Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung HDR-SR10E des Produzenten Sony
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3-286-594- 11 (1) © 2008 Sony Corporation Digital HD Video Camera Recorder Operati ng Guide HDR-SR 10E For details on th e advanced operat ions, please refer to “Hand ycam Han dbook” (PDF ).
2 Read this first Befo re oper atin g the unit, pleas e read th is manua l thorough ly, and ret ain it for futur e refere nce. To reduce f ire or shock hazard , do not ex pose th e unit t o rain or moisture. Do not expose the batteries to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.
3 caused by ina ppropriat e waste handl ing of the bat tery. Th e recycl ing of th e mater ials will hel p to c onserve natural r esources. In case of produc ts that for safe ty, perform ance or d ata.
4 – Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which th e receiver is connected. – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for hel p.
5 • If you re peat r ecordin g/d elet ing image s for a lo ng time, fragmen tation of data occurs o n the media. Images cann ot be saved or r ecor ded. In such a case , save y our im ages on so me type of e xter nal medi a first, an d then perform [MEDIA FORM AT] * .
6 (high definition) ima ge quality on your camcorder with th e following devices; – Other AVCHD format compatible devices which are not compatible with High Pr ofile – Device s which are not compa.
7 Gettin g Started Gettin g Started Step 1: C harg ing th e battery pack You ca n charge the “I nfoLITHI UM” battery pack (H series) after attaching it to your camcorder. b Not es • You cannot attach any “InfoL ITHIUM” battery pack other than the H series to your camcorder.
8 To char ge th e batt ery pack u sing o nly the AC Ad apto r Turn the POWE R switch to OFF (CH G), then conne ct th e AC Ad aptor direc tly to the DC IN jack on the camco rder. Chargi ng time: Approx imate time (m in.) require d when you fully charge a comp letely ex hau sted batte ry pack.
9 Gettin g Started Step 2: T urnin g the p ower on , and sett ing the date an d time 1 While pressing the green button, turn the POWER switch repeatedly in the direction o f the arrow until the respective lamp lights u p.
10 Step 3 : Se lecti ng th e medi a You can sele ct th e ha rd di sk or “Memor y Stick PRO Du o” as the rec ording/p layback / editing m edia on your ca mcorde r. Select the media f or mo vies and sti ll i mages separate ly. The defaul t setting is hard di sk for movies and s til l imag es.
11 Gettin g Started 1 Insert the “Memory S tick PRO Duo .” 1 Open the Mem ory Stick Duo co ver in the direction of the arrow. 2 Ins ert the “M emor y St ick PRO Duo” into the Me mory St ick Duo slot in the right direc tion un til i t cl icks. 3 Close the Me mory Stic k Duo cover.
12 Recording/ Playback Reco rding The ima ges are record ed on t he medi a sele cted i n the media se tting ( p. 10). In th e defaul t sett ing , both mo vies and st ill i mage s are rec ord ed on the ha rd di sk . 1 Turn the PO WER swit ch C until the respective lamp lights up.
13 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Play back You can play bac k the image recor ded in the media that has been set on the med ia settin g (p. 10). In the default set ting, the i mages on th e hard disk are played ba ck. 1 Turn the POWER sw itch B to turn on your camcorder.
14 To adju st the sou nd volum e of movies When pl aying bac k a mov ie, touch (OPTION) t tab t [V OLU M E], then ad just the vol ume with / . z Tips • On the VISUAL INDEX screen, i / B appears with the image on the tab that was m ost recently played back/recorded.
15 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Name an d fu nctio ns of e ach p art Buttons, j acks, etc., w hich a re not expl ained in othe r chapt ers, ar e expl ained here. 1 Power zoom le ver Move the po wer zoom leve r slightly for a slower z oom. M ove it further for a faste r zoom.
16 qd EASY button Press EASY to display and most of the set tings a re set automa tically for ea sy record ing/ playbac k. To can cel, p ress EASY again. qf DISP/ BATT INFO button You can swit ch th e sc reen displ ay w hen you press while the power is set to on.
17 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Indic ators dis playe d duri ng reco rdi ng/pl ayback Recordi ng mov ies Recording still imag es Viewin g movi es Viewing st ill images A HOM E button B Remaini ng bat tery (a pprox.
