Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung FV-L1 des Produzenten Beyonwiz
Zur Seite of 118
FV -L V ersion 1.52_Eng.
Welcome Me ssage i Welcome Message Thank yo u for choosi ng a beyonwiz FV - L1 , the epicentre of your home enter tainment n e two rk . The FV - L1 suppor ts all the f e atur es of a conventio nal digital broadcas ting receiver or STB ( Set -T op Box) and PVR (Per s onal V ideo Recorder) .
Precaution ii Preca ution Read this manual carefully before using this product. T he cautions descr ibed be low cont ain i mporta nt infor mati on about s afety , and ar e cate gorized into: Da nger , Warning and Noti ce. beyonwi z will not be respon sible for accidents or damage resulting from careless ha ndlin g b y the user .
Precaution iii WAR NIN G If the pro duct is mishandl ed, the user might recei ver a serious or mino r inju ry. D amage o r l oss to th e user’ s proper ty ma y also occur . The produ c t mus t n ot be expos ed to wate r or liqui d. I f the pr oduct is exposed t o drips or splashe s, it m ight cause a pro blem tha t may n ot be repai rable .
Precaution iv This s ymbol is intende d to ale rt the user to the presence o f un - insulated “dan gerous vo l ta ge ” within the product ’ s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to per sons.
Precaution v Copyri ght This manual i s protected by copyr ig ht l a ws . Copy , use, reproduction of this manual in part o r whole without beyonwiz's prior written perm i ssion is prohibited.
Content s Conte nts Welcome Me ssage i Precaution ii 1. Package Cont ent s 3 2. Intro duction 5 1. FV - L1 Highlights 5 2. Front Panel 6 2- 1. Buttons 6 2- 2. S lot Door 6 2- 3. Front D isplay Window 6 3. Rear Panel 7 4. Rem ot e Contro l 8 4- 1. Operati ng FV - L1 8 4- 2.
C ontents 3. PVR Functio ns 47 3- 1. Time - shifting 47 3- 2. Inst ant Recordin g 48 3- 3. Time r 50 3- 4. T ri ck Mode Ope ration 55 3- 5. Recording C ontrol 56 3- 6. Time r Conflict 58 4. EPG (Electro nic Program Guide) 60 4- 1. EPG with Multip le Services 60 4- 2.
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3 1. Package Contents The following item s a re in clude d in the box. Pl ease check al l packa ge cont ent s before using your pro duct. FV - L1 Remote Cont rol Batteries (AAA si ze x2) .
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Intro duction 5 2. Introdu ction 1. FV- L1 Highlights As a HD ( High Definition) multimedia epicentre , the FV - L1 s upports various ways of c onnec ting to HD TVs and audi o syst ems; HDMI port combini ng wit h HD video de code rs , which support MPEG - 2, MPE G - 4, H.
Intro duction 6 2. Front Pa nel 2- 1. Buttons Five but tons a re place d on the fron t panel. ST ANDBY Butt o n: it switches the FV - L1 betw een the oper ation an d standby mo de s. CHAN NEL Butt on s: t he top an d bott om parts of the cir cular button work as the channel - up and channel - down butt ons.
Intro duction 7 1 Ind icate s har d d isk sp ace u sed . 2 Lights when there is no s pac e lef t o n t h e H DD. Lights when there is no time information. 3 Lights wh en a timer rec o r din g is program med in st andby mode. 4 Lights when the signal is b ei ng out put vi a HDMI .
Intro duction 8 4. Remote Control 4- 1. Operating FV - L1 In orde r to ope rate the FV - L1 with the encl osed remote co ntrol, please select STB mode by pressi ng the STB button. The red ba cklight b eneath the STB button lights w hen yo u press a bu tton i n this mode.
Intro duction 9 4- 2. Opera ting TV s et The e nclosed remote contr ol can also be used to cont rol a TV set provide d by major TV manufact urers. In order to ope rate a TV with the enclos ed remote contro l, please select TV mode by pres sing t he TV button.
