Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 1202076L1#DC des Produzenten ADTRAN
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TSU 60 0 & TS U 600e Use r M anu al Par t Numbers 1202076 L 1 12020 76L 1# DC 1202076 L 2 12020 76L 2# DC Oct ober 1998 61202076L 1-1C.
T radema rks : W in dows is a r egist er ed t radema rk of M icr osoft Corp. T - W atch is a tradem ark of ADTRAN, Inc. SLC96 is a regi ster ed t rademark o f A T&T 901 Exp l orer Boul ev ard P .O. B ox 140 000 Huntsville, AL 35814-4 000 Phone: (256) 963-8 000 © 1998 ADTRAN, Inc.
YEAR 2000 Com pli ance All ADT RAN t ransm ission hardware and softw are products h ave bee n tes ted and fo un d to be fully compliant with t he YEAR 2000 r equir ements. This i s tr ue fo r al l m odels and r evis i o ns r egar dle ss of the date of manu fac ture or del iver y .
FCC R EGUL ATION S REQ UIRE THAT THE FO LLO WIN G INFOR MA TION BE PROV IDED TO TH E CU STO MER IN TH IS M AN UAL 1. This equipment complies with Part 68 o f the FCC rules. The required labe l is attach ed to the b ottom of the chas sis. 2. An FC C compliant telephone cord and m odular plug is provided with this equi pment.
FE D ERA L COMMUN ICATI ONS COMM ISS ION RA DIO FRE QUEN CY IN TERF ERENC E STAT EMEN T This eq u ipment has been t ested and found to comply with the limit s for a Cla ss A digit al device , pursua nt to Par t 15 of the FCC Rules .
CA NADI AN E MIS SION S REQ U IR EMEN TS This digital a pparatus does not exceed th e Class A limits for radio nois e em ission s from dig ital ap paratu s as set ou t in the i nter ferenc e-ca using equipment st andard entitl ed “Digital Appara tus,” ICES-003 of the De - pa rtme n t of Co m mu ni cat io ns .
CA NADI AN EQU IPM EN T LI MIT A TIONS The Ind ustry Ca nada Ce rtificatio n label identi fies certi fied equipm ent. This c ertificati on means that the eq uipm ent meets cert ain telec ommu- ni cat ion s net wor k pr otec ti ve , o per ati on al , an d s af et y re q uir eme n ts.
AFFIDA VIT REQUIR EMENT S FOR CO NNECTION TO D IG IT A L SE R VI C ES • An affidavit is require d to be given to the telephone company when- ever digit al terminal equipment without enc o ded analo .
AF FI DA VIT F OR CONN ECTI ON OF C USTO MER PR EMIS ES EQU I PME NT TO 1 .544 M BPS A ND /O R S UB RA T E DIG IT A L SE R V ICES For the wor k to be perform ed in the certified territory of ________ .
( ) B . A tra inin g cour se pr ovide d by the custom er or author ized re pre- sentat ive, using training m aterials and instru ctio ns provided by the manufacturer / grantee o f the eq uipment used to encode an alog signals ; or ( ) C . An independent training course (e.
IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS When using your telephone equipment, please f o llow these basic sa fety pr ecauti ons t o reduc e the risk o f fire , elec tri cal shock, or p erson al in jury : 1 Do.
Warranty and Customer Service ADTR AN w ill r eplace o r repa ir t his produ ct w ithin fiv e yea rs fr om the date of ship ment if the prod uct does n ot meet it s publis h ed spe cific a- tions o r if it fails w hile in serv ice.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual i T able of Cont ents Cha p ter 1 I nt rod uc t ion .... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ..... .. . 1 -1 TSU 6 0 0 O ve r view .. ... ..... .. .
Tabl e of Content s ii TSU 600 User Manual 61202076L1- 1 Se t Us er P as s code .... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. .. ..... ... . 2-1 2 Se t Unit Id e nt if ica ti on . ... .. ... .. ....
Tabl e of Content s 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual iii Int e rnal Tim ing . .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. . 5- 6 Se con da ry T im ing ... .. ..... ... .. .. .
Tabl e of Content s iv TSU 600 User Manual 61202076L1- 1 Ini ti ali zi ng the Tem p M ap .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ..... 8- 3 Ed itin g th e T e mp M ap . .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. ..... ..
