Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MFC-9970CDW des Produzenten Brother
Zur Seite of 214
If yo u need t o call Cu stom er Serv ice Ple as e com p lete the fo ll owi ng info rm at ion for futur e refere nce: Model Number: MFC-9970CDW Ser ial Nu m ber : 1 Da te o f P u r ch a se : P la c e o f P urc ha s e : 1 The seria l nu mber is on t he back of t he unit .
i Brother numbers IMPORTAN T For t echnica l help, you m ust c all the c ountry wh ere you bou ght t he mac hine. Call s m ust be made from w ithin that count ry. Re gi st er yo u r p rod u ct By regis tering your produ ct with B rother Inter nat ional Corpor ation , y ou will be rec o rded as the original own er of the product.
ii Ordering a ccesso r ies a nd suppli es For best qu ality results use only genuine Br other acces sories, which are availa ble at most Brot her retailers. If you cannot find t he acces sory you ne ed and you have a V isa, Ma sterCard, Discover, or American Express credit card, you can order accessories direct ly from Brother.
iii 1 Lett er or A4 s iz e sing le- sided pa ges. 2 Appr ox. car trid ge yi eld is declar ed in acc ordanc e with IS O/ IEC 19 798. 3 Stan dard to ner cart ridge 4 Hig h capa city tone r cart ridge 5 1 page per job . 6 Dr um li fe is a pp rox i ma te an d ma y v ary b y t yp e of use.
v Brother™ Color Laser One-Year On -Site L im ited Wa r ranty (USA o n ly) W ho i s co v e red : This limit ed warr anty (“ warrant y”) i s g ive n only to t he ori ginal end -user /retai l .
vi Broth er ™ C o lor L aser On e-Year On -Site L im i ted W arran ty (USA on ly) Wha t Br othe r w ill do: If t he pr oblem rep orte d concern ing you r Mach ine an d/or acco mpan y in g Consumab l.
vii BROTHER LASER P RINTER / MULTIFUNCTION CENT ER ® / FAX ON-SITE LIM ITED WARRANT Y (Ca nada On ly) For a limited on-site warranty of 1 year labour and part s from the date of purchase, Brot her International Co rporation (Canada) Ltd.
viii User's G uides and wh ere do I find it? Which m anual? W hat 's in it? Wher e is it? Safety and Le gal Read this Guide first . Pl ease re ad t he Safety Instru ctions befor e you set up your machine. See this Guide f or trade m arks and legal limit atio ns.
ix Tabl e of Co nte nts (B A S IC US E R ’S G U I DE ) 1 General in for mation 1 Usi ng the docume ntat ion ... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .... 1 Symb ols an d conven tions used in t he d ocumentation .
x 5 R eceiving a f ax 32 Receive modes ... . ........................... ...................................... ............................... 32 Choose the correct Recei ve Mode ................... ..................... . .................. ..... 32 Usin g recei ve modes .
xi 9 P ri n tin g d at a fr om a US B Fla s h m em or y dri v e or di g ita l ca m er a support in g ma ss storage 54 Creating a PRN o r P ostScript ® 3™ fil e for direct pri nti ng .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ....... .. 54 Printing data directly from the USB Flash memory drive or digital camera supporting mass storage .
xii C Menu and features 140 On-screen program m ing .......... ........................................................... ............... 140 Menu table . ......................................................... .....................................
xiii Tabl e of Co nte nts (ADVANCED USER’S GUIDE) The Ad vanced Use r's Guide explains the following features and operations. You can view the Advanced Us er's Guide on the Documentation CD-ROM in the box.
1 1 1 Using the documenta tion 1 Thank yo u for buying a B rother ma chine! Reading the doc umentation will help you make the most of your m achine. Sy mb ols an d con v en tions use d in th e docu me ntat io n 1 The followin g symbols and conventions are used througho ut th e d ocumentation .
Chapter 1 2 Acce ssing the Adva nced User ’s Guide, Software Use r’s Guide and Netwo rk User’s G uide 1 This Basic User's Guide does not contain all the information abo ut the m achine s uch as how to use the advanced features f or Fax, Copy, Pr inter, Scanner, PC-Fax an d Network.
General i nf ormat i on 3 1 Note • (W indows ® users only) Your Web browser may display a yellow bar at the top of the page that conta ins a security warning about Active X controls. F or the page to displa y correctl y you must click o n the bar, click Allow Blocked Content , then click Yes in the Security Warning dialog box.
Chapter 1 4 Accessi ng Brother Support (Wind ows ® ) 1 You can find al l the contac ts you wi ll need, such as Web support (Brother Solutions Center), Cust omer S ervice and Brother Authorized S ervice Centers on page i a nd on the Installation CD-ROM.
General i nf ormat i on 5 1 Acces sing Brother Support ( Macintos h) 1 You can fi nd all the c ontacts y ou w ill need , such as W eb support (B rother Solution s Center), Cu stomer Serv ice and B rother Authorized Serv ice Cente rs in Brother num be rs on page i and on t h e Installation CD-ROM .
Chapter 1 6 Control panel over view 1 1 One Touch keys These 2 0 keys give you inst ant access to 40 previ ously store d numbers . 21-40 b The 21- 40 b let s you access One Touch numbers 21 to 40 when hel d down. 2L C D This is a Touc hscreen LCD. You c an acce ss the menu s and optio ns by pr essi ng buttons displ ayed on the screen.
General i nf ormat i on 7 1 7 FAX keys: Hook Press bef or e dial ing if you want to make su re a fax mach ine wil l ans w er, and then pr ess Black Start or Color Start . Also , press th i s key after you pick up the han dset of an ext ernal teleph one during the F/T ring ( fast double- r ings ).
Chapter 1 8 LCD To uchs creen 1 The L CD T ouchscreen sh ows the current machine sta tus when the machine is idle. 1 Date an d Time Lets you see dat e and time. 2M E N U Lets you acc ess the main menu. 3 Fax duplex (2– si ded) re ceiving indi cator Appears when dup lex pri nt ing is set to on for re ceived fa xes.
General i nf ormat i on 9 1 Bas ic O per ati ons 1 To operate t he Touch screen us e y our fing er to press the MENU or option button directly on the LCD screen. To display and acc ess all the s creen menus or options in a setting, press a b or d c to scroll through them.
10 2 Loading pape r and print medi a 2 The m achi ne can feed paper from the standard paper tray, optional lower tray or multi-purpose t ray. When y ou put pape r into the p aper t ray, note the following: If your a pplication software suppo rts paper size selection on the print menu, you can select it through the software.
Loadi ng paper 11 2 WARNING DO NOT touc h the shad ed p arts sh own in t he il lu st r at ion . Th es e rol le rs ma y be rotating at high speed and c an pinch or entrap you r hand . b While p ressing the green pape r-guide release lever (1), slide the paper guides to fit the paper size you are loading in the tray.
Chapter 2 12 d Put paper in t he tray and make sure : The paper is below the maximum paper mark ( b b b ) (1). Overfi llin g t he paper tray will cause paper jams. The side to be pri nted on mus t be face down . The paper guides touch the sides of the pap er so it will feed prope rly.
Loadi ng paper 13 2 b Pull out the MP tray support and unfold the flap (1). c Put paper in the MP tray and make sure: The paper stays under t he maximu m paper mark (1). The top of paper edge is positioned between the arrows (2). The side to b e pri nted on m ust be fa ce up with t he leading edge (top of the pa per) in first.
Chapter 2 14 d Lift up the support flap to prevent paper from sliding off the face down output tray, or remov e eac h pa ge as soon as it comes out of the machine. Printi ng on envelopes and thic k paper from the MP tray 2 Before loading , press the corners and sides of the envelopes to make t hem as flat as possible.
