Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung CTK-691 des Produzenten Casio
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CTK691ES01-01_cover1-4. fm 1 ページ 2003 年9月29日 月 曜日 午後4時56 分.
CTK691ES01-01_cover1-4. fm 2 ページ 2003 年10月23日 木曜日 午後5時2 分.
Safety Precautions E-1 Safety Precautions Congratulations on your selection of the CASIO electro nic musica l instrum ent. Befor e usin g the instrum ent, be sure to c arefull y read throug h the in struct ions co ntaine d in this manua l. Please ke ep all inform ation for fut ure referenc e.
Safety Precaution s E-2 AC Adaptor Misuse of the AC adap tor’s el ectric cord can damage or br eak it, creating the risk of fire and electric shock. Always make sure you observe the following precautions. Never pl ace he avy ob ject s on the cor d or subject it to heat.
E-3 Safety Precauti ons Location Avoid lo cating th e product on an unstable stand, o n an uneven sur face, or a ny other unstab le loca tion. An u nstable loc ation can cause the pr oduct to fall over, creati ng the ri sk of pers onal i njury. AC Adaptor Misuse of the AC adapt or creates the r isk of fir e and electric shock.
Safety Precaution s E-4 * Stand is av ailable as an optio n. When usi ng bat teries, be sure to re place th em or shif t to on e of the alt ernat e power sourc es wheneve r you not ice any of t he following symptoms.
Introduction E-5 Introduction Congr atula tions upon your s election of this C ASIO musi cal inst rument . This ke yboard pro vides you with the follo wing featur es and f unctions. J 516 Ton es Inc lude Ri ch Advanc ed To nes A total o f 300 Advanc ed Tones a re programmed with DSP tone s to make th em richer a nd more powerful .
Introd uction E-6 J Regis tration Memo ry Keyboard setups can be stored in mem ory for later recall and instant set up whenever you need them. Up to 32 setups (4 setups x 8 banks) ca n be sto red in re gistratio n memory. J Data downl oad from your co mpute r You can use your c omputer to download da ta from the CASIO MUS IC SITE.
Contents E-7 Safety Precautions ........ E-1 Introduction ........ ........... E-5 General Guide ..... ........... E-9 Attaching t he Score S tand ............... ... E-10 Playing a Demo Tune ................. ......... E-11 About the display..... ...
Contents E-8 Storing a U ser Tone In Me mory . ......... E-49 Registration M emory .. E-50 Registration M emory Features ......... ...E-50 To Sav e a Setup in Regist ration Memory ............ ................... ................ E-51 To Recall a S etup from Reg istration Memory .
General Guide E-9 Gener al Gui de 705A-E-01 1A 9 ペ ージ 2003年9 月29日 月曜日 午後4時47分.
Gene ral G uide E-10 1 POWER button 2 Power i ndicator 3 SONG MEMORY button 4 SYNTH button 5 TRANSPOSE/FUNCTI ON button 6 MIXER butt on 7 EFFECT button 8 SMF PLAYER button 9 VOLUME knob bk MODE button.
E-11 Gene ral Gu ide J Playi ng a D emo Tu ne (*3) P r e s s i n g t h e D E M O b u t t o n s t a r t s d e m o t u n e p l a y . T h e r e a r e 3 d e m o t u n e s , w h i c h c o n t i n u o u s l y p l a y i n s e q u e n c e . T o s t o p d e m o t u n e play, press e ither the DEMO button or the START/STOP button.
Gene ral G uide E-12 1. Pointers a ppear h ere to sho w when Transpos e, the Ke yboar d Settin g Mode, th e Mix er Mode, Sy nthesiz er, Effect, Song Memo ry, or SMF p layer is be ing used. 2. The TONE indicat or appe ars when you a re sel ecting or view ing th e TONE s etting, w hile RHY THM a ppears for the RHYTHM setting.
E-13 Gene ral Gu ide 12. You can tu rn on th e metro nome to p rovide a refer ence b eat for your keyb oard pl ay. 13. This dis play shows t he note play ed on t he keybo ard, not es bei ng pla yed bac k from Song Mem ory, ch ord forms, an d receive d MIDI data *.
Power Supply E-14 Power Supply This key board can be p owered by c urrent from a st andard household wall outlet ( using the specif ied AC adaptor) or by batteries. Always make sure you turn the keyboard off whenever you ar e not using it. Always make sure you turn off the keyboard before loading or r eplacing batter ies.
