Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MGX 8800 des Produzenten Cisco Systems
Zur Seite of 636
Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco MGX 880 0/890 0 S eries Hardwa re Installation Gui de R ele ases 2.
iii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 CONTENTS About Th is Guide xxxi ii Audienc e xxxii i Pur pose xxxi ii Organi .
Cont ent s iv Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Mult iple Terms 1-5 Narro w Ba nd an d Ce ll Bu s Serv ice Module s.
Cont ents v Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 MGX 8830 Cards Suppor ted 1-50 MGX 8830 Syst em Hardware Comp onents .
Cont ent s vi Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 AXSM 2-13 Facepl ate Fea tures 2-16 Modu le Co nfig ura tions 2-21 .
Cont ents vii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Back Ca rds 2-80 Card S lots 2-83 Facepl ate Fea tures 2-84 Modu le.
Cont ent s viii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 RJ45-FE 2-128 RJ48-8E 1 and R-RJ 48-8E1 2-129 RJ48-8T 1 and R-RJ .
Cont ents ix Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Card Inst alla tion and R epl ace ment Sug gesti ons 3-8 Hot Swappi .
Cont ent s x Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 AC Power 3-48 DC Power 3-48 Power Cons umption Cal culati on Tab les.
Cont ents xi Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Intra card APS Configur atio ns 4-15 Inter card APS Configur atio ns.
Cont ent s xii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Instal latio n Procedur es 5-52 Insta ll St ability Pla te f or Se.
Cont ents xiii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Connect the Exter nal Clo ck 5-130 Connect the Al arms 5-130 Conn .
Cont ent s xiv Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Replac ing Pro cessor Car ds 6-21 Instal ling or Rem oving Re dun .
Cont ents xv Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Alarm Conn ector Pi n Assignment s B-10 Conn ecto r Pi n Func tio ns.
Cont ent s xvi Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Bond ing a nd G roun ding MGX 880 0 or M GX 8900 Se ries C has sis.
FIG U R ES xvii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Figu re 1-1 Cisco MGX Swit ch Family 1-1 Figu re 1-2 MGX 8880 Med.
Figures xviii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006 Figu re 1-32 MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Slot Assignmen ts—Front Vi e.
Figures xix Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Figu re 2-14 FRSM-12- T3E3 Fac eplate 2-35 Figu re 2-15 Card S et Re .
Figures xx Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006 Figu re 2-49 MCC-16-E 1-1N Fac eplate 2 -105 Figu re 2-50 MGX-1GE F a.
Figures xxi Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Figu re 2-84 SMFIR-4- 155/C F aceplat e 2-145 Figu re 2-85 SMFIR-8- 1.
Figures xxi i Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006 Figu re 4-7 Standal one PXM1E wit h Intrac ard APS 4-15 Figu re 4-.
Figures xxiii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Figu re 5-30 Modem Connec tion to the Mainte nance Port 5-47 Figu r.
Figures xxiv Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006 Figu re 5-65 MGX 8830 Stab ility Pl ate Dimens ions 5-102 Figu re 5.
Figures xxv Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Figu re 6-11 Two Back Cards Inst alled in th e APS Conne ctor (MGX 88.
Figures xxvi Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006.
TABLES xxvii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Ta b l e 1 Convent ions Used in this Guide xxxiv Ta b l e 2 Hardwa re Intr oduced in Re lease s 4.
Tables xxvii i Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006 Ta b l e 2 - 1 4 FRSM C ards, Interf aces, and Su pporte d Back C.
Tables xxix Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Ta b l e 3 - 2 Vibrat ion Condi tion Reco mmendatio ns 3-12 Ta b l e .
Tables xxx Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006 Ta b l e 5 - 2 Term inal Setti ngs 5-43 Ta b l e 5 - 3 Instal lati on.
Tables xxxi Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Ta b l e B - 2 0 T1 Tr unk/ Circ uit Line Ca ble and C onn ect or S p.
Tables xxxii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006.
xxxii i Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 About This Guide This secti on desrib es the audie nce, pur pose, and organiza tion of the Cisco MGX 8800 /8900 S eries H a rd wa re I n s t a l la t i o n G u i d e .
xxxiv Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Conv entions • Chapter 6, “Mainta ining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gate wa y ,” provides mainte nance pr oced ures for each sw itch or ga teway .
xxxv Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Scope of this Guide Notes, Warnings , and Cautions This sect ion explain s the co n ventio ns u sed f or not es, warni ngs, and caut ions.
xxxvi Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Sco pe of this Guide • Cisco MGX 8950 H ar dware Instal lation Gui de, Releas e 2.
xxxvi i Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Documentat ion New Back Cards Introduced in Rel eases 4.0.10 through 5.3 The fo llowing ba ck ca rds w ere in troduc ed in MGX Releas es 4.
xxxvii i Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Document ation Other com ponents of multiser vice W AN products, such as the Ser vice Expansion Shelf (SES ) and W AN switchin g software ha ve no n e w features for this release.
xxxix Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Documentat ion Step 8 Additi onal gu ides, su ch a s com mand re ferenc e guid es an d error message docum entat ion, c an help with the dai ly ope ration and m aintena nce of your switch .
xl Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Document ation T able 3 User G uides and Re lease No tes f or Cisco MGX and BPX Switc hes and Media G atew ays Docume nt T itle a nd Part Number BPX with SES Rel.
xli Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Documentat ion Release Notes for Cisco MGX Rout e Pr ocessor Module ( RPM-X F) IOS Release 12.4(6)T1 for PXM45- based Switches, Release 5.
xlii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Document ation Cisco W AN Manager Instal lation Guid e, Releas e 15. 3.00 OL-10358 -01 xxxxxxxxx Cisc o W AN Ma nag er Us er’ s Guid e, Release 15.
xliii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Documentat ion Cisco F rame Re lay Service s (FRSM/MPSM-8 -T1E1) Configuration Guide and Comm and Refer ence for MGX Switches, Release 5.
xliv Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Document ation Cisco MGX 82 30 Multiservice Gateway C omm and Ref erence, Release 1.1.3 1 DOC- 7811211= —x ——————— Cisco MGX 82 50 Multiservice Gateway C omm and Ref erence, Release 1.
xlv Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Documentat ion Note For the September 2005 produ ct releas e, there are no new features for the Servi ce Expa nsion Shel f (SES) of the BPX switch and BPX W AN sw itchin g soft ware.
xlvi Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Document ation T able 5 User Guides a nd Release No tes f or Cisco Multiserv.
xlvii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Documentat ion Cisco MGX 82 50 Ed ge Conc entrator Ov erview , Release 1.1 .3 DOC- 7811576= Describes the system compo nents and fu nction o f the Cisco MGX 82 50 edge concentra tor .
xlvi ii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Document ation Cisco MGX 88 50 Edge Conc entrator Instal lation and Configuration, R elease 1 .1.3 DOC- 7811223= Pro vides insta llation in structions f or the Cisco MG X 8850 (PXM1) edge concentr ator .
xlix Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Documentat ion Cisco V oice Swi tch Services (V XSM) Configuration and Comm.
l Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Obtain ing Do cument ation Obtaining Documentation Cisco d ocumenta tion and a ddition al lite rature are av ailable on Cisc m.
li Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Documen tation Fee dback Ordering Docume ntation Registered Cisco .com users may orde r Cisco docu mentat ion at the Prod uct Docume ntatio n Store in the Cisco Market place at this URL: http://www .
lii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Obtain ing Techni cal Ass istance Reporting Se curity Problems in Cisco P roducts Cisco is committ ed to deli vering secure products.
liii Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Obtainin g Technica l A ssistan ce Access to al l tools on the Cisco T echnical Support & Documen tation websit e requires a Cisco.
liv Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Obtainin g Addi tional Pub lications and Informat ion Se verity 3 (S3)— Opera tional perf orman ce of the network is impaired, w hile most business operations remain f unctiona l.
lv Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Obtaining Additional Publications and Information • Networking products offered by Cisco System s, as well as c ustomer support serv ices, can be obtaine d at th is URL : http://www .
lvi Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Obtainin g Addi tional Pub lications and Informat ion.
