Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung KV-27HS420 des Produzenten Sony
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KV-27HS420 I KV-30HS420 I KV-32HS420 I KV-34HS420 I KV-36HS420 Operating Instructions ©2004 Sony Corporation Sony Corporation http://www .sony Printed in U.
1 WA R NI N G T o reduce the risk o f fire o r shock hazard, do no t expo se the TV to rain or mois ture . This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsul ated “dangerous volta ge” with in the p r oduc t’s encl osur e th at may be of suf fic ient mag nitud e to con sti tute a r isk of el ec tr ic s h ock to p e rs on s.
2 IMPORTANT SAFEGU ARDS For y our p rote cti o n, p le ase rea d the s e in s truc ti on s co m ple tel y , a nd kee p thi s m anu a l f or futu re ref ere nc e.
3 Ve n t i l a t i o n The slots a nd openings in t he cabinet and i n the bac k or bottom ar e pr ovid ed fo r nec es sary vent ilat ion . T o ensu re re liabl e o per ation o f the se t, and to p rotect it fr om ov erheating, these slot s and openings must never be blocked or covered.
HS 42 0.b ook Pag e 4 Tu e s day, Ma r ch 30 , 2 004 10:3 6 AM.
5 Cont en t s Introd ucing the F D Tri nitron Wega Ov erv iew . .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... 7 Pre sen tin g th e F D Tr init r on We ga .... .
6 Ot her Info SETUP Wel c om e SETUP SETUP SETUP Using t he F eature s Ov erv iew . .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. .. . 39 Wat ch ing TV ... .. ... .. .
7 I ntr oducin g the FD T rini tro n We ga Ove rview This c hapter describes t h e c o ntents o f the package i n which the T V is shipped and provides an overview of the features of your W ega T V .
8 SETUP SETUP Welc ome SETUP SETUP SETUP ❑ Favorite Ch annels : Allo ws you to set up and se lect from eigh t of your favorite channels . ❑ Cle arEdg e VM ™ V eloc ity Modulation: S h arpens pictur e defini tion by enh an cing v ertical lines .
9 Setting Up the TV Ove rview Th is chapter inc ludes illu strated ins truction s for setting up your TV . Abou t t he AC Power Cor d Th e A C po w er c ord is a t tac he d t o the re a r of th e TV w it h a ho ok . Us e caution when remo ving the AC plu g fr om its holder .
10 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP TV Contr ol s and Conne ctors Fro n t Panel Ite m Descr iptio n 1 S VIDE O VI D E O 2 IN PUT Co nnec ts t o t he S VID EO O UT ja ck o n y ou r c amc orde r or o th e r vi de o equipment that has S VIDEO. Prov ides better pictur e quality than composite video ( 2 ).
11 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rear Panel 2 3 4 5 7 8 6 1 Jack Description 1 VHF/UHF RF inpu t that conn ects to your VHF /UH F antenn a or cab le. 2 S VID EO IN 1/3 Con ne cts to th e S VI DEO O UT ja ck o f y our VCR or o th er vi deo e quipm ent tha t ha s S VIDEO.
12 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Bas ic Connec tions: Conne cting a Ca ble or Ante nna The way in which yo u will conn ect your TV varies, depending on how your hom e rec eive s a signal (cable , c able box , a ntenna ) and wheth er or no t you p lan to connec t a VCR.
13 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Usin g a Cab le Box Connection T o Do T his ... Do Thi s ... Use the c able bo x T un e th e TV to th e cha nn el th e c able b ox is s et to (usua lly chan ne l 3 or 4) and t hen u se t he cable b o x to switch c h annels.
14 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Con necting O pti o nal Equi pmen t Use the directions in this section to co nnect the follow ing optiona l equipment: If Y o u Ar e Co nne ct ing See P age VCR .
15 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Mak ing Vi deo Conn e ctio ns Y our T V includes several t y pes o f video i nputs. When connecting your TV , use the in puts that ar e avail able on your components t hat pro v ide the best video performance, as described below .
