Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 9782474A des Produzenten Whirlpool
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ELECTR IC RANGES Use & Car e Guide For que stions about f eatures, operation/p erformance parts, a ccessories or service , call: 1-800-253-1 301 . In Canada, call fo r assistance 1-80 0-461-5681 , f or installatio n and service, call: 1-800- 807-6777 or visit our we b site at .
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS RANGE SAFETY ................................................................ ............. 3 The Anti-Tip Bracket ......................................... ........................... 3 PARTS AND FEATURES ........................
3 RANGE SAFETY The Anti -Tip B rac k et The range will not tip during normal use. How ever , the range c an tip if you appl y too much force or weight to the open door wit hout t he anti-tip bracket fas tened down p r op erly . You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't immediately follow instructions.
4 WARNING: T o reduce the risk of fir e, electrical shock, injury to persons, or damage when using the range, follow basic precautions, including the following: ■ WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF TIPPING OF THE RANGE, THE RANGE MUST BE SECURED BY PROPERL Y INST ALLED ANTI-TIP DEVICES.
5 ■ Keep Oven V ent Ducts Unobstructed. ■ Placement of Oven Racks – Always place oven racks in desired location while oven is cool. If rack must be moved while oven is hot, do not let potholder contact hot heating element in oven.
6 P AR TS AND FEATURES This man ual covers sev eral different model s. The range yo u have purchased may have som e or all of the items listed. The locati o ns and appearances of the features shown here may not match those of your model. Contr ol Panel Rang e 3 5 7 6 1 2 4 8 1.
7 COOKTOP USE Cooktop Controls Contro l knobs mus t be push ed in befor e tur n ing them t o a setting. Th e controls can be set any wher e betwee n HI and “ 0 ” (OFF). On models with Cerami c Glass, the controls wo rk on the pri nciple of pe rcen t on, per cent o ff.
8 The W arming Element can be u sed alone or when any of the other surface cookin g ar eas are being used. The Warming Element area will not glow red when cycling on. How ever , its indica tor light will glow as long as the Warming Element area is too hot to t ouch.
9 Fluoresce nt Cooktop Light (on some models) The cooktop light is in the top of the cont rol console. The switch in on the control console . Push the switch to tur n the light on.
10 ELECTR ONIC OVEN CONTR OL Display When power is first supplie d to the appliance, everything on th e display wi ll light u p for 1 to 2 s econds, the n a time of day a nd “ PF ” will appe ar . Press OFF to clear “ PF ” fr om the display . If “ PF ” appears at an y other time, a power failure has occ u rred.
11 Control Loc k The Cont rol Lock shu ts down the co ntrol pa nel pads (but tons) to prevent unint ended use of the oven( s). When the control is l ocked, only the CLOCK, TIME R SET and TIMER OFF pads (buttons) will function. The Contr ol Lock is pr eset unl ocked, but ca n be lo cked.
12 BAKEWARE T o cook food evenly , hot air must be able to circul ate. Allow 2 in. (5 cm) of space a r ou n d bakeware and ov en walls. Use the following chart as a guid e. Bak e w are The bakeware mat erial affects cooking re sults. Follow manufact urer ’ s recommendations and use the bakeware size recommended in the recipe.
13 Bak e The oven automatic ally r egulates t he h eat levels and bot h the top and bottom elemen ts cycle on and off accordingly duri n g preheat and bake to maint ain a pr ecise te mperature range for optimal cooking results.
14 T o Broil: Before broiling, positi on the rack accordin g to the Br oilin g Chart. Posi tion fo od on t he grid in the br oiler pan, then place it in th e center of the oven rack with the longest si de parallel to th e door . It is not necessary to preheat t he oven before putting f ood in, unle ss r ecommen ded in th e r ecipe .
15 During convecti on baking preheat, the conve ction and broil elements and the bake element all h eat the oven cavity . After preheat, the convect ion element and the bake el ement will cycle on and off in in tervals to main tain oven temp eratur e, while t he fan constantl y circulates t he hot air .
16 CONVECT ION ROASTING CHART Con ve c t ion Br oil (on some models) During convect ion br oiling, the br oil el ements will cycle on and off in interv als to maintain oven temperature, whil e the fan cons tantly circulates t he hot air . Cooking times will vary de pending on the rack position and temperatu r e an d may need to be adju sted.
