Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Z4 M ROADSTER des Produzenten BMW
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The Ultimate Driving Mac hine Supplem entary Owner ’s Manua l for BMW Z4 M Roa dster / Z4 M Cou pe Contents A-Z Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
Z4 M Roadster Z4 M Coupe Supplem entary Owne r's Manual for Vehi cle Congratulations, and thank you for choosing a BMW Z4 M Road- ster/Z4 M Cou pe. Thorough familiarity with your BMW Z4 M Roadster/Z 4 M Coupe will p rov ide y ou wi th enhan ce d co ntrol and sec urit y whe n yo u drive it .
© 2006 Bayerische Motoren W erke Aktiengesellscha ft Munich, Ge rmany Repr int ing, incl udin g ex cerpt s, o nly wi th t he written c onsent of BMW AG, Munic h. Order No. 01 41 0 012 046 US En glis h III/ 06 Printed in Ge rmany Printed on enviro nmental ly frien dly pap er, bleached without chlorine, suitable for re cycling.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility Contents The fastest way to find inform ation on special topics is by usi ng the index starting on page 42 .
Notes 4 Notes About this Owner's Manual This Supplementary Owner 's Manual contains all the i mportant equi pment, instru ctions and technical data in which the BMW Z4 M Road- ster/Z4 M Coupe diffe rs from the BMW Z4.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 5 Your individual vehicle When you ordere d your BMW, yo u chose vari - ous items of equipment . This Owner 's Manual describes al l models and equipment that BMW offers within the same group.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
At a glance This overvi ew of buttons, s witches and displays is intended to familiarize you with your vehicle's operatin g environment. The section w ill al so assist y ou in bec oming acq uainted with the control concepts and options a vailable for operating the various sys tems.
Cockpit 8 Cockpit Around the steering wheel: controls and displays For descriptions of equi pment listed here without a page referenc e, please refer to the Owner's Manual fo r the BMW Z4 under the respective term.
At a glance Controls D riving tip s Mobilit y Refere nce 9 7 Instrument cl uster 10 9 Buttons o n the stee ring wheel 10 Ignition lock 11 Horn: the entire surf ace 13 Releasing th e hood 14 Opening th.
Cockpit 10 Instrument cluster For descriptions of equi pment listed here without a page referenc e, please refer to the Owner's Manual fo r the BMW Z4 under the respective term.
At a glance Controls D riving tip s Mobilit y Refere nce 11 Indicator and warning lamps Tech nology that monit ors itself Indicator and warning lamps that are identified by + are te sted fo r proper functio ning when ever the igniti on key is turned. They each light u p once for d iffe ren t peri ods o f tim e.
Cockpit 12 Around the center conso le: controls and di splays Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
At a glance Controls D riving tip s Mobilit y Refere nce 13 For d esc riptio ns o f equ ipme nt li sted here without a page refe rence, please refer to the Owner's Manual for the BMW Z4 under the respective term.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
Controls This chapter is intended to provide you wi th inf orm atio n fo r com ple te c ont rol o f your ve hicl e. All features and acc essories that are u seful for driving and for your safety, comfort and convenienc e, are described her e. Controls Online Edition for Part-No.
Everyth ing under co ntrol 16 Ever ything under co ntrol Tachometer The orange warning zone between arrows 1 and 2 shows the cur rently permis sible engi ne speed, whi ch depends on engine temper ature. As engine te mperature incr eases, some of t he LEDs in this warning zone go out one after anot he r.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 17 formed by your BMW Center after driving 1,200 m iles/2,000 km . < Online Edition for Part-No.
Technology for driving comfort and safety 18 Technology for drivin g com fort and sa fety Driving stability control systems In contrast to the descriptions in the Owner's Manual for the BMW Z4, your BMW Z4 M Road- ster/Z4 M Co upe does not fea ture Dynami c Tra cti on C ontro l D TC.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 19 Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
Driving tips This se ctio n pro vid es y ou w ith infor ma tio n usef ul in d eal ing w ith sp eci fic d rivin g and operating conditions . Driving tips Online Edition for Part-No.
Special operating instructions 22 Special operatin g instructions Break-in procedures In contrast to the descriptions in the Owner's Manual for the BM W Z4, please take note of the following differences for your BMW Z4 M Road- ster/Z4 M Co upe. Always o bey all official speed limits.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 23 Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
Mobility This section h elps you mai ntain your car's mobility by suppl ying important i nformation on v ita l t opi cs i nc ludi ng fuel s an d l ubr ica nts , wheels and t ires, s ervice, maint enance and break down a ssistan ce. Mobility Online Edition for Part-No.
