Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Remote des Produzenten ADC
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HiGain HiGain U SER M ANUAL H2TU-R-402 List 4E Remote Unit Part Num ber : 150 - 245 0-45 CLEI: VA RH1UUC ALM L ESF SF LOOP B8ZS AMI LBK D S 1 IN BRG OUT RS-232 DCE H D S L 2 H 2 T U * R 4 0 2 HiGain 4.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 ii June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 Revision History of This Manual Copyright Janu ary 1 8, 20 02 © 2002 ADC DSL Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Tradem ark Informa tion ADC is a registered trademark of ADC T elecommunicati ons, Inc.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Using This Manual H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 iii U SING T HIS M ANUAL The following conven tions are used in this manual: • Monospace type indicates screen text. • Keys you pres s are indicated by small icons such as or . Key combinations to be pressed simultaneously are in dicated with a plus sig n as follows: + .
Table of Content s 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 iv June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Overview ________ ______ _____ ______ ______ ________ ______ _____ ______ ______ ________ ______ 1 Features................. ........... ........... ........
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 List of Tables H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 v L IST OF T ABLES 1. Front-Panel Description ............................ ............ ........... ........... ............ ................ ............ ........... ............... .
List of Figures 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 vi June 1 6, 2000 H2 TU-R-402 L IST OF F IGURES 1. H2TU-R-402 List 4E Front Pan el .......... ............ ........... ........... ................. ............ ........... ........... ...... ............ 3 2.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Overview H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 1 O VERVIEW The HiGain ® HDSL2 product family from ADC ® is t he industry ’ s first practical implementation of High -bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line 2 (HDSL2) . ADC products are fully compliant with the HDSL2 stan dard.
Overvi ew 152-402- 145- 02, Issu e 2 2 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 C OMPATIBILITY The H2TU-R-402 is designed to m ount in any 40 0 or 200 mech anics shelf.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Front Pa nel H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 3 F RON T P ANEL Figure 1 shows the H2TU-R-402 List 4E front pane l. Tabl e 1 on page 4 describ es the fr ont-panel components . For pinout diagram s of the H2TU-R card-edge conn ector and craf t port, refer to “ App end ix A - S pec if ica ti ons ” on page 31 .
Fron t Pa nel 152- 40 2-145 -0 2, I ssu e 2 4 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 Table 1. Front-Panel Description Front -panel Feat ure Functi on List nu mbe r Identifies t he list number of the H 2TU-R-402. Alarm (ALM) LED Sho ws a lar m st ates f or re mot e an d lo cal Los s of Sign al (LO S).
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Inst allation H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 5 I NSTA LLA TION Figur e 2. Install ing the H2TU-R-4 02 List 4E 1 Check the setting of the SC URR switch. The default setting is disabled (up position). If the H2TU-R is locally powered, and your application re quires sealing cu rrent, place the SCURR switch in the down position.
Installation 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 6 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 V ERIFICATION Verification without an Upstream Device Verify that the H2TU-R power s up. The follow ing should occur: • The front-p anel ALM LED is a steady red. • The LOOP LED is flashing green.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Viewing Syste m Sc reens H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 7 V IEWIN G S YST EM S CREENS The H2TU-R-402 supports both local and remote logo n thr oug h a main tenance ter minal (ASCII terminal or PC running term inal emulation software) connected to its fro nt-panel craft port.
Viewing Sy ste m Scre e ns 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 8 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 Figure 3. Logo n Screen Table 2. Logon Scr een Me nus Press this ke y: To acc ess t his m enu: Menu Funct ions Monitor Monitors lo opbacks an d alarms, and p rovides a grap hical rep resentatio n of circui t activity , includi n g ES, UAS, SE S, and lin e code.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Viewing Syste m Sc reens H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 9 Table 3. Navigational Keys fo r th e HiGain HDSL2 Maintenance Ter minal Screens Key (a) (a) Legacy management units require use of control keys instead of arrow keys. Functio n Cycle thro ugh selecti on s.
Monitoring Sy ste m Ac tivity and Pe rfo rm anc e 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 10 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 M ONIT ORIN G S YST EM A CTIVITY AND P ERFORMAN CE The HiGain HDSL2 system pro vides the following maintenan ce screens for mo nitoring system activity and assessi ng perfo rmance.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Monito rin g Syst em Activity and P erf orman ce H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 1 1 4 To initiate a loopdown of all active loopbacks, press the to select LPDN , then press or . When prompted with the mes sage: Are you sure (Y/N)? , press to in itiate the loopdown or to cancel.