Intro duction 10 JVC 207 212 247 264 323 385 LG 208 215 224 229 253 286 307 344 374 385 387 410 412 NEC 205 207 208 215 224 229 248 253 286 389 PANASO NI C 208 210 211 212 213 214 216 220 230 236 237 .
Intro duction 11 4- 3. Remote Contr ol HEXA Code The picture below and ta ble on t h e r i gh t pr ov ide you wit h inf orm ation t o allow you to pro gram your own programmable remote c ontrol to oper ate the FV - L1 . The co din g syste m used for the FV - L1 is the NEC type.
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How to Connect 13 3. How to Connect 1. A/V Con nection Depen ding on the A/V equi pment you own , there are various ways y ou can connect the FV - L1 . To choos e the be st c onn ection optio n , p lease refer to the manual of e quipment you woul d li ke to conn ect to .
How to Connect 14 1- 2. Audio C onnect ion T o conne c t your FV - L1 t o your TV or au dio sys t e m, the f o llowi ng opt ions are availab le ; S/PDI F d igital a udio outp ut (CO AXIAL or OPTICAL) 5.1 CH a nalog ue a udio ou t pu t Stereo analogue audio output (use the 5.
How to Connect 15 3. Ethernet Conne ction 3- 1. Wire d Con nection U s ing a N etwo rk R outer ( LAN) In orde r to full y utilize the FV - L1 , it is st rongly recom mended that you connect the FV - L 1 to your ho me ne twork via a netw ork rout er .
How to Connect 16 3- 2. Direc t C onnection t o a PC With this configuration, you can share contents with a PC but the FV - L1 cannot access t he i nternet. For this connecti on, the follow ing equipment is requir ed; A PC with an Ethernet connecti on (Network Interface Card) A n E thernet crossov er ca ble.
How to Connect 17 3- 3. Direc t C onnec t i on t o Inter net With this confi guratio n, you cannot s hare content s with a PC through you r h ome net work. Fo r t his co nfiguration, you will need to c onnect the FV - L1 to yo ur ADS L Modem o r Cable M odem with an Ethernet crossov er cable ( n ot included i n the box ).
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Quick S etup 19 4. Quick S etup This c hapter gu ides you through the basic se t up of your FV - L1 so t hat you can utilise its basic fe ature s. I n order to ut ilize the advanc ed features of the FV - L1 , refer to C hapter 9 “ Ad v anced Setup ” .
Quick S etup 20 1- 1. Quick S etu p of V id eo Output F ormat If you ca n alrea dy see a pictu re on your T V scree n, you c an skip this sect ion and go on to t he next sec tion “Bas ic Ope ration” .
Quick S etup 21 1- 2. Basic O pera tion 1) Enter and E xit Setup M ode Y ou can enter the se tup mode by pres sing the SET - UP button on the re mote c ontrol . T o return to the previ ous operat ion mo de (e .g. STB/PVR or Fi le Play back), pr ess t he EX IT button.
Quick S etup 22 3) How to C hange C onfiguration In the setup menu, there are several w ays to change configuration. Here are th ree e x a m ples of co nfi g u r ation chan g es freq u ent l y used . Selec tion in a pop - up menu: If you press the OK button, a pop - up menu will be display ed.
Quick S etup 23 On - scree n keyboard: I f you n eed to i nput a lphabe tic cha racters , a “ Keyboard Input ” pop - u p window will be dis pla ye d . Y ou can move the cursor with the UP/DOW N/LEFT/RIG HT buttons and select the letters with the OK button.
Quick S etup 24 2. Configurat ion 2- 1. Time S etting T he date and time information is used to start timer recording s . Ther efore, you need to conf igure the ti me an d date i nfor ma ti on precisely . Y ou can a lso select preferred date an d time format s.
Quick S etup 25 2- 2. A/V Output S etting Y ou n eed to set t he vi deo and audio conf igurations t o suit your TV and audio equipmen t . M ak e sure the video and audio connections on the FV - L1 ar e corr ectl y conne cted t o your TV a nd audi o equip ment ( see t he “ A/V Connection” section in Chapter 3) .
