Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Recovery for Microsoft Exchange des Produzenten Acronis
Zur Seite of 116
2 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2010. All rights reserved. “Acronis”, “ Acronis Compute with Confid ence”, and t he Acronis logo are t rademark s of Acronis, Inc. Linux is a registered trademark of L inus Torvalds. Windows is a registered trademark of Microso ft Corporation.
3 Table of C ont e nts TABL E OF CO NTEN TS .......................................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCING ACRONIS ® RECOVERY™ FOR M ICROS OFT EX CHA NGE 7 1.1 W HAT IS A CRONI S ® R ECOVER Y ™ FOR M ICROSOFT E XC HANGE ? .
4 5.1.4 Serve r Roles ............................................................................................................................. 33 5.1.5 Stor age Gr oups and Info rmat ion Store s ...................................................
5 8.1.8 Restor e Opti ons .................................................................................................................... 77 8.1.9 Select ing Start Parame ters ......................................................................
6 APPENDIX A. ACRONIS R ECOVERY FOR M S EXCH ANGE: BEST PR ACT IC ES ................ 109 A.1 P R OTECT YOUR SERVER FROM HARDWARE FAILURE , USER E RRORS AND VIRU SES ......................... 109 Scenario ..............................................
7 Chapter 1. Introducing Acronis® Recovery ™ for M icrosof t Exchange This chapter p rovides general informat ion about a new Acronis product - Acronis ® Recovery ™ for Microsoft Ex change – its features and adv antages. You will learn about supported datab ases, operating syst ems and platforms.
8 With Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange y ou can restore your crucial m ailboxes or single emails from d ifferent kinds of backup – not o nly from brick - level backups , but f rom a whole - database backup archive as well . • Smal ler, more ma nageable archives Award - winning Acronis t echnology p rovides sup erior image file optimiz ation.
9 production ser ver (operating syst em and whole information stor e) on bar e metal from bootab le CD or from a PXE . • E asy Admin istr atio n Intuitive wiz ard - driven GUI allows ev en non - DBAs to confidently configure and implement profes sional backup str ategies .
10 Backup can be perform ed while the Mi crosoft Ex change serv ice is onl ine and serving clients allowing 24/7 availability • Restore Emails from Database Level Backup Acronis Recovery fo r MS Exc.
11 • Dia l Tone R ecovery Acronis Recovery for MS Ex change ca n restor e e - mail serv ice more q uickly to users (pro viding them with a bas ic "dial tone" ) and then restore us ers&apos.
12 • x 86 - 64 1.8 Supported Operating S ystems for A cronis Recovery for MS Ex change A gent For Acronis Recovery f or MS Exchange : • Windows 2000 ( SP4 Rol lup 1 ) • Windows Ser ver 2003 (bo .
13 T rial S erial N umber s Acronis allows y ou to have a trial serial number to be able t o use Acroni s Recover y for MS Exchange for 30 days witho ut buyi ng the product.
14 Chapter 2. Under st andin g Acronis Recover y for MS Exchange This chapter pr ovides common information ab out working with Acr onis Reco very for MS Exchange .
15 Integration b etwee n Acronis Recovery for MS Ex change and Acronis R ec overy for MS Exchange Agent s 2.3 Integration w ith Acronis True Image Echo Enterprise Server Acronis Recovery prod ucts are.
16 Configuring Bare Meta l Restore To rest ore all n ecessary information stores on bare metal or to create a bootable media, you need a previously created archive with required informatio n stores backed up. After creating an archive, do the following: 1.
17 Chapter 3. Inst allation of Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange From this chapt er you will learn how t o install Acronis Recover y for M S Exchange components both lo cally and remotely .
18 However, make sure t hat the option File a nd Printer S haring i n th e Control pan el - > Win dow s Fir ewal l - > E xcep tions is enabled on the remo te comput er, before the remote o perati on star ts.
19 Exchange comp onents fr om a co mmand line. MSI ins tallation command and options are listed in A ppendi x B. 3.3.2 Inst alling Acronis Recover y for MS Exchange Agent R emotely To install Acronis .
20 3. E nter a s erial numb er for t he select ed prod uct. Fo r i nformation about obtaining a serial number, see sectio n 1. 10 “L icense Policy”.
21 5. T he summary page dis plays all op erations, which will b e performed . Click Proceed to instal l Acronis Reco very f or MS Exchange Agent on the remot e compute r. By connect ing to a remote computer wit h Acronis Reco ver y for M S Exchange Agent installed, you can set up backup and recovery tasks, and browse logs.
