Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Bluetooth R91007G des Produzenten TRENDnet
Zur Seite of 70
R91007G Blu eFly ers Blueto oth Flyers Product of Embedded Solutions, Inc TM TM.
i T A BLE OF CONTENTS W arning s ............................................................................................................... ii Manufacturer Certi fications ..........................................................................
ii W A RNINGS • Read the eB ox 2300, AIRcable Host XR, T RENDnet TBW -104UB, and C.Crane FM tra nsmitter manuals for comp lete safety instructions. • Operatin g the AIRcable Bluetooth transmitter without the extern al antenna connected ma y result in dama ge to the unit.
iii (2) this de vice must accept any interference received, includ ing interference that may cause u ndesired operation. This digital ap paratus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emis.
iv FM Transmi tter This device co mplies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operatio n is subject to the following two cond itions. 1. This device m ay not cause harmful in terference, and 2. This device m ust accept any interferen ce received, including in terference that ma y cause undesired operat ion.
1 BLUEFL YERS OVERVIEW BlueFl yers Con cept The BlueFlyers un it electronically transm its information directly to B luetooth enabled cell phones, laptops, PDA s, Blackberries, or o ther portable devices. The Bluetooth ad vertisement can contain im ages, audio, video , business cards, Java applications, and more.
2 seconds. Some devices implement a s ize limit for file tran sfers; transferring reasonably sized f iles will help avoid re aching a device's limit. Additional B luetooth Information can be found at: http://www.blueto http://www.blueto oth.
3 operate. The soft switch on the front panel can be u sed to turn the unit on and off. The unit has an AC to DC power tran sformer built into its power cab le. The AC end of the power cable plugs int o a standard 120V AC outlet. The DC end of cable connect s to the power jack on the rear panel of the ba se unit.
4 The Comp actFlash (CF) card installed in the front of the B lueFlyers unit is not removable . Attempts to do so may cause dama ge and void the warrant y. TRENDnet Bluetoo th Trans mitt er TRENDnet Bluetoo th Trans mitt er The TRENDne t Bluetooth transmitte r connects to the base un it via a USB port.
5 The optional A IRcable Bluetooth tra nsmitter connects to the base unit using th e USB cab le (provided). Plug one end of the USB cable into the transmitter and the other end in to the base unit. The a ntenna connects to the RP-S MA antenna jack on the tra nsmitter.
6 Mode Description Passive Passive mo de is always enable d. In this mode, flyers are sent when custome rs initiate the Bluetooth contact. This mode waits for partie s to show interest before send ing the advertisement . A cti ve Active mode is optional.
7 From the Sta rt Menu, select the BlueFlyers W i zard applica tion. The BlueFlyers W izard walks through the creatio n of an advertisement ’s file set (flyer). These files will be st ored on the PC. Plug the provided USB flash drive into a USB slot on the PC.
8 Be sure to pro perly remove the US B flash drive from t he PC (click on “Safely Remove Ha rdware” icon in the T askbar) so that no files are lost. If W indows is not notified tha t the USB flash drive is abo ut to be removed, then it may not write all files to the fla sh drive.
9 A CD is provided with the BlueFlyers W izard applicat ion along with a free audio recording ap plication called Aud acity. Audacity is not co vered by the warranty. Support for th is application can be fou nd at: http://audac lp/ Audacit y may not be suitable for any pa rticular use.
10 Read the W elcome screen an d then click the Next butt on. Read the Lice nse Agreement. If the terms a re agreed upon, click the ‘I Agree’ button, otherwise click the Cance l button.
11 On the Insta llation Options screen, select a directory for the in stallation of the BlueFlyers W izard software or leave the default installation directory if desired. Click the In stall button. W hen the process has finished, click t he Finish button.
12 The BlueFlyers W izard is now installed an d a BlueFlyers W izard folder should appear on the W indows Start menu . On the main installation screen, sele ct to install Audacity if desired . Click on the radio button to select the Audac ity and click the Install button.
13 Read the Lice nse Agreement. If the terms a re agreed upon, click the radio button next to ‘I accept the agreement ’ and click the Next but ton, otherwise click the Cancel button.