E-15 Power Supply Misuse of batte ries can cause the m to leak result ing in da mage to nearby objects, or to ex plode, cre ating the ris k of fire and persona l injury. A lways ma ke sure you obs erve t he followi ng precaut ions Make sur e that yo u use only t he AC ad aptor specif ied for this keyboard.
Power Supply E-16 When you are using battery power, keyboard power turn s off automatically whenever you leave i t on without per forming any operat ion for abo ut 6 minu tes.
Connections E-17 Connect ions Before connec ting phones o r other exter nal equipment, be sure to first turn down the volume setti ngs of the keyboard and the c onnected equipmen t. You can t hen adjust volume to the de sired le vel after c onnec tions are comp lete.
Connections E-18 J Soft Pedal Depressing the pedal soften s the sound of the notes being played. J Rhyth m Start/Stop Pedal In this case, the pedal performs the same functions as the START/STOP button. Use on ly the acces sories an d options sp ecifie d for this keyboard.
Basic Operations E-19 Basic Operations This sec tion prov ides info rmation on perform ing basic keyboard operations. 1. Press the POWER bu tton to t urn the ke yboard on. 2. Use the VO LUME kn ob to set the vo lume t o a rela tively low le vel. 3. Play som ething on the ke yboar d.
Basic Operati ons E-20 Drawb ar Organ Tones: 50 P reset Ton es + 1 00 User T ones *1: See “Changing Tones and Configu ring DSP Effect Settings” on page E -21. *2: Memory area f or tones c reated by you. See “Synthesi zer Mode” on page E-44. User tone areas 600 throu gh 699 initia lly contain the sam e data as DSP t ypes 000 th rough 099.
E-21 Basic Operati ons A number of the tones that are available with this keyboard have been recorded and process ed using a technique called digi tal sampli ng. T o ensure a h igh level of ton al quali ty, samples are taken in the low, mid , and high ranges an d then combin ed to provide you with sounds that are am azingly close to the origin als.
Using the Drawbar Organ Mode E-22 Using the D rawbar Organ Mode Your keyboard has built-i n “drawbar orga n tones” tha t can be altere d using ni ne digital drawbars whose o perations are simila r t o th e co nt r ol s o n a d r aw ba r or ga n . Y o u c an a ls o se le c t p er cu s si o n o r k ey c l ic k.
E-23 Using the Drawbar Organ Mode 1. Find the dra wbar or gan tone you want to use in the tone l ist an d note its tone n umber. 2. Press the DRAWBAR ORGAN butt on. This causes the drawbar organ tone select ion screen to appear. 1 Tone Nu mber 2 Tone Na me 3.
Using the Dr awbar Organ Mode E-24 The fol lowing provid es deta ils abou t the p aramete rs you can configure using the dr awbar organ tone editi ng scree n. This pa rameter d efines the positi on of each drawba r, and th e volume of each overt one. The l arger the value, th e greater the correspondi ng overtone’ s vol ume.
E-25 Using the Drawbar Organ Mode 1. After editin g paramet ers, us e the [ ] and [ ] CURSOR buttons to display “More?”. 2. Press the [ ] CURSOR button three times to displ ay the sc reen fo r input ting a tone name and assigni ng a tone numbe r. 3.
Applying Effects to Tones E-26 Applying Effe cts to T ones This ke yboard pr ovides you with a selec tion of effec ts that you can apply to tones. The built-i n effect s incl ude a wide va riety o f variati ons that give you ac cess to a selection of genera l digital effects.
E-27 Applying Eff ects to To nes 2. Press the [ ] CURSOR butt on. The DSP type setti ng screen will appea r autom atically about fives second s after you pre ss the button. 3. Use the [+] and [–] button s or the number buttons to select the typ e of DSP y ou want.
Applying Eff ects t o Tones E-28 You can save up to 100 modified DSPs i n the user area f or lat er re ca ll w hen yo u nee d th em. User DSP area s 100 throug h 199 initially contain the same data as DSP types 000 thro ugh 099. 1. After maki ng the DSP param eter se ttings you want, press the [ ] CURSOR button.
E-29 Applying Eff ects to To nes 1. After selec ting t he reve rb type you wa nt, use the [ ] and [ ] CURSOR buttons to d isplay the param eter w hose set ting y ou want t o chang e. This displays the parameter sett ing screen. Example : To set the Reverb Time paramet er 2.
