Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 117 HS des Produzenten Canon
Zur Seite of 209
Camera User Guide ENGLISH • Make sur e you re ad this g uide, inc luding t he “Safety Precautio ns” section, be fore using th e camera. • Reading this guide will help you learn to us e the camer a properly. • Store thi s guide sa fely so that you can u se it in the future.
2 Check if the following i tems are incl uded in y our camera package. If anything is missing, c ontact the retailer wh ere you pu rchased th e camera.
3 Test Shots and Disclaimer Take some init ial test shot s and play them ba ck to make sure the i mages were recorde d correctly. Pl ease note that Canon Inc.
4 What Do You Want to Do? 4 Shoot, leaving it to the camera to make settings ......................... 24 O t S Take good people shots Shoot various other scenes Shoot with special effects I w P V Portrai ts (p. 64) Facial expressions (p. 81) Kids and pets (p.
What Do You Want to Do? 5 1 Look at my pictures ...................................................................... 27 Automatically play back pi ctures (slideshow) .. ........................... 122 Look at my pictures on a TV ........
6 Chapters 1 – 3 explain the ba sic operation s and frequen tly used funct ions of this came ra. Chapters 4 onward explain the advanced f unctions, letting you learn more a s you read each chap ter. Checking the Package Contents .......2 Read This First .
Table of Contents 7 Shooting in Program AE .............. ... 84 Adjusting the Brightness (Exposure Compensati on) ............ 85 Turning th e Flash On ................... ... 85 Adjusting the White Ba lance ........... 86 Changing the ISO Speed ....
Table of Contents 8 Choosing Images for Printin g (DPOF) ....... ................ ............. ....159 Changing Camera Settings..... .......166 Changing Shooting Functi on Settings ............. ............. ............. .173 Changing Playback Function Settings .
9 • Icons are use d in the text to re present the came ra buttons and switches. • Language th at display s on the screen appears ins ide [ ] (squa re brackets ). • The direction al buttons an d FUNC./SET button are represent ed by the following icons.
10 • Before using the product, please ensure that you read the safety precautions described below. Always ensure that the product is used correctly. • The safety precautions noted on the following pages are intended to prevent injuries to yourself and other persons, or damage to the equipment.
Safety Precautions 11 • Turn the camera off in places where camera use is prohibited. The electromagnetic waves emitted by the camera may interfere with the o peration of electronic instruments and other devices.
Safety Precautions 12 • In regular use, small amounts of smoke may be emitted from the flash. This is due to the h igh intensity of the flash burn ing dust and foreign materials st uck to the front of the unit. Please use a cot ton swab to remove dirt, dust or other foreign matter from the flash to prevent heat build-up and damage to the unit.
13 Getting Started This chapter explains preparations before shooting, how to shoot in A mode, and then how to view and erase the images you take. The latter part of this chapter explains how to shoot and view movies and transfer images to a computer.
14 Use the incl uded char ger to charg e the batte ry. Be sure to charge the battery as it is not c harged at the time of purchase. Remove the cover. Insert the battery. Align the o marks on the battery and charger, t hen insert the batter y by slidi ng it i n () a n d d o w n () .
Charging the Battery 15 Number of Possible Shots • The number of shots that can be taken is based on the Camera & Ima ging Products Association (CIPA) measurement standard. • Under some shooting conditions, the number of shots that can be take n may be less than mentioned above.
16 The cards bel ow can be used withou t restricti ons on their capa cities. • SD memory cards* • SDHC memory cards* • SDXC memory cards * • MultiMedia Cards • MMC plus memory cards • HC MMC plus memory cards • Eye-Fi Cards * This memory card complies with the SD standards.
Inserting the Battery and Memory Card 17 Insert the battery. Press the batt ery lock in th e direction of the arrow, then ins ert the batter y as shown until it lo cks into place wi th a click. Be sure to insert the battery in the correct direction or it will not properly loc k into place.
Inserting the Battery and Memory Card 18 Removing the Battery and Memory Card Remove t he battery . Open the cove r and press the battery lock in the direc tion of the arro w. The battery will pop up. Remove the memory card. Push the memory card i n until you hear a click, then slowly re lease it.
19 The Date/Time se ttings screen will appea r the first time th e camera is tu rned on. Since th e dates and times re corded into your images are based on these settings, b e sure to s et them. Turn on the camera. Press the ON/OF F button. The Date/Time screen will appe ar.
Setting the Date and Time 20 Changing the Date and Time You can change the current da te and time sett ings. Display the menu. Press the n but ton. Choose [Date/Time]. Move the zoo m lever to choo se the 3 tab. Press the op b uttons to choose [Date/ Time], then press the m button.
21 You can change the language t hat displays on the screen. Enter Playback mode. Press the 1 butt on. Display the settings scr een. Press and hold the m button, then immediately pr ess the n button. Set the disp lay languag e. Press the opqr buttons to c hoose a language, t hen press the m bu tton.
22 Before you use a new memory card or one that has been for matted in other devices, you should f ormat the card with thi s camera. Formattin g (initializing) a memory card erases al l data on the memory ca rd. As you cannot retrieve the erased data, exercise adequat e caution before formatting the memory card.
Pressing the Shutter Button 23 Complete formatting. When formatti ng ends, [Memor y card formattin g complete] will ap pear on the screen. Press the m butt on. To take imag es that are in focus, be sure to first press the shutt er button lightly (hal fway) to focu s, then pre ss fully t o shoot.
Taking Pictures (Smart Auto) 24 Since the ca mera can determin e the subject and shooting con ditions, you ca n let it automa tically sele ct the best settings fo r the scene a nd just sho ot. The camera can a lso detect and focus on faces, se tting the c olor and brig htness to optimal le vels.
Taking Pictures (Smart Auto) 25 Compose the shot. Moving the zoom lev er toward i (telephoto ) will zo om in on you r subject, making it appe ar larger. Movi ng the lever toward j (wide angl e) will zoom out fr om your subje ct, makin g it appe ar smaller .
Taking Pictures (Smart Auto) 26 What if... • What if th e color and b rightness of the imag es do not turn out as expected? The scene icon (p. 187) that appear s on the screen may not match th e actual scene. If this happens, try shooti ng in G mode (p.