16 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP VC R and C able F or best r esult s , use this con nect ion if : ❑ Y our cable company does not requi re you to u se a cable box. T o connect the VCR and cabl e 1 Connect the CA TV cable to the VCR’s VHF/UHF i nput jack.
17 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Conn ection T o Do T his ... Do Thi s ... W atc h th e VC R P r ess TV/VI DEO repeatedly to select the VCR input (VIDEO 1 in the i llustration). W atch cable channels Pr ess TV/VID EO r ep eatedly to select the cable input (VHF/U HF in the i llustration).
18 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP VC R and C able Box F or best r esult s , use this con nect ion if : ❑ Y our cab le co mpany sc ra mbl es som e cha nnels , su ch as p re m iu m channels (which requir es you to use a cable box ), but does not scramb le all ch annels .
19 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Conn ection T o Do T his ... Do Thi s ... W atc h cabl e (unscramb led) cha n ne ls Pr ess TV/VI DEO repeatedly to select the cable input (UHF/VHF in the i llustration).
20 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP T wo VCRs for T a pe Editing Con necti ng two V CRs le ts you r eco rd fr om one VCR to th e oth er . B y connecti ng them as s how n below , you c an v iew (m onitor) wha t is b e i n g re c o rd e d.
21 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Satell i te Receiver T o co nn ect a s atellit e receiver 1 Conn ect t he s atellite ante nna cable to t he sa tel lite receiver ’s satellit e inpu t jack. 2 Use an A/V cable to co nnect the satellit e receiver ’s A/V output jacks to the TV’s A/V in put jacks.
22 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Satell i te Receiver and VCR T o conn ect a satellite receiver an d VCR 1 Connect the CA TV cable to the single (input) jack of the splitter . 2 Use a coaxial cable to connect one of t he splitter ’s two output jacks to the TV’s VHF/U HF jack.
23 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP 7 A/V cable Coaxia l cable cabl e Sate llite an tenna cable CA TV A/V c able TV VCR Satel lite r eceiv er Cab les ar e oft en color -coded to connectors . Connec t red to re d, white to white , etc . Coa xi al cabl e Coa xi al ca ble Spl itt er (not s u pplie d) HS 42 0.
24 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP DVD Player with Com p on ent Vi deo Co nnec tors Fo r be st resu lts , us e th is co nn e ct ion if you r D V D pla ye r has comp onen t video (Y , P B , P R ) jacks.
25 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Conn ection T o Do T his ... Do Thi s ... W atch the DVD player Pr ess TV/VID EO r ep eate dly to select the DVD input (VIDEO 5 in the i llustration).
26 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP DVD Player with S VIDEO and A udio Conn e cto rs Use thi s connection i f your DVD pl ayer does not hav e component vid eo (Y , P B , P R ) jacks. T o c onnect a DVD player wi th A /V conn ector s 1 Use an audio cable to connect the DVD player ’s audio output jacks to the TV’s audio input jacks.
27 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP DV I-Eq uipp ed Device If y ou ha ve a d evi ce , s uch a s an H D T V re ceiv e r , t ha t has D V I ( Dig it al V ideo Interfa ce) o utput, us e the follo wing c onnec tion.
28 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP HDM I-E q uippe d Device If you have a devic e, such as an HDTV rece iver , that has a H igh - Definitio n M ultimed ia Inte rface ( HDMI), use the fo llow ing connecti on.
29 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Ca mcor der For easy con necti on of a camc orde r , t he TV h as fr ont A/V i npu t j acks . If you pr efer , however , you can connect the c amcorder to the TV’s re a r A / V i n p u t ja c k s .
30 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Audi o R e ceiv er For i mproved s ound quality , you m ay want to play the TV’s audio th rou gh yo ur ste re o sy st em . T o connect an audio s ystem 1 Use an audio cable to connect the TV’s audio output jacks to the audio receiver ’s li ne inp ut jacks.
