Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 2000 SERIES EPS des Produzenten Xerox
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Xer o x DocuPrint 2000 Series EPS T ape Cl ient J ob Subm iss ion Gui de 701P2 1 1 10 V ersion 3.6 October 2 002.
Xerox Cor porat ion 701 S. Aviation Boule vard El Segundo, CA 90245 ©2002 by Xe rox Corpor ation. All rights reserved. Copyrig ht protectio n claim ed inclu des all forms and matters of cop yrightabl.
Tape Clien t Job Subm ission Guide iii T able of contents Safet y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Laser sa fety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of co ntents iv Tape Client Jo b Sub mission Guide 2. Managing and printi ng jobs from the Tape Client . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Overview of the print ing process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Preparing to print a t ape job .
Tape Cl ient Jo b Submissio n Guide v Safety Laser safe ty W ARNING Adjustments, use of con trols, or perf ormance of procedures other than those spec ified herein may result in hazar dous light exposure. The Xerox DocuPrint pr inters are cer tified to comply with the perform ance s t and ard s of t he U .
Safety vi Tape Client Job Sub mission Guide Ozone information : U . S. only This pr oduct p roduces oz one du ring normal opera tion. The amoun t of oz on e produ ced de pends on cop y vo lume .
Tape Clien t Job Subm ission Guide vii Safety • Nev er use sup plies or cl ea ning mate r ial s f or other than thei r intend ed pu r poses . K eep all materials o ut of the reach of chil dren . • Nev er operate the e quip ment if you notic e unusu al no ises o r odors .
Safety viii Tape Client Jo b Sub mission Guide Electrical supply This pr oduct s hall b e oper ated fr om the type of electrical su pply indicate d on t he prod uct’ s data p late l abel. If y ou are not sur e that your ele ctr ic al supp ly meet s th e requi rem en ts, plea se consul t your loc al power comp any f or advi ce.
Tape Cl ient Jo b Submissio n Guide ix Safety Maintenance Any operator pro duct mainte nance pro cedur es will be descr ibed in the u s er docu menta tion s uppli ed with the prod uct. Do not carry out an y mainten ance o n the product, whic h is not described in the cu stomer document ation.
Safety x Tape Clie nt Job Submission Guide Radio and telecom munica tions equipment directive (Eur ope onl y) Certification to 1999/5 /EC Radi o Equipment and T elecommunications T ermina l Equipment .
Tape Cl ient Jo b Submissio n Guide xi Safety For fur ther information F or more in forma tion on Environm ent , He alth and Saf ety i n relatio n to th is Xerox produc t and s upp lie s, pleas e cont.
Safety xii Tape Client Job Sub missio n Guide.
Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub missio n Guide xii i Introduct ion The T ape Cl ien t Job S ubm ission G uide pro vide s the i nforma ti on you need to se t up and submit jo bs from ta pe, usin g the T ape Client sof twar e.
Introductio n xiv Tape Client Job S ubmission Gu ide Conventions This guide us es the fo llowing con ventio ns: • All caps and angle bracket s: Wit hin p roced ures, th e nam es of keys are show n in all cap s within an gle bracket s (for exam ple, press <E NTER >).
Introd uction Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide xv Documenta tion This section lists related publications and pr ovides informatio n on pr intin g the c usto mer do cum entati on.
Introductio n xvi Tape Client Jo b Submission Gu ide Printing customer document ation T o p rint th e lat est ver sion of t he cust omer d ocume ntation: 1. Crea te a queue, spec ifyin g ASCII for inp ut and Duplex f or outpu t. 2. Insert the DOC CD into the CD drive.
Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 1-1 1. T a pe Cli ent ove rvie w This chap ter provide s an overvie w of the featu res and functi ons of the Xero x Docu Prin t 2000 S eries Ent erp rise Pri nting S yste m LCDS T ape Client softwa re.
Tape Clie nt overview 1-2 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide T ape Client cap abilitie s The T ape Cl ient provid es the followin g capabilities: • Of fli ne pri nting of LC DS d at a stre am • Da.