14 On the Select Destination Locat ion screen, select a directory for th e installation of the Auda city software or lea ve the default installation d irectory if desired.
15 On the Select Additional Tasks screen, select the options to be in stalled by Audacit y. On the Read y to Install screen, review the installation opt ions and click the Install button.
16 W hen the process has finished, u ncheck the Launch Auda city check box if it is not desired for to start the app lication immediately. Click the Finish button. Audacit y is now installed and there should be an Audacity program icon on the W indow s Sta rt menu.
17 To create a file set for a flyer, start the BlueFlyers W izard an d click Next on the W elcome screen. Click the rad io button next to “Create Or Modify A Flyer’s File Set”, then click the Next button.
18 Click the rad io button next to “Create A New Flyer File Set”, then click the Next button. The next screen will request the description of the flyer. This is used to catalog the flyer and a llow future iden tification of it. A title mus t be entered before the Next button will be e nabled.
19 The Unit Nam e field is the name customers will see over Blu etooth and it will appear on som e cellular phones when a connection request is made. This field is limited to 247 characters. If left blank, the name “Blue Flyers (PIN: 00)” will be used.
20 Click the Add File button to sele ct the files to be include d in this flyer. After clicking th e Add File button, a f ile browser window is shown to select the files which will be in cluded in this f lyer’s file set.
21 Use the file b rowser to locate the file s to include in the flyer. Mo re than one f ile can be se lected in the file browser at a time. The “Files of Type” filter can be u sed to view only certain f iles, such as audio files or images, or select All files to remove the filter.
22 files. After file s are selected, click the O pen button on the file browser to add the files to the f ile set. Files can be added individually; it is not nece ssary to select all files at on ce. The files ad ded will be displayed by the BlueFlyers W izard.
23 To remove a f ile from the file set, click on the file name so that it is selected, and the click the Remove button. Any of the file s in the flyer’s file set can be opened by double clicking on the file name. W indows’ default applicatio n for handling the sele cted type of file will be used to displa y the file’s content s.
24 An information screen is shown with a n otification tha t audio files are to be selected to b e broadcast over the FM transmitter. Use of broadcast files is optional.
25 Select the MP3 audio files to include in this flyer’s FM broad cast. It is optional to include any bro adcast files. Leave t he list empty and click the Next button if no broadcast is desired. To include b roadcast files, click the Add File button.
26 More than one file for broadcast ma y be included. The BlueFlyers unit will repeatedly cycle thro ugh playing each file . The size of the se files will not affect customers, bu t the BlueFlyers does h ave a limited amount of memory and f iles that are too large may affect the perfo rmance of the Blue Flyers unit.
27 Creation of the flyer’s file set is no w complete. Click the Save button to s tore the file set. All file s that have been selected for the elect ronic flyer and the FM broadcast will be co pied to the Blu eFlyers Wizard’s local directo ry.
28 A list of all flyers tha t exist on the compu ter is shown. The flyer title sho wn is based on the title provided when the flyer’s f ile set was created. The O pen button will be d isabled until a f lyer is selected. Click on th e flyer title and click the Ope n button.
29 Files can be added or removed as desired. The Save screen will be shown if changes were ma de to the f lyer’s file set. Remove A Fl yer Fil e Set The BlueFlyers W izard allows the removal of a flyer file set. On the first Flyer File Set sc reen, click the “Remove A Flyer File Se t” radio button and then click the Next butt on.
30 A list of all flyers tha t exist on the compu ter is shown. The flyer title sho wn is based on the title provided when the flyer’s f ile set was created. Selec t the flyer that is to be removed by clicking on its title and then click the Rem ove button.
31 BlueFlyers conf igures itself with th e files located on the flash drive. The fla sh drive can be removed after configuration is com plete. To setup a USB flash drive to conf igure the BlueFlyers unit, start the Blue Flyers W izard and click Next on the W elcome screen.
