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Pr oject or T oolset Ref ere n ce gu id e For S LM R59770183/00 15/07/2009.
Barco n v Media & En tert ainm ent Div ision Noordl aan 5 , B- 8520 Kuur ne Phone: +32 56.36 .89.70 Fax: +32 56.3 6.883.8 6 E-mai l: sal es.ev ents@ barc o.
Changes Barco pro vides th is manual ’as is’ wi thout warra nty of an y kind, eit her exp ressed or implied , incl uding but no t limited to th e impli ed warrant ies or merch antabi lity and fi tness fo r a par ticu lar pur pose.
Table of co ntents T ABLE OF C ONTEN TS 1 . B a s i c c o n c e p t s ................. ............... ............... ...................... ............... .5 1 . 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n ... .... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ...... ....
Table of content s 5 . 1 1 P r e v i e w l a y o u t p r o p e r t i e s .... ...... ........ .......... ........ ........ ...... ........ .......... ........ ........6 1 5 . 1 1 . 1 B a c k g r o u n d c o l o r.... ...... ........ .......... .......
Table of co ntents Color fi l l ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ...... .. 1 1 2 8 . 5 . 5 . 3 P i c t u r e .... ........ .......... ........ .......... ........ ........ .
Table of content s 4 R5977018 3 PROJECTO R TOOLS ET 15/07/200 9.
1. Basic co n cepts 1. BASIC CONCEPTS Overvi ew • Introduc tion • About a C on fi guratio n • About a Sn apshot • About stor ing Con fi gurati ons and Snap shots 1.1 Introductio n Overvi ew Projec tor T oolset is a so ftware tool t o set up, c on fi g ure, mana ge and contr ol Barco pr ojectors .
1. Basic conce p ts Con fi gurati ons are direc tly unde r the subdir ectory Workspace and have the exte nsion .con fi g . Snapsh ots are sto red in a subd irector y of Work space, ca lled Sn apsho ts .T h e fi les h ave t he extens ion .sn apshot .
2. Inst allati on 2. I NST A LLA TION Overvi ew • Genera l requir ements • Free d ownload of P roject or T oolset • Projec tor T oolse t instal lation •S t a r t i n g u p • Manua l install ation o f a device p lug-in • Uninstal l Projec tor T o olset • About thi s manu al 2.
2. Instal lation Recommen ded hardwa re speci fi ca tion s : • PC Pen tium IV o r equi valen t, 2.4 GHz •5 1 2 M B R A M • 140 MB ha rd disk free spa ce • SXGA res olution (128 0 x 1024) with 3 2 Mb video mem ory • Serial c ommunic ation po rt • Etherne t conne ction Mac OS X Software • App le’s Ja va SE 5.
2. Inst allati on T o in stal l on M icr osof t Win dow s The pro cess of inst alling your s o ftw are inv olves the follo wing steps: 1. Browse to the d irectory wh ere th e install program i s downloa ded. 2. Doub le c lick on Ptoo lset_Ins taller.exe .
2. Instal lation Image 2-1 File properties Only Proj ector T oolset frame work is inst alled. T o start using i t, fi rst install one or more device plug-ins. The software will request to i nstall the plug-ins. 2.4 Startin g up Launching Projector T oolset on Microsoft W indows T o sta rt up the Proj ector T oolset so ftware: 1.
2. Inst allati on Image 2-2 Start up splash screen Image 2-3 Overview downloaded plug-ins Image 2-4 Plug-ins installed R59770183 PROJECTOR TO OLSET 15 /07/200 9 11.
2. Instal lation Launching Projector T oolset on Mac OS X T o star t the Proj ector T oo lset so ftware on Mac OS X sys tem: 1. With Finder , go to the Ap plicati ons folder under y our home folde r . 2. Doub le-cli ck on th e Proj ector_T oolset i con to s tart t he applic ation .
2. Inst allati on 4. Click OK to instal l the s elect ed plug-i ns. When al l plug-i ns are inst alled, a r estart me ssage is displayed . (image 2 -4) 5. Click Ye s to rest art the ap plicati on. Clic k No to co ntinue work ing wi th the o ld plu g-ins.
2. Instal lation Plug- in fi les are .tpi fi les and are mostl y located in th e Plugins s ubdire ctory of Proj ector T oolset ’s install dire ctory . The Ins tall devic e plug- in dialog is r e-dis played wit h the complete pa th fi lled out . 5.
