Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 16 port des Produzenten Black Box
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CUSTOMER SUPP OR T INF ORM A TIO N Order toll- free in the U.S 24 hours, 7 A.M. M onda y to midni ght Fri day: 877- 877-BBO X FREE techn ical su pport , 24 hour s a day , 7 days a wee k: Call 724 -746-55 00 or fax 724-74 6-074 6 Mail orde r: Black Box Corpor atio n , 1000 Par k Drive, Lawre nce, P A 15055- 1018 W eb s ite : www .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 2 Normas Oficia les Me xic anas (NO M) Elec tri cal Safe ty Statemen t INSTRUCC IONES DE SEGURIDAD 1. T odas las ins trucci ones de segu ridad y op erac ión debe rán se r leíd as ante s de que el apar ato eléc trico sea opera do.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 3 15. En caso d e existir , una a ntena exte rna deberá ser lo calizada l e jos de l a s lineas de energia. 16. El c able de corr ient e de berá ser desco nectado del cuando el equipo n o sea u sad o por un lar go pe riod o de tiemp o.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 5 About this Guide Purp ose of this ma nual This manual te lls you how to i nstall, configure and use the Console Server and associated util ity software.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 6 Fast Content s A BOUT THIS G UIDE .................. ......... ............. ................... ............. ....................... ...... 5 F AST C ONT ENTS ........ .................. .............. .......
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 7 Contents A BOUT THIS G UIDE .................. ......... ............. ................... ............. ....................... ...... 5 Purpose of this manual .............. ........................ ..........
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 8 C HAPTER 1 I NTRODUCTION ............. ......... .............. .................. .............. ................... 17 About the Console S erver .................. ................ ................. ..........
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 9 C HAPTER 2 I NST ALLATION .............. ......... .............. ...................... ................... .......... 23 General installation procedure ......... ................ ......................... ....
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 10 C HAPTER 3 S YSTEM ADMINISTRATION .............. ......... .............. .................. .............. . 69 Security ......................................... ................ ................. ...........
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 11 C HAPTER 4 U SING YOU R C ONS OLE S ERVER .......... ...................... ................... .......... 1 15 Introduction ......................... ........................ ................. ................
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 12 add gate way .......... ......... ............ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ............ ......... .... 144 add hos t. ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 13 Syn tax .... .... ..... .... ..... .... ....... .... .... ..... .... ....... .... .... ..... .... .... ....... .... ..... .... .... ..... ...... ..... ... . 165 See a lso.. .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... ..
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 14 A PPEN DIX C SNMP ........... .................. .............. ....................... .................. .............. . 203 Overview ...... ................ ......................... ................ ......
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 15 BOOTP messages output to screen .................. ................. ................ ................. ............ 236 Disabling the BOOTP reply ...................... ................. ................ .....
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 16.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 17 Chapter 1 In troduct ion Y ou need to r e ad this chapter if you wa nt t o... Y ou need to read thi s chapter if you want an overview of the Console Server pro duct. This chapter provi des introduct ory inform ation about the Console Server, its associated co mponents, softwar e and configur ation utilities.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 18 About the Console Server The Console Serv er is a cons ole serve r which allows you to comm unicate direct ly via the serial port to netw orked devices ( such as routers, serv ers and so o n) in or der to perform s ystem adm inistration ta sks.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 19 See also T ypical applic ations s ummary on pa ge 20 and Consol e Serv er front and re ar views on page 21 ..
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 20 Typical applications summary Managing devices over the LAN /WAN The Co nsole Serv er allows the administ rator to T eln et to the appropriate po rt on the console server .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 21 Console Serv er front and rear views The Conso le Serve r is a networ k access serv er with f ront-mo unte d RJ45 s erial ports.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 22.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 23 Chapter 2 Installation Y ou need to read this cha pter if you want to ... Y ou need to read this chapter if you want install the Console Server. This chapte r provides t ask oriented information abo ut installing the Console Ser ver, its associ ated components , software a nd configuration ut ilities.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 24 General installation procedure The gener al proc edure for insta lling an d setting up your Console Server is as foll ows; 1.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 25 Rack mounting y our Console S erver To mount a si ngle Console S erver into a 19 inch ra ck, use t he two mounti ng brackets and fo ur screw s prov ided wit h the un it.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 26.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 27 Desk mounting y our Console S erver To pr epa re th e Conso le Se rve r for use on a d esk use t he fo ur self-a dhesive rubber feet provid ed wi th the unit. Stick the fo ur f eet to the un ders ide of the uni t, one in eac h cor ner, approxi mate ly one in ch from each adja cent edg e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 28 Multiple stacking your Console Server When st acking you r unit on a des k we rec omme nd tha t you stac k no mor e than three unit s high in a 0 to 40 d egrees centi grade e nviron ment. This p recau tion e nsures that you keep within the maximum o perating te mperatures o f the units .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 29 LED guid e During bootup y ou should see power and network LEDs display th e following colours. Powe r and netw ork LEDs Once power i s on and the network i s .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 30 Console Server during normal operati ons.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 31 RJ4 5 LE Ds There ar e bi-col our LE Ds on th e RJ45 co nnect ors on bo th the fr ont an d rear pa nels. These LED s flic ker bri efly dur ing boot up and the .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 32 Selecting AUI or 10/100 Base T interface Before performi ng the initial conf iguration of your Console Ser ver unit, you ne ed to select the type of interface you want to use from either AUI or 10/100Ba se-T (Default set ting is 10/100Base -T).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 33 Settin g up an IP address Setting up an IP address automatically using DH CP Th is s ect io n in clu de s t he foll ow in g; • Set up pr oced ure on pag e 33.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 34 2. Connect your Co nsole Se rver to the networ k and tur n on the uni t. The IP address and any other configuratio n information will now b e set up auto matica lly .For m ore info rmati on s ee A bout DH CP on p age 35 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 35 About DHCP You can use DHCP to perform the f o llowing act ions on a sin gle or multip le Console Serv er (t he ‘ un it(s) ’)s on its/t heir boo t-up : auto-config ure with min imal inf ormation; e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 36 The DHC P serve r chec ks the ether net addr ess and looks for a match ing ad dress i n its DHCP tables: - if a matching et hernet addr ess is found th e DHCP server will rep ly to the unit; the reply will contai n netw ork co nfig uratio n info rmati on.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 37 The maj or diff erence s betwe en BO OTP and D HCP ar e: • BOOTP i s large ly relian t on a netw ork cl ient's lo w leve l Ethern et addre ss (MAC addre.