Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung KP-57WS520 des Produzenten Sony
Zur Seite of 85
1 Owne r’ s Record The model and serial numbers ar e located at the rea r of the pr ojection TV , below the Sony logo, on the sticker , and also on the TV bo x (white label). Record these number s in the spaces pr ovided below . R efer to them whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regard i ng th is prod uct .
2 Note on Capti on Vi s ion This televi sion receiver pr ovides display of television closed ca ptio nin g in ac co rdan ce w ith §15 . 1 19 of th e FCC r ule s. Note on Convergence Adjus tment Before yo u u se y our projec tion TV , make sure t o a djust conver gence.
3 Important Sa fety Instructions 1 Read these instructi o ns. 2 Keep these instructi ons. 3 He ed all warn in gs . 4 Fo llow all instr uc tions. 5 Do not use this apparatus n ear water . 6 C le an on ly w ith dr y cl oth . 7 Do no t bl o ck an y ven t il a tio n op e n in gs .
AX 1X. bo ok P age 4 W edn e sd ay, Ju ne 30, 200 4 9 :21 A M.
5 Cont en t s Introd ucing the Proj ection TV Welc o me .. .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ... .... ... 7 Pac kag e Co nte nts ..... .. ..... ... .. .. ... ...
6 Ot her Info SETUP Wel c om e SETUP SETUP SETUP Using t he Re mote Co ntr ol Ov erv iew . .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. ... .. ... 4 3 Ins e rtin g B a tte ri es .
7 Intr oducin g the Pr ojection TV We l co m e This c hapter desc ribes the contents o f the pac kage in w hich th e TV is shipped and provides an overview of the features of your proj ection TV . Package Conten ts Along wit h your new proj ec tion T V , the pac k age c ontains a remote contro l and two A A batteries.
8 SETUP SETUP Welc ome SETU P SETUP SETUP ❑ Component V ideo Inputs: Offers high qua lity video fo r DVD (480p, 480 i ), and digi tal set-to p box (HD1080i, 720p) co nnection s.
9 Setting Up the Pr ojection TV Ove rview Th is chapter inc ludes illu strated ins truction s for setting up y our TV . To p i c Page (s) Car ryin g Y ou r Proje cti on T V/ Pos iti onin g th e T V 10.
10 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Carryi ng Y our Pr oj ection T V Carrying the TV requires four or more people. Models K P-51/57WS520 pr ovide casters.
11 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP TV Contr ols and Conne ctors Model KP-46WT520 provid es video inputs (V id eo 2) o n th e side. T o acces s, pus h in and r elea se as shown. Models KP-5 1/57W S5 20 pr ov ide vid eo input s (V ide o 2) on the fr on t.
12 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Fro nt Panel Rear Panel Ite m Description 1 FLAS H FO CU S Pres s to adjus t the convergence (see page 40). 2 TV/ VI D EO Pres s rep eatedly to cycle thr ough t he video equipment connected to the TV’s video inputs.
13 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Jack Descr iption 1 AU X Auxiliary RF input that connects to your an ten na, CA TV cable, or cable box output jack. Th is is convenient if yo u a re u sing two VH F/UHF s ources (antenna, CA TV cable, or cable box) .
14 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Bas ic Connecti ons: Conne cting a Ca ble or Ante nna The way in which yo u will conn ect your TV varies, depending on how your hom e rec eiv es a signal (c able, cable box, antenna) an d wheth er or no t you p lan to connec t a VCR.
15 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Ca ble or An tenn a Only F or bes t resu lts , use one o f the followin g connection s if you ar e connec ting a ca ble or an ant enna an d you: ❑ Do not need a cable box to unscrambl e channels . (If you have a cable bo x, see pa g es 1 8-20.
16 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Cable and Antenna Only F or bes t resu lts , use t his co nnection if you: ❑ Have a cable and an antenna. (This i s conven ient if yo u are using a sepa rate rooftop ant enna to r eceive add ition al ch ann els, such as HD TV chan nel s, that a re not pro vided by your cabl e company .
17 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Connect ion T o Do T hi s ... Do Thi s ... Sw it ch the T V’s input between the cable and ant enna Pr ess ANT to switc h b ack an d fo rth b etwe en th e T V’ s VHF /U HF a nd AUX inputs. AX 1X.
18 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Cable Box and Cab le O nly F or bes t resu lts , use t his co nnection if : ❑ Y o ur cabl e co mpany sc ramb les som e cha nnel s, such as premi um channels (which requir es you t o use a ca ble box), but do es not scramb le all ch annels .