Viewing Images 27 You can view th e images you have taken on the scr een. Enter Playback mode. Press the 1 butt on. The last image y ou took will ap pear. Choose an image. Pressing t he q button wi ll cycle throu gh the images fr om newest to oldest .
28 You can ch oose and erase image s one at a t ime. Please note that er ased images canno t be recovered . Exercise adequ ate caution bef ore erasing an image. Enter Playback mode. Press the 1 butt on. The last image y ou took will ap pear. Choose an image to erase .
29 The camera can aut omatically sel ect all setti ngs so that you can shoo t movies just by pressing th e movie butt on. If you continue shooting for a long time, the camera may be come warm. This is not a malf unction. Choose A mode. Set the mode switch to A .
Shooting Movies 30 If you chan ge the composi tion of your shot during shoo ting, the foc us will stay the same, but the b rightness and t one will automatical ly adjust. Do not touch th e microphone whil e shooting. Do not pres s any butto ns other th an the movie button while shooting.
31 You can view th e movies you have shot on the screen . Enter Playback mode. Press the 1 butt on. The last image y ou took will ap pear. appears on movi es. Choose a movie. Press the qr buttons to choo se a movie, then press th e m button.
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 32 You can use t he include d software to transfer imag es you have sh ot with the camera to a co mputer for view ing.
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 33 Macintosh Preparations Windows Vist a and Mac OS X (v10.5) ar e used for thes e explanation s. Install the Software. Windows Place the CD in the computer’ s CD- ROM drive. Place the suppl ied CD-ROM (DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk) (p .
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 34 When the installation finish es, click [Restart] o r [Finish]. Remove the CD-ROM. Remove the CD-ROM when your desktop screen app ears. Macintosh Place the CD in the computer’ s CD- ROM drive. Place the suppl ied CD-ROM (DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk) (p .
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 35 Open CameraWindow. Windows Click [Downl oads Images Fro m Canon Camera using Can on CameraWindow]. CameraWindow will appear. If CameraWindow do es not appear, cli ck the [Start] men u and choose [Al l Programs], follo wed by [Canon Utilities], [CameraWin dow] and [CameraW indow].
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 36 Transfer and View Images Click [Import Imag es from Camera], and then click [Import Untr ansferred Images]. All images not previously transferred wi ll transfer to th e computer. Tr ansferred images will be sorted b y date and sav ed in separate fo lders in the Pic tures folde r.
37 Accessories Supplied with Camera Wrist Strap WS-DC11 Battery Pack NB-4L with Terminal Cover* Battery Charger CB-2LV/CB- 2LVE* DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk *Also available f or purchase se parately.
38 The followi ng camera accessor ies are sold separat ely. Some access ories are not sold in some region s, or may no longer be available. Power Supplies Battery Charger CB-2LV/CB-2L VE A charger for charging Battery Pack NB -4L. Battery Pack NB-4L Recharge able lithium- ion battery .
Separately Sold Accessories 39 Flash High-Power Flash HF-DC1 This extern ally mounted fl ash can be used to capture ph otographic subjects that are too distan t for the built-in flas h to illuminate. Other Accessories HDMI Cable HTC-100 Use this cabl e to connect the ca mera to the HDMI ™ termin al on a high-def inition TV set.
Separately Sold Accessories 40 Printers Canon-Brand PictBridge Comp liant Printers By connectin g your camera to a Canon- brand PictBr idge compliant pr inter, you can print you r images without having to use a computer . For more info rmation, visi t your near est Canon retai ler.
41 Learning More This chapter explains the parts of the camera and what appears on the screen, as well as the bas ic operating instructions. 2.
42 Mode Switch Use the mode switc h to change the Shoo ting mode. Components Guide Microphone (p. 30) Lens Speaker Zoom Lever Shooting: i (Telephoto) / j (Wide Angle) (pp. 25 , 29 , 55) Playback: k (Magnify) / g (Index) (pp. 118 , 125) Shutter Button (p.
Components Guide 43 Screen (LCD Monitor) (pp. 44 , 186 , 188) Movie Button (pp. 29 , 107) A/V OUT (Audio/Video Output) / DIGITAL Terminal (pp. 34 , 130 , 152) HDMI Terminal (p. 131) Strap Mount (p. 13) b (Exposure Compensation) (p. 85) / o Button e (Macro) (p.
44 Switching th e Display You can change the screen dis play using the p button. Refe r to p. 186 for details on information th at appears on t he screen. Shooting Playback Screen Display No Information Display Information Display You can also switch the display by pressing t he p button while the i mage displays right after shooting.
Indicator 45 Screen Display in Dark Shooting Conditions The display automaticall y brightens wh en shooting in da rk conditions , allowing y ou to chec k the compo sition (Nig ht Display function). However, the brightnes s of the ima ge on the scree n, and the b rightness o f the actual image recorded may be different.
46 Commonly used functions can be set with the FUNC. menu. The menu items a nd options diff er depending on t he Shooting mo de or Playback mo de (pp. 190 – 197) . Display the FUNC. menu. Press the m butt on. Choose a menu item. Press the op buttons to choose a menu item, then p ress the m or r bu tton.
47 Various fu nctions can be se t from the menus . The menu items ar e organized under tabs , such as f or shooting ( 4 ) and play back ( 1 ). The optio ns differ depending o n the Shooting mode and the Playba ck mode (pp. 196 – 199) . Display the menu.
48 You can silenc e or adjust the volu me of camera sounds . Muting Sounds Display the menu. Press the n but ton. Choose [Mute]. Move the zoo m lever to choo se the 3 tab. Press the op b uttons to choose [Mute], then press t he qr butt ons to choose [ On].
Changing the Sound Settings 49 Adjusting the Volume Display the menu. Press the n but ton. Choose [Volume]. Move the zoo m lever to choo se the 3 tab. Press the op b uttons to choose [Volume], the n press the m butt on. Change th e volume .
50 The screen brightness can be adjusted in two ways. Using the Menu Display the menu. Press the n but ton. Choose [LCD Brightness]. Move the zoo m lever to choo se the 3 tab. Press the op b uttons to choose [L CD Brightness ]. Adjust the brig htness.
51 When you have mis takenly chan ged a setting, y ou can reset the ca mera to the default sett ings. Display the menu. Press the n but ton. Choose [Reset All]. Move the zoo m lever to choo se the 3 tab. Press the op b uttons to choose [Reset All], then pres s the m button.