C HA PTER 1-1 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 1 Product Overviews Figure 1-1 and Figur e 1-2 show the Cisco MGX f.
1-2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews • Circuit emulation • IP • W irele ss ag.
1-3 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Changes t o this Doc ument Changes to this Document Ta b l e 1 - 1 summar izes the chan ges made to th is document since Releas e 5.
1-4 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews How this Chapter Is O rganized Overview o f Terms Each ac ronym in t his bo ok is defined o n its first use and in t he Glossa ry a t the e nd of t he gu ide.
1-5 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews How this Chapter Is Organized Note Th e inform ation i n this guid e does not ap ply to the Ci sco MGX 885 0 (PXM1), which use s the PXM1 contr oller card and Rele ase 1.
1-6 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews How this Chapter Is O rganized Figur e 1 -3 Ba.
1-7 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Overview of Card Slot Assig nments, by Ch assis 8820, becaus e ther e were s e veral typ es of t hese cards (for e xample A USM, FRSM, C ESM, an d so forth ).
1-8 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Overvi ew of Card Sl ot Assignm ents, by Chassis AXSM -1-2488 7 1 port OC-48/STM -64 Note No traf fi c shaping support ed.
1-9 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Overview of Card Slot Assig nments, by Ch assis .
1-10 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Overvi ew of Card Sl ot Assignm ents, by Chas.
1-11 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Overview of Card Slot Assig nments, by Ch assis.
1-12 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Overvi ew of Card Sl ot Assignm ents, by Chassis MPSM-T 3E3-155 2 port service module f or A TM and Fram e Relay service s over OC-3 interfa ces.
1-13 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Overview of Card Slot Assig nments, by Ch assis.
1-14 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Overvi ew of Card Sl ot Assignm ents, by Chas.
1-15 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8850 and MGX 8850/B Switches MPSM Slo.
1-16 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 50 and MGX 8850 /B Sw itch es F.
1-17 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8850 and MGX 8850/B Switches Features Ta b l e 1 - 4 lists su pport ed fea tures for the Cisco MG X 8850 and M GX 88 50/B sw itches.
1-18 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 50 and MGX 8850 /B Sw itch es .
1-19 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8850 and MGX 8850/B Switches MGX 8 85.
1-20 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 50 and MGX 8850 /B Sw itch es M.
1-21 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8850 and MGX 8850/B Switches Figure 1-6 sh ows each mo dule sl ot as signm ent (r ear vi e w) of the MGX 8850 (PXM1E ) or MGX 885 0/B (PX M1E) swi tch.
1-22 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 50 and MGX 8850 /B Sw itch es M.
1-23 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8850 and MGX 8850/B Switches Figure 1-8 sh ows module slot assi gnment s (rear view) for the Cisco MGX 8850 (P XM45) or MG X 8850/B (PXM4 5) switch.
1-24 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 50 and MGX 8850 /B Sw itch es Figure 1-9 sh ows the har dware com ponen ts tha t can b e use d with a Cisc o MGX 8850 switch (viewed from the front of the switch).
1-25 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8850 and MGX 8850/B Switches AC Power.
1-26 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 50 and MGX 8850 /B Sw itch es Figure 1-11 shows a clos e-up of the A C power supply fac eplate .
1-27 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8850 and MGX 8850/B Switches Note For A C power cord re quir ement s, see th e “Req uired T ools and E quip ment” se ction on p age 3-2 5 .
1-28 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 50 and MGX 8850 /B Sw itch es A.
1-29 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8850 and MGX 8850/B Switches Figure 1-14 sho ws an e xample of tw o back cards installed in the 88 50 APS connec tor .
1-30 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 50 and MGX 8850 /B Sw itch es C.
1-31 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8850 and MGX 8850/B Switches Figur e 1 -15 DC P EM Fac eplate For a DC-po wered system, the DC PEMs are inst alled at the back of the air in take plen um.
1-32 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 50 and MGX 8850 /B Sw itch es Exhaust Plenum The exhaus t plenum is installed abo ve the upper fan tra y (see Figure 1-9 for location).
1-33 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8850 and MGX 8850/B Switches MGX 8850.
1-34 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 89 50 Sw itch Figur e 1 -19 RCON-1T O3-8850 R CO N Connec tor T o install or remov e RCONs, see Installing or Remov ing Redundanc y Connectors, page 6-22 .
1-35 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8950 Swi tch • Is s hip ped i n on e of tw o con fi gurat ions : – Cisco cabin et conf iguration—All com ponents ar e shipped pre installed in a Cisco cab inet.
1-36 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 89 50 Sw itch MGX 8950 Card Comp artment The M GX 895 0 switch has 32 single -heigh t slots in a com partme nt ca rd cag e that holds c ards a nd module s.
1-37 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8950 Swi tch AC Power Supply Tray The.
1-38 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 89 50 Sw itch Figure 1-22 shows a clos e-up of the A C power supply fac eplate .
1-39 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8950 Swi tch Extender Card The extend er card was introduce d in Rel ease 5. It supp orts AX SM-XG c ards only .
1-40 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 89 50 Sw itch Air Intake and Exhaust Plenums The air intak e plenum is installed belo w the lo wer fan tray (see Figure 1-2 0 for loca tion).
1-41 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8950 Swi tch APS Ass embly For both e.
1-42 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 89 50 Sw itch Figure 1-26 sho ws an e xample of two back cards installed in an APS co nnector .
1-43 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8950 Swi tch Cable Management Assembl.
1-44 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 89 50 Sw itch DC Power Entry Modu .
1-45 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B S witch Lower and Upper Fan Trays Each fan tray h ouses nine fans that provide system cooling.
1-46 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830 /B Switch – Open.
1-47 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B S witch This secti.
1-48 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830 /B Switch Standard.
1-49 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B S witch • An optional A C powe r tray is located at the bottom of the chassis.
1-50 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830 /B Switch MGX 8830 Cards Supported Ta b l e 1 - 3 lists the cards supporte d in a MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B switch.
1-51 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B S witch • DC Pow.
1-52 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830 /B Switch APS Ass .
1-53 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B S witch Figure 1-37 shows a n examp le of two ba ck cards installe d in an APS con nector .
1-54 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830 /B Switch Cautio n.
1-55 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B S witch For a DC-po were d system, the DC PEMs are inst alled at the ba ck of the switc h.
1-56 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisco MGX 8830 or MGX 8830 /B Switch Figure 1-41 shows the fan tray . Figur e 1 -41 MGX 8830 or MG X 8830/B Switc h F an T ra y Cautio n If a fa n tray fails, replace it imm ediately .
1-57 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8880 Me dia Gateway MGX 8830/B Redundancy Connector The MG X 8830/B c hassis ha s optiona l 1:3 (RCO N-1to 3-8850) RC ONs for 1:N re dundancy whe n using MPSM-16- T1E1 car ds.
1-58 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 80 Me dia Ga tewa y The C isco .
1-59 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8880 Me dia Gateway Features and Benefits Ta b l e 1 - 9 lists the featur es and bene fits of the Cisco VXSM.
1-60 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 80 Me dia Ga tewa y MGX 8880 Card Comp artment The Cisco MG X 8880 gateway has 32 single-hei ght slots in a compa rtment ca rd cage that ho lds cards and modu les.
1-61 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8880 Me dia Gateway MGX 8880 Slot Assignments Ta b l e 1 - 3 describes mod ule slot assignme nt for the Cisco MG X 8880 Me dia Gateway .
1-62 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 80 Me dia Ga tewa y Figure 1-44 shows slot assi gnment s (rear view) for the Cisco MGX 8880 Me dia Gateway .
1-63 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8880 Me dia Gateway Figur e 1 -45 Exa.
1-64 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 80 Me dia Ga tewa y • RPM- XF—Dou ble- height front card and 2 GE, 2 POS ba ck car ds, and UI + back ca rds (e xisting modul e, with ne w back cards as of Re lease 4.
