Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung PowerWalker VFI 10000P/RT LCD des Produzenten BlueWalker
Zur Seite of 65
USER MANU AL On-Line UPS Power Wa lker VFI 6000 RT LCD Power Wa lker VFI 6000 P/RT LCD Power Wa lker VFI 1000 0RT LCD Power Wa lker VFI 1000 0P/RT LCD Unin t erruptible Pow er Supply Sy ste m.
Contents 1. Intro ductio n .... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... 1 2. Safety W a rni n g s .... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... .
6.2 T rans porti ng the UPS .... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... 47 6.3 S toring the U PS and Ba tteries ... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... 48 6.4 T esting Batte ries ..... .....
1 1. Introduct ion Th is Online R/T Series is an uninterruptible p o w e r supply incorporating dou b le-con version techn ology . It p rovide s perfect protection specifically f or computer equipm en t, comm unica tion syst em s to co mputerized inst ru m en ts.
2 Figure 1 -2: Online R/T 10K UPS Online R/T UPS a s T ower insta ll a tion. Fig ure 1-3 : Online R /T 6K UPS F i gure 1-4 : O n li ne R/T 1 0K UPS.
3 Providing ou tsta nding perf o rmance and reliability , the UPS’ s unique benefit s include: Online UPS design with pure sin e w ave ou tp u t. T rue on l ine double-conversion t echn olog y w ith high po w e r den sity , utility fr e quency i nde p e ndence, and g e nera tor compa tibility .
4 2. Safety Warnings IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUC TIO NS FO R EACH S TEP SAVE THESE I N S TRRUCTIO NS. 2.1 Installatio n Cond ensation m ay occur if the UPS is m oved directly f rom a cold to a w arm e nvironment. Th e UPS m ust be a bsolutely dr y before bein g inst alled.
5 the ne utral conducto r sh o uld be prov ide d in the building wiring inst allation. Th is i s per m ane ntly con nected e quipm e nt , it m u st be inst alled by qua l ified m ainte nance personn el.
6 Ensu r e tha t n o l iquid or oth er f orei g n object s can ente r th e UPS. Th e UPS can b e operate d by any indiv idua l w ithou t previous experience . 2.3 Maintenance, serv i cing and faults Th e U PS operates wi th hazard ous volta g es.
7 5) D o not open or d estro y batt eri e s. Ef f luen t e l e ctrolyte ca n cause injury to the skin and eyes. It m ay be toxic. Please r e place th e fuse onl y w ith the sa m e ty pe an d of the same a m perage in order to av oid fir e hazards.
8 Power-freque ncy Magne tic f ield. ... :IEC/E N 6 1000-4-8 Level 3 Low Freque ncy S ig na l s.. ... ... ... .. .....:IEC/EN 6100 0-2- 2 War n in g: This is a p rodu ct for comm e r cial and i n d ustrial application in the second envir on m ent -inst allation r est r iction s or add itional m ea sures m ay b e nee ded to prev en t disturbance s.
9 3. Inst allati on Th is chapter explains: Equipment inspect ion Unpacking the cabinet Checking th e Accesso r y UPS se tup and i n stallation Conn ecting the i nterna l b at ter y Conn ecting the EBM(Exte nded Ba ttery Module s) Insta ll a tion requirem e nts 3.
10 Step 1 : Open t he outer ca r ton a n d remove the accessories o ut of t he carton (see Figure 3-1& 3-2). Online R/T 6K U PS : Figure 3 -1: Unpack ing th e carto n of 6K UP S Online R/T 10 K UP.
11 Step 2 : W i th one p erso n on each side , carefully lift the ca b inet out o f the out er carton u sing the handles o n the cardboard a nd set it on a f lat, stable su r face (se e Fi g ure 3-3&3-4). Place the cabinet in a pr o tected area tha t has ade q uate airf lo w an d is free of humidity, flammable g a s, and corrosion.
12 Figu r e 3-4: Li f t i ng the Cab inet ou t o f 10K UPS carton Step 3 : Discard o r re cycle the packaging in a respon sib le m an ner, or sto re it for futu r e use . 3.3 UPS Rear Panel T his sect i o n s h ows the rea r p an el of the O nline R/T models.
13 10K model: Figure 3 -6: Online R/T 10K Rear Pane l 3.4 UPS Front Panel Th is section shows the front p an el of the Online R/T UP S. The On li ne series h ave the sam e LCD p a nel a nd the sa m e con trol button.