17 RANGE CARE Self -Clea ning C y cle (on some models) IMPORT AN T : The healt h of some birds is extremely sensi tive to the fumes give n of f during th e Self-Cleaning cyc le. Exposure to the fume s m ay result in death to certain bi r d s. Always move bi r ds to another closed an d well ventilated room.
18 4. Press ST ART . When th e start ti m e i s reached, th e oven wil l automatica lly tur n on. When the cyc le is complete and th e oven cools, “ End ” will appear on the oven display and “ DOO R L OCKED ” or “ LOCKE D ” will disappe ar fr om the di splay .
19 OVEN CA VIT Y Do not use oven cleaners . Food spills should be cleaned when ov en cools. At high temperatures, f oods react with porcelain an d staining, etchi n g, pittin g or faint wh ite sp ots can res ult. ■ Self-C leaning c ycle: See “ Self-Cle aning Cyc le ” fir st.
20 Appliance Outlets (on some models) The 120v appli ance outlets locat ed on the control console may be used to run portable app l iances placed on countert ops beside the range. The outlets operat e independently an d ar e not affected by range control settings.
21 TR OUBLESHOOTING T ry the s olutions suggested her e first in order to avoid the cost of an unne cessary service call. Nothing will operate ■ Is the power supply cor d unplugged? Plug into a grounded 3-prong out let. ■ Has a ho usehold fuse been blown or has the cir cuit br eaker been tripped? Replace the fu se or reset the circuit.
22 Notes.
23 S É CUR IT É DE LA CUISINI È RE La br ide antibasculement Dans l es condit ions de servic e normal es, la cu isini è r e ne bascu le pas. Elle peut cep endant basculer si une force ou un poids excess if est appl iqu é sur la porte ouvert e alors que la bride an tibasculement n ’ est p as convenablemen t fi x é e.
24 CONSER VEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS A VERTISSEMENT : Pour r é duire le risque d ’ incendie, de choc é lectrique, de blessures ou de dommages lors de l ’ utilisation de la cuisini è re, il convient d.
25 CONSER VEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS ■ Ne pas tremper les é l é ments de chauffage amovibles – Les é l é ments de chauffage ne doivent jamais ê tre immerg é s dans l ’ eau.
26 PI È CES ET CARACT É R ISTIQUES Ce manu el couvr e plusie urs mod è le s dif f é re nts. La cuisini è re que vous avez ac h et é e peut comport er quelques-uns ou tous l es articles é num é r é s. L ’ empl acement et l ’ apparence des caract é ristique s illust r é es peuvent ê tre dif f é ren ts de c eux de v otr e mod è le.
27 UTILISATION DE LA TABLE DE CUISSON Commandes de la tabl e de cui sson Il faut en foncer les boutons de commande avant d e les tourner à un r é glage. Les boutons de commande peuven t ê tr e r é gl é s à n'importe qu elle position ent r e HI et “ 0 ” (ARR Ê T).
28 É l é m ent de pont (sur certains mod è les ) Lors d e l'uti lisation d'uste nsiles de cu isson tr è s grand s, vous pouvez augmente r la surface de cha u ffage de la table de cu isson et la puiss ance, en allumant (ON) la surfac e entre les é l é ments avant et a rri è re.
29 ■ Utili ser de s usten siles de cuiss on à fond plat pour une meille ure conductio n de la chal eur et une meilleur e utilisat ion de l' é nerg ie. Les ustensil es de cuis son à fond a rr ondi, d é for m é , cannel é ou bossel é pourraient causer un chauffage in é gal et des mauvai s r é sultats de cuisson.
30 Utiliser l e tableau s uivant comme guide pour l es caract é rist iques du mat é riau d'uste nsile de cuisso n. COMMANDE É LECTR ONIQUE DU F OUR A ffi ch ag e Lorsque le courant es t fourni.
31 Hor l oge Sur certains mod è les, si on ne d é sir e pas q ue l ’ heure soi t affich é e, appuy er sur la t ouche (le bout on) CLO CK pendan t 5 se conde s. Lo rsqu e l ’ heur e n ’ est pas affich é e , on p eu t vo i r l ’ heure penda nt 5 secon des en appu yant sur la touche (le bo uton) CLOCK.
