Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 5.4.x des Produzenten Cisco Systems
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Americas Headquarters Cisco System s, Inc . 170 West Tasm an Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA http://www .cisco .com Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS ( 6387) Fax: 408 527-0883 User Guide fo r Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.
iii User Guide fo r Cisco Di gital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 CONTENTS PART 1 Manage Platform Service s CHAPTER 1 Administ ration Over view 1-1 Concept s 1-1 Glossar y 1-2 Logica l Port s That C.
Cont ent s iv User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Refere nce 3-6 Automa ticall y Lic ensed Featur es on Cisco DMS App liances and E ndpoi nts 3-6 Option al Mod ule Li censes .
Content s v User Guide fo r Cisco Di gital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Glossar y 8-2 Underst and the Requireme nt to Aut hentica te User s 8-9 Decide Whi ch Auth enticat ion Method to Use 8-10 LD.
Cont ent s vi User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Elem ents to U se LD AP Bo okma rks fo r Syn chron izat ion 8-49 Elem ents to Sc hedu le S ynchr onizat ion 8-50 Elem ents t.
Content s vii User Guide fo r Cisco Di gital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Global Even t Categ ories 10-3 DMP Event Cat egori es 10-3 Failov er C luste r Eve nt C atego ries 10-4 WAAS Event Cat ego.
Cont ent s viii User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Limit Yo ur Use of Manual Registr ation 12-1 1 General Best Pract ices for Non-Medi anet Auto registr ation 12-1 1 Best Pr.
Content s ix User Guide fo r Cisco Di gital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 FAQs 13-1 0 CHAPTER 14 Configur e DMP Wi- Fi Sett ings 14-1 Concept s 14-1 Glossar y 14-1 ASCII Pas sphra ses and Hexa deci.
Cont ent s x User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Define or Edit DMP Output Sett ings f or A/V 15-2 3 Delete DMP Output Se ttings f or A/V 15-25 Use Simpl e Menus to Co ntrol A/V Settings 15-26 Refere nce 15-29 Video an d Audio Sign al Int erfaces 15-30 Support ed Touc hscreen Dr iver s in Cisco DMS 5.
Content s xi User Guide fo r Cisco Di gital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Underst and HTTP ‘HEAD’ Reque st Timeout 17-7 Proced ures 17-1 0 Work with As sets an d Categori es in Your Media Libra.
Cont ent s xii User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 DMS-CD Restr iction s 19-1 2 CIFS R estri ctions 19-13 ACNS Restri ctio ns 19-13 ECDS Rest rict ions 19-1 3 Exam ple Sce na.
Content s xiii User Guide fo r Cisco Di gital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Proced ures 20-1 1 Work with Ch annel s Generall y 20-11 View and Fi lter Channels 20-12 Add a Channe l 20-1 3 Tag a Chan.
Cont ent s xiv User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Expo rt a R eport 21-9 View Prev ious Re ports 21-10 Use the Pr oof of Pl ay Dashboa rd 21-10 Refere nce 21-10 FAQs and Tro.
Content s xv User Guide fo r Cisco Di gital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Codec Rest ric tions 24-2 Proced ures 24-2 Add Channe ls 24-3 Edit C hann els 24-4 Reassi gn Channel Numbers 24-5 Delete Ch.
Cont ent s xvi User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 User P ermiss ions R estri ctions 26-2 Underst and EPG Dat a Formats 26-2 XMLTV 26-2 Tribun e Media Servi ces 26-3 Underst .
Content s xvii User Guide fo r Cisco Di gital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Start Se rvic es 28-5 Config ure URL Pa rameters 28-5 Enable IP Phone Autore gist ration 28-6 Define IP Phone S ervi ce A.
Cont ent s xviii User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05.
P AR T 1 Manage Platf orm S ervices.
C HAPTER 1-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 1 Administration Overview Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 1-1 • Procedur es, pag e 1-4 •.
1-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 Admin istration Overview Concepts Glossary T imesaver Go to terms that start wi th... [ A | D ]. Logical Po rts That Cis co DMS Compon ents Use Make sure to keep these logical por ts open to traff ic exchanged amon g Cisco DMS compon ents.
1-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 Administrati on Overview Concep ts Legen d DMM=Di gital Media Manager DMP=Digital Media Playe r 443 Adm in Client D MP N .
1-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 Admin istration Overview Procedures Procedures • Learn Y our DM M Appliance Ser ial Numbe r , pa ge 1-6 • Start DMS-Admin, page 1-5 Log in to DMM Proc edure Step 1 Point your browser at your DMM applianc e.
1-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 Administrati on Overview Proc edure s Start DMS-Admin Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM. Proc edure Step 1 Click Administra tion on th e land ing pa ge. What h appens n ext depends on what ha ppen ed befo re.
1-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 Admin istration Overview Procedures Learn Your DM M App liance Serial Nu mber Caution Y o u cannot obt ain any Cisco DM S software feat ure licenses u ntil you know your DMM a ppliance seri al number .
1-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 Administrati on Overview Refere nce Step 3 Click Update . Step 4 Stop. Y ou have completed this procedur e. Reference • F A Qs and Troubleshooting, page 1-7 FAQs an d Troubles hooting • F A Qs, pa ge 1-7 FAQs Q.
1-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 Admin istration Overview Reference.
C HAPTER 2-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 2 Administration Dashboard Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 2-1 • Procedur es, pag e 2-5 Co.
2-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 2 Administratio n Dashboa rd Concepts These are the da shbo ard gaug es. The Failover Cluster ga uge mon itors your use, if any , of failover . Note Som etimes, a monitoring gauge might leave out a v alue that you expec t it to show .
2-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 2 Adm inistration Das hboard Concep ts Understand the System Information G auge The System Inf ormation gauge : • T ells you the installed release vers io n of you r DMM serv er softw are.
2-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 2 Administratio n Dashboa rd Concepts Understand the Licensed Features Gauge This ga uge lists software feature module licenses that a re installe d on your DMM a ppliance and describe s constrain ts that your licenses impose .
2-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 2 Adm inistration Das hboard Proc edure s Procedures • V iew Dashbo ard Gauges , p age 2-5 View Dash board Gaug es Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM. Proc edure Step 1 Click Administra tion .
2-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 2 Administratio n Dashboa rd Procedures.
C HAPTER 3-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 3 Licenses Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 3-1 • Procedur es, pag e 3-2 • Refere nce, p age 3-6 Concepts • Understand Lic enses, page 3-1 Understand Licenses Features of Cisco DMS are licensed and activ ated se p arately .
3-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 3 Licenses Procedures Procedures • Request L icense Keys, page 3 -2 • Install Li cense Keys, page 3 -4 • V ie w Inst.
3-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 3 Licen ses Proc edure s Step 3 Enter al l request ed va lues in th e Request Li censes fo rm. Step 4 Choose a method to send your license request as an email message to dms-software keys@cisco.
3-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 3 Licenses Procedures Inst all Lice nse Ke ys Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM. Proc edure Step 1 Click Administra tion . Step 2 Choose Licenses > Install/Upgrade Licenses .
3-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 3 Licen ses Proc edure s View Insta lled Lice nses Befo re Yo u Be gin • Install at least one license k ey . • Log in to DMM. Proc edure Step 1 Click Administra tion . Step 2 Choose Licenses > V iew Licenses .
3-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 3 Licenses Reference Step 3 Check th e Licen sed Featu res gauge o n you r dashboa rd. It tells you which of your : • Licen sed fea tures are act iv ated. • Feature licenses impose r estrictions.
3-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 3 Licen ses Refere nce Optional Mod ule Licens es Note T o obtain a nd activate any l icense for any com ponent of C isco DMS, you must have a DMM ap pliance. Module or Pack Part Num ber 1 1.
3-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 3 Licenses Reference.
C HAPTER 4-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 4 Server Operations Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Procedur es, pag e 4-1 • Refere nce, p age 4-4 Procedu.
4-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 4 Serv er Oper ations Procedures A list tells you which pro cesses are r unning or stopped . Note Any process whose name includes the phrase “Web Application” is actually a child of the T omcat process.
4-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 4 Serv er Operations Proc edure s Restart Applian ces Remotely Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM. Proc edure Step 1 Click Administra tion . Step 2 Click Serv ices . Step 3 Click a server in the f ar- left column.
4-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 4 Serv er Oper ations Reference Reference • Server Process es, page 4-4 Server Proc esses Thes e serv er proces ses r uns on a DM M ap pliance.
C HAPTER 5-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 5 Analyze Cisco DMS System Logs Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Procedur es, pag e 5-1 Procedures • Enable Syslog A nalysis, page 5- 1 • Disable Syslog An alysis , page 5-2 Enable Sy slog Analys is Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM.
5-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 5 Analy ze Cisco DMS Syste m Logs Procedures Step 5 Enter th e logical p ort numb er where your syslo g serv er acce pts inco ming logf iles. The stan dard port numb er , 514 , is prepopulated for y our conv enience.