52 To save ba ttery power, the scre en turns of f, and the c amera shuts down automatic ally when it is no t operated for a certain time. Power Saving du ring Shoo ting The screen wil l turn off ap proximately 1 mi nute after y ou stop operati ng the camera.
53 Shooting with Commonly Used Functions This chapter explains how to use common functions, such as the self- timer, and how to turn off the flash. • This chapte r assumes tha t the camera is set to A mod e. When shooti ng in another mode, check whic h functions a re available in that mode (pp.
54 You can shoot with the flash tu rned off. Press the r button. Choose ! . Press the qr buttons to choo se ! , then press the m button. Once set, ! will appear on the scre en. To turn the flash back on, follow t he steps above to choos e .
55 You can use the digital zoom to zoom up to approxi mately 16x maximu m, and capture su bjects that are too f ar away fo r the optica l zoom to en large. However, dep ending on the reco rding pixel setting (p. 61) and zoom factor, the images may appear coarse ( the zoom factor wil l appear in blue) .
Zooming in More Closely on Subjects (Digital Zoom) 56 Digital Tele-Converter The focal lengt h of the lens can be incre ased by approx imately 1.5x or approximat ely 2.0x. This e nables a fast er shutter spee d and less chanc e of camera shake t han the zoom (incl uding digita l zoom) used by it self at the same zoom factor.
57 You can inser t the shooting d ate and time in the lo wer right cor ner of an image. Once in serted, however, the y cannot b e deleted . Be sure t o check beforehand that the d ate and time are correc tly set (p . 19) . Display the menu. Press the n but ton.
Using the Self-Timer 58 The self-ti mer can be used to shoot a group phot o that inc ludes th e photograph er. The camera will sh oot approxima tely 10 seconds afte r the shutter but ton is pr essed. Choose Ò . After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose , the n press the m button agai n.
Using the Self-Timer 59 To cancel shoo ting with the se lf-timer afte r the countdow n has started, pr ess the n button. To restor e the orig inal sett ing, choose in Step 1, on p.
Using the Self-Timer 60 Choose the settings. Press the op b uttons to choose [Delay] or [Shots ]. Press the qr buttons to choo se a value, then press th e m button. Follow St ep 2 on p. 58 to sho ot. What if the number of shots i s set to two or more shots? • Exposure and white balance setti ngs are set with the first shot.
61 You can choose from 4 recording p ixel setting s. Choose the recording pixel setting. After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose , then press the m button agai n. Choose an option. Press the op b uttons to choose an option, the n press th e m button.
Changing the Compression Ratio (Image Quality) 62 Approximate Values for Recording Pix els and Compression Ratio (for 4:3 Aspect Ratios) • The values in the table are measured according to Canon standards an d may change depending on the subject, memory card and camera settings.
63 Adding Effects and Shooting in Various Conditions This chapter explains how to add e ffects and how to shoot in various conditions. 4.
64 The camera wil l select the n ecessary set tings for the conditions in which you wish to shoot wh en you choose the matching mo de. Set the camera to 4 mode. Set the mode switch to 4 . Choose a Shooting mode. After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose G , then pres s the m button agai n.
Shooting in Various Conditions 65 Take nigh tscapes with out using a tripod (Handheld NightSce ne) Lets you take beautiful s napshots of cit y nightscene s by combini ng several continuous shots to reduce camera shake and noise. When using a tri pod, you shou ld shoot in A mode (p.
Shooting in Various Conditions 66 P Take shots of pe ople in snow (Snow) Lets you take br ight, natu ral-colored sh ots of people aga inst snowy backgr ounds. t Take shots of firewo rks (Fireworks) Lets you t ake shot s of firewo rks in viv id colors.
67 You can make a short mo vie of a da y just by ta king stil l images. Each time you take a pict ure, the scene just before taki ng your sh ot will be recorded as a movi e. All the movies recorde d that day will be saved as a single file. Choose . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p.
68 You can ad d variou s effects to images when sho oting. Choose a Shooting mode. Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 64 to choose a Shooting mode . Shoot. Shoot images with v ivid colors (Super Vivid) Lets you ta ke shots with vivid, inte nse colors.
Adding Effects and Shooting 69 Shoot with the Effects of a Fish -Eye Lens (Fish- eye Effect) Lets you shoo t with the disto rting effect of a fish-eye lens. Choose . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 64 to choose . Choose an effect level. Press the n button for more th an one second.
Adding Effects and Shooting 70 Take Shots That Look Like a Miniat ure Model (Miniature Effect) Blurs chos en portions i n the top and bo ttom of an i mage to produ ce the effect of a miniature model . Choose . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 64 to choose .
Adding Effects and Shooting 71 Changing the Colo r and Shooti ng You can change th e look of an image wh en shooting. Howev er, dependin g on shooting c onditions, t he image may be come coarse, or the colo rs may not come out as expect ed.
Adding Effects and Shooting 72 Color Swap You can swap one color in an i mage for anoth er when recordi ng it. You can only swap one c olor. Choose Y . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 64 to choose Y . Press the n button for more than one second. The unchanged ima ge and the Color Swap image will al ternately displ ay.
Adding Effects and Shooting 73 Specify the range of colors to be swapped. Press the op buttons to a djust the range of colors to be ch anged. Choose a negat ive value t o limit the ra nge of colors . Choose a positive value to extend the range of c olors to simi lar colors.
Adding Effects and Shooting 74 Shoot with the Effects o f a Toy Camera (Toy Camera Effect) This effec t darkens and blur s the corners of the image, and chan ges the overall col or so that i t looks li ke an image shot with a toy camera . Choose . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p.
75 Detecting a Smile and Shoo ting The camera wil l shoot, even wit hout pressing the shutter but ton, when it detects a s mile. Choose . Follow Step s 1 – 2 on p. 64 to choose , then press the n button for more tha n one second. Press the qr buttons to choo se , then press the n button.
Detecting a Face and Shooting (Smart Shutter) 76 Using the Wink Self-Timer Point the ca mera at a person and pr ess the shutter button fully. The camera will shoot approx imately two second s after it detects a wink. Choose . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p.
Detecting a Face and Shooting (Smart Shutter) 77 Using the Face Self -Timer The shutter will release appr oximately two sec onds after the came ra detects a new face (p. 95) . You can use t his when the photo grapher wants t o be in the image, s uch as a gr oup photo.
