Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 400G des Produzenten Billion Electric Company
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T able of Content s i T able of Contents CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION T O YO UR ROUTER............
T able of Content s ii Backup / Restore ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 3 Restart R outer ..................................
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 1: Intr oduction 1 Chapter 1: Introductio n Introduction to you r Router Y our Billion 400G router is an “all-in-one” ADSL router , combining an ADSL 2 / 2+ modem/router a nd network switch , providing ever ything you need to you conn ected to the Internet us ing your ADSL connection.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 1: Intr oduction 2 Domain Name S ystem (D NS) Relay It prov ides an easy wa y to m ap the domain nam e (a friendl y nam e for us ers s uch as www .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 2: In stal ling the router 3 Chapter 2: Inst alling the Router Important note for using this router Package Contents • Billion 400G Rou ter • CD-ROM containing th is o.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 2: In stal ling the router 4 The Front LEDs LED Meaning 1 Power Lit when power is ON. If lit red it m eans th e s ystem has failed to load. Restart the de vice or contact router s upport. 2 LAN Port 1X — 4X (RJ-45 connector) Lit when connected to an Ethernet device.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 2: In stal ling the router 5 The Ethernet Port # 4 can be used as a console port . Y ou n eed a special con sole tool w hich already includ es in the package to con nect w ith L AN port 4 and PC’s RS-232 port (9-p in serial port).
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 2: In stal ling the router 6 Cabling One of the most comm on causes of problems is the bad cabling or ADSL line(s). Mak e sure that all c on nected devices are turne d on. On t he front of th e product is a bank of LEDs . V er ify that the L AN L ink and AD SL line LEDs are lit.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 3: Basic Inst allati on 7 Any TCP/I P capable workstation can be used to communicate wit h or through the route r . T o co nfigure o ther types o f w orkstations, please consult the manu facturer ’ s documentation. Chapter 3: Basic Inst allation The router can be configured with your web browser .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 3: Basic Inst allati on 8 Connecting Y our Router 1. Conn ect th e p ower a da pter as i llustr ate d bel ow and power on the device, m ake sure tha t the PW R LED is lit steadily . 2. Connect your network or c omputer to the router using the LAN (Local Area Network) ca ble .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 3: Basic Inst allati on 9 Configuring PCs i n Windo w s in W indo w XP 1. Go to Start / Co ntrol Pane l (in C lassic View). In the Control Panel, double-click Netwo rk Connections . 2. Double-click Local A rea Co nnection .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 3: Basic Inst allati on 10 Configuring PCs i n Windo w s 2000 1. Go to St art / Settings / C ontrol Panel . In the Control Panel, double-click Netwo rk and Dial-up Connectio ns . 2. Double-click Local A rea (“ LAN”) Conn ection .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 3: Basic Inst allati on 1 1 Configuring PC in W indo w s 95/98/ME 1. Go to St art / Settings / C ontrol Panel . In the Control Panel, double-click Netwo rk and choose the Conf iguration tab. 2. Select TCP / I P -> NE20 00 Co mpatible , or th e name of any Network Interf ace Card (NI C) in your PC.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 3: Basic Inst allati on 12 Configuring PC in W indo w s NT4.0 1. Go to S tart / Settings / Control Panel . I n th e Control Panel, double-click Netwo rk and choose the Protocols tab. 2. Select TCP/I P Protocol and click Properties .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 3: Basic Inst allati on 13 Factory Default Settings Before configur ing your , you need to k now the follo wing default sett ings. Web Interface (Username and Password) Usernam e: admin Password: adm in The default us ernam e and password are “ adm in ” and “ admin ” res pectivel y .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 3: Basic Inst allati on 14 Information from yo ur ISP T elkom ADSL connections use PPPoE, and automatically assign a W AN IP address to your router . The foll owing information is provided should you wish to connect to an alternati ve ISP .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 3: Basic Inst allati on 15 Configuring with your Web Browser Open y our web bro wser , e nter th e I P a ddress of your router , which b y defau lt is , an d click “ Go ”, a us er name and password window prom pt will appear .