Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Security Camera des Produzenten TANDBERG
Zur Seite of 247
1 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 V ideo C ommunication Serv er ADMINISTRA T OR GUIDE V ersion X2.1 Ma y 2008 Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Conguration Zones and .
2 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Preambl e Le gal Not ice s ......................................................................... 9 Disclaimer ........................................................................ 9 Int ellec tual P rop er t y Rig hts .
3 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Call H istor y ........................................................................... 33 Vi ewing t he C all Histo r y Pa ge .......................................... 33 Und er sta ndin g the C all His tor y Pa ge .
4 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) SIP ....................................................................................... 62 SI P Ove r vie w .................................................................. 62 Ab out S IP o n the VC S .
5 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Hop C oun ts .......................................................................... 9 4 Ab out H op Co unt s ........................................................... 94 Co ngur ing H op Co unt s .
6 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Co ngur ing E NUM Z ones ......................................... 12 3 Co ngur ing D NS S er ver s ......................................... 12 4 ENU M Dia ling fo r Inc omin g Calls .....
7 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) H.4 60.18/ 19 Por t s ....................................................... 14 9 Call s ign aling .......................................................... 14 9 Media .........................
8 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Pat te rn Vari able R efer enc e .................................................. 18 1 Over view ...................................................................... 18 1 Valid Var iabl e Str ings .
Pream ble 9 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration V.
10 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
11 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
12 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
Introduction 13 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Th e T AN DBE RG Vi deo C ommu nic atio n Ser v er ( VCS) is an ind ust r y uniq ue mul ti - appli cat ion d evic e th at enh anc es th e vid eo exp eri enc e wit h new f unc tion alit y an d pro vid es tr ansp are nt co mmuni cat ion b et ween S IP an d H.
14 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Th e follo wing f eatu res ha ve be en int rod uce d in ver sion X 2.0 of th e VCS sof t ware: Du al Net wo rk In ter f aces All ows th e VCS E xp res sway to c onn ect to t wo s epa rate net wo rks in a D MZ de ploy me nt.
15 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Thi s Admi nistr ato r Guid e is pr ovid ed to h elp you m ake th e bes t use of y our TAND BERG VC S. Y our a ppr oac h to this d ocu men tat ion d epen ds on w hat y ou wan t to do an d how mu ch yo u alrea dy k n ow.
16 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Thi s sec tion d esc rib es how t o inst all th e VCS an d car r y ou t its i niti al con gur atio n.
17 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Th e soc ket ou tlet s hall be i nst alled n ear to t he eq uipm ent • a nd sha ll be eas ily ac ces sibl e.
18 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T o set t he ini tial c on gura tion u sing a P C co nnec ted t o the VC S DA T A p or t vi a a ser ial c ab le: Co nne ct th e supp lied s eri al cab le fr om th e 1. DA TA por t o n the VC S to th e COM p or t on a PC.
19 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Initial Co ngurat ion via Front Pa nel The LCD panel makes it possible to conf igure and c hec k the I P set t ings as we ll as to re boot the system. By default, during norm al oper ation the front panel will show the system name ( if conf igured) and t he L A N 1 IP v4 Ad dre ss.
20 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Ab out Administ rator Ac cess Whi le it is p ossi ble to a dminis ter t he T AN DB ERG VC S via a P C co nnec ted d irec tl y to the u nit v ia a ser ial c able, yo u may wis h to ac ces s the sy stem r emo tely ov er IP .
21 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Web Inter f ace In t his Adm inist rat or Gui de, ins tru ct ions fo r pe r for ming a ta sk via t he we b inter f ac e are sh own in t he fo rm at: Me nu opt ion1 > Me nu opt ion2 • foll owed b y the Nam e of t he pa ge th at you w ill be t aken to in or der to p er f orm t he t ask.
22 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Web Inter f ace Gen eral pa ge features Th ese ar e the f eatu res t hat c an be fo und o n som e or all of t he we b UI pa ges. Lo g out Thi s icon a pp ears o n the t op ri ght c orn er of eve r y pa ge.