Detecting a Face and Shooting (Smart Shutter) 78 Join the subjects and look at the camera. When the camer a detects a new fac e, the lamp and self -timer sound wil l speed up (the lamp remai ns lit when the flash will fire), and two seconds lat er the shutte r will release.
79 You can set t he shutter spe ed to a range b etween 1 and 15 seconds to sh oot long exposu res. However , you should at tach the came ra to a tripod t o prevent the camera f rom moving and blurrin g the imag e. Choose ≈ . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p.
80 You can shoot continuously at a maximum speed of app roximately 8.2 images /second w hile the shutter but ton is pre ssed ful ly and he ld. Choose . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 64 to choose , Shoot. As long as you ho ld the shutte r button down, the camer a will shoot suc cessive images.
81 The camera tak es 5 continuous sh ots, then dete cts various a spects of the shot such as fa cial expressi ons, and saves on ly one picture de tected as the best. Choose . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 64 to choose . Shoot. When the shutter bu tton is pressed fully, the camera takes five continuous shots, and saves one pi cture only.
82 Large subj ects can b e split into several sh ots that can later be me rged together u sing the includ ed software on a comp uter to create a panoramic image. Choose x or v . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 64 to choose x or v . Take the first shot.
83 Choosing Settings Yourself In this chapter you will learn how to use t he various functions in G mode to progressively advanc e your shooting skills. • This chapter assumes that you ha ve set the mode s witch to 4 and the camera is in G mode. • G stands for Pr ogram AE.
84 You can choo se the setting s for various functions t o suit your prefe rences. AE stands for Auto Exposure. The focusing ra nge is approximat ely 5 cm (2. 0 in.) – inf inity at maximum wide angle ( j ) , and approxi mately 50 cm (1.6 ft.) – infinity at maximum te lephoto ( i ).
85 You can adju st the st andard exp osure set by the camer a in 1/3-sto p increments in the range of -2 to +2. Enter Exposure Compensation mode. Press the o button. Adjust the brightnes s. While watching the screen, pres s the qr buttons to ad just the brigh tness, then press the m button.
86 The white balance (WB ) function sets the op timal white bal ance for na tural looking col ors to match the s hooting condit ions. Choose the white balanc e function. After pressi ng the m button, press the op button s to choose , then pr ess the m button agai n.
Adjusting the White Balance 87 Manually Correct ing the White Balanc e You can manual ly correct the wh ite balance wh en in S mode (p. 65) . Th is adjustment will h ave the same effe ct as using a co mmercially-av ailable color compensati ng filter. Choose S .
88 Choose the ISO spee d. After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose , the n press the m button agai n. Choose an option. Press the op b uttons to choose an option, the n press the m button. The setti ng will app ear on th e screen.
89 The camera can d etect areas in t he scene, such a s faces or backgro unds, that are to o bright or dark an d automatica lly adjust the m to the optimum brightness when shootin g. Also, wh en the overa ll image is lac king in cont rast, the camera wil l automatical ly correct the image for a sharpe r impression when shoot ing.
90 You can change the width to heig ht ratio of an ima ge. Choose . After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose , then pr ess the m button agai n. Choose an option. Press the op buttons t o choose a optio n, then press th e m button.
91 You can shoot continuously at a maximum speed of app roximately 3.4 images/sec ond while the s hutter button is pressed fully an d held. Choose a Drive mode. After pressi ng the m button, press the op button s to choose , then pr ess the m button agai n.
92 You can change the tone of an i mage, for example to sepia or bla ck and white, when shooting . Choose My Colors. After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose , then press the m button agai n. Choose an option. Press the op b uttons to choose an option, the n press the m button.
Changing the Tone of an Image (My Colors) 93 Custom Color The contra st, sharpne ss, color sat uration, red , green, blue , and skin ton es in an image can be c hosen and set at 5 different le vels. Follow Step 2 o n p. 92 to choose , then press the n button.
94 You can shoot a n object at a cl ose distance or ev en shoot extreme c lose-ups of it. The focu sing range is ap proximately 3 – 50 cm (1.2 in. – 1.6 ft.) from the end of the lens at maximu m wide ang le ( j ). Choose e . After pres sing the q button, press the qr buttons to ch oose e , then press the m button.
95 You can change the AF (Auto Focu s) frame mode to matc h the scene you want to shoo t. Choose [AF Frame]. Press the n button to choose [AF Frame] fr om the 4 tab, then pres s the qr buttons to ch oose an optio n. Face AiAF • Detects pe ople’s faces and sets t he focus, ex posure (eval uative meteri ng only) and white ba lance ( only).
Changing the AF Frame Mode 96 Tracking AF You can choose the subject yo u want to focus on an d shoot (p. 97) . Center The AF fram e is locked to the cen ter. This is effective f or focusi ng on a specific poin t. Changing th e Composition with the Focus Lock While you keep the shutter but ton pressed ha lfway, the focus and exposure are locked.
97 You can choose the subject yo u want to focus on an d shoot. Choose [Trackin g AF]. Press the n button to choose [AF Frame] fr om the 4 tab, then pres s the qr buttons to choose [Track ing AF]. will appea r in the center o f the screen . Choose the subje ct to focus on.
Magnifying the Focal Point 98 If you press the sh utter button halfway, the AF frame will ma gnify and you ca n check the fo cus. Choose [AF-Poi nt Zoom]. Press the n button to choose [AF- Point Zoom] from the 4 tab, then press the qr buttons to choo se [On].
99 The focus can be loc ked. After l ocking the focus, the focal distan ce will not change ev en when you release yo ur finger fr om the shut ter button . Lock the focus. Keep the shutt er button pres sed halfway and press the q button. The focus lock s and % appears on the screen.
100 While the shu tter button is pressed halfway , the focus an d exposure will continue t o adjust, allo wing you to take pi ctures of movin g subjects witho ut missing a sh ot. Choose [Servo AF]. Press the n button to choose [Servo AF] from the 4 ta b, then p ress the qr buttons to ch oose [On].
101 You can change the metering meth od (brightness measuring fun ction) to match the sh ooting con ditions. Choose the metering method. After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose , th en press the m button agai n. Choose an option.
