Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung LCD+M des Produzenten ZyXEL Communications
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T echni cal Refere nce f or ZyXEL series LCD LCD+M Plu s D ISDN T erminal Adapters ZyXEL T OTAL I NT ERN ET A CCESS S OLUTIONS ZyXEL Communications Corpora.
ii Zy XE L ISDN Terminal Adapters LCD LCD +M Plu s D Tradem arks : Pr odu c t an d co r po rat e nam es m entioned in this publi cat ion are u s e d f o r i dentifi cat ion pu rp os e s only and m ay be p r op erti es of th ei r r esp ect i v e ow ners.
iii Limited W arrant y ZyXEL seri es ISDN T ermin al A da pters Condi ti ons o f Z yXEL Lim ited W arranty : ZyXEL warrants t o the orig in al en d use r ( purch ase r) that this p rodu ct is fr ee f rom any defec ts i n m aterials o r w orkm an s h ip f or a pe ri od of u p t o tw o (2) ye a rs f rom th e da te of pu rch ase.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series v Content s P ART I INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCT ION Key Features ............................................................................................................................... 1-1 S pe ed and C ompatibilit y .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series vi LCD Panel O peration Ke y s ....................................................................................................... .3 -3 LCD Panel D ispla y .......................................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series vii Answering a Call Us ing MS N ............................................................................................ 4-8 Data Over S peech Channe l ( for Z yXEL LCD/LC D+M/Plus ) ...
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series viii Call Waiting ................................................................................................................... ............... 6-3 Receiving a Second C all......................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series ix V .120 Ou tgoing Prot ocol .................................................................................................... 8-4 X.75 Outgoin g Pr otocol ........................................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series x Dialing O ut for Int ernal Fax/ Modem ........................................................................................... 9- 4 Manuall y Switching Comm unication Mod es .....................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series xi APPE NDIX A A T COM M AND SET REFERENC E Operation M odes of the DT E Interf ace ..................................................................................... A-1 Simplex m ode ............
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series xii APPENDIX D SERI AL PORT INTERF A C E EIA-232D 25 Pin S erial Port Interf ace ...................................................................................... D-1 Async. Har dware Flo w Control C able Co nnection .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series xiii Content of T ables T able 1. S pecif icat ions ....................................................................................................... 1 -2 Table 2. Key Features S umm ary .......
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series xiv T able 30. Global Call A T Comm and ................................................................................... 4-12 T able 31. Call Waiting S Reg ister....................................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series xv T able 63. EP A-Captur e A T Comm ands (1) ....................................................................... 10-6 T able 64. EP A-Captur e A T Comm ands (2) ..................................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series xvii Content of Fi gures Figure 1. Z y XEL ISDN Conf igurati on Mana ger icon ........................................................... 2-2 Figure 2. The Com Port Sett ing of ZyXEL ISDN Conf igurati on Mangaer .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series xviii Preface Thank y ou for purcha sing ou r Zy XEL om IS DN Terminal Adapt er (TA). Abou t Zy XEL se ries ISDN T erminal Ad apters This m anual des cribes th e fe atures and prov ides in stall ation and config uration in struct ions for the ZyXEL om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series xix an inte rnal fax/m odem . How to Use This Manual In the fol lowing m anual, “ZyXEL om I SDN TA” or “Zy XEL LCD/LCD+M/Plus/D” is use d to ref er to these fo ur Z yXEL om ni.
