Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 3200 des Produzenten Cisco Systems
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco T elePresence.
Content s iii Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Preface ix Intro ducti on i-ix Conv enti ons i-ix Obtain ing Docu mentat ion, Obt aining Su pport , and Secur ity Gui deline s i-x Relat ed D.
Cont ent s iv Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 CHAPTER 10 First- Tim e Se tup 10-1 Parts Li st 10-1 Loadi ng C TS Admi nist rati on So ftw are 10-1 Config urin g an Alte rnate TFT P Server.
Content s v Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Replac ing a Micr ophon e—Part Numb er CTS-MIC 12-12 Requir ed Infor mation , Tools, and Equipme nt 12-12 Removing and Repl acing a Fi rst Ro.
Cont ent s vi Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Carton 12 of 58: Camer a Assembl y Bracket , 69-1627 -xx, CTS3K-STRUCT URE A-6 Carton 13 of 5 8: Brac kets, 69-16 32-xx, CTS3K- STRUCTU RE A-.
Content s vii Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Carton 48 of 58: Acces sory Ca binet , Lef t, 69- 1838-xx, CTS 3K-M-TA BLE-G2 A-16 Carto n 49 of 58 : Ligh ting As semb ly, 69 -16 12-xx , CT.
Cont ent s viii Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01.
ix Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Preface Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Introduction The Cisco T elePr esence 320 0 Assembly Gui de ou tline s the s teps a nd be st p ractices for asse mbling and installing the Cisco T elePresence 3200.
x Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Preface Obtaining D ocumentat ion, Obtai ning Suppor t, and Secur ity Gui delines Ti p Means the inf ormation cont ains useful tips.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 1 Overview Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Chapter Organization Chapter 1, “Overview” (this chapter ) • Provides c hapter organization and content of th is do cument and a n overview of the steps y ou perform to install a CTS-32 00 system.
1-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Ch apter 1 Ov erv iew Chapter Organiza tion Chap ter 7, “Bui ldin g the Seco nd Row Tab le Ass embly” • This ch apter de scri bes ho w to b uild the second ro w table and is or ganized the same as Cha pter 2 .
1-3 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 Overview Conventi ons and Te rminol ogy Step 2 Install and co nnect the PDUs for the display an d f irst ro w table assem bly .
1-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Ch apter 1 Ov erv iew Tools and Equ ipm ent List • Larg e Phillips scre wd ri ve r • T i n snips* • Palle t jack o r hand cart ( for mo ving comp.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 2 Building the Display Assembly Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Parts List Key Part De scrip tion Part Nu mber Qty Ctn Notes 1 Displa.
2-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 2 Building the Display Assembly Parts Li st Cautio n The disp lay stru ctures are unstabl e durin g assemb ly . Use c aution , and suppor t all struc tures as re quired . War ni n g Only trained and qualified personnel s hould be allowed to install , replace, or service this equipment.
2-3 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 2 Buildin g the Dis play Assem bly Parts List Step 2 Attach th e Codec Safety tra ys to the Front F oot stab ilizers . Note If you ordere d a Presen tation Cod ec, atta ch the lar ger tra y that comes with the Pres entation Codec packag e, p art no .
2-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 2 Building the Display Assembly Parts Li st Step 3 Attach the Rear and Front Foot stabi lizers to the Display structur es.
2-5 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 2 Buildin g the Dis play Assem bly Parts List Step 4 Attach the left and right Display Shel f supports t o each Displa y structure.
2-6 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 2 Building the Display Assembly Parts Li st Step 5 Attach the D isplay T ilt brac ket s to e ach Disp lay st ructure. Figur e 2-5 Displa y Tilt brac k ets Note Do not tighten the Disp lay T ilt brackets.
2-7 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 2 Buildin g the Dis play Assem bly Parts List Step 6 Attach the Camera As sembly br acket to the center Dis play stru cture, making sur e that this s truct ure use s the lar g er code c tray .
2-8 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 2 Building the Display Assembly Parts Li st Step 7 Attach t he upp er and lower Suppor t crossba rs to t he left an d right Display structur es.
2-9 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 2 Buildin g the Dis play Assem bly Parts List Step 8 Attach t he upp er and lower Suppor t crossba rs to the cent er Displ ay struc ture. Figur e 2-8 Upper and Low er Support cr ossbars Ti p Use the screw holes near est the ends of the Support cro ssbars.
2-10 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 2 Building the Display Assembly Parts Li st Step 9 Position the three Disp lay structu res relati ve to the r ear w all. Figur e 2-9 P ositio ning the Displa y Str uctu r es 204152 18 - 22” (45.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 3 Mounting and Leveling the Plasma Displays Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Parts List War ni n g Only trained and qualified personnel s hould be allowed to install , replace, or service this equipment.
3-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 3 Mounting an d Levelin g the Pla sma Display s Parts Li st Step 1 Hang the le ft, cen ter , and ri ght Pl asma dis pla ys on t he Dis play struc ture cross bars.
3-3 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 3 Mounting and L eveling the Plasma Display s Parts List Step 2 Loosely attach the Display shelves to the Display shelf supports. Figur e 3-2 Loosely Atta ch the Displa y shelves t o the Displa y Shelf Suppor ts Note The Display shelves are use d in this chapter for le v eling purpose s only .
3-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 3 Mounting an d Levelin g the Pla sma Display s Purpose of Le veling t he Plasm a displays Purpose of Levelin g the Plasma displays The three Pl asma disp lays act a s windo ws all owi ng a thre e-way v iew into the r emote Cisco T elePresence conf erence ro om.
3-5 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 3 Mounting and L eveling the Plasma Display s Purpose of Leveli ng the Pl asma displays Levelin g Goals Lev eling the Display shelves and the Pl.
3-6 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 3 Mounting an d Levelin g the Pla sma Display s Purpose of Le veling t he Plasm a displays Step 5 The surface of the Display shelves should not obstruct any l ines of resolution.