102 You can lock t he exposure and shoot, or set the focus and exposur e separatel y to shoot. AE sta nds for “Auto Expo sure”. Choose ! (p. 54) . Lock the exp osure. Point the camera towa rd the subj ect and press the o button while pres sing the shutter butto n halfway.
103 You can make t he main subj ect, such as p eople, appe ar bright by h aving the camera provi de the approp riate illuminat ion with the flash. At t he same time , you can u se a slow shutter spe ed to bri ghten the b ackground t hat the light from the flash cannot reach.
104 You can automa tically corre ct red-eye that occurs in imag es taken with the flash. Choose [Flash Settings]. Press the n button to choose [Flash Settings] fro m the 4 tab, the n press th e m button. Choose the setting. Press the op b uttons to choose [Red- Eye Corr.
105 When the came ra detects t he possibili ty that peop le have their eyes shut, appears on th e screen. Choose [Blink Detection]. Press the n button to choose [Blink Detection] from the 4 tab, then press the qr butt ons to cho ose [On] . Shoot. When a perso n with shut eyes is detected, a frame and appear on the screen.
107 Using Various Functions for Shooting Movies This chapter serves as a more advanced version of the “Shooting Movies” and “Viewing Movies” sections in Chapter 1, and explains how to use various functions fo r shooting and viewing movies. • This chapter assumes that you ha ve set the mode s witch to 4 .
108 Just as with still images, you can le t the camera select the best settin gs for the scene or add vari ous effects while sho oting movies . Choose a Shooting mode. Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 64 to choose a Shooting mode . Shoot. Press the movi e button.
109 You can shoot mo vies that look like mov ing miniature mode ls. You create the miniature model effect by choosin g the upper and lowe r portions of the scene that will be bl urred, and the pl ayback speed, w hich makes people an d objects in the scen e move quic kly during playback.
Shooting Super Slow Motion Movies 110 You can shoot fast moving subje cts and play them b ack in slow motion . Audio will not be re corded. Choose . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 64 to choose . Choose a frame rate. Press the m button to choose , then press the m bu tton again.
Shooting Super Slow Motion Movies 111 Frame Rates and Playback T imes (for 30 Sec. Clips) Frame Rate Playback Time 240 fps Approx. 4 min. 120 fps Approx. 2 min. Viewing super slow motion movies • The movie will play back in slow motion when you follow Steps 1 – 3 on p.
112 You can choose among 4 differ ent image qualit y settings. Choose the image quality setting. After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose , then pr ess the m button agai n. Choose an option. Press the op b uttons to choose an option, the n press the m button.
113 The followin g functions can be used in th e same way as for st ill images. So me functions, however, may not be ava ilable or may not have an effect depending o n the Shooting mode. • Zooming in More Closely On Subj ects The optical zoom is not available while shooting .
114 You can trim t he beginnings an d ends of record ed movies. Choose * . Follow Steps 1 – 3 on p. 31 to choose * , then press th e m button. The movie editi ng panel and the movie editing bar will appear. Set the editing range. Press the op but tons and choos e or .
Editing 115 Save the e dited mo vie. Press the op buttons to choose , then press the m button. Press the qr buttons to choo se [New File], then pre ss the m butt on. The movie will be s aved as a new file. • When [Overwrite] is chosen in Step 4 , the unedited movie is overwritten with the edited movie, erasing the orig inal.
117 Using Various Playback and Editing Functions This chapter explains various ways to play back and edit images. • Press the 1 butt on to enter P layback mode be fore operating the camera.
118 Searching I mages Using In dex Display Displaying multi ple images a t the same time l ets you quickly find the imag e you want. Move the zoom lever toward g . Images will di splay in an index. The number of images increas e each time you move th e lever towa rd g .
Quickly Searching Images 119 Viewing Movi es Made with Mo vie Digest You can select mov ies made in mode (p. 67) by date for vie wing. Choose . After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choo se , then press the m button agai n. Choose a movie date.
120 When there are man y images on the memory car d, you can filter and display them by a spe cified filter . You can also pr otect (p. 134) or delete (p. 138) all images at once whil e filtered. Choose ‚ . After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose ‚ , t hen press the m button agai n.
Viewing Images in Filtered Playback 121 Filtered playback In filtered playba ck (Step 3), you can vi ew filtered images with “Quickly Searching Images” (p. 118) , “Viewing Slideshows” (p. 122) , and “Magnifying Images” (p. 125) . You can process all filtered images a t once while performing operations in “Protecting I mages” (p.
122 You can au tomatically play back i mages rec orded to a memory card. Each image displ ays for approx imately 3 second s. Choose . . After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose . , then press the m button agai n. Choose a transition effect.
Viewing Slideshows 123 Changing Settings You can set a sl ideshow to repea t, or change tran sition effec ts and the time that slides how images are display ed. You ca n choose f rom 6 tran sition effects whe n switching bet ween images. Choose [Slideshow].
124 You can magni fy the area of a r ecorded imag e that was insi de the AF Frame to check the focus. Press the p button to switch to the focus check display (p. 44) . A white frame wi ll appear where t he AF frame was when the foc us was set. A gray fr ame will app ear on a face detected dur ing playback.
125 Move the zoom lever toward k . The display wi ll zoom in on the i mage. If you continu e to hold the zoo m lever, it wil l zoom in up to a maximum fact or of approximate ly 10x. If you pres s the opqr buttons , you ca n move the locat ion of the displa yed area.
126 Grouped image s taken in mode (p. 80) can also be vi ewed individua lly. Choose an image grou p. Press the qr buttons to choos e an imag e that displays . Choose . After pressi ng the m button, press the op button s to choose , th en press the m button agai n.
Viewing Each Image in a Group 127 Ungrouping Ima ges Grouped image s taken in mode can be ungrouped and vi ewed individu ally. Choose [Group Images]. Press the n butt on to choose [G roup Images] fr om the 1 tab. Choose a setting. Press the qr buttons to choo se [Off].
128 The camera wil l choose four ima ges based on the displayed image. If you choos e one of those image s, the camera wi ll select four mor e images letting you e njoy playing bac k images in an un expected orde r. This will wor k best if you take man y shots of vari ous scenes.
129 You can choose fr om 3 transition ef fects when switc hing between ima ges in single imag e playback. Choose [Transition]. Press the n button to choose [Transition] fr om the 1 tab , then pr ess the qr buttons to ch oose a tran sition ef fect.
