Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 430C des Produzenten Brother
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KE-430B, 430C, 431B, 431C KE-432B, 432C, 433B SER VICE MANUAL KE-434B, 434C, 435B, 435C KE-436B, 436C, 484C BE-438B, 438C Please read this manual before using the machine.
This service manual is intended for KE-430B series, KE-4 30C series, BE-438B, BE-438C, KE-484C; be sure to read the KE-430B series, KE-430C series, BE-438B, BE-438C, KE- 4 84C instruction manual before this manual.
2. Notes on safety DANGER Wait at least 5 minutes after turning off the pow er sw itch and disconnecting the power cord from the wall outlet before opening the face plate of the control box. Touching areas where high voltages are present can result in severe injury.
CAUTION Sewing This sewing machine should only be used by opera- tors who have received the necessary training in safe use beforehand. The sewing machine should not be used for any applications other than sewing. Be sure to wear protective goggles when using the machine.
3. Warning labels The following warning labels appear on the sewing machine. Please follow the instructions on the labels at all times wh en using the machine. If the l abels have been removed or are difficult to read, please cont act your nearest Brother dealer.
KE-430B, 430C series CONTENTS 1. SPECIFI CATIONS ............................... 1 1-1. SPECIFICAT IONS ........................................... 1 1-2. Standard thread tensio n ................................... 5 2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS ......
KE-430B, 430C series 5. ADJUSTM ENT ..................................... 99 5-1. Adjusting the n eedle bar he ight ........................ 99 5-2. Adjusting the n eedle bar lift amount ................. 100 5-3. Adjusting the driv er needle gu ard .
1. SPECIFICA T IONS 1 . SPECIFICA TIONS 1 - 1 . SPECIFICATIONS 1 1 Ordinary materials KE-430B, 430C series 1 5 Ordinary materials 2 Bar tacking length 6 -14 mm 2 Denim 2 Denim 7 Knitted material.
1. SPECIFICA T IONS KE-430B, 430C series 2 1 Medium materials 2 Heavy materials KE-434B Electronic lockstitch pattern tacker KE-435B Electronic lockstitch pattern t acker with stepping foot KE-436B El.
1. SPECIFICA T IONS KE-430B, 430C series 3 1 Ordinar y materials 2 Denim 2 Bar tacking length 6 -14 mm 7 Knitted materials 3 Bar tacking length 14 -25 mm KE-430C Electronic lockstitch bar tacker KE-43.
1. SPECIFICA T IONS KE-430B, 430C series 4 1 Medium materials 2 Heavy materials KE-434C Electronic lockstitch pattern tacker KE-435C Electronic lockstitch pattern t acker with stepping foot KE-436C El.
1. SPECIFICA T IONS KE-430B, 430C series 5 1 - 2 . Standard thread tension [KE-430B, 430C, 431B, 431C, 432B, 432C, 433B, 434B, 434C, 435B, 435C, 436B, 436C] Medium materials (Ordinary materials) H.
1. SPECIFICA T IONS 1 - 2 - 1 . Measuring tension Upper thread tension Lower thread tension 3564Q 3565Q Thread take-up spring height Thread take-up spring tension Measure the value when the thread take-up spring starts to extend.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 2 . MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 2 . MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 2 - 1 . Needle bar and thread take-up mechanisms 2 - 1 . Needle bar and thread take-up mechanisms 3240Q 40Q 1. Pulley 2. Upper shaft 3. Thread take-up crank 4.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 3241Q 41Q 4. Ne edle bar crank 5. Needle bar connecting ro d 6. Needle bar clamp 7. Needle bar KE-484C 1. Pulley 2. Upper shaft 3.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 2 - 2 . Lower shaft and shuttle race mechanisms 2 - 2 . Lower shaft and shuttle race mechanisms 3. Cra nk rod assy 4. Rock gear 5. Lower gear 6. Lower shaft 7. Driver 2. Upper shaft 1. Pulley 8. Shuttle hook 3242Q Q 3243 Q 3243Q 1 0.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 2 - 3 . Work clamp lifter mechanism 3244 Q 1. Work clamp solenoid 2. Plunger 3. Link assy, C 4. Link shaft, B 5. Link, B 6. Link shaft, C 7. Work clamp plate 8. Work clamp arm lever plate 9. Work clamp arm lever shaft 10.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 3245Q 45Q 1. Air cylinder 2. Work clamp arm lever shaft 3. Work clamp arm lever 4. Work c lamp Pneumatic specifications KE-430B, 430C series 11.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 2 - 4 . Work clamp open-close me chanism (KE-432B, 432C) 3262Q 1. Solenoid assy 2. OY solenoid pin 3. Sensor plate 4. Work clamp carri er ro d ass y 5. Lever 6. Roller 7. Work clamp carrier plate 8. Work clamp guide plate 9.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 2 - 5 . Thread wiper mechanism 2 - 5 . Thread wiper mechanism 3247Q Q 3246Q 3246Q When the presser solenoid is turned off, the presser plate rise s, and thread wiper op erates in the opposite directio n. 1. Work clamp solenoid 2.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 3248Q Q 3249Q 3249Q 1. Thread wiper sole noi d 2. Thread wiper conn e cting rod assy 3. Thread wiper arm assy 4. Thread wiper Stepping foot specifications 2. Thread wiper conn e cting rod lever 3. Thread wiper conn e cting rod 4.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 2 - 6 . Feed mec hanis m Sewing patterns are creat ed through combi nati ons of X and Y moveme nt s. KE-430B, 431B, 432B, 433B, BE-438B KE-430C, 431C, 432C, BE-438C X direction 1. Pulse motor, X 2. Coupling hub, 6.35 3. Coupling spacer 4.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS KE-430B, 430C series 16 3252Q X direction Y direction KE-434B, 435B, 436B KE-434C, 435C, 436C, 484C 1. Pulse motor, X 2. Coupling hub , 8 9 . Feed bra cket 1. Pulse motor, Y 5. Feed cam, X 6. Feed cam roller 7. X-feed lever 8.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 2 - 7 . Thread trimmer mechanism KE-430B, 430C series 17 3254Q 1. Thread trimmer solenoid 2. Driving lever push lever 3. Thread driving lever 4. Thread trimmer roller 5. Thread trimmer cam 6. Thread trimmer rod 7. Thread trimm er l ever 8.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS KE-484C 3255Q 1. Thread trimmer solenoid 2. Driving lever push lever 3. Thread driving lever 4. Thread trimmer roller 5. Thread trimmer cam 6. Thread trimmer rod 7. Thread trimm er l ever 8. Thread trimmer rod, L 9. Thread trimmer conn ecting rod 10.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 2 - 8 . Thread nipper mechanism KE-430B, 430C series 19 3256Q 3257Q 1. Lifting lever 2. Lifting crank 3. Tension release leve r 4. Tens ion release stud 5. Tension release pin Manual operation In thread trimming 1. Thread trimmer solenoid 2.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 3258Q 4. Ten sion release pin 3. Tension release pin, L 2. Tension release pin push lever KE-484C 1. Tension release cylinder KE-430B, 430C series 20.