3-7 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 3 Mounting and L eveling the Plasma Display s Purpose of Leveli ng the Pl asma displays Step 6 Use the Plasma displa y Le v eling fee t to le vel the Pla sma disp lays along th e X axis. Use the Display tilt bra ckets to le ve l the Plasma displays along the Y axis.
3-8 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 3 Mounting an d Levelin g the Pla sma Display s Purpose of Le veling t he Plasm a displays Step 7 Align the ed ges of Pla sma d isplays The gap be tween Plas ma displa ys should be uniformly even from the t op edg e of the Plasm a display to the bo ttom ed ge.
3-9 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 3 Mounting and L eveling the Plasma Display s Purpose of Leveli ng the Pl asma displays Step 8 Align th e seams of the Disp lay shelve s with the seam s between Plas ma displays.
3-10 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 3 Mounting an d Levelin g the Pla sma Display s Purpose of Le veling t he Plasm a displays Step 9 Comple te the plas ma disp lay sc reen se tup by ap plying the Blac k Buffer str ips.
CH A P T E R 5-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 5 Building the Display Shelf Assembly Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Parts List Display Shelf, T ype 1 Key Part Descr iption Part Nu.
5-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 5 Building the Display Shelf Assembly Part s List Cautio n The shel f segments are un stable dur ing assem bly . Use caution, and suppor t all struct ures as req uired. War ni n g Only trained and qualified personnel s hould be allowed to install , replace, or service this equipment.
5-3 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 5 Buildin g the Dis play She lf Asse mbly Parts List Step 1 Attach the D isplay sh elf har dwar e.
5-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 5 Building the Display Shelf Assembly Part s List Step 2 Attach the l eft Di splay s helf. Figur e 5-2 Lef t Dis pla y shelf 201148 1 13 13.
5-5 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 5 Buildin g the Dis play She lf Asse mbly Parts List Step 3 Attach the c enter D isplay s helf Figur e 5-3 Cent er Displ a y shelf Note Refer to Figure 5-1 to see the h ardw are us ed to atta ch the cent er Di splay she lf to t he left Disp lay shelf.
5-6 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 5 Building the Display Shelf Assembly Part s List Step 4 Attach the r ight Di splay shelf. Figur e 5-4 Right Displa y shelf Note Refer to Figure 5-1 to see the hardwar e used to attach the righ t Display shelf to the cente r Display shelf.
5-7 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 5 Buildin g the Dis play She lf Asse mbly Parts List Step 5 Attach the screen sup ports to th e access ory cab inets an d position, but do not a.
5-8 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 5 Building the Display Shelf Assembly Part s List.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 4 Building the Lightin g Assembly Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Parts List Key Part Description Part Number Qty Ctn Notes 1 Lighti .
4-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st War ni n g Only trained and qualified personnel s hould be allowed to install , replace, or service this equipment. Cautio n Metal and plastic edge s can be sharp.
4-3 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 1 Assemble the six Suppor t struts and si x Lighti ng Suppor t brac kets.
4-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Step 2 Attach the left and ri ght outer Supp ort brac kets (from Figure 4-1 ) to the horizontal ba r on the left and right Display structures.
4-5 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 3 Attach the four inne r Support bra ckets to the Supp ort crossb ars. Figur e 4-3 Fou r inner Suppo rt br ack ets (from Figure 4-1 ) Note Use any of t he six b rackets that y ou assemb led in Step 1 .
4-6 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Step 4 Attach th e four En d struc ture bra ckets to the ends of the Suppo rt cross bars.
4-7 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 5 Attach th e three Refl ector botto m trays to th e Support br acket s.
4-8 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Step 6 Attach the t wo Reflector bottom spacers to join the three Refl ector bottom tray s.
4-9 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 7 Attach the l eft and righ t (v ertical) Reflec tor Bottom e nds t o the End Str ucture brack ets and att ach t he complian ce sticke r to the left reflector bottom end.
4-10 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Step 8 Attach the Light Cup brac ket to the l eft and rig ht (v ertical) Reflecto r Bottom e nds.
4-11 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 9 Attach the three 5-foot Light f ixtures inside th e Reflector bottoms.
4-12 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Step 10 Attach the l eft and rig ht 4-foot Side L ight f ixtures to the left and right (v ertica l) Reflector Bottom ends.
4-13 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 11 Attach th e two center Met al T rim panels.
4-14 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Step 12 Attach the tw o side Meta l T rim panels.
4-15 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 13 Attach the cen ter Pl astic Di ff user panel.
4-16 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Step 14 Attach the lef t and right plastic dif fuser panels. Bef ore fully tight ening the scre ws, adj ust the panels to the left or right to ens ure that the spa cing betwe en the dif fuser panels are e v en.
4-17 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 15 Attach the fo ur L- brack ets to the tw o (ver tical) e nd Plastic Dif fuser panels.
4-18 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Step 16 Attach the t wo (v ertical) Plastic D iff user panels to the End Stru cture b rack ets.
4-19 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 17 Slide the Plast ic Dif fuser Panel br ace betwee n the end (v ertical) Plasti c Dif fuser panel and the left an d right Plastic Dif fuser panels.
4-20 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Step 18 Attach the cent er Reflecto r top to the c enter Refle ctor bott om. Figur e 4-1 8 Center Reflect or top Note Do not tighten scre ws until co mpleting Step 22 .
4-21 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 19 Attach the lef t and rig ht Refle ctor tops to the le ft and r ight Ref lector botto ms. Figur e 4-1 9 Left and Right Refle ct or t ops Note Do not tighten scre ws until co mpleting Step 22 .
4-22 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Step 20 Join the left, c enter , and righ t Reflector tops with the left and rig ht Reflec tor T ransition pieces. Figur e 4-2 0 Lef t and Righ t Reflect or T r ansition pieces Note Do not tighten scre ws until co mpleting Step 22 .