Tape Clie nt overview Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 1-3 Supported tape format s The T ap e Cli ent s upports th e followi ng tape f ormats: •A N S I (HOST=IBMOS/IBMDOS/IBMDBS /IBM3200 ) • X.
Tape Clie nt overview 1-4 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide Functional overview The T ap e Clien t soft war e enabl es trans missi on of data from a c a r t r i d g eo ro p e nr e e lt a p et ot h eD PE P Sc o n t r o l l e rv i at h e Socket Gatew ay .
Tape Clie nt overview Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 1-5 T ape job accounting The T ape Cl ient mai ntains a jo b log file , which c ontains accounti ng dat a for each job .
Tape Clie nt overview 1-6 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide Job rec overy If a T ape Client crash occur s during t ape pro cessing , it recovers to its last kno wn state a t the start of a f ile. The T ape Cl ient main ta ins a fil e that cont ain s all the in format io n needed t o recover from a rollover .
Tape Clie nt overview Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 1-7 Input processing from t ape using Print Description Language Y ou use Xer ox Job De scription Compiler (XJDC) comman ds to defin e paramete rs of tape jobs.
Tape Clie nt overview 1-8 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide Record st ructur e A record is arbitrarily divided into two portions: operating system and us er . • The opera ting system p ortion of th e record cont ains infor mation th at is suppli ed by the host oper ating or spo oling system.
Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 2-1 2. Managing an d printing jobs from t h eT a p eC l i e n t This chap ter describe s the proced ures for setti ng up an of flin e LCDS job a nd submittin g it from the T a pe Client for prin ting on the DocuP rint 20 00 Serie s EPS.
Managi ng an d printi ng job s from th e Tape Client 2-2 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide Figure 2-1. T ape Client window 5. From the D evic e menu in the Input Device grou p box , se lect the name tha t is assi gned to the tape drive f rom which th e job will be sent.
Manag ing and p rinti ng jobs fro m the Tape Cli ent Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 2-3 7. Fro m the Pri nter pu lldown m enu in t he Out put C ont rol gr oup box, select the EPS printer to whic.
Managi ng an d printi ng job s from th e Tape Client 2-4 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide Saving a t ape client setup Y ou c an save a tape clie nt set up inclu ding the foll owi ng areas o f the T .
Manag ing and p rinti ng jobs fro m the Tape Cli ent Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 2-5 3. On the Lcds Resources window , select from the Source pull- down me nu the med ium tha t cont ains the fil es tha t you want to import for your j ob.
Managi ng an d printi ng job s from th e Tape Client 2-6 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide • T o select all the res ource fil es that are displ ayed, ri ght- click in the resou rce list section an d select Select All from the po p-up m en u. Figure 2-4.
Manag ing and p rinti ng jobs fro m the Tape Cli ent Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 2-7 7. After you have sel ected all th e files th at you want, r ight -click in the resour ce list secti on again , and select Import from the pop-up me nu. Figure 2-5.
Managi ng an d printi ng job s from th e Tape Client 2-8 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide 4. If you selected Range ,e n t e ri nt h e Range text field the file number s that you wa nt to print , in the orde r that you w ant them to be printed . • Ind icate a rang e by en teri ng the f irst a nd last f ile numbe r , separated by a hyp hen (-).
Manag ing and p rinti ng jobs fro m the Tape Cli ent Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 2-9 1. O btain the i nitia l JDL , JDE, an d (if requ ired ) form n ames if you do n ot al ready k now th em. Th ese resou rce fi les must be stored in the “lcds” folde r on the printing system internal disk befor e the y can be us ed for a pr int jo b.
Managi ng an d printi ng job s from th e Tape Client 2-10 Tape Clie nt Job S ubmission Gu ide Figure 2-7. J ob Descriptor Library window 4. On the r esources list, c lick the name o f the JDL , JDE, o r form that you w ant to use for the job. Y our selectio n appe ars in th e read-o nly Selecti on field.