Monitoring Sy ste m Ac tivity and Pe rfo rm anc e 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 12 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 U SING THE P ERFORMANCE S CREENS TO V IEW P ERFORMANCE D ATA To access the Perfor mance histor y screens: 1 Press to select the Performance screen.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Monito rin g Syst em Activity and P erf orman ce H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 1 3 Figure 6. H2TU-C DS1 31-d ay Perfor mance Hist ory Figure 7.
Monitoring Sy ste m Ac tivity and Pe rfo rm anc e 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 14 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 Figu re 8. H2T U-C D S1 48- hour P e rfor mance Hist ory Figure 9.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Monito rin g Syst em Activity and P erf orman ce H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 1 5 Figure 10. H2TU-C DS1 25-hour Performance Hist ory Figure 11.
Monitoring Sy ste m Ac tivity and Pe rfo rm anc e 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 16 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 Table 5. Error Acronyms Used on the DS1 Performance History Screens Error Acronym Descri ption Error Acronym Descripti on ES-L Errored Seconds - Line Secon ds w ith BPV ≥ 1.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Monito rin g Syst em Activity and P erf orman ce H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 1 7 Performance History at the HDSL2 Interface Figur e 12 is an example of a 31-Day History screen for the H2TU-R HDSL2 interface. The HDSL2 interface has 31-day, 4 8-hour, 2 5-hour , and current stati stic screen s for the H2TU-R and H2TU-C .
Monitoring Sy ste m Ac tivity and Pe rfo rm anc e 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 18 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 Figure 14. H2TU-R HD SL2 25-h our Perfor mance Histo ry Figur e 15.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Monito rin g Syst em Activity and P erf orman ce H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 1 9 U SING THE P ERFORMANCE S CREENS TO V IEW A LARM D ATA To access the alarm h istory screens: 1 Press to select the Performance menu. 2 Press the to select an interface ( H2TU-C DS1, H2TU-R DS1, H2TU-C HDSL2 , or H2TU-R HDSL2 ), then pr ess .
Monitoring Sy ste m Ac tivity and Pe rfo rm anc e 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 20 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 Figure 17. H2TU-C DS1 Alarm History Screen Table 7. H2TU-R DS1 Alarm Descriptions Scre en Alarm Fron t-Pane l Alarm Des cription RLOS RLOS Remote Los s of Sign al — Loss of the H2TU - R DS1 i n p ut signa l.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Monito rin g Syst em Activity and P erf orman ce H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 2 1 Alarm Hi st ory at the HD SL2 In terface Figur e 18 and Figure 19 are examples o f Alarm History scr eens for the H2 TU-R HDSL2 interface and the H2TU-C HDSL2 interface, respectively.
Monitoring Sy ste m Ac tivity and Pe rfo rm anc e 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 22 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 U SING THE E VENT L OG TO T RACK S YSTE M E VENTS To view a runn ing log of s ystem events, press to select the Event Log.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Monito rin g Syst em Activity and P erf orman ce H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 2 3 Table 9. Event Log Messages Event Lo g Message s DS1 Alarm Histor y rese t DS1 PM register rese.
Loopback Operat ion 152 -402-145-02 , Issue 2 24 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 L OOPBACK O PERATION HiGain HDSL2 has a family of loopback options fo r analyz ing circuit functionality . The loo pback signal is transmitted and returned to the sending device for comparis on.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Loopback Ope rat ion H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 2 5 Table 10. Summary of HiGain HDSL2 L oopba ck Codes and Activation Meth ods Metho d of Activ at ion Loopba ck Code Descri ption Test Set Craft Port H2TU-C MODE/SEL NLOC 1111000 4-in-7 D SX-1 signal is looped bac k to the network at the H2TU-C.
Loopback Operat ion 152 -402-145-02 , Issue 2 26 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 Special Loopback Commands In addition to the GNLB loopback comm and mod e, a HiGain HDSL2 system can be configur ed for o ne of three special loopback command modes.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Loopback Ope rat ion H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 2 7 5 Repeat Step 2. If the test passes, the problem is in the downstr eam direction.