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 38 Manually setting up an IP addres s This sectio n inc ludes the follo win g; • Set up pr oced ure on pag e 39 • Serv er form fiel d desc ripti ons on page 42 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 39 Set up pro c edure T o manually set up an I P address proceed a s follows; 1. Set up a term inal or PC run ning ter mina l emulat ion. For ex ample s of con nectio n pinout s see A ppendi x A Cabl ing infor mation .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 40 6. W ithin the server form, complete the fields by moving between the fields usin g the arr ow keys . Use the < del> key to back space if neces sary . For a d escriptio n of the fields in this fo rm see Server form field de script ion s on page 4 2 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 41 8. Acce pt the form; you will be returned to the Main Menu. Y ou may wa nt to sav e your c onfigur ation change s per manent ly; see Savi ng config urati on change s on pag e 62 9. Reboot the unit. Re bootin g will ensur e that ot her net work de vices ca n communicate with it.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 42 Server form field descr iptions The server form fields are described in the next table. Y ou can use this infor mation to assi st with sett ing values in Set up pro cedure on page 39 . Param eter Desc ripti on server name (also kn own as ho stname or alias) The familiar n ame for y our Console Server .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 43 both - (the default) firstly with the unit’ s own user table. If the usernam e is found in un it but the password i s incorrect, an au then ticatio n req ues t is se nt t o th e RAD IUS h ost. If th e username is not found in the unit, authentication is passed up to the RA DIU S host.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 44 gui ac cess this paramet er controls access to t he Console Server’ s graphical configur ation programm e JET set. The default is ‘off ’. When set to ‘on’ the admin user can access the J ET set from a W eb brow ser , using th e unit’ s internet address.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 45 Accessing the Console Server configuration software Logging onto your Console Server 1. From yo ur host, tel net to Con sole Serve r. For examp le, telne t 192.65 .1434. 15 2. A login pr ompt is now disp layed.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 46 Setting up your network parameters Setting up the host table The Console Server needs to know the hostnam es and internet addres ses of the other hosts in the ne twork (or any hosts anywhere o n the Interne t) wh ich you want t o communicate with on a regular basis.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 47 2. T ype in t he nam e of the ho st (1 4 charac ters maxim um) an d press < retur n>..
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 48 Chang ing a Ho st This opt ion enab les y ou to add or chang e a host’s internet addr ess: T o change a host (set host , show host): 1. Within the Hos t T able me nu, Se lect ‘Ch ange H ost ’ from the Hos t T able me nu; This form wil l list all ho sts adde d to the ho st table .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 49 Deleting a host This option enables you to delete an entry from the host ta ble. If a hos t is referenced by a pre-defi ned session, or is defi ned as a gate way or nam e server, you won’t be allow ed t o de lete it.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 50 Changing the Admin Password cli sy ntax: set user passw or d T o change the Admin pa ssword proceed as fol lows; 1. W ithin the Users menu, sele ct ‘Set Password’. 2. Fro m the list n ow disp layed, s elect ‘admin ’ user .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 51 RADIUS configuration Th is s ect io n in clu de s t he foll ow in g: • Set up pr oced ure on pag e 51 • RAD IUS par am eters de script ion on page 5 4 . Set up pro c edure T o configure h ow the Conso le Server inter acts with the RADIUS hos t or hosts: 1.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 52 4. Key a maximum of sixteen a lphanumeri c characte rs. T o cha nge the se cret you must delete the host and then ad d it agai n; whe n you add a host yo u are pr ompte d for a secre t.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 53 7. Accept the form; you will be returned to the menu. Tip You may want to save you r confi guration change s perm anent ly; see Savi ng conf igur ati on ch ang.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 54 RADIUS para meters desc ription The RA DIUS p arameters are as fo llows : ret ry (for authen tication) the number of times the unit will re-send a request to a RADIUS authenti cation h ost, befo re re-pre senting another lo gin to the user .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 55 auth_p ort - the UDP por t num ber f or RA DIUS a uthe ntica ti on. Th e de faul t val ue is 1645 which shoul d match most RADIUS implement ations. Chang e this value if you r RADIUS ho st is us ing a dif ferent UDP port numb er.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 56 DNS configuration Y ou can ent er the addresses of two DNS host s in the Cons ole Server (the ‘ un it ’ ); one will be th e primary host, the o ther a seconda ry host. The DNS hosts do no t have to be the same hosts as entere d in your unit ’s host ta ble.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 57 WINS config uration WINS (Windows Intern et Name Service) is a database of hostnames and corresponding internet addr esses. It is a Microsoft specific n ame resolut ion service. The b asic func tion of WI NS is the si milar to D NS, i.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 58 Configuring network gateways Gateways are hos ts that conn ect Local Area Networks (LA Ns) toge ther . If y ou want to access a host which is n’t on your local net work you w ill be connected via a gateway . Gateway s route data via other gateways until the destination local network is reached.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 59 Addi ng a gat eway To add a gatew ay proceed a s follows : 1. From the Networ k Configu ratio n menu, select ‘Gatew ay’. 2. From the Ga teway menu , sel ect ‘A dd G atewa y’. 3. From the host tabl e now di splaye d, se lect a ho st.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 60 Deleting a Gateway delete gate way If a host on your netwo rk is re tired fro m gatew ay dut y , you ca n use t his opt ion to dele te it from the list of gateways. Note that the host will NOT be deleted from the host table.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 61 Verifying your network installation T o check that you have installed the Console Server (the ‘ unit ’) successfully procee d as follows; 1. At the com mand prompt , try to pi ng a remo te host by typin g the fo llowin g command: ping hostname Choo se a host t hat you hav e defi ned in t he host table .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 62 Saving con figuration change s Saving to non-volatile memory T o save your config uration se ttings to non volatil e memory proceed as follo ws; 1. After m aking c hange s to th e config urati on exit th e text me nu scr een (for m) you are usi ng.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 63 Saving to a file cli sy ntax: nets ave Y ou can also save your configurat ion information to a file on a host.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 64 Setting date and time The C onsol e Server (t he ‘ unit ’) has a real- time clock wh ich you ca n set and v iew. It is battery- back ed an d ther efore will o pera te wh en p ower is o ff and over reboo ts.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 65 Performing a soft reboot T o perform a soft re-boot (cli s yntax: reboot) ; 1. From the Networ k Configu ration m enu, selec t ‘Reboo t’. Y ou will be asked w hether you wis h to save y our con figur ation ch anges to non- volatile memory: 2.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 66 Restoring fac tory default settings Resetting to factory defaults using software This feature enables you to reset the unit to its default settings. This will clear all configuration data entered by the admin user , and all user accounts, except the default admin user, will be deleted.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 67 1. Us e th e tip of a p en o r pe nci l to pre ss th e re set s wit ch lo ca ted on the re ar of the unit. The Console Server will the n reboot and rese t itsel f to fa ctory default settings.