Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung PE-Design des Produzenten Brother
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Instruction Manual.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: REGULATIONS Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) Declaration of Conformity (For USA Only) Respons ible Party : Brother In ternat ional Cor poration 100 Some rset Cor porate .
1 Congratulatio ns on choosing our prod uct! Thank you ve ry much for purc hasing our produc t. To obtain the bes t perform ance from this un it and to ensur e safe an d correct operatio n, plea se read t his In struction M anual careful ly, and th en keep it in a saf e place to gether wi th your w arranty.
2 Turn Any Design Into Original Embroidery With PE-DESIGN ■ Layout ready-made des igns ( ☞ p. 15) ■ Large-sized patter ns ( ☞ p. 176 in the Instruction Manu al (PDF format)) This softw are provide s digitizin g and editing capabi lities, allowing you the creative freedom to design original embroidery.
3 ■ Photo Stitch f unction ( ☞ p. 24, p. 127) Embroi dery can easily b e creat ed from photo s take n with a digita l camera . ■ Combining with background images ( ☞ p. 42) ■ Creating custom l ogos ( ☞ p. 2 0, p. 70, p. 77, p. 80 , p. 90 and p.
4 What You Can Do With PE-DESIGN Make Vivi d Embroidery Fr om Any Illust ration or Pho to With Lay out & Edi ting, i mages an d phot os ca n be autom atica lly conv erted i nto em broidery patterns that c an be sewn wi th the d esired st itches . ■ Auto Punch function ( ☞ p.
5 Increa sed Variety With t he Many Stit ches an d Col ors This sof tware inc ludes 10 stitc hes for reg ion s ewing an d 5 st itches fo r line sewing . By ch anging the s titches and colo rs, the same desig n can be given a diffe rent ap pearance. Try co mbini ng va rious s etting s.
6 Sew Types The sew ing attribu tes for ea ch sew ty pe are fi rst set to the ir defau lt setti ngs; how ever, by ch angin g the set tings of the sewing attribu tes, y ou ca n creat e custom stitc hing. c For mo re deta ils, re fer to “Line s ewin g attribu tes” on pa ge 98 and “Region sewi ng attri butes ” on pag e 101.
7 Cross Stitch Concentric Cir cle Stitch Radial St itch Spiral Stitch Piping Stitc h Piping Sti tch (motif s etting) Stipplin g Stitc h Stippli ng Stitc h (moti f sett ing) c For more detai ls, re fer.
8 Basic Operation Map This pac kage cons ists of five applicat ion s. Create Embroidery Pa tterns Us ing All Four App lications The main appli cation (L ayout & Editing) is supp orted b y Design C enter , Font Cre ator, Prog rammabl e Stitch Creator a nd Des ign Databas e.
9 New Features of Version 8 ■ Stitch Generation Features ● A motif pa ttern can be a pplied to the stipplin g stitch. ● The underl ay stitchin g function has been improv ed. - New und erlay stitch ing patterns hav e been added to the settings available for re gion sewing o f text and ma nual punchin g patterns.
10 Des ign Ce nter ● An eraser tool has been ad ded to the Too l Box in th e Line Image Sta ge. ● The ma ximum s etti ng for Thinning Proces s when c onverting a line image to a fig ure handle imag e has been inc reased. This allows thicker figure handle lines to be created.
11 Table of Contents Instruction Ma nual (Basic) New Feature s of Versio n 8 ................ ................ 9 Table of Contents ................... ............. ...... 11 How To Use Ma nuals ................... ............. 13 Support/Servic e...
12 Table of Contents Instruc tion Manual (Advanced) Tutorial (Advanced)....... ............ .............. 17 1 Entering Mo nograms ................... ..................171 Creating Appl iqués ...................... ..................174 Creating Split Embroidery De signs.
13 How To Use Manuals The following manuals are included with this softwa re. Installation Guide This guide contains descripti ons about the preparations necessary to begin usin g the software. Follow the instructions provided in this guide to complete the prepa ration and installation of the software.
14 Support/Service Contac t Technic al Support if you have a probl em. Please chec k the company web site (http:// to find the technical Support in your area. To view the FAQ a nd information for software updates , visit the Brot her Solutio ns Center at (ht tp://solutions.
15 Tutorial Tutorial This sec tion des cribes the opera tions of Lay out & Editing throug h the procedu res for making e mbroidery patterns. First, follow th e procedures to create the e mbroidery patter ns and learn the basic operat ions. 1 Importing Embroidery Patterns ( ☞ p.
16 Tutorial Step 1 Sta rtin g up Lay out & Edi ti ng Click , and then sel ect All Programs , then PE-DESIGN 8 , then PE-DESIGN 8 (Layout & Editi ng) . Step 2 Importing embroidery patterns Now, we will i m port the p atterns for the flo wer, butter fly and sun.
17 Tutoria l Tutorial To adjust the positions of the emb roidery patterns, cl ick the pattern to be moved, an d then posit ion the pointer ov er the pattern.
18 Tutorial c For d eta ils on sav ing emb roi dery pattern s, refer to “Saving the e mbroidery des ign” on page 2 2. a Note: Prec autio ns for using the card writ er mod ule/o rigin al ca rds • T he orig inal card is i nserted co rrect ly when yo u hear it s nap into p lace.
19 Tutoria l Tutorial 2. Automatically Converting an Image to an Embroidery Design An embroid ery pattern can b e created from a digital camera photo, a scanne d illustra tion , or clip art image. Using the Image to Stitc h Wizard in Lay out & Editing, an im age can be co nverted to an em broidery pattern.
20 Tutorial Auto Punc h Function Step 1 Importing image data into Layout & Editing First, we need to import the im age that will be convert ed into an embro idery pattern. For this example, we w ill use the pe nguin image (penguin .bmp) provid ed with this ap plication.
21 Tutoria l Tutorial Select the samp le file pengu in.bmp , and the n clic k Open , or double-c lick the file’s icon. → The ima ge appears in the work area. Drag th e handle to adjust the s elected im age to the desired siz e. Move th e pointer ove r the select ed image, and then dr ag the im age to the des ired position.
22 Tutorial Check t he Result View of the conve rsion, and then click Finish . → The gene rated embroid ery pattern is displ ayed . Step 3 Displaying a prev iew of the embroidery Prev iew t he f inish ed em bro ide ry. Click Display , then Realistic Previe w .
23 Tutoria l Tutorial Select the driv e and the folder, and the n type in the fil e name. Click Save . c For det ails on t ransferring designs t o origi nal cards, refer to “Tran sferring the design to an origi nal card” o n page 17 .
24 Tutorial Photo St itch Fun ction By using the Photo Stitch f unction, emb roidery patter ns can be cr eated f rom photos . The follow ing two convers i on meth ods are availab le, and the c olor can be sel ected. Photo Stitch 1: This crea tes an embroid ery pattern v e ry sim ilar to the ima ge in one o r many colors.
25 Tutoria l Tutorial Click Photo Stitch 1 , th en Color , and then clic k Next . Click Auto Generate . → With a s ingle-colored ba ckground, as in this ex ample, click Auto Generate to automati cally detect t he outline of the image. Click Next . Click Fit to page t o ch ange th e fi nal fi nish ing size.
26 Tutorial Click Select from Candidates . → There are six patterns with different brigh tness and cont rasts based on the orig inal ima ge. Select on e of the cand idates an d click OK . → This pre view changes to the selecte d image. Click Finish .
27 Tutoria l Tutorial Cross Stitc h Function Cross St itch embroidery patterns can be created from im ages. For exa mple, cl ip art image can be used. Step 1 Impor t ing image data into Layout & Editing Refer to “Im porting image da ta into Layout & Editing” on pag e 20.
28 Tutorial Click Finish . In this d ialog box, st itch es can be added, delet ed or edite d, and colors and the numbe r of time s each stitch is sewn ca n be specified. For t his exam ple , we wil l us e th e def ault settings . → The g enerated e mbroidery de sign is displ ayed .
29 Tutoria l Tutorial 3. Drawing Shapes to Create an Embroidery Design This sec tion will des cribe how to d raw various sh apes and co mbine them to c reate an emb roidery design. The Shape tools in Lay out & Editing a llow yo u to draw vario us shapes.