18 Followi ng indicato rs appear during record ing/p laybac k to indi cate the sett ings of your camc order. Upper le ft Center Upper right Bottom z Tip s • Indica tors and their position s are approximate and differ from what you actually see. See “Handycam Handbo ok” (PDF) for details.
19 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Perfor mi ng vari ous func tion s - “ HO ME” and “ OPTION” You can di spl ay t he me nu s cree n by pressing (HOME) A (or B )/ (OPTION). For deta ils of the menu items, see “Ha ndycam Hand book” ( PD F) (p. 23). You can ch ange t he ope rat ing s etti ngs fo r your conve nien ce.
20 b Notes • When the item you want is no t on the screen, touch another tab. If you cannot find the item anywhere, the function is not available under the current situation.
21 Rec ordin g/Pl ay back Item s you can set on ly o n the O PTI ON MENU will be de scribed be low. CLOCK/ LANG [CLOC K SET ]* , [A REA SET], [SUM MERTI ME], [ LANGUAGE SET ]* GENERAL SET [DEMO MODE], [REC LAMP] , [CAL IBRATI ON], [A.
22 Connec ting with the A/V conne cting cable You can dub to VCRs, DVD/HDD recorders wit h SD (standard definiti on) image q uality. Connec ting with the USB cable You ca n dub to movi e dubbing compati ble DVD writers, etc., with HD (high definiti on) im age qua lity.
23 Enjoyi ng with a compute r Enjoying with a com puter Perf ormi ng wit h a com pute r x “Handy cam Han dbook ” (PDF) “Han dycam Ha ndbook” (PDF) expl ains in detail ab out your camc order and its pract ical u se. x “Pictu re Motion Brows er” (onl y for Window s user s) “Pic ture M oti on Br owser ” is t he sup plie d software.
24 Stan dard in stal lati on is r equ ired . Operati on is not a ssured if the a bove OS has been upgrad ed o r in a multi-bo ot environm ent. CPU: Inte l Pentiu m 4 2. 8 GHz or f aster (Intel Pentium 4 3.6 GHz or faster, Intel Pentium D 2.8 GH z or faster, Intel Core Duo 1.
25 Enjoyi ng with a compute r 1 Connect the AC Ad aptor to the Handycam Station and a wall outle t (wa ll sock et ). 2 Set your cam corder onto th e Handycam Station, then tur n on your camcorder. 3 Connect t he (USB) j ack of the Handycam Station (p.
26 Troublesho oting Troubl eshoo ting If you run i nto any prob lems using your camcord er, use the fo llowing table t o trouble shoot the pr oblem . If the proble m persists, d isconnec t the power source and conta ct your Sony de aler .
27 Troubles hooting You cannot instal l “Pictur e Motion Browser.” • C heck the comput er envir onment require d to install “Picture Motion Browser.” • I nstall “P icture Mot ion Br owser” in the proper order (p. 2 4). “Picture Motion Browser” d oes not work correctly.
28 • T he temperature of your camcorder is low. Make the camcorder warm. • When the indicator flashes slowly, fr ee space for recording images are running out. • No “M emory Stick PR O Duo” is ins ert ed (p. 1 0). • When the indicator flashes quickly, there are not enough free space for recording im ages .
29 Additi onal Info rmation Addition al Informa tion Precau tion s On use an d care • Do not use o r store the camcorder and accessories in the fol lowing locations: – A nywhere extremely hot, cold or humid.
30 – Leaving the casi ng in contact with r ubber or vinyl objects for a long period of time About care and stora ge of the lens • Wipe the surface of the lens clean wi th a sof t cloth in the following instances: – When there are fi ngerprints on the lens surface.
31 Additi onal Info rmation Speci fic ations System Video compression format: AVCHD (HD)/ MPEG2 (S D)/JPEG (St ill images) Audio compression format: Dolb y Digital 2/5.
Printed on 70% or more recycled paper using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)- free vegetable oil bas ed ink. Addition al inform ation on t his produc t and answer s to frequent ly asked que stions can be found at o ur Custom er Supp ort We bsite. Printed in Japan GB Power consumption : 18 W Output voltage: DC 8.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony HDR-SR10E (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony HDR-SR10E noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony HDR-SR10E - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony HDR-SR10E reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony HDR-SR10E erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony HDR-SR10E besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony HDR-SR10E verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony HDR-SR10E. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony HDR-SR10E gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.