Loadi ng paper 15 2 b Pull out the MP tray support and unfold the flap (1). c Lift up t he supp ort f lap to prevent envelopes or she ets of th ick paper from sliding o ff the fa ce do w n ou tput tray. If the supp ort fl ap is c losed you should remove ea ch envelope as soon as it comes out of the machin e.
Chapter 2 16 f Pull down the t wo gray le vers, o ne on the left-hand side and one on the right- hand side, to the envelope position as shown in the il l ustration below.
Loadi ng paper 17 2 Un sc ann ab le a nd u n pr inta ble ar e as 2 The figures be low show m aximum u nscannable and unprinta ble areas. The u ns cannable and unprintable areas ma y vary depending on the paper size or settings in the a pplication you are using.
Chapter 2 18 Paper setti ngs 2 Pape r Size and Ty pe 2 When y ou chang e the size o f paper in the tray , you w ill a l so need to cha nge the set ting for pa per size at the s ame tim e so your machine can fit the docume nt or an incomi ng fax on the page.
Loadi ng paper 19 2 Tr ay Use in cop y m ode 2 You can change th e priority t ray that the machin e will use f or printing copies. W hen you cho ose Tray#1 Only , MP Only or Tray#2 Only 1 , the m achine pulls t he paper o nly f rom t hat tr ay. If the s elected tray is out of paper, No Paper will appea r on the LCD.
Chapter 2 20 Tra y Use in prin t mode 2 You can change t he default tray the m achin e will use f or p rinting from you r c omputer. a Pre ss MENU . b Pre ss a or b to displ a y General Setup . Pre ss General Se tup . c Pre ss a or b to d is pl ay Tray Setting .
Loadi ng paper 21 2 Accep table pap er and other pri nt media 2 Print quality may vary according t o the type of paper y ou are us ing. You can use the following types of print medi a: thin paper, plain paper, t hick paper, bond paper, recycl ed paper, glossy paper, labels or envelopes.
Chapter 2 22 Paper capa c ity of the paper tra y s 2 1 F oli o si ze i s 8 .5 in . × 13 in . (2 15.9 mm x 33 0.2 mm ) Recommended paper s pecifi c ations 2 The f ollowing pape r s pecifications are sui table for this m achine. Use paper made for plain paper copying.
Loadi ng paper 23 2 Ha nd li ng an d us in g sp eci al pape r 2 The ma chine is designed to work wel l with most types of x ero graphic and bond paper. Howev er, some paper variables may have an e ffect on print qualit y or handling r eliab ility . Always test samples of paper before purch asing to e nsure desi rable performance.
Chapter 2 24 Envelopes 2 Most envelo pes designed for laser pri nters will be sui table for your mac hine. However, some env elopes may have feed and print- quality problems becaus e of the way they have been made.
Loadi ng paper 25 2 Labels 2 The m achine will print on most types of label s designed f or use with a laser machine. Labels shou ld have an adhesive that is ac rylic-based since this material is m ore stable at the high temperat ures i n the fuser unit.
26 3 How to lo ad documen ts 3 You can sen d a f ax, ma ke copi es, and scan from the ADF (Aut omatic Doc ument Feeder) and t he scanner gl ass. Usi n g th e aut omati c doc um e nt fe ed er (A DF) 3 The A DF can h old up t o 50 pages and feeds each sheet i ndividually.
Loading doc uments 27 3 Note • T o avoid dam aging your machine while using the ADF, D O NOT pul l on t he doc ument while i t is feedi ng. • T o scan non-standard document s, see Using t he scanner glass on pa ge 2 7. Us in g th e s can n er g las s 3 You can use t he scanner glass to fax, copy or scan page s of a book one page at a time.
28 4 Ho w to se nd a f ax 4 The f ollowing s teps show how to send a fax. a When you wan t to send a fax, or change fax send or receive settings , press the ( FAX ) ke y to illu min ate it in blue . The LCD shows: b Do one o f the following to lo ad you r document: Place the doc ument face up i n the ADF.
Sending a fa x 29 4 e Enter the fax num ber u sing the dial pad. You can al so enter the fax nu mbe r on the LC D by press ing Address Book and Send a fax , or you can press an One Touc h key on the machi ne’s control panel. (For details, see How t o dial on page 44.
Chapter 4 30 Col or f ax tr an smis sio n 4 Your machine ca n send a color fax to machines that support this feature. Color faxes cann ot be stored i n the machine's mem ory. When you send a color fax , t he machine will send i t in real t ime (even if Real T ime TX is se t to Off ).
Sending a fa x 31 4 Note • I f you c hoose On+Image or Off+Image , the image will on ly ap pear o n the Trans mission Verification Report if Real Tim e Transmiss ion is s et to Off . (See Real Time Transm ission in Chapter 3 of the Advanced Us er's Guide .
32 5 Rece ive modes 5 Cho ose th e corr ect Re ceive Mode 5 The correc t Re ceive M ode is det ermined by t he ex ternal de vices and teleph one subscriber services (V oice M ail, D isti nctive Ring, etc.) you have (or wi ll be u sing) o n the same li ne as the Br ot her mac h i ne.
Receivi ng a fax 33 5 To set the receive mode follow the i n structions below: a Pr e ss MENU . b Pr e ss a or b to di splay Initial Setup . Pr e ss Initial Setup . c Pr e ss a or b to di splay Receive Mode . Pr e ss Receive Mode . d Pr e ss Fax Only , Fax/Tel , External TAD or Manual .
Chapter 5 34 Using receive modes 5 Some rec eiv e modes answer aut omatically ( Fax Only and Fax/Tel ) . You may want to chang e the Ring Del ay before using these modes. (See Ring Delay on page 35. ) Fax Only 5 Fax Only m od e will automatically answer every call as a f ax.
Receivi ng a fax 35 5 Recei ve Mode se ttings 5 Ring De lay 5 The Ring Delay setting sets the number of times the mac hine rings before it answers in Fax Only and Fax/Tel modes. If y ou have extern al or extensi on teleph ones on t he same line a s the machi ne, keep the Ring Delay setting of 4.
Chapter 5 36 Eas y R ece ive 5 If Eas y Receive is On : 5 The m achine can recei ve a fa x automatically, even if you answer the c all. Whe n you see Receiving on the LCD or hear a click on t he phone line through the handset you are using, just repl ace the hands et.
37 6 6 Telephone line servi ces 6 Vo ice M ail 6 If y ou hav e Voice M ail on the s ame telephone line a s your Bro ther machi ne, Voice M ail and the Brothe r mac hine will c onflict w ith each other when receiving incoming calls.
Chapter 6 38 Distin ct ive Rin g 6 Distinctive Ri ng is a f unction o f your B rother machine that allows a person with one li ne to receive fax and voice calls through two different phone num bers on that one line.
Telep hone ser vices and e xt ernal device s 39 6 Before you choose the ring pattern to registe r 6 You can only register one Distinct ive R ing pattern with the machine. Some ring patterns cann ot be reg istered. The ri ng pa tterns below are suppo rted by y our Brother m achine .
Chapter 6 40 Turning of f distin ctive ring 6 a Pre ss MENU . b Pre ss a or b to displ a y Fax . Pre ss Fax . c Pre ss a or b to displ a y Miscellaneous .
Telep hone ser vices and e xt ernal device s 41 6 Connect ions 6 The externa l TAD m ust be plu gged into the back of the ma chine, into t he jack labeled EXT. You r machine cannot work properly if you plug the TAD into a wall jack (un less you are us ing Di stinctive Ring).
Chapter 6 42 Extern al and extensi on telephon es 6 Co nn ec ti ng an e xte r na l o r e xte ns io n t el ep ho ne 6 You can connec t a s eparat e telephone directly to your machine as shown in the diagram below. Connec t t he telephone line cord t o the jack labeled EX T.