2. Inst allati on Image 2-8 Finish the instal lation 2.6 Uninstall Projec tor T oolset How to uninstall on a Microsoft Windows platform T o uni nstall th e progr am, norma l Window s func tionalit y can be us ed to rem ove a softw are. Click on Wi ndows Start , sel ect Setti ngs and o pen Add/Re move softwar e .
2. Instal lation The follo wing icons are used i n the manua l : Caution Wa r n i n g Info, term de fi nition . General info ab out the term. Note, gives extr a inform ation abou t the de scrib ed subje ct. T i p, g ives e xtra ad vice a bout t he desc ribed s ubject.
3. Menu s 3. MENUS Overvi ew • Genera l • Menu and but ton bar • Main win dow •S h o r t c u t k e y s • Workspace E xplor er • How to adju st a sett ing • About P roject or T oolset • Snapsho t manage ment 3.1 Genera l The right mouse button The right m ouse b utton is u sed in Pr ojecto r T o olset f or direct con trols.
3. Menus 3.3 Main w indo w Overvi ew The conte nt of the main windo w change s when a othe r navigation ( module) button is act ivated, but the main part s are the same for al l modules. Image 3-2 Main window indications Indica- tion Descripti on A Window ti tle.
3. Menu s informat ion in the pan e. V ertical s croll bar s are the bars on the right si de of the pane. Hori zonta l scroll bars a re the b ars at t he botto m of the pa ne. T o us e scr oll bars, place the cu rsor on t he scro ll box, click and ho ld dow n the mo use b utton.
3. Menus Image 3-4 Workspa ce explo rer What can be done The wor kspace ex plorer wi ndow gives an overv iew of the ex isting Con fi gurations . T o select a c on fi gurati on, ju st clic k on it. The bac kgro und of the sele cted co n fi gura tion c hanges to blue .
3. Menu s The versions indicated on the illustrations are only given as info and these versions can be differ ent with t he curr ent vers ions. How to s tart up Click Help on the m enu and sel ect Ab out (a). (imag e 3 -5) The About s tart up dialog bo x opens (b ).
3. Menus Image 3-6 System details Module details Click on Modu le detail s to ge t an ov erview of t he ins talled m odules. Image 3-7 Module details 22 R5977018 3 PROJECTO R TOOLS ET 15/07/200 9.
3. Menu s First of all the softwar e version and the rel ease date are indic ated in Module mana ger . Modu le details gives an over view o f the instal led mod ules a nd their ve rsion. Plug-in detai ls Plug-in de tails gi ves an over view of the installed d evice plug -in toget her with th eir vers ion.
3. Menus Image 3-9 More info device pl ug -in Release i nformati on, plug- in desc riptio n and li cense ag reem ent is giv en. 3.8 Snapshot m anagem ent • About snaps hots • Managing sn apshots .
3. Menu s A snapsh ot can contain: • All settings • All la yout setting s • All in put settings • Lam p setting s • Proj ector setti ngs Snap shot A snaps hot is a c ollecti on of sett ings a t a given point of time f or a con fi gu ratio n 3.
3. Menus Image 3-10 Snapshot view 3.8.3 T ake a snapshot What can be done? As a sn apshot i s collec tion o f setting at a certai n point i n tim e, a sna pshot of t he cu rrent con fi gurati on can be taken at any m oment. How to take Click o n the snaps hot i con on t he manage button b ar (a).
3. Menu s The follo wing levels are ava ilable: - All s etting s - All layo ut set tings : onl y layout se ttings ar e saved - All inpu t settings: only i nput setti ngs ar e saved - Lamp s ettings: o.
3. Menus 3.8.4 Apply a snapshot What can be done? A snaps hot ca n be ful ly or p artiall y app ly to the c urren t con fi guratio n. When there is no wa rning sym bol in front of the snap shot name , this snapsh ot can be fully appl ied to the curren t co n fi guratio n.
3. Menu s Image 3-12 Apply snapshot 3.8.5 Delete a snapshot How to delete Click o n the snaps hot i con on t he manage button b ar (a). (image 3-13 ) The Snaps hot mana gement dialog box ope ns with al l availab le snapsh ots (b ). Click o n the snap shot to del ete (c) .