31 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Using the CO NTROL S F eatur e CON TROL S allo ws you to control your syst em and other Sony equipment with o ne r em ote contro l.
32 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Setti ng Up the Cha nnel List Afte r yo u fini sh con nect ing your TV , you need to run Auto Se tup to set up your channels. The A uto Program screens appear when you t urn on y our TV for th e fi rst time after hooki ng it u p.
33 Us in g the Rem ot e Co nt rol Ove rview This chap ter de scri bes how to set up, pr ogr am, and us e the TV’ s re m o t e c o n t ro l . Inserting Ba tte rie s 1 Rem ove th e batt ery co ver fr om the re mote contr ol.
34 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con tr ol But ton Descrip tions 8 1 4 qa qd qg qk ws 6 2 9 qs q; qf qh qj ql wa w; 3 5 7 HS 42 0.b ook Pag e 34 T ue s day, Mar c h 3 0, 200 4 10:36 AM.
35 SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con tr ol SETUP SETUP Button Descrip tion 1 MU T IN G Press to mute the sou nd. Pr ess again o r press VO L + to r es tor e th e so un d. 2 SY STEM OFF Press to turn off all Sony bra nd audio/vi deo e quip men t at on ce. ( M ay not func tio n with older Sony equ ip ment.
36 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con tr ol qh DISP LA Y Press once to display the current channel number , current time, and channel label (if set) and other inf o rmati on. Press agai n to turn Display of f. qj SCR EEN MOD E Pr ess to toggle between the Scr een Mode options: Normal an d Zoom .
37 SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con tr ol SETUP SETUP Pr ogramming th e Remote Contr ol If you have video equipment oth e r than Sony brand (or if you have a Sony DV D/V CR com bin ation un it) that y ou want to co ntrol with t he TV’s remote control, use the following procedure to progr am t he re m o t e c o n t ro l .
38 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con tr ol Manufactu r er’ s Code s VCRs Ma nuf act ure r Code Son y 301, 302, 303 Admira l (M. W ard) 327 Aiw a 338, 344 Au di o Dy n am ic 314 , 337 Bro k s.
39 Using the Featu res Ove rview This c hapter describes how to use t h e feat ures of your T V . W atch ing TV To p i c Pa ge W atc hing TV 39 Using S c reen M ode 40 41 Using F a vorite Channels 42 Us ing O t her Eq uip me nt wit h Y o ur T V R em ote Con trol 43 KV -30/34HS 420 Only KV -27/32/36 HS420 Only T o Do T his .
40 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es SETUP SETUP Usi ng Scre en Mode Models KV - 30/34HS420 Only Th e Scr een Mode featur e let s yo u w atch 4: 3 normal broad casts in sever al wide s cr een modes (1 6:9 aspect ratio ). ❑ Pres s SCREEN M ODE r epeatedly to to ggle through the following settin gs.
41 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Models KV - 27/32/36HS420 Only The Sc reen Mode featur e is useful w hen a 480i sign al has been upcon verted to a 720p or 1080i sig nal, whic h res ults in undes irable “black ba r s” appea r ing on all four side s of t he pictur e.
42 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es SETUP SETUP Using F avorite Chann els Th e Favorite Chann e ls feature lets you selec t pr o gr ams from a list of up to ei ght favo rite c hannel s that you spec ify . Creat ing a List of Favorite Chan nels 1 Pres s ME NU to d i s play t he Menu.
43 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Using O ther Equi pment with Y our TV Remote Contr ol All Equi pmen t Operating a VC R Operating a Satell i te Receiver T o Do T his .
44 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es SETUP SETUP Operating a C able Box Operating a DVD Player Operating a DVD /V CR Com b inat ion Un it T o Do T his ... Pre ss Acti vate th e remo te con trol to o perate .