1-65 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8880 Me dia Gateway RPM- XF-51 2 Ma n.
1-66 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 80 Me dia Ga tewa y MGX 8880 Ha.
1-67 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8880 Me dia Gateway Figur e 1 -46 Har.
1-68 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 80 Me dia Ga tewa y AC Power Su.
1-69 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8880 Me dia Gateway Figure 1-48 shows a clos e-up of the A C power supply fac eplate .
1-70 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 80 Me dia Ga tewa y Note For A C power cord re quir ement s, see th e “Req uired T ools and E quip ment” se ction on p age 3-6 7 .
1-71 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8880 Me dia Gateway APS Ass embly For.
1-72 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 80 Me dia Ga tewa y For informat ion on APS software c onfiguration , refer to the soft ware configurat ion guide th at matche s your MG X switc h name a nd rele ase.
1-73 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 1 Product Overv iews Cisco MGX 8880 Me dia Gateway For more information abo ut DC power requirements, see th e “Po wer Requir ements” s ection on page 3-62 .
1-74 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overv iews Cisc o MGX 88 80 Me dia Ga tewa y As shipped , an MGX 8880 cha ssis could have up to six VXSM -4-155 or VXSM- 48T1E1 car ds in slot s 1 through 6.
C HA PTER 2-1 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 2 Illustrated Card List fo r MGX Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway MGX 88 50 (PXM 45) or MGX 88 50/B ( PXM45) Card Ov erview • MGX 895 0 release not es: http://www .
2-3 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway MGX 8850 (PXM45) or MGX 8850/B (PXM45) Card Ove rview FRSM-2CT3 MGX-FRSM-2CT3 Release 4.
2-4 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gate.
2-5 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway MGX 89 50 Ca rd O verv iew MGX 8950 Card Overview MGX 895 0 front cards an d compa tibl e back cards ar e lis ted in Ta b l e 1 - 3 .
2-6 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gate.
2-7 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media G.
2-8 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gate.
2-9 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media G.
2-10 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-11 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Faceplate Features Figure 2-1 shows an A USM facepla te.
2-12 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Ta b l e 2 - 9 describe s th e LEDs on the A USM ca rds.
2-13 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-14 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-15 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards • When you replace a n AXSM model that is in an APS conf iguration, be sure to replace it only with the same mode l.
2-16 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Faceplate Features Figure 2-2 shows an e xample of an AXSM facep late.
2-17 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Note Y o u can ide ntify the AXSM by the produ ct name silk-scre ened on t he facepl ate.
2-18 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-19 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-20 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-21 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Ta b l e 2 - 1 1 descri bes the LE Ds on the AXSM and AXSM-XG car ds.
2-22 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Figure 2-6 sh ows how redundant AXSM c ards c onnect t o stan dalone lines.
2-23 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Figure 2-8 sh ows ho w a single AXSM connects to redundant APS lines.
2-24 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s When the CESM is combined with a back card, a card set is created.
2-25 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Faceplate Features Figure 2-9 shows a CESM f aceplat e.
2-26 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Ta b l e 2 - 1 3 describes the LEDs on the CESM cards.
2-27 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-28 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-29 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Faceplate Features Figure 2-10 shows a FRSM-2 CT3 f acepl ate.
2-30 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Figure 2-11 s hows a FRSM -2T3E 3 facepla te.
2-31 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Figure 2-12 shows a f aceplate typica l of the FRSM-8E1, FRSM- 8T1, FRSM-8E1-C , or FRSM-8T1- C front ca rds.
2-32 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Figure 2-13 shows a FRSM-HS2/B f aceplate.
2-33 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Ta b l e 2 - 1 5 descri bes the LE Ds on th e FRSM cards.
2-34 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-35 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Faceplate Features Figure 2-14 shows a FRSM-12-T3E3 faceplate.
2-36 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Ta b l e 2 - 1 7 des cribes the LE Ds on th e FRS M-12-T3 E3s.
2-37 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Figure 2-15 shows how redundan t FRSM-1 2-T3E 3 cards conn ect to standa lone li nes.
2-38 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-39 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-40 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s The MPSM- T3E3- 155 card supp orts the fe ature s as summari zed in Ta b l e 2 - 1 9 .
2-41 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-42 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-43 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards The MPSM -16- T1E1 card suppo rts t he featu res as su mm arize d in Ta b l e 2 - 2 1 .
2-44 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-45 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-46 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s The PXM1E is pa rt of a c ard set th at cons ists of a PXM1 E, a user inte rface b ack car d , and an NNI / UNI port back card.
2-47 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards The PX M1E- 8-155 NN I/UNI back ca rds mu st be installe d in a n APS asse mbly to suppor t APS line redunda ncy .
2-48 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-49 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Figure 2-19 shows how redundant PXM1 Es conne ct to stand alone lines.
2-50 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Note In Figure 2-20 , the clock ports on the UI-S3 back ca rds mu st be Y -cable d.
2-51 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards ST A TUS Red The module is in Reset mode.
2-52 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s PXM1E-4-155 Figure 2-22 shows a PXM1E-4 -155 facepl ate.
2-53 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards PXM1E-8-155 Figure 2-23 shows a PXM1E-8 -155 facepl ate.
2-54 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s PXM1E-8-T3E3 Figure 2-24 sho ws a PX M1E-8-T3E3 fac eplate.
2-55 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards PXM1E-16-T1E1 Figure 2-25 show s a PX M1E-16- T 1E1 f aceplate.
2-56 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s PXM1E-COMB O Figure 2-26 shows a PXM1 E-COMBO f aceplate.
2-57 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-58 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s PXM45 Support on MGX 8950 The MGX 895 0 switc h was introduced with PXM45 /B, and ca n use the PXM4 5/B or PXM4 5/C card .
2-59 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Faceplate Features Figure 2-27 shows a PX M45 or PX M45/B fac eplate .
2-60 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Figure 2-28 shows a PXM45/C faceplate.
2-61 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Ta b l e 2 - 2 5 descri bes LEDs on the PXM4 5 card s.
2-62 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s The fo llowing module con figurati ons are sup ported fo r the PXM4 5: • Standalo ne.
2-63 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-64 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Faceplate Features Figure 2-29 shows an RPM-PR faceplate.
2-65 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Ta b l e 2 - 2 7 des cribe s the LEDs on th e R PM-PR .
2-66 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-67 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Faceplate Features Figure 2-30 s hows an RPM -XF face pla te.
2-68 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Ta b l e 2 - 2 8 des cribe s the LEDs on th e RP M-XF.
2-69 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-70 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-71 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Ta b l e 2 - 3 0 describes the LEDs on the SRM-3T3/C a nd SRME/B.
2-72 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Figure 2-32 shows an SRME faceplate.
2-73 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-74 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s On an MGX 8850 (PXM 1E or PXM45 ), the PX M card in sl ot 7 contro ls the SRM cards in slots 15 and 31.
2-75 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-76 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Figure 2-35 shows an SRME/B faceplate.
2-77 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-78 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-79 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Ta b l e 2 - 3 3 des cribe s the LEDs on t he VI SM-PRs.
2-80 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-81 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-82 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-83 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-84 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Faceplate Features Figure 2-38 shows the VXSM-155 faceplate Figur e 2-38 VXSM-155 F aceplat e .
2-85 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Figure 2-37 shows the VX SM-T1E1 f aceplate .
2-86 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Front Card s Figure 2-40 shows the VX SM-T3 face plate Figur e 2-40 VXSM-T3 F aceplat e .
2-87 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Ta b l e 2 - 3 6 describ es the LEDs on t he VXS M front cards .
2-88 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-89 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-90 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-91 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Front Cards Faceplate Features Figure 2-41 s hows the X M60 face pla te.