23 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Comm and Line Inter fac e Using the C ommand L ine Inter fa ce (CLI) Th e com mand l ine int er fa ce is av ailab le ove r SSH, Telnet a nd th roug h th e ser ial po r t. T o use t he co mma nd lin e inter f ac e: St ar t a S SH or Telnet s essio n.
24 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Thi s sec tion d esc rib es th e info rma tio n that a pp ears o n the O ver view page a nd all th e pa ges un der t he St atus menu o f the w eb inte r fa ce. Th ese p ages p rov ide in for mati on on t he cu rre nt st atus an d con gur ati on of t he VCS.
25 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Th e Over view page s umm arize s the c urr ent co ngur ati on an d sta tus of yo ur VCS . Th e Over view page o pen s auto mati call y wh en you rst l og on to t he we b inte r fac e.
26 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the S ystem Infor mation Pa ge Th e Sys tem In for mati on pa ge pr ovid es det ails of th e sof t war e, har dwar e, and ti me se tt ings of th e VCS.
27 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the Et hernet S tatus Pa ge Th e Ethernet pa ge pr ovid es de tails o f the M AC ad dres s and et her net s pee d set ti ngs of th e VCS .
28 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the I P St atus Page Th e IP S tat us pa ge pro vid es det ails of t he I P and D NS se tt ings of t he VC S. T o vie w the I P St atus p age: St atu s > Syst em > IP • Viewin g the IP S tatus Pa ge IP v 6 add res s Th e IP v 6 add ress c on gure d on th e VCS.
29 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the Res ource Usa ge Page Th e Reso urc e Usag e page p rov ide s sta tist ics ab out t he num ber s of cu rre nt an d cumul ati ve cal ls and r egis tra tion s on th e VCS. T his pa ge aut omat ica lly re fres hes ev er y 5 se con ds.
30 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the Re gistr ations Page Th e Regi str atio ns pa ge list s all th e devi ces th at are c urr entl y re giste red w ith t he VCS . Dev ic es tha t are c on gured f or bo th SI P and H.
31 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the Re gistr ation Histor y Pa ge Th e Regi str atio n Histo r y pa ge list s all the re gist rat ions t hat ar e no lo nger c urr ent. I t list s th e most r ece nt his tori cal r egis tra tio ns sinc e th e last r ebo ot, up to a m axi mum of 25 5.
32 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the C alls Page Th e Calls p age lis ts all t he cal ls cur ren tly ta king p lac e to or f rom d evic es re gist ered w ith th e VCS, or t hat a re pas sing t hro ugh t he VC S.
33 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the C all Histor y Page Th e Call His tor y p age lis ts all t he cal ls tha t are no lo nger a cti ve th at hav e take n pla ce sin ce th e VCS was l ast re st ar ted.
34 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the S earch Histor y Page Th e Sea rch Hi stor y p age lis ts all t he se arc hes th at have t aken p lac e sin ce th e VCS wa s last res tar ted.
35 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the L ocal Zone P age Th e Loc al Zon e pag e lists a ll the su bzon es tha t tog ethe r make up t he Lo cal Z one. T his will alw ays in clud e the D ef ault Su bzon e and t he T ra vers al Su bzone, p lus any ot her s ubzon es th at you h ave cr eate d.
36 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the Zo nes Page Ea ch zon e nam e is also a lin k to th e co ngur ati on pa ge for t hat zo ne. T o co ngur e the z one, cli ck on t he zon e nam e. Note t hat t his do es not a ppl y to th e De faul t Zone, as t his is no t con gur able.
37 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the L inks Page Name Th e nam e of eac h link. Calls Th e tota l numb er of c alls cur ren tly t rav ersi ng ea ch link . Note t hat a si ngl e call may t rav ers e more t han o ne link , dep end ing on h ow you r sys tem is co n gured.
38 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the Pip es Page Name Th e nam e of eac h pip e. Clic kin g on th e nam e will ta ke you t o the Ed it Pip e pa ge, wh ere yo u can c on gure t he pip e. Calls Th e numb er of c alls cu rre ntl y tr aver sing e ach p ipe.
