Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung SL 1000-XI des Produzenten Chamberlain
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Doc. 6001194 (01 Doc. 6001194 (01 Doc. 6001194 (01 Doc. 6001194 (01- - - -2 0 2 59 ) 20259) 20259) 20259) Rev C Rev C Rev C Rev C INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INS.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) TA BLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY SUM M A RY....................................................................................................... 1 BASIC INSTA LLATION HINTS AND RULES ............................................
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) The Model SL 1000-X1 The Lif tMaster model SL 1000- X1 Slide Gat e Operator is a full f eat ured, comm ercial ga te operator with a telephone interf ace. T he gat e operator has t he following f eatures: • Dy namic motor braking limits g ate overtr avel.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 1 of 36 SA FETY SUMMA R Y It is imper ative that everyone involved in the installation or operat ion of t he Lift Master model SL 1000- X1 Slide Gat e Operator reads the f ollowing warnings. WA RNING! • A vehicle gate is a large, heavy object that is moved by an electri c motor.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 2 of 36 BA SIC INST A LLA TION HINTS A ND RULES PLEASE READ THIS SECT IO N VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE BEGI NNING YO UR INST ALLATI ON. In the sections t hat f ollow, detailed procedures are discussed f or each step req uired to install a m odel SL 1000-X1 system.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 3 of 36 PA R T 1 SITE PREP A RA TION A . LOCAT ION AND LA YO UT Figure 1. Front Dri ve. Figure 2. Rear Drive. Figure 3. Mi d Drive. 1. Always install the g ate operator on the inside of the f ence line, never on t he public side of t he fence.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 4 of 36 B. PA D A ND MOUNT Figure 4. Pad And T rack Ribbon. Figure 5. Bolt Dow n Pattern. Figure 6. Conduit Entrance Areas. 1. The concr ete pad must be suf f icient to support the gat e operator and t he for ces created by the moving gat e.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 5 of 36 C. POW ER WIRI NG 1. Provide a conduit stub f or t he AC power. 2. The g ate operat or req uires a 115 VAC 20 AMP single phase circuit . 3. Be sure to pull a g round wire in the conduit f or t he connection to the g ate operat or.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 6 of 36 PA R T 2 SYSTEM INST A LLA TION A . MOUN TIN G GA T E OPE RA TOR Figure 7. Mount ing. Figure 8. Chain Height . Figure 9.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 7 of 36 WA RNING For saf ety reasons, the Power Fail Operat ion Option is shipped with the batt ery unconnnected to the system. Do not connect the battery until al l other inst allati on and alignment procedures have been completed.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 8 of 36 B. CONNECTING POWER Figure 11. A C Wiring. C. RUNNING I NPUT WIRI NG 1. Remove the plastic cont rol box cover. 2. Run wires from input components int o control box. WA RNING Route but do not connect input wires at this time.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 9 of 36 E. POWER UP PRO CEDURE CA UTION If g ate is positioned at the ‘open’ limit , gat e will automatically close when power is switched on. Position gate eit her at t he closed limit or at no limit when preparing t o switch power on.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 10 of 36 Figure 14. Limi t Cam Setting. NOTE: The follow ing procedures are for FRO NT drive gates. For MID and REA R drive gates, reverse Left Gat e and Right Gat es procedures. 1. SETTING RIGHT GA TE LIMIT CA M S (gate opens right , seen from t he gate operator side) 1.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 11 of 36 NOTES: 1. Overload setting (R72) is f actory set. Do not adjust . 2. Current flow varies with temperature. Do not tune t he sensitivity measurements t oo finely, or t hey may change with the time of day or seasons.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 12 of 36 "OPEN TO LEFT" ADJUST MENT PROCEDURES Left Gat e Motion Adjustment (R160) 1. Init iate opening t he gat e. 2. W ait 4 t o 5 seconds, then lig htly "tug "against the edge of the g ate t o simulate an obstacle.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 13 of 36 J. POWER F A IL OP ERA TION OP TION C ONNE CT ION a) Pow er Fail Operation O ption Connecti on CA UTION Perf orm the next st ep (batter y hookup) with care. I nterchang ing bat tery wires temporar ily opens the the reset tabale f use on gat e operator boar d, disabling t he power fail option.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 14 of 36 K. CONNECTING INPUT WI RING Figure 16. Control Board Wiring. 1. Remove the plastic cont rol box cover. 2. W ire any external control devices to t he appropriate connect ions on the control board (Fig ure 16). See Appendix A f or details on how each control input aff ects the gat e operator.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 15 of 36 L. POST INSTA LLA TION PROCEDURES 1. Setup 1. Tur n on the main power at the g ate operator 's circuit breaker . 2. Verif y that sw itch S1 ( the Gat e Open Direction switch) is set to the corr ect position. 3.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 16 of 36 7. A lternate Action 1. If you want the OPEN input (Ent ry system) or RADIO input (T ransmitt er) to bot h open and close the gat e, disable ATG and RT in prog ramm ing steps 6 and 8. 2. Activate the O PEN command, wait until the gat e is f ully open, then activate the O PEN command ag ain.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 17 of 36 M. FINA L A SS EMBL Y OF GA TE OPE RA TOR Figure 17. Gat e Operator Final Assembly IMPO RTA NT SA FETY PROCEDURE ⇒ If switch S2 (Power Fail Open Direction switch) is set t o OPEN the g ate, cycle the gate to its fully open position bef ore per for ming st ep 1.