2. MECHANICAL DESCRIPTIONS 2 - 9 . Thread take-up mechanism 3259Q 3260 Q 3261Q 1. Th read take-up solenoid 2. Solenoid joint 3. Thread take-up lever cran k 4.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 . DISASSEMBL Y CAUTION Disassembly shou ld only be carried out by a qualified techni cia n. Turn off the power switch befor e disassembly, otherwise the ma chine may op erate if the foot switch is depressed by mist ake, which could result in injury.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 1. Top cover 2. Belt cover 3. Frame side cover 4. Bed cover, LF 5. Bed cover, LR 6. Bed cover, R 7. Eye guard assy 8. Bolts [2 p cs] 9. Face plate assy 10. Shuttle race cover assy 11. Auxiliary plat e sup ports [2 pcs] 12. Needle pl ate auxiliary plat e 13.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 2 . Work clamp arm mechanism (KE-430B, 430C , 431B, 431C) 1. Set screw 2. Needle 3. Needle bar thread guide 4. Bolts [2 p cs] 5. Work c lamp arm ass y 6. Work clamp felt 7. Screws [2 pcs] 8. Feed plate 9. Rubber cap 10. Set screw [Loosen] 11.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 3 . Work clamp arm mech anism (KE-432B, 432C) 3273 Q Be careful not to drop t hese two bearing balls wh en removing the feed bracket assem bly. Remove the feed bracket guide plate an d the feed bracket assembly together as a single unit.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 4 . Work clamp arm me chanism (KE-433B) KE-430B, 430C series 26 Be careful not to dr op these three bearing balls when removing the work clamp arm assembly. 1. Set screw 2. Ne edle 3. Needle bar thread guide 4. Bolts [2 p cs] 5.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 5 . Work clamp arm mechanism (KE-4 34B, 434C, 435B, 435C, 436B, 436C, 484C) KE-434B, 434C Solenoid sp ecificati on 1. Set screw 2. Ne edle 3. Needle bar thread guide 4. Bolts [2 pcs: pneumatic spec. only] 5. Cylinder support [pneumatic spec.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3278Q KE-430B, 430C series 28 11. Rubber cap 1) Turn the Y-feed leve r forward as far as it will go. Tack width regulator block assy 2) Lift up feed bracket gui de plate R and the feed bracket ass embly together, remove t he tack width regulator blo ck assembly from the Y-feed lever, an d pull all of them forward to remove them.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 6 . Work clamp arm mech anism (BE-438B, 438C) 3280Q Be careful not to drop t hese two bearing balls when removing the feed bracket assem bly. 3281 Q Remove the feed bracket gui de plate an d the feed bracket assembly together as a single unit.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 7 . Shuttle hook mechanism 3282Q 1. Bobbin case assy 2. Shuttle race base setting claw [Open to right and left] 3. Shuttle race base 4. Shuttle hook KE-430B, 430C series 30 KE-484C 1. Bobbin case assy 2. Screw 3. Hook stopper setti ng base 4.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 8 . Needle bar mechanism 3285 Q 3284 Q KE-430B, 430C series 31 1. Rubber cap 2. Screw 3. Needle bar 4. Slide block 5. Needle bar clamp [Pull out] 6. Rubber cap 7. Set screw [Loo sen] 8. Wick [Pull out from arm] 9. Thread take-up support shaft 10.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 9 . Stepping foot mechanism (KE-435B, 435C, 436B, 436C ) Note: Remove the pre sser adjusting scre w gently, as the presser bar spring guide and the presser ba r sprin g may fly out at this time. Remove the steppi ng link assembly and th e pre sser bar lifter to gether as a si ngle unit.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 10 . Upper shaft mechanism 3288 Q 1. Screw [Loosen] <KE-435 B, 435C> 2. Set screw [Loosen] < KE-436B , 436C> 3. Th read take-up crank 4. Screws [2 pcs] 5. Thread trimmer solenoid 6. Screw 7. Wick support 8. Screws [2 pcs] 9.
3. DISASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 34 3290Q KE-484C 3291Q 1. Screw [Loosen] 2. Set screw [Loo sen] 3. Thread take-up crank 4. Screws [2 pcs] 5. Thread trimmer solenoid 6. Belt cover support pill ars [2 pcs] 7. Screws [4 pcs] 8. Blind plate 9. Frame side cover 10.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 11 . Lower shaft mechanism Tilt the machine hea d. 3292Q KE-430C s eries BE- 438C KE-430B series BE-438B Remove the r ock gear and th e cra nk rod together as a single unit. 3293Q 1. Support [Turn in the di rection of the a r row] 9.
3. DISASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 36 3294 Q KE-484C Tilt the machine hea d. Note: This par t consists of three s maller par ts which should not be disassemble d. 1. Set screw [Loosen] 2. Lo wer gear 3. Set screws [2 pcs: Loosen] 4. Rotary hook shaft 5.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 12 . Feed mechanism (1) KE-430B, 431B, 432B, 433B, BE-438B KE-430C, 431C, 432C, BE-438C Tilt the machine hea d. Return the machine hea d to its original positi on. 3296 Q If the tack width feed lever sh aft cannot be rem oved, remove the retainin g ring.
3. DISASSEMBL Y KE-434B, 435B, 436B KE-434C, 4 35C, 436C, 484C Tilt the machine hea d. Return the machine hea d to its original positi on. 3296 Q If the tack width feed lever sh aft cannot be removed, remove the retainin g ring. Retaining ri ng 3299Q 1.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 13 . Feed mechanism (2) KE-430B, 430C series 39 3301 Q KE-430B, 431B, 432B, 433B, BE-438B KE-430C, 431C, 432C, BE-438C 1. Bolts [4 p cs] 2. Pulse motor assy, X [Disconnec t the harness ] 3. Bolts [4 p cs] 4. Pulse motor assy, Y [Disconnec t the harness ] 5.