C HAPTER 6-1 User Guide fo r Cisco Digital M edia Manager 5. 4.x OL-15762-05 6 Configure Failover Revised: September 17, 2012 OL-1576 2-05 See F ailover Configuration Guide for Cisco D igital Media Su ite 5.
6-2 User Guid e for Cisco Di gital Me dia Mana ger 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 6 Config ure Failo ver.
C HAPTER 7-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 7 Cisco Hinter for RTSP Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 7-1 • Procedur es, pag e 7-3 • R.
7-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 7 Cisco H inter for RT SP Concepts Cisco Hinter versions for W indows and Linux users are downloadable fr om your DMM appliance. Note W e do not develop, maintain , sell, or support Darwin Stre aming Server .
7-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 7 Cisco Hinter for RTSP Proc edure s Cisc o Hin ter • Cisco Hinter softwa re is available for Windows and L inux, exc lusively . • W e do not supp ort any other hinter . • W e do not supp ort playba ck of hinted f ile s that you output fro m any other hin ter .
7-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 7 Cisco H inter for RT SP Procedures • Cisco-Hinter • Cisco-Hinter -Linux.tar .gz Step 4 Decomp ress t h e ar chi ve . Step 5 Stop. Y ou have completed this procedur e.
7-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 7 Cisco Hinter for RTSP Proc edure s Linux • Install Cisco Hinter on Linux, page 7- 5 • Run C isco Hint er on Linu x, page 7 -5 Install Cisco Hinter on Linux Proc edure Step 1 Open a comma nd prom pt where you de compressed the archive.
7-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 7 Cisco H inter for RT SP Reference Reference • F A Qs and Troubleshooting, page 7-6 FAQs an d Troubles hooting • T ro.
C HAPTER 8-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 8 Authentication and Federated Identity Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 8-1 • Procedur es,.
8-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Concepts • Synchronize use r groups from an Ac tive Directory s erver . M icrosof t Active Directory is the only LD AP implementation that we support in this r elease.
8-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Concep ts administrator DN The DN to authentica te your Acti ve Dire ctory ser ver ’ s administr ator . Note This rel ease is more str ict than m ost prio r releas es in it s enforc ement of p roper LD AP syntax.
8-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Concepts D Return to T op DC domai n component . An attribute to designate one constituent part of a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).
8-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Concep ts direct ory se rvic e entity Any single, named unit a t any lev el within a nested hierarchy of named units, relative to a network.
8-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Concepts I Return to T op IdP identity pr ovider .
8-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Concep ts O Return to T op OpenAM SAML 2.
8-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Concepts SP service pr ovider . Ser ver that requ ests and recei ves infor mation f rom an IdP . For example, y our DMM serv er i s an SP for Cis co DMS.
8-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Concep ts Understand the Requirement to Au thenticate Users Although Cisco D MS always authenticates use rs, we suppo rt three authentica tion methods.
8-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Concepts Decide Whic h Authentica tion Method to Use LDAP an d Active Dire ctory Conce pts Note Mi crosoft Act ive Directory is the only LD AP imple mentation that we support i n this rel ease.
8-11 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Concep ts • Synchroniza tion Concep ts, page 8-11 • LD AP Co ncepts , pag e.
8-12 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Concepts Synchronizat ion ( Replic ation ) Overvi ew Note Mi crosoft Act ive Directory is the only LD AP imple mentation that we support i n this rel ease.
8-13 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Concep ts Understa nd Synchronization of a DMM Group to an LDAP Filt er Note Mi crosoft Act ive Directory is the onl y LDAP im plementation t hat we supp ort in this r elease.
8-14 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Concepts Guideli nes for S ynchronizati on Note Mi crosoft Act ive Directory is the only LD AP imple mentation that we support i n this rel ease.
8-15 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Concep ts Understa nd LDAP At tributes Note Mi crosoft Act ive Directory is the onl y LDAP im plementation t hat we supp ort in this r elease.
8-16 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Concepts • LD AP retur ns matched rec ords from all le vels within the user base th at your filter defines.
8-17 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Concep ts Understand t he Effect s of a Bl ank Password in A ctive Di rectory Note Mi crosoft Act ive Directory is the onl y LDAP im plementation t hat we supp ort in this r elease.
8-18 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Concepts • Generate assertions in which the SAML “UID” attrib ute is mapped to the local po rtion of an authenti cated us er’ s userna me.
8-19 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Concep ts SSO Scenari o 1 — Trusted + Valid + Auth orized SSO Scenari o 2 — Trusted + Valid + NOT Authori zed 1. A web bro wser reque sts acc ess to a pro tected resource on an SP .
8-20 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Concepts SSO Scenari o 3 — Nothing Known Migration Betwee n Authentica tion.
8-21 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s Note • Unless you choose explicitly to keep the local copy of a user , a group, or a policy , we discard the local copy .
8-22 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures • Configure LD AP (A cti ve Directory) Se ttings, page 8 -24 • Configure Federation Services for SSO, page 8-3 3 Export the Ro ot CA X.
8-23 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s Step 3 Choose LDAP . Step 4 Check the Us e SSL Encryption c heck box. Additional user interface ele ments now appear , which are relev ant to SSL and digital certifi cates.
8-24 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures Note Migration from on e mode to an other takes as long as 1 mi nute to finish (CSCtn22370). The a uthenticati on se ttings th at you change d are no w in ef fect.
8-25 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s Step 4 Do the following. a. Use e lements o n the Def ine Filter proper ty shee t to d efin e, v alidate, an d add one LD A P fil te r .
8-26 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures What to Do Next • OPTION AL — W ould you like to associate a s.
8-27 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s What to Do Next • OPTION AL — W ould you like to associate a s.
8-28 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures What to Do Next • OPTION AL — W ould you like to associate a s.
8-29 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s • OPTION AL — Should Cisco DMS e xpect that your Acti ve Dir e.
8-30 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures Step 4 Click Update . The a uthenticati on se ttings th at you change d are no w in ef fect. Step 5 Stop. Y ou have completed this procedur e.
8-31 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s Step 6 ( Optional ) • Did you click the A utomatic Synchr onizat.
8-32 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM. • Choose LD AP as your authentication method. Proc edure Step 1 Click Administra tion .
8-33 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s Configure Fe deration Services for SS O • IdP Configuration Ex a.
8-34 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures Example: Configur e OpenAM to Interope rate with Cisco DMS Befo re Yo u Be gin • Obtain a digital identity certif icate from a well- known CA, install it on your IdP host system, and then enab le SSL.
8-35 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s Step 2 Instal l Enhanced Cli ent or Pr oxy (ECP ), a SAML profile plugin, if you will make API system calls to OpenAM 1 .
8-36 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures Example: Configure Sh ibbolet h to Int eroperate with Cisco DMS Befo re Yo u Be gin • Obtain a digital identity certif icate from a well- known CA, install it on your IdP host system, and then enab le SSL.
8-37 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s Step 2 Expor t SP metadata from Cis co DM S. Exp ort meta data fr om eac h SP that will participate in your Shibboleth CoT .
8-38 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures Step 7 Edit the handler f ile.
8-39 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s Step 10 Prep are you r Shibboleth c onfig for use by Cis co DM S. a. Open /opt/shibboleth-idp/ metadata/opt/shi bbolet h-idp/metadata/Idp-metadata .
8-40 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures Example: Con figure Pi ngFederate to Inter operate wi th Cisco D M.
8-41 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s Step 3 Configure SAML profile set tings and IdP assertions. a. Cli ck Configur e Bro wser SSO on the Configuring SP Co nnection/Browser SSO pa ge.
8-42 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures Step 5 Configure credential s and their digital signa tures. a. Cli ck Configur e Credentials on the SP Connection/Credentials page .
8-43 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Proc edure s Export SP Me tadata from DMM Before you c an use Cisco DMS in fede ration m ode, you m ust export data from D MS-Adm in in the form of an SP configuration file.
8-44 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Procedures • Rename th e expo rted IdP configuration file idp_ <type> .x ml . For e xampl e: – idp_ openam .xml – idp_ shibboleth .
8-45 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Refere nce Bypass External Authentication D uring Superuser Login, as Needed Y our DMM serv er features a s pecial lo gin fo rm, which reje cts e very us erna me except superuser .
8-46 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Reference Elements to Choose and Enable an Aut hentication Mode Navigation Pa.
8-47 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Refere nce T est User Password Enter the passwor d that correspo nds to the test userna me. This el em ent is visible only while the Enabl e Authe nticat ion T est check box is check ed.
8-48 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Reference Related Topics • Choose a n Authen tication M ethod, page 8-23 .
8-49 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Refere nce Elements to Use LDAP Bookmarks fo r Synchronization Navigation Path .
8-50 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Reference Elements to Schedule Synchroniza tion Navigation Path Administratio.