19 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP T o connect th e cable box and cable 1 Con nect th e ca ble fr o m your cab le co mpany to th e TV’s VHF/UHF jack. 2 Use a coaxial cable to connect the TV’s TO CONVERTER jac k to the cable box’s input jack.
20 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Ca ble Box Onl y F or bes t resu lts , use t his co nnection if : ❑ Y ou r cab le com pany scr ambles all chan nels , whic h requ ir es y ou to us e a cable bo x . ❑ Y ou do not have a VCR. ( If you have a VC R, see pages 24 and 26.
21 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Con necting O ptional Equipmen t Use the directions in this section to co nnect the follow ing optiona l equipment: If Y ou A re Conne c ting See P age VCR a nd .
22 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Mak ing V id eo Conn e ctio ns Y our TV includes severa l types o f video in puts. When connecting your TV , use t h e i nputs that ar e available on your components that pro vide the bes t video performanc e, as d escri bed below .
23 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Abo ut Us ing SV I D E O If the optional equipment you are connecting has an S VIDEO jac k ( sho w n a t lef t), yo u ca n use a n S V ID EO c a ble fo r impr oved pi ctur e quality (compared to an A/ V cable).
24 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP VC R an d Ca ble F or bes t resu lts , use t his co nnection if : ❑ Y our cable company does not requir e you to use a cable box. T o connect the VCR and cabl e 1 Connect the CA TV cable to the VCR’s VHF /UHF input jack.
25 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Connect ion T o Do T hi s ... Do Thi s ... W a tc h th e VC R P r ess TV/VID EO r epeatedly to select the VCR input (VIDEO 1 in the i llustration). W atch cable channels Pr ess TV/VI DEO repeatedly to select the cable input (VHF/U HF in the i llustration).
26 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP VC R an d Ca ble Box F or bes t resu lts , use t his co nnection if : ❑ Y o ur cabl e co mpany sc ramb les som e cha nnel s, such as premi um channels (which requir es you t o use a ca ble box), but do es not scramb le all ch annels .
27 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Connect ion T o Do T hi s ... Do Thi s ... W atch cabl e (uns crambled) cha n ne ls Pr ess TV/VID EO r epeatedly to select the cable in put (VHF/UHF in the i llustration).
28 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Satell ite Receiver T o co nnect a satellite rece iver 1 Conn ect t he s atellite ante nna cable to t he s atel lite receiver ’s satellit e inpu t jack. 2 Use an A/V cable to c onnect the sat ellite receiv er ’s A/V output jacks to the TV’s A/V in put jacks.
29 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Notes on Using This Connect ion T o Do T hi s ... Do This .. . W a tc h th e sa tel lit e r ec eiv er P re ss TV/V ID EO r epeatedly to select the satellite r eceiver i nput (VIDEO 1 in t he illust ration).
30 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Satell ite Receiver and VCR T o connect a sate llite r eceiver an d VCR 1 Connect the CA TV cable to the single (input) jack of the splitter . 2 Use a coaxial cable to connect one of t he splitter ’s two output jacks to the TV’s VHF/U HF jack.
31 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP 7 A/V cab le CATV cable cable Sate llite cable CA TV A/V cabl e TV VCR Sat ellite rec eiver Cab l es are o ft en col or -coded to connecto rs . Connec t red to red , white to white , etc. an te nn a Coa xi al ca bl e Coax ial cable Spl itter (not s upplie d) AX 1X.
32 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP DVD Player with Com p on ent Vi deo Conne cto rs Fo r be st resu lts , us e th is co nn e ct ion if y ou r DV D pl ay er has comp onen t vide o (Y , P B , P R ) jacks.
33 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP DVD Player with S VIDEO and A udio Conn e cto rs Use thi s connection i f your DVD player does not have c ompon ent vid eo (Y , P B , P R ) jacks. T o conn ect a DVD play er w ith A/V connect ors 1 Use an audio cable to connect the DVD player ’s audio output jacks to the TV’s audio input jacks.
34 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Ca mcor der F or easy con nect ion of a camc order , t h e TV has fr ont A/V i nput j acks . If you pr efer , ho wever , you can connect the c amcor d er to the TV’ s re a r A / V i n p u t j a c k s . T o co nnect a camcorder 1 Ope n the fr ont vi deo panel , as shown on p age 1 1.
