Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MZ-2000 des Produzenten Casio
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MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation CASIO Computer Electronic Musical Instrument Division Jan 7, 2000.
1 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation CONTENTS * 1 MIDI Message Format Overview o 1.1 Configuration o 1.2 messages and Channels + 1.2.1 Performance Block + 1.2.2 Sound Source Common Sub-block + 1.2.3 Parts Sub-block * 2 Channel messages o 2.1 Note messages + 2.
2 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation + Receive + Send + RPN Null + Receive + Send o 2.4 Program Change + Format + Receive + Send o 2.5 Channel Pressure + Format + Receive + Send o 2.6 Pitch Bend Change + Format + Receive + Send o 2.7 Channel Mode messages + 2.
3 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation + Monaural Effect and Stereo Ef fect Connection + Stereo Effect and Monaural Ef fect Connection + Assignment of a Stereo Effect to a DSP + Parallel Use of T wo Monoaural Effects + Resource Problem + Distortion + 4.
4 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation + Surround + Specifications + Parameter List + Operation + Preset List + Ring Modulator + Specifications + Specifications + Parameter List + Operation + Preset List + T remolo + Specifications + Parameter List + Operation + Preset List + 4.
5 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 2.1 Note messages 2.1.1 Note Off Receive Format Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 8nH kkH vvH 9nH kkH 00H n : V oice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16) kk : Note Number = 00H to 7FH vv : Note Off V elocity = 00H to 7FH Operation The Note Off V elocity value is ignored.
6 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Receive The Modulation Wheel message is not received when Rx.Modulation = OFF . The modulation type can be specified using a system exclusive message.
7 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Receive n : V oice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16) vv : Hold 1 = 00H to 7FH The Hold 1 message is not received when Rx.
8 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 2.3.16 Sound Controller 5 (Brightness) Format Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 BnH 4AH vvH n : V oice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16) vv : TVF Cutoff Frequency = 00H to 7FH Receive This message is received when Rx.Control Change = ON and its channel matches the part MIDI channel.
9 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Receive When the MZ-2000 receives the V ibrato Delay message, the reset vibrato delay value for the tone is changed accordingly . There is no change when the value of the data entry MSB is 40H (0). Send The V ibrato Delay message cannot be sent.
10 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Send The Drawbar Control message is sent whenever a drawbar operation is performed. 2.3.21 RPN Format Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 BnH 65H qmH (MSB) BnH 64H qlH (LSB) n : V oice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16) qm : RPN MSB ql : RPNÇÃLSB Receive An RPN cannot be received when Rx.
11 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Receive The value llH mmH is 00H 00H at the lowest pitch, 00H 40H at mid-pitch, and 7FH 7FH at the highest pitch. The Pitch Bend Change message is not received when Rx.Pitch Change = OFF . The LSB and MSB must be sent together to form a 14-bit value in order to be a valid Pitch Bend Change setting.
12 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 2.7.7 Poly Mode On Format Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 BNH 7FH vvH n : V oice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16) vv : Number of Mono Mode Channels = 00H to 10H Receive Receipt of the Poly Mode On message changes the Channel n setting to Mode 3.
13 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 3.3.2 MZ-2000 Sound Source System Exclusive Overview System exclusive messages received by the MZ-2000 sound source start with the following data.
14 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 4.1.4 Individual Parameter Operations This section describes parameter operation formats. IPR Communication Flow A session consists of an IPC being sent in reply to an IPR request, or an IPC being sent and the session being terminated with without a request.
15 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 4.1.5 Parameter Set Bulk Dump This section describes the bulk format for parameter set transfers. How parameter sets are actually allocated depends on the MZ-2000 sound source specifications. See sections 4.2 thorugh 4.1 1 for more information.
16 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation ✩ Data offset (16-bit Address Offset) d0[9] 0jjjjjjj 000jjjjjjjkkkkkkklllllll d0[10] 0kkkkkkk = Data address offset (16 bits x data) d0[11] 0lllllll Offset from PS header address specified by the PS number in the packet data Note that this is a 16-bit address, and not a byte address.
17 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Setting Examples Example 1: Sending the Save MIDI Setup message using Universal DevID Header Block(Hexadecimal) 00 F0 [System Exclusive Status] 01 44 [Manufactur.