Quick S etup 26 2) Audio Outp uts The FV - L1 supports 5.1ch audio via the RCA c onnectors on the rear of the unit and will decode and output D olby Dig ital via a built in decoder . It also sup ports digita l outputs with opt ical a nd coa xial por ts .
Quick S etup 27 2- 3. Service Scan Before you can watch a broa dcaste d serv ice, you need t o s can for services first. The scanned services will be stored in non - vola ti l e memor y . Therefore you don’t have to scan for se rvices again unless yo u delete services sto red in memory .
Quick S etup 28 Start Scan: After selecting your s canning r ange, select Start Sc anning and then press the OK button. On th e screen, the scanning window appear s and dis plays t he progr ess . Once scannin g is com plete, you are ready to wat ch li ve tele visi on by pressing the LIVE button .
Quick S etup 29 2- 4. LiDiC ( Li ne - in Di gi tal C onve r te r – ava il ab le sep arately ) The LiD iC can receiv e either C omposite or S - VIDEO signals from one or two ext ernal A/V de vices s imulta neousl y , a nd pas s thes e signa ls through to the FV - L1 .
Quick S etup 30 3. Network The FV - L1 supp orts an Ethernet (LAN) interfaces. This section wi ll guide you on how to configure the net work interfaces. 3- 1. Enable E ther n et The first ste p is to enab le the Ethernet interface . I n the Net work Device m enu , select the “ LAN ” opti on.
Quick S etup 31 3- 2. Ethernet Setting 1) Automa tic Configura tion If you hav e selecte d “LA N” as your network interface , all items to be configured for the Ether net interface will now be disp layed. DHCP : If you want all con fi guration opt ions to be set autom aticall y from your router , select the “Enable” option .
Quick S etup 32 2) Manual Configura tion If you set “DHCP” to “Disable” , you mu st input the network sett ings manually . Use the NUMERIC and LEFT/RI GHT buttons to confi gure the following it ems ; IP Add ress: enter a 1 2 - digit I P addre ss.
Quick S etup 33 3- 3. Ice Gui d e The FV - L1 su pports I c eT V servic e thr ough the Inte rnet. If you have an I c eT V account, and wish to utilise this service o n your FV - L1 , you mus t conf ig.
Quick S etup 34 3- 4. Wiz PN P WizPNP e nables s harin g of rec orded f iles w ith othe r beyonwi z product s and PCs. The fol lowing picture illustrates how WizPNP funct ions ; Y ou can set the FV - L1 to be a WizP NP clien t, a Wiz PNP ser ver , or both client and server simultaneousl y .
Quick S etup 35 2) Set as WizPNP Server Setting th e FV - L1 as a WizPNP server allows access fro m another beyonwiz product which has b een enabled as a WizPNP clie nt, so the clie nt can play files in t he FV - L1 . It also allows your PC to acce ss the FV - L1 in order to transfer files.
Quick S etup 36 3- 5. Windows S haring The FV - L1 can access files in a shared folder on your PC. This function requires configuration in the fol lowing situations; (i) if the PC’ s “Guest” account requ ires a usernam e and password , or (ii) if a PC user account other than the “Guest ” account is used.
STB & PVR Function 37 5. STB & PVR Function The FV - L1 sup ports var i ous ways of enjoying multimedia content. These functions are divi ded into three parts: (i) STB (Set - top Box) and PVR .
STB & PVR Function 38 2) Chang e Service with Ser vice Lis t The service list contains all the broad cast ing services your FV - L1 can receiv e. Pr ess the LIST button t o disp lay the service li.
STB & PVR Function 39 3) Other Ways to Change Service Ther e are ot her ways of c hangi ng servi ces, as fol lows ; CH+/CH - buttons : Pres s the CH+ or CH - buttons to change to the next or pre vious service in the service list. NUMERIC buttons: Use th e NUMER IC buttons t o change to a service direc tly e.