22 • run t he Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange set up file; • in t he Install Menu, right - click on the component name and select Ex tra ct ; • s elect a lo cation fo r the setup file and click Sa ve .
23 Chapter 4. Get ting st arted with Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange This chapter will help you to st art working with Acroni s Recovery for MS E xchange , a nd will guide you through co nnecting to a remo te server, and remo te installation of Acronis Recovery for MS Exchang e Agent .
24 In any case the user must have a mailbox on the Microsoft Exchange server. Please b e aware: Acronis Recovery for MS E xchange will not operat e if there is no fr ee space on the syst em partitio n, and the software does not send notices whe n t here is no free sp ace.
25 • Add Servers – add a Mi crosoft Exchange serv er to the g roup • Install Acronis Ag ents – install Acr onis Agents on remote computers As soon as yo u are connected to a Microsoft E xchang.
26 4.2.2 Computer s P ane The Computers pane is locat ed on the left si de of the main pr ogram window . It display s comput ers ( wit h thei r Microsoft E xchange serv ers identifi ed ) which have bee n discover ed by th e s ystem or adde d man ually.
27 • Restore E - mails – resto re separ ate e - mails fr om a pr evious ly creat ed archive • Manage Tasks – manage tasks scheduled on a computer • Lo gs – open the Log Vie wer window • .
28 To connect to the ser ver click Connect to a R emot e S erv er in the Pick a Task pane (see 4.7 “Connecting t o a R emo te Microsoft E xchange S erv er” ).
29 4.6 A dding S er vers If y ou cannot locate a serv er with the D iscover Computers tool , you can add it to t he tr ee manually . You can apply any d iscovery op eration later as required. Th e o perat ion will add newly connected servers to th e list in the Computers pane.
30 • I n the Computer field, e nter the name or the IP address of the computer or select a comp uter fr om t he drop - down li st, by clic king the Browse.
31 Chapter 5. Cr eating Backup Archives This chapter provid es general informatio n about backup type s, describes how to backup Microsoft E xchange i nformation sto res , storage grou ps or even mailboxes /public folders , and which options can b e set using Acronis Reco very fo r MS Exchange .
32 database from a full database backup to a chosen location. Enough of the transaction log is included in t he backup to let you recover the dat abase to the t ime when the backup finished. When the database is recovered, uncommitted transact ions ar e rolled back.
33 5.1.4 Server Role s As a messaging system that is widely used in both large organizations and small businesses, Mi crosoft Exchange Server has always been scalab le in both directio ns.
34 Thus , an individual database in Microsoft Exchange is only a dependen t part o f a storage group , and backing it u p separately becomes p ointl ess, because it does not guarantee a data integ rity after restoring .
35 5.1.8 C ontinuous Dat a Prot ection Continuous da ta pro tection (CDP, but also may be called continuous backup ) technolo gy makes it possibl e to s ave data changes automatically and uninterruptedly , restoring your dat a to it s ex act s t at e a t the moment of failure.
36 For tape lib rary or autoloader: As soon as the tape is full, t he program automat ically draws a tape fro m the Free or Impo rt media pool. T he above request will appear if no tapes are found in either of these pools (s ee next s ection fo r details ) .
37 • Schedule a back up task manually • Use cont inuous data protection technolog y • Creat e a backup now If you are not sure which backup st rategy t o choose, use Sche dule a backup task with Acronis Recov ery for MS Exchang e Ass istant (s elected b y defau lt).
38 Note, t his step w ill be skipped if in the first one you s elected t he Create a backup now op tion . 5.2.3 Selecting Ite ms to B ack Up In this step of the wizard you have to specify which items to back up.
39 Selecting Information Store s to B ack Up When selec t ing an infor mation st ore to back up Acronis Recovery for MS E xchange will automatically back up all of the s torage grou ps associated with t his infor mation store . A list of i n formation stores can be obtained , wit h the connect ed user’s privile ges that can not be changed.
40 5.2.4 Selecting a Backup Archive L ocation Acronis Recovery fo r MS Exchange sup ports the following places and media for backup destinatio n s: • L ocal HDD • N etwo rk shares, SAN, NAS • FT.
41 Important ! Do not enter the login and password in the Fold er field (“ ftp://lo gin:p assword @f tpserver ”); the product will not process t his command . Acronis Reco very for MS Exchange guarantees the integrity of the backup chain only in a se parate archive.