Applying Eff ects t o Tones E-30 3. Press the EFFECT or EXIT button . This returns to the tone or rhythm selecti on screen. Chorus L evel (Range: 000 to 127) Specifies the siz e of the chorus sound. Chorus Ra te (Range: 000 to 127) Specifies the undulation speed of t he chorus sound.
Auto Accompaniment E-31 Auto Accompan iment This keyboard automatically plays bass and chord parts in accordance with the chords you finger. The bass and chor d parts are played using sounds and tones that are automatically selected to select the rhythm you are using.
Auto Accompaniment E-32 This keyboard provides you with 140 exciting rhythms that you c an sele ct usi ng the f ollow ing proc edure. You can al so transfer acc ompanim ent data from your computer and s tore up to 1 6 of them as us er rhythms in keyboard memory.
E-33 Auto Accompaniment The following pro cedure describes h ow to use the keyboard’ s Auto Accompaniment feat ure. Before starti ng, you should first select the rhythm you want to us e and set the tempo of the rhythm to the val ue you want.
Auto Accompaniment E-34 FINGERED provides you with a t otal of 1 5 different chord type s. The foll owing describ es the FIN GER ED “accompaniment keyboard” and “melody keyboar d”, and tells you how to play a C-root chord using FINGERED.
E-35 Auto Accompaniment Exampl e: To play the chor d C maj or. Any of the f ing erin gs sh own i n the il lustr atio n belo w wi ll produce C major. As wit h the FI NGERED mo de (pa ge E-3 4), yo u can p lay the notes th at form a chor d in any combina tion ( 1 ).
Auto Accompaniment E-36 In additi on to t he standard r hythm patte rn, you ca n also switch to a se condary “v ariation” rhythm pattern for a bit of variety . 1. Press the START/STOP b utton t o start rhythm play. 2. Press the SYNCHRO/F ILL-IN NEXT button.
E-37 Auto Accompaniment One-touch preset automaticall y makes the mai n settings listed b elow in ac cordan ce with the rhythm p attern y ou are using. Keyboard ton e Layer on/o ff Split on/off Auto Ha rmonize on/off Auto Harmonize type Accomp animen t vol ume le vel Tempo Effect sett ings 1.
Auto Accompaniment E-38 Auto Harmonize lets yo u select f rom among the 10 Aut o Harmonize types. Type changing is performed by the setting item using th e TRANSPOSE/FUNCTION button. See “Changing Other Settings” on page E-71 for more inform ation.
Mixer Function E-39 Mixe r Func tion This keyboard lets y ou play multiple different m usical instrument pa rts at the same time during auto-accompa niment play, song memory playback, receipt of data through the MIDI terminal, etc.
Mixer Functi on E-40 Turnin g a channe l off mutes an y instru ment reco rded in the chan nel. 1. Press the MIXER butt on. This causes a po inter to appear on the d isplay next to MI XER. 2. Use the [ ]/[ ] CURSOR butt ons to selec t a chann el. Example : To selec t Channe l 2.
E-41 Mixer Functi on 3. Use the [ ] and [ ] CURSOR buttons to sele ct the pa ramet er whose setti ng you wa nt to chang e. Example : Selec t volu me settin g by dis playin g “Volu me”. Each pre ss of the [ ] or [ ] CURSOR b uttons cycles t hrough t he par ameters.
Mixer Functi on E-42 z Octave Shift (Range: –2 to 0 to +2) You can use octave shift to shift the range o f the to ne up or down. When using the pic colo tone, ther e may be cases when very high notes you want to play are not in cluded withi n the range of the keyboard.
E-43 Mixer Functi on z DSP Syst em Reverb Send (R ange: 000 to 127) This para met er ad jus ts ho w mu ch rev erb is appl ied to al l parts. z DSP System Ch orus Send (Ran ge: 000 to 127) This para met er ad jus ts ch oru s.
Synthesizer Mode E-44 Synthes izer Mod e The Syn thesizer M ode of thi s keyboard pro vides th e tools for creating yo ur own origi nal to nes. Simply s elect one of the buil t-in to nes and change its para meter s to cre ate you r own original sound .
E-45 Synthesizer Mode J Tone C haracteris tic Wa veform z Tone Setti ng Specifies which of the preset tones should be used as the origina l tone. J Volume Chara cteristic Parame ters These parameter s cont rol how the t one ch anges over ti me, from when the keyboard key is pressed until the tone decays.
