Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung LMD-941W des Produzenten Sony
Zur Seite of 36
LCD Monitor Operatin g Instruction s Before opera ting th e unit, pl ease read this man ual thorou ghly and retain it for future reference . LMD-941 W 4-447-920- 11 (1) © 2012 Sony Corporation.
2 Owner’ s Recor d The model and seri al numbers are l ocated at the rear . Record these numbers i n the spaces pro vided belo w . Refer to these number s whene ver y ou call up on your Sony d ealer re garding t his prod uct. Model No .___________ _________ Serial No.
3 CA UTION The a ppa ratu s sh all no t be expose d to dr ip ping or splashing. No objects fi lled with liquids, such as v ases, shall be plac ed on the apparatu s. CA UTION The unit is not disc onnected f rom the A C power source (mains) as long a s it is connected to the wal l outlet, e ven if the unit i tself has bee n turned o ff.
Table o f Conten ts 4 Table o f Contents Precaution ....... ........................... .................. .......... 5 On Safety ....................... ........................... .......... 5 On Installat ion ............... .................. ....
Precaut ion 5 Precauti on On Safety • Op erate th e un it only with a pow er sour ce as sp ecifie d in the “Specifi cations” section. • A nameplate indicating operating v oltage, etc.
Precaut ion 6 On Cleanin g Befo re clea ning Be sure to disconnect the AC power cord from the AC outlet . On cleani ng the mo nito r scree n The monitor screen surface is especially tr eated to reduce r eflection of lig ht.
Featur es 7 Featur es The LMD-941W ( 9 type) is eq uipped with a F ull HD (1920 × 1080 ) LCD pan el providi ng preci se image and high performance in multiple formats, su itable for broadcast or business use. It supports both digital or analog main broad cast signal and HDMI 1) input.
Features 8 Illum inat ed cont rol pa nel The characters that represent the names of the button s on the con trol pane l can be illumi nated , so it is visibl e in the dark. The brightness of the LED has t wo levels, an d varies according t o the ambient light.
Locatio n and Function of Parts and Contr ols 9 Locatio n and Function of Parts and Controls Front Panel a Tally lamp You can che ck the status of t he monitor by the color of the tall y lam p. The tall y lamp light s in red, gr een or amber acc ording to the setting of PA RALLE L REMO TE in the REMO TE menu.
Locatio n and Function of Parts and Contr ols 10 F5 bu tton : H/V DELAY F6 bu tton : VOLUME F7 bu tton : I/P MODE You can assign v arious functions i n FUNCTION BUTTON SETT ING of the USER CONFIG menu. Press the button BRIGHT NESS, CONTRAS T, CHROMA, VOL UME, PHASE, or APERTU RE function assi gned to displ ay the adj ustment screen.
Locatio n and Function of Parts and Contr ols 11 Input Signals and Adjustable /Setting Items a : Adju st ab le/c an be set × : Not a dju sta ble /c anno t be set *1 Adjustm ent of S UB CON TROL is the sam e. *2 Only the in terlace sign al is input. *3 Adj ustable when RGB format of HDMI si gnals are input.
Locatio n and Function of Parts and Contr ols 12 Rear/Bottom Panel a SDI ( 3G/HD/SD) i nput and ou tput co nnector s (BNC) 1 (input) connector, 2 (input) connector Input c onnector for serial digit al component si gnals. SDI 1 and S DI 2 inputs are a vailable .
Installing th e Handle 13 CAUTION • For safety, do not connect the connect or for peri pheral device wiri ng that might have excessi ve voltage to this port .
Installing the Ar m Mount B racket / Installing to the Rack (Us ing MB-531) 14 Installing the Arm Mount Bracket You can inst all the suppl ied arm mou nt bracket, u sing the suppli ed four scr ews. Inst allin g to the Ra ck (Using MB-531 ) You can atta ch up to two monito rs to th e rack by using the opti onal MB-531 Mounting Bracket.
Power Sup ply 15 Power Supply Attaching the AC A daptor Attaching Removing CAUTION • The AC adaptor c an be used onl y with produ cts specified by t he manufacturer. • To remove the AC ad aptor, fir st un plug the AC power cord and the n remove the AC adaptor.
Selecti ng the Defa ult Settings 16 Selecti ng the De fault Settings When you tu rn on the u nit for the first time a fter purchasing it, select the area where you intend to use th is unit fr om among the opti ons. The def ault se tting values f or each a rea 1 Press the 1 (st andby) switch.
Selecting t he Menu Lang uage 17 2 If L ATIN A MERIC A is se lecte d: 4 If AS IA EXCEP T JAPA N is sel ecte d: Custo mers who wi ll use this u nit in the sha ded areas shown in the map below should select NTSC ARE A. Other customer s should sele ct PAL AREA.
Using the Menu 18 The setting items (i cons) in the selected men u are displ aye d in yell ow. 4 Turn the menu selecti on control to select “LANGUAGE”, then press the menu selection contr ol. The selecte d item is disp layed in ye llow. 5 Turn the menu selecti on control to select a language , then pre ss the menu sele ction cont rol.