STB & PVR Function 40 1- 2. Information B ox Y ou can view informati on about the current service and th e current program usi ng two inf ormati on boxes, bot h acces sed by us ing th e button.
STB & PVR Function 41 1- 3. Volume Le vel Ad jus t Use the VOL+/VO L - butt ons respectiv ely to increase o r decrease the lev el of the analogue and th e digit al aud io output s. The MUTE bu tton will t urn off both the a nalogu e and digit al au dio output s.
STB & PVR Function 42 1- 5. Subtitl e and T eletex t Ser v i ce 1) Subtitl e Se rvi ce If you wish to vie w s ubtitle s for the pro gram , press the SUBTI TLE button to dis play a list of available lan guages . U se the UP/DOW N buttons t o se lect your desire d lan guage and then press OK .
STB & PVR Function 43 1- 6. Sleep Tim er T he sleep timer can be used to set the FV - L1 to turn off automatically at a specific time. To set a timer, press the SLEEP button r epe atedly until your desire d ti me dela y is di splaye d.
STB & PVR Function 44 2. Servic e Edit 2- 1. Service List Edit Y ou can edit the se rvice list to lock, d elete or renam e services. Press the LIST button to show the service list, then use the UP/DOW N button s to select a service .
STB & PVR Function 45 2- 2. Favorit e G roup A f avorit e group is your persona l colle ction of T V or radi o servi ces . U p to 20 favourite grou ps can be created . 1) Favorite Group Edit T o start, y ou must cre ate your favorite gr oups in the Set up menu (see “F avo rite” section in Chapte r 9) .
STB & PVR Function 46 4) Servic e Change o n Favorite G roup Selec t a ser vice in a favorit e group u sing st ep 2 abo ve . Y ou can now change servic es with in th is favor ite grou p in the fol lowing ways ; LIST button: T he service lis t will now on ly show the services which belong t o th e curr ent favorit e grou p .
STB & PVR Function 47 3. PVR Functio ns The major functions of a P VR are time - shifting and rec ording. This allows you to pause or re wind l ive TV , and even t o go bac k an d make a recor ding of e vents that have alr eady happe ned. T o perform t hese functions, the FV - L1 utilise s the internal hard disk dr i ve ( HD D ).
STB & PVR Function 48 3- 2. Instant Rec ording T o rec ord the current ser vice and stor e it on t he HDD insta ntly , pres s the REC butto n. A r ecor ding will sta rt, an d a “Recor ding” w indow wi ll appear with vari ous opti ons to conf igure your rec ording.
STB & PVR Function 49 NOTE If there is onl y one program in the time - shift buffer , the opt ions “Current Program” and “ All” h ave the same meaning, therefore the “Curr ent Progra m” option will not a ppear .
STB & PVR Function 50 3- 3. Timer Y ou can set the FV - L1 to a utomati cally r ecor d programs b y sett ing time rs. The timer func tion can a lso be use d to au tomatic all y change servi ce in order t o view an i mportant program , or to transmit the pictur e to an e xterna l recordi ng devic e such as a VCR (Vide o Cass ette Recorder) .
STB & PVR Function 51 2) Add New Timer To set a new t i m e r, press POP - UP then OK to display the timer list. T hen press the RED button t o dis play the “ Add Timer ” wi ndow, as shown be low . Y ou can con figure t he f ollowin g it ems ; Servi ce: Select the serv ice yo u wish to reco rd .
STB & PVR Function 52 Recurrence: Set the recurrence of the recording (if any). Use the LEFT/RIGHT buttons t o sele ct on e of the foll owing o ptions; Once: A one - off event with no r ecurrence (default set ting) . Daily: R ecord e very day .
STB & PVR Function 53 3) Edit Timer T o modif y an exist ing ti mer , pr ess POP - UP then OK to displa y the t ime r list. Then use the UP/DOWN button s to s el ect you r des ire d t i mer a nd press OK to disp lay t he “ Edit T i mer ” w indow, as sh ow n bel ow.