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 16 Chapter 4: Configuration At the configurat ion hom epage, the left navigation pane where bookm arks are provided links you directly to the desired set.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 17 S tatus A DSL S ta tus This sec tion displays the ADSL overal l status, which sho ws a num ber of helpful inf ormation such as D SP firmware version.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 18 DHCP T able Leased: The DHC P assigned I P address es inf ormation. Expired: T he expired IP address es inform ation. Permanent: T he fixed host m apping inform ation Leased T able IP A dd ress: The I P address that assi gned to client.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 19 NA T Sessions This sec tion lists all current NA T sessions betwee n inter face of t ypes external (WAN) and internal (LAN ). UPnP Portmap The s ection l ists all port-m apping established using UPnP (Uni versal Plug and Pla y .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 20 Event Log This pag e displays the router ’s Event Log entries. Major events are logged to this window , such as when the router ’s ADSL conn ectio.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 21 Quick S tart 1. Cl ick Q uick S tart. Select the c onnect m ode you want. There are two opt ions you can choose, ADSL . Select ADSL from Connect Mode drop-down m enu, and cl ick Cont inue . 2. If your A DSL line is not read y , you need to check your ADSL line has been set or not.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 22 4. The list below has different mode applied for your choice. Choose 0/33/PPPo E(Recommend ed) and click A p pl y . 5. Please enter “ Username ” and “ Passw ord ” as supp lied by your ISP(Internet Service Pro vider) and click Apply to continue.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 23 6. Configure the W ireless LAN setting. WLAN Servic e: Default set ting is set t o Enable . If you want to use wire less, both 802.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 24 8. W hen ADSL is synchronic , it will appear “chec k”. Configuration W hen you click this item , you get follo wing sub-item s to conf igure the ADSL router .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 25 Y ou can set up m ember ports f or eac h VLAN group under Bridge Int erface sectio n. Fr om the exam ple, two VL AN groups need to be cr eated. Ethernet: P1 ( Port 1) Ethernet1: P2, P3 and P4 ( Port 2, 3, 4).
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 26 IP A dd ress: S pecif y an IP address on this v irtual interf ace. SubNetmask: Specify a subnet m ask on this v irtual interf ace. Security Inte rface: S pecif y the firewall setti ng on this virtual interf ace.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 27 Active PC in LAN displa ys a list of indi vidual Ethernet device’s I P Address & MAC Address which connectin g to the router . Y ou can easily by check ing the box next to the IP a ddress to b e blocked or all owed.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 28 ESSID Bro adcast: ESSID Broadcast is the function that controls the Routes transmission of its ESSID . T his transmission enables wireless client s to detect the presenc e of the AP when they search for AP’ s to connect to.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 29 Wireless Secur ity Y ou can disable or enable WP A or WEP for protecting your wireless network. The default mode of wireless security is Enabled. And the default security mode is WP A. WP A-PSK / WP A2- PSK / WEP WP A A lgorithm s: T here a re t wo t ypes of the W P A-PSK, W P A-PSK and W P A2-PSK.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 30 WEP WEP Authentication: T o prevent unauthorize d wireless stations from accessing data transm itted over the net work , the router of fers secure data encr yption, known as W EP . If you require high security for transmiss ions, there are two options to select f rom : Open System, Share key .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 31 Wireless C lient / MAC Address Filter The MAC Address support s up to 16 wireless network machines and helps you to manage your network control to accept traf fic from specific authorized machines or to restrict unwanted machine(s) from accessing your LAN.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 32 WPS The W PS feature uses the W i-Fi Alliance standard t o allow eas y set up of s ecurit y-enabled W i-Fi networks in the home and sm all office environm ents.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 33 DHCP Server Y ou c an disab le or enab le the DHCP (D ynamic H ost Conf iguration Protocol) s erver or e nable t he router ’s DHC P relay functions.