Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 3110X des Produzenten Cisco Systems
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco Catal yst S w.
iii Catalyst Switch Module 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 fo r IBM BladeCenter Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-12192-01 CONTENTS Preface vii Audienc e vi i Pur pose vi i Conv enti ons vii Rela ted Publi cati.
Cont ent s iv Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X , and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Connect ing Dev ices to th e Ether net Ports 2-13 Wher e to Go N ext 2-13 .
vii Catalyst Switch Module 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 fo r IBM BladeCenter Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-12192-01 Preface Audience This guide is for the netwo rking or computer tech nician responsible for installing a Cisco Catalyst switch module.
viii Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X , and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Preface War ni n g This warning symbol means dang er .
CH A P T E R 1-1 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 1 Product Overview The Cisc o Catalyst Switch Modu le 3110G , 3110X, a nd.
1-2 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X , and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 1 Produc t Overview Hardwa re Feature s Hardware Features The Cat alyst Sw i.
1-3 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv iew Hardwa re Featu res The Ca talyst Swit ch Mod ule 3012 inc.
1-4 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 1 Produc t Overview Hardwa re Feature s 10-Gigab it Etherne t Module Slot The Cat alyst Switch M odule 311 0X 10-Giga bit Ethe rnet mod ule slot is us ed for an upli nk con nection to other switches and r outers.
1-5 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv iew Hardwa re Featu res Switch Module LEDs Y ou can use th e switch module LEDs to monitor switch m odule ac ti vity .
1-6 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 1 Produc t Overview Hardwa re Feature s Mode Button The f ault/stack or stac k membe r LEDs a re selecte d b y using the Mode bu tton.
1-7 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv iew Hardwa re Featu res Fault/Stack Mode LED The f a ult/stack m ode LED sh o ws either a fault conditi o n or t he switch sta ck status, depending on the Mode button selectio n.
1-8 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 1 Produc t Overview Hardwa re Feature s Port LEDs The Ca talyst Swit ch Modul e 3110G an d 3012 port L EDs show int erface ac tivity and link st atus .
1-9 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv iew Manageme nt Opti ons When stack mo de is selecte d on a Catalyst Switch Modul e 3110X, the two port status LEDs show the status for StackWise Plus port s 1 and 2, r espect iv ely .
1-10 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 1 Produc t Overview Managem ent Opt ions • IBM Dir ector For stan dalone s.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 2 Switch Module Installation This chapt er describ es how to install the Catalyst Switch Module 3110 G, 3110X , and 3012 and make connec tions to the sw itch m odul e.
2-2 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Module In stallation Prepar ing for Installat ion War ni n g Ethernet cables must be sh ielded when used i n a central office environment.
2-3 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Modul e Instal lation Preparing for Installation Installation Guideli.
2-4 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Module In stallation Insta lling th e Switch Module Installing the Switch Module This sect ion co vers switch module in stallation.
2-5 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Modul e Instal lation Installing the Switch Module Step 7 Slide the switch module i nto the bay u ntil it stops ( Figure 2-2 ).
2-6 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Module In stallation Creating Sw itch Stacks Creating Switch Stacks This se ction i s only for C atalyst Switch Modul e 3110G and 31 10X and is option al.
2-7 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Modul e Instal lation Creating Switch Stacks Connectin g a Sw itch S tack Foll ow these steps: Step 1 Install t he me mber sw itch mo dules i f yo u have not alr eady do ne so.
2-8 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Module In stallation Creating Sw itch Stacks Switch Stac k Cablin g .
2-9 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Modul e Instal lation Creating Switch Stacks Figure 2-5 is an exa mple of a recommended configu ration in which eight switch modules create a switch stack in eigh t blad e enclosure s.
2-10 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Module In stallation Creating Sw itch Stacks Figure 2-6 shows an example of a recomm ended co nfigura tion in which eight s witch mod ules cr eate tw o separa te swit ch sta cks in eight blad e en clos ures.
2-11 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Modul e Instal lation Installing Devices in the 10-Gigabit Eth ernet Slot Installing Devices in t he 10-Gigabit Ethernet Slot This section descri bes how to instal l and remov e X2 transcei ver modules.
2-12 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Module In stallation Installi ng Dev ices i n the 10-Gi gabit E thernet Slot Cautio n V erify th e corre ct orien tation of yo ur modul e before insertin g it into the slot.