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual v List of Figu res Figu re 1-1. TSU 600 O pt ion Modules ..... ... ..... ..... . ... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... . ... ..... ... ..... ..... 1-4 Fig ur e 1- 2. R ou ter , P B X, V ide o C o nf ere nc in g Ap pli ca tio n S et Up .
List of Figures vi TSU 600 User Manual 61202076L1- 1.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual vii List of T ables Tab le B- 1. A l arm Co nd it ion s .... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. .. B- 2 Tab le B- 2. T R- 08 DS 0 Co nv e rsi on T ab le .
List of T ables viii TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1- 1.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 1-1 Ch apter 1 Introd uctio n TSU 60 0 O VERVIE W This m an ua l co vers the u se of t he fo llowing products: • TSU 600 • TSU 600 with DC power • TSU 600e • TSU 600e with DC power Unle ss otherwise st ated, the TSU 600 refers to all four prod ucts.
Chapter 1. Introductio n 1-2 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Cha nges in th e confi gurat ion do not di srup t data fl ow in cha nnels that are not being recon figured . The u nique arch itectur e and the availabilit y of opt ion modul es provi des a p ath for gro w th to ac commod ate futur e requirements .
Cha pter 1. Introduction 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 1-3 TSU Option Modules Module Na m e Description DSX1 Shor t haul T1 inte rfac e for ope ratio n with a PB X ( Ter min a l Int erf ac e) . Ful l Drop and Insert Perm its t he dro pping of d ata and inse rtion of ne w d ata i n to t he sa me D S0 tim e sl ot .
Chapter 1. Introductio n 1-4 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Option Module Ar chitecture The TSU 600 features a unique architec ture that allo ws the addition of six option modul es and plug-o n boards , pro vidi ng an opport unit y for gr owth to acc ommoda te many app licat ion s.
Cha pter 1. Introduction 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 1-5 TSU 600 CO NFIGURATION APPLICATIONS Th e follow in g examp les il lustrat e po ssibl e conf igura tions of TSU 600 applica tions . Router, PBX, Video Confe rencing Application In th is applicat ion, an Nx54/64 module prov ides a V.
Chapter 1. Introductio n 1-6 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Drop and Inser t, Voice, and Route r Application The TSU 600 provides a rout er interface with an Nx56/6 4 module. A dro p and inser t modul e provi des a secon d T1 interf ace to a remo te TSU.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 2-1 Ch apter 2 Installa tion UNPACK, INSPECT, POWER UP Receipt Inspe ction Ca r efu l ly in sp ec t th e TS U 6 0 0 for shippi ng d amages. If you su spec t damage, file a clai m immediately with the c arrier and then contact A DT- RAN Cu stome r Servi ce ( see the insi de las t page of th is ma nual).
Chapter 2. Installation 2-2 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Power Connection The AC- pow ered TSU 600 is equipped with a captive, 8-foot power cord, ter minated by a 3-pro ng plug w hic h connect s to a grounded pow- er r eceptacl e. Power to the T SU 600 must b e fro m a gro unded 90-12 0 VAC, 50/ 60Hz s ource.
Cha pter 2. Installation 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 2-3 I nst al li ng and R epla cin g the P ower Su pply Th e follow ing steps sh ow h ow t o ins tall a new suppl y or r epla ce a faile d supply. Power doe s not have to b e turned off on a working s upply to add a ne w supply or replace a failed one.
Chapter 2. Installation 2-4 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 GROUNDING INST RUCTIONS Th e groun ding inst ruction info rmation is from the U nder w riters ' Labo- ra tory UL 1950, 3rd Edi tion.
Cha pter 2. Installation 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 2-5 IDENTIFICATION OF RE AR PANEL LAYOUT Figur es 2-1a, F igure 2-1 b, Figure 2-1c, and Figur e 2-1d sho w the config- urati on for the rear panel s of the TSU 600, TSU 600 with DC Power, TSU 600e, an d TSU 600e w it h DC power.
Chapter 2. Installation 2-6 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Fi gur e 2- 1b. TSU 60 0 wi th D C Po we r Rea r Pa ne l 1 T1 M onitor /T est Jac ks 2 T 1 Networ k Connec tion 3 C on trol In / Out C o n.