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 18 of 36 PA R T 3 MODEL SL 1000-X1 OPTIONS POWER FA IL OPERA TION OPT ION The Lif tMaster Power Fail Operation O ption may be ordered pr e-installed in new units, or can be purchased separately f or installat ion in LiftMaster g ate operat or systems in the f ield.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 19 of 36 PA R T 4 TROUBLESHOOTING A ND MA INTENA NCE A . T ROUB LES HOOT ING This section is desig ned to help you troubleshoot your unit(s) with a minimum of ef f ort. Directly below are some hints t o help you test, then a list of pr oblems in order of most severe to least.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 20 of 36 4. THE CONTROL BOARD RESET S RIGHT AFT ER GAT E STA RTS MO VING 1. Low AC voltage. 2. Inadequat e and undersized power w iring bet ween the main circuit break er and the g ate operator. 5. GA TE ST OPS IMME DIA TELY A FT ER IT ST A RTS 1.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 21 of 36 13. G ATE DOE S N OT C LO SE AUTOMATIC A LL Y 1. Reclose timer setting is disabled. 2. The ent ry system is connected to Manual open by mistake.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 22 of 36 22. T HER E IS S LA CK IN T HE GA TE 1. Chain is too loose. 2. The har dware interconnecting t he operator to the g ate is not t ight. 3. Set screws on the sprock et are not tight. 23. A TG (A NTI-T A ILGA TE) D OES NOT WORK 1.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 23 of 36 B. FA ULT LIST The f ollowing conditions can cause a fault in the SL 1000-X 1 gate oper ator system: 1. Safet y Bar activation. 2. Av erage motor overcurrent (overload) caused by excessiv e motor curr ent. 3. Inst antaneous motor overcurrent (lef t/rig ht reverse sense) due to an impact on t he gat e.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 24 of 36 3. IF M A X RUN TIME LED IS TURNED ON O NLY 1. Limit cam s do not engag e the lim it switches. 2. The belt or chain has been brok en. 3. The belt slips during g ate movement . 4. Limit switch cable is disconnected.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 25 of 36 D. MAINTENA NCE WA RNING To av oid injury, alw ays turn off the unit pow er sw itch bef ore w orking on gate. Regularly perf ormance of preventive maintenance is essent ial for reliable system operat ion because it correct s small problems bef ore t hey turn into emerg encies.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 26 of 36 PREVENTIVE MA INTENA NCE INSTRUCTIONS Figure 18. Gat e Operator Disassembl y and A ssembly. Gate Operator Seri al Number: Power Fail Option: Yes No One minute af .
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 27 of 36 The f ollowing table was provided to help you keep a record of the maint enance schedule. W rit e the inspection date in the lef t-hand box and check ( ✓ ) the boxes across as you perf orm your maintenance pr ocedures.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 28 of 36 A PPENDIX A SYSTEM OPERA TION REFERENCE CONTROLS, I NDICAT ORS, I NPUTS A ND A DJUSTMENTS For control and indicat or locations, r efer to the f igur e below. For detailed explanations of the Gate O perator 's various, controls, indicat ors, inputs and adj ustment s, ref er to t he pages that follow.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 29 of 36 CONTROLS KEYPA D The 12-k ey keypad is used for local operation, pr ogram ming and ser vice. SWITCH S1 GATE O PEN TO Selects the direction the g ate will open (LEFT/ RIGHT ).
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 30 of 36 FUNCTIONA L INPUTS NOTES: ➊ The t erm "act ivation" means closing an input circuit (via a relay or switch), and may be momentar y or continuous. Momentary activations are superceded by any command. Continuous activations are superceded only by an overriding command.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 31 of 36 SAFETY BAR Activation causes the gate t o reverse f or a prog ramm able distance and stop. I f Max Ret ry Count is enabled, gat e waits a progr ammable pause tim e, then ret ries. The ga te will retry up to twice bef ore f aulting out .
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 32 of 36 A PPENDIX B MODEL SL 1000-X1 P A RTS LIST ITEM # PA RT NAME WHAT IT DOES 1 Contr ol Box/Clear Cover Contains control boar d, input connections 2 Contr ol Board (n.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 33 of 36 A PPENDIX C P A RA LLEL WIRING GA TE OPERA T ORS In the absence of Master/Slave firm ware, two SL 1000-X1s may be parallel-wired as shown below. NOTES: 1. W hen parallel wiring t he RADIO INPUT term inals, do not connect t he POW ER output fr om one board to t he POW ER output on the other boar d.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 34 of 36 GLOSSA R Y AC : Alternat ing Curr ent. An elect ric current or voltage t hat reverses direct ion at reg ular inter vals. A lternate A ction: Abilit y to open and close a fully open g ate by using the sam e open command.
Rev C Doc 6001194 (01-20259) 35 of 36 NOTICE T O CA NA DIA N USERS NOTICE: The Industr y Canada label identif ies certif ied eq uipment. This cert ificat ion means that the equipm ent meets telecom mu.
COPYRIG HT 2001 ALL RIGHT S RESERVED This document is protected by copyright and m ay not be copied or adapted without the pr ior written consent of Lift Master. This document ation contains inf ormat ion proprietar y to Lift Master and such infor mation may not be distr ibuted without the prior writt en consent of Lift Master.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Chamberlain SL 1000-XI (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Chamberlain SL 1000-XI noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Chamberlain SL 1000-XI - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Chamberlain SL 1000-XI reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Chamberlain SL 1000-XI erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Chamberlain SL 1000-XI besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Chamberlain SL 1000-XI verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Chamberlain SL 1000-XI. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Chamberlain SL 1000-XI gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.