2-92 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-93 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds Back Cards for MGX 8950 Switches Ta b l e 2 - 4 1 provid es info rmat ion a bout e ach ba ck c ard in an MGX 8 950 sw itch.
2-94 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-95 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-96 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gat.
2-97 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media .
2-98 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards 12IN1-8S The 12 IN1-8S is an eight -port ba ck card that pro vides V .
2-99 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds BNC-2E3 The BNC- 2E3 is a two-p ort back card that pr ovi des E3 inter faces .
2-100 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards BNC-2T3 The BNC- 2T3 is a two-p ort back card that pr ovi des T3 inter faces .
2-101 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds BNC-3- T3E3 The BNC- 3-T3E 3 back card provi des three T3 interfa ces.
2-102 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards BNC-3T3-M The BNC-3T3- M is a b ack card t h at pro vides three T3 interf aces.
2-103 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-104 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards MCC-16-E1 The MCC-16-E1 is a back car d that pro vides 16 E1 interf aces using 32 E1 MCC connectors ( 16 transmit and 16 rece ive).
2-105 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-106 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards MGX-1GE The MGX -1GE is a single- port high -speed upl ink (Gi gabit Eth erne t) back ca rd.
2-107 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds Figur e 2-50 MGX-1GE F aceplate 1 LINK LED • Green —A link has bee n esta blishe d.
2-108 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards MGX-2GE Figure 2-51 shows the MG X-2GE f aceplate.
2-109 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds MGX-1 OC12PO S-IR The MGX- 1OC12POS -IR is a singl e-port high -speed upl ink (OC-12 PO S) back car d.
2-110 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards MGX-2 OC12PO S-IR Figure 2-53 shows the MG X-2OC12POS-I R face plate.
2-111 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-112 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards MGX-RJ48-8 E1 The M GX-RJ48- 8E1 is a sing le-h eight ba ck ca rd tha t provide s eigh t RJ-48 conne ctors for E1 lines.
2-113 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-114 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards Note Connecting to the auxiliar y port through a mod em is not supported.
2-115 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-116 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-117 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-118 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-119 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds PXM-HD The PXM-HD is a single- height bac k card that is installe d in the MGX 8850 ( PXM45) switch.
2-120 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-121 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds Figure 2-63 shows the PXM -UI-S3 back card f ace plate.
2-122 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards Figure 2-64 shows the PXM -UI-S3/ B back c ard f acepla te.
2-123 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds Note The control port has a def ault data rate of 9600 bps.
2-124 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-125 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds Note Figur e 2-66 does not show its bail latc hes.
2-126 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-127 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds RJ45-4E/B The RJ45-4E/ B is a ba ck c ard tha t provides four IE EE 80 2.
2-128 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-129 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-130 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-131 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds SCSI2-2H SSI/B The SCSI2 -2HSSI /B is a back car d that provides two unc hannel ized HSSI in terfaces.
2-132 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards SFP-2-155 The SFP-2-155 is a back card that provides two OC-3c/STM-1 interfaces operating at 155 M bps.
2-133 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds Figure 2-73 shows the SFP-2-155 fa ceplate.
2-134 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards SFP-8-155 The SFP-8-155 is a back card that provides eight OC-3c/STM-1 interfaces oper ating at 155 Mbps.
2-135 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds Figure 2-74 shows the SFP-8-155 fa ceplate.
2-136 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-137 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds SMB-4-155 The SMB-4 -155 is a back car d that provi des four OC-3c/STM -1 inte rfaces, ea ch ope rating at 155 Mbp s.
2-138 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards SMB-6-T3E3 The SMB-6- T3E3 is a sin gle -height back card tha t provi des si x T3 o r E3 inte rface s.
2-139 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-140 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards SMB-8E3 The SMB-8E3 is a back card that pro vides eight E3 interfac es.
2-141 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds SMB-8T3 The SMB-8T3 is a back card that pro vides eight T3 interfac es.
2-142 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-143 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-144 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-145 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-146 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-147 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-148 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-149 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-150 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-151 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-152 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-153 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media.
2-154 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
2-155 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds STM1-E L-1 The STM1- EL- 1 is a back card that provid es one STM 1 in terfac e.
2-156 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards T3E3-1 55 The T3E3-1 55 is a b ack card that pro vides eight T3/E3 interf aces and fo ur OC-3c interfaces.
2-157 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds Figure 2-95 shows the T3E3-15 5 faceplate.
2-158 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards VXSM-BC-4 -155 The VXSM-B C-4-15 5 card is a b ack card f or t he VX SM-4- 155 fr ont ca rd.
2-159 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds VXSM-BC-2 4-T1E1 The VXS M-BC-24 -T1E1 card is a bac k card fo r the VXSM- T1E1 fro nt card .
2-160 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Back Cards VXSM-BC -3T3 The VX SM-BC-3T 3 ca rd is a back card f or the VXSM-6 T3 fr ont car d.
2-161 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustr ated Card List for M GX Swi tches and the MG X 8880 Media Gateway Back Ca rds VXSM-BC -3T3 The VXSM -BC-3 T3 card is a back card for th e VXSM-T 3 front card .
2-162 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 2 Illustrated Card List for MG X Switches and the MGX 8880 Media Ga.
C HA PTER 3-1 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 3 Preparing for Installation This chapter lists the requirements for insta lling the Cisco MGX 8850, Cisco MGX 8850/B, Cisco MGX 8950, Cisco MG X 8830 and Cisco MGX 8830/ B switche s and their re lated co mpone nts.
3-2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Safety Requi rements Safety Requirements This se ction describe s saf ety re quirem ents f or the MGX 8850 and MG X 8 850/B sw itch.
3-3 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Safety Requirements War ni n g Never attempt to lift the chassis with the handles on the power suppli es, fan tray s, or the switching modules.
3-4 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Safety Requi rements War ni n g Read the installation instructi ons before you connect the sy stem to its power source.
3-5 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Safety Requirements War ni n g This unit might have more than one p ower supply connection; all connections must be removed completely for you to completely remove power from the u ni t.
3-6 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Safety Requi rements • Use the Cisco MGX A C and DC systems within the specif ications provide d by their marke d elec trical rati ngs a nd pr oduct u sage instru ctio ns.
3-7 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Safety Requirements Preventing E SD Damage Proper ESD prote ction is r equire d whenever you ha ndle Cisco equi pment.
3-8 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Safety Requi rements General Card Inst .
3-9 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Safety Requirements Figur e 3-1 Backplane Insp ection Check P oints • Inspect the card for irregular holes or off-cen ter pi n inse rtion prong s on th e co nnecto r (se e Figure 3-2 ).
3-10 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation How Cisco MG X Systems are Shipped Cautio n PXM45 con troller cards go in slots 7 and 8 on the MGX 885 0 (PXM45), MGX 8850/B (PX M45), or MGX 8950 switch .
3-11 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Require ments for the MGX 8850 or MGX 8850/B S witch Enviro nmental Re quiremen ts Proper op eratio n of an MGX 885 0 or MGX 885 0/B switch dep ends on a pro per environment .
3-12 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 8850 o.
3-13 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Require ments for the MGX 8850 or.
3-14 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 8850 o.
3-15 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Require ments for the MGX 8850 or.
3-16 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 8850 or M GX 8850/B Sw itch Enclosed racks must hav e adequate ventil ation.
3-17 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Require ments for the MGX 8850 or MGX 8850/B S witch Enclosed racks must hav e adequate ventil ation.
3-18 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 8850 o.
3-19 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Require ments for the MGX 8850 or.
3-20 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 8850 o.
3-21 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Require ments for the MGX 8850 or MGX 8850/B S witch AXSM -8-155-E 80 • MMF-4 -155/ C 21.
3-22 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 8850 or M GX 8850/B Sw itch • SMB-8E1 5 • R-SM B-8E 1 5 CESM-8 T1 a nd CES M-8T 1/ B 29.
3-23 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Require ments for the MGX 8850 or.