Telep hone ser vices and e xt ernal device s 43 6 Usin g Remote Codes 6 Fax Receive Code 6 If y ou ans wer a fax cal l on an ex tension telephone, you can tell your m achine t o receive it by pressing the Fax Receive Code l 51 . Wait for the chirping sounds the n replace t he hand set.
44 7 How to dial 7 You can dial in any of t he following ways. Man ua l dial ing 7 Use the dial pad to enter a ll the digits of the teleph one or f ax nu mber . One touch dialin g 7 Press the One Touch key that stores the number you want t o cal l. (See St or in g One Touch Dial numbers on page 48.
Dial i ng and s toring n umbers 45 7 Se ar ch 7 You can searc h alphabetica lly f or names you have st ored in t he One Touch and Speed Dial mem ories. (See Storing O ne Touch Dial num be rs on page 48 and Storing Speed Dial num be rs on page 50. ) a Pr e ss Address Book .
Chapter 7 46 Storing numb ers 7 You can set up your m achine t o d o the following types of eas y dialing: O ne T ouch, Speed Dial a nd G roups for B roadcasting faxes. You c an al so s pecify t he default resolution f or e ach O ne Touch and S peed Dial n umber.
Dial i ng and s toring n umbers 47 7 On e To uch an d Sp eed Di al Sto rage Opti ons 7 The following c hart shows t he selections for t he settings for O ne Touch and Sp eed Dial n umbers . W hen you store numbers, the LCD instructs you to choose from the options shown in the following steps.
Chapter 7 48 Sto r in g O ne T ou ch Dia l numbe rs 7 Your m achine has 20 One T ouch k eys whe re you can sto re 40 fax or telephone numbe rs or E-ma il addresses for automatic dialing. To access numbers 21 to 40, hold down 21-40 as you press the One Touch k ey.
Dial i ng and s toring n umbers 49 7 e To save a fax/scan reso lution along with the fax numb er/E-mail address, go to the ap propriate step as sho wn i n the following tabl e.
Chapter 7 50 Sto r in g Spee d D ial nu m be rs 7 You can st ore your freq uently used num bers as Speed Dial numbe rs, so that when y ou dial you will only hav e t o pre ss a few key s (for example: pres s Address Book , the number you want to call and Send a fax ).
Dial i ng and s toring n umbers 51 7 j Select t he resolution from 200 dpi or 200 x 100 dpi . If you chose E-Mail B&W PDF , go to s t ep m . If you chose E-Mail B&W TIFF , go to s t ep n . k Select t he resolution from 100 dpi , 200 dpi , 300 dpi or 600 dpi .
Chapter 7 52 e Pre ss Name: Number/Address: Resolution: or PDF Type: f Do one o f the following: If you chose Name: , enter the nam e (up to 15 characters) by press ing the buttons on the Touchsc reen.
53 8 8 How to copy 8 The followin g steps s ho w the basic cop y operati on. For details about each o ption, s ee Advanced User's Guide . a When y ou want to ma ke a copy, press ( CO PY ) to illum inat e it in blu e. Make s ure y ou are in Co py m ode.
54 9 With the Direct Print f e ature , you d o not need a comput er to print data. You can print by just plugging your USB Flash m emory dri ve into the machine’s USB direct interface. You can also conne ct and print di rectly from a camera set to USB mass storage mode.
Print ing data from a USB Flash memory dri ve or digit al camera supp orti ng mass storag e 55 9 Printing data direct ly from the USB Fla sh memory drive or digital camera s upporting mass sto rage 9 a Connect your USB Flash memory drive or digital camera to the USB dire ct interface (1) on the f ront of t he machine .
Chapter 9 56 e Pre ss a or b to disp lay a n opti on se tting you need to change. Press the option and cha nge t he se tting. Note • Y ou can choos e the f ollowing settings: Paper Size Paper Type Multiple Page Orientation Duplex Collate Tray Use Print Quality PDF Option • D ep ending on the file t ype, som e of these settings ma y not appear.
57 10 10 Printing a docume nt 10 The ma chine can receive data from your comput er and print i t. To print f r om a comput er, install t he printer driver. (See Prin ting f or W indows ® or P rinting a nd Faxing for Macintosh in the Software User's Guide for details a bout the print set tings.
58 11 Scanning a docume nt as PDF fil e using ControlCenter4 ( Windows ® ) 11 (For Macintosh use rs) See Scanning in the S oftware User's G uide . Note The screens on your PC ma y vary de pendin g on your model. ControlCe nter4 is a s of tware utility that lets you quickly and easily access the applications you use most often.
How to scan to a computer 59 11 e Set the file type for saving to a folder. By defau lt, the scanned data is saved as JPEG ( *.jp g) . Cli ck Co nfi gura tio n , and then select Button setti ngs , Scan a nd File . The configuration dialog box appears.
Chapter 11 60 g Cli ck Fi le . The m achine starts the sca nning proces s. Th e folde r where the sc ann ed data is saved wi ll open autom atically..
How to scan to a computer 61 11 Changing the SCAN ke y sett ings 11 Bef ore sc anning 11 To use the mach ine as a scanner, i n stall a scanner driver. If the machine is on a n etwo rk, configu re i t with a TCP/IP address. Inst all the sc anner drivers o n the Installation C D -ROM.
Chapter 11 62 e Choose the File t ab. You c an c hange the default s ettings. 1 You can choos e the file type f rom t he pull-down list. 2 You can enter the file name you want t o use for the docume nt. 3 You can save the file to the def ault folder, or choose your preferred folder by cli ckin g the Browse but ton.
How to scan to a computer 63 11 Sc an ni ng u sin g the S CA N ke y 11 a Load your docum ent. (See How to load docum ents on page 26.) b Pr e ss ( SCAN ). c Pr e ss Scan to PC . d Pr e ss File . e (For Network users) Pr e ss a or b to choose th e destination computer you want to send to.
64 A Replacing the cons umable ite ms A The f ollowing m ess ages a ppear on the LCD in th e Ready mode. These m essages provid e advan ced warn ings to replace the con sumabl e items before they rea ch the end of t heir life. To avoid any inco nvenience, y ou may want to buy spare consum able items before the machi ne stops printing.
Routine maintenanc e 65 A 1 Lett er or A4 s iz e sing le- sided pa ges. 2 Appr ox. car trid ge yi eld is declar ed in acc ordanc e with IS O/ IEC 19 798. 3 Stan dard to ner cart ridge 4 Hig h capa city tone r cart ridge LCD messages Consumable i tem to re place Approxi mate life How to replace Order No.
66 You wi ll need to clean the ma chine reg ularly and replace the co nsumable item s when the following mess ages a re disp layed on the LCD. 1 Let ter o r A4 siz e si ngle- side d page s. 2 App r ox . ca rtri dge yiel d is de clare d in acc ordan ce wi th IS O/ IEC 1 9798 .
Routine maintenanc e 67 A Note • G o to htt p: // original/index.html for instructions on how to ret urn your used con sumable items to th e Brother c ollect ion program .
68 Re pla c in g a Tone r ca rt ri dg e A Order No. For the Order No. of toner cartridges, see Replacing the consum able item s on pag e 64 . The Standard toner cartridge s can print appro ximately 2,500 pages (black) or appro ximately 1,500 pages (cyan , magenta, yellow) 1 .
Routine maintenanc e 69 A Replacing the toner cartridges A a Make s ure th at the m achin e is turned on. b Press the front cove r rel eas e button and then o pen the front cover. c Hold the green hand le of t he drum uni t. Pull the drum unit out until it stops.
70 d Hold the handle of the t on er cartridge and slight ly pus h it toward t he ma chine to unlock it. T hen pull it out of t h e drum unit. Repeat this for al l the toner ca rt r id g e s. WARNING DO NOT put a toner cartri dg e into a fir e. It could explode, resulting in injuri es.
