Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung TS22AEXHW00 des Produzenten Whirlpool
Zur Seite of 48
SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERATOR Use & Care Guide For que stions abou t featu res, operatio n/performa nce parts, a ccessories o r service, call: 1-80 0-253-1 301 . In Canada, call fo r assistance 1- 800-461 -5681 , f or installation and service, call: 1-800- 807-67 77 or visit our we bsite at.
2 T ABLE OF CONTE NTS REFRIGERATOR SAFETY .................................. ........................... 3 Proper Disposal of Your Old Refrigerator .................................... 3 REFRIGERATOR INSTALLATION ......................................
3 REFRI GER ATOR SAF ETY Proper Disposal of Y our Old Refrigera tor IMPORT AN T : Child ent rapment and s uffocation are not problems of the past. Junked or aban doned refrigerators are still dan gerous – even if they wil l sit for “just a few days.
4 REFRI GERAT OR INSTALLATION Unpacking Removin g packaging m aterials ■ Remove tape and glue residue fr om surfaces before turning on the refrigerator . Rub a small amount of liqu id dish soap over th e adhesiv e with your fin gers. Wipe with warm water and dry .
5 Electrical R equirements Befo re yo u mov e you r re friger ator into it s fina l loca tion, it is important to make sure you have the proper electrical connection : Recommended gr ounding method A 115 V olt, 60 Hz. , AC only 15 or 20 am per e fused, gr ounded electrica l supply i s r equired .
6 Door Removal TOOLS NE EDED: ¹⁄₄ in., ¹⁄ ₂ in., an d ⁵⁄₁₆ in. hex -head soc ket wr enches, a flat-head scr ewdriver and a Phi llips scr ewdriver . IMPORT AN T : Before y ou begin, turn the refrigerator contr ol OFF , unp lug refrigerator or d isconnect power .
7 Handle Removal (optional) 1. Apply firm pressure with your han d on the face of trim. S lide top t rim u p and bott om tr im dow n away from han dle. Lift trim pieces off shoulder screws (s ee Graphic 1). NOTE : Some models in clude accent pi eces bet ween the handle and the han dle trim.
8 Door Closing Y our refrigerator has tw o front adjustable rollers — one on the right and one on the l eft. If your refrigerator see ms unsteady or if you want the doors to close more easily , adjust th e refrigerator's tilt us ing th e instructio ns be low: 1.
9 W ater System Preparation (on som e mode ls) Please read before usin g the water sys tem. Immediately af ter install ation, follow th e steps belo w to make sure that the wa ter system is proper ly cleaned. 1. T ur n off the ice maker by opening th e freezer door and lifting up the wire shutoff arm as shown.
10 REFRIGERATOR USE Ensuring Proper Air Circul ation In order to ensure proper temperatures, you need to permit air to flow betwee n the two sections. Cold air enters the bot tom of the freezer section and moves up. It th en enters th e refrigerator sect ion thr ough the t op ve nt.
11 Some mod els di spense bo th cube d and crush ed ice. B efore dispen sing ice, selec t which ty pe of ice you prefer . The button controls are designed fo r easy use and cl eaning. ■ For cubed ice, press t he CUBE button until th e red indicator appears in th e window above the CUB E button.
12 ■ Apply t he appropriate month sticker t o the cartrid ge as a reminder to replace the cartridge within six months. Then apply th e “ W ater Filter Replac ement Reminder ” sticker to your calendar as a reminder to replace the cartridge in six months.
13 REFRI GERAT OR FEATURES Y our model may have s ome or all of these feat ures. Features that can be purchased separate ly as product access ories are label ed with th e wor d “ Accessory .
14 Convertible V egetab le/Meat Drawer , Crisper and Covers (on som e mode ls) Crisper and C onvertible V egetable M eat Drawers T o remove and replac e drawers: 1.
15 F REEZER FEATURES Y our model may have s ome or all of these feat ures. Features that can be purchased separate ly as product access ories are label ed with th e wor d “ Accessory .
16 REFRIGERATOR CARE Clea ning Both the refrigerator and freezer se ctions defrost auto matically . However , clean both sect ions about once a mon th to prevent odors fr om building up. Wipe up s pills imme diately . Clea nin g y our refr ige rat or 1.
17 Lower Freezer Lig ht Beneath Ice Bin (on some models) ■ Remove the li ght shield by grasping t he sides and sq ueezing in toward the center . Once the s ide hooks of shield are fr ee from the fr eezer lining, pull down the shie ld.