3-24 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 8850 or M GX 8850/B Sw itch • T3E3- 155 10 PXM45 or PXM45/B PXM45/C 101 121 • PXM-UI-S3 4 • PXM-HD 9 RPM- PR-256 44 • MMF-FE 3.
3-25 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Require ments for the MGX 8850 or.
3-26 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 8850 o.
3-27 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Require ments for the MGX 8850 or.
3-28 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 895 0 .
3-29 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for t he MGX 8950 Switch Enviro nmental Re quiremen ts Proper ope ratio n of the MGX 895 0 switch dep ends on a pro per en vironm ent.
3-30 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 895 0 Switch Vibration Ta b l e 3 - 9 descri bes the Cisco recommendatio ns for vibr ation cond itions.
3-31 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for t he MGX 8950 S.
3-32 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 895 0 Switch Plan so that th e rack accom modates yo ur needs .
3-33 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for t he MGX 8950 S.
3-34 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 895 0 Switch Figur e 3-7 Air Flow Thr ough Intak e and Exh a ust V ents for the MGX 8950 S witch Note Electrical eq uipmen t genera tes heat.
3-35 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for t he MGX 8950 Switch Power Req uirements The sys tem can accep t po wer fro m either an opti onal A C source (A C po wer supp ly tray) or a DC so urce (DC PEM).
3-36 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 895 0 Switch AC Power A C power is suppli ed to the MGX 8950 switch thro ugh the AC power supply tray .
3-37 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for t he MGX 8950 Switch DC Power DC power is supplie d to t he MG X 8950 swit ch thr ough one or two DC PEM s.
3-38 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 895 0 Switch • SMFXLR-1-9953 24 AXSM -4-622/ B 94.
3-39 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for t he MGX 8950 S.
3-40 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for th e MGX 895 0 .
3-41 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for a MGX 8830 or M.
3-42 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for a MG X 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Switch Enviro nmental Re quiremen ts Proper ope ratio n of the MGX 883 0 switch dep ends on a pro per en vironm ent.
3-43 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for a MGX 8830 or M.
3-44 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for a MG X 8830 or .
3-45 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for a MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch The M GX 88 30 or MG X 8830 /B swi tch a nd co mponen ts fit i n ei ther a 19- inch (48.
3-46 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for a MG X 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Switch Temperature, Altitude, and Humi dity The sys tem can tol era te a wi de ran ge of te mper atu res.
3-47 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for a MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch Enclosed racks must hav e adequate ventil ation.
3-48 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for a MG X 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Switch AC Power A C po wer so urces must be de dicated A C branch circu its.
3-49 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for a MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch DC power so urce s must b e de dicat ed DC bran ch c ircuits .
3-50 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for a MG X 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Switch CESM-8 T1/B 29.
3-51 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for a MGX 8830 or M.
3-52 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for a MG X 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Switch • MMF-FE 3. 03 • RJ45- 4E/B 1.
3-53 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requirem ents for a MGX 8830 or M.
3-54 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requireme nts for a MG X 8830 or .
3-55 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requi rements for the MGX 8880 Me.
3-56 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requirem ents fo r the MGX 88 80 Media Ga teway Enviro nmental Re quiremen ts Proper o pera tion o f the MGX 8880 M edia G ateway depen ds on a pro per environment .
3-57 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requi rements for the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Vibration Ta b l e 3 - 2 3 descr ibes the Cisco reco mmenda tions f or vibr ation c onditio ns.
3-58 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requirem ents fo r the MGX 88 80 .
3-59 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requi rements for the MGX 8880 Media Gateway Note In a central off ice (CO) and p ri vate ente rpris e (PE) en vironment, th e total am ount o f rack space shou ld not exceed 42 RUs.
3-60 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requirem ents fo r the MGX 88 80 Media Ga teway Temperature, Altitude, and Humi dity The syste m ca n to lerate a w ide r ange of t emp eratur es .
3-61 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requi rements for the MGX 8880 Me.
3-62 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requirem ents fo r the MGX 88 80 .
3-63 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requi rements for the MGX 8880 Media Gateway AC Power A C power is suppl ied to the MG X 8880 Media Gateway through the AC power supply tray .
3-64 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requirem ents fo r the MGX 88 80 Media Ga teway DC Power DC power is supp lied to the M GX 88 80 Media Gateway throu gh one or two DC PE Ms.
3-65 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requi rements for the MGX 8880 Media Gateway • SMFLR-1-622/C 12 AXSM -4-622/ B 94.
3-66 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requirem ents fo r the MGX 88 80 Media Ga teway • RJ45-FE 3.
3-67 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Site Requi rements for the MGX 8880 Me.
3-68 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Site Requirem ents fo r the MGX 88 80 .
3-69 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 Preparing for Ins tallation Rack-Mo unting R equir ements Rack-Mou.
3-70 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 3 P reparing for Installation Verifying Co ntents If any damage or other sign s of mish andli ng are evident, i nform b oth the lo cal frei ght carri er and Cisc o before unpack ing.
C HA PTER 4-1 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 4 Planning for Card Redundancy, Line Redundancy, and Bulk Distrib ution This ch apte r descr ibes how to plan for card r edund ancy , line redunda ncy , and bulk distribution on MGX switche s.
4-2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundanc y, Line Redu ndancy, and Bulk Distr ibu.
4-3 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundan cy, Line Redunda ncy, and B ulk Distribu.
4-4 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundanc y, Line Redu ndancy, and Bulk Distr ibu.
4-5 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundan cy, Line Redunda ncy, and B ulk Distribu.
4-6 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundanc y, Line Redu ndancy, and Bulk Distr ibu.
4-7 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundan cy, Line Redunda ncy, and B ulk Distribu.
4-8 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundanc y, Line Redu ndancy, and Bulk Distr ibu.
4-9 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundan cy, Line Redunda ncy, and B ulk Distribu.
4-10 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundanc y, Line Redu ndancy, and Bulk Distr ib.
4-11 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundan cy, Line Redunda ncy, and B ulk Distrib.
4-12 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundanc y, Line Redu ndancy, and Bulk Distr ib.
4-13 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundan cy, Line Redunda ncy, and B ulk Distrib.
4-14 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundanc y, Line Redu ndancy, and Bulk Distr ib.
4-15 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundan cy, Line Redunda ncy, and B ulk Distrib.
4-16 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundanc y, Line Redu ndancy, and Bulk Distr ibution Planning for Standalone and Redun dant Line Configuratio ns Figure 4-8 sh ows how a standalone AXSM con nects to redund ant l ines.
4-17 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundan cy, Line Redunda ncy, and B ulk Distrib.
4-18 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundanc y, Line Redu ndancy, and Bulk Distr ibution Planning for Standalone and Redun dant Line Configuratio ns Back card and line fault tolerance is pro vided by inter card APS.
4-19 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundan cy, Line Redunda ncy, and B ulk Distrib.
4-20 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundanc y, Line Redu ndancy, and Bulk Distr ib.
4-21 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundan cy, Line Redunda ncy, and B ulk Distrib.
4-22 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 4 Planning for Card Redundanc y, Line Redu ndancy, and Bulk Distr ib.
C HA PTER 5-1 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 5 Installing the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway This chapte r describe.
5-2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 8850.
5-3 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 88.
5-4 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 8850.
5-5 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 88.
5-6 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 8850.
5-7 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 88.
5-8 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 8850.
5-9 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 88.
5-10 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-11 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-12 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM 45) Swi tch, MGX 8850 /B or MGX 888 0 Media Gate way Step 4 Use a wrench t o tigh ten a n ut ont o the threaded studs .
5-13 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-14 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-15 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-16 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM 45) Swi tch, MGX 8850 /B or MGX 888 0 Media Gate way Figure 5-8 sh ows a front view of the mounti ng rails.
