Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung LS6117-19 des Produzenten VTech
Zur Seite of 56
U s e r ’ s m a n u a l Mod els: LS61 1 7 /LS61 1 7 - 1 2 / LS61 1 7 - 15/LS61 1 7 - 1 9.
i Congratulations on purchasing your new VTech product. Before using this telephone, please read the Important safety instructions on page 34 of this manual. This manual has all the feature operations and troubleshooting necessary to install and operate your new VTech telephone. T able of con tents ii Ge tt ing st ar te d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Part s che ckli st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 T el ephon e base in stall ation . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Bat ter y inst allation a nd char ging . iii T able of con tents App end ix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 Hand set dis play scre en mess ages . . . . . . . . 29 Hand set and tel ephon e base in dic ators . . . . . 31 Bat ter y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Getting started Basic operation To purchase a replacement battery or power adapter, visit our website at www. vtechphones. com or call 1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, go to www.vtechcanada. com or call 1 (800) 267-7377. • 9. User’s manual 2. 2 Get ting s tar ted Use o nly th e power ad apter sup plie d wit h thi s pro duc t. T o ord er a rep lace ment , vis it our we bsite at w ww. vte chp hones . co m or cal l 1 (80 0) 595 -9 5 1 1. In Can ada, g o to w ww. vte chc anada . 3 Getting started Basic operation Get ting s tar ted If th e hand set will n ot be u sed for a lo ng tim e, dis co nnec t and rem ove the bat ter y to prevent po ssi ble leak age. T o purch ase a rep lace ment bat ter y , vi sit our webs ite at w w w . 4 Get ting s tar ted If you wish to add an image to the trans parent image cover , go to I nstall a n imag e on page 5. Replac e the transparent image c ove r by placing i t at against the hand set and sliding it towards the CHAR GE light until it c licks into place as sh own in Figure 5. 5 Getting started Basic operation Get ting s tar ted Install an image P er form steps 2 through 9 of the Bat ter y inst allation and char ging proce dure on page 3. Use t he enc losed template to c ut th e desired image so that it ts into the trans parent image cover . 6 Handset lay out Get ting s tar ted CID (Caller ID) • Press to review the call log when the phone is not in use. While in the menu, press to scroll down. Press to lower the listening volume during a call. • • /FLASH • Press to make or answer a call. 7 Getting started Basic operation Get ting s tar ted T ele phone base la y out FI ND H AN DS ET Press t o page t he han dset . • IN U SE l ight Fl as he s wh en th er e is an i nc o min g cal l or a noth er teleph one on the sa me line i s in us e. 8 T elephone settings Ringer v olume Y ou can change the handset ringer volume to a comfor table lev el. The ringer can also be turned of f so the teleph one does not ring when t here are incoming c alls. T o adjust the ri nger volume : Pre ss M E N U/ S EL EC T to d is pl ay t he m en u w he n th e handset is not in use. 9 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone settings If th e rin ger volum e is tur ned of f whil e scr oll ing thr ough t he opt ions i n the RI N GER T ON E menu , the s ampl e of th e ring er wil l not be h eard . 10 T elephone settings >KEY TONE LANGUAGE Ke y tone The handset b eeps as you pres s keys. Y ou may tur n the ke y tone feature on or off. T o chan ge the set ting: Pre ss M E NU / S EL EC T to d is pl ay t he m en u w he n th e handset is not in use. 11 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone settings >CLR VOICE MAIL DIRECTORY TURN INDICATOR OFF? Y our tele pho ne ser v ice p rovi der may aler t yo u to new me ssag es wit h a stut ter (bro ken ) d ial ton e. Con tac t your ser v ice p rovi der for det ail s. 12 T elephone operation Make a call Press /FL ASH . Dial the numb er . - OR- Dial the numb er . Press /FL ASH . Ans wer a call Press / FL ASH or any of the dia ling ke ys ( 0 - 9 , # , * ). End a call Press OFF/CLE AR , or put the hands et in the telephone bas e. 13 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation RINGER MUTE Ringer mute Y ou c an mute t he ring er temporarily when t he telephon e is ringing. Press OFF/C LE AR or MU TE to tem porar ily s ilenc e t he ringer . The next c all will ring nor mally . 14 T elephone operation Chain dial ing This feature allows you to initiat e a diali ng sequenc e from number s stored in the director y , call log or re dial list while you are on a call. T o acces s a number in the d irector y: Press MEN U/ SELEC T tw ice to enter the director y menu. 15 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Directory The directory can store up t o 50 entries. Each entr y may hav e up to 30 dig its and 1 5 characters. The dir ecto r y can be accesse d when the han dse t is not in use by pressing once or M EN U/S ELECT t hree times. 