Synthesizer Mode E-46 The group of ton e numbers from 600 through 69 9 (User 001 thro ugh User 100) is cal led the “user are a” because they are reserved for stora ge of user tone s. After you recal l a preset tone an d change its pa rameters to cr eate your ow n user tone, you ca n store it i n the user area f or later reca ll.
E-47 Synthesizer Mode Use the fo llowing procedure to select a preset tone and chan ge i ts pa ramet ers to creat e a user ton e. 1. First, sel ect th e pres et tone you wa nt to use as a basis for your us er tone .
Synthesizer Mode E-48 z Vibrato Delay (Ra nge: –64 t o 00 to +63) Specifies the amount of tim e before vibrato star ts. z Vibrato Ra te (Range: –64 to 00 to +63) Rate (spe ed) of the vibrat o effe.
E-49 Synthesizer Mode The foll owing hints pro vide helpfu l advi ce on makin g user tone creat ion a bit quicker and ea sier. Use a preset tone that is similar to the one you ar e trying to create. Whenever you already have a rough idea of the tone you are trying to cre ate, it is always a goo d idea to start with a preset tone that i s simil ar.
Registration Memory E-50 Registration Memory Registration memory lets you store up to 32 keyboar d setups (4 sets x 8 banks) f or instant recall w henever you need t hem.
E-51 Registration Memory You can as sign setups int o one of 32 areas, wh ich you can select usin g BANK bu ttons 1 throug h 4 and the four REGISTRATIO N buttons.
Registrati on Memory E-52 1. Use the BAN K butt on or t he numbe r butto ns to select t he bank . If you do not perform any operation for about five seconds after pressing the BANK button, the keyboard automatically clears the registr ation memory re call scree n.
Song Memory Function E-53 Song Memo ry Functi on This keyboard lets you record up to five separate songs in song memory for later playba ck. There are t wo methods you can use to record a s ong: real-ti me recording where yo u record th e notes as yo u play them on the keyboard, and step recording where you input chords and notes one-by-one.
Song Memory Function E-54 Use the SONG MEMORY TRACK buttons marked CHORD/ TR1 th rough TR6 to select the track yo u want. J SONG MEMORY TRACK Buttons 1 Track 1 2 Track 2 3 Track 3 4 Track 4 5 Track 5 6 Track 6 The status of t he Song Memory c hanges each ti me you press the SONG MEMORY butto n.
E-55 Song Memory Function 5. Play som ething on the ke yboar d. You can also rec ord Auto Acco mpaniment chords by sel ecting the a pplic able mode with the MODE button. Optional pedal operation is also rec orded. See “Tra ck 1 Con te nts Aft er Re al- tim e Rec ordi ng” .
Song Memory Function E-56 J To syn chro start Auto Acc ompanim ent with an intro pat tern I n p l a c e o f s t e p 4 , p r e s s t h e S Y N C H R O / F I L L - I N N E X T b u t t o n and then INTR O/ENDING 1 or INTRO/EN DING 2 button. Auto-accompanim ent will start w ith the i ntro patter n when you play a chor d on the accom paniment keyboard.
E-57 Song Memory Function 1. Press the SONG MEMORY b utton th ree times to enter step recordi ng standb y, and then use the numb er butto ns to s elect the song number (0 to 4) . 1 Flash 2. Make the follo wing settin gs. Rhythm n umber MODE button 3.
Song Memory Function E-58 When the acc ompaniment mode is set to NORMAL during step recording, you can specify chords using a method that is different fro m CASIO CHO RD and FING ERED finger ings.
E-59 Song Memory Function The foll owin g desc ribes a numbe r of di ffere nt vari at ions y ou can use when recording to Track 1 using step r ecording. All of these variations a re based upon t he procedure d escribed under “To rec ord ch ords w ith step recor ding” o n page E-57.
Song Memory Function E-60 In additi on to keyboa rd notes, the fol lowing data is also recor ded to the selected track duri ng real-tim e record ing. This data i s applied whenever th e track is played back. Tone number Option al pedal operatio ns The follow ing data i s recorded in t he header whenever you start a record ing of a track.
E-61 Song Memory Function Channe ls 11 through 16 co rrespond to T racks 1 through 6. Whenever the keyb oard is in record or edit ( page E-62 ) standb y, the level meter display shows w hich tracks alr eady contain r ecorded d ata and which are stil l empty.