3. Menus Image 3-13 Delete snapshot 3.8.6 Add shot cut key to a s napshot What can be done? T o ea ch snapsh ot a key strok e can be ass ociated s o that it can be us ed as short cu t key .
3. Menu s Click OK to save t he new shor t cut status (h). Image 3-14 Associate short cut t o snapshot 3.8.7 Remov e shot cut key a ssociation How to remove a short c ut Click o n the snap shot i con on the manage b utton bar (a) (im age 3-15 ) The Snaps hot mana gement dialog box ope ns with al l availab le snapsh ots (b ).
3. Menus Image 3-15 Clear short cut on snapshot 32 R5977018 3 PROJECTO R TOOLS ET 15/07/200 9.
4. Prefe renc es 4. PREFEREN CES • Introduc tion • Start up the pre ferences • Acce ss level • Software A ppearan ce • B ug repo rt setup • Logging • Workspace s election 4.1 Introductio n Overvi ew Preferenc es determi ne the default beha vior of the softw are.
4. Pref erences Image 4-2 Preference window 4.3 Access level What can b e done ? Some acti ons and func tions of t he Projecto r T oo lset are r estricted t o certain ac cess l evels. In thi s panel you can check the ac cess l evel an d read i nformati on from a dongle, if you have o ne.
4. Prefe renc es Image 4-3 Access levels T o read ou t the dongle setting s, c lick on Read dongle . Th e current le vel of the in serted don gle is indic ated next to User l evel .
4. Pref erences Image 4-4 Language selection Look and feel of the software Click on Appear ance (image 4- 2). The a ppearanc e wind ow open s. Click on th e comb o box next to Lo ok and F eel .( i m a g e 4 - 5 ) The p ossibl e loo k and fee ls wil l be d isplay ed.
4. Prefe renc es Image 4-5 Look and feel software Screen shots in this manual are made for a J a va look and feel. Use of speci fi c f ond Click on Appear ance (image 4- 2). The a ppearanc e wind ow open s. Check the check bo x in fro nt of Us e speci fi c fon t.
4. Pref erences Image 4-6 Use of speci fi c font 4.5 Bug repo rt setup SMTP SMTP (Si mple Mai l T ra nsfer Pro tocol) is a TCP /IP protocol used in sending E-mail. Setup bug report Click on Bug reporting . ( image 4-7) The bu g repo rt setup window appe ars.
4. Prefe renc es The fol lowing sett ings shou ld be enter ed : - Y our E-mail addr ess - Orga nizat ion - Bar co’s E-mail ad dress, automatic ally fi ll ed out when in stallin g the softwa re. If you want to receive a cop y of the bug report E-ma il to Barco, chec k this check box.
4. Pref erences Image 4-10 Logging and debugging preferences Logging level Click on the sl ider bar to set t he des ired log ging le vel. The foll owing lev els ar e possi ble: • Debug •I n f o • Error • W arning •F a t a l Mess age to log fi le The logging abo ut the behav ior of the prog ram can be logg ed in a fi le.
4. Prefe renc es The w orkspa ce sel ectio n dialo g box open s. T o chan ge to another work space, click on the drop down bo x and select the des ired works pace. (i m- age 4- 12) Or , click on ... to open an Open dialog box (a 2). Browse t o a workspac e or ente r a new w orkspace in the Fi le nam e fi eld.
4. Pref erences Image 4-12 Selecting a workspace 42 R5977018 3 PROJECTO R TOOLS ET 15/07/200 9.
5. Conf igurat or 5. CONFIGURA T OR • Introduc tion •C o n fi gurator w indow • Create a ne w con fi gura tion • A dd proj ector to a con fi guration • Reconnec t a projec tor • Mov e p.
5. Co nfigur ato r Or , press Ct rl + N . The New con fi gurati on dialog box ope ns (b). Fill out a name f or the ne w con fi gurati on next to Con fi guratio n name . The de fault name wi ll be Con fi gu- ratio n_’digit ’ (c). Note: Only th e chara cters a to z, A to Z , 1 to 9 and (, ), _, -, @ or a llowe d in a nam e.
5. Conf igurat or About adding a projector To m a k e i t m o r e e a s y t o fi nd back a project or while addi ng it to the softwar e, the different pro jectors are grouped i n catego ries.
5. Co nfigur ato r 5.4.2 General propertie s Overvi ew Click on the General tab to open th e general properties if not yet op en (a). Image 5-4 General projector properties Projector’s ide nti fi cation The defau lt displa y name is B arco follo wed by th e project or ty pe.