18 The lights do not wo rk ■ Is the power supply cor d unplugged? Plug into a grounded 3 prong ou tlet. ■ Is a light bulb loose in the socket or burned out? See the “ Changing the Light Bulb(s) ” secti on. There is wa ter in t he de frost dra in pa n ■ Is the refrigerator defr osting? The wat er will evaporat e.
19 The ice d ispenser will not opera te pro perly ■ Is the fr eezer door closed completely? Push the door fi rmly shut. I f it wil l not shu t all th e way , see “ The doors will not close completel y ” later in this secti on.
20 T emperatu re is too warm ■ Are the air vents blocked in either compartment? This prevents the movement of cold air from the freezer to the refrigerator . Remove any objects from in fr ont of the air vents. See the “ Ensuring Pr oper Air Circulat ion ” section for the loca ti on o f ai r ven ts.
21 For further assistance If you need f urther assistance, you can writ e to Whirlpool Corporation with any qu estions or concer ns at: Whirlpool Brand Home A ppliances Custo mer Inter act ion Cen ter 553 Bens on Road Benton Harbor , MI 4 9022-26 92 Please include a daytime p hone number i n your corresp ondence.
22 PRODUCT DATA SHEETS Standard Interior W ater Filtration Syst em Model WFI-NL200/ NL200 Capac ity : 20 0 gallons (757 liters), Service flow rate: 0.5 GPM (1.89 L/min.) @ 60 psi. Cyst Interior W ater Filtration System Mod el WFI-NLC200/NLC200 Capac ity: 200 gallons (757 liters), Service flow rate: 0.
23 WHIRLPOOL ® REFRIGERATOR W A RRANTY ONE- YEAR FULL W ARRANTY ON RE FRIGE RA TOR For one year from the date of purchase, whe n this refrigerator (excluding th e water filter) i s operated an d main.
24 Notes.
25 S É CURIT É DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR Mise au rebut de votre vieu x r é frig é rateur IMPORT AN T : L ’ em priso nne ment et l ’é touff ement des enfant s ne sont p as un probl è me du pass é .
26 INSTALLATION DU R É FRIG É RATEUR D é b allage Enl è vement des mat é riaux d ’ emballa ge ■ Enlev er le ruban a dh é si f et tout r é sidu de col le du r é frig é rateu r avant de le me ttr e en mar che. Fro tter un e peti te quanti t é de savon liqui de à vaissel le sur l ’ adh é sif avec les doigts.
27 Sp é cif ications é lectriq ues Avant de placer le r é frig é rate ur à son emplace ment final, il est impor tant de vou s assurer d ’ avoir la connexion é lect rique appropri é e : M é t.
28 Enl è ve ment des portes OUTILS REQU IS : Cl é s à douill es à t ê te hexa gon ale de ¹⁄₄ p o, ¹⁄₂ po et ⁵⁄₁₆ po, un tournevis à lame plat e et un tour nevis Philli ps.
29 Enl è ve ment d es poign é es (facultatif) 1. Appliq uer une pression forte ave c votre main sur la surface de la g arnitur e. Gli sser la g arniture sup é rieur e v ers le haut et la gar nit ure inf é rieure vers le bas hors de la poign é e. Soulever les pi è ces de la ga rni ture des vis de fixat ion (voir dessin 1).
30 F ermeture de s portes Vo t r e r é frig é ra teur a deux ro ulet tes r é gl ables à l ’ avant, l ’ une à droite et l ’ autre à gauche. Si v otr e r é frig é rateur s emble instable o.
31 Raccor deme nt au r é frig é rateur 1. Connecter le tu be en cuivre au robinet d ’ eau en utili sant un é crou et une bague de compression tel qu ’ illustr é .
32 ■ Les vi bratio ns sono res peuvent provenir de l ’é cou lement du r é frig é rant, de la c analisa tio n d ’ eau ou d ’ articl es plac é s sur le r é frig é rateur . ■ L ’ eau qui d é goutt e sur le dispositif d e chauffage durant le programme de d é givrage peut pr oduir e un gr é si llement .
33 Ajustement des commandes r otatives Si la temp é rature doit ê tre aju st é e, ajuster d ’ ab ord la temp é ratur e du r é frig é rateur . REMARQUE : Atte ndre au moins 24 heures ent re le s ajus teme nts, pu is v é rifier de nouve au la tem p é rature .
34 Le distributeur d ’ eau Si l e syst è me n ’ a pa s fait l ’ objet d ’ une vid ange lors d e l ’ insta llati on du r é frig é rateur , appuyer sur la b arre du d istributeur d ’ eau .