14 3.5 Rack m o un t Set u p CAUTION: Th e ca b ine t is heavy, so: 1) Re m ove the b a ttery t r ay f ro m the U P S before li f ting. 2) Lif ting the cab ine ts into th e rack r e q uires a m ini m u m of t w o people.
15 3. P ull the batte r y tray o ut using the plastic ta b s and t he n rem ove the b a ttery t ray. Figure 3 -11: Re m ov ing the B attery T r ay 4. I nsta l l the PDU’s e ars to the UP S Figure 3 -12.
16 Figure 3 -13. Inst all the sliding rails 7. Fo r 10K - --Insta ll the batte r y pack and batte ry p rot ection plate, the n replace the front panel. Figure 3 -14. Inst allin g the C abinet 8. For 6K---Replace the battery tra y , and connect the internal battery connecto r , then replace the prote ction p late and the f ront panel.
17 To inst a l l E BMs: 6K Mode l: 1. P l u g th e EBM cable into the UPS batte ry connector Figure 3 -15. Plug t he EB M cab le into the UPS bat tery con nector 2. Re p lace UPS’s front panel a nd EB M’s f ron t panel. Figure 3 -16. Rep l ace UPS’ s fron t p anel and EBM’s f r on t panel .
18 10K Model: Figure 3 -17. Plug t he EB M cab le into the UPS bat tery con nector 3.6 Tower Setup Figu r e 3-18. Tow er se tup CAUTION: Plea se connect the EB M to protective g rou nd w ith 8 AW G wire f o r EBM m ode l f irstly .
19 3.7 Installatio n of UPS with A C inputs CAUTION: Online 6K/10K series support tha t the U PS can have separate AC inputs. So bef ore conne cting wires of seperate AC inputs, y ou should confirm th at the i r earthin g systems are iden tical. Othe r wise, a t r a nsformer is n ecessary .
20 2) T r a nsformer in th e By pass AC input. 3) Both of them ha v e tra nsf or m e r Frequenc y converter ( w ithout Bypa ss AC input).
21 4. Po w er cab les connect ion & St artup Th is section explains: Access to termi n al block C o mm on input so urces conn ection Separate in p ut sources conne ctio n F reque n.
22 4.1 Access to terminal block Access to terminal block: re m o v e th e 2 screw s o f the terminal block cover Figure 4 -1. PDU of 6K/10K 4.2 Common input sources connection CAUTION: Th is t y p e o.
23 Figure 4 -2. Commo n input sou rces con ne ction 4.3 Separat e input so u rces c onnectio n CAUTION: Th is ty p e of co nnectio n must b e carried ou t by qualified electrical personn el. CAUTION: Al w ay s conne ct t he earthing w i r e first. Figure 4 -3.
24 4.4 Freq u e n c y co n verter connection Figure 4 -4. Freque ncy co nv erter conn ection 4.5 UPS I nitial Startup To st art up t he UPS: Verify tha t the total equipment ratings do not exceed the UP S capacity to prevent an overl o ad alarm. 1. Verify th at the internal bat terties are conn ected.
25 7. V erify tha t t he UPS is operating norm a l ly and any load is powered. 8. If option al EBMs are insta l led , see “Config ur ing the UPS f o r EBMs” to set the nu m ber o f in stalled EBMs. 9. T o chan g e a ny o t he r facto r y -set default s, see “Operation” Online series recomm e nds sett i n g th e date a n d t i me.
26 2) Users ne ed t o u se a sp e cialty 15-pin co m municatio n cable for this sys tem, w hich shou l d have 15 cores, corresponding stitche s and sh ield, as t h e UPS p arallel cable. The length of the para llel cable is ap p ro pr iate to be less than 3 m.
27 Figure 4-5.a : Parallel sy sterm w iring dia gram of 6K/10 K.
28 Figure 4-5.b: P arallel Syst em Inst allatio n Diagra m 6) T urn on the input breakers for the tw o p arallel UPS..
29 7) Pressing button continuou sl y for m ore than 1 second for one UPS of the s yst em, th en the s y stem w ill sta r t to turn on and ent er li n e m od e. 8) Regulate the out p ut v oltage of the each UPS separ at ely, and check if the output v olta ge diff e rence b et w een the tw o ups i s less than 0 .