18 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation ✩ One data size (number of bits) minus 1 d3[0] 000zzzzz zzzzz = number of bits - 1 When zzzz + 1 is: The number of data bytes is: 1t o 7 1 8t o 1 4 2 15 to 21 3 22 to .
19 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation System Chorus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ParaID Parameter Bit Default V alue - - - - - - - - -.
20 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 0027 Rx.Bender 1 0H - 1H 1H Receive Bender T urns pitch bend change on and off. 0H : OFF 1H : ON AllBit: bit8 : Rx.Bender 0028 Rx.Caf 1 0H - 1H 1H Receive Channel After T ouch T urns channel after touch receive on and off.
21 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 0051 ModLfo1PitchDepth 8 00H - 7FH 0AH Modulation-induced Lfo1 pitch modulation depth 00H : 0 (cents) 7FH : 600 (cents) 0052 ModLfo1TvfDepth 8 00H - 7FH 0H Modulation-in.
22 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 0077 CAfLfo1TvaDepth 8 00H - 7FH 0H Channel after touch-induced Lfo1 Tva amplitude modulation depth 00H : 0 (%) 7FH : 100 (%) 0078 CAfLfo2Rate 8 00H - 7FH 40H Channel after touch-induced Lfo2 frequency change 00H : -10.0 (Hz) 40H : 0.
23 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 0103 CC1Lfo2PitchDepth 8 00H - 7FH 40H Continuous Controller 1-induced Lfo2 pitch modulation depth 00H : 0 (cents) 7FH : 600 (cents) 0104 CC1Lfo2TvfDepth 8 00H - 7FH 40H.
24 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 0128 RevSend 8 00H - 7FH 28H Reverb Send Send level to system reverb 0129 V eloSenseDepth 8 00H - 7FH 40H V elocity Sense Depth Extent to which the velocity effect changes a note. The lar ger the value, the greater the change.
25 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 0150 EqHighFreq 2 0H - 3H 0H EQ High Frequency Specifies cutoff frequency of the high shelving equalizer . 0H : 2 (KHz) 1H : 4 (KHz) 2H : 8 (KHz) 3H : 16 (KHz) 0151 EqHighGain 4 00H - 0CH 06H EQ High Gain Gain of the high shelving equalizer 0H : -6 (dB) 6H : 0 (dB) CH : +6 (dB) 4.
26 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 4.5.2 Common Format for Patch Effect Selection Parameter Control tt 0100aaaa aaaa = IPC..."SYSEX_ACT_IPC" = 00H IPR.
27 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation ✩ Data array number d2[0] 0ooooooo d2[1] 0ppppppp oooooooppppppp = top index number of array to send (Send start array number) The length of Fx (Ef fect) Macro is 4, so this value is 0000H to 0003H.
28 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation hen r = 1 only (d2[0] to d2[2]) d2[0] 0ooooooo d2[1] 0ppppppp oooooooppppppp = top index number of array to send (Send start array number) d2[2] 0qqqqqqq qqqqqqq = numbe.
29 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 4.7.4 Sample Message Enabling On Click Header Block (Hexadecimal) No. Data 00 F0 [System Exclusive Status] 01 44 [Manufacturer's ID] 44H = CASIO ID 02 7E [M.
30 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation * System Noise Gate 1. System Noise Gate Effect Connections Monaural/Stereo Effects include monaural and stereo types, so signal flow must be considered when making con- nections.
31 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 4.8.4 Effect Parameter Change Operation Any modification of an effect parameter is immediately reflected in keyboard operation. Chang- ing the values of parameters, however , causes a momentary interruption in the sound or a slight clicking noise.
32 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Parameter List ParaID Parameter Bit*Len V alue-Range V alue-Meaning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0000 Fx Name 7*16 20H - 7EH - Operation This module outputs the input tone without modification.
33 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 4. Threshold Threshold input level for the compressor/limiter effect. Though the compressor and limiter use the same algorithm, the items in the effect Preset List named Limiter are optimized for the limiter by setting the actual level for the threshold value at a high level.
34 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Operation This effector controls tone quality . Settings can be made for three individual bands, and the mid- range parametric equalizer provides great latitude for sound creation. 1. Bypass Effector function enable/disable.