4-23 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 21 Attach the l eft and righ t (v ertical) Reflec tor en ds to the le ft and right (ve rtical ) Ref lector Bottom ends. Figur e 4-2 1 Lef t and Righ t (v ertic al) Reflect or ends Note Do not tighten scre ws until co mpleting Step 22 .
4-24 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Step 22 Attach the l eft and r ight c orner Reflecto r T ransition p ieces t o the Reflector tops. Figur e 4-2 2 Lef t and Righ t cor ner Reflect or T ransitio n pieces Note T ighten all scre ws from Figure 4-18 thro ugh Figure 4-2 2 .
4-25 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building th e Lighti ng Assemb ly Parts List Step 23 Attach the tw o Metal T rim panels to th e L-brack ets attac hed to the tw o (v ertical) Plastic Dif fuser panels. Figur e 4-2 3 T wo Metal T r im panels Note Install the code cs before you contin ue to the ne xt chapter .
4-26 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 4 Building the Lighting Assembly Parts Li st Ti p If requi red, use t he whi te touch- up paint on the lig ht reflec tors to fix any minor cosme tic issue s caused by assembly , shi pping, or handling.
CH A P T E R 6-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 6 Building the First Row Table Assembly Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Parts List Key Part Descr iption Part Numbe r Qt y Ctn Notes .
6-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Building the First Row Table Assemb ly Parts Li st Cautio n The tab le segments are unstabl e during asse mbly . Use cauti on, and suppor t all stru ctures a s require d. War ni n g Only trained and qualified personnel s hould be allowed to install , replace, or service this equipment.
6-3 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Buildin g the Firs t Row Table As sembl y Parts List Note Th e direc tions left and right re fer to the a ssembl y as you face it fr om the fro nt. War ni n g T able legs are unst able until they are full y attached to the tabletop.
6-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Building the First Row Table Assemb ly Parts Li st Step 2 Assemb le the fou r Molded foa m bu mpers and the four T able leg ba ses.
6-5 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Buildin g the Firs t Row Table As sembl y Parts List Step 3 Assemble th e I/O modu les for th e outside left and outside r ight molde d foam b umpers. The outsi de left an d outside right molde d foam bumpers only have one I/O mod ule eac h.
6-6 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Building the First Row Table Assemb ly Parts Li st Step 4 Assemble the I/O modul es for the inner molded foam bumpers. Figur e 6-4 Foa m Bumper Assembly Note St eps f or rou tin g th e Ethe rnet an d power ca bles are in Cha pter 9, “Routing Po wer and Sig nal Cable s.
6-7 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Buildin g the Firs t Row Table As sembl y Parts List Step 5 Attach the right win g tabletop sec tion to th e right Acc essory Cabi net bracke t.
6-8 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Building the First Row Table Assemb ly Parts Li st Step 6 Attach the ri ght T abl e se gment.
6-9 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Buildin g the Firs t Row Table As sembl y Parts List Step 7 Attach the rig ht most T able L eg.
6-10 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Building the First Row Table Assemb ly Parts Li st Step 8 Attach the cen ter T able seg ment.
6-11 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Buildin g the Firs t Row Table As sembl y Parts List Step 9 Attach the ri ght c enter T able le g.
6-12 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Building the First Row Table Assemb ly Parts Li st Step 10 Attach the l eft T abl e se gment.
6-13 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Buildin g the Firs t Row Table As sembl y Parts List Step 11 Attach the l eft c enter T able le g.
6-14 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Building the First Row Table Assemb ly Parts Li st Step 12 Attach the l eft most T able le g.
6-15 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Buildin g the Firs t Row Table As sembl y Parts List Step 13 Attach on e micr ophone to each table s egm ent.
6-16 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Building the First Row Table Assemb ly Parts Li st Step 14 Attach t he table door to th e tableto p sections a nd attac h the “plea se close ” label to t he under side of the table door .
6-17 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Buildin g the Firs t Row Table As sembl y Parts List Step 15 Attach the cen ter Pri vac y pan el.
6-18 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Building the First Row Table Assemb ly Parts Li st Step 16 Attach the lef t Pri v acy panel.
6-19 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Buildin g the Firs t Row Table As sembl y Parts List Step 17 Attach the ri ght Priv acy panel.
6-20 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 6 Building the First Row Table Assemb ly Parts Li st Step 18 Attach the right win g Priv acy pa nel.
CH A P T E R 7-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 7 Building the Second Ro w Table Assembly Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Parts List Key Part Descr iption Part Numbe r Qt y Ctn Note.
7-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st 16 T able top: secti on 3 95-1009 7-01 Kit # 74 -56 01- 01 1 26 17 T able top: secti on 4 .
7-3 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Cautio n The tab le segments are unstabl e during asse mbly . Use cauti on, and suppor t all stru ctures a s require d. War ni n g Only trained and qualified personnel s hould be allowed to install , replace, or service this equipment.
7-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Cautio n In order to pre vent scratc hing the tabl e tops, you should av oid putt ing any tools on the sh elf surfaces. Note Th e direc tions left and right re fer to the a ssembl y as you face it fr om the fro nt.
7-5 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 2 Assemble the se ven Molded foam b umpers and the se ven T able leg bases.
7-6 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 3 Attach the first set of suppor t brackets for the gutt er and priv acy panel to the t able legs. Note Note the table layout. Ea ch section is numbered as sho wn in Figure 7-3 .
7-7 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 4 Attach th e second set of f iv e support brack ets to the table leg s.
7-8 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 5 While one or more assista nts k eep th e table le gs stead y , attach t he Sectio n 1 gutt er pan el to th e Section 1 table legs. Ti p When you att ach the sup port brac kets, it can be helpful to turn th e tabl e leg upside-down.
7-9 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 6 Attach th e Section 2 gutter panel to the Sect ion 2 table le gs.
7-10 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 7 Attach th e Section 3 gutter panel to the Sect ion 3 table le gs.
7-11 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 8 Attach th e Section 4 gutter panel to the Sect ion 4 table le gs. Note If you are build ing a Reduc ed Co nfiguration tabl e (four tabl etops i nstea d of six), c ontinu e to Step 11 after completin g this step.