Part I Introduction.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction This chap ter in troduce s the featu res and speci fications fo r the Z yXEL om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 1-2 ! Two applicati on program int erfaces in cluding Zy XEL ISDN AT Commands and CA PI 2.0. ! Built- in 56K modem that c an com municate w ith other analog Modem /Fax through an ISDN line (fo r omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 1-3 In the fol lowing ta ble, y ou will find a summ ary of the k ey fea tures that apply to your m odel LCD/P lus/D new ISDN TA. Ke y Features Summary Feature D Plus LCD omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 1-4 Insta lling Y our ZyXEL ISDN T A For detail ed instruc tions o n how to i nstall an d config ure y our Zy XEL I SDN TA with the ZyXEL I SDN Configuration Manager (Zy XEL ICM), pl ease refer to the Qu ick Start Gu ide particula r to y our devic e that comes with y our om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-1 Chapter 2 Using ZyXEL ® ISDN Configuration Manager This chap ter shows y ou how to us e the Z yXEL IS DN Configuratio n Manag er (I CM).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-2 St art using Z y XEL ISDN Configur ation Ma nager Follow these s teps t o use th e Z yXEL ISD N Config uratio n Manag er: Step 1. To displ ay the Z yXEL I SDN Configuration Mana ger m ain m enu Double-click on the ZyXEL ISDN Config uration Manag er icon to start th e Configuratio n Manag er.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-3 Step 2. Afte r check ing al l act ive seria l com municatio n po rts, the Z y XEL ISDN Configura tion Manager autom atically detec ts which com m unication po rt is conne cted to y our Z y XEL omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-4 Setp 3. Zy XEL ISDN Config uration Ma nager Main Men u Figure 3. ZyXEL ISDN Configuration Manager Main Menu Model nam e of the Z yXEL omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-5 Step 4. Config uration S ettin gs Figure 4. Configuration Settings # Outgoing Protoc ol Control # Multilink or Multip le link # ST AC or V .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-6 Follow the guideli nes in the t able below d esigned to assist y ou in config uring the I SDN paramete rs of your Z yXEL om ISDN TA. Configuri ng ISDN Parameters ISDN Parameter Description Outgoing Protocol Control Sets the ca llin g prot ocol f or the you r Z yXEL omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-1 Chapter 3 LCD Panel Operation (fo r ZyXEL LCD/LCD+M) This cha pter explai ns LCD panel r eadings and p rovides a detailed des cription on how to operate the menu- tree for the Z yXEL om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-2 Moreover to help f ilter und esire d phone ca lls, y our omni.n et LCD suppor ts Call er I D when connected to a cal ler ID box. The LCD pane l disp lays th e cal ling pa rty' s phone num ber.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-3 LCD Panel Operation Ke ys R ight key: Nex t menu option selec tio n Nex t item selec tion (s hift righ t one dig it) Left key : Previous me nu op.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-4 The foll owing screen s repre sent the LCD disp lay as s een on y our Z yXEL om LCD/LCD+M front panel , for v arious status of I SDN TA. Idle Sc reen LCD Display Description LCD V 1.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-5 Dial In Log LCD Display Description << Dial In Log >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ! Dial In Lo g sub-men u #01: T EL1 00: 01:02 Fm:03578 3942 *nn.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-6 Dial Out Log LCD Display Description << Dial Out Log >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ! Dial Out Log sub-men u #01: T EL1 $1 02 To: 5783942 OR # nn TEL1 $102 5783942 : record number nn (nn=01-20) of an outgoing call : active device or protocol (TEL1, TEL2, X.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-7 Ac t i ve Sta t u s When the om LCD i s idle, an incom ing call or outg oing cal l will cause it to a uto- chang e the screen to ac tiv e status, as sho wn in the ex am ples below : B1 detail info rm a tion : B1 TEL2 Fm:035783942 B2 Idle One incom ing ca ll has been an sw ered.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-8 Clock Options Display Clock Operation LCD Display Description LCD V 1.0 0 02-02-1998 08: 12 Idle screen. << Clock Options >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1. press button. Enter "Cloc k Option s" men u.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-9 Update Clock Operation LCD Display Description Set Clock Year 1998 Display origina l cloc k parameter. Set Clock Year _ 1. press button. Set cloc k param eter. Set Clock Year _ 2. press or button.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-10 Set Dis pla y Mode Operation LCD Display Description << Clock Options >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Set Clock Year 1998 1. press button. Display set cl ock s ub-menu . Set Display Mode [ 24Hr ] 2.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-1 1 Dial In Log Options Dial In Log Records Operation LCD Display Description LCD V 1.0 0 02-03-1998 08: 12 Idle screen. << Dial In Log >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1. press button. Enter "Dial In Log" menu.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-12 Stored Phone List Options Stored Phone List Records Operation LCD Display Description LCD V 1.00 02-03-1998 08: 12 Idle screen. <<Stored P hone Lis t>> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1. Press button.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-13 Dial Out Log Options Records of Outgoing Calls Operation LCD Display Description LCD V 1.00 02-03-1998 08: 12 Idle screen. << Dial Out Log >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1. Press button.