8-51 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Refere nce Elements to Manage Attribute s Navigation Path Administration > S.
8-52 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Reference Sample S P Configur ation File from DMM <?xml version="1.
8-53 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Refere nce <NameIDFormat>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified</NameIDFormat> <NameIDFormat>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.
8-54 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Reference Assertion Lifetime Assertion Minutes Before: 5 Assertion Minutes Af.
8-55 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Refere nce Sample Id P Metadata • Exported IdP Me tadata Sa mple from O penAM.
8-56 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Reference Exported IdP Metadata Samp le from OpenAM <?xml version="1.
8-57 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Refere nce <AssertionIDRequestService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP" Location="http://OpenAM.
8-58 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Reference Location=”” /> <SingleSignOnService Binding=”urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.
8-59 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Refere nce MIICUzAgI0xCzAJBgNVGATL3DQEBBQUA6reRuMA0GCSqGSIbCCAbygAwIBMGBAYTAl V.
8-60 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Reference Windows Active Directory Server 2003 • Cisco DMS 5 .3 Windows Active Directory Server 2008R2 • Cisco DMS 5 .3 Fede rat ion M ode (S SO) FAQs Q.
8-61 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Aut hentication an d Federate d Identity Refere nce Network Policy FAQ s Q. When I use LDAP authentication wit h Cisco DMS, which ports must remain open in my network? A. Y our DMM app liance accepts user a uth entica tion requests securely through port 443 .
8-62 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 8 Authent ication a nd Feder ated Ide ntity Reference.
C HAPTER 9-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 9 User Group Assignments Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 9-1 • Procedur es, pag e 9-2 • .
9-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 9 User Gro up Assignments Procedures Understand User Roles User roles in DMS-Admin are the auto matic result of a logical opera tion. Y ou cannot use DM S-Admin to assign a user role directly to any user .
9-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 9 Us er Group Ass ignments Proc edure s Create User Grou ps Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM. Proc edure Step 1 Click Administra tion . Step 2 Click User s . Step 3 Click Cr eate G ro up .
9-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 9 User Gro up Assignments Procedures Delete User Groups Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM. Proc edure Step 1 Click Administra tion . Step 2 Click User s. Step 3 Click a group name to highlight it.
9-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 9 Us er Group Ass ignments Proc edure s Step 3 Click Add New User . Step 4 Enter re quired values in the Ad d New User d ialog bo x. Step 5 ( Optional ) E nter contact information.
9-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 9 User Gro up Assignments Procedures Assign Use rs to U ser Groups When yo u f irst c reate a user ac count in DMS-A dmin, yo u can a ssoci ate the account with a user g roup immediat ely or you can do so after you assign a ccess rights and permissions to the user .
9-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 9 Us er Group Ass ignments Proc edure s Step 4 Stop. Y ou have completed this procedur e.
9-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 9 User Gro up Assignments Procedures Step 6 ( Optional ) E nter contact information. Step 7 ( Optional ) Assign the user to a user group. Step 8 Click Sa ve . Step 9 Stop. Y ou have completed this procedur e.
9-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 9 Us er Group Ass ignments Proc edure s T ip Use a modifier ke y to mark mul tiple tab le rows simu ltaneo usly . • Press Shif t to mark a range of neighboring table rows. • Press Ctrl (in Windows only) to mark table rows t hat don’t touch.
9-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 9 User Gro up Assignments Reference Related Topics • Create User Accou nts Manually , page 9- 4 • Elements to Configure Use r Account Settings , page 9-10 Manage U ser Access Rights to DMP s Note Use r access settings are DMP-foc used.
9-11 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 9 Us er Group Ass ignments Refere nce FAQs an d Troubles hooting • F A Qs, pa ge 9-11 FAQs Q. What might prevent a use r from logg ing in t o DMM with an account t hat I creat ed in DMS -Admin? A.
9-12 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 9 User Gro up Assignments Reference.
C HAPTER 10-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 10 SNMP, Events, and Notifications Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 10-1 • Procedur es, pa.
10-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 0 SNM P, Events, a nd Notifications Concepts T imesaver The A lerts gauge at Administration > Dashboard shows the total count of notification messages delivered in the past 1 hour .
10-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 10 SNMP, Event s, and Notification s Concep ts Understand IP Address Conflict Eve nts An addres s conflic t occurs whe n a DHCP serv er assi gns to one re gist ered DMP the e xact dyn amic IP address that som e other re gistered DMP used pre viousl y .
10-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 0 SNM P, Events, a nd Notifications Procedures Failover Cluster Event Categor ies WAAS Event Categories Understand Notification Me thods Email Acti v ates automatic deli ver y of email notifica tion messages for all corr esponding ev ent types.
10-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 10 SNMP, Event s, and Notification s Proc edure s Enable or Dis able Ema il Y o u can enab le or disable the email servic e (SMTP) on your DM M appliance.
10-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 0 SNM P, Events, a nd Notifications Procedures Configure SNM P Server Settin gs for Your DMM Appliance Cisco DMS can con vey its notificati o ns to an e xterna l SNMP se rve r .
10-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 10 SNMP, Event s, and Notification s Proc edure s T ip Manu facturer document ation for your NMS should tell you how to do this. Step 5 When your NM S prompts you to enter the SNMP port number for your DMM applian ce, use the port number :161 .
10-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 0 SNM P, Events, a nd Notifications Procedures Define No tification Rules Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM. • Each target type impo ses its own precon ditions, as follows, for the deli very of notifica tion messages.
10-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 10 SNMP, Event s, and Notification s Refere nce T ip Y o u can enter a unique r ecipient addr ess for each n otification r ule. Step 5 Click Sa ve . Step 6 Stop. Y ou have completed this procedur e.
10-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 0 SNM P, Events, a nd Notifications Reference Q. Where can I download the MIB and its agent capabi lities file? A. Log in to your a ccount and go to ftp://ftp.
P AR T 2 Manage Netw ork and Endpoint S et tings.
C HAPTER 11-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 11 Network and Endpoints Overview Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 11-1 • Procedur es, pag.
11-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 11 Networ k and Endpo ints Overvi ew Procedures Procedures • V iew Network and Endpo int Options in DMM, page 11-2 View Netw ork and Endpo int Options in DM M Proc edure Step 1 Point a supported browser at your D MM appliance.
C HAPTER 12-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 12 Register DMPs Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 12-1 • Procedur es, pag e 12-13 • Refe.
12-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Concepts Glossary T imesaver Go to terms that start wi th... [ A | C | D | L | M ]. A additio nal-locat ion- information One of two essential Location Ser vices v a lues that m ust be configur ed on y our M edianet- enabled switch.
12-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Concep ts C Return to T op CDP Cisco Disc overy Protocol .
12-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Concepts L Return to T op Location Services Mechan ism by which a devi ce can learn its actual p hysical (“civic”) location through its connec tion to a Medianet- ready switch.
12-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Concep ts Partial Suppo rt for Cisco Med ianet 2.1 Featu res Some DM P endpo ints support som e Cisco Medianet 2.1 feature s. Note We do not support any Medianet features on DMP 4305G endpoints.
12-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Concepts dhcpd Example An ex ampl e here sh ow s entries in the dhcpd.
12-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Concep ts Afterward, you must edit Medianetmsiappsdhcpsddllsr cdhcpsdconf ig.reg to inc lude a 3-tuple ( IP ,port,trans port ), con verted to hexadecimal, that identifies your DMM a ppliance as a provider of centralized managem ent for D MPs.
12-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Concepts Informa tion Tha t Medianet a nd DMP s Exchan ge Median et and a DMP can e xcha nge these type s of data.
12-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Concep ts Medianet A ctivation Work flow for a DMP 4310G or 4400G Medianet su pport is enable d by default on DM Ps in Cisco DMS r elease 5.3. Howe ver , you can turn th is support Off or back On again at you r discretion .
12-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Concepts Digital Signs a. Create a nd sa ve a sys tem task that us es: • Set as its request type. • init.sta rtServ ice_msi=ye s&mib. save=1&mng .
12-11 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Concep ts T o preve nt this pro blem or to recov er from it, you must run a shell script on your switch. See the “Prevent DHCP A ddress A ssignments to the Wrong VLAN” se ction on page 12 -25 .
12-12 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Concepts • Therefore, y ou should plan to st agger the start times b y at least 35 minutes apiece when you schedule DMP autoregistration task s that will search multi ple subnets.
12-13 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Proc edure s Related Topics • Add or Edit Addr ess Rang es for Non -Median et Autoregistratio n, page .
12-14 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Procedures Step 4 Click A pply to confirm your entries. Step 5 Click Sa ve and Restart DMP in the Administration area, and then click to confirm. Step 6 Stop.
12-15 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Proc edure s Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM. Proc edure Step 1 Click Network and Endpoints . Step 2 Choose Digital Me dia Players > Advanced T asks > System T asks .
