Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung R520 des Produzenten Sony
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4-460-662 - 12 (1) LCD TV Operating I nstruction s Intr oduc ing You r New BRAVIA ® Getting Sta rted Operati ng the TV Using Fea tures Using the Menus Other In formation Sony Customer Supp ort U.S.A.: http://www. pport Canada: http://www.
2 CAUTION To pre vent electr ic shock and blade e xposure, do not use this p olarized AC plug with an extensi on cord, r eceptac le or other o utlet un less the blad es can b e fully inse rted. ❑ Operat e the TV on ly on 110 -240 V AC (USA/Canada 120 V AC) .
3 Contents Introduc ing Your New BRAVI A ® Welcom e to the W orld of BR AVIA ® . . . . . . . . 4 Experien cing Stun ning HD w ith Your BRAVIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Four Steps t o a Stun ning HD Experienc e . . .
4 Introducing Your New BRAVIA ® Welcome t o th e World of BRAVI A ® Thank y ou for ch oosing this Sony BRAVI A ® high-d efinition tel evision. Use the docum entation l isted below t o get the mos t out of yo ur TV.
5 Introducing Your Ne w BRAVIA ® The Four S teps to a Stunni ng HD Experience Set, Source, Sound, and Setup Along wit h your BRAVIA TV set , a com plete HD system re quires a source of HD programmi ng, an HD sound sys tem, and a p roper conn ection setup .
6 ➢ Input Selection : Allo ws you to e asily swi tch between the connected equipm ent (page 31). ➢ Sc ene Sele ct : Allows yo u to easil y adjust y our TV to the m ost sui table picture and so und settings based on the scen es for the be st quali ty result for the contents genre yo u are watchi ng.
7 Getting Started Getting S tarted Sett ing Up Your TV Some TV mo dels are packaged w ith a detache d Table-Top S tand so y ou can mou nt your TV to a wall r ight away. If yo u are not mounting the TV to a wall , you will ne ed to attach the Table-Top Stand.
8 Attach ing the Table- Top Sta nd Refer to the suppli ed Table-T op Stand ins tructio n leaflet f or proper atta chment. • Be caref ul to not pi nch your h ands o r the AC powe r cord whe n you ins tall the TV set to the Table- Top Stand. 1 Place the TV set on th e Table-To p Stand.
9 Getting Started Locati ng Inputs an d Outputs Item Description 1 VIDEO IN/ COMPONENT IN/R-AUDIO-L (MONO) This in put port can be us ed as a co mposite video inp ut (VIDEO ) or as a compon ent video input (CO MPONENT). F or compos ite use, connect th e yellow j ack to Y f or video a nd use aud io L (mono ) and R for a udio signal.
10 • An HDMI o r Compon ent video (YP B P R ) conne ction is required to v iew 48 0i, 480p, 7 20p, 1080i and 1 080p v ideo f orma ts. 10 80/2 4p is av ailab le onl y wit h HDMI/ MHL co nnect ion. • Be sure to use only an autho rized HDM I cable be aring t he HDMI logo .
11 Getting Started Connect ing the TV Cable Syst em or VH F/UHF Antenna System You can enjoy high-defini tion and sta ndard-defin ition digi tal programm ing (if availabl e in your area) along wit h standa rd-definitio n analog p rogramming .
12 HD Cable Box/HD Sa tellite Box You ca n enjoy h igh-defini tion prog rammin g by subscr ibing to a high-defi nition ca ble serv ice or a high-d efinitio n satellite se rvice. Fo r the best poss ible pictu re, make sur e you connect this equ ipment to your TV via th e HDMI or c omponent vi deo (with audio) in put located on the bac k of your TV.
13 Getting Started MHL Devi ce The MHL (M obile Hig h-Definiti on Link) en ables t he TV to comm unicate wi th connecte d MHL-compat ible dev ice. When c onnecting MH L-comp atible devi ce, TV sim ultaneously charges the connected devic e while playing ph oto/music/v ideo from it.
14 Connect ing Ot her Equi pment • Refer to the Quic k Setup Guide (s upplied) whe n conn ecting oth er equi pment to y our TV. Blu-ray Disc Player/“PS3” DVD player Digital satellite receiver An.
15 Getting Started When Ins talli ng the T V Agains t a Wall or Encl osed Area Make sure th at your TV h as adequate v entilatio n. Allow enough space arou nd the TV as shown be low. Avoi d operating the TV at t emperatur es below 41 °F (5 °C). • Inadequate venti lation can lead to overhe ating of the TV and may cause TV damage or cause a fire.