5-17 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-18 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-19 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-20 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-21 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-22 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-23 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-24 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-25 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-26 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-27 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-28 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-29 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-30 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-31 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-32 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-33 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-34 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-35 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-36 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-37 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-38 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-39 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-40 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-41 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-42 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-43 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-44 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM 45) Swi tch, MGX 8850 /B or MGX 888 0 Media Gate way War ni n g Do not touch the power supply when the power cord is connected.
5-45 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8.
5-46 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM 45) Swi tch, MGX 8850 /B or MGX 888 0 Media Gate way Step 9 Attac h the othe r end of the w ire from Step 7 to th e DC sourc e.
5-47 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing th e MGX 8850 (PXM1E/PXM45) Switch, MGX 8850/B or MGX 8880 Media Ga teway Connect the MP Connection Note This step is optional.
5-48 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the MGX 885.
5-49 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch Note Re fer to the app ropria te software con figuration guide for your sw itch and you r releas e to configure general switch feature s.
5-50 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-51 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8.
5-52 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX 89 50 S witch Installation Pro cedures Cautio n The swi tch should not recei ve po wer while you install c omponents.
5-53 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch Note Th ese inst ructions ar e spec ific to a Cisco-suppl ied cabi net, but can be us ed for an chorin g a Cisco-suppl ied r ack.
5-54 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-55 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8.
5-56 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-57 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch Step 4 Use a wrench t o tigh ten a n ut ont o the threaded studs .
5-58 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-59 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8.
5-60 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX 89 50 S witch Figure 5-37 sho ws a fr ont vi e w of t he mou nting r ails.
5-61 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch —If the rack is provided with stabilizing devices, in stall t he stabilizers before mounting or servicing the unit in the rack.
5-62 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-63 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch Step 2 Position th e A C power supply tray , wh ich occupi es 3 R Us of space , at the bott om of the co nfigurati on or rack.
5-64 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX 89 50 S witch Install the Air Intake Plenum Com ple te th e fo ll owing ste ps to inst al l the ai r int ake pl en um .
5-65 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch Ensure th at the a ir flow directi on arrow on the bac k of the lower fan tray i s point ing up, as shown in Figure 5-40 .
5-66 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-67 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch Figu re 5-41 Front Card Ex trac tor Lever Step 6 Pull the extrac tor lever(s) to discon nect the fr ont card fr om t he mi dplane .
5-68 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-69 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch War ni n g T wo people are required to lift the chassi s.
5-70 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX 89 50 S witch Step 1 Place th e edge of the back card in th e al ignment sl ot of the APS c o nnector (see Ta b l e 1 - 6 f or part numbers) .
5-71 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch Figur e 5-43 T wo Back Car ds in the MGX-APS-CON -8950Connec tor Step 4 Position the APS assembly in the approp riate card slots.
5-72 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-73 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch Step 8 Repeat Step 2 through Step 7 for each back card that y ou are r einstalling in the ch assis.
5-74 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX 89 50 S witch Note Some cards hav e an “insertion delay latch” that need s to be raised before closing the e xtractor le ver .
5-75 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch War ni n g Never attempt to lift the chassis with the handles on the power suppli es, fan tray s, or the switching modules.
5-76 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX 89 50 S witch Install the Upper Fan Tray Com ple te th e fo llowi ng step s to inst al l the upp er fa n tra y .
5-77 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8.
5-78 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-79 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8.
5-80 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-81 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8.
5-82 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-83 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch Figure 5-49 shows the A C Inter connect Cable Con nection s for Power Supply A (PSA) in T r ay #1 and Po wer Supply B (PSB) in T ray #2.
5-84 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-85 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8.
5-86 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-87 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8.
5-88 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-89 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8.
5-90 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX 89 50 S witch The CP conn ection ca n also be set up through a t erminal server , as show n in Figure 5-56 .
5-91 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch War ni n g Do not touch the power supply when the power cord is connected.
5-92 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX 89 50 S witch Figur e 5-59 AC P ow er Supply T ra y Cable (Int er national) Step 2 T wist the p lug clockwise to secur e.
5-93 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8.
5-94 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-95 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch Step 11 Attach the end of the wire (from Step 10 ) with t he ri ng or space lug to th e –4 8 VDC, as sh own in Figure 5-62 .
5-96 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Instal ling t he M GX .
5-97 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Instal ling the MGX 8950 S witch Connect th e LAN 1 port on t he PXM-U I-S3 or PXM-UI -S3/B to a hub or router .
5-98 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 88.
5-99 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 88.
5-100 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8.
5-101 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch Installation Pro cedures Cautio n The switc h should not receive po w er while you install the comp onents.
5-102 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8.
5-103 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8.
5-104 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8.
5-105 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8.
5-106 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Swi tch Step 4 Use a wrench t o tigh ten a n ut ont o the threaded studs .
5-107 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8.
5-108 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8.
5-109 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch Install the AC Power Supply Tr ay(s) Com ple te th e fo llowi ng s te ps to i nst al l t he AC power su ppl y tra y(s ).
5-110 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8.
5-111 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8.
5-112 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Swi tch Cautio n A rock ing mot ion d uring connec tor m ating can be nd or d amag e the A PS con nector p ins.
5-113 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch War ni n g Never attempt to lift the chassis with the handles on the power suppli es, fan tray s, or the switching modules.
5-114 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Swi tch Reinst all the APS As sembly Com ple te th e fo llowi ng step s to rein sta ll t he APS a sse mb ly .
5-115 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8.
5-116 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8.
5-117 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch Step 9 Install b lank fa ceplates ove r any empty slots.
5-118 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8.
5-119 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8.
5-120 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Swi tch Figure 5-73 shows the m id-moun ting bra ckets atta ched to the swi tch for a 19-inc h rack .
5-121 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch Step 2 Use a lif t to raise the switch to the d esired position.
5-122 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Swi tch Step 6 Use the 10-32 truss head scre ws to secure t he switch to the rea r-mountin g brack ets.
5-123 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch If you are using A C power , com plete t he following st eps to conn ect the AC po wer s upply tray to th e MGX 8830 swi tch.
5-124 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Swi tch Step 6 Repeat Step 1 through Step 5 with the o ther AC power suppl y cab le to con nect t he secon d AC power supply .
5-125 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8.
5-126 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Swi tch The CP conn ection ca n also be set up through a t erminal server , as show n in Figure 5-79 .
5-127 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch Connect A C Power to the Switch Complete the follo wing steps to connect A C po wer to the switch.
5-128 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8.
5-129 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch Figur e 5-82 Po laritie s at the M G X 8830 PE M Pluggable T er minal Block Step 4 Locat e the wiri ng blo ck fo r TB1 .
5-130 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Swi tch Step 8 If you have a redundant DC PEM i nstalled in y our MG X 8830, repea t Step 1 thr ough Step 7 for th e second DC PEM.
5-131 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the MGX 8830 or MGX 8830/B Switch Connect the MP Connection Note This step is optional.
5-132 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the MGX 8830 or MGX 88 30/B Swi tch Connect the LAN1/2 Ports Note This step is optional.
5-133 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the Ferri.
5-134 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the Ferr .
5-135 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway Installing the Ferri.
5-136 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng the Ferr ite Bead on Ribbon Conne ctors If the fe rrite bead is closed, pla ce the bead on a flat surf ace.
5-137 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway First Time Power On .
5-138 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway First Time Pow er On Procedur e for MGX Swit ches General Pow er On Seque nce and C hecko ut The gene ral proc edure includ es these st eps: 1.
5-139 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 Installing the Cisco M GX Switch or G ateway First Time Power On Procedu re for MGX Switches Step 5 Insert i n the ba ck cards a nd cons ole port cable for the pr imary PX M contr oller ca rd.
5-140 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 5 In stalling the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway First Time Pow er On .
C HA PTER 6-1 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 6 Maintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway This c hapter contai .
6-2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Swapping a Pri mary or.
6-3 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Swapping a Primary o.
6-4 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Removing and Instal li.