12-16 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Procedures d. Choose from the Select an E vent T ype list the syste m task that you named in Step 2. e. Click Submit . Note After your targeted DMP s restart, you m ust update DMM user cr edential ent ries at Settings > Ser ver Settin gs.
12-17 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Proc edure s Establish T rust Betwee n Digital Signs a nd your Ce ntrally Manag ed DMPs Y ou must tell C.
12-18 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Procedures Step 3 Ent er the re quired val ues. • Servle t Server Ad dress — If you have not alre ady done so , enter the DN S-resolvable hostname a nd domai n (tog ethe r , these are t he FQDN ) for you r DM M app liance, s uch a s dm m.
12-19 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Proc edure s Step 3 Click the DMP Disco very row in the Application T ypes list. Step 4 Do one of the following. Step 5 Set the necess ary v alues. Step 6 Click Submit to save your work.
12-20 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Procedures Delete Addres s Ranges for Non-Me dianet Autoregistratio n Y o u can delete network range definiti ons you saved for DMP autoregistration e vents.
12-21 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Proc edure s Add or Edit One DMP Manu ally Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM. Proc edure Step 1 Click Network and Endpoints . Step 2 Choose Digita l Media Player s > DMP Manager .
12-22 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Procedures Related Topics • Elements to Add or Edit One DMP Ma nually , pa ge 12-24 • Add or Edit .
12-23 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Refere nce Reference • Software UI and Field Re fe rence T ables , p age 12- 23 • F A Qs and Trouble.
12-24 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Reference Elements to Add or Edit One DM P Manually Navigation Path Either of these .
12-25 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Refere nce Elements to Configure Non-Mediane t Autoregistration Navigation Path • Network an d Endpoin.
12-26 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Reference fetch CDP_CHECK_ENABLED /config/interface{$INTERFACE}/macro/auto/processing/cdp-fallback if .
12-27 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Refere nce fi if [[ $_nd_cdp_capabilities_bit_7 -eq YES ]]; then DEVICE_TYPE=”Phone” NEW_TRIGGER=CIS.
12-28 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Reference return 0 fi fi if [[ $_nd_cdp_capabilities_bit_3 -eq YES ]]; then DEVICE_TYPE=”Switch” N.
12-29 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Register DMPs Refere nce fi if [[ $NEW_TRIGGER -eq CISCO_WIRELESS_LIGHTWEIGHT_AP_EVENT ]]; then trigger $NEW_TRIGGER T.
12-30 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 12 Regist er DMPs Reference FAQs an d Troubles hooting • F A Qs, pa ge 12-30 FAQs Q. Why does DMM report that a DMP is down within 5 minutes of my registering the DMP successfu lly in DMM? A.
C HAPTER 13-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 13 Organize DMPs in Groups Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 13-1 • Procedur es, pag e 13-3.
13-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 3 Organ ize DMPs in Groups Concepts Related Topics • T op- Lev el Elements to Mana ge DMPs and DMP Groups, page 13-7 .
13-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 13 Organize DMPs in Groups Proc edure s Procedures • Add an d Edit DMP G roups, page 13 -3 • Delete DMP Gr oups, page .
13-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 3 Organ ize DMPs in Groups Procedures T ip DMM runs each autodiscovery job one time. It does not look continually in the specified network range for DMPs that you might add in the futur e.
13-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 13 Organize DMPs in Groups Proc edure s Add DMPs Manual ly t o DMP Gr oups Befo re Yo u Be gin • Log in to DMM. Proc edure Step 1 Click Network and Endpoints . Step 2 Choose Digita l Media Player s > DMP Manager .
13-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 3 Organ ize DMPs in Groups Procedures Step 5 Click Delet e in the ro w whose DMP should lea ve a gr oup. Step 6 Choose Remove DMP fr om Grou p . Step 7 Click OK . Step 8 Stop.
13-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 13 Organize DMPs in Groups Refere nce Step 7 Click Go . Step 8 Stop. Y ou have completed this procedur e.
13-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 3 Organ ize DMPs in Groups Reference DMP List All DMPs at (or below) a level that you highlight in the DMP Gr oups tre e. Or , th e DMPs that match your filtering criteria.
13-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 13 Organize DMPs in Groups Refere nce Related Topics • Add an d Edit DMP G roups, page 13 -3 Elements to Add or Edit DMP.
13-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 3 Organ ize DMPs in Groups Reference Elements to Remove a DMP from a DM P Group Navigation Path • Digi tal M edia Pl.
CH A P T E R 14-1 User Guide fo r Cisco Digital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 14 Configure DMP Wi-Fi Settings Revised: September 17, 2012 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 14-1 • Procedur es, pag .
14-2 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 14 Config ure DMP Wi -Fi Set tings Concepts A AAA Authentication, Authoriz ation, and Accounting.
14-3 User Guide fo r Cisco Digital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 14 Conf igure DMP W i-Fi Settings Concep ts ASCII Passp hrases and He xadecima l Keys for WE P T ip Y ou can ignore thi s topic if your Wi-Fi network us es WP A and not W EP .
14-4 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 14 Config ure DMP Wi -Fi Set tings Concepts The typical w orkflo w is as follow s. 1. Pick an ASCII passphrase . For e xamp le, P assph raseWEP128 . 2. Con vert your string of ASCII characters to the hexadecimal key or ke ys for your n etwork.
14-5 User Guide fo r Cisco Digital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 14 Conf igure DMP W i-Fi Settings Proc edure s Restrictions • Ether net connections take priori ty over W i-F i connecti ons on DMPs wher e bo th ar e activ e.
14-6 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 14 Config ure DMP Wi -Fi Set tings Procedures What to Do Next • Go to the “Establish a Wireless Network Conn ection (802. 11)” section on page 1 4-6 . Related Topics • DMP Network Inte rfaces, page 14 -8 Establish a Wireless Ne twork Co nnec tio n (802 .
14-7 User Guide fo r Cisco Digital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 14 Conf igure DMP W i-Fi Settings Refere nce Step 5 Choose from the Security lis t the se curity me thod for your n etwork.
14-8 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 14 Config ure DMP Wi -Fi Set tings Reference DMP Network Interfa ces FAQs an d Troubles hooting • F A Qs, pa ge 14-8 FAQs Q.
14-9 User Guide fo r Cisco Digital Media Manage r 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 14 Conf igure DMP W i-Fi Settings Refere nce Q. Why might I see references to DHCP after I configure my DMPs to use static IP addresses on my WLAN? A.
14-10 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 14 Config ure DMP Wi -Fi Set tings Reference.
C HAPTER 15-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 15 Touchscreens, Projectors, and Displays Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 15-1 • Procedur.
15-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Concepts Our ce ntralized ma nagement features h elp you to manage a global I P network o f digital signs for a ny purpos e — in confer ence room s, public venues, or executive of fices.
15-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Concep ts Understand Ho w to Choose Media Signal Cables Caution Poo rly shiel.
15-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Concepts Figur e 15-1 Signal Cable Pur chasing F acto rs t o Consid er Beyond the general guidelines that Figure 15 -1 illustrates, tw o additional f actors might c onstrain which types of signal cable you can use.
15-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Concep ts Understand and Preve nt Image Retention ( Burn-in ) After any LCD panel shows a f ixed pattern for more than 12 hou rs, slight v oltage differences can dev elop among ele ctrodes that power the liquid crysta ls.
15-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures Procedures • Connect to a Digital Display or Projector , page.
15-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Proc edure s Befo re Yo u Be gin • Obtain an HDMI-to-D VI adapter if your pres entation system uses D VI. Proc edure Step 1 Do on ly o ne of t he fol lo wing.
15-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures Connect to a Touchs creen T ip Some touchscreen s work as designed only after they are calibrated manually. If your touchscreen is one of these, its calibration occurs during a later stage of D MP setup.
15-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Proc edure s Step 2 Do on ly o ne of t he fol lo wing.
15-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures Step 2 Make co nnections f or audio. a. Plug the 3mm jack on the RCA au dio cable into the AU D I O in terfa ce on the back pan el o f your DM P .
15-11 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Proc edure s • Use RS-232 Signa ls to Control Presentation Systems, page 1.
15-12 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures Step 3 Use one of these methods, at your discretion, to lim it the scope of what the DMP List table sho ws to you.
15-13 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Proc edure s Step 9 Click Add New A pplication . a. Choose your Cisc o Professional Seri es LC D display mod el from the TV T ype list.
15-14 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures Step 13 Compen sate, as needed, fo r model -speci fic e xceptions to basi c RS-232 setup.
15-15 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Proc edure s Step 3 Use one of these methods, at your discretion, to lim it the scope of what the DMP List table shows to you. Step 4 Click one DMP in th e table to choose it exclusi vely .
15-16 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures Bootstrap NEC Displays to Enable Their RS -232 Support Y o u can use our Digital Signs softwar e to tra nsmit instruction codes throug h your DMPs, a nd into their atta ched pres entat ion sy stems .