16 Secu ring th e TV Sony str ongly recom mends taki ng measures to prevent th e TV from to ppling over. Un secured T Vs may topp le and resu lt in prop erty damag e, serious bodily injury or even deat h. Preventing the TV from Toppling ❑ Secure the TV to a wall and/or stand.
17 Getting Started 2 Secure the TV to the stand. Use the op tional har dware listed below (not s upplied): • Machine screw (screwed in to the scre w hole of the TV). • A screw or si milar (atta ch it to th e TV st and). • Rope or chain (s trong enou gh to s upport the we ight of the TV).
18 3 Anchor th e TV to the wal l. Anchor the TV to the wall by usi ng bolts, wal l anchor and chain (or r ope). • Contact Sony Custo mer Support to obtain t he opti onal Suppo rt Belt Kit by providin g your TV model name. For United States call: 1-800-488-7669 or visit: www.
19 Getting Started Running Initia l Setup Duri ng in itial setup, you will perf orm th e foll owing: • Set the langua ge for th e On Screen D isplay (O SD) text • C hoos e your viewin g coun try �.
20 • If you cancel the Auto Program , any cha nnels you have selected are not register ed. To res can for available channels , run Auto Program . • Connect either yo ur cabl e or antenn a to the TV (you c an connect b oth using an A-B RF sw itch (not s upplied)); for more d etails se e page 11.
21 Operating the T V Operating the TV Using the R emote Control To Insert Batteries into the Remote Control Insert two siz e AAA batteries (su pplied) by matching e and E on the bat teries t o the diagram inside th e battery comp artment of t he remote control.
22 Remote Con trol Button Descriptio n • The 5 , N and CH + buttons have a tactile do t. Use th em as a reference w hen ope rating t he TV. Button Description 1 INPUT Press to display the co nnected eq uipme nt list an d select th e inpu t source. P ress repea tedly t o toggle thro ugh the inputs.
23 Operating the T V • The scene se lect fu nction is not comp liant with USB/DLN A-Photo, -M usic, -Vid eo, IPTV , app licat ions and I ntern et Br owse r.
24 Button Description qh 3D (except KDL-70/ 60R520A) Press to d isplay t he 3D me nu (pag e 34). qj SYNC MENU Pre ss to disp lay th e BRAVIA Sync Menu and then sel ect connec ted HD MI/MHL equipment from Devi ce Sel ect io n . qk SEN Enables s elect ion of con tent fro m the onli ne service “S EN” (Sony Entertai nment Netwo rk).
25 Operating the T V TV Cont rols a nd Indic ators • For more inform ation abo ut setting up the external i nputs lab els, see pag e 63. • The 2 + button has a t actile dot. Use it as a re ference when operat ing the TV. • Make sure th at the TV i s comple tely switc hed off befo re unpluggi ng the power cord.
26 Using Features BRAVIA Sync Control With the BRAVIA Sync Control function , BRAVIA Sync helps to com municate with BRAVIA Sync -com patible equ ipment connecte d with an HDMI/MHL ca ble. Use the foll owing setti ngs and tips to help unif y contro l of your connected equipm ent.
27 Using Features Using P IP Fea ture PIP (pict ure in pic ture) disp lays a p icture from a conne cted PC in full scr een, and a TV progr am or other external in put (see below “T o Enter PIP” table) in an inse t wind ow. ( Closed Captions (CC) is not availabl e with PIP mode.
28 Usin g PAP Feat ure PAP (picture and pictu re) display s two pict ures (lef t an d rig ht) on the scre en simul taneously (e.g . external input and TV progr am). For det ails on e xternal equipm ent, se e page 14. To Enter PAP 1 Press OPTIONS and then sel ect P&P .
29 Using Features • Favorite channel s and external inpu ts can also be ad ded us ing the OPTIONS button on the r emote con trol. • Your Fa vorites lis t will be clea red each time yo u run th e Auto Program . Wide Mode The Wide Mode fea ture allows you t o select the screen d isplay of y our prefe rence.
30 Normal is avail able with 4 80i or 480p source s only. Wide Mo de with HDMI/ MHL Input (PC Timi ng) Wide Mode is al so availab le for the PC settings.
31 Using Features Inputs Pre ss INP UT to display the Input menu and togg le through the external in puts to sele ct you r vide o sign al for view ing includi ng the TV mode. The inputs li st consists of TV mode and other equi pment connected to the TV.
32 x Notes when playing back files • While the TV is acc essing the data on the USB device, obser ve the fo llowing: – Do not turn off t he TV or connect U SB device. – Do not discon nect the U SB cable. – Do not remo ve the USB d evice. The da ta on the USB device may be damaged.