3. DISASSEMBL Y KE-434B, 435B, 436B KE-434C, 4 35C, 436C, 484C 3303 Q 3304Q 1. Bolts [4 p cs] 13. Positioning pins [2 pcs] 2. Pulse motor assy, X [Disconnect the harness] 14. Set screws [2 pcs : Loosen] 3. PM bracket, X 15. Coupling hu b, 8 4. Ball bear ing 16.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 14 . Work clamp lifter mechanis m (Solenoid specifications) KE-430B, 431B, 433B, 434B KE-430C, 431C, 434C 1. Springs [2 pcs] KE-430B, 430C series 41 2. Screws [2 pcs ] 3. Guide 4. Snap pins [2 pcs] 5. Rubber cap 6. Link shaft, D [Pull out] 7.
3. DISASSEMBL Y KE-432, 432C BE-438, 4 38C KE-430B, 430C series 42 1. Springs [2 p c s] 2. Screws [2 pcs] 3. Guide 4. Snap pins [2 pcs] 5. Rubber cap 6. Link shaft, D [Pull out] 7. Set screws [2 pcs: Loosen] 8. Snap pins [2 pcs] 9. Link shaft, A [Pull out] 10.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 15 . Stepping foot lifter mechani sm (KE-435B, 435C, 436B, 436C) 3310Q 1. Ret aining ring 2. Plain washer 3. Screws [4 pcs] 4.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 16 . Thread wiper mechanism Solenoid specifications 3311Q 3312 Q Work clamp lever lifter shaft 1. Screw 2. Plain washer 3. Thread wiper 4.
3. DISASSEMBL Y Pneumatic specifications 3313Q 1. Screw with washer 2. Liftin g lever 3. Plunger pin 4. Bolts [2 p cs] 5. Solenoid box assy [Disconnect the harness] 6.
3. DISASSEMBL Y Stepping foot specifications 3314Q 1. Plunger pin 2. Bolts [2 p cs] 3. Solenoid box assy [Disconnect the harness] 4. Set screw [Loo sen] 5. Thread wiper conn e cting rod assy KE-484C 1. Screw 2. Bolts wit h w ashers [ 2 pcs] 3. Bolts [2 p cs] 3315 Q 4.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 17 . Thread nipper mechanism KE-430B, 430C series 47 3316Q 1. Set screw 2. Thread tensio n a ssy [Pull out] 3. Tension release pin 4. Tens ion release stud 5. Shoulder screw 6. Shoulder screw 7. Tension relea se ro d assy 10.
3. DISASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 48 1. Set screw 2. Thread tensio n a ssy [Pull out] 3. Tension release pin 4. Tension release pin, L 5. Shoulder screw 6. Shoulder screw 7. Tension relea se ro d assy 8. Driving lever push lever 9. Screw 10. Tension release bracket Stepping foot specifications 3317 Q KE-484C 1.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 18 . Thread take-up mechanism KE-430B, 430C series 49 1. Screws [2 pcs] 2. Solenoid setting plate 3. Spring 4. Set screws [2 pcs: Loosen] 5. Solenoid joint 6. Screw 7. Spring washer 8. Plain washer 9. Nut 10. Shoulder screws [2 p cs] 11.
3. DISASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 50 KE-484C 1. Pin 2. Screws [2 pcs] 3. Setting plate 4. Shoulder screws [2 pcs] 5. Thread take-up lever 3321Q.
3. DISASSEMBL Y 3 - 19 . Thread trimmer mechanism Be careful not to drop. KE-430B, 430C series 51 Be careful not to drop. Return the machine h ead to its norma l po sition, and then remove the connecting rod le ver assembly and th e thread driving le ver assembly.
3. DISASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 52 3324Q KE-484C Be careful not to drop. Return the machi ne head to its normal position, and then remove the thread trimmer rod L and the thread driv ing lever assembly. 1. Rubber cap 2. Set screw [Loo sen] 3. Lever shaft 4.
3. DISASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 53.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 . ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 54 3329Q Apply grease. Apply grease. Apply grease. Assemble each part in order of the numbe rs. Apply grease to the re quired places wh en reassembli ng the parts a nd once every two ye ars. 4 - 1 .
4. ASSEMBL Y 3332Q KE-484C KE-430B, 430C series 55 Apply grease. Apply grease. Apply grease. 3331Q Tighten the set screw on the screw fl at while lightly pressing the leve r shaft downward. Install the ret aining ring between th e thread driving lever assem bly and the washer.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 2 . Thread nipper mechanism Solenoid specifications Apply grease. Apply grease. KE-430B, 430C series 56 Driving lever stopper Install the driv ing lever push leve r an d the tensi on release lever U to the drivin g lever st opper with the shoulder screw.
4. ASSEMBL Y Pneumatic specifications KE-430B, 430C series 57 Install the driving lever p ush lever and the tension release leve r U to the driving lever st opper with the shoulder screw. Apply grease. Apply grease. Driving lever stopper After installing the lifting lever , check that it moves smoothly.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 58 Stepping foot specifications Apply grease. Apply grease. Driving lever sto pper Install the driving lever push lever and the tensio n release leve r U to the driving lever stopper with the shoulder screw. 1. Ten sion release bracket 2.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 3 . Thread wiper mechanism KE-430B, 430C series 59 After installin g the thread wi per, moved the forke d part of the thread wip er driving lever an d check that the thread wipe r unit moves smoot hly. Solenoid specifications Not e: If the thread wi per unit does not move sm oothly, error E-60 m ay be displayed.
4. ASSEMBL Y Pneumatic specifications When installi ng the sole- noi d box assembly, pass the tension release r od through the hole. Adjust while referring to “5-17. Adjusting the threa d wip er”. After i nstalling th e plunger pin, push the thread wi per connecti ng rod assembly up and chec k that the thread wiper unit m o ves smoothly.