35 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Au di o R ec eiv er For impr oved sound quali ty , you may want to play the TV’s audio th rou gh yo ur ste re o sy st e m . T o connect an audio sy stem 1 Use an audio cable to connect the TV’s audio output jacks to the audio receiver ’s li ne inp ut jacks.
36 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP DV I-E qui pped Device If y o u ha ve a d evi c e, s uch a s an H DT V rece iv er , t ha t h as D VI ( Di git al V ide o Inte rface) output, use t he fo llowi ng co nnection.
37 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP HDM I-E q uippe d Device If you have a devic e, such as an HDTV rec eiver , that has a High- Definitio n M ultimed ia Inte rface (HDMI), us e the fo llow ing connecti on.
38 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Using the CO NTROL S Featur e CON TROL S allo ws you to control your sys tem and othe r Sony equipment with one r emote control .
39 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setting Up th e Channel L ist After y ou finis h co nnectin g the T V , y ou need to ru n t he Auto Pro g ram featur e, which auto matically cr eates a lis t of available channels. The A uto Pro gram sc reens appear when you t urn on your TV for the first time after hooking it up.
40 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Adj usting the Conver gence Automati cally (Fl ash Foc us) The pr ojecti on tube ima g e appear s on t he scre en in thr ee colors (red, green and blue). If they do not converge, the color is poor an d the picture bl urs .
41 SETUP Setup SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Adj usting the Conver gence Manuall y The Convergence feature gives you mo re c ontrol over the pic tur e’s conver gence th an the Flash Focus feature, allowi n g you to fine-tune the convergenc e. 1 Pres s MENU to d ispl ay the Menu.
42 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Setup SETUP Note s o n Adju s tin g the Conv er ge nc e Manu a lly ❑ All ow th e TV t o w a rm up fo r ab o ut 3 0 m i nut e s be fo re y ou ad ju st the convergenc e. ❑ For best results, s tand about 3 to 5 feet back from the picture when adj usting the c onvergence.
43 Us in g the Rem ot e Co nt rol Ove rview This chap ter d escri bes h ow to set up, progr am, and u se t h e TV’s re m o t e c o n t r ol . Inserting Ba tteries 1 Rem ove the batt ery co ver fr om the r emo te cont rol.
44 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol But ton Description s Button Description 1 DVD/ VCR PO WER Press to turn on and off the DV D pla yer or VCR.
45 SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol SETUP SETUP qg RES ET Press to res et the sett ing s t o t he fa ctor y d efau lts. S ee pa ge s 6 3 an d 65 . Al so us e d t o cle a r Fa v o r it e C h an n el s , (see page 58), and Manual Converg enc e (see page 42).
46 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol Pr ogramming the Re mote Contr ol The r emote contr ol i s pr eset to operate Sony brand video equipment. If you have v ideo e quipment other than So ny bra nd that y ou want to contro l w ith the TV’s remote control, use the following procedure to pro gram the rem ote c ontr ol.
47 SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol SETUP SETUP Manufactu r er’ s Codes VCRs Ma nuf ac tur er Co de Sony 301, 302, 303 Admi ral (M. W ard) 327 Aiwa 338, 344 Audio Dyn amic 314, 337 Br oksonic 319,.
48 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol Using O ther Equi pment with Y our TV Remot e Contr ol All Equi pmen t Operating a VC R Operating a Satell ite Receiver T o Do T hi s .
49 SETUP SETUP SETUP Rem ote Con trol SETUP SETUP Operating a C able Box Operating a DVD Player Using the F 1 and F2 B ut ton s T o Do T hi s ... Pre ss Acti vate th e remo te con t rol to o perate th.
AX 1X. bo ok P age 5 0 W edn es day , J un e 30, 20 04 9:2 1 AM.
51 Using the Featu res Ove rview This c hapter describes how to us e the feat ures of yo ur T V . To p i c Page W atching TV 52 Using W ide Mode 53 Using T win V iew 55 Using F avo rite Channels 58 Usin g the Freeze Functio n 59 AX 1X.
52 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es SETUP SETUP W atching TV T o Do T hi s ... Do T his ... Acti vate th e remo te con t rol to operat e the TV Press TV FUNC TION T urn on/off the TV Press TV POWER T u ne di rectl y to a chan nel T o tune to chan nels , press 0- 9 an d then ENT .
53 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Using Wide Mode The W ide M ode feature lets you change the picture size for both standa rd-defini tion (480i /480p) a n d hig h-definit i on (720p/1080i ) sou rce s. ❑ Pres s WIDE MODE repeatedly to toggle through the following W id e Mode settings.