130 Viewing Images on a Standard TV Using the supplied A V cable (p. 2) , you can connect t he camera to a TV to view imag es you h ave shot. Turn off the camera and T V. Connect the camera to th e TV. Open the camera’ s terminal cover an d fully insert the cable plug into the ca mera’s terminal.
Viewing Images on a TV 131 Viewing Images on a High-Def inition TV Using the separ ately sold HDMI Cable HTC- 100, you can connect th e camera to an HD TV to view images you have sh ot. Turn off the camera and T V. Connect the camera to th e TV. Open the camera’ s terminal cover an d fully insert the c able plug into the camera’s terminal.
Viewing Images on a TV 132 Using a TV Remote to Control the Camera When you conn ect the came ra to an HDMI C EC compatibl e TV, you can use the TV’s re mote contro l to operate the camera an d play back im ages or view slidesho ws. You may need to make settin gs on some TVs.
Viewing Images on a TV 133 Summary of the Camera Contro l Panel Displayed on the TV Return Closes the menu. Group playback Displays groups of High-speed Burst images (only appears when grouped images are chosen). Play movie Plays a movie (only appears when a movie is chosen).
134 You can pro tect impor tant images s o that they cannot be a ccidentally erased with the camera (pp. 28 , 138) . Protect the image. After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose : , then press t he m button agai n. [Protecte d] will appear on the screen.
Protecting Images 135 Choosing Ima ges Individu ally Choose [Select]. Follow Ste p 2 on p. 134 to choose [S elect], then press th e m button. Choose images. Press the qr but tons to choose an image, then press th e m button. will app ear on the screen.
Protecting Images 136 Select Range Choose [Select Range]. Follow St ep 2 on p. 134 to choose [Sel ect Range], then press the m butt on. Choose a starting image. Press the m butt on. Press the qr but tons to choose an image, then press th e m button.
Protecting Images 137 Protect images. Press the p button to choose [P rotect], then press th e m button. Choose All Images Choose [All Images]. Follow Step 2 on p. 134 to ch oose [All Images], then press the m button. Protect images. Press the op buttons to choose [P rotect], then press th e m button.
138 You can choos e images and t hen erase th em in groups. Si nce erased image s cannot be rec overed, exerci se adequate ca ution before e rasing. Protec ted images (p. 134) cannot be erased. Choose a Select ion Method Choose [Erase]. Press the n butt on to choose [Erase] from the 1 tab, then pres s the m button.
Erasing Images 139 Erase. If you press the n button, a confirmatio n screen will a ppear. Press the qr buttons to choos e [OK], then press the m button. Select Range Choose [Select Range]. Follow St ep 2 on p. 138 to choose [ Select Range], then press the m butt on.
140 When you tag ima ges as favorite s, you can easi ly categorize jus t those images. You ca n also filter out just thos e images for viewi ng, protect ing or erasing (p . 120) . Make the setting. After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choo se , then press the m button agai n.
Tagging Images as Favorites 141 Complete th e setting. If you press the n button, a confirmatio n screen will a ppear. Press the qr buttons to choos e [OK], then press the m button. If you switch to Sho oting mode or t urn off the p ower before complet ing the setting in Step 3, images will not be tagged as fa vorites.
142 You can organi ze images int o categories. You can display the images in a category in filtered play back (p. 1 20) and process all images at onc e by using the functi ons below. • “Viewing Slidesho ws” (p. 122) , “Protecting Images” (p.
Organizing Images by Category (My Category) 143 Using the Menu Choose [My Category]. Press the n button to choose [My Category] from the 1 tab, then pres s the m button. Choose a selectio n method. Press the op b uttons to choose a selection met hod, then press the m button.
Organizing Images by Category (My Category) 144 Complete th e setting. If you press the n button, a confirmatio n screen will a ppear. Press the qr buttons to choos e [OK], then press the m button. Select Range Choose [Select Range]. Follow St ep 2 on p.
145 You can change the orientati on of an image and save it. Choose . After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choose , then press the m button agai n. Rotate the image. Press the qr butt ons to rotate the image 90° in the chosen dire ction.
146 You can resiz e images to a lower pixel setting and save the resi zed image as a separate file. Choose [Resize]. Press the n button to choose [Resize] from the 1 tab, then press the m button. Choose an image. Press the qr but tons to choose an image, then press th e m button.
147 You can cut out a po rtion of a record ed image and save it as a new image file. Choose [T rimming] . Press the n button to choose [Trimming] from the 1 tab, then pr ess the m button. Choose an image. Press the qr but tons to choose an image, then press th e m button.
148 You can change the color of an image and save it as a s eparate image . Refer to p. 92 for details on each menu item. Choose [My Colors]. Press the n button to choose [My Colors] from th e 1 tab, then pr ess the m button. Choose an image. Press the qr but tons to choose an image, then press th e m button.
149 The camera can d etect areas in an image, such as f aces or backgroun ds, that are too da rk and aut omatically ad just them to the optimum brightness. Also, when the over all image is la cking in contr ast, the camera wi ll automatica lly correct t he image for a s harper impr ession.
150 You can automa tically corre ct red eyes in im ages and save them a s new files. Choose [Red-Eye Correct ion]. Press the n button to choose [Red- Eye Correction] from the 1 tab, then press the m button. Choose an image. Press the qr buttons to ch oose an image.
151 Printing This chapter explains how to c hoose images for printing, and print using a Canon-brand PictBridge compli ant printer (sold separately). Canon-Brand PictBridge Compliant Printers • This chapter uses Canon-br and SELPHY CP series pr inters in the explanatio ns.
152 Easy Print You can easil y print the pict ures you take by connecting th e camera to a PictBridge compliant p rinter (sold separately ) using the supplied interface cable (p . 2) . Turn off the camera and p rinter. Connect the camera to th e printer.
Printing Images 153 Print images. Press the op buttons to choose [Print], then press th e m button. Printing will start. If you want to pri nt additiona l images, repeat Steps 5 and 6 after prin ting has completed. After prin ting has co mpleted, turn off the camera and p rinter, and unplug th e interface ca ble.