Cha pter 2. Installation 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 2-7 Figure 2-1c. TSU 600 e R ea r Pa nel 1 T 1 Monito r/T est J acks 2 T 1 Network Co nnecti on 3 10BaseT C o nnection 4 C ontr ol In /Out Co.
Chapter 2. Installation 2-8 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Figu re 2- 1d. T SU 60 0 e w ith DC P ow er R ea r Pane l 1 T 1 Moni tor/T est Jacks 2 T1 Ne twork Conne ction 3 10BaseT Conn ection 4 C o.
Cha pter 2. Installation 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 2-9 TSU 60 0 Inter faces The TSU 600 is equipped wi th six optio n slots, management int er fa ces, and a T1 interfac e, in the rear panel. See Figur e 2-2 . Fi gur e 2-2. TS U 600 In ter f ac es Networ k Interface The networ k interf ace ( NI) port provi des th e conne cti on to th e T1.
Chapter 2. Installation 2-10 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 10B aseT In terfa ce ( 6 00e o n ly) The 10B aseT inter face provid es the LAN i nterfac e for managing t he TSU 600e w ith SNMP or T-wat ch PR O. F or more i nforma tion, see Wiring on page C-1.
Cha pter 2. Installation 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 2-11 You can use NxDB U modul es in any slot. Po wer -u p Te st in g When shipped from the factory, the TSU 600 is set to factory default con- di tions. At the fi rst app licati on of power , the unit au tomati cal ly exe- cu tes a memo ry sel f-t est.
Chapter 2. Installation 2-12 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 The full self-tes t procedure (invoked f rom the fr ont panel or T- Watch P RO) cons i sts of the fol low ing tes ts: Board l eve l tests Each of the TSU 600 boar ds contains an on-board proc essor which exe- cu tes a seri es of test s checkin g the ci rcui try on the bo ard.
Cha pter 2. Installation 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 2-13 Set Control Port The TSU 600 can be co nfigur ed from the control p ort when T-Watch PR O, SN MP, o r th e ter m i na l in ter f ac e i s b e i ng u s ed . If the control port is to be used, the control port baud rate mu st also be sel ec t ed .
Chapter 2. Installation 2-14 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 The Pass code, t he Un it ID , a n d t he C ontrol Port setti ngs are s tored in a nonvolatil e memory.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 3-1 Ch apter 3 Op era ti on FRONT PANEL The TSU 600 fron t pane l both monitor s operat ion a nd contr ols th e co n- fig urati on of th e unit . The TSU 60 0 front panel i s show n in F igur e 3-1 on page 3-4. Descri ptions of each part of the f ront panel follow.
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 3-2 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 CSU Status LE Ds Th e CSU stat us LE Ds d isplay th e op eration al c ondit ion o f the n e twork interface loc ated on the controlle r board in t h e unit.
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 3-3 Module Stat us LEDs The module statu s LEDs displ ay th e opera tion al con diti on of po rts in- sta l le d in the op tio n slo t s. Name Descri ption OK ( gree n) Indicat es the operat ion is in the normal m ode and no errors have been detected.
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 3-4 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 . Fi gur e 3- 1. T S U 600 F ron t Pan el La y out 1. LC D Window Di sp lays me nu ite ms an d m es sag es in 2 li ne s by 16 ch arac te rs. 2. C ance l St op s cu r ren t ac t iv it y an d r etu r ns t o the pr evio us menu .
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 3-5 Operation Keys Genera l Menu Operati o n The TSU 600 uses a multilev el m e n u st ructure containi ng both menu items and da ta fiel ds . A ll me nu op erat ions and d ata are dis playe d i n the LCD window.
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 3-6 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Selecting and Activating a Menu Item The fr ont pane l me nu tr ee is sho wn bel ow. Fi gur e 3- 2. E xam p le o f Ba si c F ron t Pa ne l M en u Tra v el Step A ct ion 1 Ch oose a menu it em by plac ing the curs or on the des ired menu item by either : 1.
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 3-7 Editing th e Data Field Use the following steps t o edit data fi elds preceded by a colon (:). Step Action Result 1 Positi o n the cur sor on the submenu item number and press Ent er . The cu rsor move s t o the dat a fi eld ( to the ri ght of th e sub menu ite m name).