Song Memory Function E-62 3. Press the [ ] CURSOR button. 4. Press the YES button. This delet es all data from the locatio n you specified and ente rs step r ecord sta ndby. Pressing the [ ] C URSOR button or the NO button cancels deleting t he data.
E-63 Song Memory Function 5. Make any cha nges i n the v alue t hat yo u wan t. The actual pro cedures you use to ch ange a parameter depend o n the type of data it contai ns. See “Editing T echniqu es and Displ ay Contents ” on page E-63 for det ail s.
Song Memory Function E-64 J To chan ge a rh ythm con troller operation * * INTRO /ENDING 1 button , INTRO/ENDING 2 button, VAR IATIO N/FI LL IN 1 b utton , VAR IATIO N/FI LL IN 2 button, SYNCHRO/FILL IN NEXT butt on operation s Press the rhythm controller but ton you want to change to.
E-65 Song Memory Function You can use a pr ocedure called “Panel Record” to change the initial M ixer, tem po and other settings stor ed in the song header.
Keyboard Settings E-66 Keyb oard Se ttings Up to four parts (numbered 1 through 4) can be used simultaneously duri ng keyboard play. Thes e parts c an be used by the layer and split funct ions explai ned bel ow.
E-67 Keyboard Settings 5. Press the LAYER button a gain to unlayer t he tones and return the ke yboard to n ormal . Turning on layering switches the current ly select ed part from Part 1 t o Part 2, and dis plays the layer ed to ne. At t hat time, you can use t he [ ] an d [ ] CURSOR but tons to switch bet ween parts.
Keyboard Settings E-68 Turning on sp lit switches th e currentl y selected part to Part 3, and displ ays the split tone. At tha t time, you can use the [ ] and [ ] CURSOR buttons t o switch be tween pa rts. Turnin g off sp lit retur ns to Pa rt 1.
E-69 Keyboard Settings Transpose lets yo u raise and lower the overall key of the keyboard in semitone units. If you want to play an accom panimen t for a voca list who sing s in a key that’s different fro m the keyboard, fo r example, simpl y use transpose to change the key of the keyboard.
Keyboard Settings E-70 The tuning f eature l ets you f ine tune the keyboard t o match the tuni ng of ano ther musi cal instrument . 1. Press the TRANSPOSE/FUNCTION b utton. 2. Use the [ ] an d [ ] CURSOR b uttons to disp lay th e tuni ng scree n. 3. Use [+] and [–] to c hange the tunin g setti ng of the ke yboard .
E-71 Keyboard Settings The tabl e below shows t he parameters whos e settings yo u can change. The above se ttings are all saved when ever you tu rn off the key board.
Keyboard Settings E-72 1. Press the TRANSPOSE/FUNCTION b utton. This causes a pointer to appear on t he display n ext to TR ANSPOSE/FUNCTION. 2. Use the [ ] and [ ] CURSOR buttons, and the [ ] and [ ] CURSOR buttons to recall the items whose settings you w ant to c hange.
E-73 Keyboard Settings 3. Use t he [ + ] and [–] button s or the nu mber b uttons to change the v alues. Settings you make ar e applied even if you do n ot press the E XIT button. See the foll owing sectio n titled “Setting Menu Items” for details on each set ting.
Keyboard Settings E-74 J Auto Harm onize Types You can sele ct from among th e 10 dif ferent types of auto harmoniz e liste d below. J Other Setti ngs Setting Menu Items No. Type Descrip tion 0 Duet1 Adds a 1-part harmony to keyboard play. 1 Duet2 Adds a 1-part harmony to keybo ard play.
E-75 Keyboard Settings J MIDI Settin gs J Delete /Initia lize Settings Setting me nu Range Default Descrip tion Keyboard Ch annel (Keybd Ch) 01 to 16 01 Specifies th e send cha nnel fo r main tone pla y.
Using the SMF Player E-76 Using the SMF Player The lett ers “SMF ” stand for St andard M IDI File, wh ich is a file format that a llows MI DI data to be shared be tween di fferent sof tw are and s equencers. There are actually th ree SMF fo rmats, nam ed SMF 0, SMF 1, and SMF 2.
E-77 Using the SMF Player SMF Player Mode Operati onal Flow 705A-E-079A 77 ペ ージ 2003年9 月29日 月曜日 午後4時47分.
Using the SMF Player E-78 1. Press the SMF PLAYER butto n to disp lay the file selec tion s creen . This causes the SMF pl ayer pointer to appear on the display. SMF are those wh ose file na mes end with the extensi on “MID”. An e rror message appe ars at this tim e if ther e are no SMF fi les curre ntly in Flash Mem ory.