42 Click Next to cont inue. A cceptab le Data Lo ss At this step specify a period of time when data changes significantly. This will help Ac ronis Recovery for MS Exchange Assistant define the schedule for b ackup creation – how often to run the backup operation and which backup type to choose .
43 backups to create to avoid data loss (backup creation frequency), as well as when to execute t he opera tion . In the table there ar e t hree r ows rep resenti ng three l evels o f load (H igh, M edium and Low), and seven columns representi ng the days of the we ek.
44 Initial Task Starti ng Specify a time for apply ing the select ed scheme : • Now – select th is op tio n to e xecute the s cheduled task immediately after you finish the wizard • On the specified da te and time – the sel ected schem e will be ap plied on the speci fied da te.
45 Table of Ba ckup S trategie s The tab le below describ es differ ent back up str ateg ies accor ding t o your requir ements for storag e space and sp eed. The final str ategy created b y Acronis Rec overy for MS Exchange Assi stant will b e displayed i n a Sched ule page (see 5.
46 5. 2.8 S pecif y ing a Ta sk N ame and Providi ng C omments On the Task Name and Arch ive Com ments wizar d page, you can provide a name and comments for the backup task . Enter a task name in the Task N ame field to id entify and organize tas ks by op eration (edit, delete , etc.
47 5. 3 Backing up Mailbox es Brick - level (d ocument lev el) back up is t he m ost flexible type of backup. It offers advanced configurati on options and performs backups at folder le vels and quick restoring at separat e message s level, allow ing t he most accurat e level of rest ore.
48 If you are not sure which backup st rategy t o choose, use Sche dule a backup task with Acronis Re cover y for M S Exchange Assista nt (select ed by default ). See 5.2. 5 for details. If you know which backup type t o use for your data, s elect the Sc hed ule a b ac kup task manually opti on.
49 Information on the select ed item is disp layed in the right pane of t he window: i nformation s t ore name, installed operating system and the number of storage gr oups. Selecting Mai lboxes to Back U p Choose a s t or age g roup and mailbox s tore fr om which you want to back up a mailbox.
50 Select Exclude the follo wing obje cts fr om the ba ckup to enable excludin g options and then select the req uired o nes: • “Deleted I te ms” fold er – exclude t he “Deleted Items” fol.
51 5. 3.5 Selecting a Backup A rchive Location Acronis Recovery fo r MS Exchange sup ports the following places and media for backup destinatio ns: • L ocal HDD • Net work shares, SAN, NAS • FTP.
52 Acronis Ba ckup Serv er This softwar e application, when instal led on a networked comp uter, automatically manages backup archives and retent ion policies for the specified locatio n and ensures optimal usag e of storage sp ace.
53 Note, Acr onis Reco ver y for M S Exchange allows you to set multiple schedules for one task. Fo r example, you should not only backup your data once a week, but also on the last day of each month. You can specify Weekly and Monthly parameters to schedule the necessa ry oper ation.
54 You may provide comments for the archives you create. The backup file size and creation date are auto matically appended to the description, so you do not need to enter t hem . 5. 3. 10 Ba ckup Summary The final stage of t he backup is the summary window, which d isplays the list o f operation s to be pe rforme d.
55 To edit t he default backup option s, sele ct Tools - > Options from the main program menu. Y ou will also still be able to edit the bac ku p option s while creating a backup task . 5. 4 . 1 Pre/ Po st C ommands You can specify commands (or ev en batch files) that wil l be automatically ex ecuted before and after the backup pro cedure.
56 5. 4 .2 Compr ession L evel Select t he compres sion lev el for t he backup . With hig her com p ression ratios the archive file size will be s maller , but the backup p rocess may take longer .
57 5. 4 .3 Back up P riorit y You can set up the backup process priority: • Low - the backup process will run sl ower, but it will not influence other processes running on your computer • Normal -.
58 • AES 1 28 – the quickes t enc ryption met hod available (set by default) • AES 1 92 – e ncr ypt ion will take longer t han 128 - bit , but is more secure • AES 256 – r equires the most amount of time to cipher , but it is als o the most s ecure sett ing available 5.
59 5. 4.6 Bandwi dth T hrottli ng You can limit the band width used by the backup process so t hat network resources will be avail able for other processes . To set the des ired data transfer speed, check t he Enable bandwi dth t hrottlin g parameter.
60 It will be enabled only if you create indep endent full backups ( Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange wi ll check th e specified b ackup st rategy) . In all other cases Acronis Recovery for MS Exchang.