4. ASSEMBL Y Stepping foot specifications 3343Q Adjust while refe rring to “5-17. Adju sting the threa d wip er”. 1. Thread wiper conn e cting rod assy 2. Set screw [Temporarily tighten] 3. Solenoid box assy 4 . Washers [2 pcs ] After installing t he face pl ate while referring to “4-21.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 4 . Thread take-up mechanism 3345Q Attach the spring to spring ho oks (A) an d (B). KE-430B, 430C series 62 3346Q 1) Provisionally install the sol enoid joint to the thread take-up solenoid with the set screws.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 63 3348Q Stepping foot specifications Attach the spring to spring hooks (A) an d (B). 1) Provisionally install the sol enoid joint to the thread take-up solenoid with the set screws.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 64 3350Q KE-484C 1. Thread take-up lever 2. Shoulder screws [2 pcs] 3. Setting plate 4. Screws [2 pcs] 5. Pin 6. Retaining ring.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 5 . Work clamp lifter mechanis m (Solenoid specifications) When assembling, apply g rea se to the required places whil e referri ng to “4-5-1. Applyi ng grea se”. KE-430B, 431B, 433B, 434B KE-430C, 4 31C, 434C Secure link shaft, A using the set scre w so that link, B (8) is cente red in the bush.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 66 Tighten the sc rews so that the presser solenoid assembly protrudes by 110.0 ± 0.2 mm from the edg e of the arm. Lastly, move the work clamp lifer link -related parts by hand and check that t hey move smoot hly. 3352Q Seen from above 3353Q 11.
4. ASSEMBL Y Wh en assembling, apply g rea se to the required places whil e referri ng to “4-5-1. Applyi ng grea se”. KE-432B, 432C BE-438B, 4 38C Secure link shaft A using the set scre w so that link B (10) is centered in the bush. <BE-438 B, 438C> 1.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 68 Tighten the sc rews so that the presser solenoid assembly protrudes by 110.0 ± 0.2 mm from the edg e of the arm. Lastly, move the work clamp lifer link -related parts by hand and check that t hey move smoot hly. 3355Q Se en from above 3356Q 16.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 5 - 1 . Applying grease If the work clamp doe s not move up and down sm oothly, error E- 6 0 may be displayed. Check that th e me chanism moves sm oothly and also ap ply grease to all sli ding parts du rin g assembly. KE-430B, 430C series 69 3357Q <KE -433B, 434B, 434C> <KE-432 B, 432C> <BE-438 B, 438C> 1.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 6 . Feed mechanism (1) KE-430B, 430C series 70 KE-430B, 431B, 432B, 433B, BE-438B KE-430C, 431C, 432C, BE-438C Fee d cams X and Y both have index ma rks. Check these wh en using. Assembly steps of the f eed mechani sm are th e same for X and Y di rections.
4. ASSEMBL Y Assembly steps of the f eed mechani sm are th e same for X and Y di rections. KE-430B, 430C series 71 3365Q 3366Q 3364 Q Place the feed cam bracket onto the po sitioning pin s, and then install with t he screws. 3363Q Apply grease. Apply grease.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 72 Y direction KE-434B, 435B, 436B KE-434C, 435C, 436C, 484C Fee d cams X and Y both have index ma rks. Check these wh en using. Assembly steps of the f eed mechani sm are th e same for X and Y di rections. 3367 Q Align the edges of co upling hub 8 and the cam shaft.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 73 While pressing th e set collar, tighten the set screw at the screw stop position. Place the feed cam b racket onto the posi tioning pins, an d then install with the screws. 3371Q Apply grease. 1) Place the coupling spacer onto coupling hub 8.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 7 . Feed mechanism (2) Install home posi- tion sensors X and Y so that there is a gap of 0.5–0.9 mm between the sen- sors and the feed home position dog. KE-430B, 431B, 432B, 433B, BE-438B KE-430C, 4 31C, 432C, BE-438C Feed home posit ion dog Push the home position sensor Y cable into the recess.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 75 KE-434B, 435B, 436B KE-434C, 4 35C, 436C, 484C Note: Make sure the wick does not touch th e connec ting rod leve r.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 8 . Upper shaft mechanism Push the t hread trimm er cam onto the upper shaft crank, align t he forward set screw in the rotation direction with the screw stop position, and tighten the set screw at that position. Rotation direction <KE-435 B, 435C> < KE-436B , 436C> 3380Q Apply grease.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 77 KE-484C Make a gap of 3 m m between the thread trim mer cam and U-timing pulley F. Align the ridge line at the back of the groove in the upper shaft with the edge of the thread trimmer cam. 3385Q 3384Q Apply adhesive (Threebo nd 1401 or similar) to the o utside of the bearing.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 78 3386Q 20. Setting plate pa cking 21. Frame sid e cover 22. Bli nd plate 23. Screws [4 pcs] 24. Belt cover support pillars [2 pcs] 25. Synchronizer assy 26. Screws [2 pcs] 27. Timing pulley assy, U 28. Set screws [2 pcs] 3387 Q 3382Q Make a gap of 1.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 9 . Stepping foot lifter mechani sm (KE-435B, 435C, 436B, 436C) 3388Q Install the air cyli nder settin g plate so that there is a distance of 42.8–43.3 mm betwe en section A of the work cl amp lifter lever an d the top of the presser bar bush when sectio n A is at its lowest point.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 10 . Stepping foot mechanism (KE-435B, 435C, 436B, 436C ) Insert the presser bar spring and the presser bar spring gui de into the top of the machine head, pass them thr ough the washer, and th en place them on to the presser ba r.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 10 - 1 . Adjusting the lowest poi nt of the presser foot Carry out the steps i n “4-11. Needle bar m echanism” befo re ma king this adju stment. KE-430B, 430C series 81 3506Q 3507Q Index marks 3508 Q 3509Q 1. Loosen the set screw (1).