35 5. Utiliser u n contenant solide p our appuyer s ur la barr e de distr ibuti on jusqu ’à ce que l ’ eau c ommence à couler . Vider le syst è me d ’ ea u en laissan t couler et en jetant 2 à 3 gallons (8 à 12 L) d ’ eau. Le n ettoyage du sy st è me prendra e nviron 6 à 7 minu tes et aidera à d é gager l ’ air du conduit .
36 CARAC T É RISTIQUES DU R É FRIG É RATEUR Le m od è le qu e vous avez peut avoi r certaines ou tout es ces caract é rist iques. L es caract é ri stique s qui peuve nt ê tr e achet é es s é par é ment, tel les que les acc essoires, comp ortent le mot “ accessoire ” .
37 Ti r o i r po u r sp é cialit é s alime ntaires (sur c ertains mod è les ) Le t iroir pour sp é cia lit é s aliment aires fournit un endroit pratique pour garder les raisi ns secs, noi x, tartinad es et autres pet its articles à des tem p é rature s normales de r é frig é rateur .
38 ■ Fruits : Laver , lais ser s é cher et gar der au r é frig é rateur dans un sac en plas tique ou dans l e bac à l é gume s. Ne pas la ver n i é queute r les p etits fruits a vant l e moment de leur utilisa tion.
39 CARAC T É RISTIQUES DE LA PORTE Vo t r e m o d è le peut comporter l ’ ensemble de ces caract é ristiques ou certaines d ’ en tr e el les. L es ca rac t é ristiq ues qui peuven t ê tre achet é es s é par é me nt comme access oires du produit comporten t le m ot “ accessoire ” .
40 V eiller à ce que le nettoyant et poli pour acie r inoxydabl e n ’ entre pas en contact avec les pi è ces de pl astique te lles que garni tures, couvercles de distrib uteurs ou joi nts de porte. En cas de contact, nettoyer la p i è ce de plasti que avec une é ponge et un d é terg ent do ux et d e l ’ eau ti è de .
41 À NOTER : Un co ng é lateur plein restera froid plus longtemp s qu ’ un c ong é la teur parti ellement rempli. Un con g é lateu r ple in de viande d emeure froid plus longtem ps qu ’ un cong é late ur r empli de pain s et de p â tiss eries.
42 Le moteur semble fonctionner excessivement ■ La temp é ratu re ambiante est-elle plus chaude que d ’ habit ude? Pr é vo ir que le moteu r foncti onnera plus longtemp s dans des co nditions de cha leur . Pour de s temp é ratur es ambia ntes n orma les, pr é voir qu e le moteu r fonct ionne envir on 40 % à 80 % du t emps.
43 ■ Le bac ou le seau à gl a ç ons est-il correctement install é ? Pour le s mod è l es avec bac int é rieur de gla ç ons, p ousser le bac à gla ç ons compl è te ment ju squ ’ au fond . Si le bac ne va pas jusq u ’ au fond, il n ’ est peut - ê tre pas droit .
44 L ’ ea u du distribute ur n ’ est p as assez froide ■ Le r é frig é rateu r vient-il d ’ê tr e install é ? Acc order 24 he ures pour qu e le r é frig é rateu r se refroidisse compl è te ment .
45 ASSISTANCE OU SE RVICE Ava nt de t é l é phoner po ur assist ance ou ser vice, veuill ez v é rifier la sect ion “ D é panna ge ” . Cette v é rifi cation peut vous faire é conomiser le co û t d ’ une vi site de r é pa ration. Si v ous avez encore beso in d ’ ai de, suivre les i nstructions ci -dessous .
46 FEUILLES DE DONN É ES SUR LE PRODUIT Syst è me de filtration d ’ eau int é rieur stan dard, mod è le WFI-NL200/NL200 Capacit é : 200 gall ons (757 litres), D é bit de servic e : 0, 5 GPM (1,89 L/min) à 60 lb/po2.
47 GARANTIE DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR WHIRLPOOL ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE U N AN DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR Pend ant un an à compter de l a date d ’ achat, lorsqu e ce r é frig é rateur ( à l ’ ex.
2220697 © 2002 Whirlpool Corporation. All r ights res erved. Tous dr oits r é serv é s. ® Re gistered Trademark /TM T rademark of Whirlp ool, U.S .A., Whi rlpool Ca nada Inc. L icensee in Canada ® Marqu e d é pos é e/T M Mar que de co mme rce de Whir lp ool, U.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Whirlpool TS22AEXHW00 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Whirlpool TS22AEXHW00 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Whirlpool TS22AEXHW00 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Whirlpool TS22AEXHW00 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Whirlpool TS22AEXHW00 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Whirlpool TS22AEXHW00 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Whirlpool TS22AEXHW00 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Whirlpool TS22AEXHW00. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Whirlpool TS22AEXHW00 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.