61 Chapter 6. Disaster Recovery Plan It is ext remely import ant for all organizat ions and users to have det ailed instruct ions describ ing the pro cess for recovering d ata quickly and efficiently in case of disaster – a Disaster Recover y Plan.
62 2. Sel ect th e item s y ou want to obtain the D isaster R ecovery P lan for 3. Choo se whether you want to receive the D isaster R ecovery P l an by e - ma il or to view it in HTML format.
63 4. If in t he prev ious st ep you selected to receiv e th e D isaster R ecov ery P l an by e- mail, you will need to specify the e- mail parameters Specify the e - mail account t hat will be used for sending t he D is aste r Recovery P lan. Pr ovide the e - mail address to which t he plan will be sent and the outgoi ng SMTP server name.
64 In the latter case an e - mai l will be sent t o the address you sp ecified or a HTML ver sion of the Di saster Recovery Plan will b e opened i n your web browse r after y ou click Finish .
65 3. Sp ecify t he e - mail account that will be used for sending the D isa ste r Recovery P lan. Pr ovide the e - mail address t o which the plan will be se nt and the outgoi ng SMTP server name. Y ou can specify s everal e -mail addresses separating t hem wi th commas .
66 6.3 Summary Thus, in case of disaster, you only need to take the most recent version of the Disaste r Recovery Plan and follow the instr uctions to restore your databases .
67 Chapter 7. Backup Location C lean - up Sooner or later t he backups you create will fill up t he assigned st orage space. Acronis Recovery for MS Ex change allow s you t o clean up backup locations by specifying how long to st ore the archive and/or t he maximum number of full backups t o store.
68 7.2 S electin g the Backup A rchive L ocation Select the backup lo cation you want t o clean from the tree, o r manually specify t he path to it in the Path fi eld below t he tree. Y ou can al so select Acronis bac kup l ocatio ns (such as Acronis Backup Server).
69 GFS (Grandfather - Father - Son) scheme will k eep t hree set s of back ups in t he selected location . This scheme , if chos en, is activat ed on the day the first full back up was created: all ba.
70 7 .5 Schedule C leaning Acronis Recovery fo r MS Exchange allows yo u to schedule backup locatio n clean - up. Specify the schedule that is the b es t for yo ur needs (see Chapt er 9 “Sched uling Tasks” for detailed info rmation) .
71 Chapter 8. Restor ing the Backup Dat a Acronis Recovery fo r MS Exchange resto res stor age groups and mailboxes from previous ly crea ted ba cku p arch ives . 8.1 Restor ing I nform ation Stor e s Launch the Restore In format ion Store wizard by clicking on the r estore operat ion icon in the main workspace.
72 8.1.2 Speci fying a Task Execution A ccount In this step of the Rest ore Da ta wizard, you are specify ing an account that is valid on the computer where the data y ou want to re store is locat ed – a t ask executi on account. These cred enti als wil l be used d uring each task executi on for connecting to the serv er.
73 locations for t he last archives created in a special fold er – Recent Backup Lo cations - so you can easily locate the appropriat e archive. You can also select specific Acronis backup locations (such as Acronis Backup Server) .
74 Clic k Next to conti nue. 8.1.5 Providi ng a Pa ss w or d If there are any passwo rd - protected backup archives in the locat ion you have sel ected (see 8 .1.3), you will need to enter t he password to restore yo ur data from t he archives . Click Next to cont inue.
75 • to the time of the latest backup – choosing this op tion will restore y our data to t he state when the last backup was created . R estor i ng to t he lat est backup will be faster, than restoration to the point of failure.
76 Select Acronis Active Restor e to immediat ely obtain the acces s to the Microsoft Exchange serv er. You also can restore public folders with this feature activat ed. Another advant age is that Acronis Active Restore may be used with all versions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (see 8.
77 logs. In terms of this, we recommend y ou to cr eate full backups aft er new databases are created . Important ! While restoring an informat ion store, e - mail service will not be avai lable , i.e. users will not be able t o send and receive e - mails .
78 8.1.9 Selecting S tar t P ar am et ers You can run a restore t ask manually or sp ecify the frequency (Daily , W eekly or Monthly). See Chapter 9 “Scheduling T asks” for detailed informat ion .
79 Click Finis h to save the schedule or star t the restore task i mmediately . 8.2 Restoring Mailboxes Launch the Restore M ailb oxes wizard by clicki n g on the restore operat ion icon in the main workspace. 8.2.1 Restoration Time Selection In the first step of the Res tor e Data wiz ard you decide when to run the resto ration process .