STB & PVR Function 54 5) Power Off during Recording If you a ttempt t o put t he FV - L1 int o stand by mode wh ile a recordin g is in pro gress, a “Powe r Off ” dialo g will be displayed, as shown below.
STB & PVR Function 55 3- 4. Trick Mode O peration If y ou are watching a service while it is be ing recor ded, or c hange to a servi ce whic h is a lrea dy bein g rec orded, you ca n perf orm t he same trick - mode operations as f or ti me - shif ting and f ile p layback ( see “Movie Playback” secti on in Cha pter 6).
STB & PVR Function 56 3- 5. Recording Co ntrol 1) Pause/Resume and S top Recording T o pause record ing f or a period of t ime (e.g. to s kip c omm ercial adv ertise ments), p r ess the REC button while you are watching the service bein g r e c or ded.
STB & PVR Function 57 2) Change Re cord in g Options while Recording Y o u can change some of the rec ording opt ions even after the rec ording has started. P ress the POP - UP butt on and us e the DOWN button t o select “ R ecording I nfor mation ”, and then pre ss OK .
STB & PVR Function 58 3- 6. Timer Conf lict The FV - L1 can rec or d two prog rams simultaneously . I f you attempt to recor d m or e than t w o pr ograms simultane ously , a ti mer conflict warning message will be displayed.
STB & PVR Function 59 2) Timer Overlaps Two Current Recordings I f a new timer begins while two recordings are already in progress, the follow ing timer c onflict dialo g will be dis played : In orde r to allow the timer to be gin, you must stop one of th e curr ent r ecordin gs .
STB & PVR Function 60 4. EPG (Electr onic Prog ram Guide) The EPG ( Elect ronic Pr ogram G uide) is a table which displays current and upco ming TV pro grams . The FV - L1 stor es up to 7 da y s of EPG data. The data can be pr ovide d in one of the followi ng ways ; T ransm itted by the TV service broadcasters .
STB & PVR Function 61 button s will sc roll t hrough any addit ional service s, and the LEFT/R I GHT button s will scroll thr ough earlier and later timeslots . You can also move rapi dly thr ough t he ti meslots , as fol lows; Jump f orward 24 h ours: press t he YELLOW button .
STB & PVR Function 62 4- 3. Service Change an d Recordin g The pr ocedure for cha nging servic e and s ettin g timer s dif fers, depending on your chosen se tting for “EPG Action” in the Prefer ence menu (see “EPG Action” section in Chapter 9 ).
STB & PVR Function 63 3) Set ti mer To set a ti mer f or a f uture pr ogram, perf orm the appr opria te p rocedur e as follows; F or EPG Action = “Change Svc” , place th e curs or on your desired program and use the following functions; T o set a reco rding timer: Pre ss the REC button .
File P layb ack 64 6. Fil e Playba ck This chapter covers all functions re garding pl ay ing multimedia conte nt . T he FV - L1 can pla y movie, music a nd ph oto fi les fr om the following storage de vices; internal hard disk dr ive (HDD). USB st orage devic es e.
File P layb ack 65 1) Step 1: Select Content Type Use the UP/DOW N button s to select t he type of storage devic e you wish to access , as foll ows : HDD: This is the int ernal h ard dis k dri ve . It contains two pre - set folders , as follows ; recor di ng: Stores your rec or ded TV and Radio programs.
File P layb ack 66 The ne tworked de vices are sh own wit h icon s to ide ntif y the type of device . A PC icon indicate s a PC and a set - top box icon indicate s a WizPNP ser v er , as shown in the follow ing screenshot; USB: This will show all USB de v ices currently conn ected t o the FV - L1 .
File P layb ack 67 WAR NIN G Each US B port can supply a maximu m o f 5 00mA t o the e xtern al device . Connecting devices consuming more than 500mA can damage the FV - L1 if there is n o additi onal power suppli e d to t he USB device .