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 11 . Needle bar mechanism Oil supp ly hole 3392Q Align th e set screw with the screw st o p. KE-430B, 430C series 82 Press the thread take-up support shaft gently while tigh tening the set screw.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 12 . Lower shaft mechanism Clamp the rock ge ar with the stepped part of the rock gear shaft and the set scre w collar so that there is no play in the rock gear, and then tight en the set screw s. 3396Q Engage the lower shaft gear with the rock gear.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 84 3400Q 3399Q While turning the ma chine pulley, move the rock gear to the left and right to find the position whe re it moves smoothly. Then without moving the ro ck gear, turn the rock gear shaft so that there is a gap of 0.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 85 KE-484C 3402Q 3403Q 1. Lower shaft [Insert f rom the rear of the machine hea d] Place the upper shaft timing belt onto the upper shaft p ulley and the motor pulley. Carry out the s teps in “5- 26. Adjusting the tension of th e upper shaft timing belt” before tighte ni ng.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 13 . Thread trimmer mechanism (2) KE-430B, 430C series 86 3405Q 3406Q <KE-48 4C> Connecting rod lever 1) Place the thread connecting rod onto the pin of the connecting rod lever assemb ly, and then inst all the needle pl ate with flat screws and screws so tha t the needle is at the center of the n ee dle hole.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 14 . Shuttle hook mechanism 3412Q 1. Needle bar thread guide 2. Ne edle 3. Set screw 3411Q 4. Shuttl e hook KE-430B, 430C series 87 After installing the shuttle hook, carry out the adjustments i n “5-2. Adjusting the ne edle bar lift am ount”, “5-3.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-484C KE-430B, 430C series 88 3423 Q Approx. 0.8mm Shuttle h ook Bobbin case hold er posit ion bracket Inst all the hook sto pper setting base so that the distance fro m the tip of the bobbin case h older position bracket to the nee dle drop surface is approximately 0.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 15 . Work clamp arm mechanism (KE-430B, 430C , 431B, 431C) KE-430B, 430C series 89 After insta lling, carry out te st feeding and check that the ne edle hole is ins ide the work clamp and the feed plate frame. If th e needle hol e is not inside t he frame, adj ust the positio n of the work cl amp arm assembly and feed plate.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 16 . Work clamp arm mech anism (KE-432B, 432C) Align with the screw st op and push down from above while tightening the set screw. KE-430B, 430C series 90 After insta lling, carry out te st feeding and check that the ne edle hole is ins ide the work clamp and the feed plate frame.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 17 . Work clamp arm me chanism (KE-433B) KE-430B, 430C series 91 3429Q Install parts 1 to 6 , clamp them using parts 7 and 8 so th ere is no play in them , and tighten the set scre w 9.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 18 . Work clamp arm mechanism (KE-4 34B, 434C, 435B, 435C, 436B, 436C, 484C) Align with the screw stop and pu sh down gently from ab ove while tightening the set screw. Y-feed lever 3431Q 1) Turn the Y-feed lever forw ard as far as i t will go.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-430B, 430C series 93 After insta lling, carry out te st feeding and check that the ne edle hole is ins ide the work clamp and the feed plate frame. If th e needle hol e is not inside t he frame, adj ust the positio n of the work cl amp arm assembly and feed plate.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 19 . Work clamp arm mech anism (BE-438B, 438C) Align with the screw st op and push down from ab ove while tightening the set screw.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 20 . Work clamp arm mechan ism (Applying grease) Check that th e me chanism moves sm oothly and also ap ply grease to all sli ding parts du ring assembly. If the work clamp does not move up and down smoothly, error E-60 may be di splayed.
4. ASSEMBL Y [KE- 432B, 432C] Apply grease to the portions indicated by the arrows. KE-430B, 430C series 96 3440Q [BE- 438B, 438C] Apply grease to the portions indicated by the arrows.
4. ASSEMBL Y 4 - 21 . Covers KE-430B, 431B, 432B, 433B, BE-438B KE-430C, 4 31C, 432C, BE-438C Provisiona lly tighten this screw, and then fully tighten it after installing th e belt cover. 3442Q 1. Shuttle race cover assy 2. Plain washers [2 pcs] 3.
4. ASSEMBL Y KE-434B, 435B, 436B KE-434C, 4 35C, 436C, 484C Provisionally tighten this screw, and then fully tight en it after installing the belt cover. <KE-435 B, 435C> < KE-436B , 436C> 3444Q 1. Auxiliary plat e supports [4 pc s] 2. Screws [4 pcs] 3.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 . ADJUSTMENT CAUTION Maintenance an d inspection of the sewing machine shou ld only be carried out b y a qualified techni cia n. Ask your Brother dealer or a qualifi ed electric ian to carry ou t any maintenanc e and inspectio n of the electrical system.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 2 . Adjusting the need le bar lift amount Fel t Wick Felt Support <KE-430B serie s, BE-438 B> Turn the su pport in the dire ction of the arro w, and remove the fe lt hol der. When returning th e felt support, pla ce it as shown in the illustration so as not to cl amp the felt, and then gently press the felt and the wick.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 3 . Adjusting the dr iver needle guard * The KE-484C does not have a driver needle guard. Ti p Needle center line 2556Q 0135Q 2555Q Tu rn the machine pu lley to align the tip of the rotary hook with the needle ce nter line.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 5 . Adjusting the shuttl e race thread guide The position of the shuttle race thread guide is a djusted at the time of ship ment from the factory. It shoul d not be changed if at all p ossible. * The KE-484C does not have a shuttle race thread gui de.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 6 . Adjusting the clearance between the shuttle hook and bobbi n case holder position bracket (KE-484C) Approx. 0.8mm 3453Q Lo osen the screw (3) and move the h ook stopper setting b ase (4) to adjust so that the tip of the bobbin case holder positi o n bracket (1) i s approximately 0.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 7 . Adjusting the work clamp l ift amou nt (KE-430B, 430C, 431B, 431C, 433B) The maximum work cl amp lift amount is 1 7 mm f rom the top of the nee dle plate. The lift amount for ea ch model is adjust ed as shown in the t able at the time of sh ipment.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 9 . Adjusting the work clamp lift amount (KE-434B, 434C, 435B, 435C, 436B, 436C, 484C) Work clamp li fter Solenoid type Pne umatic type Pneumatic ty pe (inner cl amping devi ce ) Max. lift amount from the top of the needle plate 17mm 25mm 17mm The lift amount is adj usted as sho wn in the table at th e time of shipment.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 10 . Adjusting the bu tton clamp lift am ount (BE-438B, 438C) The maximum butt on clamp lift amount is 1 3 mm f rom the top of the nee dl e plate. The lift amount is adj usted 10 +1 0 mm at the time of shipment. KE-430B, 430C series 106 max.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 11 . Work clamp pressure ad justment (KE-432B, 432C) Loosen the lower adj usting ring (1 ) as much as possible (to the extent tha t the material bein g sewn does not slip an d alter the pattern). T hen, adjust the pressure by turning the u pper adjusting ring (2).
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 13 . Work clamp closing-distance adjustment (KE-432B, 432C) 0.3 - 0.5mm 2572Q 2571Q 0157Q 1. With the presser closing le ver (1) pushed all the way by hand in the directi on of the arrow in the illustr ation, loosen the nu t (2) and mov e the presser closin g roller (3) so that the g ap is 0.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 14 . Adjusting the position of th e button holder (BE-438B, 438C) KE-430B, 430C series 109 1. Loosen the t wo hexagonal b olts (1) and adjust the b utton holder body (2) by moving it. 2. Check that the needle will go throug h the button hole with no conta ct.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 16 . Changing the work clamp li ft (KE-435B, 435C , 436B, 436C) Standard lift amount of the work clamp (1) i s 3 mm (max. 8 mm). 3 - 5mm Decrease Increase 0.5 - 1mm 2627 Q 2483Q 2626Q Adju sting work clamp li ft to 3 - 5 mm 1. Loosen the screw (2) a nd open the ste pping cover (3).