30 Tutorial (4) Click in t he Line sew typ e select or, and then click Z igzag Stitch . (5) Click the s tart point 1, a nd then doubl e- click the end p oint 2. Draw t he leaf on the right. As with t he stem, we will specify the col or and sew type, then draw the shap e.
31 Tutoria l Tutorial Flip the d uplicated l eaf horizontally . (1) Right-cli ck the duplica ted leaf. (2) Click Mirror , th en Vertical . Drag the duplicated leaf to the left s ide of th e stem .
32 Tutorial Select th e patterns where hole sewing is to be applied . (1) Click . (2) Click t he ye llo w cir cle , the n wh ile hol ding down t he key, cl ick t he flowe r petal s. Specify hol e sewing. (1) Click Sew , then Set hole se w ing . (2) Click OK .
33 Tutoria l Tutorial (3) Drag the Density slider to specify 5 .0 line / mm. (4) Drag the red arrow in Direction are a to 90 degre es. (5) Click in the Programmable fill secti on. (6) Select net4 , and then click OK . (7) Move the s lider to speci fy 7.
34 Tutorial Step 5 Edit ing poi nts a nd modi fying shapes Now, we wi ll delete one corn er from the pe ntagon to creat e a flowe rpot. Draw t he flowerpot. Drag the poi nter in the Design Page , as shown in the il lustration. Delete a p oint. (1) Click , then .
35 Tutoria l Tutorial 4. Entering Text In this ex ample, we wil l create a n embroidery pat tern for text. From Layo ut & Editing, vari ous embroidery patterns can be c reated for text. Built-in fon ts: This so ftware is provided with 35 built-i n fonts.
36 Tutorial Drag the p ointer in the Desig n Page, as shown in the il lustration. Step 2 Enteri ng t ext Click , then . Click th e Design Page. From the keyboard, type i n “ABCDE”. Click OK . → The text appears in the Desi gn Page. Step 3 Arrangi ng text on a shape Select th e text and th e circle.
37 Tutoria l Tutorial Click OK . → The text is arranged alon g the circle. This com pletes t he pattern. c For d eta ils on s avi ng em broi der y pattern s, refer to “Saving the em broidery des ign” on page 22 .
38 Tutorial 5. Combining Embroidery Patterns In this ex ample, we will c reate an origina l embroidery p attern by co mbining an em broidery p attern created fro m an ima ge 1, an embro idery pattern c reated from en tered text 2 , and an embroidery pa ttern included with this softwar e 3.
39 Tutoria l Tutorial Click Finish . → An embroi dery pattern o f the tulip is creat ed. Step 2 Adding text and adjusting charac ter spaci ng Click , then . C lick th e bottom edge of the tulip. From the keyboard, ty pe in “Tulip”, a nd then clic k OK .
40 Tutorial Step 3 Adding an oval and adjusting t he text Click , then . Turn off li ne and region s ewing. c “Draw ing a circle ” on page 35 . Dra w an ov al an d adju st i ts p osit ion. Drag the pointer within the work are a to draw a large c ircle, and then adjust its p osition.
41 Tutoria l Tutorial Step 4 Importing and rotating an embroidery pattern Now, we will im port the embroidery pattern for the butterfly, and then adju st its angle. Click File , then Impor t . Click . If has not been click ed, click it . From the Category select or, selec t Animals , and t hen drag the butterfly into the Des ign Page.
42 Tutorial 6. Print and Stitch In this e xample, we wil l create a de sign that comb ines embroi dery and an imag e. We wil l import a n image into Layout & Editing, and then crea te an embroi dery design that combines it with th e image.
43 Tutoria l Tutorial Import the file Bear.pes . Select the file Bear.pes by cli cking the Documents ( My Docume nts ) folder, the n PE-DESIGN 8 , th en Tutorial , then Tutorial_6 . c “Im porti ng em broi der y des igns” on page 48 . Enter the te xt.
44 Tutorial Specify the print setti ngs. (1) Select the p rinter to be us ed. (2) Under Paper and Orie nta tion , select the appropri ate settings for t he iron-on transfer sheet or printa ble fabric to be print ed on. (3) Select Imag e print mode . (4) Select Print the image on printable fablic or an iron-on transfer sheet .
45 Tutoria l Tutorial Step 3 Printing the positioning sheet Print a sh eet for aligni ng the image and the embroide ry. Specify t he print setti ngs. (1) Under Paper and Orie ntation , sele ct th e appropria te settings for th e paper to be printed o n.
46 Tutorial Align th e needle wit h the mark at the cen ter of the posi tioning she et. • If the e mbroidery ma chine has a built -in camera, p ress the start positioning button to detect t he positioni ng mark and automatic ally align the embroidering position.
47 Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Arrang ing Embroidery D esigns (Layou t & Editing ) Layout & Editing Window 1 Toolbar Provides sho rtcuts for the menu command s. 2 Sewing Attributes bar Sets the s ewing attrib utes (color and sew t y pe) of lines and regions i n the pattern.
48 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Open ing a Layou t & Editin g file An embroi dery design tha t has previou sly been saved as a L ayou t & Edi tin g file (.pe s fi le) ca n be opened. T oolbar b utton: 1. Click , or cl ick File , then Open .
49 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) 3. Select the file icon for the design to b e imported, and then cli ck Import , o r double- click t he file icon . → The embro idery design is display ed in the Design Pa ge.
50 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Importing embroider y design from Design Center An embroidery design in Design Center can be imported directly into the Layout & Editi ng Design Page. c “Manua l ly Creating Em broidery Patterns From Imag es (Design Center)” on pa ge 153.
51 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Checking Embroidery Patterns Zooming You can z oom in to work on details of th e embroide ry pattern or y ou can zoom out to work on any part o f the embroidery pattern that c annot be viewed in the work area.
52 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Editing Embroidery Designs This sec tion describes var ious editing ope rations, su ch as moving, enlargin g/reducing or rotatin g patterns. A patter n must fir st be selected before it can be e dited.
53 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Aligning embroidery patterns 1. Select the patterns. 2. Click Edit , then Align , then Left , Center , Right , Top , Middle , or Bottom .
54 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Flipping patt erns horizontally or vertically T oolbar b utton: , 1. Select th e pattern(s ). 2. Click Edit , then Mirror , then Horizontal , or click . Click Edit , then Mirror , then Vertical , or cl ick .
55 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Rotating numerically 1. Select the pattern(s). 2. Click Edit , then Numerical Se tting , then Rotate . 3. Type or s elect the desire d rotation ang le.
56 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Reshaping Embroidery Patterns Selec ting points 1. Clic k on the To ol Box . → Two bu ttons appear . 2. Click . 3. Click th e pattern. → The p oints in the pattern app ear as smal l empty s quar es.
57 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Moving p oints 1. Select the point . c “Se lecti ng po int s” o n page 56. 2. Drag the poi nt to the new loca tion. a Note: You must drag a poi nt that is s elect ed.
58 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Inserting points New poin ts can be in serted in order to change the shape o f a pattern. In t he case o f a new point on a curve, y ou can also us e the handle to reorient the tangent t o the new point .
59 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Smoothing out t he p ath at a point 1. Select the point where the path is to be smoothe d out. c “Se lecti ng po int s” o n page 56. 2.
60 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Moving entry/exit p oints and th e cente r poin t ■ Moving the entry/exit points You can re position the entry and exit points of objects created wi th the tools o n the T ool Box in order t o adjust t he stitching .
61 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) → If the ch eck mark does not appear b eside Optimize Entry/Exit points , the entry and exi t points are n ot optimized.
62 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Editing a Stitch Pattern In stitc h patterns, st itches appears as solid lines ( ), and jump sti tches appea r as dotted lines ( ).
63 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Moving stitch points 1. Drag the se lected stitch p oints to the new locat ion. ■ Inserting stitch points and jump stit ches 1. Click a line be tween two sti tch points t o add a new poi nt at that p osition.
