Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung RS22AQXGN00 des Produzenten Whirlpool
Zur Seite of 48
SIDE B Y SIDE REFR IGERATOR Use & Care Guide For questions abou t features , operation/per formance, parts, ac cessories or service, c all: 1-800- 44-ROPER (1-800 -447-6737) . In Canada, ca ll for assist ance 1 -800-461-56 81 , for installation and service, call: 1 -800-807-67 77 o r visit our website a t.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS REFRIGERAT O R S AFETY ................. ...................... ................... 3 Proper Disposal of Your Old Refrigerator .................................... 3 INSTALLING YOUR REFRIGERATOR ............................. .....
3 REFR IGERATOR SAFETY Pr oper Dispos al of Yo u r O l d R e f r i g e r a t o r IMPORT ANT : Child entrapment and suffocati on are not problems of the past. Junked or abandoned refrigerat ors ar e st ill dangerous – ev en if th ey will sit fo r “ just a few days.
4 INSTALLING Y OUR REFR IGERATOR Unpacking Y o ur Refri gerator Removin g packaging materials ■ Remove tape or glue from your refrigerator before using.
5 Electr ic al Requiremen ts Befo re you mo ve your r efriger ator into it s final l ocation, it is important to make su re you have the proper electrical connection : Recommended gr ounding method A 115 V olt, 60 Hz. , AC only 15 or 2 0 ampere f used, ground ed electrica l supply is required.
6 Door Rem o v al TOOLS NE EDED: ¹⁄₄ i n. hex -head socket wr ench, ⁵⁄₁₆ in. he x -h ead socket wrench and a flat -head screwdriver . IMPORT ANT : Before you b e gi n, tur n th e r efrigerator control OFF , unplug refrigerator or d is con nect power .
7 T ools Needed: ¹⁄₄ in . hex-head socket wrench, ⁵⁄₁ ₆ in . hex- head socket wrench and a flat -head screwdriver . NOTE : It may only be necessary to remove eith er the door handle or the doors to get your p r oduct through t he doorway of your residence.
8 Connect ing the Refr igerator to a W ater Sour ce Read all directions carefully befo r e you beg in. IMPORT ANT : ■ If operatin g the r e frigerator before installi ng the water connection , t u r n ice maker to the OFF posit ion to pr ev ent operation without water .
9 W a ter System Prepara tion Please read before using the water s y s tem. Immediately after installation, follow the steps below to make sure that the water system is properly cleaned. 1. Open the freezer door and tur n of f the ice ma ker . For Style 1 lift up the wire shut -off arm as show n.
10 Setti ng the Con trols For your convenience, your r efrigerator controls are preset at the factory . When you firs t install you r r ef rigerato r , m ake sure that the con tr ol s ar e st ill preset. The Refriger ator Contr ol a nd the Freezer Contr ol should both be at the “ mid-s ettings ” as shown in the il lustrations bel ow .
11 W ater and Ice Dispensers (on some models) Depending on your model, you may have one or mor e of the following options: th e ability to select eith er crushed or cubed ice, a sp ecial light that turns on when you use the di spenser , or a lock option t o avoid accidenta l d ispensing.
12 Ice Mak er and Storage Bin/Buc k et (on some models - Accessor y) T o tur n t h e ice maker on/off: (Style 1) The on/of f switch for the ice mak e r is a wire shut -off arm located on the side of the ice maker . 1. T o turn the ice maker on, simply lower the w ire shut-off arm.
13 REFR IGERATOR FEATURES Y our model may have s ome or all of the se features. Features that can be purchased s eparately as product ac cessories are label ed with th e word “ Accessory .
14 Adjusta ble Flip-up Sh elf (on some models) T o raise and lower the shelf: 1. Raise the shelf b y first slidin g it back and down to make it half -width. (Y ou can use the she lf in this position to allow taller it ems to be stored on the shelf be low .
15 Cr isper Humidity Control (on some models) Y ou c an c ontr ol the amount of humidity in the moisture-seal ed crisper . Adjust the con tr ol t o any setting bet ween LOW and HIGH. ■ LOW (open) lets moi st air out of the crisper for best storage of fruits a nd vegetables with skins.
16 DOOR FEATURES Y our model may have s ome or all of the se features. Features that can be purchased s eparately as product ac cessories are label ed with th e word “ Accessory .
17 4. W ash s tainless steel and pa inted metal ex teriors with a clean sponge or so ft cloth and a mil d deter gent in warm wat e r . Do not u se abrasi ve or ha rsh cle aners.
