Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ERS-7 des Produzenten Sony
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User's Guide (PC · Netw ork) When printing this docume nt to le gal siz e pape r , pla ce a che ck m ark beside the “A uto-rota te and cen ter pages ” option of the Print di alog bo x.
2 T able of contents Welcome to AIBO ® Entertainment Robot ERS-7 PC network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Network Configuration Confirming system requirem ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Enabling the Wireless LAN function .
3 Appendix Words that the AIBO ® Entertainment R obot can understand (AIBO EYES feature) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Command p arameter list (for AIBO MAIL commands) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 We l c o m e t o AIBO ® Enter tainment Robot ERS-7 PC netw ork Using the wireless LAN functio nality of th e AIBO Ente rtainment Robot ERS-7, you ca n vie w pictur es tak en by your AI BO robot i n the AIBO Phot o Albu m, in rea l-time.
Network Configuration In this section , we will con fir m the system environme nt and set it u p to use th e AIBO ® E nter tainment R obot’ s wireless LAN con nection.
Netw ork Configuration 6 Confirming sy stem requir ements T o use the AI BO EYE S feat ure , you r sy stem must mee t th e followin g req uire men ts. Using only the AIBO Photo Alb um • An e-mail account an d conti nuous Int ernet conn ection ar e not n eeded.
Netw ork Configuration 7 Enab ling the Wireless LAN functio n In ord er to e nable the AIBO ® Ente rtai nme nt Ro bot ’ s wireles s LAN functi on, turn the wi reless s witch on it s body to ON. If the AIBO robot is still operating , firs t pres s the paus e bu tton to pu t the AIBO rob ot in P ause mode.
Netw ork Configuration 8 AIBO ® Enter tainmen t Robot ’ s net w ork setup This sec tion will guide you thr ough the se tup nee ded to enab le your AIBO robot ’ s wireles s LAN functio n. A “Memory S tick™” medi a reader /writer* is requi red to se t up the ne twor k.
Netw ork Configuration 9 Installing th e “AIBO WLAN Man ager” Instal l the “ AIBO WLAN Manager” on your PC. Insert the CD -R OM included with the AIBO ® Entert ainment Robot ERS-7 into y our CD-ROM driv e. The in stall er w ill a utom atica lly star t.
Netw ork Configuration 10 Configuring network settings with the “AIB O WLAN Mana ger” Using the “ AIBO WLAN Manager”, you can conf igure the AIBO MIN D so ftwa re “M emor y St ick™” me dia to ma tch your netw ork device sett ings.
Netw ork Configuration 11 (This proc edure is for th e W indo ws ® XP operatin g system onl y . If u sing anoth er ope rati ng syste m , consult its Help.) 1 Clic k “S tar t” t “Control Pan el”. 2 Click “Netw ork and Internet Connections” t “Netw ork Conn ections” .
Netw ork Configuration 12 When using a DHCP server in y our netw ork en vironment Confi gure set tings on the “ Easy” tab . When usi ng a DHCP ser ver , chang es to t he “ Advanced” tab (pag e 13) ar e unn ecess ary .
Netw ork Configuration 13 When not using a DHCP server in y our netw ork en vir onment Confi gure set tings in the “ Adv anced” t ab . When not usi ng a DHC P ser ver , c hange s to th e “Eas y” t ab (p age 12) a re un neces sary . z Hint For add itional settings , refer to “ AIBO Entertainmen t Robot netwo rk settings” o n page 58.
Netw ork Configuration 14 4 Remove the AIBO MIND software “Memory Stick™” media from the r e ader/writer . Insert it into the AIBO ® Enter tainme nt Ro bot, an d pre ss the pause b u tton on the AIBO robot’ s bac k to activate the AIBO robot.
Netw ork Configuration 15 6 Click Finish to close the “ AIBO WLAN Manager” dialog box. Y ou’ ve c ompleted th is proces s! Y ou can no w communicate wi th your AIBO ® Entertainment Robot wire l.
AIBO Photo Album Y ou can use your W e b browser to view pictur es taken by the AIBO ® Enter tai nment Robot..
AIBO Photo Alb um 17 Vie wing pictures with the AIBO Photo Alb um Y ou can use your W eb brow ser to access the AIBO ® Entertain ment Robo t, and view pictures that it took and sto red on the “Mem ory Stick™” m edia, including the most recent picture.
AIBO Photo Alb um 18 View ing pictu res stored o n the “Memor y Stick™” media 1 Click the “Pictu res on th e Memory Stick” under “ AIBO PHO T O AL BUM” . A list of picture s stored on t he “Memory St ick” media is displ ayed. (Up to 20 pictur es can be s tored on the “Memory Sti ck” media.