6-5 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Removing and Install.
6-6 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Removing and Instal ling t he Dou ble-Hei ght Fro nt Ca rds Step 2 Push do wn on the plastic le ver .
6-7 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Removing and Install.
6-8 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Removing and Installi .
6-9 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Removing and Installing the Back Cards Step 5 Gently pul l the front card out of the card cage.
6-10 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Removing and Instal ling t he Bac k Card s Cautio n Proper ESD prote ction is r equire d whenever you ha ndle Cisco equi pment.
6-11 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Removing and Installing the Back Cards Step 5 Pull e ve nly on the two ex tractor le vers to remo ve th e back card from the car d cage.
6-12 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Removing and Ins tall.
6-13 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Replaci ng the Air .
6-14 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Removing the Center Guide Modul es The MGX 885 0 (PXM1 E/PXM4 5), MGX 8850/B and MGX 8950 switch each use a stand ard plen um.
6-15 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Remov ing t he Ce n.
6-16 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Removing the Center G.
6-17 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Connec ting the Ba ck Cards to th e APS Connector Figur e 6-9 Guide Module Supp ort Brac ket Step 6 Slide th e cente r guide module carefu lly from th e ca rd cage.
6-18 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Connecting t he Back .
6-19 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Installing the APS .
6-20 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installing the APS As.
6-21 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Rem oving the B ack.
6-22 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng or Remov .
6-23 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Install ing or R em.
6-24 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng or Remov ing Redund ancy Con nector s Step 8 Restore p ower to the MG X 8850/ B.
6-25 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Install ing or R em.
6-26 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng or Remov .
6-27 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Installing and Remo.
6-28 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng and Rem o.
6-29 Cisco MGX 8800/89 00 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 Maintaining th e Cisco MGX Swi tch or Gatew ay Installing and Removing the AXSM-XG Extender Connector Figur e 6-17 MGX8950-EXTDR -CON Assembly Step 5 T i ghten the f our m ounting s crews.
6-30 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Chapter 6 M aintaining the Cisco MGX Switch or Gateway Installi ng and Rem oving t he AXSM -XG Ext ender Connector Step 3 Sa ve the ex tend er conn ector and hardwa re for possi ble fu ture us e with MG X 8950 sw itche s.
A- 1 Cisco MGX 8800/8 900 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 APPEND IX A Front Card Specifications This append ix provides tec hnical spe.
A- 2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Single-Hei ght Service Mo dule Spe cificatio ns Single-Height Servi.
A-3 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix PXM1E Sp ecifications PXM1E Specifications Ta b l e A - 3 list s the phys ical and tec hnical spe cifications for the PXM1 E, the use r interface back car d, and th e NNI /UNI back ca rd.
A- 4 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix PXM1E Sp ecifica tions Proce ssor clock s peed an d memory specific.
A-5 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix PXM45 Sp ecificat ions PXM45 Specifications Ta b l e A - 4 l ists the physica l and tech nical specificati ons for the PXM45 , the us er inter face bac k card , and the PXM-HD back card.
A- 6 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix PXM45 Spec ification s Proce ssor clock s peed an d memory specific.
A-7 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix RPM-PR Specif icati ons RPM-PR Specifications Ta b l e A - 5 lists t he physical spec ifications for the RPM-PRs.
A- 8 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix RPM-XF Speci fications RPM-XF Specifications Ta b l e A - 6 lists t he physical spec ifications for the RPM-XF s. SRM Specifications Ta b l e A - 7 list s the physica l specifications for the SRMs.
A-9 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix SRM Sp ecifi cations W ei ght for SRMs 1.
A-10 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix SRM S pecifications.
B-1 Cisco MGX 8800/8 900 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 APPEND IX B Cable Specifications This a ppendix pr ovides ca ble requ irement.
B-2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Notes ab out Cables and Conne ctors Cable and Conn ector Namin g Conv entions The suffix to the model num ber indi cate s the length of the cabl e.
B-3 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Contr ol and Cloc k Cab ling Standard Cisco MGX 89 50 Cab les The stan dard cabl es that Cisco can supply for th e Cisco MG X 8950 syste m appear in Ta b l e B - 2 .
B-4 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Control and Clo ck Cabling Note Th e PXM- UI-S3 /B user inte rface c ard doe s not h ave a maint enanc e port .
B-5 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Contr ol and Cloc k Cab ling Null Modem Cable Figure B-1 shows a n.
B-6 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Control and Clo ck Cabling The PX M-UI-S3 or PX M-UI-S 3/B ca rds go into sl ots 1 a nd 2 for th e MGX 8830 a nd M GX 88 30/B switch es.
B-7 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Contr ol and Cloc k Cab ling Note Make sure tha t the 100-o hm termination is selected when you conf igure th e clocks fo r T1.
B-8 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Control and Clo ck Cabling Figur e B-2 Optional RJ-45 to Wire-w rap Note Th e eigh t pi ns of th e ad apter are marked and h ave a one-to- one cor rel ation to the eight line s on t he R J-45 conn ector .
B-9 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Externa l Alarm Cabling Step 3 Use a wir e-wra pping tool to wr ap the sh ield dr ain wir e to the ground pin (pin 3 or 6) of the ada pter .
B-10 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix External Alarm Cabling Alarm Connector Pin Assignments Ta b l e B - 8 de scribe s the Alarm connecto r pin a s signme nts for the d iff erent M GX multis ervice s witches .
B-11 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Power C abling Pin States for Each Alarm State Ta b l e B - 1 0 summ arize s whic h pins a re o pen ( open circ uit) and whi ch pi ns are c losed (short c ircuit ) for each a larm s tate.
B-12 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Power Cablin g AC Power Cablin g—MGX 8850 (P XM1E /PXM 45), MGX 88 50/B an d MGX 8 880 W e provid e a 6-foo t (1.8-me te r) A C power cord for an A C-powered system.
B-13 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Power C abling DC Power Cabling Ta b l e B - 1 3 list s DC power cabl e and conn ector recom menda tions for ea ch MG X swi tch an d medi a gate way system.
B-14 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Redundanc y Y-Cable DC Power Connecti ons For the MGX 8850 (PX M1E/.
B-15 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Redun dan cy Y-C abl e Y Cables fo r MGX 8 950 Ta b l e B - 1 5 lists the Y -cables used with various Cisco MGX 8950 cards.
B-16 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Trunk Ca bling Trunk Cabling This sect ion provide s informa tion ab out T3 and E3 trunk cabl ing .
B-17 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Frame Relay C abling See Ta b l e B - 1 9 f or detai ls on SM B pin functi ons. Frame Relay Cabling This secti on descri bes the ca bling and connec tor pin ass ignments fo r the Fra me Relay ca rds.
B-18 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Frame Rela y Cabling See Ta b l e B - 2 1 for pin assi gnme nts for the RJ-4 8C T1 and E1 connector . Note T ransmit direction is to ward the T1 trunk.
B-19 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Frame Relay C abling E1 Cabling E1 trunk cable s conne ct th e custom er D SX-1 c ross-conne ct po int or E1 CSU t o the M GX swit ch at t he FRSM E1 ba ck card (SMB -8E1 ).
B-20 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Frame Rela y Cabling T able B-25 V .
B-21 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Frame Relay C abling Each ca ble ca n ha ve a mal e or female connec tor at the f ar end.
B-22 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Illustrated Cable Guide MGX-SCS I2-2HSSI/B Port Co nnectors The Hig.
B-23 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Illustrated Cable Guide List of Cable s by F ront and B ack Ca rd Type Ta b l e B - 3 0 list s ca bles by front and b ack card t ypes.
B-24 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Illustrated Cable Guide PXM 1 E- 8- T3 E3 PXM - UI - S3 / B D B 15(.
B-25 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Illustrated Cable Guide PXM 1 E- T3 E 3 - 1 5 5 PXM - UI - S3 / B.