39 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the ST UN Relays Page Client Th e IP ad dre ss an d por t on t he NAT ( or t he cli ent if th ere is n o NAT) fr om whi ch th e STU N Relay re que st has co me. Cre atio n Tim e Th e date a nd tim e on wh ich th e STU N Relay b eca me ac ti ve.
40 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the War nings Page Viewin g the Warnin gs Page War nings Ea ch wa rnin g, and w her e rel evan t its p rop ose d res olut ion, is li sted h ere. Th e Warn ings p age pr ovi des a lis t of all th e war nin gs cur rent ly in p lac e on you r syst em.
41 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Unde rsta nding the Event Lo g Page Viewin g the Event Log Pa ge Th e Event Lo g page al lows yo u to vie w and sea rch t he eve nt lo g, whi ch is a lis t of all th e even ts th at hav e occ urr ed on y our sy stem sin ce th e last u pgr ad e.
42 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Event Log For mat Th e event l og is dis play ed in an ex te nsion o f the U NIX s yslo g for mat: d a te ti m e process _ n a me : m essage _ .
43 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) F ield De scr ipti on Ev e nt Th e event w hic h caus ed th e log m ess age to b e gene rat ed. Se e Event s Log ge d at Le vel 1 , Event s Log g ed at L evel 2 an d Events L og ge d at Lev el 3 for lis ts of all even ts th at ar e log ge d by th e VCS.
44 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Events Log ged at L evel 1 Eve nt D escr ipt ion Ad m in Sessi on Fin ish An a dmini str ator h as log g ed of f th e sys tem. Ad m in Sessi on L ogin Fa il ur e An u nsuc ces sfu l at temp t has be en ma de to lo g in as an a dminis tr ator.
45 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Events Log ged at L evel 1 Eve nt D escr ipt ion Poli cy Ch ang e A po licy l e has b een up da ted. System C on g uration Cha nge d An i tem of c on gura tion o n the s yste m has ch ange d.
46 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) All L evel 1 eve nts, p lus: Eve nt Description Messag e Received (H.32 3) An inc omin g mes sage h as be en re ceiv ed. Messag e Sent (H.32 3) An out goi ng me ssa ge has b een s ent. Regist ra tion Refresh Acc epted A re ques t to ref res h a SIP r egis tr atio n has be en ac cep ted.
47 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Thi s sec tion d esc rib es all t he opt ions t hat a ppe ar un der t he Sy stem C on gura tion men u of th e web in ter f ace.
48 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T o con gur e the V CS’ s sys tem ad minis tr atio n set ti ngs: Sy stem C on gura tion > S yst em • .
49 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T o con gur e the V CS’ s Eth ern et set ti ngs: Sy stem C on gura tion >Et her net • .
50 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Ab out IP v4 to IP v 6 Gatewayin g Th e VCS c an ac t as a gatew ay bet we en IP v4 and I P v6 c alls. To enabl e this f eatu re, sele ct an I P Proto col o f Both. T o con gur e the V CS’ s IP s et tings: Sy stem C on gura tion > I P • .
51 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T o con gur e the V CS’ s L AN 1 a nd L A N 2 eth er net po r t set ti ngs: Sy stem C on gura tion > I P • . Y ou wi ll be t aken to t he IP page. xCon g u rati on Et hern e • t Th e VCS is sh ipp ed wit h a def aul t IP ad dres s for L A N 1 of 192.
52 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Ab out the D NS Dom ain Name Th e DNS D oma in Nam e is use d whe n at temp ting t o reso lve ser ver a ddr esse s con gur ed on t he VCS t hat a re wit hou t any fo rm of q uali ca tion (e.
53 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Ab out the N TP Se r ver Th e NT P ser ve r is a rem ote se r ver wi th w hich t he VC S sy nch roniz es in or der to e nsure i ts ti me se tt ing is a ccur ate. T he NT P ser ver p rovi des t he VC S wit h UTC tim e.