File P layb ack 68 3) Step 3: Selec t File (s) Y ou m ust n ow select the file(s) y ou wish to play . Pr ess the OK button to enter the File list . Loc ate t he file (s) you wish to pla y by using th e following functions; UP/DOW N buttons : S elect s the pr evious or n ext fol der or fi le in the list .
File P layb ack 69 2. Contents Playba ck 2- 1. Mov i e Playb a ck T o pla y a movie, locate your ch osen vi deo fil e (se e previo us s ection “Exploring Contents”) and press the OK button . During playback, you can use the following functions; PREV button : Jumps to the previou s file in the File list .
File P layb ack 70 1) Trick Mode Durin g playback, the followi ng t rick mode operation s are available ; PAUSE butt on : Freezes the picture until you press PAUSE a sec ond time, or the PLAY button. REW button : P lays backwards at x2 speed .
File P layb ack 71 2) Bookmark Bookmar ks c a n be plac e d a t any pos i t i on i n t he vide o fi l e . This enables you to re turn to a chose n posit ion easil y . If necessary , use trick - mode or s kip/j ump func tions to move to you r desir ed posit ion in t he vide o fil e .
File P layb ack 72 T o dis play a list of al l book marks p laced, pres s the BLUE but ton . Use the UP/DOW N buttons to sele ct a bookmar k . T o play from th is positi on, pre ss OK . T o delete t he selected boo kmark, press the YELLOW button . You can hi de th e bookmar k list by pre ssin g the BLUE button a gain, or EXIT .
File P layb ack 73 4) Subtitl e The FV - L1 can de code a n d di sp la y subtitles from a subtitle file . T o play a movie with subtitle s , ensure the subtitle file has the same name as the video file , and then copy the subtitle file in to the sam e folder as the video f ile .
File P layb ack 74 2- 2. Music Playbac k M usic files are played in the same manner as video file s . The same file selection functions, playback func tio ns and trick - mo de operat ion s apply . See t he previ ous s ection s “Exp lori ng Conte nts” and “ Movie P layback” for details .
File P layb ack 75 During viewing, you can use th e following functions; LEFT or PRE V butt on : Jumps t o the pre vious photo i n the File l is t. RIGH T or NEXT button : Ju mps t o the next photo in the File l ist. GREEN button: R otates the cu rrent ph o to 90 ° cloc kwise .
File P layb ack 76 2) View Files in Playlist To check the files in t he playlist , select the ‘ P laylist ’ icon ( abov e “HDD” in the Device menu) and press the OK button .
File Man agement 77 7. File M anagement The FV - L1 has several functions to help you organise your media files . These functions allow y ou to; (i) create folders o n the internal hard disk driv e (HD D) . (ii) renam e and delete f i l es a nd fo lde rs .
File Man agement 78 2. Delete To delete files or folders in a s torage device, s elect the unwanted file (s) or folde r(s) i n the File list ( see “ Explori ng Conte nts” s ection in Cha pter 6) . P ress the POPUP button to di splay t he “Pop - up Menu” window .
File Man agement 79 3. Auto Del ete T o set automat ic delet ion fun ction to aut omatica lly del ete unwanted recor ding files that are ol der than the spec ified time. P ress the POPUP button to disp lay the “P o p - up Menu” window . Pres s the OK button to select “ Aut o Delete ” and pr ess the OK button .
File Man agement 80 5. Copy / Move To copy or m ov e files to or from the FV - L1 , s elect the desi red fi le (s) i n the File list ( see “Exploring C ontents” section in Chapter 6) . P ress the POPUP butt on to displ ay the “P op - up Menu” window .
File Man agement 81 Use the UP/DOW N button s to select a device and press the OK button (only f or “Net work” and “US B” devi ce types ) . Now use the fo llowin g funct ions t o set your dest ination folde r; UP/DOW N butto ns : Sel ect the previous or next folder in th e lis t .
File Man agement 82 Once you hav e confirmed the copy or mo ve function, a progre ss bar indicates the sta tus , as shown belo w; While the copy or move function is in progress, yo u can sele ct the following functions; LIVE or RECALL buttons: Retu rn to ST B/PVR mode to watch live T V .