33 Using Features USB Video format USB Music format USB Photo format DCF2.0 or E XIF2.21 supported. • Playbac k of the above f ile form ats is not guarant eed.
34 Viewing 3D Vi deo (except KDL-70 / 60R520A) You ca n experience powerful 3D ( three- dimen sional) en tertainment, such as stere oscopic 3D video ga mes and 3D Blu-ray disc s with this TV and a 3D- enabled device. Use an HDMI cable or a USB ca ble to conne ct your TV to t he 3D- enabled devi ce.
35 Using Features • Simulated 3D e ffect may be less pronounced with some pic ture sourc es. • Perceived sim ulated 3D effect m ay vary fr om person to person. • Simulated 3D display automati cally switch back to 2D d isplay mode an hour after i ts activatio n.
36 x Simulated 3D Effect Height ens/lessen s the 3D effect when you displa y 2D pict ures in simula ted 3D. 3D Se ttings You can ma ke the fol lowing settin gs from the 3D Settings me nu. Press HOME , th en select Set tings > Pic ture > 3D Settings .
37 Using Features 3D Supported Video Format • See page 33 for the supported USB video format. Input 3D Format Signal Resol ution Vertical Frequenc y (Hz) HDMI Frame Packing 1920 × 1080p 24, 30 1920.
38 Home Ne twor k Connecting to a Home Network You can enjoy vari ous content ( e.g. photo/ music/ video fil es) stored on DLNA Certifi ed™ media s ervers.
39 Using Features Using Screen mirroring “Screen mi rroring” is a funct ion to dis play the scre en of a mob ile device on the TV by Mirac ast technol ogy. The TV ca n be connecte d directly with a Screen mirror ing compatib le device (e.g. smartp hone, PC).
40 Photo Fra me You can enj oy looking at a photo, li stening to mu sic, or the clock and calendar , at the same ti me. You ca n enter pho to frame mod e using any of t he followi ng methods: You ca n switch the frame, e.g . image a nd clock, full screen image or full scree n clo ck.
41 Using Features • Full Screen Image • Full Screen Clock x To select clock disp lay mode There ar e five calen dar disp lay modes . When the Disp lay Mode se tting is s et to Image and Clock , you can s et to Calendar , Analog Clock or Digital Clock .
42 Settin g up the I nternet Connecti on Using the network feat ure you can connect the TV to t he Internet. Th e set-up procedure differs depend ing on the type of networ k and LAN ro uter. Before s etting up the Internet conne ction, be s ure to set up a LAN router.
43 Using Features Type 2: Secured network without Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ (WPS ) To set up a wireless L AN, SSID ( wireless network n ame) and secu rity key (W EP or WPA key) will be required. If y ou do not know them , consul t the instr uction manual of your rou ter.
44 1 Press HOME , the n select Settings > Setup > Network > Network Setup . 2 IP Address se tting/P roxy serv er: – autom atic setting: Set up network connec tion > Auto – manua l sett ing: Set up network connec tion > Custom > Wired Setu p 3 Follow the instruct ions on th e set-up screen .
45 Using Features Adjustin g the Server Display Setting s You can sel ect home n etwork serve rs to be displayed on the Hom e Menu. Up to 10 servers can be dis played in the Home Menu autom atically . 1 Pre ss HOME , then select Settings > Setup > Ne twork > Home Network Setup .
46 Enjoyi ng Sony Entertai nment Network Sony E ntertainment Network serves as a gateway to Internet cont ent, deliver ing a variety of on-dema nd entertainme nt straig ht to your TV. By maki ng a broadba nd Internet connection , you can enjo y video con tent, inclu ding movi es and cart oons.
47 Using Features Enjoyi ng App licatio ns With the application s, you ca n display a variety of informat ion on the s creen. Applica tions pro vide easy access to interacti ve content whe n your TV is connected to the Internet. • Be sure to conn ect yo ur TV to the Internet, and complete Network Se tup .
48 Using the Menus Naviga ting t hrough TV Menus The HOME button allows you to a ccess a v ariety of TV settings and USB media files. 1 Press on the re mote control to d isplay th e menu optio ns. 2 Press V / v / B / b to navig ate on the menu o r adjust th e sett ings.
49 Using the Me nus The Photo , Music , and Video icons organize yo ur phot o, music, and vide o file s fro m DLNA C erti fied™ netw orked equi pment or Son y USB conne cted equipm ent. Be su re to se lect the co rrect icon when access ing files. Re fer to the feature secti on for mor e informat ion on these ic ons.
50 Using the Picture Settings • You can c hange t he IPTV picture se tting, only when wa tching Internet vi deo. Option Description Picture Mode Custom ized pict ure v iewi ng Display s the opti ons sel ected in th e Sc ene Select s ettings. Vivid Select for e nhance d picture c ontrast and sharp ness.