54 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Ab out SN MP T ool s such a s T A ND BER G Man agem ent Su ite ( TMS) or H P Op enView m ay ac t as SNM P Ne two rk M ana gemen t Sys tems (N MS).
55 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Ab out the E x ter nal Manager An E x ter nal M ana ger is a re mote s yste m, suc h as th e T AN DB ERG Ma nage men t Suite ( T MS), use d to mon itor e vent s occ urr ing o n the VC S, for ex ampl e call a tt empt s, con nec tio ns and disc onn ec tions .
56 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Y ou ar e rec omm end ed to m aint ain a ba ckup of y our VC S con gur atio n. T o do th is: Use t he co mma nd line i nter f ac e to log o n to the V CS. 1. Iss ue th e com mand 2 . xCong urati on .
57 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Enabling Re mote Log gin g T o ena ble r emote l og gi ng, yo u must c on gure t he VCS w ith t he ad dre ss of t he ce ntr al log s er ve r to whi ch th e event l og wil l be co pied . T o d o this: Sy stem C on gura tion > L og gi ng • .
58 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Set ting t he Event Log Level Y ou c an con tro l whic h even ts ar e log ge d by th e VCS by se tt ing t he lo g level. A ll even ts wi th a lev el num eric ally e qua l to and lo wer t han th e spe ci ed lo g ging l evel ar e rec ord ed in t he eve nt lo g.
59 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Thi s sec tion p rov ide s infor ma tion o n the p ages t hat a ppe ar un der t he Proto cols , Registrations and Authentication sub - me nus of t he VCS C on gur atio n menu. T hes e pa ges allo w you to c on gure t he fu nct iona lit y of th e VCS in e ach of t hes e are as.
60 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Conguration Zones and Neighbors Call Processing Bandwidth Control Firewall T ra versal Maintenance Appendices H.
61 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Conguration Zones and Neighbors Call Processing Bandwidth Control Firewall T ra versal Maintenance Appendices H.
62 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
63 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
64 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
65 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
66 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
67 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
68 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
69 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
70 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
71 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
72 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
73 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
74 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
75 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
76 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
77 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
78 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Thi s sec tion p rov ide s infor ma tion o n the p ages t hat a ppe ar un der t he Lo cal Zo ne , Zones an d Altern ates sub - me nus of t he VCS C on gura tio n menu.
79 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
80 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
81 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
82 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
83 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
84 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
85 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
86 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
87 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
88 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
89 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
90 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
91 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Thi s sec tion p rov ide s infor ma tion o n the p ages t hat a ppe ar un der t he Calls , T r ansforms and Po licy sub - men us of th e VCS Co ngu rat ion m enu. Th ese p ages a llow you t o con gure t he wa y in whi ch th e VCS re cei ves an d pro ces s calls .
92 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Sear ch Proc ess Th e pro ces s follo wed by t he VC S whe n at temp ting to l oc ate a des tin atio n endp oint i s show n in th e diag ra m opp osite. Th e user e nter s into t heir e ndp oint t he alias o r add res s of the 1.
93 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Th e des tina tion a ddr ess t hat is en tere d via t he ca ller ’ s e ndp oint c an ta ke a num ber of d if fer ent for mat s, and t his wil l af fec t the s pe ci c pro ces s tha t the VC S follo ws wh en at temp tin g to loc ate t he des tin atio n endp oint .
94 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T o con gur e the h op co unt fo r a zone: VCS C on gura tion > Z ones . • You will b e take n to th e Zones pa ge. Clic k on th e nam e of th e zone yo u wish to c on gure. Y ou wi ll be t aken to t he Edi t Zone p age.
95 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
96 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
97 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
98 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
99 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con.
100 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
101 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
102 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
103 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
104 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
105 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
106 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
107 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
108 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
109 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
110 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
111 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
112 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
113 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
114 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
115 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
116 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
117 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
118 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
119 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
120 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
121 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
122 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
123 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
124 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
125 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
126 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
127 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
128 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
129 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
130 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Thi s sec tion d esc rib es th e pa ges th at app ear u nde r the L oca l Zone a nd Bandwidth sub - m enus o f the VC S Con gur ati on men u in th e web in ter f ace.