64 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Splitting off par ts of a stitch patter n 1. Click on the Too l Box. 2. Click t he sti tch da ta. → All othe r stitch data dis appear from the displ ay. 3. Click in the Desig n Page at the poin t where you wa nt to start drawi ng the enclo sing lin es.
65 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Displa ying a p review o f the embroide ry Once the embroidery des ign is compl ete, you.
66 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Chec king the sti tching The actu al stitching as it will be pe rformed by the embroide ry machin e can be vie wed using the stitch simul ator. T oolbar b utton: 1. Click , o r click Dis play , then Stitch Simulator .
67 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Zooming The Refe rence Window c an be sw itched to d i splay either the entire Design Page or only the embroid ery pattern. 1. Click . → The ima ge displayed i n the Referen ce Window changes.
68 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Specifying the Design Page Size and Color The colo r and size of th e Design Page i n additio n to the colo r of the backgrou nd can be ch anged. You can select a D esign Page size acc ording to the size of hoop tha t you wi ll be using wi th your embroidery ma chine.
69 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Changing Application Settings Changing the g rid sett ings A grid of dotte d line s or s olid line s can be di splayed or hidden , and the spacin g for the grid c an be adjusted .
70 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Drawing Shapes Rectan gles, rectangle s with rounded corners, and curved patte rns (regula r circles, ov als, arc s, fan shapes, and ar c & string s) can be drawn by using the R ectangle, Ci rcle or Arc tools.
71 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Drag the poin ter to draw a rectangle with corners of the curren tly specifi ed radius. ■ Circle or Ov al The poin t where you start dragging is considered a corner of an ima ginary rectangle around the ov al.
72 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Drawin g variou s shap e The Shape tools allow y ou to draw 24 type s of shapes , such as hearts , stars or polyg ons. These shapes will have an outline and an inside region that can ind ependently be a ssigned dif ferent sewing attrib utes.
73 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Drawing straight line and curve 1. Click on the Too l Box. → Eight buttons appear: : Click points to draw a clos ed line constr ucted of s traight lines.
74 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) 2. Click in the Design Page t o specify the next point . 3. Contin ue clicking to specify every po int, and then dou ble-click the l ast point, or press the key. ■ Freehand lines 1. Drag the po inter to draw the line.
75 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Prevent ing overlapp ing stitching (h ole sewing) By speci fying hole s ewing, the sti tching in overlapp ing regions wi ll not be sewn twice.
76 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) • When partially overlapped • When enclosed • When enclosed by the last pattern in the sewing order ■ Merg ing Overlapp ed patterns c an be merged tog ether.
77 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Manually Creatin g Professional-Level Embroidery Patterns (Manual Punching) When f ill s.
78 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) The follo wing exampl e shows how the Manual Punch tool s are used to draw a beard over im age of the reind eer ( Rudolph.bmp ), wh ich is used as a template . The temp late and fini shed pattern a re provided i n the follo wing folder.
79 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) 5. Click in the Design Pag e to specify po ints 1 (start poin t) through 12. 6. After clic king point 12 (th e last point of the running-ty pe pattern), c lick , and then click i n the Design Pa ge to speci fy poi nt 13 througn 15 .
80 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Adding Text Ente ring te xt/ Small te xt 1. Click on the T ool Box. → Three bu ttons appear: . 2. Click or . : Text : Small text → The Sew i ng Attribu tes bar appears. 3. If neces sary, chang e the font, text size, col or and sew type.
81 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Selecting t ext attributes Text attrib utes can be sp ecified with t he Font select or and Text Size sele ctor. ■ Font 1. Click in the Font select or.
82 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) •C u s t o m F o n t s c “Creating Custom Fo nts (Font Cre ator)” on pa ge 225 i n the Instr uctio n Manu al (PDF fo rm at). • T rueTyp e Fonts The n ames and samples o f installed TrueType fonts ap pear after the Cu stom Fonts.
83 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Text Size 1. Click in the Tex t Size sele ctor . 2. Type the desired heig ht and press the key, o r cl ick the des ired v alu e. → The setti ng is applied to all text pa tterns that you will create, until the setting is changed .
84 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) ■ Transforming te xt A preset tr ansform shap e can be applied to te xt. 1. Select th e text. 2. Select th e Tr an sfor m check box , and then click the transformatio n shape butt on. → Depen ding on the sel ected shape , a dotted l ine and or appear arou nd the text.
85 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Selecting c haracters The font , character si ze, thread colo r, sew type a nd other attrib utes can be ch anged for each c haracter that is s elected.
86 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) ■ Changing the characte r spacing 1. Place the pointer onto the character bod y other tha n the handles and drag the chara cter horizontall y . → The ch ara cter out line d ispl aye d wit h dotted l ines moves.
87 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Rotating the charac ters 1. Bring the p ointer onto the handle. 2. Drag the handle. → The char acter outline displayed wi th dotted li nes rotates.
88 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) ■ Canceling text arrangement The text arrangement o n a path can be c ancelled. T oolbar b utton: 1. Select te xt or small tex t that is arranged on a path (Fit t o Path). 2. Click , or click Text , then Rele ase Text from Path .
89 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Specify ing True Type text attr ibutes Various c haracter attributes , such as the sty le, can be speci fied for TrueTy pe fonts con v erted to an embroide ry pattern.
90 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Entering Monograms The monog ram function allow s you to create mo nograms compos ed of one to three or le ss upp ercase lett ers and arrang e a decorativ e pattern arou nd them. 1. Click on the T ool Box.
91 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) 10. If ne cess ary, chan ge the thr ead co lor and s ew type in t he Sewing Attributes bar for the monog ram. Editing m onogr ams Attributes c an be specified wit h the Monogram font select or and Monogram Size se lector.
92 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) 4. Click OK . → The e dited mo nogram pattern is displa yed in the Des ign Page. c “En terin g Mono gra ms” on page 90.
93 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Applying Sewing Attributes to Lin es and Regions The S ewin g Att ri butes bar all ows y.
94 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Setting t he thre ad color and sew type All pattern s can be as signed at leas t one color and sew type. Patterns with an outline and an inside region c an be assigned two different th read colors and sew ty pes.
95 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Color Click thi s but ton to se t the thread col or for outlines, inside reg ions, texts a nd manual punchi ng patterns. 1. Click t he Color button.
96 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) APPLIQUE POSITION mark s the position on the backi ng material where th e appliqué must b e sewn. APP LIQU E sews t he appliqué on the backing ma terial. ■ Sew ty pe Use these to set the sew ty pe for outlines, inside regions, text, and ma nual punching p atterns.
97 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) 1 Click to return to the default setting . 2 Click to swi tch the mode. 3 Click to lo ad/save the sewi ng settings. 4 Click to swi tch between display ing and hiding the hin t view.
98 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) ■ Line sewing attributes The avai lable attribu tes differ depend ing on the se lected sew ty pe. Zigzag stitc h Running stitch T riple stitch Under se wing T o s pecify under la y stitching, select the c heck bo x.
99 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Motif stitc h Select a patter n f or the motif stitch. Click to displa y the Bro w se dialog bo x. Select a folder , and then select the desired pattern (.
100 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) E/V st itch Select the E stitch or the V stitch. E Stitch 1 Interval Specify the distance between strokes . Narrow Wide 2 Stroke width Specify the stroke height. Shor t Long 3 Run pitch Specify the run pitch (length of one st itch) of the line.
101 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Region sewing attributes The avai lable attribut es differ depe nding on the se lected sew ty pe.
102 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Direction Specify the sewing direction c ourse. This cannot be specified for text and manual punching patterns. Constant : Sews at a fix ed angle. Drag or se lect a v alue to specify the angle.
103 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Fill stitch Programmable fill stitch Under sewin g c “Satin stitch” on page 101. Density Direction Sti tch Ty p e Specify the shape of the returning ends of the stitching.
104 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Progra mm able fill Select a pattern for the progr ammable fill stitch. Clic k to displa y the Browse dialog box. Select a folder , and then s elect the desired pattern (.pas file) from the list of patterns that appears.
105 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Piping stitch Stitching is created to run through the l ength of bloc ks. Direction Specify the sewing angle. Drag or select a value to specify the angle.