5. Conf igurat or 5.4.3. 1 Set up a serial connection Only possible when Pro j ector T oolset runs on a Microsoft Windows pla tform. Physi cal connection Before a s erial con nection c an be made , conn ect a ser ial cable fr om PC t o the RS232I N conne ctor of the projector .
5. Co nfigur ato r Image 5-5 Set up a serial connection Scan projector If the projec tor addr ess and the co mmunica tion por t are not kno wn, click on Device sc an to get an overview of the se rial connec ted project ors (a).
5. Conf igurat or Image 5-6 Detect serial connected projectors Fill out the add ress r ange (b) an d click Start detec tion (c). A Seri al scan resul t dialog b ox ope ns. Sele ct the desir ed projec tor (d) and cli ck Open (e). A connecti on is made with the s elected pr ojector .
5. Co nfigur ato r Host name This is the name that wi ll be re turned, along with th e IP addr ess in r esp onse to th e UDP broa d- cast qu ery fo r projector s/tou ch pane ls. DNS server Computer s, Pro jectors, T ouch p anels conn ected to a netw ork are refere nced by t heir IP a d- dress.
5. Conf igurat or Clic k in the inpu t fi el d and e nter the host n ame (d) . Click OK to mak e the conn ection. Image 5-8 Create connection vi a host name Making a connection via a host name is only p ossible when the host name is known by the network DNS se rver .
5. Co nfigur ato r Image 5-9 Create a connection via p rojector scan Vi a a projector scan multiple connection (batch) Select th e Conne ction prope rties tab (a).
5. Conf igurat or Image 5-10 Batch connection of proj ectors 5.4.4 Decorator setup What is a decorator Decorato r informat ion is ex tra data a bout the projec tor whic h can be di splayed in the co n fi gurat ion previe w next to th e projec tor pic tograph.
5. Co nfigur ato r Image 5-1 1 Decorator properti es Image 5-12 Decorator position and content A Dec orator no rth of g raph B Dec orator sout h of grap h C Decor ator wes t of grap h D De corator e ast of gr aph Decorator position The extra in forma tion can be pl ace in the no rth, s outh, east or west of the proje ctor pic tograph.
5. Conf igurat or Decorator content The followi ng informati on can be d isplayed i n the con fi gu ration pr eview: • Pr oject or name • Connecti on setting s • Lamp shut ter status •A c t i v e fi le s •D e v i c e t y p e 5.
5. Co nfigur ato r Or , by pressi ng Ctrl + Enter . The Proper ties dialo g box opens (b). Click on Connection (c). The Conne ction tab opens (d). Click on Connect projector (e). The pr ojector tries to ma ke a co nnect ion and to retriev e data (f) .
5. Conf igurat or 5.6 Move projector to a group What can b e done ? Projec tors ca n be groupe d in new grou ps ar e in exist ing group s. All pr ojector s in one gr oup can be s e- le cted th en and con trolled a s one proj ector . How to move to a new group Righ t click on the project or icon (a).
5. Co nfigur ato r 5.7 Edit projector properti es Vi a the menu Clic k on a proj ector t o sel ect (a). (im age 5-18) Click Con fi guration o n the men u and selec t S elect ed devi ce → Prope rties (b ). Or , press Ctrl + En ter . The Proper ties dialo g box opens (c).
5. Conf igurat or Image 5-19 Edit projector properties via right click 5.8 Con fi gurat ion prev iew Projector s tatus The border color arou nd the p ictograph i ndicate s the proje ctor status . Gree n : pr ojector i s online a nd ther e is commun ication w ith the p rojecto r .
5. Co nfigur ato r Or , right cl ick in the previ ew pane of the con fi gur ation previe w , but not on a pictogra ph (a2). ( image 5-20) The Con fi gur ation pro perties d ialog box opens (b 1, b2) . T o en ter an autho r , clic k in the inpu t fi eld next to Au thor and ente r the name (c ).
5. Conf igurat or Image 5-21 5.1 1 Preview layout p roperties • Backgr ound co lor • Bac kground im age • Rearra nge pictog raphs in pr eview pa ne 5.1 1.1 Background color How to set background color Right cli ck in the previe w pane bu t not on a p ictogr aph (a).