File Man agement 83 6. Edit Record ing File Y ou can e dit a record ed file . E ditin g allows you to; (i) remov e commercial advertisemen ts fro m a TV reco rding. (i) r emove soft paddin g fro m your rec orded programs ( see “ Soft Padding” sect ion in Chapter 9).
Intern et Se rvice 84 8. Intern et Servic e The FV - L1 is de signed t o suppor t various Inter net se rvices . Pre ss w izTV button to access the services. Y ou can get the latest information by visiting o ur web site, w au www.beyo nwiz.c om.
Advanced Set up 85 9. Advanc ed Setup This c hapter de scribes h ow to c onfigure t he M iscellaneous (“Misc. ”) and Sys te m ca tegorie s of the setup menu . These catego ries are configured in the sam e ma nner as described in the “How to Chan ge Confi gurati on” section in Chapter 4 .
Advanced Setup 86 2) All Service The third column shows all s ervices that you can a ccess . This list shows ei th er a l l th e T V serv ices, or all the r adio servi c es . Ensur e the favorit e group you wish to add se rvices t o is sele cted i n the “Group” colum n .
Advanced Set up 87 1- 2. OSD 1) Help Box Display Y ou can hi de the he lp box that is displayed with the se rvice list . Th is will extend the service list win dow so that more services wil l be list ed, withou t havin g to press t he RED butto n each time (see “C ha nge S er v i ce w ith Service List ” section in Ch apter 5) .
Advanced Setup 88 3) Colour The me Y ou can ch oose bet ween 10 c olour the mes for on - screen menus and infor mation b ox es . 1- 3. Access Control Y ou can set a 4- digit PIN nu mbe r to contr ol access to certain set - up menus . Af ter setting a PIN numbe r , users must enter the PIN numbe r to access the menu .
Advanced Set up 89 2) Access Control Several fu nctions can be conf igured to require PIN number entry , as follow s ; Censor ship: To view a program with a selected c lassificat ion rating or higher . Start - up : Eve ry t ime the FV - L1 is turned on .
Advanced Setup 90 1- 4. PVR 1) Time - shifting Y ou can turn off t he t ime - shift function to reduc e the w orkl oad of t he inter nal har d disk dr ive ( HDD) . NOTE T o ena ble the tim e - shift fun ction temporar il y , press the P AUSE button whil e you are wa tch ing a li ve TV program .
Advanced Set up 91 3) EPG Action You can control the action of the OK button when a future program (one no t shaded lig ht blue) is selected in the EPG (see “ Service Ch ange and Rec ording” sect ion in Cha pter 5) .
Advanced Setup 92 Soft Paddin g Pri ority: Deter mines h ow to re solve ti mer c onflict s cause d by the addi tion o f pre - padd in g or post - paddi ng . Select on e of the fol lowin g opti ons; None: The sch eduled start and end times of a timer ov erride the pre - paddi ng an d post - paddi ng of a previous or fol lowin g time r .
Advanced Set up 93 1- 5. File Player 1) Resum e Play You can contr ol the be haviour of the starti ng pos ition for pl ayback of files that ha ve alr eady been par tial ly pla yed . Selec t one of the follow ing opt ions; Disable: Always play from the beginning of the file .
Advanced Setup 94 1- 6. Prefer ence 1) Keyboard Order Y ou can contro l the be havi our of t he re mote co ntr ol keypad when using the NUMERIC buttons to enter lette rs and characters .
Advanced Set up 95 2. Managemen t Yo u can up grade or init ialize yo ur FV - L1 in this menu. 2- 1. F irmw are 1) Fir mwar e Information This displays a pop - up window with the current system infor mation , as follow s; System ide ntity nu mber .
Advanced Setup 96 Use the UP/DOW N buttons t o select a device and press the OK button (only f or “Net work” and “US B” devi ce types ) . Now use the fo llowin g funct ions t o locat e your f irmware f ile; UP/DOW N butto ns : Sel ect the previous or next folder in th e lis t .