Routine maintenanc e 71 A e Push to release the latches of the corona wire cover (1), and then open t he cover. f Clean the c orona wires inside the drum unit by ge ntly sliding th e green tabs from left to right and right to l eft several times. Note Be sure to return the tab to t he home positi on ( a ) (1).
72 g Close the corona wi re c over. h Repeat st eps e to g to clean each of three remaining coron a wires. i Unpack the ne w t oner cartridge. G ently shake it from side to side several t imes to distribute t he to ner e venly ins ide the cartridge.
Routine maintenanc e 73 A IMPORTAN T Put the toner cartridge in the d rum unit immedi ately after you have removed the pro tective cover. To prevent any degradat ion to the print qu ality, DO NOT touch the shad ed parts shown in the illu st ra tio ns.
74 l Push the drum unit in until i t stops. m Cl os e th e fr o nt cov er of t h e ma chi ne. Note After you replace a toner cartri dg e, DO NOT turn off t he machin e's power switch or open the front cover until t he LCD clears the Please Wait messag e and returns to Ready mod e.
Routine maintenanc e 75 A b Hold the green hand le o f the drum uni t. Pull the drum unit out until it stops. c Hold the handle of the t o ner cartridge and slightly push it t o ward the mac hine to unlock it. Then pull it ou t of the dr um unit. Repe at this f or all the toner cartri dges.
76 d Push to release the latches of the corona wire cover (1), and then open t he co ve r. e Clean the c orona wires in side the drum unit by gen tly sliding the green tabs from left to right and right t o left several times.
Routine maintenanc e 77 A Note • B e sure to return the tab to t he home pos ition ( a ) (1). If you do not, printed pages may have a vertical stri pe .
78 h Hold the handle of the t on er cartridge and slide the toner cartridge into the drum unit, then sl ightly pull it toward you until yo u hear it click into place. Make sure that you match the toner c artridge color to the same color label on the drum unit.
Routine maintenanc e 79 A Re pl ac ing t he dr u m uni t A Order No . DR-310CL A new drum unit can print approximately 25,00 0 Le tter or A 4 size singl e-sided pages . Note • T here are m any factors that determ ine th e actual drum life, su ch as th e temper ature, humi dity, type of paper, type of toner us ed and s o on.
80 Replacing t he drum unit A IMPORTAN T • W hile remov ing the drum unit, handle i t carefully because it m ay con tain t oner. If toner scatters on your hands or clothes, immedia tely wipe or was h it of f with col d water. • E very t ime you repl ace the drum unit, clean t he inside of the mac hine.
Routine maintenanc e 81 A c Hold the green hand le o f the drum uni t. Pull the drum unit out until it stops. d Turn the green lock l ever (1) a t the left of the machine c ounterclock wise to the release position. Holding the green handles of the d rum unit, lift th e front of the drum unit a nd rem ove it fr om the machine.
82 IMPORTAN T • W e rec omm end that y ou p lace the drum unit and/or the t oner cartridge on a clean, flat surf ace w ith a sheet of disposable paper or cloth underneath it in case you accide ntally spill or scatter toner. • T o preve nt damage to the machine from static electricity, DO NOT touch the electrodes s hown in the i l lustration.
Routine maintenanc e 83 A IMPORTAN T • H andle the t oner cartridge carefully . If toner scatters on your hands or clothes, immedi ately wip e or was h it of f with cold water.
84 f Unpack the new drum unit and remove the protective cover. IMPORTAN T • T o a void p rint quality problems, DO NO T touch the s hade d pa rts sho wn in t he illu stra tio n s. • Wa it to un pack the new drum unit until immediat ely before you put it i n t he machine.
Routine maintenanc e 85 A h Make sure the gree n l ock lever (1) i s in the rel ease p osition as shown in the illustration. i Match the guide ends (2) of the drum unit to t he c m arks (1) on both sides of the machine, then gent ly slide the drum unit into t h e machine until i t stop s at th e green lock lever.
86 Resetting t he drum c ount er A When y ou repl ace a drum u nit with a new one , you will need to reset the drum cou nter by completi ng the following steps: a Pre ss MENU . b Pre ss a or b to displ a y Machine Info. . Pre ss Machine In fo. . c Pre ss Reset Menu .
Routine maintenanc e 87 A b Press the front cove r rel eas e button and then o pen the front cover. c Hold the green hand le of t he drum uni t. Pull the drum unit out until it stops.
88 d Turn the green lock l ever (1) at t he left of the machine counterclock wise to the release position. Ho lding the green handles of the drum unit, lift t he front of the drum unit an d rem ove it fr om t he machine.
Routine maintenanc e 89 A • T o avoid print quality problems, DO NOT touch the shad ed parts shown in the illu st ra tio ns. e Hold t he gre en handle of t he belt unit with both hands and l ift the belt un it up, the n p u ll it ou t. IMPORTAN T To avoid print quality problems, DO NOT touch the shad ed parts shown in t he illu st ra tio n.
90 g Put the new belt unit back in the machine. Make su re the belt unit is le vel and fits f irmly into plac e. h Make sure the green lock lever (1) i s in the release position as shown in t he illust ra tio n.
Routine maintenanc e 91 A j Turn the green lock l ever (1) clockwise to the lock po sition. k Push the drum unit in until it st ops. l Close the front cover of the m achine.
92 Replacing the waste toner box A Order No. WT-300 CL A n ew wa ste toner bo x c an print appro ximately 50, 000 Letter or A 4 s ize single-sided pages. Repl ac e Pa rt s WT Box End Soon A If the LC D s hows Replace Parts WT Box End Soon , it mean s the waste toner box is nea r the end of its life.
Routine maintenanc e 93 A c Hold the green hand le o f the drum uni t. Pull the drum unit out until it stops. d Turn the green lock l ever (1) a t the left of the machine c ounterclock wise to the release position. Holding the green handles of the d rum unit, lift th e front of the drum unit a nd rem ove it fr om the machine.
94 IMPORTAN T • W e rec omm end that y ou p lace the drum unit and/or the t oner cartridge on a clean, flat surf ace w ith a sheet of disposable paper or cloth underneath it in case you accide ntally spill or scatter toner. • T o preve nt damage to the machine from static electricity, DO NOT touch the electrodes s hown in the i l lustration.
Routine maintenanc e 95 A e Hold the green handle of the belt unit with both hands and l ift the belt un it up, the n p u ll it ou t. IMPORTAN T To avoid print quality problems, DO NOT touch the shad ed parts shown in the illu st ra tio n. f Remove t he two pi eces of o range packing material and discard them.
96 g Hold the g reen h andle of t he waste t oner box an d remove th e waste toner box from the m achine. CAUTIO N Handle the waste toner box carefully in case you acc identally s pill or scatter toner. If t oner scatters on your hands or clothes, immediately wi pe or wash it off with cold water.
Routine maintenanc e 97 A i Put the belt unit back into the machine. Make sure the belt unit is l evel and fits firmly into place. j Make sure the gree n lock lever (1) is in the releas e p osition a s shown in the illustration.
98 l Turn the green lock lever (1) c lockwise to t he lock position . m Push the drum unit in until i t stops. n Cl os e th e fr o nt cov er of t h e ma chi ne.
99 B B Error and mainte nance m essages B As with any sophisticated office product , errors m ay occur and consum able items may need to be replaced. If t his ha ppens, your m achine identifies the error or requ ired ro utine mai ntenance a nd show s the appropriate m essage.
100 Cond en sa tio n O ne of th e issues th at can cause t his err or is that condensat ion may form i nside t h e ma c hi n e a ft e r a ro om temperat ure change. Leave the mach ine po w ered on, and fully open the fro nt cover . Wait 30 minut es, switch OFF and close t he cover, then swi tch ON.