16 T elephone operation >DIRECTORY CALL LOG >STORE REVIEW ENTER NUMBER _ ENTER NAME _ Store a directory entr y Press ME NU/ SE LECT t wic e when t he handset is not in use. P ress or to sel ect >STORE, the n pre ss MENU/SELE CT . 17 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Character chart Use the dial pad and the chart below to ent er a name ( up to 1 5 chara cte rs ) . Each pre ss of a par ticular key causes the characters to be d isplayed in the following order: Number key Characters by number of key presses 123456789 1 1 # , , - . 18 T elephone operation Search the director y Entries are sor ted alphabetic ally . T o search the d irector y: Press onc e, or MEN U/ SELEC T three times to enter the direc tor y . 19 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation EDIT NAME VTECH_ Edit a d irector y entry Press on ce, or MEN U/ SELEC T three times to enter the director y . Press or to s croll to the des ired entr y , or us e the alphabeti cal searc h to nd it. 20 T elephone operation Delete from the directory Press on ce, or MEN U/ SELEC T three times to enter the director y . Press or to scroll to the d esired entr y , or use the alphabetic al searc h to nd it. Press REM OVE to rem ov e th e displayed entr y . 21 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation About caller ID The caller ID with call waiting fea ture in this telephone lets you see the name and telephone number of the call er before answering the call, e ven when already on a call. 22 T elephone operation CALL LOG EMPTY Call log If you subsc ribe to caller ID s erv ice, information about each caller will be d isplayed after the rst or sec ond rin g. The c all log c an store up to 50 entries. Each entr y ma y have up to 24 digits for the p hone number and 1 5 charac ters for the name. 23 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Missed calls i ndicator When the handset is not in use and there are unreviewed call s in the call log, its screen will d isplay X X MI SSE D CALL(S) . Each time a c all log en tr y marked NEW is re viewed, the number of misse d calls decreas es by one. 24 T elephone operation 800-595-9511 1-800-595-9511 595-9511 1-595-9511 Make a call lo g entr y ready to dial Alt houg h th e c all log entr ies rec eived have 1 0 dig its (the are. 25 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Sav e an entr y to the di re ctory When in the call lo g, pres s or to scr oll to t he d esired entr y . Press MEN U/ SELEC T . Y ou c an edi t the phone numb er , if nec essar y . 26 T elephone operation Delete from the call log T o delete one entr y: When in the c all l og, press or to scro ll to th e d esired entr y . Press REM O VE to delete the selec ted entr y . Y o u will hear a conr mation tone. T o delete all entries: When in the c all log, press or to sc roll to t he desired entr y . 27 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operation Displays : When: PR I VATE NAME The caller is blocking the nam e informa tion. PR I VATE NUMBER T h e c a l l e r i s b l o c k i n g t h e t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r informa tion. 28 T elephone operation Redial list The telephone stores the ve m ost re cently dialed numbers on the redi al list. Onc e there are ve num bers stored on the redial li st, the ol d es t e nt r y wi l l b e d el et ed to m a ke r oo m f or th e n ew entr y . 29 Appendix Handset displa y screen me ssages AL REA DY SAV ED Th e te lep ho ne num ber you have ent ered i s a lread y sto red in t he directory . CA LL LOG EMPT Y Ther e are n o call log en tries. CO NN ECTI NG. . . The cor dless hand set is searching for the tele phone base. 30 NO LI NE There is no teleph one line conn ected. NO SI GNA L , C ALL E ND ED Communic ation between hand set and teleph one base is lost during a call. ** P AG ING ** FI ND HAN DSE T on the teleph one base has bee n pressed. PH ON E The handset is in u se. 31 Appendix Handset and telephone base indi cators T ele phone base l ights Handset ligh ts IN USE Flashes wh en there is an incomi ng call or an other telephone on the s ame line is in use. On when th e handset is in use. • • VOICEMAIL Fl a s he s wh e n y ou h ave ne w v o ic e m ai l. 32 Handset icons MUT E Microp hone is muted. • Ringer of f. • NE W New call log entries. • NE W V O ICE M AIL N ew v oic email recei ved from the loc al telephone c ompany . • Bat ter y ind icator Cycles (low , med ium, and full) when the handset bat tery i s charging. 33 Appendix Batter y It t ak es up t o 16 hour s for t he b at te r y to be f ull y cha rg ed . Wh en it i s full y ch arg ed , you c an exp ec t th e fol low ing p er fo rma nc e:. 34 Import ant safety instru ctions Whe n u sin g y our tel eph one e qui pme nt, ba sic s afet y p rec aut ion s s hou ld al ways b e fol lowe d to re du ce th e r isk o f r e, e lec tr ic sh oc k a nd inj ur y , in cl udi ng th e fol lowi ng: Rea d and un der st and a ll in str uc tio ns. 35 Appendix T roubleshootin g If you ha ve dif culty with your telephone , please tr y the suggestions below . For Customer Ser vice, visit our website at ww w . vtec m, or call 1 (800) 595- 95 1 1 ; in Canad a, call 1 (800) 267 - 7377 . 