30 5) Conn ect the cable and wi re of th e added UPS a cco r din g to the Figure.4-5.a and Figure.4-5.b 6) Switch on the input br e akers a nd m ains brea ker, and m ake sure t hat every UP S w ork in bypass m ode .
31 5. Operat ion 5.1 Disp l ay Panel Th e UPS ha s a f o ur- butto n graphical LCD with dua l color backlight. Sta ndard back-light is used t o lig ht up the d isplay with w hite text an d a blue b ackg r o und . W he n th e UPS has a cri tica l a larm , the b a cklight chan g e s the text to d ark a m ber an d the b a ckg roun d to red.
32 Ent er main m en u W he n display ing default UPS st atus summary scr ee n, press this but ton for >1s to e nter th e m ain m en u tree Exit main m en u Press th is b u tton f o r >1s to exit.
33 Afte r p o w erin g on, the LCD w i l l disp lay W elco me logo for sev era l secon ds and then en ter to the defau l t page w hich sh ows the UPS sta tus summary . The display automatically returns to the d ef a ult UPS s t atus summary scr ee n w h en no b ut to n ha s b e en pressed within 1 5 m inut es.
34 T abl e 5- 3 S tatus Summ ary Screen s S tatus Summary Scree n Desc ription Fig 5-3 Nor m a l m ode : Th e UPS is operating in Nor m al m ode fr o m u tility p ower . Fig 5-4 Battery mode : W he n the UPS is ru nning in batte r y m od e, the buzzer beeps o nce every 4 secon ds.
35 soft w are (W in p o w e r , etc.). 2) It i s attentio n that t he transfer ti m e of U PS out put from HE mod e to battery mode is a b ou t 10 m s. But it is still too long f or so m e sen sitive load . Fig 5-8 Converter mod e In co nv e rter m o de, th e UPS would free run w ith fixed output fr e q ue ncy (50Hz or 60Hz).
36 Fig 5-1 1 Overload : W he n the UPS is ov e r loa d, the alarm will beep t w ice every second. So m e unn ec e ssary loads should b e get rid of one by one to decrease the l oads conn ected to the UPS .
37 4) A fe w seconds later , th e UPS tu r n s i n to Line m ode . If the utility power is abno rm al, the UPS wi ll t r a nsfer to Ba ttery m ode withou t output inte rruption of th e UPS. 5.3 .2 Turning on UPS without ut il ity 1) Check all th e connection is co r rect .
38 5.4 LC D ope ration Except the de f au lt UPS st atu s summ a r y scree n, the use r could g et m o re useful in form a tion about UPS current sta tus, d e t ailed v arious m ea surement s, pre v i.
39 Figure . 5- 1 4 Ma i n m en u tree.
40 5.4 .2 The UPS status menu By p ressin g on the m e nu of “UPS stat us”, the disp lay w ou ld ent er the next UPS st atus menu t ree. Th e content of UP S sta t us m en u tree is same as th e d ef a ult UPS st atus summary menu. By p ressing >1s, th e display would r et urn the l a st main menu tree.
41 Figure . 5- 1 5 Eve nt m e nu tree 5.4 .4 The meas urement menu By pressing on the m enu of “Mea surement”, the d isp lay would ent er the next m e asure m ent menu tree. A lot of d eta i led u sef u l information co uld be che cke d he r e, Ex.
42 Figure . 5- 1 6 Measu rement menu t ree 5.4 .5 The control menu By p ressin g on the m e nu of “Control”, t he disp lay would e nter the n e xt con trol m en u tre e. 1) S t art Batte r y T e st: this is one command that control t h e UPS t o do th e batte ry test.
43 to re set e r ror st atu s, then UPS w o uld stop ala rm and r ec over to By pass m ode . And th e reason of fault should b e checked and dele te d before UPS is t urned on again by m anu al operation . 4) Restore f acto r y settings: all the settings would b e r e cover to defau l t factory sett i n gs.
44 5.4 .6 The identification men u By press on the m enu of “Identification”, the display w ou l d ent er the next identification m en u tree. Th e identification information i n cl u des UPS serial n u mbe r, firmware serial nu m ber , m ode l type, would b e sh ow n here.
45 poten tial failures or protect ing function loss, even di rectly da m age the load, battery o r UPS . Most o f settings cou ld only be d one w hile U PS is in By pass mode.