7-12 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 9 Attach the l eft Section 5 gutter panels to the rem aining ta ble le gs.
7-13 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 10 Attach th e right Se ction 5 g utter panels to the remainin g table l eg s.
7-14 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 11 Assemble the I/O modules for the outside left and outside right molded foam b umpers. The outsi de left an d outside right molde d foam bumpers only have one I/O mod ule eac h.
7-15 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 12 Assemble the I/O modules for the inne r molded foam b umpers.
7-16 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 13 Inser t the second row PDUs in the l ower cable gutters. Note Y o u install the remain ing PDUs and ro ute the ca bles in Chapter 9, “Ro uting Power and Signal Cables.
7-17 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 14 Attach the f irst set of floatin g brackets t o the table assembly . Note Be fore you att ach the floating br ackets, ro ute the Etherne t and power cables in Chapter 9, “Rout ing Po wer and Signal Cables.
7-18 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 15 Attach th e second set of flo ating br acket s to t he table a ssembly . Note Before you attach the floatin g brackets, ro ute the po wer cable s in Chapter 9, “Routin g Power and Signal Cables.
7-19 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 16 Attach the pr iv acy pan el hanger s to the tabl e assemb ly .
7-20 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 17 Place the section 1 and sectio n 2 tabletops on the table assemb ly , insert the .
7-21 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 18 Place the Sec tion 3 tablet op on the ta ble assembly , insert the spline in th e slot betwee n the tw o tabletops, and use the dr aw b olts to join table tops 1 and 3 together .
7-22 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 19 Join table se ction 4 to table sec tion 2 us ing the draw bo lts and spl ine. Note If you are build ing a Reduc ed Co nfiguration tabl e (four tabl etops i nstea d of six), c ontinu e to Step 22 after completin g this step.
7-23 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 20 Place the left tab letop sec tion 5 on the tabl e assembly and join it to the sect ion 3 tablet op using the dra w bolts and spline.
7-24 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 21 Place the right tab letop sectio n 5 on t he table assembly and join it to the section 4 tabletop.
7-25 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 22 Atta ch the left tab letop end t o tableto p section 5 usi ng the using the draw bolts, splin e and alignm ent plat e.
7-26 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 23 Atta ch the Right tabl etop en d.
7-27 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 24 Attach tab letop se ctions 1 and 2 to the ta ble l eg.
7-28 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 25 Attach tab letop se ctions 1 and 3 to the ta ble l eg.
7-29 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 26 Attach tab letop se ctions 2 and 4 to the ta ble l eg. Note If you are build ing a Reduc ed Co nfiguration tabl e (four tabl etops i nstea d of six), c ontinu e to Step 30 after completin g this step.
7-30 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 27 Attach tab letop se ctions 3 and 5 to the ta ble l eg.
7-31 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 28 Attach tab letop se ctions 4 and 5 to the ta ble l eg.
7-32 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 29 Atta ch the re inforc emen t screws for the gutt er pane ls.
7-33 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 30 Attach the panel end brace to the table le g and lef t tablet op end an d attach the table le g to the tab letop and table top en d.
7-34 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 31 Atta ch the pa nel end br ace to t he tabl e leg and right t abletop end, then attac h the tab le leg to the tabl etop and table top en d.
7-35 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 33 Attach the pri vac y panel alignment bra cket to the under side of table section 2.
7-36 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 35 Attach the pri vac y panel alignment bra cket to the under side of table section 4. Note If you are build ing a Reduc ed Co nfiguration tabl e (four tabl etops i nstea d of six), c ontinu e to Step 38 after completin g this step.
7-37 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 37 Attach the pri vac y panel alignment brack et to the underside of right table section 5.
7-38 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 38 Attach one mi croph one to each tab le seg ment and atta ch the mi crophon e exte nsion cords to the microp hone cabl es. Th ere are six micro phones fo r the secon d row table.
7-39 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 39 Lift the priv acy panel for t able sect ion 1 in to position until it seats on th e loca ting pins on the t able assembly; then, use th e plastic knob scre ws to loosely attach the pri v acy panel fr om below .
7-40 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 40 Attach the pri vac y panel for section 2 to the table assem bly . Note Align the panels so that the seam between pri vac y panels 1 an d 2 is aligned with the tab le top seam for table tops 1 and 2.
7-41 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 41 Attach the pri vac y panel for section 3 to the table assem bly .
7-42 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 42 Attach the pri vac y panel for section 4 to the table assem bly . Note If you are build ing a Reduc ed Co nfiguration tabl e (four tabl etops i nstea d of six), c ontinu e to Step 45 after completin g this step.
7-43 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 43 Attach the pri vac y panel for left section 5 to the table assembly .
7-44 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 44 Attach the pri vac y panel for right section 5 to the table assembly .
7-45 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 45 Adjust panels until all seams betwee n the panels are e ven , then fully tighten the knob screws. Note Star t wi th the s eam betwee n sect ions 1 a nd 2 .
7-46 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 46 Attach the cab le cov er for the right en d pri v acy panel. Ti p Install the cab le cov er so that it hides the cab les that come out of the right side of the table section.
7-47 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Seco nd Row Ta ble Assem bly Parts List Step 47 Atta ch the priv acy panel end piec es and t he cable c over for the ri ght en d privac y pane l.
7-48 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 7 Building the Second Row Table Assembly Parts Li st Step 48 Position the second ro w table so that the t railing ed ge of the f irst ro w table is exa ctly 59 inch es (150 cm) behind the l eadi ng ed ge of t he s econd r ow table.
CH A P T E R 8-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 8 Assembling the Remai ning Cisco TelePresence Elements Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Parts List Key Part Description Part Number Q.
8-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assemblin g the Re mainin g Cisco T elePresen ce Elem ents Parts Li st Codec A ssembly 1 Primary c odec 84-1321- xx 1 3 2 Secondar y code c 6.