Refueling 26 Refueling Note when refueling In contrast to the descriptions in the Owner's Manual for the BM W Z4, please take note of the following differences for your BMW Z4 M Road- ster/Z4 M Co upe. Fuel tank capaci ty Approx. 14.5 US gallons/55 liters, including the reserve capacity of approx.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 27 Wheels and tires Correct wheel s and tires In contra st to th e descript ions in t he Owner's Manual for the BMW Z4, your BMW Z4 M Road- ster /Z4 M Coup e is no t equi ppe d with Run F lat tires.
Under the hood 28 Under the hood Important parts in t he engine compartment 1 Wa sher fl uid re ser voi r for h ead lamp and windshield washe r system 2 Fill er n eck for e ng ine oil, refe r to Add i.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 29 The warning lamp lights up i n yellow after the engine is switched off. A signal also sounds . Che ck t he eng ine o il leve l us ing dips tic k 7 at th e earliest opportunit y, e. g. when y ou stop to refuel, and refi ll engine oil.
Under the hood 30 On ly use oi ls spec ific ally app rov ed f or yo ur vehicle model. Your BMW Center wil l be glad to advise you about oils currently approve d for your vehicle. < You can also cal l BMW of North America toll - free a t 1-80 0-831-111 7 or visi t this w ebsite: www.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 31 Replacin g comp onents Onboard tool kit The onboard tool kit is stored in a tool pouch. Roadster The onboard tool kit can be found on the right- hand side o f the cargo ba y in a compartment next to the battery cover.
Replacing components 32 Co rre spon di ng i nfo rma tio n o n u sin g t he M Mobil ity Sy ste m is a lso p rov ided on t he device. < Bef ore usi ng t he M Mobil ity S ys tem, no te the information on the sealant bottle. < Pull the st icker for the s p eed limit off the sealant bottle and a ffix i t to the steering wheel.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 33 Connector, cable and connecting hose are attached to the bottom of the compressor. Usin g the M Mobili ty System To r epa ir a fla t tire wi.
Replacing components 34 Continued drivin g Do not excee d the permissi ble maximum speed of 50 mph or 80 km/h, otherwise accidents could r esult. < Re init ializ e th e Fl at Tir e M onit or. F or instruct ions, ref er to the Owner' s Manual for the BMW Z4.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 35 Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
Reference This cha pter wil l help you find the d esire d information as quickly as possible. It contains the Technical data section as well as the manual's index.
Technical data 38 Technical data Engine data Z4 M Roadster/Z4 M Coupe Displacement cu in/cm µ 198. 1/3 ,24 6 Numb e r of cy l in der s 6 Maximum power output hp 330 at engine speed rpm 7,900 Maximum torque ft lbs/Nm 262/355 at engine speed rpm 4,900 Online Edition for Part-No.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 39 Roadster: dimensions All m easu re men ts in i nche s/m illim ete rs. Sma llest tur ning circ le d ia.
Technical data 40 Coupe: dimensio ns All m eas ure me nts in in che s/m il lim eter s. S ma lles t tur ning cir cle dia . 34 f t 5 i n/10 .5 m . Online Edition for Part-No.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 41 Weig hts Capacities Z4 M Roadster Curb weight lbs/kg 3,203/1,453 Approved gross vehicle weight lbs/kg 3,821/1,733 Load lbs/kg 617/28 0 Approved fro nt axle load lbs/kg 1,852/840 Approved rear axle load lbs/kg 2,006/910 Cargo bay capaci ty cu ft/li ters 7.
Everything from A to Z 42 Everythin g from A to Z Index A ABS Anti lo ck Br a ke Sy st em – in dica tor l amp 11 Accesso ries, refer to – Your indivi dual vehicl e 5 Airb ag s – in dica tor l am.
Refere nce At a glance Contr ols Driv ing tips Mob ility 43 Engine – breaki ng in 22 – data 38 – electr onics 11 – indica tor lamp 11 – speed 16 Engine compartment 28 Engine data 38 Engine o.
Everything from A to Z 44 Oil l eve l 28 – check ing 29 – in dica tor l amp 11 Oil p ress ur e 28 – in dica tor/ war nin g la mp 11 Oil s ens or – in dica tor l amp 11 Oil s ervi ce 16 Oil t y.
Refueling So t hat you hav e im po rta nt sp eci fica ti ons ava il- abl e t o yo u w h en you s to p t o r ef ue l, we re co m- mend that you fill out this table with the data that apply to your vehicle.
01 41 0 012 046 ue *BL0012046009* The Ultimate Driving Mach ine More about BMW bmwus a. com Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 012 046 - © 04/06 BMW AG.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts BMW Z4 M ROADSTER (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie BMW Z4 M ROADSTER noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für BMW Z4 M ROADSTER - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von BMW Z4 M ROADSTER reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über BMW Z4 M ROADSTER erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon BMW Z4 M ROADSTER besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von BMW Z4 M ROADSTER verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit BMW Z4 M ROADSTER. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei BMW Z4 M ROADSTER gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.