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 3-8 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Dis play Only Data Fie lds Data fiel ds prece ded by an equal (=) symbol can n ot be edited.
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 3-9 Data Por t Identification Whe n conf iguring the unit , menu sele ctions wi ll in clude op tions from data port submen us. Sel ec ting of data ports is nece ssary be cau se th e TSU 600 uses a Slot -Por t method to iden tify wh ich dat a port th e menu item is refe rencing .
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 3-10 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Front Panel Menu Structure The TSU 600 uses a multilev el m e n u st ructure containi ng both menu items and dat a fields. A ll me nu opera tions a nd data displa y in the LCD wi ndo w .
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 3-11 Alternate Methods of Control T- W at ch PR O (A DTR AN PC Pr ogra m) T-W atch PRO is th e ADT RAN PC co ntrol pr ogram .
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 3-12 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 T- W at ch PR O/E I A-23 2 Co nnec ti on To s et up th e TSU 6 00 to wor k with T-Watch PRO over a direct E IA-232 connect ion, the fo.
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 3-13 Te rmina l Mode Co nnec ti on The TS U 600 provides th e fro n t pan el menu s t o a VT-100 t ype terminal .
Cha pt er 3 . O per ati on 3-14 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 4-1 Ch apter 4 S tatus Menu The Stat us menu branch allow s you to view t he status of t he TSU 600 op- eratio n . See Fi gure 4-1 .
Chapt er 4. Sta tus M enu 4-2 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Menu flow is norma lly depicted from left to right. Arrows on the lower right of the screen in dicate the dir ection of scrolling to use to view addi- tional menu items. At every level of the menu, pressing Cancel retu rns the sy ste m to the prev ious me nu level .
Chapt er 4. Sta tus Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 4-3 If ins uf fi c ien t ti me ha s pa ss ed to c o lle ct d ata , N A di sp la ys . Co nt inu e with s tandard o perating procedures t o exit the display. Wh en th is men u is ac t ive, p erf orm a nce da ta ca n b e cl ear e d by p res sin g Clear (Shift 9) o n th e keypad.
Chapt er 4. Sta tus M enu 4-4 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Active Alar ms This menu item displays a list of current alar ms r eported by either the ba se co nt ro lle r o r an y o f t h e p or ts . If n o a la r ms ar e cu rren t, t he m enu item dis plays E nd o f List .
Chapt er 4. Sta tus Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 4-5 Port Status Po rt St at us d i spl ay s th e sig na ls m on ito r ed o n th e da ta p ort s. F or e xa m - ple, an Nx 56/64 i nterf ace monito rs t he RTS, CTS, T D, and RD, along wi th o the r sign al line s .
Chapt er 4. Sta tus M enu 4-6 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 ENET Status ( 600e only) PS St atu s ( 60 0e on ly ) Di sp la y s th e st a tus o f Power Suppl y A (PSA) a n d Powe r Sup ply B (PSB) for AC po we red units. Displays DC supply for DC Powered units.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 5-1 Ch apter 5 Configuration Menu The Confi g urati on menu sets the TSU 600 operatio n al configurati on, in- cluding all n etw ork in terface p arame ters, the allo cation o f the D S0s, and the port parameters. See Fi gure 5-1 .
Chapt er 5. Con figurati on Men u 5-2 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1- 1 Menu flow is norma lly depicted from left to right. Arrows on the lower ri ght of the scre en indi cate the dir ect ion of sc rol ling to vi ew addit ional menu items. At every l evel of the menu, pressing Ca nc el ret urns th e sys - tem to the pr evious menu level.
Chapt er 5. Config uration Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 5-3 SET LB O Selec ts the line bu ild out f or the net work inter face. In AUTO mode, the TSU 600 sets the LBO based on the str en gt h of the rec eive si gnal and display s the selec ted valu e.
Chapt er 5. Con figurati on Men u 5-4 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1- 1 TSU 60 0 Clock S ourc es Th e T SU 600 is op er ab l e fr om va r iou s cl ock so ur ce s , pe rm it tin g it t o p er- form prope rly in m any d ifferent app lica tions.