E-79 Using the SMF Player 4. Press the [ ] CURSOR button to display the output mode se lectio n scre en. Use the [ ] and [ ] CURSOR buttons or the [ + ] and [–] butto ns to select th e output mo de. You can sele ct fr om amon g th e fol lowi ng t wo output types.
MIDI E-80 MIDI The lett ers MIDI st and f or Musi cal In st rumen t D igit al Interfac e, which is the name of a worl dwide sta ndard for digital sign als and conne ctors that make it possible to exch ange mus ical data b etween m usical in strumen ts and computers (devices) produced by different manuf acturers.
E-81 MIDI This keyboard can send notes you play on the keyboard, as well as au to accompani ment patterns and Song Memo ry playbac k as MIDI me ssages to anot her devic e. z Keyboard Pla y Each keyboar d part (Channels 1 throug h 4) is sent ov er its own indiv idual MI DI chann el.
MIDI E-82 You can downlo ad the foll owing type of data fro m CASIO MUSIC SIT E (htt p://m usic.c asio .com) t o your comput er, an d then trans fer it to the keyboa rd.
Troubleshooting E-83 Troubleshooting Probl em Possib le Cause Action See pa ge No keyboard Sound 1. Power supply problem. 2. Power is n ot turned on . 3. Volume s etting is too low. 4. Pla ying in th e accomp anime nt keyboard area whi le the MODE button setti ng is CASIO CHORD or FINGERED.
Troubleshooti ng E-84 Playing the keyboar d sou nds two tones . Layer i s turn ed on. Press the LA YER but ton to tu rn off lay ering . E-66 Different ton es sound when keys in different keyboar d ranges are pressed . Split is t urned on. Press the SPLI T button to turn off split .
Specifications E-85 Sp ecif ica tion s Model : CTK-691 Keyboard: 61 stan dard-size keys, 5 octaves wi th touch resp onse (Off / 1 / 2 / 3) Tones: 3 00 Advan ced Tones + 200 Pres et Tones + 16 Drum Se .
Specificati ons E-86 * The same me mory ar ea i s use d to sto re wav eform d ata, accompa niment data, a nd SMF d ata. Mixer Functi on Channels: Paramet ers: 16 Tone; part on/off; volume; pan.
Care of your Instrument E-87 Care of your Ins trument J Avoid he at, hum idity or direct sunli ght. Do not over expose the ins trument to direct sunl ight, or pl ace it n ear an air conditioner , or in a ny extremely hot place. J Do not use near a TV or ra dio.
DSP Algorithm List E-88 DSP Algori thm List J 00 : Auto Pa n Function Continually perfo rms left-rig ht panning of the input signal in accordan ce with an LF O. Paramet ers J 01 :Trem olo Function Adjus ts volume of in put signal in acco rdance with an LFO.
E-89 DSP Algorithm List Paramet ers J 06 :C ompre ssor Function Compresses the i nput signal, which can ha ve the e ffect of suppressi ng level vari ation and ma king it possi ble to sustain dampened sounds longer .
DSP Algorithm List E-90 Paramet ers J 10 :P haser Function This is a mon aura l phas er that modul ate s the ph ase in accor dance wi th a sine wave LF O. Paramet ers J 11 :R otary Function This is a rotary spea ker simul ator. Paramet ers J 12 :Drive Rotary Function This is an overdri ve - rotar y speaker si mulator.
E-91 DSP Algorithm List J 14 :Ri ng Mo dulator Function This is a r ing m odulat or ( AM mod ulato r) that mak es it possible to modulate the frequenc y of in ternal os cillato r (OSC) in accorda nce with an internal L FO.
DSP Algorithm List E-92 J 19 :Tri 2 -Phase Ch orus Function This is stereo chorus in accordanc e with trian gular wave LFO. Paramet ers J 20 :S tere o Delay 1 Function This is delay of stereo in put and ou tput. Paramet ers J 21 :S tere o Delay 2 Function This is cross feedb ack delay o f stereo input and output.
E-93 DSP Algorithm List Paramet ers J 24 :Reve rse Gate Re verb Function This is gate reverb with a reve rse rotation effect. Paramet ers J 25 :Reflect ion Function This is an effec tor that ex tracts t he first reflect ed sound from a reve rb sound.