Printing Images 154 Making Print Setti ngs Connect the camera to th e printer. Follow Steps 1 – 6 on p. 152 to display t he screen on the l eft. Choose a menu option. Press the op b uttons to choose an option. Choose the option settings. Press the qr but tons to choo se the option setting.
Printing Images 155 Trimming and Printing (Tri mming) You can cut out a port ion of an i mage for p rinting. Choose [T rimming] . Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 154 to choose [Trimming], then p ress the m button. A frame will ap pear around th e portion of the image to be trimmed.
Printing Images 156 Choosing the Paper Size and Layout for Printing Choose [Paper Settings]. Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 154 to choose [Paper Sett ings], then press the m b utton. Choose a paper size . Press the op b uttons to choose an option, the n press the m button.
Printing Images 157 Available Lay out Options Printing ID Photos Choose [ID Photo]. Follow Steps 1 – 4 on p. 156 t o c h o o s e [ I D Photo], th en press the m bu tton. Choose the length and width. Press the op b uttons to choose an option.
Printing Images 158 Printing Mov ies Connect the camera to th e printer. Follow Steps 1 – 6 on p. 152 to choose a movie and d isplay the screen on the left. Choose a printing metho d. Press the op buttons to ch oose , then press the qr butt ons to choose a printing method.
159 You can cho ose up to 9 98 images on a memory car d for printi ng and spec ify settings such as th e number o f copies so that the y can be printed tog ether (p. 163) or processed at a photo develop er service. The se selection met hods comply with the DPOF (Digital Pr int Order F ormat) stan dards.
Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) 160 Print Settings You can set the pri nt type, date and file numb er. These setti ngs apply to all images chos en for prin ting. Choose [Print Settings]. Press the n button to choose [Print Settings] fro m the 2 tab, then pre ss the m button.
Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) 161 Choosing the Number of Copies Choose [Select Images & Qty.]. Press the n butt on to choose [Se lect Images & Qty.] f rom the 2 tab, th en press the m button. Choose an image. Press the qr but tons to choose an image, then press th e m button.
Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) 162 Select Range Choose [Select Range]. Follow St ep 1 on p. 161 to choose [Sel ect Range], then press the m butt on. Choose images. Follow Steps 2 – 3 on p. 136 to choose images. Make print settings. Press the op buttons to choo se [Order], then press th e m button.
Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) 163 Printing chosen images (DPOF) • When there are images added to t he print list (pp. 159 – 162) , the screen on the left will appear when you connect the camera to a Pi ctBridge compliant printer.
165 Customizing Camera Settings You can customize various settings to suit your shooting pr eferences. The first part of this chapter ex plains convenient and common ly used functions. The latter part expl ains how to change shooting and playback settings to suit your purposes.
166 You can custo mize conveni ent and commonly us ed functions f rom the 3 tab (p. 47) . Changing Sounds You can change each of the camer a’s operation sounds. Choose [Sound Options], then press the m button. Press the op buttons to choose a menu item.
Changing Camera Settings 167 Low Level Memory Card Formatting Perform low lev el formatting when [Memory car d error] appe ars, the camera does not oper ate properly, you think tha t the recording /reading sp eed of a memory card has dropped, or re cording sudden ly stops whil e shooting a movie.
Changing Camera Settings 168 Changing the Start-up Screen You can change the start-up sc reen that appe ars when you turn o n the camera. Choose [S tart-up I mage], the n press the m button.
Changing Camera Settings 169 Changing the File Number Assig nment Images you sho ot are automat ically assig ned file numbers in the order they were taken, from 0001 – 9999, and saved to folder s of up to 2,000 im ages. You can change the file number as signment.
Changing Camera Settings 170 Creating Folders by Shoo ting Date Images a re saved in to folder s created ea ch month, however, y ou can also create fold ers by sho oting date. Choose [Creat e Folder], the n press the qr butt ons to cho ose [Dai ly].
Changing Camera Settings 171 Setting the Screen Shut-Off Time You can adjust the time the scre en takes to sh ut off auto matically (p. 52) . This also works when [Auto Power Down ] is set to [Off]. Choose [Po wer Savi ng], then pres s the m button.
Changing Camera Settings 172 Set the world time zone. Press the op b uttons to choose [ World], then pr ess the m butto n. Press the qr buttons to ch oose the w orld time zone. You can also set the daylight s aving time as in Ste p 1. Press the m butt on.
173 If you set t he mode swi tch to 4 , and the mode to G , you can chan ge the settings in the 4 tab (p. 47) . Turning Off the AF Assist Beam The lamp will auto matically ligh t to assist focus ing in low light co nditions when you press the shutter button hal fway.
Changing Shooting Function Settings 174 Changing the Imag e Display Time Righ t After Shooting You can chan ge the length of time the images display right after shooti ng.
Changing Shooting Function Settings 175 Changing the IS -Mode Settings Choose [IS Mode ], then press th e qr buttons to ch oose an optio n. Grid lines will n ot be reco rded on the imag e. Continuous Image stabilization is always on. You can confirm the effects directly on the display, which makes it easier to check the composition or focus.
176 You can ad just the se ttings in th e 1 tab b y pressing the 1 button (p. 47) . Choosing the Imag e that First Displays in Playback Choose [Resume ], then press the qr buttons to ch oose an optio n.
177 Useful Information This chapter introduces how to use the AC adapter kit and Eye-Fi card (both sold separately), troubleshoot ing tips, and contains lists of functions and items that appear on the screen.
178 If you use AC Adapte r Kit ACK- DC60 (sol d separa tely), you c an use t he camera witho ut worrying abou t how much charge is left in the batt ery. Turn off the camera. Insert the coupler. Follow Step 2 o n p. 16 to open the cov er, then inse rt the couple r as shown unti l it locks into place with a click.
179 Before usin g an Eye-Fi card , be sure to check whether Eye-Fi car d use is authorize d in the country or territory of us e (p. 16) . When you put a pr epared Eye-Fi ca rd into the ca mera, you can auto matically transfer yo ur images wirele ssly to a comp uter, or up load them to a web service.
Using an Eye-Fi Card 180 Checking Connec tion Informatio n You can check t he Eye-Fi card ’s access poin t SSID, or conn ection status . Choose [Connection in fo]. Press the n but ton to choose [E ye-Fi Settings] fro m the 3 tab, then pre ss the m button.