15-17 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Proc edure s Step 5 Click Run T ask , abov e the DMP List table. Step 6 Click RS-232: Control supported, non-DMT ech displays in the System T asks dra wer .
15-18 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures For e xample , the hex adecima l stri ngs in Ta b l e 1 5 - 1 con ve y many of the RS-232 comm ands th at you can send in this wa y to a Cisco LC D Professi onal Ser ies dis play .
15-19 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Proc edure s Bright ness 25% rs232.tx_hex= 6B682031203139 0D rs232.tx_hex= AA25FF01193E rs232.tx_hex= 6B6820312031390 D rs232.tx_hex= 6B68203120313 90D rs232.
15-20 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures Step 5 Set other , optional v alue s as n eeded. Step 6 Click Submit to save your work, so that y ou migh t someday use it.
15-21 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Proc edure s Step 3 Click System T asks in the Application T ypes list. Step 4 Find your editing tar g et in the A pplications table.
15-22 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures Proc edure Step 1 Press Menu on the remote contro l for your 40-inch or 52-inch LCD display . OR Press Menu on the L CD display front pa nel.
15-23 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Proc edure s Activate or Dea ctivate Resolution Autodetection Befo re Yo u Be gin • Acti v ate HDMI a utodetection. Proc edure Step 1 Deploy the System T ask e ve nt called Scr een Resolution A utotection On .
15-24 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures Step 4 Do one of the following. Step 5 Click Submit to save your work, so that y ou migh t someday use it. OR Click Cance l to disc ard you r wo rk.
15-25 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Proc edure s Delete DM P Output Settings for A/V Y ou can delete any of your named and sav ed settings for DMP audio and v ideo output.
15-26 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures Use Simple Menus to Control A /V Settings Y o u can define and save a customized bundle of device co nfiguration settings for certain pop ular presentation system models.
15-27 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Proc edure s Step 2 Choose yo ur display’ s make and model from the TV T ype list. Note W e prov ide precon figured tasks for only the pres entation system mod els that pass our tests for DMP compatibility .
15-28 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Procedures Related Topics • Prepare a 40- or 5 2-inch Cisco L CD to Sup.
15-29 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Refere nce What to Do Next • W ould you like to delete what you edited? Procee d to the “Del ete A/V Setti ngs That Y o u Chose from Menus ” section on page 1 5-29 .
15-30 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Reference Vid eo and Au dio Si gnal In terf aces T able 2 on page 15-30 describes the connecto rs, sensors, a nd buttons on ea ch DMP m odel.
15-31 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Refere nce Network C onnectors Wi r e d 2 Fast Ethernet 1 0/100 • 10/100 1 0 0 Gigabit Ethern et 3 10/100/1000 • RJ45 0 1 0 • RJ-45 0 0 1 Wi r e l e s s 4 IEEE 80 2.
15-32 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Reference Human Power On/Off Latching pushbutton switch • Power 0 1 0 Device Reset Recessed push button switch • Reset 1 1 1 1.
15-33 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Refere nce Supported T ouchscree n Drivers in Cisco D MS 5.
15-34 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Reference Softwa re UI and F ield Refe rence T ables • Elements to Choo.
15-35 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Refere nce Related Topics • Use Simple Menus to C ontrol A/V Settings, pag.
15-36 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Reference Elements to Configure DMP Audio/Video Settings Navigation Path .
15-37 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Refere nce Elements to Control Screen Resolut ion Autodetection Navigation Path Network and Endpoints > Digital M edia Players > Advanced T asks > System T asks > Scre en Resolution Autodetection.
15-38 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Reference Elements to Activate RS-232 for LCD Disp lays by DMTech T ip Be.
15-39 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Refere nce FAQs About Daily Oper ation • How long does display autodetection take? • Why might display autodetection fail? Q.
15-40 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Reference FAQs About Product Qua lity • Why are some pixels unexp ectedly bright, or black? Q. Why are some pixels une xpectedly bri ght, or bla ck? A.
15-41 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscreens, Proj ectors, and Disp lays Refere nce Prob lem The imag e is interm ittently blac k (CSCtw78742; CSCts83613) . Soluti on A void incompatible combinations.
15-42 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 1 5 Touchscr eens, Proj ectors , and Display s Reference Note When you u se Digit al Signs t o lock you r remote co ntrol, th e remote control cann ot unlock itself. Instead, you must switch the Safety Lock and Remote Control Lock toggles both t o Off in Digital Signs.
C HAPTER 16-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 16 DMP Us er Permissi ons (Authorization) Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 16-1 • Procedur.
16-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 16 DMP User Permissions (Autho rization) Concepts • Scenario C: Basic Conte nt Permissions, p age 16-2 • Scenario D :.
16-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 16 DMP User Permi ssions (Authori zation) Proc edure s Scenario D: Basic Report ing Permissions Check th e Rep orts c heck box at Networ k and Endpoints > Settings > User Accounts to gra nt a selected user the authority to manage y our proo f-of-p lay repo rts.
16-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 16 DMP User Permissions (Autho rization) Procedures.
P AR T 3 Manage Content f or Cisco Digital Signs.
C HAPTER 17-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 17 Media Assets and Embedded Software Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 17-1 • Procedur es,.
17-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media Assets and Embedded Software Concepts User Permission Restrictions • T o se e and us e the M edia Libr ary , y ou must be logged in with at least read-only permissions for at least one ca tego ry .
17-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media A ssets and Embe dded Softwar e Concep ts A DMP 4400G Mi ght Not Output Au dio Afte r Finishi ng the Pla yback of.
17-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media Assets and Embedded Software Concepts Shockwave Flash (SWF) Suppo rt and Restric tions Note Thi s release does not support a udio in Shockwa ve Flash media. If your media library cont ains any Shockwave Flash files that use audio, their playback wi ll be silent.
17-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media A ssets and Embe dded Softwar e Concep ts URL and Web site Suppor t and Restrictions • The UR L for a medi a asset ca nnot be any m ore than 128 char acter s long.
17-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media Assets and Embedded Software Concepts Locally St ored Pr esentations Should Not I nclude Re mote Assets W e recomme nd as a best pr actice that you avoid calling upon a ny remote asse ts from a p laylist or presentation to you store locally to a DMP .
17-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media A ssets and Embe dded Softwar e Concep ts Understand HTTP ‘HEAD’ Re quest Tim eout Before it tries to download content from a webserver , your DMP fi rst makes sure that the content e xists at its expected address.
17-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media Assets and Embedded Software Concepts 3. Click Add New A pplication . 4. Create a “Set” system task with this command s tring: failover. timeout = < interval > &mib.
17-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media A ssets and Embe dded Softwar e Concep ts You Can D isable the Timeo ut on Cent rally Managed D MPs Y o u can use DMM to disab le this timeout ( CSC ua03897 ). 1. Click Network and Endpoints .
17-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media Assets and Embedded Software Procedures You Can Disable the Timeout on One DMP in Iso lation Altern atively , you ca n use eit her of th ese me th ods to disab le the timeout on one DMP at a tim e.
17-11 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media A ssets and Embe dded Softwar e Proc edure s Step 4 Enter th e va lues an d choose th e options that meet your require ments. Step 5 Stop. Y ou have completed this procedur e.
17-12 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media Assets and Embedded Software Procedures Caution Before a DMP 4305G or 4400G will render any video asset for playback, make sure that the video duration is at least 3 seconds.
17-13 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media A ssets and Embe dded Softwar e Proc edure s Proc edure Step 1 Click Content Management . Step 2 Click Media Library . Step 3 Click Add Media Asset . The Add A sset dialog box opens.
17-14 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media Assets and Embedded Software Reference Reference • Software UI and Field Re fe rence T ables , p age 17- 14 S.
17-15 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media A ssets and Embe dded Softwar e Refere nce Filter by Methods by which you can cause the untitl ed table to describe only the assets fr om your medi a libr ary that match paramete rs you ha ve spec if ied.
17-16 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media Assets and Embedded Software Reference Related Topics • Elemen ts to Add C ate gories and Renam e Them, pa ge.
17-17 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media A ssets and Embe dded Softwar e Refere nce Elements to Add Assets and Edit Their Attributes Features of the Add Media Asset an d Edit Media Asset dialog boxes help you to popula te and mana ge your me dia library .
17-18 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media Assets and Embedded Software Reference Elements To Describe and Preview On e Asset The V iew Asset dialog bo x describes the attributes of one asset in yo ur Media Library a nd, in some ca ses, shows a pre v ie w .
17-19 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media A ssets and Embe dded Softwar e Refere nce Usage ta b Shows e ither the P laylists for A sset table or the Pr esentations for Asset table, depending on whethe r you click Playl ist or Prese ntatio n , r espectively .
17-20 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 17 Media Assets and Embedded Software Reference.
C HAPTER 18-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 18 Playlists Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 18-1 • Procedur es, pag e 18-2 • Refere nc.