5. Co nfigur ato r Move the s liders u ntil the des ired colo r is reache d, or fi ll out the RGB val ues in the inp ut boxes. A preview i s given in the pr eview pane .
5. Conf igurat or Image 5-24 Select color v ia HSB Image 5-25 Select color v ia RGB 5.1 1.2 Background image How to set background image Right cli ck in the previe w pane bu t not on a p ictogr aph (a). (image 5- 26) A conte xt menu op ens. Select G raph pro perties .
5. Co nfigur ato r Fill out the compl ete path to the image (d 1) and continue to ste p 6 Note: Only jpg , gif a nd png fi le ar e allowed. Or , click on ... (d2) An Open dia log box o pens (d 3) Browse t o the desi red im age (d4) an d cli ck Open (d5).
5. Conf igurat or 5.1 1.3 Rearrange pictographs in preview pane How to rearrange Right cli ck in t he prev iew pan e but not o n a pic tograph . (im age 5-2 7) A conte xt menu op ens. Select Rea rrange gra phs . The pi ctographs are rear ranged in the pr eview pa ne.
5. Co nfigur ato r Image 5-28 Multi selection of projectors 66 R5977018 3 PROJECTO R TOOLS ET 15/07/200 9.
6. Configurato r, General proj ector settings 6. CONFIGURA T OR, G ENERAL PROJECT OR S ETTINGS •S t a r t u p • Control i nterface • Bas ic controls, Lam p ON/OFF • Bas ic control s, pause setti ng • Basic c ontro l, T ext ON/O FF • T es t patte rn sh ort cut s • Adv anced cont rol s • Maintena nce 6.
6. Configurato r, General pro jector set tings 6.2 Control interface Overvi ew Image 6-2 Control interf ac e The follo wing item s can be cons ulted and are r ead only val ues: • Projecto r name : name giv en to t he proje ctor during t he creation.
6. Configurato r, General proj ector settings Image 6-4 Lamp switching T oggling the lamp Press the Lamp b u t t o nt ot o g g l et h el a m po no ro f f . When togg ling the lamp fr om off to on, a Switching on wi ndow is dis play as long as the la mp is not fully on.
6. Configurato r, General pro jector set tings 6.5 B asic c ontrol, T ext O N/OFF What can be done? The on-scr een text boxes can be switched OFF so that an adjustme nt during the operat ion of the projector is not visib le on the s creen. T he adjustm ent indi cation rema ins v isible on t he loca l LCD displ ay .
6. Configurato r, General proj ector settings Image 6-8 T est pattern selection 6.7 Advanced controls • Source s witching • Min imum del ay 6.7.1 Source switching Switching from one source to anot.
6. Configurato r, General pro jector set tings Image 6-10 Sou rce swi tchi ng 6.7.2 Minimum delay Purpo se In normal m ode, the pr ocessin g (scaling and d e-interla cing ) in DLP proj ectors introd uces a f ew frames delay (fro m input to screen).
6. Configurato r, General proj ector settings Image 6-1 1 Minimum delay 6.8 Maintenan ce • Restore fa ctory de faults 6.8.1 Restor e factory defaults What can be done? All settings o f the projec tor are set to the o riginal fact ory setti ngs. All user settings a re erase d with this operatio n.
6. Configurato r, General pro jector set tings Image 6-12 74 R5977018 3 PROJECTO R TOOLS ET 15/07/200 9.
7. Configurat or, Projector a lignmen t settings 7. CONFIGURA T OR, PROJECTOR ALIGNMENT SETTINGS • Len s contr ol • Ali gnment pa ttern • Gamma ad justm ent • Horizontal k eystone c orrection • Bla nking adj ustment •S c e n e r g i X 7.1 Lens co ntrol •L e n s s h i f t • Lens zoom • Lens focus 7.
7. Configura tor, Projecto r alig nment sett ings Image 7-2 Lens zoom How to zoom Click on the u p or do wn arrow butto n in the zoo m pane. 7.1.3 Lens focus What can be done? When t h e lense s are motori zed, it is poss ible to focus th ese lenses vi a the P roje ctor T oolset .
7. Configurat or, Projector a lignmen t settings The selec ted pattern is d isplayed by the proj ector when th e lamp is on and the shutter i s open (not paused ). The fol lowin g patterns are av aila ble: -H a t c h - Check erboard - Col or bar s -M u l t i b u r s t - Outli ne -O v e r l a y T o cl ear the projec ted patt ern, cl ick Clear .