51 Using the Me nus •A v a i l a b l e Picture op tions, inc ludin g options in Advan ced Settin gs dep end on Scene Select and Picture Mode . Advan ced Settings Reset Re sets the advanc ed settin gs to the default value s.
52 Using the S ound Set tings Option Description Sound Mo de Custom ized sound listenin g Sets a sound mode. Sound Mode include s options best sui ted for video and photographs , respecti vely. Standard Optim izes so und qua lity for ge neral content .
53 Using the Me nus • MTS Audio is only available for analo g program s. • Alternate Audi o is o nly avai lable if th e progra m is broa dcast with a lternat e audio s treams. • You can al so acces s Sound Mod e , MTS Audi o , Alternate Audio and Speaker s by using t he OPT IONS butt on on the re mote con trol.
54 Using the Screen Settings Option Descri ption Wide Mode Wi de Zoom Fills the sc reen with minimu m distorti on. Normal Sele ct to disp lay 4: 3 picture i n origi nal size when th e origin al source is 4:3. Full Sele ct to e nlarge the picture horizontally to fill th e screen when the original s ource is 4 :3 (Standard definition sourc e).
55 Using the Me nus • Nor mal in the Wide M ode setting i s not ava ilable w hen you are watchin g a 720p, 1080i or 1080 p source . • If 4:3 Default i s set to a nything b ut Off , the Wide Mode set ting ch anges only for th e current channel.
56 Using the Channel Settings • You shou ld run Auto Program after c hanging th e Sign al Ty pe setting. • Runnin g Auto Program wil l clear the Favorites li st. • Channel s that yo u set to be hidde n can be ac cess ed by the 0-9 and buttons. • You can s et chan nels to b e hidden th at are a utomatic ally set in Au to P rog ram .
57 Using the Me nus Usin g the Pa rental Lock Se ttin gs Option Descri ption Password The Pa rental Loc k settings al low yo u to set up the TV to b lock programs according to thei r content a nd rating l evels. U se 0-9 on the remot e control t o enter a fou r-digit password.
58 • You need y our pass word for an y future a ccess into the Pa rental Lock settings . If you lose your password, s ee “Lost p a ssword” on page 74 .
59 Using the Me nus Canadian Models: Selecting Custom Parental Lock Rating Options To select cus tom rating options for Can ada, select Canada in the Cou ntry setting ( page 57). Viewing Blocked Programs You can vie w blocked p rograms by entering your passwo rd.
60 Using the Setu p Settings Option Description Network Ne twork Setup Sets the network sta tus setti ngs. IPv6/IPv4 Priority Switch bet ween IPv 6 and IPv4 . • To use the network with IPv6, select IPv6 , then s elect Auto in Set up network connecti on .
61 Using the Me nus Photo Frame Settings Display Mode Allows you to select th e display mode. Se lect from Imag e and Clock , Full Sc reen Image and Full Screen Clock . S ee page 40. Clock Display Allows you to se lect the c lock display. Select from Calendar , Analog Clock , Digital Clock , Ca lendar and Cloc k or Clock .
62 • You can tu rn on Closed Captions (CC) options ( On , Off or On when Muting ) by pressing the CC button on the remote control. Closed Captions (CC) Allows y ou to sele ct from se veral closed ca ption mod es (for prog rams that are broadc ast with cl osed capt i oning ).
63 Using the Me nus • Favorite chan nel list will be cleared each tim e you run the Initial Se tup . • You can assi gn follow ing labe ls for e ach input (except TV ): –, Cable, Satellite, VCR, DVD/BD, Hom e Theater, Game, Camcorder, Digital Camera, PC, Edit •“ – ” in dicates th at no labe ls are assigned .
64 Option Description BRAVIA Sync Settings Comm unicates with equipm ent comp atible with the BRAVIA Sync Control function . BRAVIA Sync Control Links the oper ations of the TV and the equ ipment.
65 Using the Me nus Software Update Updates th e TV sy stem using USB memory or through Network. S elect USB or Network to update. Automatic Software Download Select On to download th e software a utomatic ally. Sel ect Off to dis able it . Product Support Contact Sony Sony contact in formation is avail able o n this sc reen for yo ur conveni ence.
66 Using the E co Setti n gs Option Description Reset Re sets the current Eco s ettings to the defaul t values . Power Saving Select fr om Off , Low , High , Pi cture Off to a djust your TV’s power co nsumptio n. By sele cting the Hi gh option, you will red uce the po wer consum ption more tha n the othe r availabl e setting s .