18 P ow er Interr uptions If th e elect ricity i n your h ouse go es off , cal l the pow er compa ny and ask how long it will be o ff. 1. If the power will be out for 24 hours or les s , k eep both ref r igerator doors cl o s ed to h e lp f ood stay cold and frozen.
19 TR OUBLESHOOTING T ry the solutions suggested her e first in or d e r to avoid the cost of an unnecessa ry service call. Y o u r refrigerator will not operate ■ Is the power sup ply cord unpl ugged? Plug into a gr ounded 3 prong outlet. ■ Has a household fuse or cir cuit breaker tripped? Replace th e fuse or reset the circuit.
20 ■ Is the water shut-off valve turned completely on? T ur n valve on fu lly . Ref er to the “ Connecting the Re frigerator to a Water Source ” sect ion. ■ Is there a water filter installed on the refrigerator? The filter may be clogged or installed incorrectly .
21 The dis penser water is not cool enough ■ Has the refrigerator been n ewl y i n st alled? Allow 24 hou r s for the refrigerator to cool comple tely . ■ Has a large amount of water been r ecently dispensed? Allow 24 hours for the water t o cool completel y .
22 ASSISTANCE OR SER VICE Before calling for ass istance or service, plea se check “ T roubleshooting. ” It may save y ou the cost of a service c all. If you sti ll need hel p, follow the instruct ions below . When calli n g, please know the purchase date an d the complete model and s erial number of your appliance.
23 R OPER ® REFRIGERA T OR W ARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY ON REFRIGERA TOR For one year from the date of purchase, whe n this refrigerator is operated and maintai ned according to instructi ons att.
24 Notes.
25 S É CURIT É DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR Mise a u rebut de votre vieu x r é fr ig é ra teur IMPORT ANT : L ’ em prison nement et l ’é to uffement d es enfants ne sont p as un probl è me du pas s é .
26 INSTALLA TION DU R É FR IG É RATEUR D é ba llage de v otre r é fr ig é ra teu r Enl è vement des mat é riaux d ’ e mballa ge ■ Enlev e r le ruban adh é sif ou la colle de v otr e r é frig é rateur avant de l ’ u tiliser . Pour enlev er ce qui r es te du ruban adh é sif ou de l a colle, frotter la surface vivemen t avec le pouce.
27 Sp é cif ications é lectr i ques Avant de placer le r é frig é rate ur à son empl acement final , il est impor tant de vous a ssurer d ’ avoir la connexio n é lect rique appropri é e : M .
28 Enl è ve men t de s p or t es OUTILS REQU IS : Cl é à douille à t ê te hexagonale de ¹⁄₄ po, cl é à do uille à t ê te hexagonale de ⁵⁄₁₆ po et un t ournevis à lame plate.
29 Outils requis : Cl é à douille à t ê te hexa gon al e de ¹⁄₄ po, cl é à doui lle à t ê te hexagonale de ⁵⁄₁₆ po et un tou r ne vis à lame plate.
30 3. Utili ser un to urnevis pour ajuster le s vis de n ivelleme nt. T ourner la vis d e nivellement ve rs la droi te pour soul e v er ce c ô t é du r é frig é rateu r ou tourner la vis d e nivelle ment vers la gauche pour abai sser ce c ô t é .
31 Raccor dement au r é frig é rat eur : 1. Connecter le tu be en cuivre au robinet d ’ eau en ut ilisant un é crou et une bague de compression tel qu ’ illustr é .
32 ■ À la fin de chaque pr ogramme, vous pouv ez entendr e un gargou i llement attribuable au r é frig é rant qui se tr ou ve dans votre r é frig é ra teur . ■ La contraction et l ’ expansion de s parois inter nes peuven t prod uire un bruit sec.
33 Ajustement des r é glages de contr ô le Donner a u r é frig é rateur le temps de s e r efroidir compl è te ment avant d ’ y aj outer des ali ments.
34 Distribution de gla ç on s : 1. Appuyer sur le bouton pour le typ e de glace d é sir é . 2. Appuyer un verr e robuste contre le levier de dist ribution de gla ç ons. T enir le verre p r è s de l ’ ouverture du di stributeu r pour que les g la ç ons ne tombent p as à c ô t é du ver re.
35 2. Pour un arr ê t manuel, sou lever le bras de commande en broche à la position OFF ( é lev é e) et é cout er p our le d é c lic pour s ’ as sur er que l a machine à gla ç ons ne continuer a pas de fonc tionner .