181 If you think the re is a problem with th e camera, first c heck the followi ng. If the items below d o not solve your pr oblem, contact a Canon Customer Su pport Help Desk as li sted on the includ ed customer sup port list. Power You pressed the ON/OFF button, but nothing happened.
Troubleshooting 182 • Shoot using the focus lock or AF lock (pp. 96 , 99) . Even when you press the shutter bu tton halfway, the AF frame does not appear, and the camera does not focus.
Troubleshooting 183 Shooting Movies Correct shooting time does not display, or stops. • Format the memory card in the camera, or use a memory card capable of recording at high speeds. Even when the shooting time does not display properly, the rec orded video will be the length that it was actually shot (pp.
184 If error message s appear on the scree n, try one of the follow ing solution s. No memory card • The memory card is not installed in the correct direction.
List of Messages That Appear on the Screen 185 Invalid s election range • When choosing the selection range (pp. 136 , 139 , 144 , 162) , you tried to choose a starting image that was after the last image or you tried to choose an ending image that was before the starting image.
186 Shooting (Inform ation Display) * : Standard, : Held vertically When shooting, the camera detects if it is held vertically or horizontally, a nd adjusts settings accordingly for the best shot.
Information Displayed on the Screen 187 Scene Icons In A mode, the camera disp lays an icon for t he scene it has det ermined and then au tomatically fo cuses and s elects the o ptimum setting s for subject brightnes s and color. * Appears when the scene is dark and the camera is attached to a t ripod.
Information Displayed on the Screen 188 Playback (Detail ed Information Di splay) Movies (p. 31) , High- speed Burst (p. 80) , Print List (p. 159) My Category (p. 142) Shooting Mode (p. 190) ISO Speed (p. 88) , Playback Speed (Movies) (p. 109) Exposure Compensation Amount (p.
Information Displayed on the Screen 189 Summary of Movie Control Panel in “Viewing Movies” (p. 31) * Displays the frame approx. 4 sec. before or after the current frame. Exit Playback Slow motion playback (You can use the qr button s to adjust the speed.
190 Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode Shooting Modes A 4 G I V Function Exposure Compensation (p. 85) — AE Lock/FE Lock *1 (p. 102) — —— ——— Focusing Range (p. 94) — ———— — ———— Flash (pp.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 191 4 TY w S O P t ≈ xv — —— — — —————————— — —— ———— — — �.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 192 Shooting Modes A 4 G I V Function FUNC. Menu White Balance (p. 86) — —— — —— — �.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 193 4 TY w S O P t ≈ xv FUNC. Menu — —— ———— — ————— .
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 194 Shooting Modes A 4 G I V Function FUNC. Menu Compression Ratio (p. 61) Image Quality (Movie s) (pp.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 195 4 TY w S O P t ≈ xv FUNC. Menu .
196 4 Shooting Menu Menus Shooting Modes A 4 G I V Function AF Frame (p. 95) Face AiAF *1 Tracking AF *2 — ——— Center — —— — AF Frame Size *3 (p. 96) Normal — —— — Small — —— — Digital Zoom (p.
Menus 197 4 TY w S O P t ≈ xv —— — — —— ——— — —— —— — .
Menus 198 3 Set up Menu Item Content Ref. Page Mute On/Off* p. 48 Volume Set all operation sounds (5 levels). p. 49 Sound Options Set the sound s for each camera operation. p. 166 Hints & Tips On*/Off p. 166 LCD Brightness Sets screen brightness (5 levels).
Menus 199 1 Playback Menu 2 Print Menu Item Content Ref. Page Slideshow Plays back images automatically. p. 122 Erase Erases images (Select, Select Range, All Images). p. 138 Protect Protects images (Select, Select Range, All Images). p. 134 Rotate Rotates images.
200 Item Content Ref. Page Rotate Rotates displayed image. p. 145 Print Settings Selects or clears se ttings for printing displayed image ([Print] appears when the camera is connected to the printer). p. 159 Protect Protects/unlocks displayed image. p.
201 • This camera i s a high-prec ision elect ronic device. Do not drop it or subject it to strong impacts. • Never place t he camera close to ma gnets, motors or other devices t hat generate st rong electro magnetic field s. Exposure to str ong magnetic fields may cause malfu nctions or corr upt image data .
202 Image Sensor Camera Effective Pixels .................. Approx. 12.1 million pixels Lens Focal Length .......................... ......... 4x zoom: 5.0 (W) – 20.0 (T) mm (35mm film equival ent: 28 (W) – 112 (T) mm) Focusing Range .............
Specifications 203 Shooting Mo des............... ....................Auto, P, Movie Digest, Por trait, Kids&Pets, Sma rt Shutter * , High-spee d Burst, Best Image Selection, Handheld Night Scene,.
Specifications 204 Movies.................................... ......... Super Slow Motion Movie: 640 x 480 (12 0 fps *3 when shootin g, 30 fps *2 d uring playback), 32 0 x 240 (240 fps *4 when shootin.
Specifications 205 Battery Pack NB-4L Type................... .................. ................Rechargeable lithium-ion ba ttery Voltage ..................................... ...........3.7 V DC Capacity............. .................. .............
206 A AC Adapter Kit..... ................... .......... 38 , 178 Accessories .......................................... .... 38 AE Lock .................... ....................... ....... 102 AF Frames........... ................... ............ 25 , 95 AF Focus AF Lock .
Index 207 Focus Lock ........ .................. ..................... 96 Focusing Range Infinity ..................................... ........... 94 Macro ................... ................... ........... 94 Foliage (Shooting Mo de) .......... ...
Index 208 Information Display.................. 186 , 188 Menu FUNC. Menu, Menu Switching the Display ........................ 44 SD/SDHC/SDXC Memory Card Memory Cards Self-Timer 10 Second Self-Time r .................... .... 58 Changing Del ay and Numb er of Shots .
CEL-SQ6PA210 © CANON INC. 2011 Disclaimer • Reprint ing, transmi tting, or s toring in a re trieval sys tem any part of this guide witho ut the permissi on of Canon is pr ohibited. • Canon r eserves the r ight to c hange the co ntents of this guide at any time withou t prior notice.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Canon 117 HS (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Canon 117 HS noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Canon 117 HS - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Canon 117 HS reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Canon 117 HS erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Canon 117 HS besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Canon 117 HS verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Canon 117 HS. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Canon 117 HS gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.