Troubl eshootin g 101 B Docu me nt J am Th e d ocument wa s not i nser ted or f ed properl y, or the d ocument scanne d from the ADF was t oo long . See Document jams on page 1 08 or Using the automat ic document fee der (ADF) on page 26. Drum E rr or The c orona wi re o n the dr um unit needs to be cle aned.
102 Jam Tr ay 1 Jam Tr ay 2 The paper is jam med in the paper tr ay of the machi ne. (See Paper i s jamm ed in pape r tray 1 o r tray 2 on page 111.) Limi t Ex cee de d The pri nti ng limit set by Secure Functi on Lock 2.0 was reache d. Contact your administ r ator to check your Secure Func tion Lock Sett ings.
Troubl eshootin g 103 B Out of Mem or y Th e machine’s memory i s full. Fax sending or copy operatio n in progress Do one of the foll owing: Press Black St art or Color Start to s end or copy the sc anned pages. Press St op/Exi t and wait unti l the othe r operat i ons in progress finish, and then try again.
104 Regi st ra tio n fail ed Registr atio n fail ed. Do one of the foll owing: Turn off the machi ne’s power swit ch. Wait a few seconds , then tur n it on again. Try Manu al Regi strat ion, MENU , P rin te r , Man ual Re gist . . (See Manua l Regist r ati on in Appendi x A of the Advanced User 's Guide .
Troubl eshootin g 105 B Repl ac e Pa rt s PF Ki t 1 PF Ki t 2 PF Ki t MP It is time to repla ce t he paper feedi ng kit . Call Brothe r Customer Service or a Brother Authorize d Service Center t o replac e the PF Kit .
106 Tone r Lo w The toner car tri dge is near t he end of its l ife. Buy a n ew toner cart ridge f or the color that is indi cated on the LCD before you get a Repl ac e To ne r message . Too Ma ny File s There are too ma ny fil es stored on the USB Fl ash memory dr ive.
Troubl eshootin g 107 B Tr an sf erri ng yo ur fa xes or Fa x Jo urn a l re port B If the LCD shows : Print Unable XX Scan Unable XX W e recomm end transferring your faxes to anoth er fax m achine or to y our P C. (Se e Trans ferring faxes to another fax machine on page 1 07 or Transferring faxes to your PC on pa ge 1 07.
108 Document jams B Docu men t i s jam med in the to p of th e ADF un it B a Take out any pa per from the ADF that i s not jammed. b Open the ADF cover.
Troubl eshootin g 109 B Remo ving smal l do cu me nt s jamme d in t he ADF B a Lift the doc ument cover. b Insert a piec e of stiff pap er, s uch as cardst ock, into the ADF to push any small paper scraps through. c Close the document cover. d Pr e ss Sto p/Exi t .
110 Paper jam s B Pap er i s ja mme d in th e MP tr ay B If the LC D shows Jam MP , follow thes e steps: a Remove the paper from the MP tray. b Remove any jammed pap er from in a nd around th e MP tray . c Fan the paper stac k, and then put it back in the MP tray.
Troubl eshootin g 111 B Paper is j am med in paper tra y 1 or t ray 2 B If the LCD shows Jam Tray 1 or Jam Tray 2 , foll ow these step s: a Pull the pap er tray completely out of the machine. For Jam Tray 1 : For Jam Tray 2 : WARNING DO NOT touc h the shade d pa rts sho wn i n t he i llu st ra ti on.
112 IMPORTAN T If the paper cannot easily be removed in this direction, sto p a nd follow t he instructions for Paper is jam med in side the mach ine on page 11 4. Note Pulling o ut the jam med pa per down wards allows you to rem ove the pa per e asier.
Troubl eshootin g 113 B WARNING HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m achine, some internal parts of t he mac hine wil l be extremely hot. Wait for the m achi ne to coo l down bef ore you touch the internal part s of th e m ac hi ne . c Pull the green tabs (2) at t he left and right hand sides toward you and fold down th e fuser cover (1).
114 e Close the fuser cover (1). Note If you are printing on env elopes, pull down the envelope l eve rs (2) t o the envelope positio n again before closing the back cover. f Fully close the ba ck cover. Paper is jam med insid e t he mach i ne B I f th e L CD s ho ws Jam Inside , foll ow these steps: a Turn off t he machine’ s power switch.
Troubl eshootin g 115 B c Hold the green hand le o f the drum uni t. Pull the drum unit out until it stops. d Turn the green lock l ever (1) a t the left of the machine c ounterclock wise to the release position. Holding the green handles of the d rum unit, lift th e front of the drum unit a nd rem ove it fr om the machine.
116 IMPORTAN T • W e rec omm end that y ou p lace the drum unit and th e toner cartridges on a clean, flat surf ace w ith a sheet of disposable paper or cloth underneath it in case you accide ntally spill or scatter toner. • T o preve nt damage to the machine from static electricity, DO NOT touch the electrodes s hown in the i l lustration.
Troubl eshootin g 117 B g Match the guide ends (2) of the drum unit to t he c m arks (1) on both sides of the machine, then gent ly slide the drum unit into t h e machine until i t stop s at th e green lock lever. h Turn the green lock l ever (1) clockwise to the lock po sition.
118 Pape r i s j a mmed u ndernea th pape r tray 1 B If the L CD sho ws Jam Duplex , follow t hese steps: a Leave the machine turned on for 10 minutes t o cool do wn. b Pull the paper tray completely out o f the machine. WARNING D O NOT touc h the shaded parts shown in the illustration.
Troubl eshootin g 119 B d If the paper i s not caught in the paper tray, o pen the back co ver. WARNING HOT SURFACE After you h ave j ust used t he machine, s ome internal parts of t he mach ine will be extremely hot. W ait for the m achin e to cool down bef ore you touch the internal parts of t he ma ch i ne.
120 e Push down an d pu ll the green t abs a t the left and right hand sides toward you and fold d own the f user cover (1 ). f Using both hands, gently pull out the jammed pa per. g Close the fuser c over (1). h Fully close t he back cover. i Put the paper tray firmly back in the machine.
Troubl eshootin g 121 B If you ar e havi ng diff iculty with yo ur machine B IMPORTAN T For t echnica l help, you m ust c all the c ountry wh ere you bou ght t he mac hine. Call s m ust be made from w ithin that count ry. If you think there is a problem, che ck the chart below and follow the t roubleshoo ting tips.
122 Th e m ach in e do es n ot an swe r when c a lled. Mak e sure th e ma ch in e is in th e co rre ct rec eiv e m ode fo r y ou r set up . (S ee Re ce iv e Mo de set tin gs on pag e 35. ) Ch eck for a di al tone . If pos sibl e, ca ll y ou r mac h ine to he ar it an sw er.
Troubl eshootin g 123 B Ca nn ot rec ei v e a fa x. (co nti nued) Anot her de vice or se rvice a t you r loca tion ma y be an swer in g the call befor e your B roth er m ac hi ne a ns wers . T o t e st thi s, lo we r t he r ing d el ay s et tin g: If th e answer mode is s et to Fax Only or Fax/Tel , r educ e the rin g d elay to 1 ri ng.
124 Sending faxes Difficulties Su gge st ion s Po or s e nd in g q ua li ty . Tr y c h an gi ng you r re so lu tio n to Fine or S.Fine . Ma ke a co p y t o ch ec k yo ur machi ne’ s scann er oper ati on. If th e copy qua lit y is no t good, cle an the sc anne r.
Troubl eshootin g 125 B Ver tical blac k line appea rs in copi es. B lac k v er t ical li ne s on c op ie s are ty p ic al ly c au se d by d irt or co r re cti on fl ui d on th e glass strip , or th e corona wire is di rty.