18-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 18 Playlists Procedures Improve Tr ansition Speeds If playba ck transitio ns are unacc eptably slow between videos, you ca n disab le the video failover feature on DMPs.
18-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 18 Playlists Refere nce When you choose options anywhere on the Playlists pa ge, it is updated a utomatically to sho w the options and features that ar e rele v ant to your selection.
18-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 18 Playlists Reference File T ype The type that best describes the asset.
C HAPTER 19-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 19 Content Distribution and Delivery Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 19-1 • Procedur es, .
19-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Concepts Understand DMP Suppo rt for the CIFS Proto col Common Internet File System (CIFS) i s a network protocol for shar ing fi le s and for obta ining remo te acces s to those file s.
19-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Concep ts Related Topics • DMS-CD Overview , page 19-4 • Understand D MP Support.
19-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Concepts DMS-CD Co ncepts • DMS-CD Overview , page 19-4 • Retry T imeout, pa.
19-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Concep ts DMS-CD P erformance Factors • Dif ferentia l Download I ntelligence, pag.
19-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Concepts Like wise, the ma ximum numbe r of times that DMS-CD tries to provisio n assets for an interrupted deployment pac kage is co nstrained by the “Deployme nt retry count” value.
19-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Concep ts Understand DMS-CD A lert Reports • Moni tor ing Mo des, pa ge 19 -7 • .
19-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Concepts Internal to DMS-CD When you choo se the All Inte rnal Ev ents opt ion fr om the T ype list, these e vent types also pertai n to DMS-CD deployments.
19-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Concep ts T able 1 9-2 Pr e-Planning W or ksheet f or One DMS-CD Depl oymen t Factor Definition a nd Supporting Data A.
19-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Concepts Limit DMS-CD Di sruptions to DMP Performance Imprope r schedulin g practice s and imprope r W A N bandwidth parame ters in your media network might cause DMS-CD to disrupt playback performance temporarily on DMPs.
19-11 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Concep ts Best Practices W e re comm end that you apply th ese DMS- CD best practices in your network when e ver possibl e.
19-12 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Concepts Restrictions • DMS-CD Restric tions, page 19- 12 • CIFS Restrictio.
19-13 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Concep ts CIFS Restrictions CIFS User names • Neither a DMP 431 0G nor a DMP 4400G can mount any W AA S share volume whose CIFS user name con tains ev en one of these fo rbi dden chara cters ( CSCtx15486 ).
19-14 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Concepts Note Y o u must restart your DMP af ter you switch i t from ACNS mode to ECD S mode.
19-15 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Concep ts Deployment Schedul ing Logic at Acme T ab le 19-4 explains how Acme organizes its sche duled de ployments. DMPs There a re fi ve DMPs per site, an d each D MP belongs to only one gro up.
19-16 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Procedures Procedures • Configure DM M to Us e A CNS, W AAS , or E CDS, page 19-17 • Configure DMS-CD, page 19- 18 Regularly scheduled deployment f or Gr oup 3 r ecurs overnight each Wednesday , from 10: 00 p.
19-17 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Proc edure s Configure DMM to Use ACNS, WAAS, or EC DS Befo re Yo u Be gin • T o s ee and use the Settings tab, you m ust be logg ed in an admini strator .
19-18 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Procedures Step 4 Do one of the following. • Click W AAS . OR • Click A CNS . OR • Click ECDS . Step 5 Enter the values for your content distribution system.
19-19 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Proc edure s Configure Deployment Threshold Preferences for DMS- CD Proc edure Step 1 Click Network and Endpoints on the Hom e page . Step 2 Choose Digital Media Players > Deployment Manager > Deployment Prefer ences .
19-20 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Procedures Check Disk Space Capacity for Deployments Befo re Yo u Be gin • Create DM P groups and pop ulate them with DMPs. Proc edure Step 1 Click Network and Endpoints on the Hom e page .
19-21 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Proc edure s Step 6 Compar e the total fr ee capacity to the ex pected size of your depl oymen t packag e. • When the total free capac ity is suf fici ent, pro vision the asset s in a depl oyme nt package, as planne d.
19-22 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Procedures Step 5 Choo se th e mount point for th is de ploy ment . Y ou can ch oose o nly one. • Flash Storage ( also known as usb_1 ) is the SD memory card installed inside a DMP .
19-23 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Proc edure s If one was ge nerated , its na me w ill append the prefix “LOCAL --” to the nam e that you entered in Step 4 . Step 12 Deploy this autogenerated (Go to ) URL action.
19-24 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Procedures Step 5 Click Edit Appli cation above the Applications table. Step 6 As neede d, edit the n ame or description fo r this deploym ent pack age.
19-25 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Proc edure s Step 14 Deploy this autogenerated (Go to ) URL action. • Use the Run T ask fea ture on the DMP manager ta b to dep loy immediately .
19-26 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Reference Step 7 Click (Go to) URL in the A pplication T ypes list.
19-27 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Refere nce T able 1 9-5 Elements t o Configur e DMS-CD Deploym ent Thr esholds Elem.
19-28 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Reference Enabl e maxi mum transfer rat e Enforc es or ignores a maximu m transfer ra te that you specify .
19-29 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Refere nce Related Topics • Configure Deployment Thresh old Preferences for DM S-.
19-30 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Reference Elements to Define WAAS, ACNS, or ECD S Settings Navigation Path Network and Endp oints > Settings > Media D eli very Applica tion T y pes T he list of categories for adva nced tasks.
19-31 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Refere nce Related Topics • Conf igure DMM to Use A CNS, W AAS, or ECDS, page 19-.
19-32 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Reference Proc edure Step 1 Click Network and Endpoints . Step 2 Choose Digital Media Players > Deployment Manager > Deployment Status .
19-33 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Refere nce Step 5 Search through th e DMS-CD.
19-34 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Reference Related Topics • T roubleshoot DM S-CD, page 19-31 FAQs for A CNS Q. Soon after I send copies of assets to my Content Engine s, what prevents their playback on DMPs? A.
19-35 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Refere nce Is the HT TP bit rate (b andwi dth) se tting too low on yo ur Conte nt Engi ne? The factory-de fault bandwidth setting for HTTP ses sions (up to 1.
19-36 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Reference Note Ensur e that your proxy server is powerful enough to handle its full load of HTTP sessions.
19-37 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Refere nce Troubleshoo t Unlisted or Miss ing ACNS Channels in Digit al Signs • D.
19-38 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Reference Troubleshoo t ACNS A ssets That Your DMPs D o Not Pl ay • Is the AC.
19-39 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 19 Content Dist ribution and Delivery Refere nce Is the ACNS ch annel quota m isconfigured ? Consid er the following points when you configure the channel q uota for DMS in CDM.
19-40 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 19 Content Di stributi on and Del ivery Reference Is the ACNS ch annel fully configured to u se an ext ernal manife st file? 1. Log in to C DM. 2. Choo se Ser vices > Channel s .
CH A P T E R 20-1 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Revised: September 17, 20 12 • Concepts, page 20-1 • Procedur es, pag e 20-11 Concep.
20-2 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Concepts Note Y ou can tri gger an e mergency state o n any DM P group. When a DMP group is in its emergency state, it plays emeregency messages instead of the channel events that it is subscribed to play .
20-3 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Concep ts Channel E xampl es T opic s in this sectio n sho w you how you might apply the channels co ncept in various settings.
20-4 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Concepts Airport Example Just ei ght c hannels might tar get ev ery ty pical niche f or the pu blic space s in a m ajor comm ercial air port.
20-5 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Concep ts Healthcare Example Just eight channels m ight target ev ery typical nich e for the public spaces in a hospital or clinic.
20-6 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Concepts Retail Banking Example Just eight channels m ight target ev ery typical nich e for the public spaces in a lar ge, retail bank.
20-7 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Concep ts Retail Shopping Example Just eight channels m ight target ev ery ty pical niche for the public sp aces in a retail department store.
20-8 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Concepts Education Example Just eight channels m ight target ev ery ty pical niche for the p ublic spac es at a sc hool or u niv ersity .
20-9 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Concep ts Manufacturin g Example Just eight channe ls might target e very ty pical niche on a factory floor .
20-10 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Concepts Understand How Ch annels Prioritize Their Co ntent Note Whe n you declar e an eme rgency that aff ects one or more of your DMP gro ups, the affe cted DMPs stop all cont ent playback f rom their sub scribed channel s.
20-11 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s Absolute to < your choice from the Time Zone menu > Suppose tha t you ch oose one absolute time zone a s the time basis for a channel to impose on its subscrib ed endp oints.
20-12 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures View and Filter Channels Y o u can view a list of e very channel or you can limit the list to include only a subset of channels.
20-13 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s The All Channels t able repopulates itself each time that yo u submit a ne w f ilter . T ip Y o u can clear t hese filters a t any time .
20-14 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures Step 4 Do one of the following.
