Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DVDRX160 des Produzenten Wintal
Zur Seite of 47
US ER MAN U A L D VDR X 1 6 0.
1 Safet y Instruc tions y DA N G E R S YM B O L e li g htnin g fl a sh with arrowhead symbol wit h in an equi l ater a l trian g l e is inten d e d t o alert the u ser to the p resence o f d an g erous vo l ta g e in t h e unit.
2 1. READ THI S MAN U AL A f ter unpacking this product read the manual care f ull y and f ollow all the o perat i n g i nstr uct i ons . 2 . P O WER SOU R C E S is p roduct should be o p erated only f rom the typ e o f power source indicated o n the unit.
3 11 . O BJE C T S AND LI Q UID S Never push objec ts into this product as t h at cou l d r esu l t in a fi r e o r e l ect ri c s h oc k. Never spi ll l i q ui d s on t h e pro d uct . 12 . A T TA C HMENT S Do not us e attac h ments not r ecommended by the p roduc t manu f acturer a s the y ma y cause ha z ards .
6 B as i c In fo rm at i o n Features of the Recorder e machine is capable of processing and recording various video signals into high qua lity DVD disc and HDD, such as the input s ignals of T V , ordinary dis c p layer an d DV . In addition, the machine can be us ed a s a DVD p layer of ex cellent p er formance.
7 R E CO RDIN G Q UA L I T Y For DVD R/R W disc with the capacit y of 4.7GB and HDD disc with capacit y of 160GB , there are 6 diff erent recordin g qualities available to the user with lower q ualities allo wing f or longer recording times. e recording modes available are: 4 .
8 Identi fi ca tio n o f C ontrol s F ron t Panel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 S TA N D B Y D I SC TR A Y O PEN / CLOSE P LA Y / PAU S E D V D H DD / DU B R E C SOU R C E 1 .
9 Remote C ontrol 1. ST AND BY - T urn t h e unit on or set t h e unit to Stan db y mo d e. 2. DVD - Pr e ss to view or p lay o p tical disc content. While in DVD p layback, pressin g DVD wi ll b rin g up t h e DVD men u . 3 . HDD /DUB - Press to view HDD tit l e l ist or t h e d u bb in g menu .
10 Remote C ontrol Ins truc tion s Notes : Do not drop the remote controller or leav e it in places o f high hum idit y. Do not leave the In f rared receiver expos ed to direc t sun li g ht or bri g ht li g ht . Do not us e new an d o ld b att eri es to g et h er .
11 S y stem C onnect i o n y Con nec ting t he vid eo output to y our TV In order to use the DVD Recor der , you’ll need to make a video connec tion to your T V . e ca p abilities of your T V and the cables you have on hand will determine the con ne c tions y ou can use .
12 S - Video Connec tion is is a higher quality connection than st andard com p osite video, and requires a special S- Vide o cable ( not included ) .
13 Au dio Output Co nnec tion s is unit features a variety of audio outputs for connection to a receiver or other audio equipment. - Use the included A/V cable to connec t the stereo audio outputs f or connection to a T V or stereo receiver .
14 S ystem Connection for r ecordin g ex terna l signals ( Rear Pa nel Signal Inp ut ) A udio / Video in p uts are p rovided on the front and back side of your DVDRX1 6 0 for connection of out side audio / vide o sources such as VCRs , Camcorders , DVD Pla yers etc .
15 S ystem Conn ec tion fo r recor ding externa l digit al signals ( F ron t Panel ) W hen connecting ex ternal signals , be sure to switch off the power source of the unit and other devices Rec or d.
16 Sele c ting T uner Channel In T uner Mo de: P res s t h e b utton CH+ / - on remote contro l to se l ect t h e c h anne l P res s t h e num b er k eys an d t h en press SELEC T b utton to s e l ect.
17 D V (Digital Video ) Recor ding is unit can per form real-time mon itorin g and recordin g for a DV th rou g h the IEEE 1 394 serial por t (D V). ■ C onnect the DV to the unit ( for details , se e System Connection: System Connection for Recordin g ).