36 C ARA CT É RISTIQUES DU R É FR IG É RATEUR Le m od è le que vous av ez peut avoir certaines ou tout es ces caract é rist iques. Les ca ract é ri stiques qui peuvent ê tre achet é es s é par é men t, telles que les acc essoires, comporte nt le mot “ accessoire ” .
37 T ablette relev able (sur certains mod è les) 1. Pour relever la tablette, tir er v ers l ’ avant le levie r si tu é dan s la parti e inf é rieure avant de la tablette et le sou lever jusqu ’à ce que la tab lette se verrouille en posit i on verticale.
38 R é g lage de la t e m p é rature du tiroir à l é gumes/viande con v er tible Le t iroir à l é gumes/vi ande convertibl e peut ê tre ajust é pou r refr oi dir correctement les viande s ou l é gumes .
39 C ARA CT É RISTIQUES DU CONG É LA TEUR Vo t r e m o d è le peut comporter l ’ ensembl e de ces caract é ristiques ou certaines d ’ entre e lles. Les cara ct é rist iques qui p euvent ê tre achet é es s é par é me nt comme accessoires du pr odui t comportent le m ot “ a ccessoir e ” .
40 P or te- cannettes (sur certains mod è les -Accessoire) Pou r ret irer e t r é installer le porte-canne ttes : 1. Retirer le porte-cannet t es en le soulevant et le tirant tout droit.
41 Rempl acement des amp oules d ’é clairage REMARQUE : Vo t r e r é fr ig é rateur ne pourra pas accommoder toute s les ampo ules pour les app a r eils m é na gers. S ’ assurer de faire le remplacement par une ampoule de grosseur et de forme sembl a b les.
42 P annes de courant En cas de panne d e courant, t é l é pho ner à la compagnie d ’é lectricit é pou r demander la d ur é e de la panne. 1. Si le se rvice doit ê tre interr ompu durant 24 heur es ou moins , gar der les deux portes ferm é es pour a ider les alim ents à demeurer fr oi ds et congel é s.
43 D É P ANNA GE Essayer les solutio ns sugg é r é es ici en premier afin d ’é viter les co û ts d ’ une visite de service inutile. Le r é frig é rate ur ne fonctio nne p a s ■ Le cordon d ’ ali m en tation é lectrique est-il d é branch é ? Brancher sur une pri se à 3 alv é oles r eli é e à la terre .
44 ■ Y a-t-il de l ’ eau dans le moule de l a m achin e à gla ç ons? V é rifier pou r voir si le r é fr ig é rateur a é t é branch é à la canalis ation d ’ eau de la maison, et s i le robi net d ’ arr ê t de la canalis ation est ouvert.
45 ■ La canalisation de la source d ’ eau du domicile comporte- t-elle une d é formation? Si vou s d é couvrez ou soup ç onnez une d é formation d e la canalis ation d ’ eau, faire un appe l de service. ■ Un filtre à eau est-il install é sur le r é frig é rate ur? Le f iltre peut ê tr e obstru é ou in corr ectemen t install é .
46 ■ Les plats, tablettes, bacs ou paniers sont-ils en bonne position? Placer le couve r cle du bac à l é g umes et to us les p lats, tablett es, bacs e t paniers à l a position correcte. V o ir plus de renseignements à la sect ion “ Bac à l é gumes et couvercle du bac à l é gumes ” .
47 GARANTIE DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR R OPER ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN DU R É FRIG É RA TEUR Pend ant un an à comp ter de la date d ’ achat, l orsque ce r é fri g é rateur est ut ilis é e.
2211656 © 2000 Whirl pool Corpor ation. 04/00 All rig hts reser ved. ® Re gistered T radem ark/TM T rade mark of Whi rlpool, U. S.A., Ingli s L imited L icensee in Ca nada Prin ted in U.S .A. To u s d r o i t s r é serv é s. ® Marque d é po s é e/TM Marque de commerce de Whirlpool , U.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Whirlpool RS22AQXGN00 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Whirlpool RS22AQXGN00 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Whirlpool RS22AQXGN00 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Whirlpool RS22AQXGN00 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Whirlpool RS22AQXGN00 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Whirlpool RS22AQXGN00 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Whirlpool RS22AQXGN00 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Whirlpool RS22AQXGN00. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Whirlpool RS22AQXGN00 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.