106 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Motif stitc h Motif Select the pattern to be used for the motif stit ch. Pattern1 onl y : Only pattern 1 is used. Pattern2 onl y : Only pattern 2 is used. Pattern1 and 2 : Pat t erns 1 and 2 are us ed to sew alter nating rows of each pat tern.
107 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Cross stitch Concentric c irc le st itch, radia l stitch and spira l stitch For details on moving the center po int of the concentric cir cle stitch and the rad ial stit ch, refer to “Mo ving the center point” on pag e 61.
108 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Stippling stitc h Manual punc h If Satin Stitch , Fill Stitc h or Prog. Fill Stitch is sel e cted as the re gion sew type for the manu al punching pattern , feathered edge setting s can be spec ified.
109 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Region sewing attributes Notes on programmable fill stitches and stam ps When setti.
110 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) ■ Deleting a group of settings from the list 1. In the Loa d/Save Default Settings d ialog box, sele ct the group of sett ings to be deleted. 2. Click Delete to delete th e selected grou p of settings from the list.
111 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Deleting a c hart 1. From the User Thread Char t se lect or, s elec t the chart. 2. Click Delete Chart . → The follo wing messag e appears.
112 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) ■ Adding a new item 1. Click Ne w Item . 2. To cr eate a ne w col or, clic k Mix . → A dialog box similar a ppears. 3. Specify the col or, and then click OK t o add the specifi ed color to the Edit Thread dial og b ox.
113 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Editing an item An item registe red in the list for a user thread chart can be edite d to change the co lor or thread number. 1. From the l ist for the user th read chart , select the item to be edite d, and then click Ed it Item .
114 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Editing Regions Apply ing and editi ng Stamps Stam ps ca n be appli ed to re gions of ob jec ts dr awn with th e Rectangle, Cir cle or Arc t.
115 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Editi ng a stamp 1. Click on the Tool Box. → Two but tons appear: . 2. Click . → Stamps t hat have been ap plied are indicat ed by pink dotted lines.
116 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) 5. Move th e sliders to adj ust the density of the grad ati on pat te rn. 6. To bl end two color s, s elect the Use additio nal color c heck box, click unde r Us e additio nal color . Select a c olo r in the Thread Color di alog box that appeare d, and then cli c k OK .
117 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Checking and Editing the Sewing Order/ Lock The sewi ng order of an emb roidery pattern can b e viewed or ch anged.
118 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Editing t he sewin g order The sew i ng o rder ca n be changed by selecting the frame co ntaining the pattern, then d ragging the frame to t he new locati on. A vertical red line appears, indicating the position w here the fra me is being m oved.
119 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Changing sewing attributes The se w type for the object s in each c olor can be chang ed. 1. Select a p attern in the Sew ing Order / Lock dialog box.
120 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Importing Image Data An imported image is nee ded to create an em broidery pattern , a template for m anual punching, or as a pattern that can be printed onto i ron-on paper. An image can be imported using any of the followin g four methods.
121 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) → When the image transf er between the scanne r (or other devic e) and the driv er is comple ted, the imported image will b e past ed into th e Design Page at its origi nal size.
122 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Importing image dat a from the cl ipboard Image da ta can be impo rted into the Des ign Page from the Cl ipboard. This allows you to i mport an image wi thout saving it first. 1. Click Image , then Input , the n from Clipboard .
123 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Changing the Image Settings Changing t he dis play of th e backgr ound ima ge The imag e that remain s in the work a rea can be display ed or hidden, or a faded co py of t he image can b e disp layed .
124 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Saving the im age data The imag e can be sa ved as a file or outputted to th e Clipbo ard. ■ Savi ng as a file 1. Click Image , then Output , then to File . 2. Select th e drive, the fo lder and the form at in which yo u want to save the image data.
125 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Auto matically C onverti ng an Image to an Embroidery Pattern (Ima ge to Stitch Wizard) The Image to Stitch Wizard gives step-by- step instruc tions for conve rting an image into an e m broi dery pattern.
126 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Automa tically converti ng an image to an e mbro ide ry pa tte rn (Au to Punch ) A tutorial describing basic operation s is also availab le. c “Auto Punc h Func tion ” on pa ge 20 ■ If Auto Punch is selected 1.
127 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) 6. After selec ting the desire d settings, cli c k Finish .
128 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Pattern edited with the round mask Patt ern e dit ed wi th th e adj ust abl e mas k 3. In the Sel ect Mask dialog box, click Next . 4. Adjust th e image size and position . • D rag the image to the desired position.
129 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) 7. In the Photo Stitch 1 Parameters dialo g box, clic k Update Preview . → The pr eviewed image i s updated. 8. Click Finish . → An embroi dery pattern i s created and displ aye d in th e Desi gn Pa ge.
130 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) ■ If Photo Stitch 1 (Mono) is selected The bas ic operation s for this function a re the same as thos e for the Photo Stitc h 1 (Color) functio n. 1. From the list at the le ft side of the di alog box, select the desired s hape t hat the image w i ll be trimmed to ( mask).
131 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Sewing Op tion Color Option Detail Specifies how detailed the created embroider y pattern will be. Selecting a setting closer to Fine creates more details in the pat tern and increases the number of stitches .
132 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) ■ If Photo Stitch 2 (Color) is selecte d 1. From the list at the le ft side of the di alog box, select the desired s hape t hat the image w i ll be trimmed to ( mask). 2. In the image preview box, move the handl es of the mask until it surround s the desired part of the imag e.
133 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ If Photo Stitch 2 (M ono) is selected 1. From the l ist at the lef t side of the dia log box, select t he desired s hape that the image w ill be trimmed to (mask).
134 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Color Option Au tom aticall y conv erting an ima ge to a cross s ti tch patt ern (C ross S tit ch) A tutor ial describing basic operation s is also availa ble. c “Cross Stitch Func tion” on page 27 ■ If Cross Stitch (Color) is se lected 1.
135 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) 3. Specify t he settings for creating the embroide ry pattern. 4. Click Next . → The Edit Cr oss Stitch dialog box appears . 5. If neces s ary, edit the stitches .
136 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) ■ If Cross Stitch (Se pia) is selected 1. Adjust th e brightness and contrast of the image. The top s lider is used to adjust the b rightness. Move th e slider t o the right to i n crease the brightnes s or to the left t o decrease the bright ness.
137 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) Creat ing appl iqués (Appli que Wiza rd) The A pplique Wizard provides i nstructions fo r easily creating app liqués. A tutorial describing basic oper ations is also available.
138 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Saving and Printing Saving ■ Overwriting Once the image or desi gn has been sav ed, changes can eas ily be saved so that t he latest version ca n be retrieved later. T oolbar b utton: 1. Clic k , or clic k File , t hen Save .
139 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Writing an embroidery design to an original ca rd You can s ave a displ ayed emb roidery desi gn onto an origina l card in order t o transfer it to a e m broidery mach ine.
140 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) 3. Click OK . → The mes sage “Now tran smitting” appea rs while the current embro idery desig n is transferre d to the origi nal card, and then the f ollowin g message app ears. 4. Click OK t o cl ose t he me ssa ge.
141 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) c “Specif ying the D esign Page S ize and Color” on page 68. Printing For det ails on p rinting when c ombining print and embroide ry, also refer to t he tutorial.
142 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing) Print option Print image: Sele ct this check box to print the image i mported into the Design Page in addition to the embroide ry pattern. Howev er, any part o f the image ext ending out of th e print area for th e embroidery will not be printed.
143 Arranging Em broide ry De signs (La yout & E diting) Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing) ■ Checki ng the print image You can p review the con tents of the D esign Page before printin g. 1. Click File , then Print P re vie w .
144 Arranging E mbroider y De signs (Layout & Edit ing).
145 Basic Desig n Center O peration s Basic Design Center Operations Creating an Embroidery Design From an Image Design Center i s used to create an embroidery design from an image. During this procedure, t he image desig n can be m odified, the outlines and reg ions can be edited in de tail, and s ewing attribut es can be s pecified.