Chapt er 5. Config uration Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 5-5 DTE T iming Th e DT E i s th e sou rce of tim in g . The TSU 600 use s the i nc om ing DTE clo c k to d e ter mi n e th e tr an sm i ss i on tim in g.
Chapt er 5. Con figurati on Men u 5-6 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1- 1 In ter n al T im in g The TSU 600 i s the source of t iming. T he TSU 600 is confi gured to use i ts own in tern al osci lla tor as the sou rce of ti ming .
Chapt er 5. Config uration Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 5-7 Seconda ry Timi ng The second ary interf ace is the sour ce of timing. The TSU 600 uses the cl ock der ived by the sec ondar y inte rfac e for tr ansm ission timi ng. See Fi gure 5-5.
Chapt er 5. Con figurati on Men u 5-8 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1- 1 Nor mal (CS U ) Tim in g The typi cal timing op tion a r ra ngemen t is show n in Figur e 5- 6. The PBX is loo ped timed to th e TSU 600. Th e Netw ork Inter face ( NI) is the actual sou r ce of ti min g .
Chapt er 5. Config uration Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 5-9 Unit Menu Th e Uni t m e nu ch an g es th e ba u d rate of th e Ch ai n -I n p o rt a nd t h e s e tup of t h e Chain-Out port . The menu items are: Ctl Port Rate Se t s the b a ud ra te f or co mm uni c ati on wi th the PC or mo dem.
Chapt er 5. Con figurati on Men u 5-10 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Subne t Mas k Defines which pa rt of a des tinatio n IP addr ess is the network n umber. U sed along with the TSU 600 e IP add ress to deter mine whic h nodes mu st be reac hed thro ugh the def ault IP Gat eway.
Chapt er 5. Config uration Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 5-11 Map Exchange (Map X chng) Menu The Map E xch ange menu e nabl es and sets t he au to mati c ti me-of - day map switch . The unit prov ides s election of the hour, m inute, and sec- ond s for t he map swi tchin g to take place.
Chapt er 5. Con figurati on Men u 5-12 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 DS0 Map A and DS0 M ap B Menu The DS0 maps designate which D S0s are assigned to which p ort. See Fi gure 5-7 . Th ere are thr ee maps: DS0 Map A , DS0 Map B, and t he Tem- porary (T emp) map.
Chapt er 5. Config uration Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 5-13 Create Temp Example A sam ple s elec tion follow s fo r Create Temp : DS0: 0 1 to 24 PORT: IDLE , TST , + opti on mod ule por ts TST des ignates which DS0s are used for QRSS testin g wh en acti vated under the TEST M enu.
Chapt er 5. Con figurati on Men u 5-14 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 1. With t h e cu rsor o n CRE ATE TEMP , press Enter . The u nit displa ys the sele cti on scr een wi th the cursor posi tione d on the f irst se lec tion DS0 number. Se e Figure 5 -8 .
Chapt er 5. Config uration Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 5-15 Port Configuration (Por t Config) Por t Conf igur ation se lec ts and con figur es the para meter s associ a ted with an y data po rt in t he unit. For example, par ameters f or the DSX-1 (PB X) int erf ace ar e s et thr ough t his me nu.
Chapt er 5. Con figurati on Men u 5-16 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 6-1 Ch apter 6 U tility Me nu The utilit y menu tree displays and sets sys tem para meters. Se e Figure 6- 1 . T h is incl udes sett ing t he time and date, resetti ng al l par amet ers to fa c- tor y v al ue s, o r r e -i ni ti at ing th e u ni t.
Chapter 6. Utility Menu 6-2 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 M e n u f l o w i s n o rm a l l y d e p i c t e d f ro m l e f t t o r i g h t . A r r o w s o n t h e l o w e r right of th e scr een ind icate t he sc rolling dire ction to vie w add itional menu items.
Chapt er 6. Uti lity Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 6-3 Pr essing a ny key afte r enter ing a pass code cause s the uni t to retu rn to t he previ ous ac tiv e menu. In this case i t retu rns to 2 )C ON FI G , 2)U N IT , 1)CTL PORT RATE to pe rmi t chang ing the data rat e.