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 68.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 69 Chapter 3 System administration Y ou need to read this cha pter if you want to ... Y ou need to read this chapter if you want to do system administration with the Console Server. This chapter provides task oriented info rmation on system administration with the Console Server.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 70 Security The Console Server h as a number of secur ity features bui lt in that can be enabl ed or disabled depen ding on the s ecurity level re quired. These features include: • Telnet ac cess - Login and passw ord re quir ed.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 71 Viewing and editing your line settings Lines set to reverse Telnet by default cli sy ntax: set lin e A reverse t e lnet conn ection enable s a TCP/I P host on .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 72 3. Assign a TCP po rt num ber to th e unit por t using the ‘C S Port’ fie ld. This TCP port n umbe r will be used by an y hos t wan ting to a cces s the un it por t.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 73 6. The l ine should now b e configured s imilar to th at shown in the next p icture: 7. Press <retu rn> t o ex it; if you d o not wish to sav e yo ur ch anges press the < esc ape> key .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 74 Configuring a dial in line Introduction to SLIP and PPP connections This section deal s with setting up SLIP and PPP connections on a line.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 75 Setting up the line cli sy ntax: set line , show l ine 1. From the Line Configur ation menu, select ‘Line Setti ngs’. 2. W ithin the Line settings menu, selec t a partic ular li ne; e.g. l ine 3. The li ne for m will be disp laye d (def ault va lues shown i n the ne xt exa mple): 3.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 76 Service optio n Descripti on PPP When you want a remote access service connection using PPP , or when you want to use the unit as a rout er with PPP . In both cases t he user (whe ther real or dummy) will be authenticated within PPP (provided you use Security - P AP or CHAP).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 77 4. Ign ore the oth er fields in this f orm. Press <return> to exit; if you do not wish to save y our chan ges pr ess the < esca pe> key. cli sy ntax: add mod em 5. Now go to th e Line Conf igurati on Menu: 6.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 78 Configuring SLIP cli sy ntax: set slip l ine, show s lip line T o configure t he SLIP pa rameters p roceed as follows; 1. Fro m the Line Configuration menu, select ‘SLI P’ and then select a line. The SLIP f orm is now displ ayed (def ault va lues sho wn): 2.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 79 Remote ip address This is the I P address of t he remote e nd of the SLIP l ink. This must be specified. Choose an add ress which is part of t he same net work or sub network as the unit (see comment in ‘Local ip address’ above).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 80 VJ Co mpre ssio n This determines whethe r V an Jacobson com pression is used on this link; i.e. whether you are using SLIP or C-SLIP (compressed SLIP). The choices are ‘on’ (C-SLIP) or ‘off ’ (SLIP); the default is ‘on’.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 81 Configuring PPP This section desc ribes how to configure a dial in line using PP P and includes the following: • PPP conf igurat ion pro cedure o n page 82 • PPP for m fiel d desc ripti ons on page 83 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 82 PPP form field description s This sec tion de scri bes the f ields a nd set tings u sed in the PPP for m re ferred to in PPP config uration pr oced ure on page 82 . Th e follow ing fi elds ar e desc ribed i n this se ction.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 83 Local ip addr ess This is the IP address of the unit end of the P PP link. For routing to work you m ust enter a loc al IP address . Choose a n address w hich is part of the sam e network or subnetwork as the r emote end; e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 84 ACCM This allows the specifica tion of an accm (asynchronous control charac ter map) of characters that should be esca ped from t he data stre am. This is entered as a 32 bit hexadecimal num ber with each bit sp ecifying whether or not the cor responding character sho uld be escaped.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 85 CHAP challenges a client/device at regular intervals t o validate itself with a username an d a respon se, based on a hash of the ‘s ecret’ (passw ord). A ti mer operates during whi ch successfu l authentication m ust take place.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 86 User Complete this field only if you: • have spe cifie d PAP or CHAP (se curi ty prot ocol s) in the ‘Securit y’ fiel d, and • you wish to de dicate th.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 87 • you wish to de dicate this line to a single remote user , and your user will b e authenticate d by the unit, or • you are usi ng the un it as a rou ter (ba ck-to- back w ith an other un it).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 88 Pr otoc ol compr essio n This determines wh ether compress ion of the PPP Pr otocol field shal l take place on this link. The choices are ‘on’ or ‘off ’; the default is ‘on’. For most applications this should be enab led; i.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 89 Configur e r eq. t imeout This parameter specifies the m aximum time in sec onds that LCP ( Link Control Protocol) will wait before it considers a ‘c onfigure request’ packe t to have been lost. (in the cli e xample synt ax would be: se t ppp li 8 cr_tmout 3).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 90 PPP line ROAMING CALLBACK OFF ON the un it c an s till provide fixed callbac k - pro vided you have set the (fixed) callback param eter t o ‘on’ f or that particula r user; see Confi guring a us er acco unt on page 100 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 91 Challenge_ interval sets t he i nterv al in min utes a t w hich the u nit will issue a CH AP re-ch allen ge to the remote end. The default val ue is 0 (zer o) mean ing CHAP re-c hallenge is disabled. During CH AP authentication an initial CHAP chal lenge takes pla ce, and is unrelated to CHAP re-challenges.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 92 Configuring a modem A summary o f the confi gurable features for modems is liste d below. Note all refe renc es to mo dems ap ply eq ually to IS DN Te rmina l .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 93 Configuring users Y ou nee d to conf igure user a ccounts on the Console Server (th e ‘unit’) fo r those users who are tasked w ith adminis tering the atta ched devices or Remote A ccess connections.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 94.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 95 About user accounts and RADIUS Over view You ca n have a maxi mum of 32 us er acco unts on the Cons ole Ser ver. Yo u wil l also be abl e to conf igur e us er a ccoun ts on the RADIUS ho st. T her efor e some use rs c an b e authen ticat ed by th e unit, ot her user s by RA DIUS.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 96.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 97 Exam ple RAD IUS user file : teln et serv ice An ex plan atio n of th e fil e show n in Ex ample RADIUS user file: telne t service o n page 98 is as follows : - the fi le cont ains a m ixtur e of user pa ramet ers (e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 98 Adding a user account To add a use r acco unt, proce ed as fo llows; 1. W ithi n the User s menu, se lect ‘A dd User’ (cli syntax: add user ). 2. Enter a username, maximum si xteen characte rs (do not use spaces).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 99 Configuring a user account The sect ion incl udes the fol lowin g: • Confi gurati on proce dure o n page 10 0 • User form f ield des cript ions on page 1 01 . • Abou t user leve ls on page 108 • CLI promp ts on pa ge 108 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 100 User form fi eld descri ptions This secti on describ es the fi elds within the user f orm detail ed in Co nfi gur ation proced ure on p age 100 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 101 Servi ce Instructs the unit to st art a user se rvice by s electing one from the following list (once the user i s authenticated s uccessfully): csprompt: a login on the unit (the default setting).