Part II ISDN Function.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-1 Chapter 4 ISDN Comm unication Basics This chap ter cov ers how to init iate a nd rece ive ca lls ov er dig ita l lines us ing y our Z yXEL ISDN TA. Understanding A T Commands AT comm ands are used to config ure and control the omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-2 and the ch aracter s sent from your com puter (throug h the TA) ar e transm itted to the rem ote dev ice. In order to issue a n AT com m and statem ent, you fi rst ne ed to run y our com municat ions so ftware and configur e it to th e po rt c onnected to y our om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-3 Supported A T Command T y pes Type of A T Command Suppor ted Example Basic AT (H ayes comp atible) ATA Basic AT$ (on lin e help) AT$ (Browse the lis t of AT commands) Extended AT& AT&F Extended AT * comm and AT*D0 S-Register c ommand ATS0=1 S-Register b it-mapp ed com mand ATS13.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-4 Outgoing Call s After you hav e conn ected your om to the I SDN line, your com puter, and a nalog phone ( LCD/P lus only ), the n you are a ble to place ou tgoing data and v oic e calls.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-5 & To enable Speec h Bearer Serv ice, type: ATS83.7=1<en ter> & To disable th is fun ction, ty pe: ATS83.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-6 Manuall y Switching Communication Mode (for Z y XEL LCD/LCD+M /Plus) The m anual switc hing fun cti ons will o nly be n ecessa ry if your com m unication s oftware does not allow you to ch ange y our dia l-up stri ng.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-7 Placing a Dat a Call While placing a v oice call ca n be as simple as d ialing out with your analog phone, initiating a data call requ ires pr ior se lect ion of a p roper B- channel pro tocol. Her e are som e sim ple com m ands that will be u seful wh en p lacing a call.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-8 The Z yXE L Multi- A uto feat ure allow s your om t to a utom atic ally detect calls , to i dentify calls as analog or dig ital and to route them according ly. When an an alog ca ll com es in, the om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-9 If an incom ing SETUP messag e is o ffered w ith add ressin g informatio n (i.e. the app ropria te par t of the called _party_num ber), this ad dress w ill be comp ared with the MSN num bers ass igned by the [ AT&ZIn=s ] c omm ands.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-10 Dat a Ov er S peech Channel (for Zy XEL LCD/LCD+M /Plus) If you are ex pecting I SDN data calls throug h the Spee ch (Voice ) channe l, you nee d to setu p MSN for that pu rpose. To the om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-1 1 phone number ' s' . In cases when the om is unabl e to dist inguish wh ich POTS port to rou te the incom ing v oice call to, y our I SDN TA will alert both P OTS ports by defau lt [ ATS120.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-12 The defau lt MSN sub- addre ss (o r EAZ) for 1 TR6 (Ol d Germ an I SDN) of the a /b adap ters a re as follows: & Phone 1: EAZ = 4 (&ZI 7.
Part III Voice Features.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-1 Chapter 5 Supplementary Serv ice (for ZyXEL LCD/LCD+M/Plus) Supplementa ry serv ices s uch as ca ll wai ting, cal ler I D, … are gene rally av ailable f rom y our telecom municatio ns p rovider .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-2 can invo ke all the supp lem entary se rvices by using a sing le k ey on y our telephone keypad: the Flash key. To assig n the fl ash key to enable supplem enta ry serv ice, i ssue the comm and [ATS120.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-3 Switch back and forth bet ween t wo calle rs After using the call waiting option to answer a second incoming call, press ing the Flash key al l ow s you to switch b ack and forth betwee n call er B and C by putt ing eithe r one on ho ld.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-4 Three W a y Conferencing The three way confe rencing featu re allows y ou to add another p arty to an exi sting cal l, and g ives you addition al fl exibi lity in s electing which cal l to drop a t clos ure.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-5 Canceling the conference call (fo r DS S1 sw itch o n ly) When you wi sh to can cel th e cur rent con ference c all, s imply pres s th e Flash key .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-6 Call Forw arding For DSS1 switch The suppo rts the fo llow ing three c all fo rwarding options wh en connec ted to a DSS1 ty pe of switch: ! Call forw ard ing uncond ition al (CFU ): all in com ing call s are system atic ally forwa rded to th e de si gnat e d nu mber .