Chapter 6. Utility Menu 6-4 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Setting th e Un it Identifi cation In the Unit ID m enu (item 4) und er the UTI L menu , en ter a ny va lu e be - tween 2 and 99 9.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 7-1 Ch apter 7 Test Me nu The Test me nu i niti ates di ffer ent t ypes of unit t ests an d displ ays t est re - sult s in the L CD window . Th e Test menu c onta i ns four it ems. See Figu re 7- 1 . Exec uting te sts wi ll dis rupt some of the nor mal oper ation.
Cha p te r 7. Te st M en u 7-2 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Menu flow is norma lly depicted from left to right. Arrows on the lower right of th e scr een ind icate t he sc rolling dire ction to vie w add itional menu items. At every l evel of the menu, pressing Ca nc el ret urns th e sys - tem to the pr evious menu level.
Chapt er 7. Tes t Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 7-3 Netwo rk Interface Loopback s Network inter face loopbacks aff ect the entire T1 data str eam. There are two ty pes of n etwo rk loopb ack s: lin e loo pback and pa yload loo pback. Li ne loopba ck loops al l of th e receiv ed d a ta back to ward the net work.
Cha p te r 7. Te st M en u 7-4 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Remote Loopbk This act ivat es the same loo pbacks as Loc al Lo opback but at the f ar end . It uses either the inband loopup c od e as sp ecifi ed by A NSI T1.4 03 for li ne loop back (A TT In-B and LLB), or th e FDL as spec i f ied in ANSI T1.
Chapt er 7. Tes t Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 7-5 Test Patt ern QRSS Pattern The QRSS pat ter n i s common ly used to si mul ate r eal data i n T1 in te rfa c- es.
Cha p te r 7. Te st M en u 7-6 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Pattern Result Disp lays th e resul ts of the te st curren tly acti ve. Leavi ng and ret urni ng to thi s menu i tem doe s not int erru pt the te st. Pr essing 2 injec ts errors into the t est pa ttern.
Chapt er 7. Tes t Menu 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 7-7 Run Self-Test The self-test checks the integrit y of the internal operat ion of the electron- ic co mp on e nts by pe rfo rm in g m emo r y t e sts a nd b y s en din g a nd ver i fy - ing data test pattern s through all intern al interfaces.
Cha p te r 7. Te st M en u 7-8 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Po rt Te sts The Port Te sts menu i s used to act ivate te sti ng of spec ific d ata por ts. It con trol s the act ivat ion of loo pbacks an d the in itia tion of da ta test pat- te rns.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 8-1 Ch apter 8 Telnet/Terminal Menu s MAIN MENU Th e Teln et/Te rmin al Ma in Me nu is the fir st menu dis playe d a fter t he telne t/termin al ses sion is e stablis hed. See Figure 8-1 . T he default telnet/ t ermin al pa sswor d is AD TRAN .
Cha p te r 8. Te lne t /Te rm i nal M en u s 8-2 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Status, Config, Util, a nd Test Menu Options The se menu i te ms can acce ss t h e same modi fie d men us that you c an ac - ce ss throu gh the fr ont pan el.
Chapt er 8. Telne t/Termin al Menu s 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 8-3 Normally, map configuration involves these steps. Ini tia lizi ng the Temp Map Upon ent ering t he DS0 maps config u rat ion menu, t h e Te mp Map re- flects its last c onfigured stat e.
Cha p te r 8. Te lne t /Te rm i nal M en u s 8-4 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Editing the T emp M ap If further changes to the T e mp Map are need ed, do the following: Appl ying t he Tem p M a p Onc e the T emp Map ref lects the d esir ed con fig urati on, us e selections 8 or 9 t o apply t h is confi guration to Map A or B, r espectively.
Chapt er 8. Telne t/Termin al Menu s 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 8-5 Remote Menu Acce ss Disp lays te l net menus for a remot e device (may be anot her TSU/ TDU or an y oth er ADTRAN product that suppor ts tel n et via i ts EIA-23 2 ch ain por t) .
Cha p te r 8. Te lne t /Te rm i nal M en u s 8-6 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Fi gur e 8-3. Unit A cces s T able Add N ew U ni t This adds a new d evice to the table.