7. Configura tor, Projecto r alig nment sett ings Adjusting via the up down controls Click o n the up do wn con trol of th e spi n box of t he gam ma adj ustment u ntil the d esired va lue is r each ed. The value in the in put fi eld chang e accordi ngly .
7. Configurat or, Projector a lignmen t settings Double click on the Horizontal keystone correction slider bar to reset the keystone (value =0 ) . 7.5 Blanking adju stment What can b e done ? Blanking.
7. Configura tor, Projecto r alig nment sett ings Image 7-9 Blanking adjustment Use Rese t to se t all b lanking s ettings to zer o. 7.6 ScenergiX 7.6.
7. Configurat or, Projector a lignmen t settings Adjustable overlappi ng area 50% 100% 50% 100% image 2 image 1 image 2 image 1 Light output per im age Total composite light output Image 7-1 1 ScenergiX Basic Principle 7.
7. Configura tor, Projecto r alig nment sett ings Image 7-12 Enable - disable ScenergiX 7.6.4 Sc e nergiX over lap zone (horizontal ScenergiX) De fi nitions Image 7-13 ScenergiX set up Overl ap : num.
7. Configurat or, Projector a lignmen t settings Horizon tal Resoluti on source : num ber of active pixe ls of the source . Adjustment of Active pixels of the fi rst pr o jector Go t o Adju stmen t tab –> Input sett ings pa ne –> Adjus t m enu of fi rst projector .
7. Configura tor, Projecto r alig nment sett ings V ertical Reso lution so urce : number of a ctive li nes of the so urce Adjustment of Active lines (Lact) of the fi rst projector Go t o Adju stmen t tab –> Input sett ings pa ne –> Adjus t m enu of fi rst projector .
7. Configurat or, Projector a lignmen t settings Image 7-15 Width selection How to set a blending zo ne Click on th e up down contr ol of the spin bo x of the selected b lendi ng zone and adj ust unti.
7. Configura tor, Projecto r alig nment sett ings Image 7-16 ScenergiX size adjustment Use Reset to set all overlap zones b ack to zero (0). 7.6.7 Adjusting the black leve l of the images Why black level adj u stment For da rk images , th e ove rlap zo ne will b e brigh ter the n the res t of th e images .
7. Configurat or, Projector a lignmen t settings Image 7-17 DLP Leakage area set up How to adjust the blac k level Click on t he slider an move this slider to the desired position . ( imag e 7-18) Or , clic k on the up down contr ol of the spin bo x of the select ed color until the desired value is re ached .
7. Configura tor, Projecto r alig nment sett ings A C B Imag e 1 Imag e 2 Image 7-19 ScenergiX, black level adjustment When Lin ked is che cked, R , G and B are adjusted a t the same t ime.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs 8. CONFIGURA T OR, PROJECTOR ADJUSTMENT S ETTINGS • Wind ow and sour ce sele ctio n •C o n fi g uring an in put slot • Input fi les • Image settin gs • Lay out set tings 8.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings Click on t he combo b ox next to I nput mod e and s elect the c orrect setting. Click Close to return.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs Input module Indication Description Compone nt video_ SOY (S OY or 3LSO Y) compone nt video with comp osite sync on Y or compo site tri-le vel sync on Y . Vid e o Compo site video S-V ideo Comp onent video DVI 8.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings When a standa rd fi le is se lecte d or a not ex actly mat ching c usto m fi le, Project or T o olset w ill ask to create a new custo m fi le by copyin g t he set t in gs of the sel ected fi le into the custom fi le.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs Image 8-5 Load fi ttin g fi le 8.3.3 Load a fi le from all fi les What is possible? A fi le ca n be loade d from t he com plete lis t o fa l l fi les . How to load Select fi r st a window. Click on Adjust (a) .