20-15 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s Tag a Channel Y o u can assign “fo lksonomy ” tags to your chann els. The more effectively you tag your ch annels, the more e f ficiently you c an filter to the exact channels tha t matter to you in a given mo ment.
20-16 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures Related Topics • Add a Chann el, page 20-13 Edit a Channel Y ou can edi t the fundam ental att rib utes o f an y ch annel.
20-17 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s Step 4 Click a heading to edit its v alues. Step 5 Stop. Y ou have completed this procedur e. Duplicate a Channel T o simplify r euse, you can gene rate an almost e xact duplicate of any channe l.
20-18 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures T ip Whe n you first generate a dup licate channe l, the on ly significa nt difference from its par ent is the absence of any sub scribers.
20-19 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s Step 5 ( Optional ) Use standard filt ering controls next to the All Channels table, as needed, to limit w hich channels the table should include.
20-20 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures Define Channel Properties Y o u can define the basic prope rties of a ne w chann el.
20-21 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s The Chann els page now loads a sub-tab where you can edit attributes of the selec ted channe l. Its “Channe l Properties” head ing is selected by default.
20-22 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures Related Topics • Add a Chann el, page 20-13 Change the Defaul t Content for a Channel Y o u can ch ange the de fa ult co nten t for a ny chan nel.
20-23 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s Step 5 Do one of th e follo wing to choos e conten t from the defa ult content selector . • Click Playlist to populate the selector with a list of you r sav ed playlists.
20-24 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures Choose T ime-specific C ontent for a Ch annel Y ou can choose the time-s pecif ic content for a n e w channe l during channe l creation .
20-25 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s The Chann els page now loads a sub-tab where you can edit attributes of the selec ted channe l. Step 4 Click the Time-spec if ic Scheduling heading to e dit its v a lues.
20-26 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures Step 6 Click an ywhere on the c alendar timeline t o start adding an ev ent to i t. Step 7 Do on e of th e follo wing to choos e cont ent from the sele ctor .
20-27 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s Step 9 Configure the e vent’ s relationship to time. a. Choos e the date an d time when play back shou ld star t. b. Choos e the date an d time when play back sho uld sto p.
20-28 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures Choose the Play Now Con tent for a Channel Y o u can choose th e play n ow content for a new channel during cha nnel cr eation.
20-29 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s The Chann els page now loads a sub-tab where you can edit attributes of the selec ted channe l. Step 4 Click the Play No w head ing to ed it its v alues.
20-30 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures c. Do on e of th e follo wing to choos e cont ent from the sele ctor . • Click Playlist to populate the selector with a list of you r sav ed playlists.
20-31 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s What to Do Next • W ould you like to start the P lay Now event that you just .
20-32 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures • Change the Play No w Conten t for a Channel, page 20-28 Stop a Play Now E.
20-33 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s Work w ith Channel E vents • Add an Event to a Chann el, page 20-33 • Dupli.
20-34 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures Step 3 Click a row in the Al l Channels ta ble to highlight it. Then, click Edit ( ) where your highlig hted row meets the Actions column.
20-35 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s Step 3 Click a row in the All Channels ta ble to highlight it. Then, click Edit ( ) where your highlighted row meets the Actions column.
20-36 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures Proc edure Step 1 Click Content Management . Step 2 Click Channels . Step 3 Click a row in the Al l Channels ta ble to highlight it.
20-37 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapter 20 Use Channels to Play Rich Media Proc edure s Proc edure Step 1 Click Content Management . Step 2 Click Channels . Step 3 Click a row in the All Channels ta ble to highlight it.
20-38 User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Suite 5.4.x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 20 Use Channel s to Pl ay Rich Medi a Procedures.
C HAPTER 21-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 21 Proof of Play Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts • Procedur es • Referenc e Concepts • Overv.
21-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 21 Proo f of Play Concepts • Implications of Cha nging the D MM Applian ce Hostname , page 21-2 • Implications of Ch.
21-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 21 Proof of Play Concep ts Implications of Changing Which Assets a Playlist Includes In this release , proof-of- play reports fo r a giv en pl ay list during a given time rang e might no t be correct ( CSCtr975 93 ) .
21-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 21 Proo f of Play Procedures Note • Proof of pl ay features in Cisco Dig ital Signs ignore the p layback of assets that Ci sco developed — including all samples and templates that you received with any previous DMM release.
21-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 21 Proof of Play Proc edure s Enable Syslog and NTP Proc edure Step 1 Do one of the following. • W ould you like to enable th ese services fr om Digital Signs? Use element s in Di gital Sign s to enable t hese services.
21-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 21 Proo f of Play Procedures Step 2 Stop. Y ou have completed this procedur e. Enable Proof of Play Features in DMM Proc edure Step 1 Log in a s superuse r . Step 2 Click Reports on t he Hom e pa ge.
21-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 21 Proof of Play Proc edure s Step 7 Def ine settings in the Data Size/Rotation Rules area. Step 8 Choose an option in the Archi ving Rules area to se t ho w many days of playback data to accumulate before archi ving it.
21-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 21 Proo f of Play Procedures Create Cam paigns Proc edure Step 1 Click Reports on t he Hom e pa ge. Step 2 Click Camp aign . Then , click Create Campaign . The Crea te New Campaig n dialog box opens.
21-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 21 Proof of Play Proc edure s Run a Rep ort Proc edure Step 1 Click Reports on t he Hom e pa ge. Step 2 Click Reports . Step 3 Choose reporting criteria. • Report T ype option s are Campaign , DMP , or DMP Group .
21-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 21 Proo f of Play Reference View Previo us Reports Befo re Yo u Be gin • Com ple te th e “Run a Re port” section on page 21-9 . Proc edure Step 1 Click View p revi o us rep or t s .
21-11 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 21 Proof of Play Refere nce FAQs Q. What might prevent pr oof-of-play features f rom working at all? A. The fu lly qualif ied domain nam e (FQDN) f or your DMM appli ance mu st not e xceed 30 chara cters.
21-12 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 21 Proo f of Play Reference Q. What pre vents proof of play auditi ng for an a sset? A. W e cannot v alidate i n stanc es of playb ack f or an as set wh ose e very in stance of pl ayback occurs outside any campaign.
C HAPTER 22-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 22 Plan for and Manage E mergencies Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 War nin g Severe conditions that disrupt equipment during and after an emergency might prevent messages from playing on y our digital signs.
22-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 22 Plan for a nd Manag e Emergen cies Procedures Ti p Do es your organization prefer tha t one or more screen zones show .
22-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 22 Plan for and Manage Emerg encies Proc edure s Y ou might want to use a less sp ecif ic name, such as “Emer gencies, .
22-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 22 Plan for a nd Manag e Emergen cies Procedures Provision Emergency Assets to DM P Local Storage Befo re Yo u Be gin • Create an d save deplo yab le messages fo r playback du ring emergenc ies.
22-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 22 Plan for and Manage Emerg encies Proc edure s Start Playb ack of an E mergency Messag e Befo re Yo u Be gin • Create an d save deployable messag es for playba ck during eme rgencies.
22-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 22 Plan for a nd Manag e Emergen cies Procedures War nin g Severe conditions that disrupt equipment during and after an emergency might prevent messages from playing on y our digital signs.
22-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 22 Plan for and Manage Emerg encies Proc edure s Step 6 Do one of the following. • Click OK to stop p layback of your emergency mes sage. T his action restores normal sche duling for the DMP gr oup (an d children) that you c hose.
22-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 22 Plan for a nd Manag e Emergen cies Procedures.
P AR T 4 Manage IPTV P r ogramming for Ci sco Cast.
C HAPTER 23-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 23 Cisco Ca st Ov erview Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 23-1 • Procedur es, pag e 23-4 C.
23-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 23 Cisco Cas t Overview Concepts Restrictions • Feature Lice nse Re strict ions, page 23-2 • User Permissions Restric.
23-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 23 Cisco Cast Overview Concep ts On-Premises Operation Easy navigation logic help s your on -premises opera tor to c hoose am ong you r progra m offerings for Cisco Cast .
23-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 23 Cisco Cas t Overview Procedures Workflow 1. In stall the license for Cisco Cast on your DM M appliance . 2. De ploy DM Ps and presenta tion sy stems to sites where you will show IPTV programming.
23-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 23 Cisco Cast Overview Proc edure s Step 3 Click Cast . The TV Channels tab is preselected by default.
23-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 23 Cisco Cas t Overview Procedures.
C HAPTER 24-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 24 Redistribute Live TV Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 24-1 • Procedur es, pag e 24-2 .
24-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 24 Redistr ibute Li ve TV Procedures Restrictions • User Permissions Restriction s, page 24-2 • Channel Count Restri.
24-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 24 Redistribute Live TV Proc edure s Add Chann els Y ou can define man y attrib utes for a ne w TV ch annel in you r lineup. Permitted channel assignments range fro m 1 to 99.