36 T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion T h e b a t t e r y d o e s n o t c ha rg e i n th e h an d se t or th e han ds et bat t er y is not c har ging . Make sure t he hand set is pla ced in t he telep hon e b ase co rrec tl y . T he CH ARG E ligh t o n t he han dset s houl d be on. 37 Appendix T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion The telephone does not ri ng w he n th er e is an inc omi ng ca ll. Make sur e the r ing er is on ( page 8). Make sur e the te leph one l ine c ord an d power ad apter are p lug ged i n pro perl y (pag e 2 ). 38 T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion I can not di al out . Fir st, tr y a ll the a bove sug ges tio ns. Make sure th ere is a dial tone be fore dia ling. It is nor mal if th e hands et takes a sec ond or t wo to sy nch roni ze wit h t he te leph one befor e pr odu cin g a dial tone. 39 Appendix T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion T h er e i s in t e r f e r en c e d u r i n g a t e l e p h o n e co nversat ion. My calls fade out when I am u sing the co rdl ess han dset . The h and set may be ou t of ran ge. Move i t clo ser to th e tele phon e bas e. 40 T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion I hear oth er call s when usi ng the te lep hone. Dis co nnec t t he te leph one bas e fro m th e tel epho ne wa ll ja ck. Plug in a dif fer ent te lep hone. If you sti ll hear ot her ca lls, t he prob lem i s prob abl y in the w irin g or loc al ser v ic e. 41 Appendix T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion Th e sys tem d oe s not r e c e i v e c a l l e r I D o r t h e s y s te m d o e s n o t disp lay cal ler ID during cal l waiti ng. Make sure you subsc ri be to c alle r ID wit h call waiti ng features prov ide d by the lo cal tele pho ne co mpany. 42 T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion C O N N E C T I N G . . . i s sh ow n i n th e han d set d i s p l ay w i n d o w. W h y do n’t I g et a di al tone wh en I tr y to us e th is tele pho ne? The h and set may be ou t of ran ge. 43 Appendix T roubleshootin g Problem Suggestion Com mon c ure for ele ctr oni c equi pme nt. If t he telep hon e is not res pon ding nor mal ly , t r y pu tt ing the cor dle ss hand set in t he te lep hone bas e. 44 Operating range This cordless telephone operates with the maximum power allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Even so, this handset and telephone base can comm. 45 Appendix About cordless telephones Priv acy: The same feature s th at ma ke a c ord les s te lep hon e co nveni ent create som e lim it atio ns. 46 W arranty Wh at do es t his l imi te d warr an ty c over ? The m anuf act urer of th is VTech Prod uc t wa rra nts to th e h old er of a va lid pro of of pur cha se (“ Con sum. 47 Appendix 8. Ch arg es for i nst all atio n or set u p, adju st ment o f cus tom er co ntro ls, a nd in st alla tio n or rep air of s ystem s out si de th e uni t. How d o you g et wa rra nt y se r vic e? T o o bta in warr ant y s er vi ce in th e U nite d S tate s o f A mer ic a, ple ase ca ll 1 (8 00) 59 5- 951 1. 48 FCC , ACT A and IC regulations FCC Part 15 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. 49 Appendix FCC , ACT A and IC regulations RJ14 jack for two lines. See Installation Instructions in the user’s manual. The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is used to determine how many devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have them ring when you are called. 50 T echnical specications Freque ncy c ontr ol Cr yst al co ntro lled PL L synth esizer T r ans mit fre quen cy Han dset: 1921 .53 6 - 1 928.4 48 M Hz T e lep hone b ase: 1 921 . 536 - 1928.4 48 MHz Chan nels 5 Nom inal e ffe ct ive ran ge Ma xim um power a llowed by FC C and IC. 51 Appendix Index A Answe r a call 1 2 B Bat ter y 3, 33 C Call l og 2 2 Call l og di spl ay scre en mes sag es 27 Call wa itin g 1 3 Call er ID 21 Chai n dial ing 1 4 Char acter c.
VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. A member of T HE V TECH GROUP OF COMP ANIE S. Distr ibuted in th e U .S. A. by V T ec h Communi cation s, Inc. Beaverton, Or egon Distr ibuted in Canad a by VT e ch T ec hnolo gies Canad a, Ltd. , Ri chmon d, B. C. Copyri ght © 200 8 for V TECH TE LECOMMU NICA TIO NS L TD.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts VTech LS6117-19 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie VTech LS6117-19 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für VTech LS6117-19 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von VTech LS6117-19 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über VTech LS6117-19 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon VTech LS6117-19 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von VTech LS6117-19 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit VTech LS6117-19. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei VTech LS6117-19 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.