131 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
132 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
133 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
134 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
135 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
136 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
137 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
138 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
139 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
140 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
141 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
142 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
143 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
144 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
145 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Thi s sec tion d esc rib es how t o con gure y our VC S Con trol a nd VC S Ex pre ssw ay in or der to t rav ers e rew alls. It al so des cr ibes h ow to co ngu re th e add itio nal r ewall tr aver sal s er ver f un ctio ns of a VC S Ex pr essw ay , inc ludin g STU N ser v ice s.
146 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
147 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
148 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
149 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
150 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
151 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
152 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
153 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
154 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
155 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
156 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
157 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
158 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
159 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
160 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Thi s sec tion d esc rib es th e pa ges th at app ear u nde r the M aintenance me nu of th e VCS w eb int er fa ce.
161 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
162 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
163 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
164 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
165 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
166 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
167 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
168 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
169 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
170 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
171 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
172 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
173 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
174 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
175 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
176 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
177 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
178 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
179 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
180 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
181 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
182 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
183 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
184 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
185 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
186 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
187 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
188 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
189 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
190 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Th e xCong urat ion group o f com mand s are u sed to s et and c han ge ind ivi dual i tems of co ngur ati on. Ea ch c omma nd is ma de up of a main e lem ent fol lowe d by one o r mor e sub - elemen ts.
191 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Ad minist ra tion H T TP M ode: <O n/ O f f> De term ines w het her H T TP c alls will b e red irec ted t o the H T TPS p or t . On : calls will b e re dire cte d to HT T PS. Off : no H T TP a cce ss will b e avail able.
192 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Au the ntic atio n Cre den tial [1..250 0] Passw ord: <S: 0, 128 > De nes t he p asswo rd fo r this en tr y in t he lo cal au th enti cat ion d ata base.
193 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Ba ndw idt h Dow nsp eed Pe rC all Mo de: <O n/ Of f > De term ines w het her or n ot th e VCS wil l at temp t to dow nspe ed a c all if th ere is i nsuf cien t per- cal l band wid th av ailab le to fu lll t he re ques t.
194 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Ba ndw idt h Pipe [1..1 0 0] Band wid th Pe rC all Mo de: <Li mite d/Unlimi ted/N oBa ndw idt h> De term ines w het her or n ot thi s pip e is limit ing t he ban dwi dt h of ind ivi dual c alls.
195 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Er ror Re por t s URL : <S: 0, 128> Th e URL of t he we b ser v ic e to whic h er ror re por ts ar e sent . De faul t: Of f E x am pl e: xCon g u rati on Error Rep orts U RL : "ht tp : / / 1 92 .
196 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) H323 G ateke epe r CallS ign aling P or tR ange E nd: <1024..6553 4> Sp eci es t he upp er p or t in t he r ange to b e use d by call s onc e the y are es tab lishe d.
197 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) H323 M ode: <O n/ O f f> De term ines w het her or n ot th e VCS wil l prov ide H .323 ga tekee per f unc tio nali ty.
198 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) IP Ro ute [1..1 0] Gat eway: < S: 0 , 39 > Sp eci es t he IP A ddr ess of t he G atewa y for t his rou te. E x am pl e: xCon g u rati on IP Route 1 Gateway : " 1 92 . 1 68 . 0 .
199 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) LDA P Use rDN : <S: 0, 255> Set s th e user d istin guishe d nam e to be us ed w hen bin din g to the L DAP s er ve r . E x am pl e: xCon g u rati on LDAP UserDN : "User 12 3" Lo g Level: <1.
200 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Poli cy Use rPo licy S er ve r Pass word: <S: 0, 30 > Sp eci es t he pas swor d use d by the V CS to lo g in and q uer y t he r emote U ser Pol icy M ana ger .