Manag ing and p rinti ng jobs fro m the Tape Cli ent Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 2-11 Controlling input fo r t ape jobs While a jo b tape is pr ocessing, you can p erform the fo llowing tasks to ma nage t he inpu t flow . Ending a job T o e nd a job befo re it has com pleted printin g, click End on th e T ape Cl ient windo w .
Managi ng an d printi ng job s from th e Tape Client 2-12 Tape Clie nt Job S ubmission Gu ide 1. In the Move fiel d on t he T ape Cl ient w indow , click Ta p e Mark.
Manag ing and p rinti ng jobs fro m the Tape Cli ent Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 2-13 Moving over blocks on a t ape Y ou can position a job t ape for ward or backwa rd to skip one or more of the blocks within a file o n the tape.
Managi ng an d printi ng job s from th e Tape Client 2-14 Tape Clie nt Job S ubmission Gu ide St arting and ending tape dump sessions T o p rint a du mp of an offline job that you wish to trouble shoot, follow these step s: 1. Specify the desire d JDE and t he DU MP JDL on t he T ape Client w indow at the con troll er .
Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 3-1 3. Managing the T ape Client This chapte r describes the manag ement t asks that you may need to perform wh en using the T ape Client. Accessing the T ape Client T o ac cess t he wind ows from whic h you can ope rat e and man age the T ap e Clien t, fol low th is pro cedur e: 1.
Managi ng the Ta pe Client 3-2 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide 3. Click Setup... . The Pr inte r Setup windo w opens. Figure 3-1. Printer setup window 4. Click t he app ropriate b utton to in itiate one of th e setup tasks that are expl ain ed in the follow ing sec tions.
Mana ging the Tap e Client Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 3-3 Modifying a printer T o c hange p rope rties of a p rint er that is on yo ur prin ter list , foll ow these step s: 1. On the Prin ter Setup wind ow , select the name of the pr inter that you want to change .
Managi ng the Ta pe Client 3-4 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide Managing the t ape dri ve In the Input De vice gro up box on the T ape Clie nt window , you can init iate the foll owing t asks to ma nage the t ape dri ve from which you ar e sendi ng jobs .
Mana ging the Tap e Client Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 3-5 Rewinding or unloading a ta pe In the Inpu t Device gro up box, you may re wind or un load th e tap e in the tape drive . 1. From the Device m enu, select the name of the dr ive in which the tape i s loa ded.
Managi ng the Ta pe Client 3-6 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide The follo wing f igure sho ws the Jo b Log windo w with no job s displayed. Figure 3-4. Job Log window From the Job Log wi ndow , you can perform the man agemen t tasks that are describe d in the followin g section s.
Mana ging the Tap e Client Tape Cl ient Jo b Sub mission Gu ide 3-7 Clearing the job log When th e acco unti ng log ha s less th an 500 K B of space lef t, you a message win dow is di splayed, aski ng you to clear the log . If you do not cle ar the log at th is time, the l og is cleare d automatically wh en it is full.
Managi ng the Ta pe Client 3-8 Ta pe Client Job S ubmission Guide.
Tape Clien t Job Subm ission Guid e INDEX-1 Index A accessing the Tape Client 3-1 accounting 1- 5 accounti ng, tape job 3-5 – 3-7 addi ng a printer 3 -2 B BLOCK and RECORD commands 1-7 block s movin.
INDEX INDEX-2 Tape Clie nt Job S ubmission Gu ide overvi ew printi ng from tape 2-1 – 2-3 ozon e pro duction informa tion vi P prep aring t o pr int f rom tap e 2-4 – 2-10 Print Description Langua.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Xerox 2000 SERIES EPS (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Xerox 2000 SERIES EPS noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Xerox 2000 SERIES EPS - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Xerox 2000 SERIES EPS reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Xerox 2000 SERIES EPS erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Xerox 2000 SERIES EPS besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Xerox 2000 SERIES EPS verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Xerox 2000 SERIES EPS. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Xerox 2000 SERIES EPS gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.