Chapt er 8. Telne t/Termin al Menu s 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 8-7 De fau lt Un it Pa s sco de Sets t h e default passcode for all devices in the table t hat have passcodes se t to DEFAUL T , or fo r an y u ni t no t lis te d in th e tab l e .
Cha p te r 8. Te lne t /Te rm i nal M en u s 8-8 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 SNM P Tr ap Co m mu ni ty Th is com munity nam e is used for a ll SN MP traps fo rwa rded by the T SU 600. Traps r eceived from daisy chain ed units have a period and the Unit ID appended to the trap community name.
Chapt er 8. Telne t/Termin al Menu s 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual 8-9 Au to. Fa il Tr a ps Se nt (DIS ABLE D, EN ABLED : def aults to DISA BL ED) When enabled, the TSU 600 issues an SNMP trap when any SNMP re- quest is rec eived wit h an inv alid com munity nam e.
Cha p te r 8. Te lne t /Te rm i nal M en u s 8-10 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual A-1 Appe ndix A Und ers tanding SNM P As local area network (LAN) environments bec ame standardized over the past ten years, multi-vendor equipment gr ew w ith competition. It bec ame neces sary to manage t he va rious vendor equ ipmen t f rom a si n- gle control console.
Appendix A. U nderstand ing SNMP A- 2 TSU 600 User Manual 61202076L1- 1 MIB This is an index to the organize d d ata wi t hin a netwo rk de vic e. I t def ine s the opera ting parameters that c an be controll ed or m onit ored.
Ap pendi x A . Unde rs tand ing SNMP 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual A-3 TSU 60 0 SNMP ACCE SS By default, SN MP MIB Browser acces s to th e TSU 600 IP addr ess with the conf igured community names, acc esses the host. The TSU 600 can als o act as an SN MP pr oxy agen t for e xternal un its.
Appendix A. U nderstand ing SNMP A- 4 TSU 600 User Manual 61202076L1- 1 For tra ps from the ISU 512, the Unit ID i s t he first obj ect identifi er. See th e p rod u ct M IBs fo r mor e inf orm a ti on . Defin itions for Poll Link Up/Down tr aps are include d in the TSU 600 MIB file: 600e.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual B-1 Appe ndix B Unders tanding TR-08 The TSU 600 chas sis funct ions as a Remote Terminal in Digital Loop Carri er an d a s Integrated Digital Loop Carrier Sy stems as descr ibe d in TR-TSY 000008 .
Ap pe nd ix B . Unde rs tan d i ng TR -08 B- 2 TSU 600 User Manual 61202076L1- 1 The followin g table explai ns what conditions trigger alarm s and how alarms are pr ocess ed when r eceived by the T SU 600.
Appendix B. Un ders tanding TR-08 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual B-3 TR- 08 DS 0 C o nv er si on Ta bl e The following table contains the mapping conversions needed to map voi c e po rt s to th e T R- 0 8 net w or k. Table B -2. TR-08 DS0 Con ver sion Tabl e DS0 TR-08 Ch annel Number Port 11 1 .
Ap pe nd ix B . Unde rs tan d i ng TR -08 B- 4 TSU 600 User Manual 61202076L1- 1.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual C-1 Appe ndix C Network Pinouts WIRING Network On the rear pan el of the TSU 600 is an 8- positio n mo dular ja ck la beled NETWOR K. T his connector i s used fo r connecting t o the net wo rk. See Tabl e C -1 , N etw or k Pi nout s for the pi nout for the n et work con nect or.
Appen d ix C. N etwor k Pino uts C-2 TSU 600 User Manual 61202076 L1-1 Control In/Chain I n This is us ed as an EIA-232 port f or connec tion t o a comp uter or mo dem (Contr ol-in) or to anot her TSU 600 or TSU 100 (chain-in). See Table C -2 , Co nt ro l I n/ Ch a in I n P in out for the pinout for the co n trol -in/ch ain-in c on- nec tor.
Appen d ix C. N etwor k Pino uts 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual C-3 Chain-Out Th is is us ed to c onne ct to anothe r TSU 600 chain-i n connecto r. See Tab le C-3, Chain-Out Pinout fo r the p inout f or the ch ain -out conne ctor.