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 102 TCP P ort No (i gnore this fi eld unles s you ha ve s elec ted a user Se rvic e of ‘tel net’) (telnet only) enter the TCP/IP por t number o f the host with which the unit should start the teln et service. The default port is 23; in most case s you shou ld leave the value at default .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 103 - specified by user . The unit will prompt the user for an IP address or hostname, when the telnet or rlogin service is started. When the user se rvice is set to T e lnet, Rlog in o r TC P Cl ear, the un it w ill g ive t he u ser two at tem pts t he e nter the required information.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 104 Call back f or a user CALLBACK (fixed) OFF ON The unit will no t provide any type of callback to the user , neither fixed nor roaming.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 105.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 106 framed ip (us e only when the user service field is set to ‘slip’ or ‘ppp’) this is the ip address of the re mot e us er .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 107 framed compr essio n (use only when the user service field is set to ‘slip’ or ‘ppp’) this parameter determines wh ether V an Jacob sen Compres sion is used on the link . Select either ‘on’ or ‘off ’ (def ault is ‘off ’).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 108 Changing a user’s password T o change a user ’ s password, p roceed as follows; 1. W ithin the Us ers menu, select ‘Set Pas sword’ (cl i synta x set use r). 2. Select a us er from the list display ed. Y ou will be promp ted to en ter a pa sswo rd.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 109 Configuring Break P ass Through The Console Ser ver will n ot send break signals on power cycles. It i s also conf igured not to allow break signals to be sent through t o attached devices by defa ult. However , some ad minis trat ors ma y wish to be able to send th e brea k sig nal i.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 110 Resetting the line to default This feature enabl es you to reset the ser ial line whi ch you are conf iguring to the default settin gs. It is avai lable in the Li ne Settings form (under the Line Configuration Menu).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 111 Saving your settings Saving settings to non-volatile memory 1. After m aki ng chan ges to th e config urati on, ex it the text menu sc reen (form ) you are usi ng.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 112.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 113.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 114.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 115 Chapter 4 U sing your Console Server Y ou need to r e ad this chapter if you wa nt t o... Y ou nee d to rea d this chapt er if you want informat ion on how to use the Console Server as a console server. This chapter provides task orientated inform ation on using the Console Server as a console server .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 116 Introduction Once the unit has been configured and users added using the procedures given in Chapter 2 In stallati on and Chap ter 3 Syst em admi nistrat ion , you can begin to use it as a console ser ver .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 117 Accessing devices via Telnet from the LAN In order to perform t his function you must have a sys tem capable of running a telnet session. Te r m i n a l emulat ors Microsoft Windows does have an implem entation of te lnet but it is l imited.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 118 Accessing devices via SSH In order to perf orm this functio n you must have a s ystem capable o f running an SSH session.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 119 3. Y ou will b e promp ted to ge nerate d the SSH keys asso ciat ed with t he versi on of SSH sele cted. Th is initi al gener ation of ke y takes a f ew mi nutes an d you will be asked to confir m if you want to pro ceed with the ke y gene ration .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 120 5. Once the k eys ha ve been generat ed, you w ill be pro mpted to save yo ur settin gs. 6. Each lin e whic h you re quire se cure acces s to wi ll have to be con figure d for reverse s s h.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 121 • SSH protoc ol ena bled and associa ted key ge nera ted on th e Console Ser ver • Disab le decom pre ssio n on SSH cl ien t softw are – featur e is not su ppor ted on Cons ole Ser ver Access proc edure To acces s a device over a s ecure SSH ses sion, proc eed as follows : 1.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 122 Accessing devices via modems using PPP For this met hod you wil l need to s etup one of t he serial p orts for PPP (see Config uring a dial in line on pa ge 74 in Chapte r 3 System admi nistr ati on ).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 123 Accessing devices via modems using a du mb device For this met hod you will be using either a PC with a terminal em ulator or a dumb termi nal . T o setup a s erial port for this m ethod proceed as follow s: 1.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 124 13. A t this prompt telnet to the ap propr iate po rt For example T elnet 'ip address' 'so cket #'.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 125 Appendix A Cabling information Y ou need to r e ad this appen dix if you wa nt t o... Y ou nee d to rea d this appendi x if you want cabling info rmation for t he Console Server. This appendix provides connector pinout and cabling inform ation for the Console Server console server .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 126 RJ45 RS232 serial ports The RS232 RJ45 seria l ports are 8-pin sh ielded and surge-suppressed to 15KV . Note that DCD is an input . The pino uts are s hown in shiel ded RJ45 p inou ts R J45 pi nouts (ser ial p orts) on page 126 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 127 Pin numb ering i n the RJ45 conne ctors.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 128 AUI port The port labell ed AUI, on the rear pane l, is a 15-w ay fe male D- type . Pin-o uts are: Note To use the AU I port on Cons ole Serv er units eq uippe d with Rev ision 2 boa rds yo u need to select the AU I interf ace duri ng initia l config uration us ing CLI com mand s.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 129 RJ45 10/100BaseT port The RJ45 po rt on the rear panel, labe lled ‘1 0/100Ba seT’ i s 8-pin shielded RJ45. It i s wired as shown i n on page 129the ne xt tabl e. The pos itions of the pins inside the connect or are sh own in Pin numbe ring in t he RJ45 conn ectors on page 127 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 130 Admin Port The po rt labe lled ‘Ad min ’ is on the re ar of the unit. Wh en fitt ed wi th a 25-p in femal e D-type conn ector the wiring is as follow s: If you wish to connect a termi nal into the Adm in Port, see the conn ection exampl e in T ermi nals on page 138 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 131 Direct (1:1) Conn ections This section desc ribes di rect (1:1) connections (de finition below) a nd show s you connection exampl es.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 132 Sun Micro system ser vers For connecting a port on the front of the Console Server to the console port on a Sun serv er wit h sof tware flow cont rol; For con.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 133 For connecting a port on the front of the Console Server to Sun Netra t1 and other Sun systems w ith RJ45 cons ole ports.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 134 CISCO RJ45 console ports with softwa re flow control Black Bo x 833AS Black Bo x Series r outer cons ole p ort Consol e Server CISC0 TX 5 ————— —.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 135 IBM RS 6000 Consol e Server RS6000 DB25 DSR 2 <———— ———— 1 DCD S/GND 4 5 S/GND TX 5 ————— ———> 2 RX RX 6 <———.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 136 PC s eri al po rt PC, example connections, with a Black Box RS232 RJ45 connector and a direct (1:1) connection to the PC (connection no t through a structure d cabling sys tem), and using hardw are flow control: 1.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 137 RXD 2 <————— —— 3 TXD GND 7 —————— —— 5 GND.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 138 Terminals Terminals (slow speed or using software flow control) For a standar d termina l operating at s low speeds, or using s oftware flow co ntrol, a simple 3-pin connection can be used: Note s: 1.