Loopback Operat ion 152 -402-145-02 , Issue 2 28 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 A2LB Test Procedures Using the codes listed in Table 11 , a network tester can activate NLOC, NRG or NREM loopbacks (or SMJK, if enabled). A tester at the customer premises can activate CLOC, CRG, or CREM loop backs.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Loopback Ope rat ion H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 2 9 4 Once armed, the H2T U-R-402 can be looped b ack by sending In telligent Office Repeater ( IOR) LPBK activation code 11 01-0011-1 101-00 11 (D3D3) for at l east 5 seco nds.
Loopback Operat ion 152 -402-145-02 , Issue 2 30 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 A3LB and A4LB Test Procedures The H2TU-C can be looped back b y sending the Addr essable Office Rep eater (AOR) LPBK activation code 1111-11 11- 000 1-1 110 (FF1E) for at lea st 5 seconds.
152-402 -14 5-02, Issue 2 Appen dix A - Specif ic at io ns H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 3 1 A PPENDIX A - S PECI FICAT IONS Power HDSL2 Sp an Vol tage -180 Vd c Line or Lo cal Po wer Co nsumpti on 5 W Electrica l Protecti on Secondary su rge and power cross -protectio n on all DS1 and HDSL 2 ports.
Appendi x A - Specificati ons 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 32 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 L OOP A TTENUATION Each loop has no mo re than 35 dB of lo ss at 19 6 kHz, with driving and ter minating im pedances of 1 35 Ω (see Table 13 bel ow) . H2TU-R-402 L IST 4E C ARD C ONNECTOR Figur e 23 shows the card-edg e connectors on the H2TU-R -402 List 4E.
152-402 -14 5-02, Issue 2 Appen dix A - Specif ic at io ns H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 3 3 C RAFT P ORT Figur e 24 shows the pinout f or the craft port conn ector and its conn ection to a DB-9 or DB-2 5 connector on a maintenance terminal.
Appendi x B - Fun ct io nal O pera tion 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 34 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 A PPENDIX B - F UNCTIONAL O PERATIO N ADC HDSL2 techno logy provides full-duplex services at standard DS1 rates over co pper wires b etween an H2TU-C and an H2TU-R, which comprise one HiGain HDSL2 system.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Appendix C - Comp atibility H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 3 5 A PPENDIX C - C OMPATIBILITY The HiGain HDSL2 system uses HDSL2 transmission techn ology as recommen ded by Bellco re TA-TSY-001210. HiGain HDSL2 complies with GR-63-CORE, TR-TSY-000499, and GR-1089-CORE.
Appendi x D - Pro duct Suppo rt 152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 36 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 A PPENDIX D - P RODU CT S UPPO RT ADC Customer Service Gro up provides exp ert pre-sales and post-sales suppo rt and training fo r all its products.
Appendi x E - Abbrevia ti ons 152-402 -14 5-02, Issue 2 37 June 1 6, 2000 H2TU-R -402 A PPENDIX E - A BBRE VIATI ONS A ACO: Alar m Cu toff ACON: Au to Conv er sion ADSL: Asymme trical D ig ital S ubsc.
152-402-14 5-02, Issue 2 Appen dix E - Abbreviat io ns H2TU-R-4 02 June 1 6, 2000 3 8 NREM: Netwo rk Rem ote Lo opbac k NTF: No Troubl e Found O OOF: Ou t-of-Frame OPTI S: Overl apped Pulse A mplitude.
C ERTI FICATI ON AND W ARRANTY FCC C LASS A C O MPLIANCE This equi pment has been tested and found to comply with the li mits for a Class A digital dev ice, pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
ADC DSL Systems , Inc. 14402 Fr anklin Av e nue Tustin, CA 9278 0-70 13 Tel: 714.8 32.9922 Fax: 714. 832.99 24 Technical As sis t ance Tel: 800.6 38.0031 Tel: 714.7 30.3222 Fax: 714. 730.24 00 DNV C ertific ation, Inc. REGISTERED FIRM IS O 900 1/TL 9000 D OCUME NT : 152-402-14 5-02, I SSU E 2 ´+z.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts ADC Remote (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie ADC Remote noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für ADC Remote - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von ADC Remote reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über ADC Remote erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon ADC Remote besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von ADC Remote verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit ADC Remote. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei ADC Remote gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.