201 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) SI P Dom ains D omai n [ 1 ..20] Na me: <S: 0, 128> Sp eci es a d omain f or wh ich t his VCS is au th ori tat ive. E x am pl e: xCon g u rati on SI P D o ma ins D om a in 1 Na m e : "exa m pl e .
202 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) SI P TCP Po r t: <1024..655 34> Sp eci es t he list ening p or t f or inc omin g SI P TCP c alls.
203 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) SN MP S yste mLo cat ion: <S: 0, 7 0> Sp eci es t he phy sic al loc ati on of th e VCS. E x am pl e: xCon g u rati on SN MP Syste m Loc a tion : " Ser ver Ro om 12 8" Sy stemU nit N ame: <S:, 0, 50> De nes t he na me of t he VCS .
204 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ra nsfo rm [ 1..100] Pr ior it y: <1..65 53 4> As sign s a pri ori ty t o the sp ec ie d tra nsfo rm. Trans for ms are a ppli ed in or der o f pri ori ty, and t he pr ior it y must b e uniq ue fo r eac h tra nsfo rm.
205 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ra vers al Se r ver ST UN Di scov er y Por t: <1024..655 34> Sp eci es t he po r t to be u sed fo r STU N disc over y s er vi ces.
206 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Zon es Lo calZo ne D efau ltSu bZon e Ban dwid th P er Call In tr a Mod e: <Limi ted/Un limit ed/No Ban dwi dth> De term ines w het her t here i s a limit o n the b and wid th fo r any on e call b etw een t wo e ndp oint s wit hin th e Def ault S ubzon e.
207 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Zon es Lo calZo ne Su bZon e [ 1 ..1 0 0] Band wid th T ot al Lim it: <1..100 0 00 00 0> Set s th e tota l band wid th li mit (in k bps) of this s ubzon e ( ap plie s only i f Mod e is set to L imi ted).
208 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Zon es Lo calZo ne T r aver sal H32 3 H46 019 Dem ultip lexi ng Mo de: <O n/ O f f > De term ines w het her t he VCS w ill op era te in De mult iplex ing m ode f or cal ls fro m tr aver sal - en able d end poin ts re gist ered d irec tl y wit h it.
209 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Zon es Lo calZo ne T r aver sal H32 3 UDP Pro be Re tr yI nter v al: <1..655 34 > Set s th e fre que ncy (in s ec onds) wit h whi ch tr aver sal - e nabl ed en dpo ints r egis tere d dire ct ly wi th th e VCS wil l send a U DP p rob e to th e VCS.
210 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Zon es Zon e [ 1 ..20 0] Hop Coun t: <1..25 5> Sp eci es t he hop c oun t to be us ed wh en sen din g an alias s ear ch re ques t to thi s zone.
211 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Zon es Zon e [ 1 ..20 0] Matc h [ 1 ..5] Prio rit y: <1 ..655 34> De term ines t he or der i n whic h the zo ne wil l be se nt a sea rch r equ est. Z ones w ith p rio rit y 1 m atch es are s ear che d rs t, foll owed by p rio rit y 2, an d so on.
212 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Zon es Zon e [ 1 ..20 0] T r aver sal Clien t H323 Por t: <1024..655 34> Sp eci es t he po r t on th e tr aver sal s er ver t o be use d for H. 323 r ewall t rave rs al calls f rom t his VC S.
213 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Zon es Zon e [ 1 ..20 0] T r aver salS er ve r H323 H4 6019 D emult ipl exing M od e: <On/ O f f> De term ines w het her t he VCS w ill op era te in De mult iplex ing m ode f or cal ls fro m the t rav ers al clie nt.
214 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Zon es Zon e [ 1 ..20 0] T r aver salS er ve r TCP Prob e Ret r yIn ter v al: <1..655 34> Set s th e fre que ncy (in s ec onds ) w ith w hic h the t rav ers al clie nt will s end a TC P pro be to t he VCS .
215 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Over view Th e x Comm an d group o f com man ds are us ed to ad d and d elete i tems a nd iss ue sys tem commands. Th e follo wing p ages l ist all t he xC om mand co mman ds cur re ntly a vaila ble on t he VC S.