8-3 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assembl ing the Re maining Ci sco TelePrese nce Elem ents Parts List Note Note that th e ke y numbers res tart fo r each elemen t. War ni n g Only trained and qualified personnel s hould be allowed to install , replace, or service this equipment.
8-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assemblin g the Re mainin g Cisco T elePresen ce Elem ents Parts Li st Step 1 Place the ass embly o v er the cent er displ ay , then attach the Camer a Assembly to the Camera Assembly bracket .
8-5 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assembl ing the Re maining Ci sco TelePrese nce Elem ents Parts List Step 2 Attac h the projec tor to th e projec tor mount ing brac ket.
8-6 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assemblin g the Re mainin g Cisco T elePresen ce Elem ents Parts Li st Step 3 Attac h the projec tor to th e projec tor mount ing brac ket, and atta ch the asse mbly to the undersi de of the center T abl e se gment.
8-7 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assembl ing the Re maining Ci sco TelePrese nce Elem ents Parts List Step 4 Attach th e VGA mod ule to the center T able segme nt. The VGA mod ule suppor ts the VGA peripher al cabl e when not in use.
8-8 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assemblin g the Re mainin g Cisco T elePresen ce Elem ents Parts Li st Step 5 Attach th e Cable man agement ba rs to the th ree Codecs .
8-9 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assembl ing the Re maining Ci sco TelePrese nce Elem ents Parts List Step 6 Attach th e Codec attach ment brackets to the three Cod ecs.
8-10 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assemblin g the Re mainin g Cisco T elePresen ce Elem ents Parts Li st Step 7 Attach the t hree cod ecs to t he dis play str uctur e codec s afety trays .
8-11 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assembl ing the Re maining Ci sco TelePrese nce Elem ents Parts List Step 8 Attach th e Speake r board brack ets and Le veling fee t to the Speak er boa rds. The Spe aker boa rd br ackets sh ould a ngle towards the rear of the Displa y struc ture.
8-12 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assemblin g the Re mainin g Cisco T elePresen ce Elem ents Parts Li st Step 9 Attach th e Speake r board s to the Speake r board brack ets on the unde rside of the Display shel ve s.
8-13 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assembl ing the Re maining Ci sco TelePrese nce Elem ents Parts List Step 10 Attach th e Speakers to the Speak er boards.
8-14 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assemblin g the Re mainin g Cisco T elePresen ce Elem ents Parts Li st Step 11 Attach the Pro jector screen to th e Displ ay shelv es.
8-15 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assembl ing the Re maining Ci sco TelePrese nce Elem ents Parts List Step 12 Attach the au dio/vi deo extension uni t to its bracket.
8-16 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assemblin g the Re mainin g Cisco T elePresen ce Elem ents Parts Li st Step 13 Attach the audio/ video extension unit to the re ar of the di splay assem bly .
8-17 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assembl ing the Re maining Ci sco TelePrese nce Elem ents Parts List Step 14 Attach the auxili ary con trol unit to its b racket using 5 mm scr ew s; then, attach th e unit and brack et to the r ear of the d isplay as sembly .
8-18 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 8 Assemblin g the Re mainin g Cisco T elePresen ce Elem ents Parts Li st Step 15 Assemble the Lar ge Camera T arget. When yo u slide the C amera ta rge t into the fr ame, ma ke sure the t arg et is center ed in the fr ame betw een the ver tical lines at the top and botto m of the targ et.
CH A P T E R 9-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 9 Routing Power and Signal Cables Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Parts List Cautio n Do not po wer on the PDUs until all the cab les are routed an d connected. War ni n g Overcurrent protection is provided by branch circuit protection rated 20A.
9-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power and Sign al Cables Parts Li st War ni n g Output receptacles cannot exceed 15A for any one receptacle. Cautio n Correct routin g of the v arious po wer cords to the appro priate PDU is critical for th e safety and suc cess of the Cisco T elePrese nce System 32 00 assemb ly .
9-3 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power an d Signal Cables Parts List Step 1 Attach th e two left Po wer Dist ribut ion Units (PDU) to the lef t Accessory cabine t. The acc essory cabinets ea ch have scre w holes for two PDUs on one side wall and scr ew holes for one PDU on the other .
9-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power and Sign al Cables Parts Li st Step 2 Attach the ri ght PDU to the right Accesso ry cabin et. The acc essory cabinets ea ch have scre w holes for two PDUs on one side wall and scr ew holes for one PDU on the other .
9-5 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power an d Signal Cables Parts List Step 3 Attach the table as sembly PDU atta chme nt to the cen ter pri vac y pane l. Figur e 9-3 T able assembl y PDU at tachmen t t o the c ent er Pr iv ac y panel Note Th e PDU power cable shoul d extend from the ri ght side.
9-6 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power and Sign al Cables Parts Li st Step 4 Rout e the po wer c ables for th e f irst r o w tab le assem bly . Figur e 9-4 First Ro w T able Assembly Cable Ro uting Note The six jumper cords fro m the I/O modules in the table le gs route to the cent er PDU.
9-7 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power an d Signal Cables Parts List Step 5 Rout e the signal cable s for th e f irst r ow micro phones, Cisco Unif ied IP Phone, and (if requi red) Et hernet connect ions in the f irst ro w table.
9- 8 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power and Sign al Cables Parts Li st Step 6 Route the se cond row microp hone cabl es.
9-9 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power an d Signal Cables Parts List Step 7 If your insta llation uses wired Eth ernet for the sec ond ro w participants, att ach the Ether net cables to the module s in the foam bumpe rs and rou te th e Ether net ca bles .
9-10 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power and Sign al Cables Parts Li st Step 8 Rout e the po wer cables for the secon d ro w table.
9-11 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power an d Signal Cables Parts List Step 9 Connect th e Cisco Unified IP Phone , VGA periphera l, and proje ctor HD vi deo cabl es. Note Th e VGA Pe riphe ral c able is the free- hanging cabl e re sting in the VG A modul e at tached to th e ce nter Ta b l e s e g m e n t .