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings Image 8-6 Load fi le from all fi les 8.3.4 Edit Input settings Adjustable items • T otal hori zontal pi xels : t otal hor izont al pi xels in the sour ce. If the valu e is wrong, s ampli ng mistak es (smal l vertical bars in the projec ted image) will be see n in the i mage.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs Image 8-7 Adjust timings source fi le Once a value or a sett i ng is changed the fi le name next to Active input fi le ge ts an as- terisk to indicate that the fi le is not saved yet. When cl osing th e Input dialog box, Projector T oolset asks to save t he changes.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings Click on Fil e and select Save . The setti ngs are s aved in the sam e fi le on the p rojecto r . Image 8-8 Save cus tom sou rce fi le When cl osing th e Input dialog box, Proje ctor T oolset asks to sa ve the changes.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs Image 8-9 Rename source fi le via icon How to rename, way 2 Click on Adjust (a). (image 8- 10) The Input di alog box ope ns (b). Click on File and selec t Renam e (c). The Rename i nput dialo g box open s (d).
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings Image 8-10 Rename via input settings 8.3.7 Deleting an input fi le What is possible? Any c ustom inpu t fi le ca n be delet e. I t is not pos sible to d elete stand ard fi les. Not possible to dele te the active fi le (current loaded fi le).
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs Image 8-1 1 Delete custom fi le via ic on How to d elet e, w ay 2 Click on Adjust . (i mage 8 -12) The Inpu t dialog box o pens. Click on File and sele ct Delete . The Delet e input d ialog box opens .
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings Image 8-12 Delete cust o m fi le via input settings 8.3.8 Aspect ratio for selec ted input What can be done? The asp ect rati o setting forces the inp ut sourc e in the s elected f ormat.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs 4/3 5/4 16/ 9 Video Signal Pal/Secam Video Sig nal NTSC Video Signal 16/9 4/3 RGB Signal Image 8-13 Some exam ples for aspect r atio How to select Select the m ain inp ut to set the as pect ratio. Click on Adjust (a).
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings Image 8-14 Select aspect ratio 8.3.9 Input balance Introduction to Input Balance Introduction: U nbalanced color signals When trans portin g signals , the re is always a ris k of deterio ration of the i nformati on conta ined in the sig nals.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs Bla ck le vel Δ G ΔΒ Δ R R G B Image 8-16 One can conclude here that a good color tracking can only be met by using three previ- ously (input) bal.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings Adjusting the input balance How can it be done ? T o bal ance th e three color signals of a partic ular sou rce there ar e conditi ons; in fa ct we mus t know the black and th e white lev el of the so urce i.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs Adjust the re d and blue by moving the s lider up or down or by click ing on the up down con trol until the re i s n o r e do rb l u en o i s e v i s i b l ei nt h eb l a c ka r e a s . Image 8-20 Input balance adjustment White b ala nce ad jus tmen t P u tg a i nr e da n dg a i nb l u eo n- 3 2 .
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings • Shar pness • Noise r educt ion When a setti ng is not adj ustable, this sett ing is gra yed out. Image settings are done for the main window only . Access to the I mage properties Select a w indow ( input ).
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs 8.5.1 Re-size a layout window Re-sizing will respect the chosen aspect ratio of the input ! Re-sizing in any direction is only possible when the aspect ra tio is unlocked. Only th e main win dow can be r esize d.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings 8.5.2 Move a layout window Move via dra g and drop Select th e main w indow . (image 8- 24) The win dow bor der becom es white. The cursor be come s a 4 arrow cur sor . Click somew here inside the wi ndow and hold down th e button to grab the wi ndow .
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs Select As pect r atio l ocking an d move th e cursor to the r ight. The po ssible ch oices ar e displ ayed. Possibl e choices are: -3 / 2 -4 / 3 -1 4 / 9 -1 6 / 9 -2 1 / 9 - cus tom: cur rent as pect ratio i s fi xed, wha t ever it i s.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings Image 8-27 Custom aspect ratio 8.5.4 Set input window to full size Aspect ratio will be unlocked. Vi a the context menu Right cli ck on the w indow . ( image 8- 28) A context menu appear s. Select Full size .
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs Image 8-29 Set window to full size 8.5.5 Edit window texture Window texture Backgr ound of window rep resent ation in La yout p review . The texture c an be a color or a pic- ture. •S t a r t u p • Color fi ll •P i c t u r e 8.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings Image 8-30 Edit window texture 8.5.5. 2 Color fi ll Color fi ll or not T o apply a Col or fi ll to a window , the win do w mus t be s elected fi rst. To fi ll the rectang ular with a co lor , chec k the check box i n front off Fill wit h co lor .