54 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es SETUP SETUP Using Wide Mode with High-D e finition (720p/10 80i) Sour ces When you change channels or inputs, the W ide Mode settings revert to th e 4:3 Defau lt setting in t he Screen M enu ( only if t he in put sou rce is 480i or 480p).
55 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Using T win View T wi n V iew l ets you see two pic tures fr om two s ourc es — fr om an ante n na, VCR, DVD, etc. — on the scr een at the same time. Y ou hear the so un d f rom onl y one of the sour c es at a tim e, but yo u ca n choose which source’s soun d is sele cted.
56 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es SETUP SETUP Activati ng the Pictur e Y o u can use t he B and b b u t tons to ac tiva te the left and rig ht pi ctur es while u sing T win V iew . Funct ions Avai lable in t he Active ( Highl igh ted) Win dow T o Do T hi s .
57 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Cha ngi ng th e Pictur e Size The zoom featu r e let s you v ary the relativ e si ze of t he left and rig ht pictures . T o Do T hi s ... Do T his ... Enlar ge the ac tive pic ture Make the a c tive pictur e smaller When you adjust the picture sizes, the TV memorizes the change.
58 SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es SETUP SETUP Using F avorite Chann els Th e Favorite Chann e ls feature lets you selec t pr ogr ams from a list o f up to 16 favorit e channels tha t y ou specify . Creat ing a List of Favorite Chan nels 1 Pres s MENU to d ispl ay the Menu.
59 SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP SETUP Featur es Using the Fre eze Function Th e FRE EZE button allows you to tempo rar ily c apture a pr ogram’s picture. Y ou can use this featur e to write down information such as phone numbers, recipes , et c. 1 When the pr ogr am information you want to capture is displayed, pr ess F R EEZE .
AX 1X. bo ok P age 6 0 W edn es day , J un e 30, 20 04 9:2 1 AM.
61 Using th e Menus Ove rview The Menu gives you access t o the following features: Naviga ting Thr ough Menus Menu Ic on Description Page Al l ow s yo u t o m a ke a dj u s tm en t s t o y ou r p ic tu re settings .
62 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Using the V ideo Menu Selecti ng V ideo Opt ions The V ide o Menu incl udes the f ollow i ng opti ons : T o acc ess t he Vid eo Menu, f ollow t hese s teps : T o chan ge set t in gs, pr ess V v B b . Pres s to confir m t he se lection.
63 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP T o restore the fac tory defa ult se ttings f or the Video setti ngs (e xcludi ng DR C Mod e) of the M ode setting (Vivid, Standa rd, etc .) th e TV is set to: ❑ Pres s RES ET o n the remote contr ol when in the V ideo Menu .
64 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Using the Audio Menu Selecti ng Audio Opt ions Th e Aud io M en u in clud es th e fo llowin g o pt ions: T o acc ess the Audio Menu , follo w thes e steps : T o chan ge set t in gs, pr ess V v B b . Pres s to confir m t he se lection.
65 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP T o restore the fac tory def ault se ttings for T r eb le , B ass , and B alance ❑ Pres s RES ET o n the remote contr o l when in the Audio M enu.
66 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Using the Screen Men u Selecti ng Screen Opt ions The Sc reen Menu in cludes the following options: T o acc ess t he Scre en Menu, f ollow thes e step s: T o chan ge set t in gs, pr ess V v B b . Pres s to confir m t he se lection.
67 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP Using the Channel Menu Sel ect ing Channel Opt ions Th e Ch annel M e nu include s t he fo llow ing opt ions : T o acc ess t he Chann el Me nu, fo llow th ese steps: T o chan ge set t in gs, pr ess V v B b . Pres s to confir m t he se lection.
68 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Channel Ski p/ A dd Allows you to c ustomize the c hannels that a p pear when yo u us e the CH +/ - but tons. 1 Press V or v to scroll thro ugh the channels until you find the c hannel you w ant to skip or add. Then p ress to select it.
69 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP Using the Par ent Menu Setting Par en t Menu Op tio ns The Parent Menu includes the following o ptions: The Par ent M enu allow s you to se t up the TV to bl ock prog rams ac cor ding to thei r con tent and r ating lev els.
70 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus US Models: Selecti ng Custom Rat ing O ption s For US mode ls, the Cust om Rating Menu includes the following opt ions. (Fo r Canadi an model s, see page 7 1.) Viewing Blocked Pr ograms Y ou can vi ew blocked programs by en tering the password.