9-12 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power and Sign al Cables Parts Li st Step 10 Atta ch the mic rophone cable s to the audi o/vid eo exten sion uni t.
9-13 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power an d Signal Cables Parts List Step 11 Attach and r oute the cable s for the speak ers. Figur e 9-1 1 Cabling the Speak ers Note Figur e 9-11 displ ays the re ar view of the Cisco T e lePresenc e System 320 0.
9-14 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power and Sign al Cables Parts Li st Step 12 Connec t t he f ollo wing ca bles : • At tach and rout e the po wer cables for the lighting assem bly by conne cting the lights to the au xiliary contro l unit.
9-15 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power an d Signal Cables Parts List Ti p Before p luggin g the Ligh t fixture power cables int o the u nit, l abel ea ch one. For example , 5’ Left ligh t, 4’ Righ t light. Step 13 Attach and r oute the po wer and signal cab les for the plasma dis plays .
9-16 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power and Sign al Cables Parts Li st Step 14 Attach and r oute the po wer- ov er -Ether net and HD V ideo ca bles for th e cam era.
9-17 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power an d Signal Cables Parts List Step 15 Attach the cab les betwe en the codecs. Note If you ordere d a Presen tation Codec with y.
9-18 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power and Sign al Cables Parts Li st Note Figur e 9-15 displ ays the re ar view of the Cisco T e lePrese nce System 320 0. Lef t and right ar e reversed. Step 16 Connect t he p o wer c ables for the codecs .
9-19 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power an d Signal Cables Parts List Step 17 (Opti onal) I f your inst allatio n uses an op tional external disp lay or a doc umen t camera , install and rou te the cabl ing.
9-20 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power and Sign al Cables Parts Li st Step 18 (Opti onal) If your inst allation uses an extern al displ ay or a doc ument ca mera w ith a prese ntation codec, install and route th e cabling.
9-21 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power an d Signal Cables Parts List.
9-22 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 9 Routing Power and Sign al Cables Parts Li st.
CH A P T E R 10-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 10 Firs t-Time Setup Revised: February 6, 200 9, OL-14521-01 After you have assembled t he Cisco T elePr esence Sy stem (C TS), you set up.
10-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 10 Firs t-Time S etup Loading CTS Admi nistration Software Note M ake sure that you p ower on all codecs withi n 30 second s to avoid power on detectio n failu re. After yo u turn on the co decs, th e displa ys associa ted with each codec bec omes acti ve.
10-3 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 0 First-Time Setup Loading CTS Administration Software Figur e 1 0-2 S yst em IP A ddress Note Not e If the IP a ddress that displays i s 192.1 68.100.2, the CTS-320 0 coul d not conta ct the DH CP server or your system doe s not use DH CP .
10-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 10 Firs t-Time S etup Configuring an A lternate TF TP Server (Op tional) Step 6 From the Cisco IP te lephone welco me pag e, pre ss Next . The system r eboots. Note Th e system migh t reboot sev eral times duri ng the initi al start up process.
10-5 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 0 First-Time Setup Set ting Up CTS Com ponen ts Step 1 Using the IP ad dress displa yed in the Cisco IP tel ephone welcome messa ge, log in to the CTS Admi nist rati on so ftwa re.
10-6 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 10 Firs t-Time S etup Setting Up CTS Components Troub lesho otin g Disp lays Use Ta b l e 10-1 t o tro ubleshoo t probl ems w ith the imag es on the disp lays.
10-7 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 0 First-Time Setup Set ting Up CTS Com ponen ts Attach the Cam era Ta rgets T wo camer a targets are provide d with the Cisco T elePresen ce system : a lar ge white targ et and a sma ller tar get.
10-8 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 10 Firs t-Time S etup Setting Up CTS Components Figur e 1 0-3 Camer a Mounting Plat e 201205 Up/down scre w Left/right screws Rotation screws .
10-9 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 0 First-Time Setup Set ting Up CTS Com ponen ts Figur e 1 0-4 Cor rect Camer a T ar g et Alignment—Cent er Display Figur e 1 0-5 Cor rect C.
10-10 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 10 Firs t-Time S etup Setting Up CTS Components Figur e 1 0-6 Cor rect Ca mer a T arg et Alignment—Lef t Display • Clic k Hid e Came ra T arge t to rem ov e the alignmen t image s. • Clic k Done when you complet e the adjustment .
10-11 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 0 First-Time Setup Set ting Up CTS Com ponen ts Figur e 1 0-7 At tachi ng the Cam era Hood Assembly Troub lesho otin g Came ras Use Ta b l e 10-2 t o tro ubleshoo t proble ms with camer as.
10-12 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 10 Firs t-Time S etup Setting Up CTS Components Ta b l e 1 0-2 T roublesho oting Char t for Camer a Pro blems Prob lem Possible Cause Action Cisco TelePresence 3000/3200 only Camera image appe ars on the wrong display .
10-13 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 0 First-Time Setup Set ting Up CTS Com ponen ts Setting Up the Sp eakers The speake rs are set up co rrect ly you can hear sound clea rly from ea ch one . Y ou ca n choose whe ther you want to cycle thr ough the spe akers aut omatic ally or manual ly .
10-14 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 10 Firs t-Time S etup Setting Up CTS Components • Clic k Refr esh Micr ophones Status (CTS-3200s on ly) to upda te the on/o ff status of all microphon es. • Clic k Stop whe n s etu p is co mp let e.
10-15 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 0 First-Time Setup Set ting Up CTS Com ponen ts Step 1 Make sure tha t a seria l cabl e is connec ted from your pr ojec tor to the Serial output of the au xiliary cont rol unit.
10-16 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 10 Firs t-Time S etup Setting Up CTS Components Completing th is step should center the image in the scr een. If the image is not cente red, adjust the image unti l the distance is equal fr om each table segm ent seam.