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 139 Connection from the 25-pin Admin Port to a Terminal For a term inal operat ing at speeds faster than 9600 baud, or for a term inal wh ich cannot use xon /xoff flow cont rol, the following connections are require d: Note s: 1.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 140 Modems Direct connections Modems; example connecti ons, Note s: 1. At the modem, signal RXD is received data from the PSTN; signal TXD is transmit ted data to the PSTN.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 141 Appendix B The CLI commands Y ou need to r e ad this appen dix if you wa nt t o... Y ou nee d to rea d this appendix i f you want information on the Console Server Comman d Line Interf ace (CLI). This appendix provides descrip tion s of each Comm and Li ne Inter face (CLI) command.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 142 CLI comman ds add community user l evel: admin This command enables you to define up to four SNM P communi ties.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 143 Menu equi vale nt Network Configuration - DNS - Add DNS See al so de le te D NS , add WINS , show server.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 144 add gateway user l evel: admin This command enables you to define the gateways in your network. Y ou can add up to twenty gateways and these must be hosts that you have defined in the host table.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 145 Menu equi vale nt Network Configurat ion - Host T able - Add Host See al so de lete host , set host.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 146 add modem user l evel: admin Use this comm and to add m odem details to the unit. Y ou will want t o add modem s which you want the unit to control.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 147 add trap user l evel: admin Use this com mand to de fine comm unities which will receive trap messages generated by the unit. N ote that the unit does not generat e any enterpri se-specific trap s. Up to four trap c omunities ma y be defined.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 148 See al so de le te W INS , add DNS , sho w server admin user l evel: norma l If you are a no rmal user , this command enabl es you to enter A dmin mode. But only if you know the admin password. This will give you full access to the unit’ s commands.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 149 Communities are num bered according to the order they are created in. Y ou can list them u sing the show snm p comma nd. See al so ad d commun ity , delete trap , show snmp delete DNS user l evel: admin This command enables yo u to delete the DNS (Dom ain Nam e Service) host or hosts in your network.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 150 Menu equi vale nt Network Configuration - Hos t T able See al so ad d host , set ho st delete modem user l evel: admin Use this comman d to dele te mo dem de tail s fr o m th e uni t.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 151 delete trap user l evel: admin This command enables you to delete SNMP trap communi ties defined using the add trap command. Synt ax d e l e t et r a p1|2|3|4 Communities are num bered according to the order they are created in.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 152 heap user l evel: admin This command tells you how much free memory currently exists and the largest available fragment .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 153 help all user s The help com mand displays a brief description of how to use the Command Line: Synt ax help kill line user l evel: admin This command can be use d to kill the processes on a serial line. Synt ax kill li ne n Where n is the line that you want to kill.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 154 netload user l evel: admin This command allow s you to download a file over a network from a hos t using TFTP . The file can be one of sever al types; e.g. a confi guration file of another u nit. The list of file types is shown below .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 155 If you have used the ‘ nowri te’ op tion a nd yo u now wi sh to d iscard this file in RA M an d revert t o the ori ginal file i n FLASH, you must reboot the unit.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 156 netsave user l evel: admin This command enables yo u to save two types of information to a file on a remote host: the configuration of your unit and crash details.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 157 Menu Equiva lent: (not ava ilabl e) See Al so: netload , save.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 158 ping all user s If you are hav ing trouble ac cessing a host , try the pi ng comm and . Thi s trie s to elicit a response from the specified host. If successful, a report similar to the follow ing will be generated: Y ou ca n interrupt the proce ss by pre ssing any key.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 159 packets_sent i s the numb er of pac kets sent (d efault = 1 0)..
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 160 reboot user l evel: admin This command wi ll reboot the uni t. Y ou will be asked to confi rm the reboot with the following prom pt: save con fig to flash ROM y/ n If you press ‘y’ th e unit will save your configur ation, close all c onnections and then reboot.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 161 Menu equi vale nt Line Configuration - Line Settings - Quit form See al so kill line , re star t , show lin e , set line reset user user l evel: admin This comm and will rese t the speci fied user(s) to the d efau lt use r se ttings.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 162 Where n is the sessio n you w ant to resum e. Menu equi vale nt Sessions - Resum e Session See al so star t.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 163 rlogin user l evel: admin, norma l This command will establish a connection wi th a host us ing the rlo gin protocol.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 164 scre en user l evel: admin This command will change you from Com mand Line mode to Full Scr een mode (on supported ter minal typ es only). Synt ax screen set contact user l evel: admin This command enables you to configure th e SNMP sy sContact object.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 165 set ethernet interface RJ 45 user le vel: admi n This command enables you to select the RJ45 10/100Base-T interface .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 166 Menu equi vale nt Network Configuration - Ga teway - Change Gateway See al so ad d gateway , delete gateway , show g atew ays set host user l evel: admin Use this comm and if you n eed to ch ange the inte rnet address of one of the hosts in your host table.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 167 [phone _number pho ne-numb er ] [modem _name mode m-n ame ] [idle_ timer i-ti mer v alue ] [sessi on_timer s- timer valu e ] [routi ng routing] [secur ity secur ity] [line_ name line_n ame] Where: line_number may also be spec ified as ‘*’ for all lines or ‘.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 168 line-service selec t from one of: cslogin, direc t, silent, revers e, bidir, slip or ppp. for rem ote access conn ections, see Set ting up the line on yo ur C.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 169 Any numbe r or combination of the arguments can be use d. Examples: set line 6 ser vice silent te lnet plat o set line 3 ser vice reverse r aw 1000 set line 9 spe ed 38400 modem i n service bi dir homer 1 000 9 00 You can se t all lin es to t he same par ameters by using th e * aste risk charac ter, e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 170 set ppp line user l evel: admin Use t his comm and t o confi gur e PPP on a li ne. synt ax set ppp lin e line _num ber pa rame ter where: line _number may als o be speci fied as * f or all l ines, or . f or th e curr ent in-us e line.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 171 Menu equi vale nt Line C onfigur ation - Line Set tings See al so sh ow ppp lin e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 172 se t ra di us user l evel: admin Use thi s command to set RAD IUS sett ings of the un it: Synt ax set r adius < paramete r> Type a questi o n mark ? at the command line prompt to see a l ist of t he paramete rs.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 173 set server user l evel: admin Use this command to configure the home setup of the unit. Synt ax set ser ver [name se rver-name ] [inter net inet -add res s ] .