126 Th e mac hi ne do es no t pri nt on b oth side s of th e pa pe r e ve n th ou gh th e pr inte r dr iver se tti ng is Dupl ex. Che ck the paper siz e sett ing in the pri nter d river . You need to c hoos e Let ter, Lega l or F olio [1 6 to 28 lb (60 t o 105 g /m 2 )] .
Troubl eshootin g 127 B Paper handling difficult ies Difficulties S ugg es tion s Th e ma chi ne do es n ot fe ed p ap er. Th e LCD sh ows No Paper or a Pap er Jam mes sage. If t here is no pa per, loa d a new st ack of pa per int o the pa per tra y.
128 Network diffi culti es Difficulties Sugg es ti ons Can no t pri nt over a wire d N et wor k . If y o u ar e ha vi ng N e tw o rk pro bl em s se e th e Network User's Guide fo r more inf orm a tio n. Mak e s ur e y o ur m a ch in e is pow e red on a nd is o n- lin e an d i n R ea dy mod e .
Troubl eshootin g 129 B Yo ur co m pu ter ca nn o t f i nd you r mach ine. (Wi ndo ws ® ) The fir ewa ll se tting o n yo ur P C may b e r ejec tin g the n ec ess ary net wo rk co nn ec ti on .
130 Sett ing Di al Tone det ecti on B Setting t he Dial Tone to Detection wi ll shorten the Dial Tone detect pause. a Pre ss MENU . b Pre ss a or b to displ a y Initial Setup . Pre ss Initial Se tup . c Pre ss a or b to displ a y Dial Tone . Pre ss Dial Tone .
Troubl eshootin g 131 B Improving th e print qual ity B If you have a print quality problem, print a test page first ( MENU , Printer , Print Options , Test Print ). If the p rintout looks good, the problem is probably not the mach ine. Check the interface cable con nec tions or try printing a different docume nt.
132 Whi te st reaks or bands down the page Clean the scanner gla ss and scanner glass str ip. (Se e Cleaning the scanner in Append ix A of the Advanced User ' s Guide .) Wipe t he la ser sc anner windo ws with a dry lint-fr ee soft cloth.
Troubl eshootin g 133 B Complet ely blan k or some color s are missi ng Put i n a new t oner cart r idge . (See Repla cing a Toner car tridge on page 68.) To ide ntify t he col or of th e toner cartrid ge, visi t us at ht tp :/ /so lu ti ons .br ot her .
134 The colo r of your pr i ntout s i s not what y ou expec ted Make s ur e Toner Save mode i s off in the cont rol panel of the mach ine or t he print er dri ver. Perfor m t he cal ibrati on. ( See Calib ration in Appen dix A of the Advanced User 's Guide .
Troubl eshootin g 135 B Uneven densi ty appears peri odically ac ross t he pag e Perfor m the calib r ati on. (See Calibr ation in Appendix A of the Advanced User ' s Guide .) Clean t he sca nner gl ass a nd scanner glass str i p. (See Cleani ng the scanner in Appendi x A of t he Advanc ed User's Guide .
136 Poor fi xing Make s ure tha t the media t ype setti ngs in the pr int er driver and in the machine' s Paper Type menu mat ches the typ e of paper you ar e using. (See Ac ceptable pa per and ot her p rint medi a on page 21 and Basic ta b in the Software Us er's Guide .
Troubl eshootin g 137 B Envelop e crea ses Make sure that t he two g ray envelope le vers are pull ed down when you ar e printi ng envel opes. If creases o ccur wit h the env elope levers i n the e nvelope position, print with the back cover opened and feed one envel ope at a t ime from t he MP t r ay.
138 Machin e Info rmatio n B Ch eckin g th e Se ri al N umb er B You can see the mac hine’s S erial Numb er on the LCD. a Pre ss MENU . b Pre ss a or b to displ a y Machine Info. . Pre ss Machine In fo. . c The m achine will disp lay the mac hine’s Serial Num ber on the LCD.
Troubl eshootin g 139 B Ho w to r ese t t he m ac hi ne B a Pr e ss MENU . b Pr e ss a or b to di splay Initial Setup . Pr e ss Initial Setup . c Pr e ss a or b to di splay Reset . Pr e ss Reset . d Pr e ss Network , Address & Fax or All settings to choose t he reset function you want to use.
140 C On-scre en programmin g C Your machi ne is designed to be easy to operate with LCD on-screen programming using t he menu buttons on t he Touc hscreen. User-friendly programm ing helps you take full advan tage of a ll the m enu selections your machine has to offer.
Menu and feature s 141 C Menu tab le C The me nu table will help you understand the menu selections and options that are found in the machin e's program s.
142 Ge ner al Set up (Con ti nu ed ) Tr ay S ettin g (Con ti nu ed ) Tray#1 — P aper S ize A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A5 L A6 B5 B6 Folio Set s the s ize an d type of pape r in p aper tra y #1 . 18 Pape r Typ e Thin Plain * Thick Thicker Recy cled Paper Tray#2 (T his menu onl y appea rs if you h ave th e opt i onal tr ay#2 .
Menu and feature s 143 C Ge ner al Se tup (Co nti nu ed ) Tra y Set ting (Co nt inu ed ) Tr ay Us e:C opy — Tray#1 Only Tray#2 Only MP Only MP>T1>T2 * T1>T2>MP (Tray#2 or T2 appe ars o nly if you in stal led th e opt iona l pape r tr ay.
144 Ge ner al Set up (Con ti nu ed ) Volume Ring — Off Low Med * High A dju st s t he r i ng volu me. See 1 . Beeper — Off Low Med * High Adj usts the beep er volu me. Speaker — Off Low Med * High Adj u sts t he speak er volu me. Ecology Toner Save — On Off * I ncr ea ses th e pa ge yiel d of t he to ner ca rtridge.
Menu and feature s 145 C C Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Leve l 3 Leve l 4 Op tio n s De scri ptio ns Page Fax Se tu p R ece ive (I n F ax mo de only ) Ring Delay — 0 1 2 3 4 * Se ts the nu mber of ri ngs be for e the mac hin e an sw e rs in Fax On ly or Fa x /Te l mo de.
146 Fax (Con ti nu ed ) Se tup Re cei ve (I n Fax mode only ) (Con ti nu ed ) Pr int De ns ity — -2 -1 0 * +1 +2 Ma ke s pr i nt ou t s dar ker or l ight er. See 1 . Fa x Rx Stam p — On Off * P rin ts the rec eive d ti me and da te on the t op of th e rec ei ved fa xe s.
Menu and feature s 147 C Fax (Co nti nu ed ) Dia l Res trict. Dial Pad — Off * Ente r # twi ce On Yo u can se t the machine to restrict di alin g when us ing th e dial pad. See 1 . One Touc h Dial — Off * Ente r # twi ce On Yo u can se t the machine to restrict th e dial ing of One T o uch numb er s.
148 C Lev el 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Optio ns Des cripti ons P age Printer Emulation —— Auto * HP LaserJet BR-Script 3 Choose the emula tio n mode . See 2 . Pr int Op tio ns In ter nal F ont — HP LaserJet BR-Script 3 P rin ts a list of the ma ch in e’ s int ern al fo nt s.
Menu and feature s 149 C Printer (Co nti nu ed ) Man ual R egist. Prin t C ha rt — — Print t he cha rt to manu al ly c he ck t he re gist rat ion o f t he co lo rs .
150 C Lev el 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Optio ns Des cripti ons P age Pr int Re por ts Tr ansm issio n View on LC D — — Y ou ca n vie w the Tra ns miss ion Veri fication Report f or yo ur las t 20 0 outg oing f axe s and pri nt the l ast rep ort. See 1 .
Menu and feature s 151 C C Le ve l 1 Lev el 2 Le ve l 3 Le ve l 4 L ev el 5 Optio ns D e sc ript i ons Network 1 Wired LAN TCP/IP Boo t Me thod — Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Cho oses the BOO T meth od th at be st sui t s yo ur need s .