Appen d ix C. N etwor k Pino uts C-4 TSU 600 User Manual 61202076 L1-1 10BaseT ( 600e only ) 10Bas eT is used to conn ect the TSU 600e to the Local Ar ea Network. See Tab le C-4 . 10Bas eT Connectio ns The req uired wiri ng co nnectio ns are: Conn ecto r Type ( USO C ) RJ-4 5 Part Nu m ber A MP# 555164 -1 Table C- 4.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual D-1 Appe ndix D Sy stem Message s This appen dix l ists and defines t he a larm and s t atus m essages th at ap- pear on the TSU 600 screen.
Appendix D. Sy st em Messages D-2 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076L1-1 Status Messages: Networ k Interface (NI ) *TR-08 al arm messa ges appeari n g in the alarm or hi story lo g have been rece ived f rom th e far e nd.
61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual E-1 Appe ndix E Specifica tions ELEC TR ICA L S PEC I FI CAT ION S T1 /F T1 In ter f a ce T1 Line Rat e 1 .544 Mbi ts/s ± 75bps Lin e C ode Bipo lar , RZ; AM I or B8.
Appendix E. Specif ications E-2 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076 L1-1 Compatibility Management Interfaces Cha in-I n/C hain -Out Por ts Option Slot Inte rfac e S lots 1-6 Chas sis S pec ifica tio n T1 Inte rface Pub 6 241 1 ESF F orm at In ter face TR. 194 ESF P e rforman ce M on ito ring TR.
Appendix E. Specificat ions 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual E-3 Environmental Specifications Inpu t P ower T SU 60 0 : 90 - 130 V AC 60 HZ TSU 600e : 90 - 120 V AC 50/60 HZ DC po were d un its : 21 .
Appendix E. Specif ications E-4 TSU 600 User Ma nual 61202076 L1-1.
61202076L1-1 TSU 600 User Manual Index - 1 Index Nume r ic s 10 Bas eT Co nne c ti ons C-4 10Bas eT Inter face 2-10 10Bas eT, inte rface with SNMP 3-12 A Ac ces s, un i t men u 5-9 Active A larms 4-4 .
Index Index-2 TSU 600 User Manual 61202076L1- 1 Ch ain Po rt O u tp ut 2-9 Ch ain -In ( PC ) 2- 13 Ch ain-in C onne ctions C- 2 Ch ain-out C o nnections C-3 Ch ain- Out P ino ut C- 3 Ch assis Spe cifi.
Index 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual Index -3 Ge tRespo nse, SN MP messag e A-2 Gro u nd ing In st ru ct ion s 2-4 H Home, o peration key 3- 5 http //w w w.
Index Index-4 TSU 600 User Manual 61202076L1- 1 No Lo opb ack, sett ing local loop back 7-3 No U nit ID Des ired, utilit y menu, wh at to do 6-4 Normal (C SU) Timin g 5-8 Norm al Pow er-Up P roc edure.
Index 61202076L1- 1 TSU 600 User Manual Index -5 er ro rs 7-6 SES , sev e rly e r rore d s eco nd s, N I er ro rs 4-2 Set C ontrol P ort 2- 13 SE T LBO , net wor k m enu it me 5-3 Se t Pa ss co d e, h.
Index Index-6 TSU 600 User Manual 61202076L1- 1 3-12 T-Wa tch PRO /LA N C onnect ion 3-11 U UA S, unavaila ble err ored s ec. , NI er ro rs 4-2 U-BR1 T E (Slo t 1 ) 5-5 U-BR1 T E , opt ion m o dule fo.
Pr od uct Su pp or t Info r mat io n Pres ales In quir ies a nd A pp licat ions Su pp ort Please conta ct your local distribu tor, ADTR AN A pplicat ions Engine ering, o r AD TR AN S ale s: Pos t-Sa le Supp ort Ple ase co nt act you r lo cal dis tri bu tor fir st .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts ADTRAN 1202076L1#DC (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie ADTRAN 1202076L1#DC noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für ADTRAN 1202076L1#DC - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von ADTRAN 1202076L1#DC reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über ADTRAN 1202076L1#DC erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon ADTRAN 1202076L1#DC besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von ADTRAN 1202076L1#DC verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit ADTRAN 1202076L1#DC. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei ADTRAN 1202076L1#DC gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.