146 Basic Design Cent er Operati ons Step 1 Origin al Image S tage We wil l import a n image and convert it to a li ne image. Click , and then s elect All Programs , then PE-DESIGN 8 , then Tools , th en Design Center . Click . Click . Select the desired imag e file, and then cl ick Open .
147 Basic Design Center Operati ons Basic Desig n Center O peration s Step 2 Line Image Stage In Line Im age Stage, li nes can be eas ily edite d. Lines c an be drawn fr eehand wit h pen tools an d can easily be eras ed with the eraser tool.
148 Basic Design Cent er Operati ons Step 3 Figure Handle Stage Points in the figure ha ndle image can be moved, added or deleted to ch ange the design . Sewing at tributes cannot be app lied to regions if the region is not completel y enclosed in an outline.
149 Basic Design Center Operati ons Basic Desig n Center O peration s ■ Reshaping outli nes Click on the Tool Box. Click an out line. → The selec ted line appea rs in pink, and th e points a ppear as sm all squa res. To add a p oint, click the outline.
150 Basic Design Cent er Operati ons While hol ding down the key, drag th e selecte d point to the oth er point that you wa nt to conne ct to it. → The sha pe of the po inter changes t o , and a red square appe ars when the two points are ov erlapping.
151 Basic Design Center Operati ons Basic Desig n Center O peration s For Click . Click the desired col or. Click in a sew type se lec tor, and th en se lect the desi red sew type. When using or , clic k the outlin e where th e sewing attrib utes are to be applied.
152 Basic Design Cent er Operati ons ■ Importing into Layout & Editing The em bro ide ry pat ter n cre ated in D esi gn Cen ter can be imported into La yout & Editing, where it ca n be edite d and combined with other emb roidery patterns . Click , or c lick Stage , th en To Layout & Editing .
153 Manually Creating Embro i dery Patterns From Images (Design Center) Manually Cr eating Embroidery Patte rns Fr om I mages (D esign Ce nter) Design Center Window 1 Toolbar Provides sho rtcuts for the menu command s.
154 Manually Creating Em broidery Patterns From Images (Desig n Center) Original Image Stage Using th e wizard This w izard prov ides a step-by -step guide fo r creat ing embro idery patterns. 1. Click File , then Wizard . → The Ho w do you want to produce embroidery? dialog box appears.
155 Manually Creating Embroid ery Patterns Fr om Imag es (Design C enter) Manually Creating Embro i dery Patterns From Images (Design Center) Open ing an image When yo u click th e From Image butt on in the How do you want to produce embroid ery? dialog box , the From Ima ge dialog box a ppears.
156 Manually Creating Em broidery Patterns From Images (Desig n Center) Line Image Stage After open ing the imag e, continue to the Line Ima ge Stage, where the color(s) that wil l be used to c reate the line im age (outline o f the image) wi ll be se lected.
157 Manually Creating Embroid ery Patterns Fr om Imag es (Design C enter) Manually Creating Embro i dery Patterns From Images (Design Center) 4. Click OK . Draw ing a n ew line i mage free hand T oolbar b utton: 1. Click , o r clic k File , then New Line Image .
158 Manually Creating Em broidery Patterns From Images (Desig n Center) Figure Handle Stage After creat ing the outlin e, which is sim ply a collect ion of dots (o r pixels) in the Line Image St age, continu e to the F igure Ha ndle Stage, wh ere the dots are automatica lly connected to create l ines that can be edited.
159 Manually Creating Embroid ery Patterns Fr om Imag es (Design C enter) Manually Creating Embro i dery Patterns From Images (Design Center) 5. Click OK . Changing t he bac kground image ■ Changing the disp lay of the background image 1. Click Display , th en Di spla y Te mplat e , an d then sel ect the desir ed setting.
160 Manually Creating Em broidery Patterns From Images (Desig n Center) Drawin g a new fig ure hand le image freeh and An empty Design Page can be created in ord er to draw a f igure handle im age or to creat e patterns from out lines take n fr om a previ ous ly sa ved .
161 Manually Creating Embroid ery Patterns Fr om Imag es (Design C enter) Manually Creating Embro i dery Patterns From Images (Design Center) Drawi ng a brok en line The line drawing mode a llows you to add broken lines to y our pattern.
162 Manually Creating Em broidery Patterns From Images (Desig n Center) ■ Zooming The Ref erence Window can be switc hed to display either the enti re Design Page or only th e embroidery patter n.
163 Manually Creating Embroid ery Patterns Fr om Imag es (Design C enter) Manually Creating Embro i dery Patterns From Images (Design Center) Sew Setting Stage After editin g the outline in the Figure Hand le Stage, contin ue to the Sew Setti ng Stage, where the sewi ng attr ib utes c an be set .
164 Manually Creating Em broidery Patterns From Images (Desig n Center) ■ Lin e sewi ng 1. Click or on the Tool Box . 2. If neces sary, chang e the colo r and sew type . c “Usin g the sewing attri butes bar ” on pag e 164. 3. Click th e outline to apply the sew i ng at tributes.
165 Manually Creating Embroid ery Patterns Fr om Imag es (Design C enter) Manually Creating Embro i dery Patterns From Images (Design Center) ■ Region sew / Line sew switches on/off region sewi ng; switches on/off li ne sewing. 1. Clicking the button switch es between the two settings .
166 Manually Creating Em broidery Patterns From Images (Desig n Center) Beginner mode: Expert mode: : Click to return to the default setting . T o Expert mode/T o Beginner mode: Click to switch the mo de. : Click to load/save the s ewing setting s . c “Savin g frequent ly used sew ing attr ibut es” on page 1 09 .
167 Manually Creating Embroid ery Patterns Fr om Imag es (Design C enter) Manually Creating Embro i dery Patterns From Images (Design Center) ■ Creating a gr adat ion With a sa tin stitch, fi ll stitch or prog rammable fill stitch, t he density o f the color c an be adjusted a t various locations to create a custom gradation pattern.
168 Manually Creating Em broidery Patterns From Images (Desig n Center) Preventing overlapping stitc hing of regions (hole sewing ) By spec ifying hole se wing, the st itching in overlapp ing regions will not be se wn twice. Hole sewi ng c an be set only whe n on e re gion comp let ely enclos es another.
169 Manually Creating Embroid ery Patterns Fr om Imag es (Design C enter) Manually Creating Embro i dery Patterns From Images (Design Center) 3. To view the sewing order o f multipl e patterns of the sam e color, se lect the fram e, and t hen click t he Part tab.
170 About the Instruction Manual (PDF Format) For detail s on Design Da tabase, Programmab le Stitch Creator and Font Creator, ref er to the Ins truction Manual (PDF format).
171 Tutorial (Advanced) Tutor ial (Adv anced) Entering Monograms Using the monogram fun ction, ornament ed characters arra nged in a de corative pattern can be created. This proc edure will go through each ste p of the basi c operation. The samp le file for thi s tutorial can be foun d at the followi n g locat ion.
172 Tutorial (Advanced) Click a decorative patte rn to select it, and then click Select . Click OK . → The m onogr am i s dis playe d in t he De sign Page wi th the selected decorative patte rn. Step 2 Changing the font and charac ter si ze Next, we will change the font and charac ter size of the mon ogram.
173 Tutorial (Advanced) Tutorial (Advanced) To selec t a single chara cter, click the point for the chara cter that you w ant to s elect. Click . Clicking a color in the c olor palette cha nges the thread color for the s elected charac ter. Click Stitch Sel ector, then c lick the p ulldown arrow on the right s ide, and then select a s ew type.
174 Tutorial (Advanced) Creating Appliqués The Appli que Wizard pro vides instruc tions for eas ily creating ap pliqués. This proc edure will go through each step o f the b asic ope ration. When cre ating appliqu és, data will be specified i n the followin g order.
175 Tutorial (Advanced) Tutorial (Advanced) The Applique P osition , (guideline for atta ching the appliqué piece) is set to be sewn automatically. Under Tack dow n , select whet her ( Yes ) or not ( No ) the a ppliqué is to be basted onto th e base fabric .
176 Tutorial (Advanced) Creating Split Embro idery Designs Layout & Editing has a function for crea ting split e m broid ery desig ns when the embr oidery pattern being creat ed is larg er than the embroi dery hoop. The sam ple file for this tutorial can be found at the fo llowing loca tion.