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-7 connected to a PO TS port in order to ac tivate or deact ivat e the CFV func tion. In m ost cases, dia ling [*73<forwarded_number> ] w ill activ ate CF V and dial ing [ *73 ] will disable i t.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-8 Step 3. After y ou hear the r ing sig nal, hang- up the ph one witho ut waiting for the sec ond party to answer.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-1 Chapter 6 Feature Phone Operation (for LCD/L CD+M/Plus) The om LCD/LCD+M /Plus suppo rts Z yXEL' s powerful and adv anced fe ature phone operation.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-2 Flash Key Commands Feature Phone operation Flash Key Commands Descriptio n Hold/Release/C ancel Press the Flash key 1. Put caller on hold. 2. Resume with c aller pre sently on hold. Cancel th e seco nd dial conne cti on attem pt.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-3 Please fol low the in struct ions below to opera te the In terCom : Step 1. Pick up th e telephone handse t. Step 2. Press the Flash key , the push 2 on the phone keypad. Step 3. The other local p hone w ill s tart to ring .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-4 NOTE: 1: If y ou disable the c all waiting functio n (S79.2=0 o r S79.3=0), the secon d incom ing call w ill be block ed. 2: If y ou configure the PO TS port fo r Mo dem/Fax con nection (S79.4=1 or S 79.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-5 Repeat steps 1 and 2 abov e to swit ch back and forth be tw een callers B and C. Call Rejec t The call rejec t opti on allow s y ou to dis connect an activ e c all and return to a ca ll th at is on hold without h aving to hang up y our handse t.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-6 Three-W a y Conference Call The confe rence ca ll featu re c an be used in tw o way s: 1. To connect 2 local part ies (2 phones connected to the two POTS ports of y ou om to a rem ote party (1 dia l-out num ber.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-7 Last Number Redial This func tions a llows you to red ial the la st num ber ca lled on POTS port Phon e 1 and 2, ev en after the omni.
Part IV Data Function.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-1 Chapter 7 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Introduction to PPP Point-To- Point P rotoco l (PPP) is desig ned for s imple l inks, whic h transpor t pack ets be tween two peers.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-2 Data wi ll be transm itted only w hen the link is in th e open phase. N egot iation deta ils are describ ed in RFC1661. Feature List A s y nc to Sync Conversion PPP uses HDLC-like fram in g as encap sulation, which can be b it-oriented or charac ter- oriented.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-3 in hashed fo rm by CHAP. Som etim es CHAP can not be suppor ted by th e I SP. You m ay set [ S87.2=1 ] to use PAP on ly. I f you do not wa nt to do authentica tion at a ll, se t [ S118.3=1 ] to disable th e conversion.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-4 Compression C ontrol A T Commands Description AT&K 00 Disab le CCP n egotiati on ( defaul t). AT&K 44 Enable C CP neg otiation. Table 37. Compression Control AT Commands Mult ilin k PPP There are two B chann els in basic r ate I SD N.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-5 under calcul ation. In other w ords, the add/per sist time is c alculated from the time when the tra ffic is above the add-thres hold whe ther or not the phone is on-hook or off- hook. Howev er, it wil l not dial until the p hone has b een on- hook for 10 seconds.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-6 Bandwidth On Demand (BOD) The function o f Bandwid th On Dem and (BOD) will m onitor the tra ffic on I SDN links while i n Multilink PPP m ode. If there is light traff ic on the l ink, on e of the channel s will be dr opped automati cally .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-7 The second dire ctory num ber is not necessary any more. The BACP/BAP is suppor ted on the client side only , and the serv er side of BACP/BAP wi ll be im plem ented in a n upcom ing release. BACP/BAP AT Commands Description ATB P0 Disable BACP/BAP n egotiat ion.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-1 Chapter 8 V.110, V.120, X.75 and Synchronous Mode ISDN Communication s This chap ter describes how to set- up and configure y our om ISDN TA with the V.110, V.120, and X.75 protoco ls. Th e foll owing tab le sum mariz es the spec ifica tions of t hose I SDN protocols.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-2 About V .1 10, V .120 and X.75 ISDN Protocols ISDN Protocols Description V.110 V.110 is most p opul ar in Japan .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-3 V . 1 10 Outgoing Protocol Use the fo llowing comma nds to configur e V.110 o utgo ing ca lls. AT Command Description ATB10 User rate follow s DT E speed (s ee not e below ).