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 174 domain set or change yo ur domain nam e. After this action, you must re boot the unit; use the comman d rebo ot . user-iphost the default ip host for all users who login to the unit. Enter an internet addres s in dot decimal notation; e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 175 gui-status use this parame ter to contro l access to t he unit’ s graphical conf iguration program me, JET se t . The default is ‘off ’ . When se t to ‘on’ the user w ith usernam e ‘admin’ can ac cess the JET set program from a W eb browser, using the uni t’ s interne t address.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 176 OEM-mode The OEM_mode field is a 4 di git hexadecimal number . The number is defined as a bit field, each bit bei ng a different option that is either enabled or disabled.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 177 OEMmode 8 also enables a per - connection keepalive TCP keepalive feature - af ter approx 3 minutes of network connection idl e time, the connectio n will sen.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 178 services This com man d all ow s the a bili ty to en able /disa ble specific process es in the C onsole Serve r.The ser vices field is a 4 digit hexidecimal number . The number is defined as a bit field, each bit being a different process that is either e nabled or disabled.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 179 Any combinat ion of the a rguments can be used. Examples: set serv er nam e stimp y set serv er nam e stimp y tftp r etry 2 set serv er int erne t 192.1 01.3 4.20 2 broadc ast 255.25 5.25 5.25 4 ip_ho st 72. 96.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 180 set slip line user l evel: admin Use thi s command to configure SLIP on a line. synt ax s e ts l i pl i n e line_num ber parame ter wher e: line_nu mber may also be specif ied as * for all lines, or . for the cu rren t in-us e lin e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 181 set telnet user l evels: admin Use t his co mm and to set teln et para met ers on a li ne. It is a vaila ble f or lin e ser vice types of: Direct t elnet Silent T elnet This command als o sets d efault tel net values when you teln et to a h ost using t he cli command telnet .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 182 Note: echo, mapnl , mode, intr , quit , eof, er ase and brea k are tel net optio ns. Menu equi vale nt not available in t he text menus See al so show telnet, te lnet set time user l evel: admin This command enables you to set the t ime in the un it.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 183 Where: password if you include this argument you will p rompted to ente r a new pa ssword. user-level is ‘admin’, ‘norma l’, ‘restrict ed’ or ‘me nuing’. switch- character is the hex value of the ‘hot-key’ us ed for s witching sessi ons.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 184 Sess ion arguments ... ses sion n /* type telne t/rlogi n ho st hostna me [termt ype term type ] [ auto on /off ] [echo on/ off ][mapnl on/off ] [mode on/o ff.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 185 See al so ad d user , netload , show user , de le te us er , sho w te lne t show ARP This comm and is used to disp lay the current A RP table . This is us eful for di agnost ic and debuggi ng p urpose s. This para meter is only accessi ble from t h e unit's CLI.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 186 show gateways user l evels: admin, norma l Use this comm and to list the gateways you have defined. The list will be displayed in the fol lowin g for mat: If you ha ve not ente red gate way informati o n your comman d will be i gnored; you will be presented with the unit prompt once more.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 187 show hosts user l evels: admin, norma l Use this comm and to list the contents of the host table: Synt ax show hos ts Menu equi vale nt Network Configuration .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 188 show line user l evels: admin, norma l This command can be used to display the configuration of a single line or all lines, of t h e f r o n t - m o u n te d s e r i al R J 4 5 po r t s on l y . Admin u sers can show a ll lines, normal users c an only d isplay the co nfigur ation o f their ow n line .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 189 If you speci fy all li nes, the display will look s imilar to t his: Note that the user shown in the right-han d column is the ‘current user ’ i.e. the user cur rent ly lo gged i n on that lin e. ‘No user ’ mean s th ere i s not a us er cu rren tly l ogged in.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 190 See al so set line , show u ser.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 191 show modems user l evels: admin, norma l Use this command to show modem details held by the unit. Synt ax show mod em This will sh ow (for examp le): Menu equ.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 192 show ppp line user l evels: admin , norma l Use this comm and to sho w the PP P confi gurat ion of a line . Adm in user s can sh ow all lines; users with normal le vel privile ges can only dis play the config uration of th eir own line.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 193 The me anin gs and v alue s of t hese pa ram eters are exp lained in I ntrodu cti on to SL IP an d PPP conne ctions on page 74 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 194 show radius user l evels: admin, norma l Use this command to check the RADIUS settings of the unit: Synt ax show rad ius The output of this comma nd are the RADIUS s ettings of the unit (e.g.): For detai ls of th ese parame ters, see Co nsole Ser ver, RADIUS conf igurat ion on page 51 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 195 Note this command is sy nonymous with the ‘net stat -r’ c ommand on most Unix systems . See the manpa ges (typ e “ma n netst at” on your Unix sys tem fo r more in form ation).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 196 show server user l evels: admin, norma l This command displays the base configuration of the unit, for example: Fields w hich are uncon figu red wi ll not appe ar in the list on yo ur sc reen.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 197 show slip line user l evels: admin, norma l Use this command to show the SLIP configu ration of a line. Admin users can show all lines; users with normal le vel privile ges can only dis play the config uration of th eir own line.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 198 show snmp user l evels: admin, norma l This command shows the configurat ion of the unit for SNMP support; for example: Synt ax show snm p Menu equi vale nt n.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 199 show telnet user l evels: admin, norma l Use thi s comman d to show te lne t parame ters on a lin e. Note th at te lnet parame ters shown here apply only t o line service t ypes of: Direct t elnet Silent t elnet The command als o shows te lnet par ameters ente red usin g the command set t elne t .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 200 show user user l evels: admin, norma l Use this comm and to displ ay a user ’s setup, including predefined sessions. The admin user can show details of any user , a normal user can only view their own deta ils: Synt ax show us er .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 201 Menu equi vale nt Sessions - Start Predefined Session See al so re sum e telnet user l evels: admin, norma l This command establishes a con nection wi th another host o n the network u sing the telnet protocol.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 202 vers ion user l evels: admin, norma l This command tells you what version of software your unit is running. Synt ax vers ion Menu equi vale nt V ersion of software i s displayed a t the top o f any menu display , e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 203 Appendix C SNMP Y ou need to r e ad this appen dix if you wa nt t o... Y ou nee d to rea d this appendix i f you want information on the Console Server suppor t of SNM P . This appendix desc ribes the Console S erver supp ort of SN MP .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 204 Overview The Simple N etwork M anagement Pro tocol (SNMP) is a protoco l for access and control of network management information on TCP/IP networks. Console Server (the ‘ uni t ’) provides an SN MP agent, able t o respond to SN MP requests ge nerated by SNMP M anagers.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 205 Configuring SNMP support T o configure for SNMP suppor t proceed as follows; 1. From the Mai n Menu select ‘networ k configur ati on’ and t hen ‘s nmp’ .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 206 The unit’ s SN MP Agent wi ll only provide info rmation to h osts defined by a n SNMP commun ity ..