18 Timer R ecording Y ou can set up your DVDR X 160 to s chedule recordings to begin and e nd at speci fi c times . T o do this : P res s t h e TIMER b utton to enter t h e timer recor d in g menu, as sh own. Y ou can set up to 8 di ff erent scheduled recordings at once.
19 Set u p the star t time o f the recordin g : In t h e timer recor d in g set up b ox, us e t h e arrow b uttons an d t h en press t h e SELEC T b utton to h i ghl i gh t t h e Star t option. Enter a time between 0 : 0 0 and 2 3 : 59 with the num ber buttons and press SELEC T to con fi rm.
20 C ha p ter Editin g pg Chapter Editing Mode In DVD mo d e, p res s ‘ DVD’ to en ter t h e DVD ti t l e menu. Se l ect a title and p ress the RIGHT but ton to show the Title Menu and select ‘ E d i t Ti t l e ’ to e n te r t h e E d i t M e n u .
21 HDD Editin g g HDD Edit In HDD mode editin g options for each title are accessed f rom the Title List menu. Press the RI GHT ARROW to access the p o p u p m e n u . Note: Y ou can access t h e E d it Menu w h i l st recor d in g . W hile editing an icon a ppears next to the title in the title list .
22 S E G MEN T S egment mode allows you to hide seg ments f rom the recording. Such as ad break s . Seg ments will be sk ipped when played back f rom t he Hard Drive and will not be copied to DVD usin g DUB. S e g ments can b e re-e d ite d . Wh en you enter t h e Se g ment Mo d e t h e tit l e wi ll automati c a ll y star t p l ayi n g .
23 R ENAME is option b rings up t h e on-screen k ey b oar d ,. H ere, you can enter a tit l e name. Use t h e ARROW s to h ig hl ig h t t h e d esir e d k ey, an d use S ELEC T to enter that k e y . When y ou have en tered the title name, sele c t OK to fi nish.
24 Di sc O p erat i o n p Intr oduction DVD disc operations include browsing disc information, fi nalising a disc, removing disc content, deleting the last title, setting c om p atibility and write p rotec ti on, e tc. Menu Descriptio n P l a y : P la y the content o f the current disc.
25 Title Editin g g Ente r the Title Editin g Mode In the DVD Title Displa y mo de, press the RIGHT AR RO W to pop up the following dialog box. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 Play Tit le : P la y the current title. E d i t Ti t l e : Enter the Title Editing mode, simi lar to the Chapter Editing mode.
26 Displa y ( OSD ) W hile pla ying D VD, press OSD for menu . M O DE : e mode option adjust s the playback modes. e options are: Normal, A-B Repeat, Chapter Repeat, Title Repeat, Progr am a n d R a n do m .
27 C ha p ter: O p tion to ski p available cha p ters . A U DI O: Adjust to desired audio setting. Note: For options such as D olby Di g ital, a compatible audio system must be use d) . S UBTITLE: Selec t desired subtitle lan g ua g e ( suppor ted by the disc ).
28 e GO T O Button e GO T O f eature allo ws you to jump easily to any point on the disc. With GOT O, you can make jumps o f time, chapters, and titles . Just c ycle throu g h the di ff erent steps with the GO T O button and use the number buttons to enter the plact you w ant to skip to .
29 Time Sh if t Timeshif t allows you to p ause and rewind live television. e unit contin uou sly records an hour “buff er, ” which can b e rewound or paused without missing an y o f the program . T imeshif t onl y works in T V mo de. T imeshi f ting begins recording only when the unit is switched on.
30 W hen y our DVDRX1 6 0 is turned on, the s y stem will star t in T uner mode. e timeshi f t bu ff er will st ar t recordin g . I f the timeshi f t bu ff er mode is set to ref resh ( See System Setup ) and you chan g e channels, the timeshi f t bu ff er will be lost.
31 W hile in Timeshi f ting mode, you can us e the f ollowing k eys f or other operations : Key Fu nc tio n No te H DD HDD Tit l e Lis t R ecor d in g Continue s DVD Pl a y Disc reco r d ing continues.