80 8.2.2 Specify ing a Task Execution A ccount In this step o f the Restore Dat a wizard, specify an account that is v alid on the compute r where the b ackup archiv es yo u wa nt to resto re are loca ted – a task execution account.
81 Note, Acron is Recovery fo r MS Exchange does not prot ect archiv es form possible p hysical corruption. In case yo u try to restore d ata from the corrupted archiv e, an error messag e will appear and the rest ore task wil l not be execut ed.
82 After se lecting the appropri ate optio n click Nex t to continue. 8.2.7 Content S el ection Acronis Recovery fo r MS Ex change allows resto ring mailbox e s and separate pub lic folders. First, s elect a database serv er from the tree in t he left p ane.
83 Restoring Publ ic Folder s Choose a Storage Group , Public Fol der St ore and Public Folder from which you want to resto re a specif ic folder. Informati on about the s elected items will be d isplayed on t he right. In the dr op - down list , specify the public folder yo u want to rest ore.
84 Click Next to cont inue. 8.2.8 Restore Options Select t he opti ons for t he res torat ion pr ocess (P re/Pos t command s, res toratio n process prior ity etc.) . You can Use default opt ions (See 8.4 “Set ting Default Restore Options” for more information.
85 Click Finis h to save the schedule or star t the restore task i mmediately . 8.3 Restoring In dividual E- mails In addition t o restoring st orage groups and mailboxes , Acroni s Recover y for MS Exchange can restor e individual e- mails.
86 8.3.2 Selecting a Backup T ask and Point to Res tore If several backup t asks use the same lo cation to store archiv es, you have to select t he task you want to resto re from. Click the Select tas k… link to choose t he backup t ask and a point to restore e- mails to .
87 After s electing the app rop riate o ptio n click OK to return to the E- mail Res to ration window . 8.3.3 Setti ng Additiona l Search O ptions Filter Acronis Recovery fo r MS Exchange allows using a filter to display only the required items in the tr ee.
88 Please note , only the first 1 00 e - mails w ill be shown in the table (see secti on 8.3. 4 ). So conside r p ro per search options. 8.3.4 Sele cting E- mail E xporting par ameters Select the way .
89 8.4 S etting Default Restore O ptions To vi ew or edi t the d efault resto re opt ions, select To ols - > Option s - > De f aul t Restora tion Opt ions from the main program menu. You can also edit r estore opt ions while cr eating a restore t ask.
90 8.4.2 Restora tion P riorit y You can set up the rest ore process prior ity: • Low - the restor e process will run slower, but it will not influence other processes running on your computer • N orm al - set by default.
91 8.4.3 User A ccount Ownership You can set associati on rules for mailboxes being restored. With Recreate absent accounts … checkbo x sele cted, mi ssing in the Act ive Direc tory accounts, whose mailbox es are b eing res tored , will b e recreated with t he specifie d pas swo rd (by default the pass word is P@ssw0rd ).
92 While restoring to another stora ge group overwrite database w ith the same nam e With this pa rameter se lected, database s will be ov erwritten wit h database s with the same name from the archive. Otherwi se, restoring such datab ases will fail.
93 Compar ing A cronis Activ e Restor e and Dial T one R ecov ery Acronis Activ e Restore Dial T one Recovery MS Excha ng e acces si bility whil e restoring yes limited Public folders resto ring yes n.
94 Chapter 9. Scheduling T asks 9.1 W hat is a t ask? A task is a jo b you execute for a database that includes the type of operation (back up, restore, et c.), parameters o f the operation (what to backup, what to restore, etc.) a nd a schedule (optional ).
95 Dai ly - the task will be executed dail y at the specified time. You can set t he following parameters: Parameter De script ion Recur every (…) days The tas k executio n frequency Start time Time for starting the task.
96 End da te Select t his check bo x to specify t he date when this schedule will be disabl ed Monthly - the task will be executed monthly at the specified t ime and day. You can set the following p arameters: Parameter Description Months Select months for the task execut ion from the drop - down list.
97 One tim e - t he tas k will b e execut ed once at the s pecif ied t ime and day . You can set the Start time parameter: sp ecify the date and t ime to star t the operat ion. Current time is set by default. All the setti ngs you made are disp layed in the Resu lt fiel d at the botto m of the window.
