Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung privia PX-120 des Produzenten Casio
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PX120ES1A ES USER’S GUIDE GUÍA DEL USUARIO Please keep all information for future reference. Guarde toda información para tener como referencia futura. Safety Precautions Bef ore tr ying to use the piano , be sure to read the separate “Saf ety Precautions”.
T O REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, REFER SER VICING T O QU ALIFI ED SER VICE PERSONNEL. Impor tant! Please note the f ollowing important information before using this p roduct. • Before using the AD-12 A daptor to power the unit, be sure t o check the AC Adaptor for any damage first.
E-1 Contents General Guide ................................ ... E-2 Installi ng the Music Stand ........... ................. ........... .... E-2 TONE/SETTING Butto n .............. ................. ........... .... E-3 Saving Set tings and Using Op eration Lo ck .
E-2 General Guide ∗ 1 ∗ 3 ∗ 2 ∗ 4 bl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bk bm bn bo bp bq * 3 Left Side * 1 Bottom * 2 Back * 4 Installi ng the Music Stand Insert the bottom of the musi c stand into the groove on the top of the digital piano ’s console. PX120_e.
General Gu ide E-3 NO TE • The na mes show n here ar e always indicat ed in bold when they appear within the text of th is manual . The TONE/SETTIN G button is used when configuring a variety of different digital piano settings. The following are TONE/SETT ING button basics.
E-4 Po w e r O u t l e t Your di gital p iano runs on standa rd h ousehol d powe r. Be s ure to t ur n off pow er w he nev er y ou a re n ot u si ng the digital piano.
E-5 Connections IMPORT ANT! • Whe nev er con nec ting some thin g to the digit al piano , fir st use the VOLUME controller to set the volume t o a low level. After con necting, you can adjust the volume to the leve l you w ant. Left Side Connect comm ercially available hea dphones to the PHONES jack.
E-6 Conne ction s DAMPER PEDAL jack Connecting the supplied pedal (SP-3) to the DAMPER PEDAL jack makes it pos sible to use the pedal as a damper pedal. Pressing t he damper pedal w hile playing will cause the notes you play to reverberate for a very long time.
E-7 Pla y ing with Diff erent T ones This digi tal piano h as 11 built -in tones. * You can select these tones usi ng keyboard keys. The name of the tones assign ed to each keyboard key is marked above the keys . For details about selecting these tones, see “Sele cting a Tone Using the Keyboard Keys” on pa ge E-8.
E-8 Playin g with D ifferent To nes Selecting a Tone Using the Keyboar d Keys Bass Tones (BASS 1, BASS 2) Selecting ei ther of the two bass to nes (BASS 1, BASS 2) on the right side of the tone setting keys in step 1 of the above procedure will assi gn the selected bass tone to the low ra nge (left side) of the keyboard.
Playing wit h Differe nt Tones E-9 1. While hold ing down the TONE/SETTING button, u se the BRILLI ANCE keys to specify a brilliance val ue in the range of –3 to 3. NO TE • To retu rn a ton e to its in itial defa ult set ting, pres s T and S at the same time.
E-10 Playin g with D ifferent To nes Reverb . . . . Makes your notes resonate. Chorus . . . Adds more breadth to your notes. To configure reverb and chorus effect settings 1. While hold ing down the TONE/SETTING button, p ress the REVERB or CHORUS keyboard key.
Playing wit h Differe nt Tones E-11 4. Press the METRONOME button or X / button to turn of f the metronome. NO TE • To retur n the tempo s etting to the default te mpo of the current ly selected Musi c Library tun e or the tempo recommended for the rh ythm you ar e using, pres s the + and – keys at the same time in ste p 3.
E-12 Playin g with D ifferent To nes 3. To exit the Duet Mode, press either the MODERN or CLASS IC GRAND PIANO button. IMPORT ANT! • The d igital pi ano also will ex it the Duet Mo de if you use the TONE/SET TING button and to ne set ting key board keys to sel ect a t one in step 3 .
E-13 Pla ying Bac k Built-in Songs IMPORT ANT! • After y ou selec t a built-i n song, i t can t ake a numbe r of second s for the son g data t o be loaded . While t he data is being l oaded, the keyb oard ke ys and b utton opera tions will b e disabl ed.
E-14 Playin g Back Bui lt-in Songs IMPORT ANT! • Be su re to allow a bit of time betw een + an d – ke y operatio ns. Perform ing a serie s of + and – key opera tions too quic kly can caus e some o f the opera tions to be skippe d.
E-15 Pla y ing a Rh ythm You can select from a mong 20 built-in rhythms . 1. Press the RHYTHM button so the lamp below it is lit. • Eac h press of the b utton tog gles be tween the up per lamp an d lower la mp. 2. Find the rhythm number of the rhythm you want to use in the Rhythm List on page A-1.
E-16 Play ing a R hythm To adjust playback tempo 1. While hold ing down the TONE/SETTING button, use the TEMPO keys to specify a tempo value in the range of 20 to 255 beats per minute. • Each press of the + or – key raise s or lowers the tempo val ue by 1.
Playing a Rhyth m E-17 To play with Auto Accompaniment PREP ARA TION • Use the proced ures under “Select ing a Rhythm” to select the rhy thm you want to use and ad just the tempo. 1. While hold ing down the TONE/SETTING button, press a MODE ke yboard key t o select a chord mode.