177 Tutorial (Advanced) Tutorial (Advanced) Step 2 Creating the embroidery design For t his exam ple , we wi ll us e one of th e lac e embroide ry patterns pr ovided with th e softwar e.
178 Tutorial (Advanced) Step 4 Attachi ng stabilizer to the fabric Stab iliz er mu st alw ays be used when embroid ering to stabi lize the fabric. There are many type s of stab ili zer ; the ty pe th at y ou w ill use depends on the type of fabric t hat you are embroid ering on.
179 Tutorial (Advanced) Tutorial (Advanced) Place the template on the fabric, and mark points A, B, C and D. To mark an are a to the right of the previ ously marked a rea, align p oints A and D on the template with marks B a nd C on the fabr ic.
180 Tutorial (Advanced) Keeping the refe rence lines on the embroide ry sheet al igned with the reference lines for the first patter n section, plac e the fabric and inner ring of th e embroidery hoop into the oute r ring of t he hoop, and then pull the fabri c so that it is tight .
181 Tutorial (Advanced) Tutorial (Advanced) Contin ue hooping the fab ric and embroiderin g until the entire embroi dery design is sewn. b Memo: When an embroide ry design created in a cust om Des ign.
182 Tutorial (Advanced) Creating Design for Multi-Position Hoops This prog ram enables yo u to creat e multi-po sition desi gn that you c an st itch in an y multi-pos ition hoop attached to your embro idery machine .
183 Tutorial (Advanced) Tutorial (Advanced) Step 2 Creating the design The Desi gn Page appears on the screen as shown bel ow. Create th e design, ma king sure th at it meets the f oll owin g con diti ons. If this des ign is written to an origi nal card and the writt en pattern is checked on the embroide ry machine, it a ppears as shown below.
184 Tutorial (Advanced) Click Sew , then Optim ize hoop change . Step 4 C hecking the pattern Click Opti on , then Design Property . → At the same time that the Design Prop er ty dialog box appears, the Design Page is automati cally zoome d in or out to fit in th e entire window.
185 Tutorial (Advanced) Tutorial (Advanced) ■ Saving the design The entire design is sav ed as a single file (.pes). ■ Writing the design to an original card A design for a multi-po sition hoop i s created by cons idering the p attern in each ho op ins tall ati on po sit ion as on e pa tter n, t hen comb ining the m.
186 Tutorial (Advanced) ■ Printing a Design Page for a multi- position hoop If a Desig n Page for a mu lti-position hoop is selecte d, a complete i mage of the De sign Page is printed o n the first .
187 Managing Embroidery Design Files (Design Database) Managi ng Embroi dery Desig n Files (Desig n Databa se) Design Database Windo w 1 Toolbar Provides sho rtcuts for the menu command s. 2 Folder pane Provides a ccess to the f olders on the co mputer and the res ults of any se arches that we re performed.
188 Managing Embroi dery Design Files (Design Datab ase) Checking Embroidery Designs Previewing file s A pre vie w of t he embr oi dery d esi gn ca n be disp layed. T oolbar b utton: 1. In the fol der pane, se lect the fold er containing the embro idery design th at you want to preview.
189 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Managing Embroidery Design Files (Design Database) Opening Embroidery Designs Openin g files wit h Layout & Editing You can e asily open any selected .p es file with Layout & Ed iting. 1.
190 Managing Embroi dery Design Files (Design Datab ase) Organizing Embroidery Designs You can m ove your embro idery designs to different fol ders in order to organ ize them. In ad dition, you can choose to display the embroidery d esigns b y thumbnail s or by th e pattern detai ls.
191 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Managing Embroidery Design Files (Design Database) 1. In the fol der pane, sel ect the fo lder contain ing the embro idery design. 2. Select the embro idery desig n. Then cl ick again . → The name will be highl ighted insid e a box.
192 Managing Embroi dery Design Files (Design Datab ase) Searching for an Embroidery Design The Sear ch functio n allows you to qu ickly search fo r the desired embroi dery design (.pes, .phc, .ds t, .exp, .pcs, .hus, .vip, .sh v, .jef, .sew, .cs d, .
193 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Managing Embroidery Design Files (Design Database) Converting Embroide ry Design Files to Different Formats Embroi dery des ign files can ea sily be con verted to a file of o ne of the other format s (.
194 Managing Embroi dery Design Files (Design Datab ase) Writing Embroidery Design Files to an Original Card Selected files can be writ ten to origina l cards. The embroide ry patterns wri tten to origina l cards can then be t ransferred to an embroidery machine and sewn.
195 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Managing Embroidery Design Files (Design Database) 7. Continu e until all embroi dery desig ns that you want to w rite to a n original c ard are selected.
196 Managing Embroi dery Design Files (Design Datab ase) Outputting a Catalog of Embroidery Designs Printing Images of all embroi dery desi gns in the s elected fold er c an be prin ted as a ca talo g. 1. In the fol der pane, se lect the fold er containing the embro idery designs.
197 Managing Em broidery Design Fi les (Design Datab ase) Managing Embroidery Design Files (Design Database) Outp utting as a CSV file A .csv fi le containing th e sewing informa tion (file name, dimensi ons, number of stitches, nu mber of colors, f ile path, file properties (.
198 Managing Embroi dery Design Files (Design Datab ase).
199 Basic Progr ammable St itch Creato r Operatio ns Basic Programmable Stitch Creator Operations Programma ble Stitch Crea tor allows you to c reate and edit fill/s tamp stitch patterns and moti f stitch pat terns, which can be us ed in both La yout & Editing and Design Cen ter.
200 Basic Programmable St itch Creator Operations Step 1 Opening a fill/s tamp stitch pattern First, we w ill open the fill/stam p stitch pattern to b e edited. In this examp le, we will use pattern wave1 .pas. Click , th en sel ect All Programs , then PE-DESIGN 8 , then T ools , then Programmable Stitch Creator .
201 Basic Programmable Sti tch Creator Operations Basic Progr ammable St itch Creato r Operatio ns Step 3 Applying embossing/engraving effec ts to the fill/s tamp stitch patte rn By apply ing embossin.
202 Basic Programmable St itch Creator Operations Step 5 Using the edited f ill/stamp stitch patt erns i n Lay out & Ed iti ng Start up La yout & Editing . Select an embroidery patt ern. From the Regi on sew type selecto r, select Prog. Fill Stitch .
203 Basic Programmable Sti tch Creator Operations Basic Progr ammable St itch Creato r Operatio ns Creating Motif Stitch Pattern Now, we will create a new motif stit ch pattern. Mo tif stitch pa tterns are cre ated in Motif mo de. Step 1 Enter motif mode Start up Prog rammable Stitch Creator.
204 Basic Programmable St itch Creator Operations Step 3 Saving the creat ed motif stitch pattern The cr eated pattern can be sa ved. Motif s titch patter ns are sav ed in the .pmf format. These pa tterns are sav ed in the sa me way that fi ll/ stamp s titch patterns are saved.
205 Creating Custom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Creating Cu stom Stitch Pa tt erns (Pr ogrammable Stitch Creator) This sect ion prov ides detailed d escriptions on the various operati ons, settings a nd precautions for Programma ble Stitch Creat or.
206 Creating Cus tom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Opening a Pattern File A previo usly save d pattern file can be open ed to be edited. T oolbar b utton: 1. Click , or click File , then Open . 2. Select th e drive and th e folder. 3.
207 Creating Cust om Stitch Pattern s (Pr ogrammable Stitch Cr eator) Creating Custom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Creating a New Pattern You can b egin with a bla nk work area i n order to desig n a ne w sti tch pa ttern. T oolbar b utton: 1.
208 Creating Cus tom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Viewing the Pattern While Creating It You can d isplay the Preview window to view a repe ating image of t he pattern as you create it . 1. If the Prev iew window is n’t display ed, cl ick Display , th en Preview .
209 Creating Cust om Stitch Pattern s (Pr ogrammable Stitch Cr eator) Creating Custom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Editing a Pattern in Fill/Stamp Mode Select ing pattern s 1. Click . 2. Click the pattern that you w ant to s elect. → Handles appear around the pa ttern to show that it is sele cted.