152 Network 1 (Con ti nu ed ) Wired LAN (C on tin ued) TCP/IP (Co nti nued ) DNS S er ve r — Primary [00 0-2 55]. [00 0-2 55]. [00 0-2 55]. [0 00 -25 5] Secondary [00 0-2 55]. [00 0-2 55]. [00 0-2 55]. [0 00 -25 5] Spe cif ie s the I P addr e s s of the pri m ary o r s econd ary DNS se rv er.
Menu and feature s 153 C Network 1 (Co nti nu ed ) WLAN TCP/IP Boo t Me thod — Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Cho oses the BOO T meth od th at be st sui t s yo ur need s . ( IP Boot Tries ) — 3 * [00 00 0- 32 76 7] Sp ecif ies t he numb er of se tti ng tr ials when th e Boot Method allo ws au toma tic IP set t ing .
154 Network 1 (Con ti nu ed ) WLAN (C on tin ued) TCP/IP (Co nti nued ) DNS S er ve r — Primary [00 0-2 55]. [00 0-2 55]. [00 0-2 55]. [0 00 -25 5] Secondary [00 0-2 55]. [00 0-2 55]. [00 0-2 55]. [0 00 -25 5] Spe cif ie s the I P addr e s s of the pri m ary o r s econd ary DNS se rv er.
Menu and feature s 155 C Network 1 (Co nti nu ed ) WLAN (Co n tin ue d) W LAN S tatu s (Con ti nu ed ) Signal — Strong Medium Weak None Yo u ca n se e the current wir eless net work si gnal str engt h. SSID — — Y o u ca n se e the current SSID. Comm .
156 Network 1 (Con ti nu ed ) E-m ail/I FAX (C on tin ued) S et up Ser ver (Co nti nued ) POP3 POP 3 Ser ver Name (U p to 64 char acte rs) I P Ad dr es s [00 0-2 55]. [00 0-2 55]. [00 0-2 55]. [0 00 -25 5] Enter the POP 3 ser v er ad dre ss . POP3 Port 110 * [000 01- 65535] Enter the POP 3 por t n um b er.
Menu and feature s 157 C Network 1 (Co nti nu ed ) E-ma il/IF AX (Co n tin ue d) Setup Mail RX (Con ti nu ed ) Header — All Subject +From+To None * Se le ct s t he cont ent s of th e mai l head er t o be pri nte d. Del Error Mail — On * Off De le tes e r ror m ail s auto m atica ll y.
158 C Lev el 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Optio ns Des cripti ons P age Ma chi ne Inf o. Serial No. — — — You can c heck t he seri al nu mbe r of yo ur mac hine . 138 Pa ge C ounte r —— Total Fax/List Copy Print You ca n chec k the num b er of tot al page s the ma chine has pri nted duri ng i ts lif e.
Menu and feature s 159 C C Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Leve l 3 Leve l 4 Op tio n s De scri ptio ns Page In iti al Se tup Rec eive Mode —— Fax Only * Fax/Tel External TAD Manual Ch ooses th e recei ve mod e that be st suit s yo ur ne ed s.
160 In iti al Set up (Con ti nu ed ) Loca l Lang uage ——( i n U S A ) English * Español (in Ca na da ) English * Français All ows you to ch ange the LC D lang uage for yo ur co un tr y. See 2 . Lev el 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Optio ns Des cripti ons P age 1 See A dv anc ed U ser ' s Gu id e .
Menu and feature s 161 C FAX ( ) C Lev el 1 Lev el 2 Leve l 3 Leve l 4 Optio ns Descr ipt ions Page Add ress Book More Set One Touch Dial — — S tores up to 4 0 One To uch D i al num ber s , so you can di al by pr essin g one ke y (a nd Black Start or Color Start ).
162 Glas s Scan Size ——— A4 Letter * Legal/Folio To f ax an A4 , Lega l or Fol io siz e docu m en t, yo u' ll need to c ha nge the Glas s Sc an Si z e setti ng. 29 Br oadc astin g Manual — — — Yo u can se nd the s ame f ax m essage to mo re th an on e fa x nu mber .
Menu and feature s 163 C COPY ( ) C Le ve l 1 L ev el 2 L ev el 3 Op tio ns 1 O pt i ons 2 Des cr ip tio n s Pa ge Quality —— Auto * Text Photo Graph — You ca n choose th e C opy r es oluti on fo r yo ur type of doc um ent.
164 Brightness —— — Adj usts t he br ig ht ne ss f or co pi es . See 1 . Contrast —— — Adj usts the co ntr ast for c o pies . Stack/Sort —— Stack * Sort — Y o u ca n ch oo s e to stac k or sor t multi ple copi es.
Menu and feature s 165 C Col or Ad just (Co nti nu ed ) —— Blue Adju sts the blue co lor f or co pi es . See 1 . Se t New D efa ult —— Quality Brightness Contrast Color Adjust — You ca n save you r copy sett ing s as the de f au lt se tti ng s .
166 SCAN ( ) C Leve l 1 Lev el 2 Lev el 3 Leve l 4 Optio ns Des cri ptio ns Page Sc an t o USB Quality —— Co lo r 1 00 dp i * Co lor 2 00 d p i Co lor 3 00 d p i Co lor 6 00 d p i Gray 100 dpi Gray 200 dpi Gray 300 dpi B&W 200 dpi B&W 2 00x100 dpi Yo u c an c ho o se th e s can reso lut i on an d file for ma t f or yo ur doc um en t.
Menu and feature s 167 C Sca n to USB (Co nti nu ed ) G lass S canSiz e —— A4 Letter * Legal/Folio To sc an an A 4, Le ga l or F olio si ze docu ment , you' ll nee d t o c h an ge th e Gl ass Scan Si ze set t ing . See 1 . File Size —— Small Middle * Large Yo u ca n ch oo se the file s ize f or co lo r o r gra y scal e scan ning.
168 Scan to Ne twork (Con ti nu ed ) (Pr ofi le nam e) (C on tin ued) File Type (Co n tin ue d) — (If yo u chos e a B&W op ti on in the Q ual ity setti ng) PDF * PDF/A Secure PDF Signed PDF TIFF Se e 1 . Duplex S can — Off * DuplexScan :LongEdge DuplexScan :ShortEdge Ch ooses the dupl ex s can ning fo rmat .
Menu and feature s 169 C Sca n to FTP (Co nti nu ed ) (Prof ile nam e) (Co n tin ue d) File Type — (I f yo u ch ose a Col or or Gr ay opti on in th e Qu ality s etti ng) PDF * PDF/A Secure PDF Signed PDF JPEG XPS See 1 .
170 Scan to E-mail Manual / Address Book Quality — Co lo r 1 00 dp i * Co lor 2 00 d p i Co lor 3 00 d p i Co lor 6 00 d p i Gray 100 dpi Gray 200 dpi Gray 300 dpi B&W 200 dpi B&W 2 00x100 dpi Yo u c an c ho o se th e s can reso lut i on an d file for ma t f or yo ur doc um en t.
Menu and feature s 171 C Scan to E-mail (Co nti nu ed ) Manual / Address Book (Co n tin ue d) File Size — Small Middle * Large Yo u ca n ch oo se the file s ize f or co lo r o r gra y scal e scan ning. See 1 . Num ber of Des tinations — — Y ou c an ad d m ul tip le des tin at io n E -ma il addr esse s.
172 Other Func tions C Leve l 1 Lev el 2 Lev el 3 Leve l 4 Opti ons De sc ripti ons Page Di rec t P rin t (S elect F ile) Print Settings / (Co py Pa ges (0 01–9 99)) Paper Size A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A5 L A6 B5 B6 Folio Se ts th e pa per s ize wh en p rin ti ng d ire ct ly from th e U SB flas h memor y d rive.