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 207 Summary of objects in the private MIB OBJECT NAME ADDRESS TYP E PERMISSIONS Server Info 1.667. 3.1 Aggregate not-a ccess ible freeSpac e .1.667.3.1.1 Guage read-only swV ersion .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 208 lineNa me 4.1.66 1.25 Displa yS tring rea d-only OBJECT NAME ADDRESS TYP E PERMISSIONS.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 209 Private MIB d efinitions OBJECT TYPE SYNT AX ACCESS ST A TUS DEFINITION ServerNa me Disp layS tring Read -write Mandatory The ho stname of the unit freeSpace .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 210 baudRate INTEG ER { b75(1) b300(2 ) b600(3 ) b1200( 4) b1800( 5) b2400( 6) b4800( 7) b9600( 8) b19200( 9) b38400( 10) b57600( 1 1) b1 15200 (12) b230400 (13) .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 211 defaultUs er INTEG ER Read -write Mandatory The de fault user of the port validUser INTEG ER { no ( 1) yes (2) } Read -write Mandatory Is there a de fault use.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 212 pinDCD INTEG ER { of f (1 ) on (2 )} Read -only Mandat ory The curren t status of the port’s DCD pin. pinDTR INTEGE R { of f (1 ) on (2 )} Read -only Mandat ory The curren t status of the port’s DTR pin.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 213 Network management If you hav e sepa rat e netwo rk mana gem ent soft ware you can inter roga te and con figu re the unit us ing SNM P.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 214 Editing the MIB Routing informatio n.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 215 Append ix D Upgradin g your firmware Y ou need to r e ad this appen dix if you wa nt t o... Y ou nee d to rea d this appendix i f you want information on upgrading th e Console Server firmware. Th is ap pe n dix pr ovides t ask or ienta ted info rmat ion on upgrad ing the Co ns o le Se rv e r firm war e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 216 Introduction If you have b een supplied w ith a sof tware upgrade t his append ix shows you how to instal l it.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 217 Saving your existing Configuration Saving the exi sting config urati on will allow the con figura tion i nformat ion in the un it to be restor ed at a lat er date .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 218 TFTP configuration cli sy ntax: set serv er tft p You ca n conf igur e TFTP in the Cons ole Se rve r ( th e ‘ unit ’) . It is used for tran sfer ring files to /from a host ; the file s could be , for exa mple, conf igurat ion, ne w softw are or custom lang uage files .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 219 Writing to FLASH memory The Console Serv er will load the software in to RAM, perform c hecks, and then write the software into FLASH memory. The writing to FLASH will ta ke a few minutes and during this time th e unit will not respond to u ser inpu t.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 220 Using BOOTP from a boothost When installi ng with BOOTP, the SW_FILE par ameter in your BOOTFILE will n eed to be chan ged to point to th e new sof tware i mage.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 221 Upgrade using JETset, the web browser interface 1. Start JET se t by pointin g your netw ork browser at th e Inter net A ddress of your the unit. 2. Log in as the Admin user and select file tra nsfer from the main menu.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 222 After an y soft ware upg rade you s hould alway s chec k that DH CP is se t to ON if y ou requir e BOOT P/DHCP to confi gure your unit.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 223 Appendix E Summary of Line Service Types Y ou need to r e ad this appen dix if you wa nt t o... Y ou nee d to rea d this appendi x if you want a sum mary of line service types for the Console Server. This appendix prov ides a li st of line service types fo r the Console Server.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 224 List of line service types When you are configuring a line on th e Console Server (the ‘ unit ’) you wi ll find a parameter for a line called ‘serv ice’. The det ail of type s of line s ervice avail able are shown below .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 225 Reverse Raw Simple pipe between a TCP/ IP host and a machin e/device attached to a po rt on the uni t. The c onnect ion i s set u p fr om the TCP/IP host on the l ocal network to the unit (th e opposite of Direct Raw and Silent Raw ).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 226.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 227 Appendix F BOOTP Y ou need to r e ad this appen dix if you wa nt t o... Y ou nee d to rea d this appendix i f you re quire informat ion about BO OTP for the Console Server. This appendix provid es information about BOOTP for the Console Server.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 228 Introduction You can us e BOOTP to perform th e foll owing acti ons on a si ngle or mu ltiple Console Serv er (t he ‘ un it(s) ’)s on its/t heir boo t-up : • auto-co nfigur e with m inimal informat ion; e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 229 How BO OTP works On boot up or p ower- up, the un it will se nd a bro adca st reque st to th e BOOTP serve r(s) on the netwo rk. The requ est co ntains the et hern et addr ess of the unit; it ask s for n etwork config urati on detai ls (inter net addr ess , subnet mask, etc.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 230 A configuration file (if you specify one) contains general configurat ion parameters; these param eters will have been created f rom another unit and sa ved to a fi le.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 231 How to setup BOOTP Your no minate d BOOTP server s hould be on the sa me net work as th e unit( s). The BOOTP s erver ca n al so be on a diff erent seg ment of the sa me ne twor k, p rovi ded that segme nt is con nect ed by a bri dge.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 232 ht (hardware ty pe) set to 1 (=10M b ether net ). ha ( hardwar e addr ess) the et hernet ad dre ss of the unit . ip (intern et addr ess) en ter the ip addre ss to ass ign to the u nit. sm (su bnet mask ) enter the subnet mask of th e unit.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 233 Gateways are d etailed i n Section Chapte r 2 Insta llation..