45 Using th e Menus Ove rview The Menu gives you access t o the f ollow ing features : Naviga ting Thr ough Menus Menu Ic on Description Pag e Al l ow s yo u t o m ake a dj u st me n ts t o y ou r p ic tu re settings .
46 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETU P SETUP SETUP Using the V ideo Menu Selecti n g Video Opt ions The V ideo Menu incl udes the foll owing option s: M ode: Vi vid Pic t ur e Brig htne ss Color Hue Sharp ness Color T emp.
47 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus SETUP T o resto re the fa ctory defaul t settings for Pic ture, Bright ness, Color , Hue, Shar pnes s, Col or T emp an d ClearEd ge VM.
48 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETU P SETUP SETUP Using the Audio Menu Selecti n g Audio Opt ions Th e Aud io M en u in clud es th e fo llowin g o pti ons: T o ac cess the Au d io Menu, f ollow th ese s teps: T o chan g e se tti ngs, pr ess V v B b . Pres s t o confir m the s electio n.
49 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus SETUP T o resto re the factory defa ult se ttings for T reble, Bass , and Bala nce ❑ Pres s RESE T on the r em ote contr ol wh en in the Audio M enu.
50 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETU P SETUP SETUP Using the Scree n Menu Selecti n g Screen Mo de O pti on s Th e Screen menu includ es the foll owing options: KV -30/34HS 420 Only T o ac cess the Scre en Menu, f ollow th ese st eps: T o chan g e se tti ngs, pr ess V v B b .
51 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus SETUP 4:3 Default Sele c t the def a ult Sc reen M od e to use fo r 4:3 sour ces Wide Zoom Se lect to enlar g e the 4 :3 size pictur e, while the upper and low er pa rts of the p ict ure ar e condensed to fit the wide scr een.
52 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETU P SETUP SETUP Using the Channel Menu Sel ect ing Cha nnel Opt ions Th e Ch annel M e nu includes the follo wing opt ions : T o ac cess the Channel Menu, f ollow t hes e step s: T o chan g e se tti ngs, pr ess V v B b . Pres s t o confir m the s electio n.
53 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus SETUP Channel Label Allows you to assign lab els (s u ch as sta tion call let ters) t o channe l numbe rs. Y ou can label up to 20 channels. 1 Highlight Channel and pr ess . 2 Press V v to scro ll throu gh t he channel numbers (1- 125).
54 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETU P SETUP SETUP Using the Par ent Menu Selecti n g Paren t Menu O pti on s The Parent Menu includes the follow ing options : The Par ent Menu al low s you to se t up th e TV to bloc k prog rams acco rdin g to thei r con tent an d rati ng lev els.
55 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus SETUP US Models: Selecti n g Custom Rat ing O ption s For US mode ls, the Cust om Rating Menu includes the f ollowing opt ions. (Fo r Canadi an model s , see pag e 5 6.) Viewing Blocked Pr o grams Y ou can view blocked programs by en tering the password .
56 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETU P SETUP SETUP Can adi a n Mo del s: Selecti n g Custom Rat ing O ption s For Canadi an models , the Cus tom Rat ing Menu includes the fo llo wing opt ions. (For US mode ls, see page 55 .) Viewing Blocked Pr o grams Y ou can view blocked programs by en tering the password .
57 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus SETUP Using the T imer Menu Selecti n g T imer Opt ions The T im er Menu includes the foll owing options : T o reset the Cl ock or Timers ❑ Pres s RESE T on the remote c o ntr o l, when i n the T imer Menu, to r eset to the f acto ry defaul ts.
58 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETU P SETUP SETUP Using the Setup Men u Selecti n g Setup Optio ns The Set up Menu includes the following options: T o ac cess the Setup Menu, f ollow these s te ps: T o chan g e se tti ngs, pr ess V v B b . Pres s t o confir m the s electio n.
59 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus SETUP V ideo Label Allows y o u to identi fy A/V equipment you connect ed to t he TV , such as a VCR, DVD, et c. For example, if y o u have a DVD player connected to t h e VIDEO 5 jack, you can select the label DVD fo r th e VIDEO 5 inp ut.