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 34 W AN - Wide A rea Network WAN refers to your W ide Ar ea Net work connecti on, i .e. your router ’s c onnection to your ISP an d th e Internet. Her e are the item s within the WA N section: WA N Profil e and ADSL Mo de .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 35 Idle Timeout: Auto-disconnect the router when there is no activity on the line for a predetermined period of time. Detail: Y ou can define destination port and packet type (TCP/UDP) information that will not r esult in the router checking the timer .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 36 Service Nam e: This i tem is for i dentification pu rpos es. If it is required , your I SP will provide y ou t he inform ation.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 37 MPo A Connectio n Profile Port : Se lect the pro file port ADSL. Protocol: T he A TM pro tocol will be used in the device. Description: User-definable name for the connection. VPI/VCI: Enter th e inform ation provid ed by your ISP .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 38 IPoA Rou ted Co nnection Profile Port : Se lect the pro file port ADSL. Protocol: T he A TM pro tocol will be used in the device. Description: User-definable name for the connection. VPI/VCI: Enter th e inform ation provid ed by your ISP .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 39 Pure Bridge Profile Port : Se lect the pro file port ADSL. Protocol: T he A TM pro tocol will be used in the device. Description: User-definable name for the connection. VPI/VCI: Enter th e inform ation provid ed by your ISP .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 40 A DSL Mode Connect M ode : This mode will automatically detect your A D S L line mode, ADSL2+, ADSL2, G .dmt, G .lite, T1.413, AnnexM2 or AnnexM2+ . But in some areas, multimode cannot detect the ADSL line mode very well.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 41 System Here are the items within the System section: Time Zone, Remote Access, Firmware Upgrade, Backup /Restore, Restar t and U ser M anagement.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 42 DO NOT pow er down the router or interrupt the firmw are upgrading while it is still in process. Imp roper ope ration could d amage the rout er . Remote A ccess T o temporarily permit remote administrati on of the rout er (i.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 43 Backup / Restore These functions allow y ou to save a nd bac kup y our router ’s current settings to a f ile on your P C, or to restore a previousl y saved bac kup.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 44 Rest art Router Click Restart with option Cu rrent Settings to reboot your router (and restore your last sa ved configura tion).
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 45 T o create a ne w user ac count, f irst check the V alid b ox and then ent er in the re levant details for User , C om ment, Password and C onfirm Password. Cl ick the Add button to add the new us er acco unt.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 46 When using Virtual Servers your PCs will b e exp osed to the degree specified in your V irtu al Server settings provided the port s specified are opened in your firew all packe t filter settings.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 47 General Settings Y ou can choose not to enable the Firewall and still have access to URL Filter and IM/P2P Blocking, or you can enable the Firewall using preset filter rules and modify the port filter rules as required.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 48 Packet Filter This f unction is onl y available when the Firewal l is enabled and one of these f our securit y levels is ch osen (Al l blocked, High, Medium and Low). The preset port filter rules in the Pack et Filter must be modified according to the level of Fire wall, which is s elected.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 49 Example: Predefined Port Filters Rules The predefine d port filter ru les for High, M edium and Low securit y levels are l isted. See T able 1. Note: Firewall – For Bloc ked/ Us er- defin ed , you must define and create the port filter rules yours elf.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 50 MSN (1863) TCP(6) 1863 1863 YES YES N/A N/A N/A N/A MSN (7001) UDP(17) 7001 7001 YES YES N/A N/A N/A N/A MSN VEDIO (9000) T CP(6) 9000 9000 NO YES N /A N/A N/A N/A Inbound: Internet to LAN ; Outbound: LAN to Internet.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 51 Packet Filter – Add Raw IP Filter Go to “T ype” drop-do wn menu, select “ Use Protoco l Num ber”. Rule Name Helper: S peci fies a user-defined description identifying this entry or c lick the drop-down menu to select existing pr edefined r ules.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 52 Example: Configur ing your firewall to al low a publicly accessible web server on your LAN The predefined port filter r ule for HTT P ( TCP port 80 ) is th e sam e no m atter whether t he fire wall is s et to a h igh, medium or low secur ity level.