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 234 The bootfile If you wish to download basi c configura tion informatio n to the unit you must cre ate a bootfile. This file is a text file forma tted in a parti cular st yle; an example is shown at An exa mple bo otfil e on pag e 234.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 235 6. If a dom ain nam e and na meserv er are c onfigur ed, eithe r in the bootp tab entry or in the un it’ s memor y , yo u can re place ip address es wit h hostn ame s in line s spec ifying add ition al file s; e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 236 BOOTP messages o utput to screen The u nit wi ll out put BO OTP m essag es t o you r sc reen du ring bootup , pr ovided you are connect ed to the unit vi a its Adm in Port.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 237 • in bootpta b file en try for a single uni t on page 23 1 on pag e 231, place a has h before a ll the l ines, e.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 238 Booting mu ltiple units You can boot mutliple u nit’s s imultaneous ly using BOOTP; we recommend you a lter the for mat of your boot ptab file entry, a s shown in bootp tab fil e entry f or multi ple uni ts on page 238 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 239 4. Y ou will se e that all the unit’ s are being dire cted towards the same bootfil e (as listed in the ‘bf’ field in the area ‘common’). This is acceptable - howeve r all your the unit ’ s will have the same confi guration p arameters.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 240 Multiple BOOTP servers Y ou m ay well wish to have a secondar y BOOTP ser ver as a back-up to t he primary BOOTP server . The unit will op erate with BOO TP when you have a sec ond, third or m ore BOOT P servers on yo ur network.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 241 Our ex ample entr y in a BOOTPT AB file 5. Crea te the boo tfile sp ecif ied in th e abov e entry; i.e. fil e ‘test ’: Our ex ample boot fil e 6. In the bo otfil e (abo ve) we sp ecif ied the softw are file( SW_ FIL E).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 242 7. Reboot the unit. After rec eiving deta ils fro m the bootpt ab file, t he unit s hould download th e bootfi le and the software file. The unit sh ould the n place th e new software fil e into FLASH memory .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 243 Append ix G JETset Y ou need to r e ad this appen dix if you wa nt t o... Y ou need to read this appendix if y ou want inform ation on the Console Serve r JET set util ity . This appendix provides task orientated informa tion on using the des cribesConsole Serve r JE T set utilit y .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 244 Introduction to JETset Once y ou hav e alloc ated an ip ad dress, you c an use t he Gra phical User Int erface , nam ed ‘JET set’. This i s a web-ba sed pro gram whic h you ac cess from th e web br owser on yo ur net worke d PC/compu ter.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 245 To a c c e s s JET set 1. Make sure yo u set ‘g ui_a ccess’ to ‘on’, see Chapter 2 Installation 2. Open yo ur web br owse r and en ter the ip addr ess of yo ur Consol e Serv er; e.g . http:/ /192.101 .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 246 Using JETset usin g JET set Note the following guidel ines about JETset: • JETse t uses the ‘ F rames’ fe ature of HTML, which a llows you to see fo ur diff erent ‘wind ows ’ simu ltaneo usly inside your mai n brow ser wi ndow.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 247 • p res s the JETs et ‘S ave’ butt on be fore movi ng fr om on e ar ea, e .g. ‘ li ne’ t o anot her area , e.g . ‘us er’; see using JET set on pa ge 246 . Th is action will save yo ur cha nges in vol atile memor y (RAM ); the s aving pr ocess is instan tane ous.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 248 • if you v isit another URL (add ress o n the Wor ld Wi de W eb) and then wish to ret urn to JET set y ou can ei the r: use the ‘ JETset’ bookma rk/fav .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 249 JETset program summary • compati ble w ith M icros oft Int ernet Explor er® or N etsca pe Na vigato r®, both at version 3 o r more rec ent vers ions • y.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 250.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 251 Append ix H Trouble shooting Y ou need to read this appendix if you w ant to... Y ou need to read this appendix if you want information on troubleshooting the Console Server. This appendix provides information on troubleshooting the Console Server.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 252 Introduction This appendix contains so lutions fo r problems th at may arise while Console Se rver ( t h e ‘ unit ’). - if you bou ght yo ur unit from a regi stere d Black Box Supplie r, you mus t contac t their Techni cal Support depa rtment; t hey are qual ified t o deal with y our problem.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 253 •if your network is congested, subnet it with a bridge; however , bear in mind the recommend ations in the pr evious paragrap h. Host problems Cannot acc ess a host by name •if using D NS or if DNS is r equired, ensure a nameser ver is confi gured on yo ur unit and is acc essible (pin g it).
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 254 Access to host l ost after a few minutes •If the route to this host goes through routers, make sure those routers are all sending RIP packets across the networks. You see a message sayi ng your hos t is in use.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 255 Login problems User is waitin g up to 60 second s before logi n is accepte d or denied other fact ors: au thenticat ion is set to ‘ both’ or ‘RADIUS ’. User h as ente red usern ame and passw ord , and has p ressed <retur n> key.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 256 You have lost or don't k now your passw ord (as ‘admin’ user) • you must re set th e unit to its f actory d efault s ettings using t he ‘rese t’ switc h on the rear p anel. Th ere is no p rocedur e to acces s the unit witho ut a pas swor d.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 257 Proble ms with ter minals see also: L ogi n proble ms on pag e 255 . The fo llowin g section c oncerns pr oblem s wit h the a ppea rance of da ta on your terminal scre en: The u nit l ogs me out af ter a few minut es •Change the idle timeout value set f or the user .
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 258 Emergency recove ry Problem: Y o u hav e a uni t alrea dy co nfig ured and, - you do kn ow your passw ord, but - have lost, mis configu red or do n't kno.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 259 # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Index A accessi ng devi ces using mo dems on a dial i n link 122 with du mb devi ce 123 using Te lnet 11.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 260 # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z set radi us 172 set server 173 set telne t 181 set time 182 set user 182 show d ate 185 show g ateways 1.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 261 # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z IP addr ess settin g up 33 J JETset 24 3 K kill li ne comm and 153 L LEDs , guid e to 29 line resett ing.
Black Box Consol e Server user gui de 262 # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z show hard ware command 186 show hosts co mmand 187 show i nterfaces command 187 show line comman ds 188 .
© C opyr i g h t 2001. B l ac k Box C orporat i on. Al l r i g h ts reserve d . 1000 Park Drive · Lawrence, P A 15055-1018 · 724-746-5500 · Fax 724-746-0746.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Black Box 16 port (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Black Box 16 port noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Black Box 16 port - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Black Box 16 port reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Black Box 16 port erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Black Box 16 port besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Black Box 16 port verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Black Box 16 port. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Black Box 16 port gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.