10-17 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 0 First-Time Setup Set ting Up CTS Com ponen ts Note Th e Cisco T e lePresence System can displa y information from mult iple input de vices.
10-18 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 10 Firs t-Time S etup Setting Up CTS Components Other Devices Use Other D evices to check the Auxili ary Control Unit, which con trols the in.
CH A P T E R 11-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 11 Use & C are Guide Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Maintaining the Tabletop Cleani ng yo ur woo d surf aces T o avoid the build-up of dirt , dust al l wood surfaces on a r egular bas is.
11-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Ch apter 1 1 U se & Car e Gui de Cleaning the Camer a lens Cleaning the Camera lens Cautio n Do not touch the ca mera after installat ion is compl eted. If you ne ed to clean the ca mera len s, use a d ry micro fib er clot h.
CH A P T E R 12-1 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 12 Field-Replaceable Unit Guid e Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 This chap ter de scribe s the steps you perfo rm to rep lace the fi.
12-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing the Camera Cl uster—Part Numbe r CTS3K-CAM-CLST-G 2 b. Change the de vi ce MA C addres s to the MA C address fo r the ne w primary c odec. T he M A C a ddress should be displa yed on the c odec.
12-3 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Repl acing the Cam era Cl uster— Part N umber CTS3K- CAM-CL ST-G 2 • Po wer scre wdri v er w ith 2. 5, 3, and 6 mm (s tand ard o r roun d) Al len b its , or stand ard 2.
12-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing a Plasma D isplay—Part Number CTS-DISP-65-GEN2 Step 7 Reattac h the Ether net and sig nal cab les acco rding to yo ur tempor ary ma rkings. Do not attach th e came ra hoods a t this time.
12-5 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Repl acing a Plas ma Display— Par t Num ber CT S-DISP- 65-GE N2 • Laptop com puter atta ched to ne twork .
12-6 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing a Plasma D isplay—Part Number CTS-DISP-65-GEN2 Remov ing the C amera Cl uster If you ar e re placing the center Pl asma di splay , you must r emove the came ra cl uster .
12-7 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Repl acing a Plas ma Display— Par t Num ber CT S-DISP- 65-GE N2 Removin g the Dis play Scre en and Comp leting the Proc edure Step 1 Detach th e display s creen’ s signal cabl e from the cor rect cod ec unit.
12-8 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing a Speake r—Part Number CTS- LDSPKR Step 19 Perform the display adjustme nt proce dure. See the “Set ting Up the Disp lays” sect ion on page 10-5 for mor e inform atio n.
12-9 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Replacin g a Speake r—Par t Number CTS-LDS PKR • The auxilia ry cont rol unit on the c enter disp lay struct ure Cautio n Make sure all system po wer is turned off befor e be ginning this d isassembly .
12-10 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing a Codec Uni t—Part Nu mber CTS-CODEC-PRI -G2 (Primary Codec) or CTS- CODEC-SEC (Secon dary Codec.
12-11 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Repl acin g a Code c Unit—Pa rt Num ber CTS -CODEC-P RI-G2 (P rimary C odec) or CT S-CODEC- SEC (Secon dary Cod ec) Step 6 Remove the co dec from t he Disp lay str uctur e.
12-12 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing a Micr ophone —Part Numbe r CTS-MIC Replacing a Micro phone—Part Number CTS-MIC Required Info .
12-13 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Replac ing a Micr ophone —Part Nu mber CTS -MIC Step 7 Pull the c able out thr ough the hole and se t the m icropho ne asi de.
12-14 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing a Lig ht Fixture— Part Numb er CTS-LIGH T-FI XT Step 8 Attach th e pri v acy pan els to the table sections. Note If requir ed, a dju st t he privacy panel s ecti ons so th at t her e is an eq ual amou nt of s pac e betw een each se ction.
12-15 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Replac ing the Aud io/Vide o Ext ension Unit—Part Number CTS-AV- EXP Replacing a Light Fi xture Step 1 Po wer of f the Auxiliary Control U nit by turning the po wer switch to th e Of f positio n.
12-16 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing the A uxiliary Cont rol Unit— Part Numb er CTS-LIGHT-C TRL Cautio n Make sure all system po wer is turned off befor e be ginning this d isassembly .
12-17 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Replacing the Cisco Unified IP Phone—Part Number CP-7975G-CTS Step 5 Attach the cab les to the ne w au xiliary co ntrol u nit usin g the ma sking tape l abels as a guide .
12-18 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing the Pro jector—Part N umber CTS-PRJTR-G EN1 Step 5 Remov e the projector assembly by sliding the unit to the front unti l the projector mounting brac ket disengag es fr om the loosen ed m ountin g scr ews.
12-19 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Replac ing a PDU—P art Num ber CT S-PWR- PDU Step 10 Reattach the po wer cable to the projector . Step 11 Reattach the ser ial cable to the auxili ary control unit.
12-20 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing a Displ ay Shelf Note If your a dministr ator h as ch anged t he use r na me or p assword, e nter those values.
12-21 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Rep laci ng a Dis play She lf Be careful not to mar the scr een when you perfor m this step. b. Use an ope n-end ed wrench to lo osen th e feet on th e bottom of th e screen, an d lo wer th e screen .
12-22 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing a First Row Table To p Section Ti p The pr oject or scre en c omes w ith pr inted i nstruc tions tha t s hould a ssist yo u with repla cing it . If yo u cannot f ind the instruct ions, re v erse the order of remo v al to install it.
12-23 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Replacin g a First R ow Table T op Secti on Note Make sure th at the leg still support s both table top sections. Step 8 Remove the draw bolts betwe en the tab le top sect ions on the side that you moved.
12-24 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing a Second Row Table To p Section Replacing a Sec ond Row Table Top Section Complet e the se step s to r eplace a seco nd ro w table top section .