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-4 V .120 Outgoing Protocol Some sw itches tra nsmit all netw ork sign als thr ough the D- chann el (out-of-b and si gnalin g), allow ing bo th B-channels to be used ex clusively for y our communicati on purposes.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-5 X.75 Outgoing Protocol The X .75 protocol can be chose n using the foll ow ing AT com mands: AT Command Description ATB00 X.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-6 NOTE: The LCD/LCD+M doe s not sup port network independen t clock com pensa tion. The synchrono us tim ing sour ce must be supp lied by the om LCD/LCD+M , which i s phase locked to the ne twork sy nchronous c lock.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-7 Making V .120 and X.75 Bundled Calls Sp eeds of 128Kbp s BRI IS DN consists of three (2B+D) log ical channel s. Eac h B-channel ca n be u sed ind ependen tly for a dial- up conne ction runn ing at 56Kbp s or 64Kbps (Kbps = Kilo (100 0) bit s per se cond).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-8 available f or more f lex ibility, as s how n below: AT&J0 Disables B-chann el bund ling. AT&J1 Enables B- channe l bundl ing in a nsw er mode on ly. AT&J2 Enables B-cha nnel bundling in call mod e only.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-9 X.75 Bundled Call A bundle con nection is in itiated at the calli ng site by se nding tw o conse cutive SET UP me ssage s to the network. T he two SET UP mess ages are all the same ex cept for the C all Ref erence v alues .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-10 Dialing Pr e-stored Phone Numbers The 40 ph one number s st ored i n the NVRA M can also be use d to pl ace a b undled call w ith V.1 20 or X .75, by using the [AT DSn] co mmand : ATD Sn n=0-39 D ial the (n)t h phone number tw ice for both bundle conne ctions.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-1 1 serial port uns uitable f or bundle appl ications. A speci al I/O card on the c omputer s ide is requir ed in this situ ation.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-12 Error Corr ection and Dat a Compression with V .120 With V.120, the defau lt setting is for LAPD erro r correction on ly . No data com pression w ill be negotia ted unless V.42bi s is enabled by sett ing [A T&K44 ].
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-13 It tak es about 2 se conds fo r the ca lling I SDN TA to send XID and wait u ntil tim e out. I f you know in advanc e that the ca lled sit e has no V.42bis ca pabil ity, i t is adv isab le to issue the A T& K00 comm and beforehand in ord er to g et a quick con nectio n.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-14 password for m atch ing with the lo cal om pre- stor ed passwo rd list. With a Ty pe 2 conn ec tion, th e rem ote term ina l will be p rom pted to en ter th e passw ord at the initia l connection an d the l ocal om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-15 The th ree lev els o f secur ity u sed in con junct ion wi th the security ty pes are descr ibed in the foll owi ng ta ble. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Password Check Yes Yes Yes CPN Check O K and S119.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-16 Setting and Modifying Passwords Up to 40 user pa sswords c an be defin ed using the [A T*Hn] com m and, where ' n' represe nts the index to the entry (n=0- 39).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-17 Modify ing the User Pass words Use comm and [AT*Hn] to m odify the "n"th use r passw ord ( n=0- 39). The sys tem will ask y ou to enter the s uperv isory pas sword f irst and then the use r password y ou want to m odify .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-18 AT*VC Password: ******** (Ente r new super visor y p assw ord) OK.
Part V Fax/Modem Function.
9-1 Chapter 9 Internal Fax/Modem Function (for ZyXEL LCD+M only ) This chap ter is des igned to describe th e inte rnal fax/m odem function dedica ted to Zy XEL LCD+M. Internal Fax/Modem Basics The Zy XEL LCD+M con tains a buil t-in 56K m odem that can com m unicate with other analog m odem through an I SDN line.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 9-2 Standard Speed (bps) Notes V.21 300 V.22 1200 V.22 bis 2400 or 1200 V.32 9600 or 4800 V.32 bis 14400, 12000 , 7200 V.
9-3 Fax and Facsimile Fax is th e abbrev iatio n for f acsim ile. There a re four m a jor parts in a norm al fa csim ile m achine, the scanner, encoding and d ecod ing dev ice, modem , and prin ter.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 9-4 Dialing Out for Internal Fax/Modem Using the “M” comm and fol lowing the “ATD” w ill tel l your om LCD+M to auto m atically switch ca lls to the i nterna l fa x/modem once dial ing is com plete.