210 Creating Cus tom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator) 2. Click th e broken line. → The poi nts in the bro k en line appear as small white squares . 3. To edit a point, clic k the point to select it. → The sel ected point a ppears as a sm all black sq uare.
211 Creating Cust om Stitch Pattern s (Pr ogrammable Stitch Cr eator) Creating Custom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Creating Embossing/Engraving Effects in Fill/Stamp Mode In Fill/Stam p mode, an emb ossed or e ngraved effect can be created by s pecifying th e sew type of an en closed region.
212 Creating Cus tom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Creating a Pattern in Motif Mode In Motif mode, patterns are created by inserting poi nts on the ba se line of the m otif stitch, then mov ing them in order to change the shape of the stitch an d give it the look of a si ngle-strok e drawing.
213 Creating Cust om Stitch Pattern s (Pr ogrammable Stitch Cr eator) Creating Custom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Editing a Pattern in Motif Mode After creati ng a pattern, or after opening an existing moti f file, you may want to cha nge its shape o r position.
214 Creating Cus tom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Saving Patterns Overwriting Once th e pattern has bee n saved, chang es can easily be saved s o that the latest version can be retrieved later. T oolbar b utton: 1. Click , or cl ick File , then Save .
215 Creating Cust om Stitch Pattern s (Pr ogrammable Stitch Cr eator) Creating Custom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator) Changing the Settings Changing the g rid sett ings The line spaci ng in the grid displayed in the work area can be adjusted.
216 Creating Cus tom Stitch Patter ns (Programmable Stitch Creator).
217 Basic Font Creator Operations Basic Font Creator Operations Font Creator Win dow 1 Toolbar Provides sho rtcuts for the menu command s. 2 Se lec t Char ac ter b ar Allows cha racters from crea ted fonts to b e selected. 3 Tool Box Used to se lect and create font pattern.
218 Basic Font Creator Opera tions The Desi gn Pag e guidelines The stan dard guidelin es for creating f onts are shown in the D esign Page s. The c ontents of e ach of the guid elines are as s hown below. (A) Base Line This lin e is the refer ence for positio ning the font cha racter.
219 Basic Fo nt Creator Op eratio ns Basic Font Creator Operations Manually Creatin g Custom Font With Font C reator, custom font chara cters that can b e used in Layo ut & Editing can b e created and edited. Using thes e custom cha racters, original embroidery p atterns c an be created.
220 Basic Font Creator Opera tions Step 2 Creating a fon t charac ter pattern Select th e character to be created. Click the Select character button, and the n select the ch aracter to be created. For this exampl e, selec t “T”. Click , then . Click i n the Design Pa ge to specify p oints 1 (start poi nt) through 4.
221 Basic Fo nt Creator Op eratio ns Basic Font Creator Operations Click , then . And then c lick points 8 through 10. Click , then . Click , then . And then c lick points 11 through 12. Double -click point 13 (the last point of th e entire patt ern), or click point 13 an d press the key.
222 Basic Font Creator Opera tions Adjust th e character size an d position in th e same way t hat “T” wa s adjust ed. Drag the tri angle icons to move the blu e reference lines so that t hey are align ed with the top a nd bottom of t he character.
223 Basic Fo nt Creator Op eratio ns Basic Font Creator Operations Click , then . And then c lick points 30 though 34. Click , then . Next, clic k points 35 th ough 44, and t hen double-c lick point 45 (end poi nt), or click point 45 and pre ss the key.
224 Basic Font Creator Opera tions Step 5 Creat ing an embr oide ry p att ern using the cr eat ed f ont cha ract ers The create d font characte rs can be us ed in Layout & Editing. Start up La yout & Editing . Click , then . Click in the Font select or, and then sele ct “My font 1”.
225 Creating Custom Fonts (Font Creator) Creating Custom Fonts (Font Creator) This sect ion prov ides detailed d escriptions on the various operati ons, settings a nd precautions for Font Creator. I n addition, m any use ful functions are introduced. Opening a File Creat ing a new f ont You can b egin with a bla nk work area to design a new font.
226 Creati ng Cust om Fonts (Font Creato r) Selecting a Character and Preparing the Template Select ing the cha racte r to be cr eate d The chara cter to be create d can be selec ted. 1. Click the Select Charac ter butto n in the Sele ct Ch aract er ba r.
227 Creatin g Custom Fonts (Font Creato r) Creating Custom Fonts (Font Creator) 5. When t he settings can be applied, click OK . Openi ng an image in the backgr ound Existing image data or a TrueType font cha racter can be dis played in the Des ign Page to be used as a temp late.
228 Creati ng Cust om Fonts (Font Creato r) • While working on a c haracter in a fo nt, the same True Type font app ears until a differen t templat e is select ed for the backgroun d. Each time a d ifferent charac ter is selected in the Select Character dialog box , the templat e of the character in t he same TrueTyp e font appears.
229 Creatin g Custom Fonts (Font Creato r) Creating Custom Fonts (Font Creator) Creating a Font Character Pattern Creat ing p atte rns us ing t he Manu al Punch tools Using the Manua l Punch tools , create the fo nt characte r pattern. A backgro und image can be displaye d so that the font chara cter pattern c an be crea ted more eas ily.
230 Creati ng Cust om Fonts (Font Creato r) Editing Font Character Patterns Sel ecting pa tterns 1. Click on the Too l Box. 2. Click th e pattern. → Handles appear around th e pattern to show that it i s selected. 3. To selec t an additi onal pattern , hold down the key and cli ck the o ther patt ern.
231 Creatin g Custom Fonts (Font Creato r) Creating Custom Fonts (Font Creator) Editing the Points of a Font Character Pattern Editing points and reshap ing patt erns 1. Click on the Tool Box. 2. Click the pattern that you w ant to e dit. → The poin ts in the patt ern appear as small white squar es or c ircle s.
232 Creati ng Cust om Fonts (Font Creato r) Checking the Created Font Patterns The sew ing order and prev iew of the font charac ter patterns and the li st of created cha racters can be chec ked. Checki ng and editin g the sew ing or der The sew ing order for th e font character pattern can be view ed and modifi ed.
233 Creatin g Custom Fonts (Font Creato r) Creating Custom Fonts (Font Creator) Check ing the list of crea ted charac ters A list of c haracters incl uded in the fo nt file curren tly bein g ed ite d can be view ed . T oolbar b utton: 1. Click , or click Display , then Br owse Window .
234 Creati ng Cust om Fonts (Font Creato r) Saving Font Character Patterns Overwriting The fo nt charac ter patte rn bein g edited is overw ritten when saving any chan ges that have been made. T oolbar b utton: 1. Click , or click File , then Save . → The f ile is saved.
235 Creatin g Custom Fonts (Font Creato r) Creating Custom Fonts (Font Creator) Changing the Settings Changing t he drawing mode Ther e ar e tw o draw ing m odes in F ont Crea tor. • Fill mode Blocks appear filled in. I n this mode, the overlapping positions of patterns can be viewed better.
236 Creati ng Cust om Fonts (Font Creato r) Chan ging the grid sett ings The li ne s paci ng i n the g rid dis play ed i n the w ork area can be adjusted. 1. Click Display , then Grid Setup . 2. To displ ay the grid, sel ect the Show Grid check box . To hide t he grid, clea r the Show Grid check box.
237 Tips and Techniques Tips and Techniques Enlarging/Reducing Stitch Patterns Imported s titch pattern s can be enlarg ed or reduced in Layout & Edi ting in th e following th ree ways. 1 Stitch p atterns can b e simply en larged/reduce d. 2 Stitch p atterns can be en larged/reduced wh ile the key is held do wn.
238 Tips and T echniques Sewing Wide Areas • For be st sewi ng re sults , set Under sewing to On when sew ing wide regi ons. c For more details, re fer to “Under s ewing” on pa ge 98. • Cha ngi ng the Sewing Direc tion se tting pr events shrinka ge of the sti tching.