71 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP Can adi a n Mo del s: Selecti ng Custom Rat ing O ption s For Canadi an models , the Custom Ra ting Menu inc ludes the fo llowi ng opti ons. (F or US model s, se e page 70 .) Viewing Blocked Pr ograms Y ou can vi ew blocked programs by en tering the password.
72 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Using the Setup Menu Selecti ng Setup Optio ns The Set up Menu includes the following opti ons: T o acc ess t he Setu p Menu, f ollow t hese ste p s: T o chan ge set t in gs, pr ess V v B b . Pres s to confir m t he se lection.
73 SETUP SETUP SETUP Menus M enus SETUP V ideo Label All ows you to ide ntify A/ V equi pmen t you con nected to the TV , such as a VCR, DVD, etc. For example, if yo u have a DVD player connected to the VIDEO 5 jack, you can select t he lab el DVD f or the VIDEO 5 input.
74 SETUP Menus S ETUP SETUP SETUP Menus Clock/T i mers (continued) Current T i me 1 Pres s to sel ect C ur r ent Tim e . 2 Pr es s V and v to s et the current time ( da y , h our , and minut e). Pr ess (or press b ) to co nfir m eac h settin g and move to th e next setti ng.
75 Other Informati on Ove rview Th is chapter inc ludes the fo llow ing topic s: To p i c Page Glo ssa ry 7 6 Contact ing Sony 77 T roub lesh oot ing 77 Specific ations 81 Opti onal Acc essories 82 Ind e x 8 3 AX 1X.
76 Ot her Info Other Info Welc ome Ot her Info SETUP SETUP Glos sary a nal og s igna l A sig naling met hod th at use s con tinuo us ch an ges i n th e ampl itud e or f req uency of a n electro nic trans mission to convey info rmation. aspect ratio Refers to the r atio between the width and height o f t he screen.
77 We lcome SETUP Oth er Inf o SETUP SETUP Ot her Info Con tacting Son y If, a fter r e ading these o perating in structions, you have additional question s rel ated to the use o f your Sony televisio.
78 Ot her Info Other Info Welc ome Ot her Info SETUP SETUP Remo te Con trol Cha nn els Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s Remote contr ol does not opera te ❏ The batteries could be weak. Replace the batt eries. ❏ Check the orientation of the batteries.
79 We lcome SETUP Oth er Inf o SETUP SETUP Ot her Info Video Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s No pictur e (scr een not li t), no sou nd ❏ If your TV does not turn on, and a r ed light keeps flash ing, your TV may need servic e. Call y our local S ony Service Center .
80 Ot her Info Other Info Welc ome Ot her Info SETUP SETUP Audi o Gen era l Pr oblem Pos s ib le Re me die s Go od p ic ture, no sound ❏ Press MUTING so that Mut ing disappears fr om the screen (see page 44). ❏ Ma ke s ur e the Spe a ker opti on is set to On in the Audio Menu (see page 65).
81 We lcome SETUP Oth er Inf o SETUP SETUP Ot her Info Sp ecif icat ions Des ign and sp ecif ica tions are s u bjec t to chan ge with out no tice. Pr o jection System 3 picture tub es , 3 lenses, horizontal in-line system Picture T ube 7-inch h igh-bri ghtness m onoch rome tubes (6.
82 Ot her Info Other Info Welc ome Ot her Info SETUP SETUP Optio nal Acc ess ori es ❑ A/V C able (VMC-810/820/ 830 H G) ❑ Audio Cable (RKC-515H G) ❑ Component V ideo Cable (VMC-10/30 HG) ❑ Con tro l S Cable (R K-G6 9HG) ❑ TV St and for KP-46WT52 0 (SU-4 6WT1 1) AX 1X.
83 0- 9 buttons 44 , 52 , 56 4:3 De fault set tings 66 A Adva nced V ide o 63 ANT butt on 45 , 52 ant enna, connect ing 15 Audio Me nu 61 Audio Out 65 AUDI O OUT j ack 13 audio receiver, connectin g 3.
84 Ot her Info Index Inde x SETUP SETUP SETUP M MENU button 45 , 52 , 58 , 61 Menus Audio 61 Cha nne l 61 Par en t 61 , 69 Screen 61 Set up 61 , 72 Video 61 Mono, MT S se tt ing 64 Movie mode 62 MTS 6.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony KP-57WS520 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony KP-57WS520 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony KP-57WS520 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony KP-57WS520 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony KP-57WS520 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony KP-57WS520 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony KP-57WS520 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony KP-57WS520. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony KP-57WS520 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.