216 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) AllowLi st Add Ad ds an en tr y to t he All ow List . Pat ternSt ring (r ) : <S: 1, 60 > Sp eci es an e ntr y t o be ad ded t o the A llow Li st.
217 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) CheckPat tern A dia gno stic t ool t hat all ows you t o che ck th e resul t of an ali as tr ansf orm (l oca l or zon e ) bef ore y ou con gur e it on t he sys tem. N ote th at th is com mand d oes n ot ch ange a ny exist ing sy stem conguration.
218 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Defaul tVa lues Set Res ets sy stem p ara mete rs to d efau lt val ues. Level (r ) : <1.. 3> Th e level o f syste m par am eter s to be re set. Lev el 1 : will re set mo st pa ram eter s.
219 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) DomainD elete Del etes a d omai n. DomainId (r) : <1..2 0> Th e ind ex of the d oma in to be d elete d. E x am pl e: xCo m m a nd D om ai nD el ete Do m ainId : 2 FeedbackDeregister De act iva tes a pa r tic ular f eed bac k requ est .
220 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) FeedbackRegister Ac tiv ates n oti cat ions o n the e vent o r sta tus ch ange ( s) desc rib ed by t he E xp ress ion(s) . N oti cat ions a re sen t in XM L for mat to t he sp eci ed U RL .
221 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Link Add Ad ds and c on gure s a new link . LinkName (r) : <S: 1, 50> As sign s a nam e to this li nk. No de1: <S: 1, 50> Sp eci es t he r st zon e or subzo ne to w hich t his lin k will be a ppli ed.
222 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Option KeyDelete Del etes a s of t ware o ptio n key fr om th e VCS. OptionKeyId (r) : <1..64 > Sp eci es t he ID of t he so f tw are op tion t o be de lete d. E x am pl e: xCo m m a nd O ptionKeyDelete Option Key I d : 2 PipeA dd Ad ds and c on gure s a new pip e.
223 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Route Add Ad ds and c on gure s a new ro ute. Address (r) : < S: 1, 39> Sp eci es an I P Ad dres s use d in con jun ctio n wit h the P re x Len g th to d eter mine t he ne two rk to w hich t his ro ute ap plie s.
224 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) SubZoneDelete Del etes a su bzon e. SubZoneId (r) : <1..100> Th e ind ex of the s ubzon e to be d elete d. E x am pl e: xCo m m a nd Su bZoneD ele te Su bZoneI d: 2 T r ansformAd d Ad ds and c on gure s a new tr ans for m.
225 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) ZoneDel ete Del etes a zo ne. ZoneI d (r) : <1..2 00> Th e ind ex of the z one to b e del eted.
226 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Over view Th e xS tat u s gr oup of c omm ands a re use d to ret urn i nfor mat ion ab out t he c urr ent st atus o f the VC S. Ea ch x St atu s elem ent re tur ns info rma tion a bou t one o r mor e sub - e leme nts.
227 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Syste mUn it: Pro duc t: TAND BERG VC S Upt ime: < Tim e in se con ds> Sy stemTime: < Tim e not se t/ da te -t ime> Tim eZon e: <GM T or on e of 30 0 oth er tim ezone s> Lo calT ime: <lo cal - d ate - time > Sof t wa re: Versi on: X2 .
228 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Eth erne t [ 1 ..2]: Ma cAd dre ss: <S: 1 7> Sp eed: <10 half/ 10f ull/ 100 half/ 100 fu ll/ 10 00 fu ll/ dow n> I P v4: Ad dres s.
229 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) NTP: St atu s: <Ina cti ve/Initi alizin g / A cti ve/Faile d> Cau se: {V isib le if st atu s is Faile d} <N o resp ons e fro m NT P ser v er / DNS r eso luti on fai led> Ad dres s: <IP v4 Add r /I P v6A ddr > Por t : <1.
230 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) ResourceUsage: Call s: T ra vers al: Cur ren t: <0..150 > Ma x: <0..150 > T ot al: <0..42949 67 295 > No n Trave rsa l: Cur ren t: <0.. 750> Ma x: <0.. 750 > T ot al: <0.