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs Note: When P icture fi ll is disp laye d, c lick fi rst on Color fi ll tab. Select a color Click on Colo r bu tton. The col or value windo w will be displ ayed (ima ge 8-3 2. 3 ways ar e now poss ible to s elect a c olor , rep resente d by a tab i n the Color val ue win dow .
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings Image 8-33 Color value via HSB Image 8-34 Color value via RGB 8.5.5. 3 Picture T o apply a picture to a window , a window must be selected fi rst. Insert a picture Click on tab Pict ure (a). The pi ctur e select ion di alog bo x open s.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settin gs Check the des ired option (g ). Scale the pictur e is sca led so that the comp lete rect angula r is fi lled . Repeat the pictu re is repeat ed as many tim es as nec essary to co mplet ely fi ll th e recta ngular.
8. Configurator , Projector adju stment settings The picture fi lli ng is removed fr om the window . 116 R5977 0183 PRO JECTOR TOO LSET 15/07 /2009.
9. Config urator, Install ation settin g s 9. CONFIGURA T OR, INST ALLA TION SETTIN GS • Im age orient atio n • Lam p setting s 9.1 Image orientation The different con fi gurations Depending on th e install ation, the p rojector can be m ounted in d ifferent ways.
9. Configurat or, Instal lation setti ngs Lamp on Image p rojecti on possi ble Lamp off Image pro jection no t possibl e Image 9-2 Lamp settings Lamp power mode Click on the drop do wn box and sele ct the des ired power m ode. Power m ode Normal Maximum a llowe d power is f ed to the la mp.
10. Configurator, Communic ation sett ings 10. CONFIGURA TOR, COMMUNI CA TION SETTIN GS • Network s ettin gs • Serial network ad dress 10.1 Netwo rk settings • Etherne t Connecti on • Assign an E thernet add ress v ia DHCP • Manua lly assig n an Ethern et addres s 10.
10. Configurat or, Communication setti ngs • use the DHC P sett ing so tha t a autom atic add ress will be assigne d. • Assign manually an IP addr ess, Su bnet-mas k, de fault gat eway addr ess. - Set the IP-Addr ess fi eld to the d esired v alue.
10. Configurator, Communic ation sett ings Click Apply to activate (c). Image 10-2 Network settings, manually The PC’ s IP Address MUST be within t he same subnet as the pr oj ec tor ’s IP Address in order for communication to be possible. This requires checking the PC’ s and projector ’ s Subnet-Mask se ttings.
10. Configurat or, Communication setti ngs Fourth examp le • PC IP Ad dress : 192. 168.200 .1 • PC Subne t Mask : 2 55.255. 0.0 • Project or IP Ad dress : 1 92.168.100 .3 • Projecto r Subn et Mas k: Remark : Commu nicatio n poss ible.
11. Upda ter 11 . U P D AT E R • Introduc tion •V e r s i o n i n f o 1 1. 1 Intr oducti on Overvi ew Only the s oftware of t he networ k modul e of the proj ector can be up date. T he proje ctor fi rmware itself canno t be updated v ia Proj ector T oolset.
11. Upd ater Image 1 1- 2 T o save t he version inf o Click on the Save butt on. (i mage 1 1 -3) A browse w indow o pens and a propos ed name is fi lled out . If you are not ag ree wit h the prop osed loca tion, browse t o the desi red loca tion. If yo u want to c hange the na me, en ter a ne w name fo r the versi on info.
12. Diagn ostics 12. DIAGNOSTICS • Introduc tion • Projec tor diag nosti cs 12.1 Introductio n Overvi ew Diag nostics giv es the possi bility to get an over view of th e worki ng of the proj ector . Run tim e, lamp s tatus, I² C diagn ostics and F ormatt er status di agnos tics.
12. Diagno stics 12.2 Pro jector diagno stics Overvi ew Image 12-3 Projector diagnostics Run time T ime th e projecto r is used since its fi rst start up. Lamp status A progress b ar indicati on the time the lamp i s used in compar ison to the max imum life ti me of the lamp.
Revision Sheet To : Barco nv M edia & Entertainment Division/Documentation Noor dl aan 5, B- 8520 Kuu rne Phone: +32 56.36. 89.70, Fax : + 32 56.36.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Barco R59770183/00 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Barco R59770183/00 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Barco R59770183/00 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Barco R59770183/00 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Barco R59770183/00 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Barco R59770183/00 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Barco R59770183/00 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Barco R59770183/00. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Barco R59770183/00 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.