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 17 . Adjusting the thread wiper [Solenoid type] Approx. 20mm Needle point < KE-432B , 432C> <BE-438 B, 438C> 3460 Q 2579Q 3457Q 3459Q 3458Q 1. Remove the top cover (1) an d the work clamp a rm asse mbly (2). Remove the top cover (1 ) an d the butto n clamp as se mbly (2).
5. ADJUSTMENT [Pn eumatic ty pe] Needle point Approx. 30mm 3461 Q 2579Q 3462Q 3653Q 1 . While the sewing machine is stopped, loosen the set screw (3) and move the thread wiper ar m assembly (4) up or down to adjust so that the clearance be tween the tip of the needle and the top of the wiper is 2 ± 0.
5. ADJUSTMENT [KE- 484C] 3464 Q Approx. 38mm 3216Q Needle point 3466Q 3465Q 1. While the sewing m achine is stopped, l oosen the set screw (3) and move the thread wiper arm assembly (4) up or down to adju st so that the clearance between the tip of th e needle and t he top of the wiper is 2 ± 0.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 18 . Adjusting the th read take-up amount [KE-430B, 430C, 431 B, 431C, 432B, 432C , 433B, 434B, 434C, BE-438B , 438C] At the time of shipment f rom the factory, the th read ta ke-up amount (stroke) o f the thread take -up lever (1 ) is adjusted as show n in the tab le b elow.
5. ADJUSTMENT [KE-43 5B, 435C, 436 B, 436C] At the time of shipme nt from the factory, the t hread take- up amount (stroke ) of the thread take-up leve r (1) is set to the standard setting of 5 mm. You may need to adj ust this setting depen ding on the sewi ng conditions t o prevent the thre ad f rom pulling out at the sewi ng start.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 19 . Adjusting the movable knife [KE-430C series ] 2561Q Mark 2465Q 1. Remove the top cover (1) wh ile maki ng this ad ju stm ent.
5. ADJUSTMENT [KE- 484C] Loosen the n ut (2) and move th e connecting rod lever (3) t o the left or right to adjust so that the V sectio n A is aligned wit h the index mark B on t he needle plate when the sewing ma chine in the st opped po sition and the movable knife (1) i s pu shed to the machine pul ley side so that there is no play.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 19 - 1 . Replacing the movable knife and fixed knife (KE-430B, 430C, 431B, 431C, 4 32B, 432C, 433B, BE-438B, 438C) 2466Q 2564Q 1. Open the large shuttle h ook cover, remo ve the screws (1) and (2), and then remo ve the feed plate (3).
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 19 - 2 . Replacing the movable knif e and fixed knife (KE-434B, 4 34C, 435B, 435C, 436B, 436C) 2485Q 2615Q 1. Open the large shuttl e h ook cover, remo ve the bolts (1) an d the feed plat e (2). 2. Remove the two scre w s (3) and the two scre ws (4), and then remo ve the needle plate (5).
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 19 - 3 . Replacing the movable knif e and fixed knife (KE-484C) 1. Open the large shuttl e h ook cover, remo ve the bolts (1) an d the feed plat e (2). 2. Remove the two scre w s (3) and the two scre ws (4), and then remo ve the needle plate (5).
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 19 - 4 . Adjusting the engagement of the movable knife and fixed knife Shoulder screw Cutting edge Cutting edge Fig. 1 Fixed knife Movable knife Cutting edge Cutting edge 3472 Q 3213Q 0149Q < KE-484C > Cutting edge Shoulder scr ew Cutting edge 3471Q Cutting edge Cutting edge Fig.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 20 . Adjusting the position of th e thread trimming link mechanism 3475 Q 3474Q 3473Q 1. Remove the top cover (1). 2. Loosen the two bolts (4 ) and adjust the po sition of the .
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 21 . Adjusting the backlash 1. Loosen the set screw (1 ), and move the ro ck gear (2) to the left and ri ght so that the pull ey ca n rotate easily . 2. Turn the ro ck gear shaft (3) to ad just the play at th e end of the d river (4) to 0.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 22 . Adjusting the presser solenoid position (Sol enoid specifi cations) Seen from above < KE-432B , 432C> <BE-438 B, 438C> 3481 Q 3480Q 3457Q 1. Remove the top cover (1) an d the work clamp a rm asse mbly (2). Remove the top cover (1 ) an d the butto n clamp as se mbly (2).
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 23 . Adjusting the sensor perceive plat e positi on (Solenoid specificati ons) < KE-432B , 432C> <BE-438 B, 438C> 3457Q 1. Rem ove the top cover (1 ) a nd the work cla mp arm assembly (2). Remove the top cover (1 ) an d the butto n clamp a ssembly (2).
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 24 . Adjusting the home position KE-430B, KE-430C, KE-431B, KE-431C , KE-432B, KE-432C, KE-433B, BE -438B, BE-438C… Refer to [A]. KE-434B, KE-434C, KE-435B, KE- 435C, KE -484C… R efer to [B] . KE-436B, KE-436C… Refer to [C].
5. ADJUSTMENT 3491Q 3490Q [A] [B], [C] 5. Tu rn the pulley by ha nd and check at what point the needle drops to the home p osition standard plate. If the needle does not d rop to point (a ), ca rry out the follo wi ng adjustment s. Note: Be careful not to let the ne edle touch the home po sition standard p late.
5. ADJUSTMENT Adjusting the X direction KE-430B, 430C series 128 3494Q 3496Q [A] [B], [C] Needle drops to the right of point a Needle drops to the left of point a Needle drops t o the right of point a.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 25 . Adjusting the needle up stop position KE-430B, 430C series 129 Feed mechanism operates. Material Feed mechanism stops 2576Q 3502Q Lo osen the screw (5) (at the U sid e on the pulley), and tu rn the pull ey (1) so that th e mark (2) on the p ulley is inside the mark (4) of the belt cover (3).