2-13 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Modul e Instal lation Connect ing Devi ces to the Etherne t Ports Connecting De vices to the Ethernet Ports The 10/ 100/10 00 Ethern et por ts use stand ard RJ-4 5 conne ctors wit h Ethern et pinou ts.
2-14 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 2 Switch Module In stallation Where to Go Nex t.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 3 Troubleshooting This ch apter de scribes these switch mo dule trou bles.
3-2 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 3 Trouble shooting Diagno sing Proble ms Verify Switch Mo dule Conne ctions Revie w this se ction w hen t roublesh ooting sw itch m odule con nection proble ms.
3-3 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting Diagnosi ng Pr oblems Transceiver Issues Use onl y Cis co X2 tra nsceiver modules on the sw itch mo dule. E ach Ci sco modul e has a n intern al seri al EEPR OM that is enco ded with security infor m ation.
3-4 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 3 Trouble shooting Resett ing th e Switch Module Verify Switch Mo dule Perfo rma nce Revie w this se ction w hen t roublesh ooting sw itch m odule p erformanc e probl ems.
3-5 Catalyst Switch Module 311 0G, 3110X, and 3012 for IBM BladeC enter Ha rdware I nstallation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting How to Re place a Failed Sta ck Member • Enab le or disab.
3-6 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Chapter 3 Trouble shooting How to Replace a Fai led Sta ck Membe r.
A- 1 Catalyst Switch Module 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 fo r IBM BladeCenter Har dware Insta llation Guide OL-12192-01 APPENDIX A Technical Specifications This append ix lists the Catalyst Sw itch Modul e 3110G, 31 10X, and 301 2 technic al specifications in Ta b l e A- 1 an d Ta b l e A-2 .
A- 2 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Appendi x A Technica l Speci fications.
B-1 Catalyst Switch Module 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 fo r IBM BladeCenter Har dware Insta llation Guide OL-12192-01 APPENDIX B Connector and Cabl e Specifications This appe ndix desc ribes the c ables and adapters th at you use to connect th e Catalyst Switch Module 3 110G, 3110 X, and 3012 to ot her device s.
B-2 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Appendi x B Connector a nd Cable Speci fications Cable and A dapter Spec ifications 1.
B-3 Catalyst Switch Module 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 fo r IBM BladeCenter Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-12192-01 Append ix B Connector an d Cable Specifi cations Cabl e and Adapt er Speci ficati ons 1.
B-4 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Appendi x B Connector a nd Cable Speci fications Cable and A dapter Spec ifications Four Twis ted-Pa ir Cable Pinou ts Figure B-4 a nd Figure B-5 show the schematics o f four twisted-pair cables.
B-5 Catalyst Switch Module 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 fo r IBM BladeCenter Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-12192-01 Append ix B Connector an d Cable Specifi cations Cabl e and Adapt er Speci ficati ons Two Tw isted-Pair Ca ble Pinouts Figure B-6 a nd Figure B-7 show the schematics o f two twisted-pai r cables.
B-6 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for I B M BladeCente r Hardware Inst allation Guide OL-12192-01 Appendi x B Connector a nd Cable Speci fications Cable and A dapter Spec ifications.
IN-1 Catalyst Switch Module 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 fo r IBM BladeCenter Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-12192-01 INDEX Numerics 10/100/10 00 ports cable l ength s 1-3, 2-13 connec ting t o 2-13 descr.
Index IN-2 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for IB M BladeCenter Har dware Installa tion Guide OL-12192-01 F fro nt pa nel 10/100/10 00 Ethe rnet por ts 1-3 10-Gigab it Ether net module .
Inde x IN-3 Catalyst Switch Module 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 fo r IBM BladeCenter Hardware Insta llation Gui de OL-12192-01 POST LEDs 3-1 runn ing at powe r on 3-1 power co nnectio n warn ing 2-2 power s.
Index IN-4 Catalyst Switch Mo dule 3110G, 3110X, and 3012 for IB M BladeCenter Har dware Installa tion Guide OL-12192-01.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Cisco Systems 3110X (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Cisco Systems 3110X noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Cisco Systems 3110X - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Cisco Systems 3110X reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Cisco Systems 3110X erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Cisco Systems 3110X besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Cisco Systems 3110X verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Cisco Systems 3110X. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Cisco Systems 3110X gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.