67 Other Information Other Information PC Input Signal Reference Chart for HDMI/MHL IN After con necting the P C to the TV, set the ou tput sign al from the P C according to the chart belo w. * The 1080p tim ing when applie d to the HD MI/MHL input wi ll be treate d as a video tim ing and no t PC timing.
68 Using a Wal l-Mount Bracket Your TV can be mou nted on a wal l using a W all-Mount B racket (not s upplied) out of the box a s packaged. If the Table- Top Stand i s attached t o the TV, the T V may requi re detaching the Table-Top Stand. Prepare the TV for th e Wall-M ount Brack et before ma king cable connection s.
69 Other Information Trou bleshoo ting Many of t he poor p ictures a nd poor so und condi tions are related to improper c onnection of the cab les; refer to t he Quick Setu p Guide provided fo r connection s.
70 TV is l ocked to o ne channel •P e r f o r m Auto Program to add recei vable cha nnels tha t are no t present in the TV’s memory (see page s 19 and 56). Canno t receive or select channel s •P e r f o r m Auto Program to add recei vable cha nnels tha t are no t present in the TV’s memory (see page s 19 and 56).
71 Other Information No so und / No isy sou nd No sound but good picture • Check the volume control. •P r e s s MUTING or VOL + so that “M uting” disappe ars from the screen (see page 23). •S e t Speakers to TV Speak ers in the Sound settin gs (see page 52).
72 Screen mirro ring What kind of dev ices c an be conn ected to use the Screen m irroring function ? • Sony Screen mirroring compatibl e device s (Xperia) can be conne cted .
73 Other Information Suddenly the pictu re gets small er • The picture gets sma ller during the commercials d ue to th e method in which the pr ovider broadc asts their c ontent. When HD content c hannels s witch to SD conten t (commercial s), the pictu re may be small wit h a black border.
74 Some di gital cabl e channel s are not being dis played • Certain c able comp anies have lim itations on the broadcast of digital cable c hannels. Check with your cable company fo r more infor mati on. • The digital cable channel may be set to Hidd en in the Show/ Hide Channe ls set ting (s ee pa ge 56 ).
75 Other Information Certain Int ernet vide o content di splays a l oss of detail, e speciall y during fast-mot ion or dark scenes • Video quali ty and p icture siz e depend on broadband s peed and delivery by conte nt provide rs.
76 The TV surround s become warm. • When the T V is used for an exte nded perio d, the TV s urrounds become warm. Yo u may feel h ot when touching t here by the hand.
77 Other Information Important No tices For C ust omers i n Can ada CAN ICES-3 B/NMB-3 B Pour les cl ients résidan t au Canada CAN ICES-3 B/NMB-3 B FCC Related Informa tion This equi pment h as been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digita l device, pursuan t to Part 15 o f the FCC Rules.
78 Specifica tio ns System Televisio n system NTSC: A merican TV standard ATSC (8VS B terrestria l): ATSC complian t 8VSB QAM on cable: A NSI/SCTE 07 2000 (Does not include CableCARD funct ionality) C.
79 Other Information Model name KDL- 70R550A 70R520A 60R550A 60R520A Pow er an d others Powe r requireme nt 110-240 V A C, 50/60 Hz ( U.S.A./C anada 120 V AC, 60 Hz) Powe r consump tion 240 W 182 W in use in stand by Less than 0.2 W wi th 120 V A C and wit h 240 V AC less than 0.
80 • Optional accesso ries ava ilabil ity depend s on its stock. • Design and specifications are subje ct to chan ge witho ut notice. * Dimens ions and mass ar e approximate va lues. Model name KDL- 50R550A Power an d othe rs Power requirem ent 110-240 V A C, 50/60 Hz (U.
81 Other Information Index " / 1 butto n 25 " / 1 LED 25 0-9 buttons 23 3D button 24 3D Settings 51 4:3 Default 54 A Add Digital Channels 56 Advanced Settings 51 Alternate Audio 52 Analog Fi.
82 V Vertical Center 54 Video 31 VIDEO IN 9 Viewing Blocked P rograms 59 VOL ( 2 ) +/– button 23 , 25 Volume Offse t 52 W WID E bu tt on 22 Wide Mode 54 Y YouTube Leanback 46.
© 2013 Sony Corporation Printed in M exico 4-460-662- 12 (1) For Your Convenience Online Registration: Be sure to re gister yo ur TV. United States Can ada http:// productreg istration.s http://www registratio n Softwar e Updates: Your TV is c apable of receivin g softwa re updates .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony R520 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony R520 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony R520 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony R520 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony R520 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony R520 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony R520 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony R520. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony R520 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.