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 53 Configuring Packe t Filter: 1. Click Packet Filt ers . Y ou will the n be presented with the predef ined port f ilter rules s creen (in this cas e for the low securit y level), shown b elow: Note: You m ay click Edit the predef ined rule instead of Delete it.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 54 Example : Application: C indy_HTTP Ti me Schedule: Always O n Source / Destinat ion IP Add ress( es): 0.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 55 Intrusion Detection The router ’s Intrus ion Detection System (IDS) is used to detect hack er attacks and i ntrusion att empts from the Internet.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 56 Max TCP Open Handshakin g Count : This is a threshold value to decide whether a S YN Flood attempt is occurring or not. Default v alue is 100 TCP SYN per seconds. Max PING Count : T his is a threshold v alue to decide w hether an ICMP Echo S torm is occ urring or not .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 57 T able 2: Hacker attack types recognized by the IDS Intrusion Nam e Detect Paramet er Blacklist T ype of Block Duration Drop Packet Show Log Ascend Ki.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 58 URL Filter URL (Uniform Resourc e Locator – e.g. an address in the form of http://www or http://www . exam ) filter rules allo w y ou to prevent users on your network from accessing particular websites by their URL.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 59 2. If not, the router checks if the domain is listed in the forbidden list. If it is, then the connection attempt will be dropped. 3. If the packet does not m atch either of th e abo ve two item s, it is sent to t he remote web server .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 60 IM / P2P Blocking IM, short for Inst ant Messaging, is required to use client program softwa re that allows users to communicate, exchanging text message, with other IM users, in real time, over the Internet.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 61 Firewall Log Firewall Log disp lay log inf orm ation of any unexpecte d action with your fire wall settings. Check the Enabl e box to a ctivate the logs. Log inform ation can be see n in the Status – Event Log after enabling.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 62 Name : A user-defined description identifying this new policy/application. Time Schedule : The detail s of when this rule of your prioritization policy is active . Priority : T he priorit y given to each polic y/application .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 63 Outbound IP Throttling (L A N to W A N) IP Throttling allows you to limit the speed of IP traf fic. The value entered will limit the speed of the speci fied application to the specified value (Set in multiples of 32kbp s.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 64 Inbound IP Throttling (W A N to LAN) IP Throttling allows you to limit the speed of IP traf fic. The value entered will li mit the speed of the spe cified application to the specified value (Set in multiples of 32kbp s.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 65 Example: QoS fo r your N etwork Connection Diag ram Information and Settings Upstream: 928 k bps Downstream : 8 Mbps V oIP User : 10. 0.0.1 Norm al Users : 10.0.0. 10~10.0.0. 13 Restricted Us er : 10.0.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 66 0 10 0 20 0 30 0 40 0 50 0 kbps VoI P / VP N HIGH Ot he rs NO RMAL Res trict e d LOW Th roug hpu t VoIP/V PN HI GH Others NOR MAL Re s tric t ed LOW Mission-critical app lication Ofte n, a VPN connection is a mission-critical application for exchanging data between Head and Branch of fices.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 67 Restricted A pplication Some users will setup a FTP server for downloading of their files by means of FTP . The above settings will help to limit utilization of ups tream bandwi dt h by the FTP connections.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 68 Sometime your customers or friends may upload their files to your FTP server and that will saturate you r downstream bandwid th. The settings below will help you to limit bandwid th for such an application that needs restriction.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 69 V irtual Server (known as Port Forwarding) In TCP/IP and UDP networks, a port is a 16-bit number used to identify which application program incoming connections should be delivered to.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 70 Application : A user-defined description used to ident ify this entry . Y ou can click drop-down m enu to select existing predefined rules. : 20 predef ined rules are a vailable. Application, Protocol a nd Externa l/Redirect Ports will be filled after the selection h as been m ade.