DSP Algorithm List E-94 J 28 :2-Tap Delay Function This is left/rig ht 2-tap de lay. Paramet ers The following “Multi” algorithms are used in combinati on with the algorithms described abo ve. Paramet ers are shared by bo th types of algorithm s.
E-95 DSP Algorithm List J M04 : M ulti04 (Ste reo Phas er – Ste reo Delay 1) Function This is a multi ef fector that is related to Stereo Phaser – Stereo Delay 1. Paramet ers J M05 :Multi 05 (Enhanc er – 1-Ph ase Chor us) Function This is a m ulti effect or re lated t o Enha ncer – 1-P hase Chorus.
DSP Algorithm List E-96 J M09 :Multi 09 (Sin 2-Ph ase C horus – T remolo ) Function This is a multi effe ctor that is related t o Sin 2-Phase Chorus – Tremol o. Paramet ers J M10 : M ulti10 (Ste reo Phas er – Aut o Pan) Function This is a multi ef fector that is related to Stereo Phaser – Auto Pan.
E-97 DSP Algorithm List J M15 : M ulti15 (D istortion – Lo-Fi ) Function This is a m ulti e ffector relat ed to Distor tion – Lo-Fi. Paramet ers J M16 : Mult i16 (Driv e Rotary – Reflecti on) Function This is a m ulti e ffector relate d to D rive Rotary – Refl ect ion.
DSP Algorithm List E-98 Paramet ers J M21 : Mult i21 ( Auto W ah – T ri 2 -Phase Cho rus – 2- Tap De lay) Function This is a mult i ef fecto r tha t is re lated to Aut o Wah – Tr i 2- Phase Cho rus – 2-Tap Delay.
E-99 DSP Algorithm List Paramet ers J M26 :Multi 26 (Auto Wah – D istorti on – 2-Tap Delay) Function This is a m ulti e ffect or that is rela ted to Au to Wa h – Distorti on – 2-Tap Delay.
DSP Algorithm List E-100 J M31 : M ulti31 (Distort ion – Flan ger) Function This is a m ulti ef fector relate d to D istorti on – Flanger. Paramet ers 3: Dist orti on L evel 4: Chorus LFO .
Appendix/Apéndice A-1 Appendix/Apéndice Tone List/Li sta de sonidos Advanced Tones/Sonidos avanza dos No. / Nº Tone Gro up/ Grupo de Soni do Tone Na me/Nombr e de s onido Prog ra m Chang e/C ambio .
Appendix/Apéndice A-2 49 ORGAN ROCK OR GAN 18 48 16 N Ro tary 2 50 ORGAN ROTARY ELEC. ORGAN 16 53 32 N Rota ry 2 51 ORGAN ROT ARY PERC. ORG AN 2 17 54 16 N RotRef 1 52 ORGAN CHURCH O RGA N 1 19 48 16.
A-3 Appendix/Apéndi ce 106 BASS R ESO. SAW BASS 1 38 53 32 -1 AWhChDly 107 BASS D ISTORTI ON SQR BASS 39 51 16 -1 Di stDly1 108 BASS R ESO. SAW BASS 2 38 49 16 -1 PhaDly 2 109 BASS DIGITAL BASS 1 39 52 32 -1 Comp 2 110 BASS RIDE BASS 32 49 16 -1 RvbRo om1 111 BASS C HORUS FINGER ED BASS 33 49 16 -1 Crn Cho 112 BASS COMP.
Appendix/Apéndice A-4 163 BRA SS VELO. TRUMP ET 56 51 16 N Gat eRvb2 164 BRA SS VELO. TRO MBONE 57 50 16 -1 Ga teRv b2 165 BRA SS MUTE TRUMPET 59 48 32 N Enhancer 166 BRA SS OCTAV E FRE NC H HOR N 60.
A-5 Appendix/Apéndi ce 220 PIPE SYNTH- PAN FLUTE 75 49 16 N AWhChDly 221 PIPE SYNTH- RECORDER 74 49 16 N ChoDly 4 222 PIPE WHISTL E 78 48 32 N Od Rot 2 223 SYNTH-LEAD SAW TOOTH LEAD 81 48 16 N Enha D.
Appendix/Apéndice A-6 277 SYNTH-PAD VIBE PAD 96 49 16 N Cm pDelay 278 SYNTH-PAD MOVIE SOUND 97 48 16 N FlanDly1 279 SYNTH-PAD CRYST AL PAD 2 98 50 16 N St Delay 280 SYNTH-PAD ATMOSPHERE PAD 99 48 16 .