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 27 . Checking the head position switch Check that the head p osition switch is turne d on as shown in the illustration. Note: If the head position switch i s not turned on, error E-17 (error E.16 for the KE-436B/436 C) will be displayed.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 28 . Work clamp intercha ngeability (KE-433B) The KE-430B, 430 C work clamp can al so be used with the KE-433B. Remove the screw (1), washer (2) and cover support st and (3), and the n change the in stallation position for the work clamp arm assembly (4 ) from the standard insta llation position A to installation position B.
5. ADJUSTMENT 5 - 30 . Adjustment of air pressur e (Pneum atic specifications) 2622Q Increase pressure Increase pressure 2621Q 1. Air pressure shou ld be 0.5 Mpa. The air pressure can be adjusted by pulling up and turning the contro l knob (2) on the integrator (1).
6. TROUBLESHOOTI NG 6 . TROUBLESHOOTING CAUTION Turn off the power switch a nd disconnect the powe r cord before carrying out troubl eshooting, otherwise the machine will operate if the foot switch is depr essed by mistake, whi ch could result in inju ry.
6. TROUBLESHOOTI NG KE-430B, 430C series 134 Problem Cause Rem edy Ref. Upper thread ten sion is too strong. Adjust the uppe r th read tension. P .5 Needle is inst alled incorrectly . Inst all the needl e correctly . Instruction manual Thread is too thick for the needle.
6. TROUBLESHOOTI NG KE-430B, 430C series 135 Problem Cause Rem edy Ref. Movable knife is bl unt. Repl ace th e movable knif e. P .1 18 - P .120 Fixed knife is blunt. Sharpen or re plac e the fixed knife. P .1 18 - P .120 Adjust the position of the shuttle race thread guide.
7. OPTIONAL P ARTS 7 . OPTIONAL P AR TS Two-peda l foot switch Two-step f oot sw itch The presser switch and the start sw itch have been separated, giving the operator more flexibility to select the best method of worki ng. * Standard e quipment for pneumatic spec ification This is a pedal-ty pe foot switch.
7. OPTIONAL P ARTS Thr ead breakag e detector (KE-436* ) 2-step thread te nsi on device (KE -436*) The emergen cy stop is activated to wa rn the operator when a thread b reakage is det ected.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 . ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 1 . Precautions at the time of adjustment Pay attention to the follo wing when openi ng the control box for ma intenance. Electric shock Some large ca pacitors m ay have a high volt age remaining in t hem for up to 5 min utes after the power i s turned off.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Panel P CB The panel PCB is fixed t o the front panel of the op eration panel. T his PCB controls i ndications of the mach ine status and the in put operation. 3585Q O perat i on pane l [KE - 436B , 436C] Panel PCB 3584Q Panel PCB 8 - 3 .
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 4 . Connectors Most of the ma chine trouble is due t o connecto r problem s including impr oper connec tion or sufficien t contact. Therefore, be sure to check if each connector is co rrect ly inserted and that there is no contact failure bet ween pins and w ires before st arting troub leshooting proce dures.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Po wer supply circuit board 3590Q Panel P CB (KE-430 *, 43 1*, 432*, 433B, 434 *, 43 5*, 484C, BE-4 38*) 3591Q Pa nel PCB (K E-436B, 436 C) Panel P-ROM ( PL ) 3592Q KE-430B, 430C.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM O utside of th e panel (KE- 436B, 436C) Programmer cord 3593Q Progr ammer and prog rammer circuit boar d (KE -436B, 436C) Programmer PRO M (PG) LCD LCD inverter Programmer PCB LC.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 4 - 2 . Contact failure The conne ctors functions are divi ded into five cat egories. Som e connectors may belong to m ore than one group. Be sure to inv estigate another category if a p roblem is not found in one category.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 3. Se wing operation Problem Connector No. and pos ition • The power indicator is not illumi nated, and nothing operates. • Machine operation i s unstable. • The power indicator is not illumi nated, and nothing operates. • Machine operation i s unstable.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 4. Prog rammer opera tion (KE-436B, 436C) Problem Connector No. and pos ition • The programmer d oes not operate. • No switches on ope ration panel operate. • Keys on the programmer respo nd, but nothing appears on the display.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Pr oblem Connector No. and pos ition <KE-436B, 436C> • Indication is stran ge. • Any switch does not have any effect. • The power indicator is not illumi nated. • Error E.E1, E.E2 or E.E3 is displayed. <KE-434* pneumati c specification, KE-4 35*, 436*, 484C> • The work clamp does not operate.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 5 . Explanation of the DIP switches 8 - 5 - 1 . Operation panel DIP switc hes (KE-430*, 431*, 432*, 433B, 434*, 435*, 484C , BE-438*) Note: Always turn of f the power before setting the DIP switches. 3615Q A ll DIP switches are set to O FF at the time of shipment.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 5 - 2 . Operation panel DI P switches (K E - 436B, 436C) Note: Always turn of f the power before setting the DIP switches.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 5 - 3 . DIP switches inside the control box DANGER Wait at least 5 minut es after turning off the power switch and discon necting the power cord from the wall outlet bef ore opening the face plat e of the control box. Tou ching areas where hi gh voltages ar e present can result in severe injury.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 6 . Explanation of th e memory switches (KE-430*, 431*, 432*, 433B , 434*, 435*, 484C, BE-438*) Special function setti ngs can be carried out using the operatio n panel. Note: After changing the memory switc h settings, press the power switch to turn the pow er off and then back on again.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 151 <Memory switches 00 - 0F> Initial value Switch Motion when set to ON Solenoid Pneumatic memo-00 At the end of sewing, the feed plate will be returned to the sewing start point via mechanical home position.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 152 Initial value Switch Motion when set to ON Solenoid Pneumatic memo-15 When using the inner clamping device, shunting to prevent interference between the inner clamping device and the needle is not carried out after the sewing end.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 153 <Memory switches 30 - 4F> 30 to 4F are set by entering two-digit value s. These values are in cremented using t he P2 switch, and de cremented using the P 4 switch.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 154 Switch Possible setting range Units Initial value Explanation 10 <KE-430*, 431*, 432 *, 433B, 434*, 435*, 484 C> Changes t he feed timing for th e second stit ch at the sewing st art. memo-3A 1 - 20 7.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 7 . Explanation of the memory switches (KE-436B, 436C) Special function setti ngs can be carried out using the operatio n panel. Note: After changing the memory switc h settings, press the power switch to turn the pow er off and then back on again.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 156 Memory switches (00–0F) Switch No. Motion when set to ON I n it i a l va l ue memo-00 When moving to the home position, the feed plate moves in the order r and the start position moves in the order r .