24-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 24 Redistr ibute Li ve TV Procedures Edit Chann els Proc edure Step 1 Click Content Management on the Home page.
24-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 24 Redistribute Live TV Proc edure s Reassign Channel Nu mbers Proc edure Step 1 Click Content Management on the Home page. Step 2 Click Cast . Step 3 Click the TV Channels tab .
24-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 24 Redistr ibute Li ve TV Procedures Step 6 Stop. Y ou have completed this procedur e.
24-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 24 Redistribute Live TV Proc edure s Step 6 Click Ye s to delete the channel.
24-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 24 Redistr ibute Li ve TV Reference Reference • Software UI and Field Re fe rence T ables , p age 24- 8 Softwa re UI a.
24-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 24 Redistribute Live TV Refere nce Related Topics • Add Chann els, page 24-3 • Edit Chann els, page 24-4 • Reassign .
24-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 24 Redistr ibute Li ve TV Reference Elements to Define Channel Settin gs Navigation Path • Cast > TV Channels >.
24-11 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 24 Redistribute Live TV Refere nce Related Topics • Generic Channel Descr iptions, page 26-4 • Channel Descriptions f.
24-12 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 24 Redistr ibute Li ve TV Reference.
C HAPTER 25-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 25 Video on Demand Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 25-1 • Procedur es, pag e 25-2 • Ref.
25-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chap ter 25 Vide o on Dema nd Procedures Restrictions • User Permissions Restriction s, page 25-2 • Channel Count Restriction.
25-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 25 Video on Demand Proc edure s Add a New VoD Category Proc edure Step 1 Click Content Management on the Home page.
25-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chap ter 25 Vide o on Dema nd Procedures Step 3 Click V ideo on Demand . The Categories area is on the left, and after you clic k a category , a table on the right describes the videos that ar e ma pped to that ca te gory .
25-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 25 Video on Demand Proc edure s Step 7 Click Sa ve . OR Click Cance l to disc ard you r wo rk.
25-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chap ter 25 Vide o on Dema nd Procedures Map a Vide o to a VoD Ca tegory Each video that you map to a cate gory will be liste d as a V oD in the interactiv e menu system at sites where yo u dep loy Cisco Cast .
25-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 25 Video on Demand Proc edure s Organize Video s in VoD Categories When you organize the videos in a V oD ca tegory , you set the or der in which Cisc o Cas t plays the videos at your deployment sites.
25-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chap ter 25 Vide o on Dema nd Procedures Stage an E PG to DMP Lo cal Storage Proc edure Step 1 Click Network and Endpoints on the Hom e page . Step 2 Choose Digita l Media Player s > Advance d T asks .
25-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 25 Video on Demand Refere nce Reference • Software UI and Field Re fe rence T ables , p age 25- 9 Softwa re UI and F iel.
25-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chap ter 25 Vide o on Dema nd Reference.
C HAPTER 26-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 26 Electronic Program Guide Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 26-1 • Procedur es, pag e 26-.
26-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 26 Electro nic Progr am Guide Concepts Guidelines Note Whe n you negotiate a subscription cont ract to receive EPG data in any format , tell your data provider that you will use its EPG data with Cisco Cast.
26-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 26 Electro nic Program Gu ide Concep ts Tribune Media Services T ribune Me dia Serv ices (TMS; http://tms.trib ) sells sub scriptions to EPG data in se veral proprietary data form ats that it c ontrols.
26-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 26 Electro nic Progr am Guide Concepts Understand Methods to Describe EP G Channels Generic Chan nel Descri ptions Y o u can disassociate a channel f rom all E PG data sources.
26-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 26 Electro nic Program Gu ide Proc edure s Related Topics • Add Chann els, page 24-3 Procedures • Add or Edit Sub scri.
26-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 26 Electro nic Progr am Guide Procedures Step 6 Do one of the following. • Click the button that sa ves your entries. – Click Add Provide r if you are defining a new subscription.
26-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 26 Electro nic Program Gu ide Proc edure s Synchronize EPG Channe l Schedule s and Pr ogram Desc riptions Proc edure Step 1 Click Content Management on the Home page. Step 2 Click Cast .
26-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 26 Electro nic Progr am Guide Reference Reference • Software UI and Field Re fe rence T ables , p age 26- 8 • F A Qs.
26-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 26 Electro nic Program Gu ide Refere nce FAQs an d Troubles hooting • T r oublesh oot EPG High lighting, pa ge 26-9 Trou.
26-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapte r 26 Electro nic Progr am Guide Reference.
C HAPTER 27-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 27 Look and Feel Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 27-1 • Procedur es, pag e 27-2 Concepts .
27-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 27 Look and Feel Procedures Procedures • Choose the Color Sc heme for Y o ur Men u System, page 27 -2 • Specify W hi.
27-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 27 Look and F eel Proc edure s Specify Wh ich Features Your Menu System S hould Includ e Proc edure Step 1 Click Content Management on the Home page. Step 2 Click Cast . Step 3 Click Skin Customization .
27-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 27 Look and Feel Procedures Show a C ustom Lo go in Your Me nu System Proc edure Step 1 Click Content Management on the Home page. Step 2 Click Cast . Step 3 Click Skin Customization .
27-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 27 Look and F eel Proc edure s Show t he C isco Logo in Yo ur Me nu Sy stem Proc edure Step 1 Click Content Management on the Home page. Step 2 Click Cast . Step 3 Click Skin Customization .
27-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 27 Look and Feel Procedures Step 3 Click Skin Customization . Step 4 Choose a n option fr om from the Date Format list.
27-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 27 Look and F eel Proc edure s Deploy Me nu System Custom izations to Y our DMPs Proc edure Step 1 Click Network and Endpoints on the Hom e page . Step 2 Choose Digita l Media Player s > DMP Manager .
27-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 27 Look and Feel Procedures.
C HAPTER 28-1 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 28 Emulate the DMP Remote Control for Use with Cisco Cast Revised: September 17, 20 12 OL-1576 2-05 • Concepts, pa ge 28-1 • Procedur es, pag e 28-4 Note We do not supp ort remote cont rol emulation o n a DMP 4310G.
28-2 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 28 Em ulate the DMP Remo te Control for U se with Cisco Cast Concepts Restrictions • Audio Muting Res trictions, pa ge.
28-3 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 28 Emulate the DMP Remote Control for Use with Cisco Cast Concep ts Workflow to Provision Emulator Service for IP Phones Y o u can provision a servic e from Cisco Unified Co mmunication s Mana ger that emulates the ha ndheld DMP remote co ntrol unit on Cisco IP phones.
28-4 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 28 Em ulate the DMP Remo te Control for U se with Cisco Cast Procedures Procedures In Cisco Unified Communications Manag.
28-5 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 28 Emulate the DMP Remote Control for Use with Cisco Cast Proc edure s Start Services Befo re Yo u Be gin • Acti v ate service s. Proc edure Step 1 Choose T ools > Control Center - F eatur e Servic es .
28-6 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 28 Em ulate the DMP Remo te Control for U se with Cisco Cast Procedures What to Do Next • Procee d to the “Enable IP Phone Autoregistra tion” section on p age 28-6 .
28-7 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 28 Emulate the DMP Remote Control for Use with Cisco Cast Proc edure s Step 5 Enter this URL in the Service URL field: http:// < DMM_hostname > :8080/etv-remotecontr ol-webapp/app/getpin Step 6 Click Sa ve .
28-8 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 28 Em ulate the DMP Remo te Control for U se with Cisco Cast Procedures What to Do Next • Procee d to the “Configure Emu lator Settin gs in Cast” section on pa ge 28- 8 .
28-9 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 28 Emulate the DMP Remote Control for Use with Cisco Cast Proc edure s Step 5 Choose an option fr om the S ecurity PIN behavior list. Although Ci sco C as t randomly genera tes all of its emulator PI Ns, the fixed and dynamic typ es differ in their pe rsist ence.
28-10 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 28 Em ulate the DMP Remo te Control for U se with Cisco Cast Procedures Configure an IP Phon e to Emulat e the Remo te .
28-11 User Guid e for Cisco D igital Media Man ager 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapter 28 Emulate the DMP Remote Control for Use with Cisco Cast Proc edure s Proc edure Step 1 Press Se rvices on yo ur Cisco IP phone. Step 2 Highlight the remote contro l option in the services list.
28-12 User Guid e for Cisc o Digital Me dia Mana ger 5.4. x OL-15762-05 Chapt er 28 Em ulate the DMP Remo te Control for U se with Cisco Cast Procedures Use the Em ulator on an IP Phone or a Mobile P .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco Systems 5.4.x (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco Systems 5.4.x noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco Systems 5.4.x - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco Systems 5.4.x reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco Systems 5.4.x erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco Systems 5.4.x besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco Systems 5.4.x verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco Systems 5.4.x. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco Systems 5.4.x gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.