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 71 Example: If you would like to remotely access your routers’ W eb/HT TP interface all the time, you would need to enable port number 80 (W eb /HTTP) and map it to the Router ’ s LAN IP Address.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 72 Edit DMZ Host A DMZ H ost is a computer on the LAN that is completely exposed to the Internet. W hen you have configured a par ticular internal IP add.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 73 Edit One-to-One NA T ( Network A ddress T ranslation) One-to-One NA T map s a specific private/local (LAN) IP address to a pa rticular global/public (W AN) IP address.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 74 External Port: The Port number on the Remote/W AN side that is used when accessing the virtual server . Redirect Port : The Port number that the Local server on the LAN network will be listening on. Internal IP Address: The private IP , on the LAN network, of the virtual server application.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 75 T ime Schedule The T ime Schedule functio n support s up to 16 time slot s, helping you to manage your Internet connecti on. In each time profile, you may schedule specific day(s) i.e. Monday through Sunday to restrict or allowing the usage of the Internet by users or applications.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 76 Configuration of T ime Schedule Edit a Time Slot 1. Choose an y Time Slot (ID 1 to ID 16) to edit, click Edit radio butt on . Note: The days t hat you have select ed will sho w as capital letters . Lower case letters sho w the day(s) that are not select ed, and no rule will apply on thes e days.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 77 A dvanced Configuration o ptions w ithin the Advanced sect ion ar e for users who wish to take ad vantage of the m ore ad vanced features of the router . User s who do n ot under stand the featur es should not attem pt to reconf igure th eir router , unless advised to do so b y support staff.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 78 Dynamic DNS The Dynamic DNS function allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a st atic hostname, allowing users whos e ISP does not assign them a static IP address to use a domain name.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 79 Check Email This function allows you to have the router check your POP3 mailbox for new Email messages. Y ou may view the status of this function using the S tatus – Email Checking section of the web interface, which also provides details on the number of new messages waiting.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 80 Device Managemen t The Device Management configuration settings allow you to control your router ’ s security options and device monitoring features. Device Host N ame Host Name: T his is the na me given to your route r; this should b e in the fo rm of nam e.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 81 Universal Plug and Pla y (UPnP) UPnP of fers peer-to-peer network connectivity for PCs and other network devices, along with control and dat a transfer between devices. UPnP of fers many adva ntages for users running NA T routers through UPnP NA T T raversal.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 82 From RFC1650 ( EtherLike -MIB) : dot3S tats From RFC 1493 (B ridge M IB): dot1dBase grou p dot1dTp group dot1dS t p group (if configur.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 4: Configuratio n 83 IGMP IGMP , k nown as Internet Group Man agement Pro tocol , is used to m anagem ent hosts from m ulticast group. IGMP Forwarding: Acc epting m ulticast packet. Def ault is set to Enable. IGMP Snooping: Allowing switched Etherne t to check and m ake correct f orwarding decisi ons.
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 5: T roubl eshooting 84 Chapter 5: T roub leshooting If the router is not functioni ng properly , first check this chapter for simple troubleshooting before cont acting the Help desk. Problems starting up the router Problem Corrective Action None of the LEDs are on when you tu rn on the router .
Billion 400 G Router Chapter 5: T roubl eshooting 85 Contact T elkom ADSL support T e lephone: 08 00 375 375 Operating hours: 24hrs – 7 days a week Contact SizweBroad band for Router Supp ort T e lephone: 0860 1 10 041 Website: www
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Wenn Sie aber schon Billion Electric Company 400G besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Billion Electric Company 400G verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Billion Electric Company 400G. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Billion Electric Company 400G gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.