60 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETU P SETUP SETUP Clock/T i mers Selec t to set th e clo ck and to progr am yo ur TV to tur n on and of f at t wo schedu led v iewing times. Ti m e r 1 Ti m e r 2 Y o u can use the T imers to pr o gram the TV to turn on and off and tu ne to a spec ific channe l at t wo schedule d viewing times.
61 Other Informati on Ove rview Th is chapter inc ludes the follo w ing topic s: To p i c Page Glo ssa ry 6 2 Contact ing Sony 63 T r oub les hoot ing 6 3 Specific ations 66 Opti onal A cces sori es 67 Ind e x 6 9 HS 42 0.
62 Ot her Info SETUP Wel c om e SETUP SETUP SETUP Glos sary a nal og s igna l A signa ling met hod th at uses con ti nuous c h ange s in th e am pli tude or freq uenc y of an electro nic tr ansmission to conv ey i nformat ion. aspect ratio R efers t o the ratio between the widt h and height of the screen.
63 We lcome SETUP Oth er Info SETUP SETUP SETUP Con tacting Son y If, a ft er r eading these operating inst ructions, you have a dditional question s r elated to the use of yo u r Sony tel evision, pl.
64 Ot her Info SETUP Wel c om e SETUP SETUP SETUP Cha nn els Video Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s Canno t r eceive u pper channels ( UHF) when usi ng an anten na ❏ Cha nge t he Cable opti on to O ff (see page 52).
65 We lcome SETUP Oth er Info SETUP SETUP SETUP Audi o Gener al Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s Go od p ic ture, no sound ❏ Press MUTING so tha t the word Muting disappear s from the scr een (see page 35). ❏ Ma ke s ur e th e Spe aker op tion i s se t to On in the Audio Menu (see page 49).
66 Ot her Info SETUP Wel c om e SETUP SETUP SETUP Sp eci ficat ions P i c t u r e Tu b e F D Tr i n i t r o n ® t u b e Antenna 75 ohm external termin a l for VHF/UHF T e le visi on Sy ste m NT SC, A.
67 We lcome SETUP Oth er Info SETUP SETUP SETUP Des ign and sp ecif icati ons are sub ject to cha nge with ou t no tice. Optional Accesso r ies Di mensio ns (W x H x D) KV -27HS 420 784 x 60 1.5 x 520 mm (30 7/8 x 23 5/8 x 20 1/2 in) KV -30HS 420 898 x 60 4 x 564.
HS 42 0.b ook Pag e 68 T ue s day, Mar c h 3 0, 200 4 10:36 AM.
69 0- 9 b ut ton s 36 , 39 16:9 ( widescreen) 8 , 59 16: 9 as p e ct rat i o 40 , 50 4:3 asp ect ratio 40 , 50 4:3 D efau lt se tting s 51 A ant enna, conne cting 12 asp e ct r a tio 59 Audio Menu 45 .
70 Ot her Info SETUP Wel c om e SETUP SETUP SETUP J JUM P button 35 , 39 L label cha n ne ls 53 Langua ge, setti ng 59 M MENU bu tton 10 , 36 , 39 , 45 Menus Audio 45 Cha nne l 45 Par en t 45 , 54 Set.
71 We lcome SETUP Oth er Info SETUP SETUP SETUP V Var iable audio s ett ing 49 VCR using with TV re mote con trol 43 wi th ca ble bo x, co n ne ct in g 18 wit h cab le, conne cting 16 with satellite r.
HS 42 0.b ook Pag e 72 T ue s day, Mar c h 3 0, 200 4 10:36 AM.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony KV-27HS420 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony KV-27HS420 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony KV-27HS420 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony KV-27HS420 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony KV-27HS420 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony KV-27HS420 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony KV-27HS420 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony KV-27HS420. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony KV-27HS420 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.