32 A list of all flyers tha t exist on the compu ter is shown. The flyer title sho wn is based on the title provided when the flyer’s f ile set was created. The Ne xt button will be disab led until a flyer is sele cted. Click on the f lyer title that the Blue Flyers unit is to send and click the Next but ton.
33 To enable Active mode, click the radio button next to “E nable Active mode”, then click the Ne xt button. To disable Act ive mode, click the radio button next to “Disable Active m ode”, then click the Ne xt button. The BlueFlyers un it stores log f iles on its permanent ly installed CompactFlash card.
34 Click the rad io button next to “Clear L ogs” and then click the Ne xt button to configure the BlueFlyers unit to clea r its logs. Click the ra dio button next to “Do Not Clear Logs” an d then click the Ne xt button if the unit’s logs d o not need to be cleared.
35 The BlueFlyers’ time zone can be configured to refle ct the local time. Click th e check button next to “Set BlueFlyers’ Tim e Zone” and then use t he drop down box to sele ct the appropriate time zone from the list. A unit’s t ime zone only needs to be set once.
36 There are se veral advanced networking mo des supported by the BlueFlyers unit. Use of these mo des is optional. Remote FTP and HTTP a ccess to the unit can be enab led to allow updating flyers an d access to logs o ver a network connection . This mode requires an Ethern et connection to a network or th e Internet.
37 Director y Use logs Contains logs with inf ormation abo ut flyer distribution and process perfo rmance private Contains th e unit’s configuration f ile public Contains th e files to be sent to cu.
38 If remote acc ess is enabled, then the unit’s FTP ports can be configured. The default FTP port is 21, and the defa ult passive mode po rt range is 50000 to 50100.
39 The FTP port configuration sc reen will show default settings of FTP port 21, and a passive p ort range of 50000 to 50100 . These values can b e modified if unique ports are de sired.
40 Similarly, the unit s HTTP port can be configured. The default HTTP port is set to 80. If the unit resides behind a f irewall, the firewall will need to be configured as described a bove to pass the conf igured HTTP port activity to the BlueFlyers unit’s loca l network IP address.
41 If remote acc ess is enabled, then the unit can be conf igured to have a static I P address or to u se DHCP. Using DHCP, the unit will autom atically try to a cquire an IP addres s from a DHCP server on th e network. If remote ac cess is enabled, the unit will write its IP addre ss into its log file.
42 W hen a unit first powers up and af ter every flyer transmissio n, it will copy its access log to the Master unit. Before every transmission of a flyer, the unit will check the s izes and times of all acces s logs on the Master to dete rmine if any logs have be en updated since the y were last retrieved.
43 The power level of either the TRE NDnet or AIRcable Bluetooth tra nsmitters can be adjusted. A power level of 100 is full po wer for the device. This can be reduced b y dragging the power level slider. Defau lt power level is 100%. Select the desired power level and click the Next button.
44 After the conf iguration options ha ve been selected, the USB fla sh drive which will be used to configure the BlueFlyers un it needs to be selected.
45 Once a device is sele cted, the Sa ve button is enabled . Click the Save button t o store the f lyer’s file set and Blue Flyers configuration informat ion. This flash drive will be use d to configure the BlueFlyers unit. The USB f lash drive can now be used to configure the BlueFlyers unit.
46 The BlueFlyers W izard allows easy viewing of th e information sto red in the log files. To view the logs that were c opied to the USB fla sh drive by the unit, plug the flash drive into the PC and start the B lueFlyers W izard. Click the radio button next to “Review Flyer L ogs”, then click the Next button.
47 Be sure the US B flash drive is plugged into an available USB port on the PC. If a USB device is f ound that contain s the proper directory structure that is used by BlueFlyers, the n it will be shown as se lected. A different de vice can still be chosen.
48 The first lo g shown is the flyer downloa d attempts. These are the Active and Passive downloa ds; FTP downloa ds are not included. Three columns of information are displayed. The f irst column contains the dat e of the flyer download. The second column contains the Bluetooth de vice’s unique ID.
49 Use the scroll b ar at the bottom of the screen to view the th ird column. This column lists t he title of the flyer th at was downloaded. This title is the one provided when the flyer’s file s et was created.