32 UTILISA TION DU FOUR Les odeu rs et la fu m é e sont normales lorsque le f our est uti lis é pour les pr emi è res fois , ou lorsqu 'il est tr è s sale . IMPORT ANT : La sant é de certains ois eaux est extr ê mement sensib le aux é manati ons.
33 É ven t s d u fou r Ne pas obstruer ni couv rir les é vents du fou r car ils perm ettent à l ’ air chaud et à l ’ humi dit é de s ’é chapper du f our . Leur obstruc tion nuirait à la circulatio n ad é qu ate de l ’ air et af fect erait les r é sulta ts de cu isson et de ne ttoyage .
34 Pr é chau ffage Les te mp é ratur es de pr é chauffage sont affect é es par divers facteurs tel s que la temp é ratu r e ambiante et les heures de p ointe de consommation d ’é ner gie. Il est n ormal que la t emp é ratur e indiqu é e su r l ’ af fi chage diff è r e de la t emp é rature r é elle du f our .
35 Cuisson au gril : Avant la cuiss on au gril, placer l a grille tel qu ’ i ndiqu é dans l e tableau de cuisson au gril. Placer l ’ al iment sur la grille de la l è chefrite , puis placer celle-ci au centre de la gril le du four , ave c le c ô t é le plus lo ng de l a l è ch efrite parall è le à la por te du fou r .
36 Cuisson a u f our par con vection (sur certains mod è les) ) 1. Élément de cuisson a u four par convection La cuis son au four p ar conve ction peut ê tr e utilis é e pour cuire des g â te aux d é licats et des p â tisseries ainsi que des alime nts sur plusi eurs gr illes.
37 1. Appuyer sur CONVECTION R OAST (r ô tissage par convection) . Appuyer sur les touche s (boutons) TEM P (fl è ches ve r s l e haut ou vers le bas) p our entr er une te mp é rature autre que 350 ° F (175 ° C) . 2. Appuyer sur ST ART (mise en marche).
38 2. Appuyer sur ST ART (mise en marche). La t emp é rature r é gl é e du fou r appa ra î t s ur l ’ afficheur du four jusqu ’à ce q ue l e fou r so it é teint.
39 Pour diff é rer l ’ autonettoyage : Ava nt de diff é re r la mise en marche de l ’ au tonet toyag e, s ’ assurer que l ’ horloge est r é gl é e à l ’ heur e exacte.
40 Souill ur e cuite ■ Cr è me à polir pour tab le de cu isson et gra ttoir : Frotter la cr è me dans la soui llure avec un essuie-tout humide. T enir le gratt oir aussi à plat qu e possible sur la su rface et gratter . R é p é ter pour les taches tena ces.
41 Lampe du f our (sur certains mod è le s) La la mpe du fou r contie nt une amp oule d ’ appareils m é nag ers standa rd de 40 watts . Elle s ’ allu me lorsquon ouvr e la porte du four . Elle ne foncti onne pas pendant le pr ogramme d ’ autonettoyage.
42 Pour r é installer la po rte : 1. T e n ir la porte du four pa r la poign é e et placer le des sus de la porte sou s le porte- à -faux de la table de cuiss on. 2. Av ec le dev ant de la j ambe, appli quer une pr ession d e fa ç on à gliss er les cha rni è res da ns les fente s aussi loin que poss ible.
43 Le four ne f onctionne pas ■ La commande é lectronique du four es t-elle bien r é gl é e? V oir la se ction “ Commande é lectroniqu e du four ” . ■ Une mise en march e diff é r é e a-t-elle é t é r é gl é e? Vo i r l a section “ C uisson mi nut é e ” .
9782474A © 2003 . All r i ghts reserved. Tous dr oits r é serv é s. 9/03 Printed in U.S.A. Imprim é aux É .-U..
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Whirlpool 9782474A (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Whirlpool 9782474A noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Whirlpool 9782474A - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Whirlpool 9782474A reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Whirlpool 9782474A erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Whirlpool 9782474A besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Whirlpool 9782474A verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Whirlpool 9782474A. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Whirlpool 9782474A gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.