9-5 character b efore com pletion of th e ha ndshak e. If +FC LASS=1 is selected, the modem w ill behave as a facsim ile modem and attem pt to connect to a facsim ile m achine. This com mand w ill be abor ted upon receip t of any DTE ch aracter if the modem has not finish ed dial ing .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 9-6 When AT&L1 is set, an inco m ing analog call to pho ne2 w ill al so repo rt a ‘RI N G’ messag e to the DTE. You can a nswer an incom ing analog cal l to the in ternal fax/m odem by the command ‘ATA’.
9-7 Use comm and ATMn (n=0- 3) to se lect when the sp eaker will be on or off. [S2 1b1- 2] AT Command Descr iption ATM0 Speaker is a lway s off. ATM1 Speaker i s on dur ing ca ll esta blishment, but off w hen re ceiv ing c arrier. (Defau lt.) ATM2 Speaker i s alw ays on.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 9-8 The fax m ay achieve a14400 bps tran smissio n spe ed. The charact er form at is 8 b it da ta, no par ity , and 1 stop bi t. Start and stop elem ents are remo ved from the transm it d ata and adde d to the rec eive data.
9-9 [S24b4-5] ATMn (n=0- 3, defau lt: 1): [S 21b1- 2] ATM0: Spea ker alwa ys OFF ATM1: Sp eak er ON un til ca rrie r is de tected . ATM2: Spea ker alwa ys ON. ATM3: Sp eak er ON a fter t he last d igit i s dial ed AT&Kn (n=0- 3, defau lt: 1) [S 27b0-1] AT&K0 Disables d ata com press ion.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 9-10 (For more in format ion on A T Command Set Refer enc e, pleas e refer to Appendi x A, and for the information on Additional Result Code T able f.
Part VI Diagnostics & Firmware Update.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-1 Chapter 1 0 Diagnostics The om can p erform its own diagnos tic test s, prov iding you with v aluable in formati on. Th is chapter presen ts diag nostic tables fo r inte rpret ing tes t resu lts.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-2 Power-on Self- test At each power- up or af ter res et com m and from the pan el, t he om w ill test th e RO M code checksum , sy stem RAM m emory , EEPROM, digita l cir cuit s and ana log circu it cal ibra tions.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-3 Type: AT&ZOI= [your_isdn_n umber] <Enter> t re sponds : OK Type: AT&T11<Enter> t res ponds : OK Dial [your_isd n_nu mber] Loop from B1 to B2 throu gh the switch establi shed! Sending and receiving data.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-4 Listen to the dial tone and then dial 1234567890*# in sequence. !! 1234567890*# Dialed digits detected, plea se hang- up the h andset ..!! On-hook action is detected, (Hook Interru pt) ........ OK Resetting Y our omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-5 D-channel and DTE- DCE int erface. The EPA is de sign ed for h obbyis ts as wel l as users with technical b ackgrounds. The EPA enables you to exam ine messages exchang ed between your ISDN TA and th e Centra l Exchang e offic e when m ak ing an I SDN call.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-6 used with the Zy XEL CAPI driver. The Zy XEL CAPI driv er comm unicate s with the I S DN TA throug h this in terna l interf ace. I t is not recomm ended th at user s get i nvolv ed in this int ernal interfac e.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-7 comm ands are sum mariz ed a s follows : EPA-Analy ze A T Commands Description ATC T Clears buff er and s tarts th e embedded prot ocol a nalyzer. C aptur es data immediately and starts t he timer .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 11 - 1 Chapter 1 1 Firm w are Upgrade This chap ter des cribes how to upgrade the flash EPROM fi rm ware of your om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 11 - 2 NOTE: The American firm ware vers ion suppo rts bo th the S/ T interface and U inter face m odels. Dur ing the pow er- on test, it check s the hardwa re conf ig uration and fo llows the in itia lizat ion p rocedure s of the sp ecif ic inte rface.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 11 - 3 3 of the fla sh upgra ding pro c edure outl ined abov e..
