No tes OL-20949-01 Appe ndix B Cisco Un ified I P P hon e Se rvic es XML Sc hema File CiscoIPPhone.
IN-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 INDEX Symbols << softke y 5-6 Numerics 8961 Col or dept h 3-10 Resolution 3-10 URIs supporte d 5-1, 5-3 XML Object.
Index IN-2 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 client request s, using HTT P 6-1 content expiratio n, header setting 6-4 coo kie be havi or 6-5 D developm ent to.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 I icon menus, crea ting colo r 3-14 graysc ale 3-12 Init, us ed as URI 5-16 input fo rms crea ting 3-5 supported .
Index IN-4 Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Develo pment Notes OL-20949-01 tips 7-1 XML pa rsing errors 7-1 U uniform resour ce identifiers (URI) descript ion 5-1 miscella neous Dial 5-13 Edit Dia l 5-14 Init 5-16 Play 5-12 to cont rol RTP streaming 5-9 RTPMTx 5-11 Update softk ey 5-6 URI.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco Systems OL-20949-01 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco Systems OL-20949-01 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco Systems OL-20949-01 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco Systems OL-20949-01 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco Systems OL-20949-01 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco Systems OL-20949-01 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco Systems OL-20949-01 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco Systems OL-20949-01. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco Systems OL-20949-01 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.