32 Sy stem S et U p yp Operati on Interf ace an d General St eps is sec tion will introduce the menu interf ace of the System Setup and general operation . P ress the SET UP button to enter the System Setup mode. Now the system setup menu will appear on the top of the OSD, as shown i n the following chart.
33 Record Quali t y In the Recording Settings menu, us e the ▲ or ▼ b uttons to sele ct the D ef ault Quality of recordings and press the SELEC T button to d rop d own a menu. U se t h e ▲ o r ▼ b uttons to s e l ect a d esir e d va l ue an d press t h e SELEC T b utton .
34 I f you want to edit the channels stored, se lec t ‘Modi f y Channel then press SELECT but ton to con fi rm ,. In the channel edit dailog box , use the ▲ o r ▼ button and the SELECT but ton to selec t and con fi rm.
35 Set Up Me nu - V ideo TV TYP E e unit su pp ort s t wo di ff erent television systems. NTSC is the te l evision system t h at is a d opte d in t h e Nort h American re g ion. P AL is the television system this is ado p ted t y p ically in the rest of the world es p ecia lly i n Eu ro p e, and Australasia .
36 V IDE O OU TP U T F O RMA T In the General S etting menu, us e the ▲ or ▼ b utton to move the cursor , sele ct the Vide o Output Format item a nd press t h e SELEC T b utton . S elec t the Progressive or Interlace option for video sc an o utput mode, and press the SELEC T button to con fi rm.
37 L P C M OU TP UT e unit can set LPCM96K and LPCM 48 K as the audio sampling f requency. NOTE: S ee your amplifi er manual if unsure . Set Up Me nu - Lan guage S YSTEM L ANG U AGE To s a t i s f y the need s o f consumers in di ff erent coun t ries , the unit provi d es various menu l an g ua g e settin g s.
38 D I SC MEN U LAN GU A GE U se th e ▲ or ▼ button to sele ct the language you w ant and press the SELEC T button . e system wi ll g ive priority to t h is set tin g as t h e DVD men u language. If the DVD pla ye d does not supp ort the s elec ted language, the set ting will be invalid .
39 P R OG RA M If you selec t Auto in the Da te- Time s etting optical bar , you must s elec t a Public Broadcasting Station (PBS cha nnel in USA ) which i s available in your area, the clock will set.
40 C HAN G E P A SS W O R D 1 . T t modif y a pas sword, u se arrow button to Change pas sword. P ress the SELEC T button and a dialog box will pop up as shown in t h e ri gh t c h ar t. 2. Use arrow buttons to selec t the ‘ Enter p ass word here’ box and e nter the password with number buttons .
41 B as i c In fo rm at i o n SETUP MENU - Ti me shif t H ARD DI S K INF O S hows the informa tion on HDD size S PA C E MANA G EMEN T A utomatic: W h en Space Mana g ement is ‘ Auto mat ic ’ an d .
42 A pp endix ( T rouble shootin g Guide ) pp ( g ) Befo re co ntact in g ser vice per sonnel, plea se che ck possible c auses accordin g to the followin g instr uc tion . S ympt o m P ossi bl e Caus e R eme d y N o Power 1 . Power Su pp ly disconnec ted ; 2.
43 DI S C T YPE S S UPP O RT ED DV D±R W Pl ay b ac k , Recor d in g D V D ± R P la y back D VD - Vi d e o R ecor d in g S V C D P la y back C D- Au d i o Pl ay b ac k C D-R / R W P la y back M P3 P la y back J PE G Pl ay b ac k Ko da k P la y back REC ORDING M edia D VD± R , DVD ± RW Dia m eter 1 2 cm C a p acit y 4.
44 At t achme nt Sup por ted Media ( D VD± R ) RE CO MMENDE D ME D I A S PEE D MAN UF A C TURER ID Max Wr i t e Sp eed: 8x DVD - R T D K 4x R IC OH JP N TDK 8 x R I CO H JP N D VD + R T D K 4x R IC O.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Wintal DVDRX160 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Wintal DVDRX160 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Wintal DVDRX160 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Wintal DVDRX160 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Wintal DVDRX160 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Wintal DVDRX160 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Wintal DVDRX160 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Wintal DVDRX160. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Wintal DVDRX160 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.