B-26 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Illustrated Cable Guide AXSM - 1- 2488 S M F S R - 1- 2488 SM F L R.
B-27 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Illustrated Cable Guide AXSM - 16- 155 M M F - 8- 155- MT MG X - .
B-28 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Illustrated Cable Guide AXSM - 16- T 3 E3 SM B- 8- T 3 SM B( M) t o.
B-29 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Illustrated Cable Guide AXSM - 16- T3 E 3 / BS M B - 8- T3 SM B( .
B-30 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Illustrated Cable Guide AXSM - 16- T3 E 3 - ES M B - 8- T3 SM B( M).
B-31 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Illustrated Cable Guide FR S M - 12- T 3 E3 SM B- 6- T 3 E3 SM B(.
B-32 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Illustrated Cable Guide MG X - S R ME MG X - SM F I R- 1- 155 M G X.
B-33 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Illustrated Cable Guide AX- CE SM - 8 E1 AX- SM B- 8E 1 S M B ( M.
B-34 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Illustrated Cable Guide AX- FR S M - 8E 1- C AX- SM B- 8E 1 S M B (.
B-35 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Illustrated Cable Guide List of Cables Illustrated in this Appendix Ta b l e B - 3 1 lists the cables that are illustra ted in the remainder of this appendix .
B-36 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Illustrated Cable Guide CAB- MMF- LC Figur e B-8 CAB-MMF -LC (Multi.
B-37 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Illustrated Cable Guide CAB-RBBN-16T1E1-Y The CA B-RBBN-1 6T1E1-Y cable is u sed on the RBBN -16-T1E 1 ba ck card. Y ou ne ed two cable s per back car d, one T X and one R X.
B-38 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Illustrated Cable Guide CAB-SMFIR -LC Figu re B-12 CAB-S MFIR -LC (.
B-39 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Illustrated Cable Guide CAB-SMFIR -LC-Y Figur e B-13 CAB-SMFIR-LC-Y (72-1 931 -01 ) Cable CAB-SMFLR- LC See Fi gur e B-12 on page B-38 .
B-40 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Illustrated Cable Guide.
C-1 Cisco MGX 8800/8 900 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 APPEND IX C Earthing and Bon ding Recommendations Note Th is appe ndix appl i.
C-2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix EC [3] De finitions • Required values of volta ge and resistan ce .
C-3 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix EC [3] Definitions K.
C-4 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix EC [3] De finitions Mesh-IB N A type of IBN in wh ich the comp onents o f the I BN (equ ipment fram es) ar e inter conne cted to form a me sh-l ike stru ctur e.
C-5 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Bonding Networks Figure C-1 shows examples o f star and mesh to pologies.
C-6 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Bondin g Network s The purpos e of a BN i s to shiel d pe ople a nd e quip ment f rom t he adverse effects of elec troma gneti c energy from DC to low RF range.
C-7 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Bonding Networks Equipm ent bac kplane speeds are in the category ab ove 800 MHz. Beca use the de sign must antici pate the wor st cas e scenar io, co ncern s about RF damag e are much great er .
C-8 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Bondin g and Ground ing the Cis co MGX System 6. The co upling of su rges into indo or signa l or power cabli ng is r educe d, in genera l, by run ning the cables in close prox imity to CBN elem ents.
C-9 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Bonding a nd Groundin g the Cisc o MGX System Except for the AC po we r supply modu les, every module in a rack -mount system use s the rack fo r groundi ng.
C-10 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Bondin g and Ground ing the Cis co MGX System Figur e C-2 Mix ed Ground ing Sys te m T able C-1 Ground P oint Descr iptions f or Mix ed Gr ounding Connection Description Z1 –48 VDC retu rn.
C-11 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Append ix Bonding a nd Groundin g the Cisc o MGX System As Figure C-2 shows, the non-i solated system has a 48-VDC return that internally connects to the backpl ane.
C-12 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix Bondin g and Ground ing the Cis co MGX System Note Ta b l e C - 3 is for re fer ence, it is r ecom mended that you u se 6 gauge or g reater .
D- 1 Cisco MGX 8800/8 900 Series Hardware Installation Gui de Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 APPEND IX D Guide to Transceivers (SFPs) Used with MGX Back Cards This append ix lists the small form-factor pluggable (SFP) tran sceiv ers that are used in MGX products, and th e back cards t hey are us ed with .
D- 2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2 , Part Number OL-4 545-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Appendix SMF-4-2 488-SFP 10- 1421-03 SMFSR- 1-2488 -SFP 13 00 Sing le-mode 2K LC 10-1742- 01 SMFLR-1-24 88-SFP 13 00 Single-m ode 40K LC 10-1591- 01 SMFXLR-1- 2488- SFP 1550 Single-m ode 80 K LC 1.
GL-1 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 GLOSSAR Y A AC Alterna ting current AIS Alarm in dicat ion si gnal APS Auto.
Glos sary GL-2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 CP Console port o r con trol port CSU Channel servic e unit CWM Cisco W AN Manage r , the M GX m ultiservi ce switc h network manage ment sy stem.
Glossary GL-3 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 I IOS Internet operati ng system IP Intern et pro tocol K kpps kil.
Glos sary GL-4 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 nm nanome ter NNI Netwo rk-to-netw ork interf ace O OC Optical Car.
Glossary GL-5 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 SETS Synchronous eq uipment timing sour ce SFP Small fo rm-fact or plug gable SLIP Serial lin e interface pro tocol SM Servic e module SMB Sub-miniature BNC SMFIR Single-mode fiber, intermediate- reach.
Glos sary GL-6 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gu ide Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 V V.21 An ITU- T modem protoc ol for 300 bits p er seco nd t wo-wire full-dupl ex commun icati ons using Frequency Shif t Keying modulation.
IN-1 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 INDEX Numerics 1 to 1 redunda nt card configur ation guid eline s 4-5 3-in-.
Index IN-2 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006 AXSM car d compatibilit y 4-19 AXSM-XG LEDs 2-21 used w ith exte nder.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 Back Ca rds f or MGX 8880 M edia Gate way 2-96 Back Ca rds for MGX 8.
Index IN-4 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006 converti ng sing le-heig ht slots to doub le-he ight slots on MGX 883.
Inde x IN-5 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 PXM1E-8-155 2-53 PXM1E -8-T3 E3 2-54 PXM1 E-CO MBO 2-56 PXM1E p roce.
Index IN-6 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006 install ation se quence, differ ence s betwee n MGX 8850 an d MGX 8880 5-4, 5-12 Inverse Multiplexing ov er ATM (IMA) configuratio n 4-21 K K.
Inde x IN-7 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 DC PEM 5-33 DC power 5-44 environm ental requirem ents 3-11 fan t ra.
Index IN-8 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006 MP po rt o n PXM -UI-S 3 5-47 MPSM licensi ng 1-15 slot assignments 1.
Inde x IN-9 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 overvi ew 4-1 planning for card and l ine re dundanc y 4-1 Y-cabl e B-14 redunda ncy con nector ali gnmen t pins on MGX 88 80 5-5 redund ant connec tor.
Index IN- 10 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006 stability p late MGX 8830 3-43 MGX 8850 3-12 MGX 8880 3-56 MGX 8950.
Inde x IN- 11 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 Se ries Hardware Installation Gui d e Releases 2 - 5.2, P art Number OL-45 45-01, Rev. H0, May 2006 MGX 885 0 compon ents 3-11 MGX 888 0 compon ents 3-55, 3-56 MGX 89.
Index IN- 12 Cisco MGX 8800/8900 S eries Ha rdware Installa tion Guide Releases 2 - 5. 2, Part Number OL-4545-01 , Rev. H0, May 2006.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco Systems MGX 8800 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco Systems MGX 8800 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco Systems MGX 8800 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco Systems MGX 8800 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco Systems MGX 8800 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco Systems MGX 8800 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco Systems MGX 8800 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco Systems MGX 8800. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco Systems MGX 8800 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.