50 The BlueFlyers W izard assigns a unique I D (a time stamp) to each flyer when the flyer’s file set is created. This ID is st ored on the computer and is stored in the log file by the BlueFlyers unit. W hen viewing logs, it is used as a reference to determine th e flyer’s title.
51 A system lo g is also stored and provided. This log contains info rmation from the BlueFlyers’ app lications. The a pplications will write info rmation to this log when they start, in cluding version informat ion. They will also write inf ormation if an error is encoun tered or a special f unction, such as a software u pdate, is performed .
52 connectors on each end. Be su re to use the end of the cable that mates with the USB ports on the base unit. Connect the other end of the USB cable to the AIRcable Blu etooth transmitter. Connect the provided antenna to the RP-SMA jack on the AIRca ble Bluetooth transmitter.
53 The USB f lash drive can be removed any time after the single lo ng beep has been play ed. Time The BlueFlyers’ time can be synchron ized with an NTP server. To accomplish this, conne ct the BlueFlyers unit to a ne twork that has a DHCP server and an Internet connect ion, and then boot the unit.
54 Audio Tone s Description Frequenc y Meaning Two short be eps that rise in frequency 440 Hz for ¼ second followed by 660 Hz for ¼ se cond The unit is up and operati onal. Two short be eps that decline in fre quency 660 Hz for ¼ second followed by 440 Hz for ¼ se cond The unit is re booting itself to try to correc t a problem.
55 Upload or remo ve files from the unit’s public directo ry. All files located in this directory will be tra nsferred over Blue tooth. Removed f iles cannot be restored.
56 Upload or remo ve MP3 files from the unit’s radio directory. Th e files located in this directo ry will be rotated through a nd played over the audio output port for FM transmission.
57 The flyer transmissio n log file can be reviewed, download ed, and cleared. Cleared lo gs cannot be restored..
58 The applica tion log file can be reviewed, d ownloaded, and cleared. Cleared lo gs cannot be re stored..
59 The BlueFlyers un it can be conf igured. Please review the Blue Flyers W iz ard section of this doc ument for the mean ing of fields. Warnin g: remote access can.
60 be disabled b y changing the unit’s co nfiguration. After m aking changes, use the Save button to store the new configurat ion. The Flyer ID mu st be updated when new flyer f iles are uploaded to the p ublic directory.
61 SUCCESSFUL CAMP A IGN TIPS 1. Provide clear usage instructions to c onsumers. Educa ting consumers is key to succe ssful downloads. Instru ctions could be in writing on a display or played as au dio from the BlueFlyers unit . 2. Instruct con sumers to make sure their phone has Discoverable or “Find Me” mode e nabled.
62 TROUBLESHOO TING 1. W hat FM frequen cy is available for transmitting in m y area? Try using the radio locator web site to find a vacant frequen cy.
63 Some ce llular service providers limit th e types of files that the phone will transfer, even if the phone has grea ter capabilities built into it. Contact the service provider if you feel that a phone’s f unctionality is being lim ited.
64 13. W hy does the BlueFlyers unit reboo t itself? Be sure the B luetooth transmitter is properly con nected to the ba se unit. If the software ca nnot find the transmitter, it will reboot to try to co rrect the problem. The BlueFlyers’ logs c an be reviewed fo r information abo ut the unit’s spe cific problem.
65 W A RR A NTY A limited 1 year warranty is provided with th e BlueFlyers. Attem pts to remove the Compact Flash card from the front of t he unit will void the warranty. Opening the BlueFlyers un it will void the warrant y. Removing or ta mpering with the warranty seal on t he bottom of the un it will void the warranty.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts TRENDnet Bluetooth R91007G (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie TRENDnet Bluetooth R91007G noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für TRENDnet Bluetooth R91007G - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von TRENDnet Bluetooth R91007G reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über TRENDnet Bluetooth R91007G erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon TRENDnet Bluetooth R91007G besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von TRENDnet Bluetooth R91007G verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit TRENDnet Bluetooth R91007G. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei TRENDnet Bluetooth R91007G gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.