231 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) SI P: {visi ble if P roto col = S IP} Ad dres s: <IP v4 Add r /[I P v6 Add r ]>: <1 .
232 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Registrations: Reg istr ati on [ 1..3750]: Pro toco l: <H323/SIP > No de: <S: 1,50 N od e nam e> Se rial Num ber: < S: 1,255> Cre atio n Tim e: <Date T ime> Se con dsS ince La stRe fres h: <1.
233 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Zon es: De faul tZ one: Na me: “Def ault Zo ne” Ba ndw idt h: Use d: <0..1000 0 00 00 > Call s: {Sec tion v isibl e only i f the re ar e calls } Call [0.
234 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Reg istr ati ons: {0..3750 ent ri es} {Sec tion v isibl e onl y if th ere ar e reg istr ati ons } Reg istr ati on: <1..3750> Se rial Num ber: < S: 1,255> Call s: {Sec tion v isibl e only i f the re ar e calls} Call [0.
235 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Al tern ate [ 1..5]: H323: { Vis ible i f H323 Mo de = On fo r Zone} St atu s: <Unkn own/ Ac tiv e /Fai led> Cau se: {V isib le if S tat.
236 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Al tern ate [ 1..5]: H323: { Vis ible i f H323 Mo de = On fo r Zone} St atu s: <Unkn own/ Ac tiv e /Fai led> Cau se: {V isib le if S tat.
237 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Al tern ate [ 1..5]: H323: { Vis ible i f H323 Mo de = On fo r Zone} St atu s: Acti ve Ad dres s: <IP v4 Add r /I P v6A ddr > {O ne Ad dres s line p er ad dre ss fr om DN S look up} Por t : <1.
238 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) Pip es: Pip e [ 1 ..1 0 0]: Na me: <S: 1,50 Pip e na me> Ba ndw idt h: Use d: <0..1000 0 00 00 > Call s: Call [0..9 00]: {0..90 0 en tri es} Call ID: <S: 1,25 5> Alt erna tes: Al tern ate [ 1.
239 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) H32 3: Reg istr ati on: St atu s: <Ac tiv e /In act ive/Fail ed> IP v4: { Visi ble if S t atus =A cti ve} Ad dres s: <IP v4 Add r> {1..2 e ntr ies} IP v 6: {V isib le if S tat us= Ac tive} Ad dres s: <IP v 6Ad dr > { 1.
240 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) SI P: Eth ern et [ 1..2] I P v4: UD P: St atu s: <Ac tiv e /In act ive/Fail ed> Ad dres s: <IP v4 Add r> TCP: St atu s: <Ac tiv.
241 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) STUN: Se r ver s: Dis cove r y: St atu s: <Ac tiv e /In act ive> Ad dres s: <IP v4 Add r /I P v6A ddr > Rela y: St atu s: <Ac tiv e /In act ive> Ad dres s: <IP v4 Add r /I P v6A ddr > All oca tion s: Co unt: <0.
242 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
243 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
244 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
245 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
246 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 Grey H eadline (c o n t in u e d) T ANDBERG VIDEO COMMUNICA TIONS SERVER ADMINISTRA TOR GUIDE Introduction Getting Star ted Over view and Status System Conguration VCS Con�.
247 D14049.03 MA Y 2008 E UR OPEAN HEADQU AR TER S Ph il ip P edersens v ei 20 , 1366 L ysak er , Nor way T elephone : +4 7 67 12 5 125 Fax: +4 7 6 7 125 2 34 Video : +4 7 6 7 126 12 6 E-mail : tandberg@ tandberg.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts TANDBERG Security Camera (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie TANDBERG Security Camera noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für TANDBERG Security Camera - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von TANDBERG Security Camera reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über TANDBERG Security Camera erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon TANDBERG Security Camera besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von TANDBERG Security Camera verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit TANDBERG Security Camera. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei TANDBERG Security Camera gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.