Part VII Appendices.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-1 Appendix A AT Comman d Set Reference Operation Modes of the DTE Interface There ar e two o peration m odes fo r the D TE int erfac e: ! Simplex mod e - used for co nvention al A T Command op eratio n.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-2 The comm ands or dat a are p ackag ed. Each pack et has i ts own destin ation a ddress. A ll the D TE channels can be acce ssed ind ividual ly by way of m ultiple xing.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-3 Basic 'A T' Command Set AT C om . Options Function & Descr iption Reference A/ Re-execute the last comma nd once A> Re-execute the la st command o nce or rep eat the last c all up t o 9 times.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-4 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference B40 PPP asy nc-to-sync c onversion. B41 SLIP to sync H DLC conver sion Multi Auto Dia l Out (val id only if S80.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-5 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference CF(transfer_no.) For USA NI-1 & DM S-100 sw itch, activ ate the call forw arding variable fun ction fr om the sw itch.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-6 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference CS n n=0-3 (0 *) Suspend a ca ll, 'n' is t he cal l ide ntifier (DSS1).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-7 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference DI s Dial 's' (number and o ptions) that follow s for ISDN d ata cal l.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-8 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference I9 Display M icrosoft P nP code.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-9 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference P4 AT &T custom point- t.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-10 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference UNIT=xxx (0.001 * 65) save the chargi ng fee per uni t to NVRAM . UNIT? View the value of char ging fee p er unit.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-1 1 HDLC Transmit Under-run : 0 Refer to the follow ing table for a d escript ion of th e Output Paramete rs of th e Link Statu s Report. Link Status Report (ATI3) Output Param eters Output Parameter Output Value Descr iption Connect DT E Speed Current on-line DTE sp eed.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-12 Extended 'A T&' Command Set All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Options Function & Descri ption Refe rence &C n C arrier Detect (CD) opt ions S21b4 &C0 CD alw ays ON (See also S42b7 ).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-13 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Options Function & Descri ption Refe rence &Kn S27b0- 1 &K0 D isables data c ompres sion &K1 Autom atic da ta com pression (D efaul t.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-14 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Options Function & Descri ption Refe rence &V1-4 View the (n-1)th u ser profile setti ngs ( n=1-4). &V5 View factory -set de fault s ettings.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-15 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Options Function & Descri ption Refe rence &ZF3=s Assign the IOC for M essage W a iting. &ZF4=s Assign the IOC for Call Forwardi ng.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-16 Extended 'A T*' Command Set All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Options Function & Description Referenc e *C n Character lengt h, incl uding start, stop and parity bit.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-17 Fax Command All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Value Function & Descr iption Reference +FCLASS= n Service class s electio n FAX CLASS 1 n=0 Sets to m ode m mode .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-1 Appendix B Status Regis ters & Result Codes S-registe rs (Status Reg isters) contain v alues that de termine and reflect how your om Te rminal Adapter ( TA) ope rates and ex ecutes comm ands.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-2 To view all of the S- register setting s use the ' &Vn' AT comm and: # AT&Vn The foll owing table sum m ariz es the S-reg ister v iewing comm ands. S-register Viewing A T Commands Description ATS r r=0-124 Display the value store d in S-register 'r' .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-3 bits in th e S- registe r sim ultan eously , the seco nd com m and lets you ch ange bi t 'm' without a ffect ing other bits in this S- register. When using ATS r = n , you need t o do a conv ersion to or from the binary number to f ind out which bit s you m anipulate.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-4 4. To set b it 3 to 0 (binary ), you must inv ert the value u sing a logic NOT ope ration and th en do a logic AND oper ation.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-5 Basic S-Registers 'A TSn=x' All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. Function & Descri ption +Definition S0= Set the number of ri ngs on w hich the omni.n et will a nsw er.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-6 Extended S-Registers " A TSn=x" All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. S14= bit dec hex Bit mapped regist er +002 0 0 0 omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-7 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-8 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. S23= bit dec hex Bit mapped regist er +105 0 0 0 Comma nd echo disabled. E0 1 1 Command echo enabled.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-9 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. S29= 0-39 0-39 Set default dial p hone nu mber p ointer , use 'AT &Z n = s ' to store phone numbers .