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 157 Memory switches (20 - 2F) Switch No. Motion when set to ON I n it i a l va l ue memo-20 During feed test operation, jump feeding 10 0 stitches at a time is possibl e using the STEP BACK switch.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 158 Switch No. Possible setting range Units I n i ti a l v a lu e Explanation memo-39 0 - 1 1 0 Changes the reference point for enlargement and reducti on using the operation panel.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 159 8 - 8 . Setting the work clamp mode Through the combination of DIP switches A-1 and A-2 on the operation panel, presser motions can be set as follows.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 8 - 1 . Light work clamp For pneumati c specifications, the ho se connection s can be changed so th at the work clamp a re made to lower gently when the work clamp peda l is depresse d to the 1st step, and firmly when the work clamp pedal i s depressed to the 2nd step .
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 9 . Checking the input sens or and DIP switch input [KE-430*, 431*, 432*, 43 3 B, 434*, 435*, 484C, BE-4 38*] 2581Q 1. When the X-SCALE indicator (1) is illuminated and t.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM [KE-43 6B, 436C] 2729Q 1. When the SPLIT NO. indicator (1) is illu minated and the R/W swit ch (3) is presse d while the TEST switch (2) is being pressed, the X -SCALE indicator (4) wi ll illuminate an d the state of t he X home position signal will appear on the display screen (5).
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 10 . Checking the input voltage 3620Q [KE - 436B , 436C] 3619Q 1. Turn on the power switch. 2. Press the SELECT switch (1) until the Y -SCALE indicator (2) i lluminates. [KE-436B, 436C ] Press the menu switch (1) until the X-SCALE i ndicator (2) illumina tes.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 11 . Clearing all memory settings If the sewing machine st ops operating n ormally, the cause may be that an incorrect memory setting may have been made by mea ns of the memory switch, for instan ce. In such cases, carry out the following procedure to clear the memo ry, and also check the DIP switch settings.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 12 . Confirming software version [KE-430*, 431* , 432*, 433B, 43 4*, 435*, 484C , BE-438B] 3623Q 1. While pressing the TEST switch (1), turn on the po wer to the machine. Version num ber of each PROM ca n be confirmed in display (2).
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM [KE-43 6B, 436C] 3624Q 1. While pressing the TEST switch (1), turn on the po wer to the machine. Version num ber of each PROM ca n be confirmed.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 13 . Table of error codes DANGER Wait at least 5 minutes after turni ng off the power switch and di sconnectin g the power cord from the wall outlet before openi ng the face plate of the control box. Tou ching areas where hi gh voltages are p resent can resu lt in severe i njury.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 168 Code Cause Remedy E-31 Stitch p attern data ove rlaps the sewin g area when area limiting is active. Press the RESET switch, and then reset the memory switche s “30” and “31” or enlargement ratio.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 169 Code Cause Remedy E-E1 Corrupted EEPROM dat a, or main PRO M version has been upgrad ed. Press the RESET swit ch to reset the error . However , the data (memory switches , display and user programs) will be reset to the backup data or initialized.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 170 Code Cause Remedy E.40 Floppy disk is not inserted or o peration p anel cable is not secu rely connect ed. Insert a floppy disk . If floppy disk is already inserted , turn off the power and che ck the connecti ons of cords insi de the operatio n pane l.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 14 . Troubleshooting 8 - 14 - 1 . Troubleshooting flowchart Be sure to set DIP switch A-1 on the o peration panel to off before starting the troubleshooti ng flowchart.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 3675Q KE-430B, 430C series 172.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 3676Q KE-430B, 430C series 173.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 3677Q KE-430B, 430C series 174.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 14 - 1 3678Q KE-430B, 430C series 175.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 176 8 - 14 - 2 . Problem solution and measures 1. Pay attention to the fo llowing when opening the co ntrol box for maint enance. Electrical shock Some large capacit ors may have a high volt age remaining in th em for up to 5 minutes af ter the power is turned off.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 177 Erro r status #1 The power indicato r does not lig ht when the power i s turned on. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced 1.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Erro r status #1 The power indi cator does not li ght when the p ower is turn ed on. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced 5.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 179 Error status #2 Error code appears on the di splay window wh en the power is tu rned on. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced 2. PROM chip def ective or main circuit board defect ive when the error c ode E-80 appears on the display win dow.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM KE-430B, 430C series 180 Error status #2 Error code appears on the di splay window wh en the power is tu rned on. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced 10.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Erro r status #6 Home position is not correct. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced • Check the status of home positi on signals. (Detect the home positi on and check t he monitor lamps (red) of th e X and Y home position sen sors.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Error status #8 Error code appears on the di splay window when the foot switch i s depressed. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced 2. Power supply circuit board is defective when the feed mechanism does not move and error code E-A0 appea rs on the display win dow.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Erro r status #8 Error code appears on the di splay window when the foot switch i s depressed. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced 5. Head position sensor is defective when the feed mechanism does not move and error code E-17 ap pears on the display win dow.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Erro r status #9 Work clamp does not ri se. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced <Solenoid speci fications> 3. Work clam p is not raised although attempted, wh en no error code appears or error code E-61 appe ars on the display window .
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Erro r status #11 The TEST indicator doe s not light when th e TEST switch is pressed. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced 1.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Erro r status #14 The machine do es not operate corre ctly for the set program duri ng test sewing. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced 1.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Erro r status #16 Error code appears on the displa y window after the ma chine operates. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced 2. A malfunction occurs due to n o i s e o r m a i n P R O M i s defective when error co de E-21 appears after the machine is started.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Erro r status #18 The thread t rimmer does not operate. Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced 3. Main circuit board defective KE-430B, 430C series 188 • .
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM Erro r status #20 The machine do es not stop with the needle at the upp er position. (“E-50” appe ars <“E.22” for the KE-436 B and 436C>.) Probable ca uses Check/ repa ir/ adjust Parts to be replaced 3. Cord defective • See #1 5-1.
8. ELECTRIC MECHANISM 8 - 15 . Control circuit block diagram 3680Q KE-430B, 430C series 190.
SER VICE MANUAL Printed in Japan KE-430B, 430C series I3080844B 2003.09. B (1).
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Brother 430C (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Brother 430C noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Brother 430C - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Brother 430C reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Brother 430C erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Brother 430C besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Brother 430C verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Brother 430C. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Brother 430C gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.