Advanced Set up 97 3) Firmware U pgrade OTA Y ou can upgra de your FV - L1 FW by OT A( Over Th e Air) . P ress the OK button f or m anual update. U se the followi ng opt ion s t o con figure the auto matic up grade pr ocess ; Allow s ystem sof tware u pdate s: FV - L1 can get up date so ftwa re through stre am.
Advanced Setup 98 2- 2. HDD 1) HDD Information This d isplays a pop - up wi ndow with the current internal hard disk dri ve (HDD) information, as follows; Model n umber . Serial number . Used spa ce . 2) HDD F orm at Y ou can re - initialise (or format) the internal HD D .
Advanced Set up 99 3) Check HDD If the FV - L 1 is turne d off inco rrectly , it is str ongly r ecomme nded that you check the internal HDD . If y ou select th is menu item with t he OK button, a conf irmati on pop - up dialog will be display ed, as shown be low .
Advanced Setup 100 4) Format USB Sto r age In orde r for the FV - L 1 t o be abl e to writ e files t o a USB storage device, the USB de vice mus t be f ormatte d first . S elect the “ Format USB HDD ” menu with the OK button . A list of USB st orage devi ces will be displayed .
Advanced Set up 101 2- 3. Initialize 1) Clear Service Informat ion Y ou can clear all the scanned service s infor mation . If yo u s elect this menu item with the OK butto n, a c onfir mation pop - up dia log w ill be display ed, as s hown be low ; S elect “Y es” and press the OK butto n to procee d .
Advanced Setup 102 3) Clear IceGuide Disk Cache The EPG information from Ice TV is stored on the internal HDD (see “Ice Guide” secti on in Chapter 4) .
Troubles hooting Guide 103 10. Troubleshoot ing Guide Before contact ing be yonwiz T echnical Support, please check this T rou blesho oting G uide a nd try a ll th e sugge sted s olution s for your proble m.
Troubles hooting Guide 104 stre ngth and/ or qual ity is a dequate . If not, please contact an authori s ed antenna servi ce agent or li cense d contrac tor t o seek advice conce r n in g im proving yo ur TV re ception . No soun d, or poor sound Check the V olume co ntrols of th e product , TV and othe r audi o device /s .
Troubles hooting Guide 105 Check to ensure that the ot h e r devices on your netw ork are c onfigur ed cor rectl y to conn ect with a nother network device . The pic ture lo oks squash ed or t oo wide Check whether the pr oduct has been configur ed t o dis play t he cor rect TV Aspec t Rat io .
106 This page intent ionally left as blank..
Speci ficatio n a Spec ification Main Sys tem Main Processor 200MHz RISC CPU HDD 3 20 or 500 GB (SA T A) Tuner & Channel Decoder Dual T uner DVB - T C ompliant ( Inte rnal Loop - throu gh ) T uner Input Conn. IEC 169 - 2 Female T ype T un er Loop - through Conn.
Warrant y Cond itions b Warran ty Conditions 1. O nly the or igina l in voice/rec eipt issued b y the de aler wi ll be acc epted by beyonwiz as proof o f purchase.
WEEE Information c WEEE In formation Correct Disp os al of This Product (W aste E lectrical & Ele ctronic Equipment) Thi s ma rk , shown on the product or its litera ture , indicates that it shou ld not be disposed of with other household waste at the end of its work i ng life.
Contact B eyonw iz d Contact beyonwiz beyonwiz Australia support www Some features and information in t his manual may differ sli gh tl y from the product itse lf due to fir mware versi on and ch anges made aft er pr intin g.
Version 1.52_Eng.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Beyonwiz FV-L1 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Beyonwiz FV-L1 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Beyonwiz FV-L1 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Beyonwiz FV-L1 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Beyonwiz FV-L1 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Beyonwiz FV-L1 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Beyonwiz FV-L1 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Beyonwiz FV-L1. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Beyonwiz FV-L1 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.