Using the Menu 19 The menu icon presently select ed is shown i n yell ow and setting items are display ed. 3 Select an it em. Turn the m enu select ion con trol to sele ct the it em, then press the menu selection c ontrol. The item t o be changed i s displaye d in yellow.
Adjustment Using the Menus 20 Adjustment Using the Menus Items The screen menu o f this monitor consis ts of the follow ing i tems. STATUS (t he item s indica te the current settings.
Adjustment Using the Men us 21 Adjusting and Chang ing the Settings STATUS menu The STATUS menu is used to disp lay the curren t status of the un it. Th e follow ing item s are di splaye d: •S i g n.
Adjustment Using the Menus 22 Submenu Sett ing SUB CONTROL Adjusts fine ly the adjust ment range of the function buttons wh ich CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS, CHROMA and PHASE are assigned. • CONTRAST : Adjusts the picture co ntrast. • BRIGHTNESS : Adjusts the pictur e bright ness.
Adjustment Using the Men us 23 USER CONFIG menu The USER CONFIG menu is used for se tting the system, marker, T/C disp lay, WFM/ALM/VEC TOR, focus, funct ion butt on, closed c aption, an d audio. SYSTEM SE TTING Submenu S etting NTSC SETUP Selects the NTSC setup le vel from two m ode s.
Adjustment Using the Menus 24 MARKER SETTING T/C (time code) DISPLAY SETTING SD PIXEL MAPPING Se lects SD pictur e size (pixels) accordin g to the i nput s ignal format from the COMPOSITE IN connector. Whe n pi ctur e si gnals in t he s ize of 720 × 576 (50i) (or 720 × 487 (60i)) are inp ut Select 72 0 × 576 ( or 720 × 487).
Adjustment Using the Men us 25 IMD (in-monitor display) SETTING The monit or supports “TSL UMD Protocol - V5.00” provide d by Televisi on System LTD. Tally 1 a nd tally 2 lamp colo rs, text colo rs and text display bright ness ca n be set in the setti ng me nu.
Adjustment Using the Menus 26 WFM/ALM/VECTOR ( waveform monitor, audio level meter, and vectorscope) SETTING Submenu Se tting DISPLAY Select ON to display the WFM (waveform monitor), ALM (audio lev el meter), or VECTOR (Vectorscope) or OFF not to display .
Adjustment Using the Men us 27 FOCUS SETTING FUNCTION BUTTON SETTING When VECTOR is selected POSITION Sets the po sition of t he WFM/ALM/ VECTOR displa y.
Adjustment Using the Menus 28 About the f unction assigned t o the function button SCAN Press the button t o change the scan si ze of the pict ure. With eve ry press of the but ton, the p icture switches i n the sequence NORMAL scan t OVER scan t NATIVE (see “Scan mode image” on page 29).
Adjustment Using the Men us 29 menu selection cont rol right t o increase the green ton e and turn le ft to in crease the p urple tone. APERTURE Press the b utton t o adjust th e picture sharpness. Press the button to displ ay the adjustm ent scre en and ad just the picture sharpness.
Adjustment Using the Menus 30 AUDIO SETTING REMOTE menu PARALLEL REMOTE TYPE Sets t he close d cap tio n dis pla y type . • AUTO1 : Select th is to displ ay automatically 6 08(VBI)* 3 when SD-SDI signal is input , or t o displa y automatically 708* 1 when HD-SDI signal is in put.
Adjustment Using the Men us 31 Submenu S etting PARALLEL REMOTE S elects the PARALLEL REMOTE connecto r pins f or whic h you want to change the funct ion. You can assign vario us functio ns to 1 to 4 pin s and 6 to 8 pins . The following l ists the functio ns you can assign t o the pins.
Troublesho oting 32 KEY INHIBIT menu You can lock t he setting so that the y cannot be ch anged by an una uthorized u ser. Select OFF or ON. If you set t o ON, all i tems are displayed in black, indicating t he items are locke d.
Specifications 33 Specifi cations Picture performance Panel a-Si TFT Acti ve Ma trix LC D Picture size (di agonal) 228.0 mm (9 inches) Effective picture size (H × V) 198.7 × 111 .8 mm (7 7 / 8 × 4 1 / 2 inches) Resolutio n (H × V) 1920 × 1 080 pixe ls Aspect 16:9 Pixel effici ency 99.
Specifications 34 Pin assignment PARALLEL REMOTE c onnector Modula r connector (8-pin) You can allo cate func tions usin g the REMOTE menu (see page 30 ). Note Switchin g functions continuou sly allows a t least 200 msec to do so. Oth erwise, it may n ot switch correc tly.
Dimensions 35 Dimensions Front Side Bottom (Without t he stand) Top Sid e (When setting the stand usi ng positions B and C for the mounting sc rews) Mass: Approx. 2.0 kg (4 lb 6.5 oz) Approx. 2.6 kg (5 lb 12 oz) (when AC adaptor is installe d) Top (With the arm mount bracket ) 222.
Sony Cor poration.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony LMD-941W (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony LMD-941W noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony LMD-941W - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony LMD-941W reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony LMD-941W erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony LMD-941W besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony LMD-941W verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony LMD-941W. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony LMD-941W gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.