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-10 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. S41= bit dec hex Bit mapped regist er +000 3 8 8 Enable CCITT signals 14 0 and 141 on EIA-2 32D i nterface.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-1 1 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 1 1 Can NOT get bu sy tone from Ph one 1. 1 0 0 Can get busy tone from Pho ne 2.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-12 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 64 40 Sending Low Lay er Compatib ilit y informatio n for ISDN dat a call. 7 0 (*) 0 Not send Low Lay er Compatib ilit y inform ation for POT S port 1.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-13 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. S84= bit dec hex 0-2 Embedded Proto col Analy zer co ntrol. CC n 0 1 1 Capture DTE-DCE inter face pro tocol inform ation.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-14 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 32 20 Bundle connecti on is e nabled in answ er mo de only . 64 40 Bundle connecti on is enabled in call mode only.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-15 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. SI=2 2 2 Fax G ruppe 3 3 3 (*) Daten Ober M odem 4 4 Btx Ober M odem SI=7 0 0 Daten bertragung 64 K bps (X .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-16 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-17 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 16 10 Use Speech Bearer s ervice w henev er poss ible for POT S port, Phone 2. 5 0 (*) 0 Use 3.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-18 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 5 0 (*) 0 Enable normal M SN functio n &ZI n 32 20 Treat the nu mber assigned by ' &ZI= n .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-19 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-20 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 7 Reserved. S123= bit dec hex 0 0-3 0-3 Select Caller ID signal ing met hod. 0 (*) 0 Country default .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-21 'A TXn' Result Code Opti on T able The fo llowing tab le shows th e differen t op tions av aila ble when se tting the ' ATX n ' command. The default v alue for ' n' is 5 when the om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-22 ATV 0 AT V 1 ATX 0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 28 CONNE CT 102400 % % % % @ & 29 CONNE CT 61440 % % % % @ & 30 CONNE CT 51200 % % % % @ &.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-23 Result Code for Inter nal Fax/Modem (for Z y XEL LCD+M onl y) The in terna l fax/m odem will report the conn ect spe ed in th e fo llow ing form at: 1. ATX 1-ATX 4(%): <cr><lf>CONNECT DT E_Speed<cr><lf> 2.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-24 111 CONNECT 41333 % ^ $ * & 110 CONNECT 42666 % ^ $ * & 109 CONNECT 44000 % ^ $ * & 108 CONNECT 45333 % ^ $ * & 107 CONNECT 4666.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-25 Result Code Chart S y mbol Refere nce V Supported % Reporting t he DTE rate a s: <cr> <lf>CONN ECT DT E_Speed<cr ><lf> @.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-26 Result Code Field Descript ions Field Name Possible Valu es Error_Code NONE Error_Control LAPB, LAPD, ARQ (This field w ill not show if n o erro.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-27 Connect Strings for Error Corrected Connections Use 'A TS35' bit 7 (' ATS35b7=1' ) to ena ble th e foll owing num erica l resu lt code s when an erro r control connec tion is made.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series C-1 Appendix C Phone Jack Pinout Assignments The LCD /Plu s/D fe atures o ne RJ- 45 phone jack , and i n addition, the om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series C-2 RJ-1 1 POTS Po rt Phone 1&2 (for LCD/LCD+M /Plus) RJ-11 Connector Pin Assignme nt Pin Description 1 Not Connecte d 2 Ring 3 Tip 4 Not Connecte d Table 81.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series D-1 Appendix D Serial Port Interface EIA -232D 25 Pin S eria l Port Inte rface Pin # Description ITU-TSS Signal Name EIA Signal Name Signal Descripti.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series D-2 Pin # Description ITU-TSS Signal Name EIA Signal Name Signal Descriptio n Signal Direction DTE - DCE 24 Clock Source: DTE 113 DA Transmit Clo ck Signa l * 25 TI 142 Test Indicat or. + Table 82. EIA-232D 25 Pin Serial Port Interface A s y nc.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 1 Index Ambiguity R esolution ............................. 4-10, 4-1 1 A T Commands Des cription ............................... A-2 B1/B2 Loopback w ith Self- T est .......................10-2 BACP/BAP .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2 Fax operation ................................................... 9-7 MNP Protocols ................................................ 9-2 Xmodem , Ym odem, an d Zmodem ................9-2 Introduction to PPP .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts ZyXEL Communications LCD+M (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie ZyXEL Communications LCD+M noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für ZyXEL Communications LCD+M - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von ZyXEL Communications LCD+M reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über ZyXEL Communications LCD+M erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon ZyXEL Communications LCD+M besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von ZyXEL Communications LCD+M verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit ZyXEL Communications LCD+M. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei ZyXEL Communications LCD+M gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.