239 Tips and Techniques Tips and Techniques Fonts Suitable for Embroidering ■ When sewing small fonts For best re sults when em broidering desi gns containi ng small fo nt patterns , follow the reco mmend ation s descr ibed bel ow. 1. Reduce the thread tensi on to less t han what is used w hen embroidering normal desi gns.
240 Tips and T echniques Creating Outlined Char acters (Using Text Converted to Outline Object) Outline d characters withi n a shape can be crea ted by applying the Conv ert to Outline Object c ommand to a characte r of a TrueType font. 1. Use a Shape tool to draw a s hape.
241 Tips and Techniques Tips and Techniques Converting Characte rs (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc) to Embroidery Patterns Embroi dery pattern s can be create d from various cha racters, such as J apanese, Chine s e, Kore an etc, using TrueType f onts.
242 Tips and T echniques.
243 Menus/Tools Menus/T ools Layout & Editing List of tool box buttons List of menus ■ File menu T ool Bo x Purp ose Reference T ool Bo x Purp ose Reference Sets the pointer in selection mode. p. 52 Sets the pointer in outline dra wing m ode. p.
244 Menus/ Tools ■ Edit menu Export Expor ts the design shown in t he Design Page as a file of a diff erent format (.dst, .exp , .pcs, .hus, .v ip , .shv , .jef, . sew , .csd and .xxx). p. 13 8 Write to Card Writes your embroidery design to an original card.
245 Menus/ Tools Menus/Tools ■ Image menu Mirro r Horizontal Flips the selected pattern(s) up/down. Ctrl + H p. 54 V ertical Flips the selected patter n(s) left/right. Ctrl + J Rotate Allows you to manually rotate the selected patter n(s) by an arbitrar y angle.
246 Menus/ Tools ■ Text menu ■ Sew menu Image to Stitch Wizar d Gives step-by-step instruction for creating embroidery pattern from image data. p. 12 5 Display Image On (100%) Displays the template image (density: 100%). F6 p. 12 3 75% Displa ys a faded cop y of the template image (density: 75%).
247 Menus/ Tools Menus/Tools ■ Display m enu Con ve rt t o Stitches Conv er ts a shape pattern to a stitch pattern. p. 62 Applique Wizard Provides step-by-step instructions f or easily creat ing appliqués. p. 13 7 Select Sewing Area Sets the sewing area.
248 Menus/ Tools ■ Option menu ■ Help menu Menu T oolbar Purpose Shortcut key Reference Design Center Star ts up Des ign Center and displays its window up front. F5 p. 1 4 5 p. 15 3 Pr ogrammable Stitch Creator Star ts up Programmable Stitch Creator and displays its window up front.
249 Menus/ Tools Menus/Tools Design Center List of tool box buttons ■ Line Image Stage ■ Figure Handle Stage To o l B o x Purpose Reference To o l B o x Purpose Reference The five first b ut tons are used as pens and erasers (when the right mouse but t on is held down) of diff e rent thicknesses .
250 Menus/ Tools ■ Sew Sett ing Stage List of men us ■ Fil e menu To o l B o x Purpose Reference To o l B o x Purpose Reference Sets the pointer in region sewing mode. p . 163 Sets the pointer in zoom-in mode. Sets the pointer in line ( all) sewing mode.
251 Menus/ Tools Menus/Tools ■ Edit me nu ■ Sew m en u Menu T ool bar Purpose Shortcut ke y Reference Undo Undoes the last operat ion. Ctrl + Z Redo Cancels the eff ect of the last Undo . Ctrl + Shift + Z Cut Remov es the selected patter n from the screen while saving a cop y in the Clipboard.
252 Menus/ Tools ■ Display me nu ■ Option menu Menu To o l b a r Purpose Sho r tcut ke y Ref erence Grid Setu p Allows you to set up the grid, to switch it on or off , and to displa y it with or without the horizontal and ver tical lines. p . 161 Modify T em plate Adjusts t h e size and position of th e bac k ground image.
253 Menus/ Tools Menus/Tools ■ Stage menu ■ Help menu Menu To o l b a r Purpose Shortcut ke y Reference T o Original Image Mov es back to t he O riginal Image Stage. p. 1 46 T o Line Image Moves to the Line I mage Stage. p. 1 5 6 T o Figure Handl e Moves t o the Figure Handle Stage.
254 Menus/ Tools Design Database List of men us ■ Fil e menu ■ Edit menu Menu T oolbar Purpose S hor tcut k ey Reference Open in Layo ut & Editin g Opens the embroidery design file with Lay out & Editing. p. 18 9 Import into Lay out & Editin g Impor ts the embroider y design file into La yout & Editing.
255 Menus/ Tools Menus/Tools ■ Display m enu ■ Option menu ■ Help menu Menu To o l b a r Purpose Shortcut k ey Reference Lar g e Thumbnail s Lists the em broider y design file(s) in the contents pane as large thumbnails. p. 1 9 1 Small Thumbnails Lists the embroider y design file(s ) in the contents pane as small thumbna ils.
256 Menus/ Tools Programmable Stitch Creator List of to ol box buttons List of men us ■ Fil e menu ■ Mode menu T ool Bo x Purpose Reference T ool Bo x Purpos e Reference Sets the point er in selection mode. p . 209 p . 213 Sets the pointer in r egion (reset) mode.
257 Menus/ Tools Menus/Tools ■ Edit me nu Menu To o l b a r Purpose Shortcut ke y Reference Undo Undoes the last operat ion. Ctrl + Z Redo Cancels the eff ect of the last Undo . Ctrl + Shift + Z Cut Remov es the selected line(s) from the screen while saving a cop y in the Clipboard.
258 Menus/ Tools ■ Display me nu ■ Help menu Menu T oolbar Purpose Shortcut key Reference Grid Wide Displa ys the grid inter val of 1/8 of a work area’ s edge. p. 21 5 Medium Displa ys the grid interval of 1/16 of a work area’ s edge. Narrow Displa ys the grid interval of 1/32 of a wor k area’ s edge.
259 Menus/ Tools Menus/Tools Font Creator List of tool box buttons List of menus ■ File menu T ool Bo x Purpose R eference To o l B o x Pur pose Reference Sets the pointer in selection mode. p. 2 3 0 Se ts the point er in zoom mode. Sets the pointer in point edit mode.
260 Menus/ Tools ■ Edit menu Menu T oolbar Purpose Shortcut key Reference Undo Undoes the last operation. Ctrl + Z Redo Cancels the effect of the last Undo . Ctrl + Shift + Z Cut Removes the selected pattern(s) from the screen while saving a cop y in the Clipboard.
261 Menus/ Tools Menus/Tools ■ Sew m en u ■ Display m enu ■ Help menu Menu To o l b a r Purpose Shortcut ke y Reference Sewi ng Order Allows you to check and change the s ewing order of individual patterns. F10 p . 2 32 C o n v e r t Tr u e Ty p e Font to Data Conv er ts a template of a T r ueT ype font to a custom f ont c haracter pattern s.
262 Troubleshooting If a problem occurs , click Help , then Custome r Support in the menu to visit t he followi ng Web site, where you can find causes and s olutions to vari ous problem s and ans wers to frequen tly asked ques tions. If you ha ve a problem , check the fol lowing soluti ons.
263 Index A aligning embroide ry pattern s .......... ........ ........ ........... ....... 53 Appliqué ............... . ........... . .............. . ........... 95, 137, 1 74 Arc . .......... ........ ......... ........ ....... ........ ........ .
264 Index F Fan .... ......... .......... ........ ......... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... 71 Fi gure H andl e stage Tool Box bu ttons ..... ...... ........ ......... .......... ......... 249 File New Line Image ..........................
265 Index O Online Regist ration .... ........ ......... .......... ......... ........ ..... 14 opening .pem f iles ........ ........ ......... .......... ........ ......... ....... 1 54 .pes f ile ....... .......... ........ ......... ........ ......
266 Index stamp a ttributes ..... ......... .......... ........ ......... ........ ....... 114 stamps .. ......... .......... ......... ........ ........ ....... ........ ......... 168 Step Pitch ................................. .....................
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Brother PE-Design. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Brother PE-Design gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.