E-18 Play ing a R hythm NO TE • When pla ying a mi nor, sevent h, or minor seventh c hord, it makes no differ ent whet her the a dditional key s you press are black or white. FINGERED In the FINGERED mode, you play stan dard chord fingerings in th e accompaniment k eyboard range to play chords.
Playing a Rhyth m E-19 Fingered C hord Note s • Except for the chords whose names have * 1 afte r them in the abo ve examples, you also can use inverted fingerings.
E-20 Recor ding and Pla y Bac k You can store the no tes you play in digital piano memory for later playback. A track i s a con tainer of recorded data, and a song consist s of two t racks: Track 1 and Track 2. You can record each track separately and then com bine them so they play back together as a single song.
Recording and Play Back E-21 After recording to eith er of the tracks o f a song, you ca n record to the other track while listening to playback what you recorded in the first track. To record to a specific tr ack of a song 1. Press the RECORDER bu tton twice so i ts lamp is flashing.
E-22 Reco rding and Play Back To record to one track of a song while listening to the playback of the other trac k 1. Press the RECORDER button so its la mp is lit. 2. Press th e LR button until the la mp of only the track to which you want to play back is lit.
Recording and Play Back E-23 The following procedure dele tes a specific track of a song. IMPORT ANT! • The p rocedure b elow de letes all of the data of the select ed track. Note t hat the delete operation cannot be undone. Check to make s ure you re ally do not nee d the data in digital piano m emory bef ore you pe rform the follow ing steps .
E-24 Configuring Settings with the K eyboar d In addition to sel ecting tones and Music Li brary tunes, you also can use the TONE/SETTING button in combination with the keyboard keys to configure effect, keyboard touch, and other settings. 1. Use the “Parameter List” on page E-26 to find the setting you want to configure, and note its details.
Configurin g Settings with the Keyboard E-25 • The numbers 1 through bs correspon d to the sam e numbers in th e “Parameter List ” on page E-26. K eybo ar d Ke ys Use d f or Confi gurin g Sett i.
E-26 Configuring Settings with th e Keyboard ■ Tones ■ Song/Rhythm/Metronome P arameter List Parameter Settings Operation Type (page E-24) Description Remarks 1 Tone selection See page E-7. Default: GRAND PIANO (MODERN) A Assigns a tone to the keyboard.
Configurin g Settings with the Keyboard E-27 ■ Keyboard Parameter S ettings Operation Type (pag e E-24) Description Remarks bl Touch Response (TOUCH RESPONSE ) Off (OFF), 1 to 3 Default: 2 A Specifies the relative touch of the ke yboard keys. Setting a smaller value ca uses lig hter touch to produce more powerful sou nd.
E-28 Confi guring Setti ngs with th e Keyboard ■ MIDI and Other Setting s Parameter S ettings Operation Type (pag e E-24) Description Remarks bo Send Ch annel 01 to 16 Default: 01 B Specifies one of the MIDI channe ls (1 thr ough 16) as the Sen d Channel, which is used for sen ding MIDI messa ges to an ex ternal dev ice .
Configurin g Settings with the Keyboard E-29 What is MIDI? MIDI i s a stan dard f or digit al signal s and c onnect ors that allows musical instruments, comp uters, and other devices, regardless of manufacturer, to exchange data with each oth er. NO TE • For deta ils about MIDI impl ementa tion, vis it: http:/ /world.
E-30 Ref erence T roub leshooting Problem Cause Action See Page No sound is produced when I press a keyboard key. 1. The VOLUME controller is set to “MIN”. 2. Headphones are conn ected to the digital piano. 3. MIDI Local Control is turned off. 4. Check the current accompaniment mode setting.
Reference E-31 • Specifications and designs are subject to change without notice. Pr oduct Specifications Model PX-120 Keyboard 88-key piano keyboar d, with Touch Response Maximum Polyphony 128 note.
E-32 Reference Be sure to read and observe the fo llowing operating precautions. ■ Location Avoid the follow ing locatio ns for this product. • Areas exposed to direct sunlight an d high humidit y.
A-1 Appendix/Apéndice T one List /Lista de ton os Tone Na me/ Nombre de to nos Program Change/ Cambio de progra ma Bank Selec t MSB/ MSB de selec ción de banc o Maximum Polyph ony/ Polifo nía máxi.
A-2 Appe ndix/Apén dice Fing ered Chord Char t/Cuadr o de acordes digitados (Fing ered) dim m7 b 5 M7 M m 7 m 7 dim7 Chord Type Root C D E F G A B C /(D ) b # (D )/E b # F /(G ) b # (G )/A b # (A )/B b # aug sus4 C D E F G A B C /(D ) b # (D )/E b # F /(G ) b # (G )/A b # (A )/B b # m add9 7sus4 mM7 7 b 5 add9 Chord Type Root PX120_e.
Function... T ransmitted Recognized Remarks Basic Channel 1 - 16 1 - 16 1 - 16 1 - 16 Def ault Changed Note Number 21 - 108 0 - 127 0 - 127 * 1 T rue v oice Program Change O 0 - 127 O 0 - 127 :T rue #.
This recycle mark indicates that the packaging conforms to the environmental protection legislation in Germany. Esta marca de reciclaje indica que el empaquetado se ajusta a la legislación de protección ambiental en Alemania.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Casio privia PX-120 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Casio privia PX-120 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Casio privia PX-120 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Casio privia PX-120 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Casio privia PX-120 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Casio privia PX-120 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Casio privia PX-120 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Casio privia PX-120. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Casio privia PX-120 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.