Menu and feature s 173 C Di rec t Pri nt (Co nti nu ed ) (S el ec t F ile ) (Co n tin ue d) Pr int Settings / (Cop y Pa ge s (0 01– 99 9) ) (C o nti nued) Collate On * Off E na bl es or di sa bl es page col lat ion when pr in ti ng di rec tl y f rom the U SB Flash me mo r y dr ive.
174 Di rec t P rin t (Con ti nu ed ) Default Settings (C on tin ued) Paper Type — Thin Plain * Thick Thicker Recy cled P aper Glossy Sets th e de fault medi a type when pri nting dir ect ly from the USB flas h memor y d rive.
Menu and feature s 175 C Se cur e Pri nt (S el ec t Us e r) (Selec t Sec u re Print J ob) Password: Print Delete You ca n prin t dat a sav ed in th e memory dri ve wh en y ou e nte r you r four -d ig it passw ord. (The Secure Print butt on on th e LCD b ec o me s act i ve whe n ther e is se cure data .
176 Entering tex t C When y ou are s etting cert ain me nu sel ections, y ou may need t o en ter text into the machi ne. Press repeatedly t o cho ose be tween l etters, num bers o r spec ial charact ers. P ress to chang e be tween up per case and lowe r case.
177 D D Ge nera l D Note This chap ter p rovides a summary of the m achine ’s specifications . For a dditional specif ications visit ht t p://
178 No ise l evel S ound p owe r Operating ( Col ou r P ri nti ng) : L WA d = 6.94 B (A ) Operating (Monochro me Printing): L WA d = 6.88 B (A ) Ready: L WA d = 4 .8 B ( A) Soun d pres sure Operating (Printing): L PA m = 57 dB (A) Ready: L PA m = 33 dB (A) Temperatu re Ope rating: 5 0 ° F t o 90 .
Specif i cati on s 179 D Document Size D Document S ize (Single-sided) ADF Width: 5. 8 to 8.5 in. (147.3 t o 215.9 mm) ADF Length: 5. 8 to 14 in. (147 .3 to 356.0 mm) Scanner G lass Width: Max. 8.5 in. (215.9 mm) Scanner G lass Length: Max. 14.0 in. (355.
180 Print media D Pape r Inp ut Paper Tr a y Paper Type: Plain P aper , Thin Paper or Recycled Pa per Paper Size: Lett er, A4, B5 (ISO/JIS), A5, A5 (Long Edge), B6 (ISO), A6, Execut ive, Legal.
Specif i cati on s 181 D 1 F or l ab el s, we rec om m e nd rem ov ing p r in te d pa ges fr om th e o utp ut pap er tray im m ed iat el y af te r th ey ex it th e mach in e to avo id th e poss ibil ity of smud ging.
182 Fax D 1 ‘P ages ’ ref ers to th e ‘IT U-T T es t C har t #1’ (a ty pica l busi ness l etter , Sta nd ar d re sol uti on, J BIG co de ). S peci fic atio ns and pr int ed ma ter ials ar e subj ect to c hange witho ut pri or not ice.
Specif i cati on s 183 D Copy D Color/Mono Yes/ Yes Co py Wi dth Max . 8.3 in. (210 m m) Au tom atic 2- si de d (Dupl ex) Copy Yes (from A DF) M ul t ip le C op ie s S tacks or Sorts up to 99 pag es R.
184 Scanner D 1 For t he l ates t drive r updat es f or the Ma c OS X you ar e usin g, vis it us at h ttp :// solu tio ns.b rothe / . 2 Maxi mum 120 0 × 120 0 dpi s canni ng wit h the W IA dr i.
Specif i cati on s 185 D Printer D 1 The pr int sp eed ma y vary dep endi ng on th e type of doc ument you pri nt. Automatic 2-side d (D up le x) P ri nt Yes Em ula tions P CL6, B R-Script3 (P ostScri.
186 Interfa ces D 1 You r mach ine h as a Hi- Spee d USB 2.0 in terf ace. T he ma chine can also be co nnec ted to a comp uter t hat has a US B 1 .1 i nte rfa ce. 2 Thi rd pa rty USB ports ar e not sup port ed. 3 See Network (LAN) o n page 1 92 an d th e N e two r k Use r's G u ide f o r de tai le d ne twor k s p ec ifi c ati on s.
Specif i cati on s 187 D Direct Prin t feature D 1 PDF da ta in cludin g a JBI G2 i mage file , a JPEG2 000 i mage f ile or a tra nspare ncy fi le is not supp ort ed .
188 Scan to USB feature D Fi le f or m a t s Black and whi te TIFF, PDF, PDF/A, Secure PDF , Signed PDF Color and Gray document JPEG, PDF, PDF/A , Secure PDF, Signed PDF, XPS.
Specif i cati on s 189 D Comput er requi remen ts D Mini m um System Require m ents and Supporte d PC Software Functi ons Computer Pl atform & Operati ng System Version Processor Minimum Sp eed Mi.
190 1 Int ernet Expl orer ® 6.0 o r gr eater . 2 For W IA , 1200 x 12 00 re so lut ion. B ro t her Scann er Uti lity enab les t o enha nc e up to 19 200 x 19 200 dp i. 3 Thi rd pa rty USB ports ar e not sup port ed. 4 PC -Fa x suppo rt s blac k and whi te only .
Specif i cati on s 191 D Consumable items D 1 A pp rox . c a rtr i dg e yie ld i s d ec l are d i n ac co rd an ce wi th ISO/ I EC 1 97 98 . 2 Drum yiel d is ap prox im ate , and ma y va ry by typ e of use. 3 A pp rox . y i eld i s ba se d on Lette r o r A4 s in gl e-s id ed p ag es.
192 Network (LAN) D Note For de tails abo ut th e full Netw ork spe cifications, see Ne twork Us e r's Gu ide . 1 See Com p ute r r equ ir e men ts on pag e 189. 2 BRA dmin Pr o fe ssio n al an d We b B R Adm in a re av aila bl e a s a do wnl oa d f r om h tt p: // so lu tio n s.
193 E A Accessori es and suppli es . .. .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. ii ADF (autom atic do cument feeder) using ....... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 26 Answerin g machin e (T AD) connecting ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .
194 F Fax codes changing ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. 43 fa x recei ve cod e ... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... 43 telephone answer code .... ..... ....... ..... .... 43 Fax , stand-alone rece iv ing .... .... ...
195 E P Pape r .. ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .... 21 , 180 how to l oad .... ....... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... ..... . 10 in pa per tr ay .. ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ......10 in t he mu lti-purpose t ray .. ..... .
196 T TAD (telephon e answ ering device), external ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... 3 2 , 34 connecting ... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... 4 0 , 41 re co rd i ng O G M .. ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....41 Teen Ring .
EQUIPMENT ATTACHMENT LIMITATIONS (Can ada on ly) NOTICE This product meet s the applicable Industry Canada technical spec ifications. NOTICE The Ringer Equivale nce Numbe r i s an indication of the maximum num ber of devices allowed to be conn ected to a telephone interface.
Bro the r Int ern at io nal Cor porat ion 100 S omer se t Corp ora t e Boul evar d P.O. Box 6911 Br idge wa te r, NJ 0 880 7-0 911 USA Brot her In te rna tio nal C orp ora tion (C ana da ) Lt d. 1 r ue Hôtel de Ville, Dol lar d- des-O rm ea ux, QC , C ana da H 9B 3H 6 Vi sit us on the W orld Wi de We b http: //www.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Brother MFC-9970CDW (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Brother MFC-9970CDW noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Brother MFC-9970CDW - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Brother MFC-9970CDW reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Brother MFC-9970CDW erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Brother MFC-9970CDW besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Brother MFC-9970CDW verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Brother MFC-9970CDW. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Brother MFC-9970CDW gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.