35 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Operation This effector enhances the quality of the input signal to produce a richer tone. It can be used to control thelevels of two bands. 1. Bypass Effector function enable/disable. Selecting bypass causes the input signal to be output as-is.
36 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Auto W ah Specifications T ypeID FXID_A W AH = 0241H A vailable Part DSP I/O 1/1 Parameter List ParaID Parameter Bit*Len V alue-Range V alue-Meaning - - - - - -.
37 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Preset List No Preset Name 00 Light Crunch 01 Mid Crunch 02 Blues Crunch 03 Mid OverDrive 04 Hard OverDrive 05 Distortion 06 Hard Distortion 07 Metal 08 Fuzz 09 Light OverDrive 10 Light Dist 1 1 Mid Dist 12 Light Metal 13 Mid Metal 14 Light Fuzz 15 Mid Fuzz 4.
38 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Operation This effector simulates the ef fect of a rotary speaker , as an independently rotating woofer (Lo) and tweeter (Hi). Parameters are available for presetting two rotation rates or to specify no initial rotation, and acceleration rates can also be specified.
39 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Operation This effector is a two-channel left-right input version of Phaser . Its operations and parameters are identical to those of Phaser . Parameter operations are identical for the left and right channels. Preset List No Preset Name 00 Phaser 1 01 Phaser 2 02 Phaser 3 03 Phaser 4 04 Step1 05 Step2 4.
40 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Operation This effector allows system-wide chorus settings. 1. Bypass Effector function enable/disable. Selecting bypass causes the input signal to be output as-is. 2. Hi-Damp High-range damping characteristics 3. Cho Level Effect tone level 4.
41 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Operation This effector produces an echo ef fect by delayin the input signal. Three types of delay signals (left, center , right) are extracted from the one-channel delay , and then output.
42 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 8. Delay Time R Right-channel delay time 9. Delay Level R Right-channel delay signal level 10. Delay Pan R Right-channel delay signal output pan 11. Freedback R Right-channel delay signal feedback volume 12. CrossFB RtoL Right-channel feedback signal send volume to left input 13.
43 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation System Reverb Specifications T ypeID FXID_SYREV = 0C00H A vailable Part System Reverb I/O 1/2 Parameter List ParaID Parameter Bit*Len V alue-Range V alue-Meanin.
44 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Operation This effector broadens the spatiality of the sound. This effect is most dramatic when heard from the position of the person playing the keyboard. This effect is applied to all tones because the design of the keyboard makes it difficult to apply this ef fect to specific tones.
45 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Preset List No Preset Name 00 T remolo 1 01 T remolo 2 02 V ibes 1 03 V ibes 2 04 Up1 05 Down1 06 Slice1 07 Slice2 08 V ibes 3 4.
46 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 13. Lo Gain Low range level 14. Hi Freq High range filter frequency 15. Hi Gain High range level 16. Dir Level Input direct signal output level Preset List No Preset Name 00 LoFi 1 01 LoFi 2 02 LP Scratch 03 EP Scratch 04 SP Scratch 05 50Hz Hum 06 60Hz Hum 07 7Bit Loss 08 5Bit Loss 4.
47 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 4.9 Mixer 4.9.1 General This section describes mixer (MIX) parameter operations. There is only one MIX Parameter Set residend in the MZ-2000, so there is no operation for selecting a MIXParameter Set. 4.9.2 Parameter Operations Using MIDI Messages tt 0100aaaa aaaa = IPC.
48 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation Mix Parameter Set Bulk Dump The Mix Parameter Set can be sent and received using bulk dump. There are two protocols, One- W ay and Handshake, which are the same as those described under "4.1 MZ-2000 Sound Source Common System Exclusive Format.
49 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation 4.1 1 Effect Macro 4.1 1.1 Effect Macro Overview Effect macro is a parameter set that can be used to store groups of preset independent ef fect modules, control change parameter assignments, DSP system effect send level, etc.
50 MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation ✩ Control Parameter The following parameters specify data related to parameters controlled by CC. ParaID Parameter Bit*Len V alue - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Casio MZ-2000 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Casio MZ-2000 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Casio MZ-2000 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Casio MZ-2000 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Casio MZ-2000 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Casio MZ-2000 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Casio MZ-2000 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Casio MZ-2000. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Casio MZ-2000 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.