98 Chapter 10. Managing T asks To manag e operations , click Manage Tasks i n the Pick a Tool group or select the Tools - > Manage task s menu item . All the scheduled task s appear in the Scheduled Tasks pane in the Manage Comput er Tasks windo w of the Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange M anagement Console .
99 10.1 E diting a T ask To edit a task , select it in the Tasks window and click Ed it Task on the left. Follow t h e w izard’s instr u ction s on the scr een. 10.2 Deleting a T ask To del ete an exist ing task , select it in the Tasks window and click Delet e Tas k on the left.
100 Chapter 11. Notifications Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange can notify you when a task is complete using an SNMP ser vice or via e - mai l. By default all notificat ions are disabled. 11.1 E- mail N otific ations Specify a singular de fault e - mail account that wi ll be used for no tifications r egarding the bac kup opera tion proc ess.
101 Click the Addit iona l e - mail param eters… link to sp ecify the Fr om and Su bject fields for th e notification e - mail. You can check i f the setti ngs are co rrect by cl icking the Send T est E-m ail M essage button.
102 Chapter 12. V iewing Logs Acronis Recovery for MS Ex change working log s. The logs prov ide information about scheduled task r esults, including failure reasons, if any.
103 Chapter 13. Command - line M ode Acronis Recovery for MS Ex change sup ports t he command - line mode. Th e c ommand - line user i nterface p rovides t he ability to execute the following Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange functio nality : backup and rest o re (including the ability to set options for corres ponding o pera tion s ) .
104 13.1 List Command Cmd.ex e list [/loca tion :<URI> [/cr edentia ls:"<login >:<passwor d>"] [/archive:<name> [/p assword:<password>]] ] [/i tem:"<ite m>"] [/pi t:<ti me>] 13.1.1 Descri ption of O ptions /loc ati on :<UR I> Specifies an archiv e location ’s URI .
105 /credentials: <logi n>:<pas sword> Specifies t ask ex ecutio n account’s cred entials /archive:<name> Defines an archive wit hin the specified l ocation /password:<p assword.
106 13.3.3 Descri ption of O ptions /loc ati on :<UR I> Displays an archiv e l ocation ’s URI . The path may be s pecified in on e of the following ways : “C: p ath to dir ”, “ computer share dir ”, “ftp://host/mybackups/” or “bsp://host/BackupServer”.
107 13. 4 Restore Command s 13.4.1 RestoreIS Use Resto reIS command to restore whole information stores and storage groups. In case you specify mailboxes in the item option, the operation will fail. See opti ons’ des cription in 13. 4.3 sect ion. Cmd.
108 /storagegro up Specifies a stor age gro up to restor e. All specified stora ge groups will be overwr itten. Note, this option is incompatible with /dialtone command /pit: <date> < time> Specifies a point in time to which to restore t he required item.
109 Appendix A. Acronis Recovery for MS Exchange : Best Practices This section p rovides instruct ions for best practices when using Acr onis Reco very fo r MS Exchange .
110 e. Use default settings for backup f. Add the necessar y comment s fo r the task g. Save the cr eated t as k To recov er all data i n case of hardwa re failu re For eve ry damaged s erver perform t he following actions: 1. Install and configure a new server.
111 Only one d atabase wil l be restored to the sele cted po int in time. To recover all data in case of a virus attack For all servers perform the following actions: 1. Recov er the serv er from vir uses , reinstall t he operating sy stem o r repla ce the server w ith a new one.
112 Acronis solut ion The d atab ase administrator s hould crea te indep endent t asks for different databases. While creating a task , the d atabase administ rator specifi es the ap propr iate sched ule for each database.
113 Appendix B. Inst alling Acronis Recover y for MS Exchange from command line Acronis Recovery fo r MS Exchange supports t he Microsoft Inst aller utilit y ( msiex ec.exe ) with all its commands. H ere is the MSI inst allation command and options: Install Options /i <Component.
114 a – reinstalls all fi les u – rewrit es all requir ed regist ry entr ies from the Re gistry Table that go to the HKEY_CUR RENT_USER or HKEY_USERS registr y hi ve m – rewrit es all requi r ed.
115 m - Logs out - o f - memory p - Logs t erminal properties v - Logs ver bose outpu t. To u se v , s pecif y /L*v + - Appends to existing f ile ! - Flushes each line to the log * - Logs all information except for the v option. This is a wildcard LogFil e.
116 /qr - Dis plays a reduced user i nterface with a mod al dialog box displayed at the end of the installation /qf - Dis plays the full user interface with a modal dial og box displayed at the end /q.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.