A-7 Appendix/Apéndi ce 325 GM STEEL GUITAR GM 25 64 32 N – 326 GM JAZZ GUITAR GM 26 64 32 N – 327 GM CLEAN GUITAR GM 27 64 32 N – 328 GM MUTED GUITAR GM 28 64 32 N – 329 GM OVERDRIVE GT GM 29.
Appendix/Apéndice A-8 382 GM CALLIOPE 82 64 16 N – 383 GM CHIF F 83 64 16 N – 384 GM CHARANG 84 64 16 N – 385 GM PLAI N SO LO VOX 85 64 16 N – 386 GM FIFTH SAW 86 64 16 N – 387 GM BASS LEAD.
A-9 Appendix/Apéndi ce 439 VARIOUS PULSE CL AVI GM 7 65 32 N – 440 VARIOUS VIBRAPHONE WIDE 11 65 32 N – 441 VARIOUS MARIMBA WIDE 12 65 32 N – 442 VARIOUS TREMO LO ORGAN GM 16 65 32 N – 443 VA.
Appendix/Apéndice A-10 496 VARIOUS SOPRAN O PAD 89 68 16 N – 497 VARIOUS FAST SWEEP 95 66 16 N – 498 VARIOUS WOOD PAD 96 66 16 N – 499 VARIOUS SYNTH-MALLET 98 65 16 N – Drum Sets/Ajustes de batería No.
A-11 Appendix/Apéndi ce Range Gama 20 DRAWB AR Even Organ 20 96 16 N Ro tary 21 DRAWB AR Flute Organ 1 21 96 16 N Rotary 22 DRAWB AR Chor us Or ga n 2 22 96 16 N Ro tary 23 DRAWB AR Overdrive Organ 3 23 96 16 N Rotary 24 DRAWB AR 16’ Or gan 24 96 16 N Rotary 25 DRAWB AR Soul Organ 3 25 96 16 N Rotary 26 DRAWB AR Perc .
Appendix/Apéndice A-12 “ ” in dicates the sam e sound as STANDARD SET. /“ ” in dica el mismo sonido que STANDARD SET. Drum Assignment List/ Lista de asignaci ón de batería 705A-E-222A Appendix-ES.
A-13 Appendix/Apéndi ce 705A-E-223A 13 ペー ジ 2003年9月 29日 月曜日 午 後5時13分.
Appendix/Apéndice A-14 Rhythm List /List a de Ritmo No./ Nº Rhythm Nam e/Nombre de Ritmo 8 BEAT 0 8 BEAT 1 1 8 BEAT 2 2 8 BEAT 3 3 8 BEAT POP 1 4 8 BEAT POP 2 5 8 BEAT POP 3 6 60’S SOU L 7 8 BEAT .
Appendix/Apéndice A-16 This tabl e shows the fi ngerings for commonly used c hords, incl uding inverted fingerings . Esta ta bla mue stra las di gitacio nes para lo s acord es usado s comúnm ente, in cluyen do las dig itaci ones inv ertidas. Fingered Ch ord Chart/Cuadro de acordes Fingered 705A-E-226A Appendix-ES.
A-17 Appendix/Apéndi ce * You ca n change the keybo ard range of di m7 chor ds for root s A, B b , and B, an d au g chor ds fo r ro ots B b an d B by adj ust ing the split poi nt set ting (page E-67) .
Appendix/Apéndice A-18 Settabl e parameters d epend on the DSP type. Al so, the paramet ers for eac h DSP type dep end on the algo rithm* associated with the D SP type. See the DSP Algorithm List on page E-88 for mo re information . * Effector structure and operation type Los parámetr os que pueden ajusta rse depende n en el ti po DSP.
A-19 Appendix/Apéndi ce Chorus [07] 16 Chorus 1 Chorus 1 [08] 17 Chorus 2 Chorus 2 [09] 19 Chorus 3 Chorus 3 [10] 18 Chorus 4 Chorus 4 [11] M05 Enha Cho Enhancer - Chorus Flanger [12] 26 Flanger Flan.
705A-E-234A 1 ペ ージ 2003年9 月29日 月曜日 午後4時47分.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Casio CTK-691 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Casio CTK-691 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Casio CTK-691 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Casio CTK-691 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Casio CTK-691 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Casio CTK-691 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Casio CTK-691 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Casio CTK-691. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Casio CTK-691 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.