46 Figure . 5- 2 0 Set r at ed outpu t v olt age va l ue.
47 6. UPS Ma intena nce This ch apter explains how t o: Care f or th e UPS an d batteries T ransport the UPS St ore the UPS and batt eries T est the batt eri e s Recy cle the u se d B at te ry or UPS 6.1 UPS and Battery Care For the best pr e v e ntiv e m a inten ance, k eep the ar ea around the UPS clean and dust - free.
48 4. Discon nect th e int ernal battery conn ect o r s 5. Re place th e UPS f ront cov e r 6.3 Storing the UPS and Batteries If yo u store t he UPS f or a long period, rech arg e the batt ery every 6 m on ths by co n ne cting t he U P S t o u tility p ower.
49 During the battery te st, t h e UPS t r ansfers to Battery m od e and discha r ges the b a tt eries for 2 5% of the original exp ect ed runtim e. Th e sta tus screen d isplays “Batte r y t est runnin g ” and t he p erce ntage of the t est com pleted .
50 7. S pecifications Th is chapter prov ide s the follo w ing s p eci f icatio ns: M od el list General S p ecification Electrical Performan ce Env iron m en tal and Safety 7.1 Electrical sp ec if ica tion Mode l Online R T 6K Online R T 10K Output Powe r Capaci t y 6KV A/5.
51 Curren t 26.4A @ 230V a c 44.0A @ 230V a c Powe r Factor ≥ 0,99 @100% No minal L oad ≥ 0,98 @50% No minal Lo ad ≥ 0,95 @25% No minal Lo ad THD I < 5 % @ Fu ll load and battery full cha rged Battery & Charg er Battery 180VD C/5Ah 240VD C/9Ah Curren t 39A 48A Charge r c urren t >1A >1.
52 8. T roub lesh ooting Th e online series UPS is de si gne d for dura ble, aut om atic o p erat i o n and issues alarm s to alert yo u w hen ev er p ot ent i a l operating proble m s occur. Usually t he alarm s shown by the cont r o l panel do not m ean that the o u tp u t p ower is aff ect ed.
53 Site W i ring F ault Alarm C ode: 04 Site Fau lt detect i on is suppor t e d on a l l m ode ls anyti m e t he re is a Ground ing N eutra l conne cti o n. Alarm t r i ggers whe n the dif f e rence be twee n ground and neutr al voltage is > 15v . Site Fau lt detect i on should be ena bled by de f ault.
54 Output Overload Alarm C ode:41 Output is overlo ad. Re m ove so m e of the e qui p m e nt fro m t he UPS. The U PS continue s to ope r ate , bu t may sw itch to Byp ass mode or shut down if the loa d incre ase s. The alar m re set s w he n the condit i on beco m e s inactive .
55 BUS Ove r V oltage Alarm C ode:21 Indica t e s t ha t the UP S ge t BUS ove r volta ge fault be cause of BU S. The U PS transfe rs to Byp ass mode if suppor t in g the loa d BUS Und er V oltage Ala.
56 Paralle l cable lo ss Alarm C ode: E2 In pa rallel sys t e m p ar al l e l c abl e disconn e ct Discon nect par allel cab l e one turn to fault m ode Paralle l syste m battery sta tus Alarm C ode: .
57 9. Com m un ication Th is chapter cont ains: C o mm un ication p o rts (RS-232 and USB ) N e twork Mana g e m en t Card (Optiona l ) U PS Management So ftware R EP O 9.
58 7 No t use d -- 8 O n B attery signal Out 9 V dc Power +12V Th is p in is conn ected vi a a ju m per to pin 2 of SN MP conn ector Out Figure . 9 -2 R S - 232 Co m mun ication Po rt Figure . 9- 3 Pin1/P i n8 typica l applica t i on Notes: The volta ge of ‘V’ is maxi m u m 3 0VDC, a nd current is m a ximum 45mA.
59 9.2 Network Management Card (Optional) Network Manage m ent C a r d allow th e UPS to communica te with different ty p es of de vi ce s in v a riety of n etw orking e nvir o nments.
60 Install ation procedure: Conn ected b y USB to a PC or not ebook, the Soft w are ena b les communicat i o n betw ee n the U P S a n d t h e com pute r.
61 614 - 0 1 85 4-00.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000P/RT LCD (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000P/RT LCD noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000P/RT LCD - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000P/RT LCD reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000P/RT LCD erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000P/RT LCD besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000P/RT LCD verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000P/RT LCD. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000P/RT LCD gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.