12-25 Cisco TelePre sence System 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 1 2 Field-Replace able Unit Guide Repla cing a Se cond R ow Table Top Sect ion Step 6 If you are repla cing t he le ft or righ t tabl etop e nd, r emove the p riv acy panel e nd pie ce and panel end brace.
12-26 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Chapter 12 Field-Replaceable Un it Guide Replacing a Second Row Table To p Section Step 20 Place the splines in the slots on the edge of the ne w table top section. Step 21 Press th e table t op sec tions together .
A- 1 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 APPENDIX A Appendix A: Parts List Sorted by Carton Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 Overview • Each tab le repr esent s a separ ate cart on. • Each carto n may contain multiple parts. Some of these part s are grouped together in kits.
A- 2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix A Appendix A: Part s List Sorted by Carton Carton 1 of 58: Mechanica l Access ory Kit, CTS3K -ACC-KIT , 53-2855-xx 78-1 7839-0 4 Regula tory .
A-3 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Append ix A Appendi x A: Parts List Sorted by Cart on Carton 2 of 58: Mechanical Ac cessory Kit, 53- 2855-xx, CTS3K- ACC2-KIT Carton 2 of 58: Mechani c.
A- 4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix A Appendix A: Part s List Sorted by Carton Carton 4 of 58: Camera Cluster, 800-30872-xx, CTS3K-CA M-CLST-G2 Carton 4 of 58: Camera Cluster, 8.
A-5 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Append ix A Appendi x A: Parts List Sorted by Cart on Carton 8 of 58: Speake r, 74-4740-x x, CTS-LDSPKR Carton 8 of 58: Speaker, 74-4740-xx, CT S-LDSPK.
A- 6 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix A Appendix A: Part s List Sorted by Carton Carton 12 of 58: Camera Assembly Brack et, 69-1627-xx, CTS3K-STRUCTU RE Carton 12 of 58: Camera As.
A-7 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Append ix A Appendi x A: Parts List Sorted by Cart on Carton 16 of 58: Front Foot Stabiliz er, 69-1624-xx, CST3K-S TRUCTURE Carton 16 of 58: Front Foot.
A- 8 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix A Appendix A: Part s List Sorted by Carton Cart on 2 0 of 58: Acc essor y Kit f or CTS- 3200 , 53- 3108-x x, CTS3 2-ACC- KIT Carton 20 of 58:.
A-9 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Append ix A Appendi x A: Parts List Sorted by Cart on Carton 24 o f 58: Plasma Displa y, 74-4881-xx, CTS -DISP-65-GEN2 Carton 24 of 58: Plasma Displa y.
A-10 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix A Appendix A: Part s List Sorted by Carton Cart on 2 7 of 58: Li ght Fixtu re, 74-5361 -xx, CTS- LIGHT -FIX T Carton 27 of 58: Light Fixture,.
A-11 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Append ix A Appendi x A: Parts List Sorted by Cart on Carton 30 of 58: Ligh t Fixture, 74-5362-xx, CTS-LIGHT-FIXT Carton 30 of 58: Light Fixture, 74-5.
A-12 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix A Appendix A: Part s List Sorted by Carton Carton 33 of 58: Support Crossbars , 69-1623-01, CTS3K-S TRUCTURE Carton 33 of 58: Support Cross b.
A-13 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Append ix A Appendi x A: Parts List Sorted by Cart on Carton 37 of 58: Disp lay Structure , 69-1622-xx, CTS 3K-STRUCTURE Carton 37 of 58: Display Stru.
A-14 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix A Appendix A: Part s List Sorted by Carton Carton 40 of 58: Second ary Code c, 800-28202- xx, CTS-CODEC-SE C Carton 40 of 58: Secondary Cod e.
A-15 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Append ix A Appendi x A: Parts List Sorted by Cart on Carton 44 of 58: Lighting Assembly, 69-1613-xx, C TS3K-LIGHT-STR Carton 44 of 58: Lighting Assem.
A-16 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix A Appendix A: Part s List Sorted by Carton Carton 48 of 58 : Accessory Cabine t, Left, 69- 1838-xx, CTS3K-M-TAB LE-G2 Carton 48 of 58: Access.
A-17 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Append ix A Appendi x A: Parts List Sorted by Cart on Carton 50 of 58: Cisco TelePresen ce 3200 Structur e—Ad dition to Standar d CTS-3000, CTS32-ST.
A-18 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix A Appendix A: Part s List Sorted by Carton Carton 51 of 58: Display Shelf Support s and Codec Tray , 69-1626-xx, CTS3K-STRUCTU RE Carton 51 o.
A-19 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Append ix A Appendi x A: Parts List Sorted by Cart on Carton 54 of 58: Ta bletop Leg Base , 69-1915-xx, C TS3K-STRUCTURE Carton 54 of 58: Tabletop Leg.
A-20 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix A Appendix A: Part s List Sorted by Carton Carton 58 of 58: Tableto p Sections, Display Shel ves, an d Speaker Boards, 69-1835-x x, CTS3K -M .
B-1 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 APPENDIX B Appendix B: Region- and Country-Specific Equip ment Revised: July 28 , 2008, OL-14521-0 1 The fol lo wing countrie s and re gions ha ve equi.
B-2 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix B Appendi x B: Region- and Country-Sp ecific Equipment Aust ralia Australia Central Europe China Euro pe Part De scrip tion Part N umber Qty N.
B-3 Cisco TelePr esence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Append ix B Appendix B: Region - and Count ry-Specif ic Equipm ent India, UAE, Sou th Africa India, UAE, South Afri ca Israel Italy Japan Part De scrip.
B-4 Cisco Tele Presence Syste m 3200 OL-14521-01 Appendix B Appendi x B: Region- and Country-Sp ecific Equipment North Ameri ca North America Switze rland United Ki ngdom Part Description Part Number .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco Systems 3200 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco Systems 3200 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco Systems 3200 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco Systems 3200 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco Systems 3200 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco Systems 3200 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco Systems 3200 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco Systems 3200. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco Systems 3200 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.