AIBO Photo Alb um 19 View ing the most recent picture Y ou can vi ew the most recent pict ure (only 1) taken by th e AIBO ® Enterta inment Robot. This is usef ul when you wis h to check the pict ure th e AIBO robot j ust took. Under “AIBO PHO TO ALBUM”, click on “Most recent picture”.
The AIBO EYES Feature After sett ing up your e-mail, you c an send th e AIBO ® Enter tainment Ro bot e-mai l (AIBO M AIL) to m ake it take pictures and en act and de liver messa ges.
The AIBO EYES Feature 21 V arious AIBO EYES functions The AIBO ® Entert ainment Robo t will t ake pictur es and enact a nd deli ver mess ages based on e-mail c ommands you send.
The AIBO EYES Feature 22 Communicate with y our AIBO ® Enter tainmen t Robot without y our PC The AIBO robo t is al ways connecte d to the In ternet v ia wireles s LAN (pro vided th at your en vironment has a conti nuo us I ntern et c onne ctio n).
The AIBO EYES Feature 23 Configuring e-mail Once the ne twor k sett ing s are com plet ed, i t is ti me to conf igure t he e-mail address t hat the AIBO ® Entert ainm ent Robot wil l check, and then set up the AIBO EYES use rs.
The AIBO EYES Feature 24 4 Click “Mail Setup ” under “ AIBO EYES”. The “Mai l Se tup” s cre en app ear s..
The AIBO EYES Feature 25 5 Fill each setu p f ield, and click the “Sa ve” b utton. Specifie s the serv er the AIBO ® Enter tain ment R obo t uses to sen d an d rece ive e-m ail. Ref er to y our e-mai l software or chec k with y our service provi der f or details.
The AIBO EYES Feature 26 z Priv ate Mode The AIBO EYES feature can be set to limit acc ess only t o reg istered users (maxim um of f i ve). Those who wi sh to enjo y the AIBO EYES features of photo c ommands and pic ture vie wing, but want to limit access to fami ly and clos e friend s, should s elect th is mode.
The AIBO EYES Feature 27 Once you cli ck the “Sa ve” b utton, the AIBO ® Ent ertainment Robot will check for ne w e-mail . Afte r a mo men t, the wir eless ligh t will turn ON t o indi cat e the tr ans miss ion statu s between the AIBO robot an d the e-mai l serve r .
The AIBO EYES Feature 28 7 Fill each Pri vate M ode setup f ield, and click the “Sa ve” b utton. When usin g the Pri vate Mode , you can re gister up to f iv e users. This comp lete s th e setu p pr oced ure . When making the AIBO ro bot tak e pictu res periodica lly , you can s et the des ired interva l.
The AIBO EYES Feature 29 AIBO MA IL Let’ s try sendin g the AIBO ® Enter tainment Rob ot an e-mai l with command s to tak e a pict ure or lea ve a mes sage. The AIBO robot will tak e picture s, play back deli v ered messages, lea ve mes sages, and an nounce ne w e-mail accord ing to your e-mail commands .
The AIBO EYES Feature 30 Vie wing pictures taken b y the AIBO ® Ente r tainment Rob ot on y our PC o r mob ile communicatio n device * Y ou can se nd pictur e commands with the AIBO MAIL functi on from your PC or mobile communic ation de vice*.
The AIBO EYES Feature 31 The AIBO ® Entertainment Robot’ s head angle (angle of the AIBO r obot’ s color c amera) Y ou can use commands in the AIBO MAI L to set the v ertical and hori zontal pos itionin g of the AI BO robot’ s head (color camera) when ha ving it t ake a pi cture.
The AIBO EYES Feature 32 Writing commands AIBO MAIL example of a PHO TO command All char acters mus t be alphanumer ic. AIBO MAIL is not cas e sensit i ve.
The AIBO EYES Feature 33 Directly commanding the AIBO ® Enter t ai nment Robot to take a pic ture – by v oice command or b y sho wing the appr opriate AIBO card Y ou can ha ve the AIBO robot take a picture by gi ving it a voic e command or sho wing it the appropriate AIBO card.
The AIBO EYES Feature 34 Writing commands AIBO MAIL example of a W A TCH com mand All char acters mus t be alphanumer ic. AIBO MAIL is not cas e sensit i ve.
The AIBO EYES Feature 35 Canceling t he periodic pictures t aking function Send the AIBO ® Ente rtai nm ent R obot a W A T CH c omm and with the inte rv al set to : [hour: 0] [m in: 0].
The AIBO EYES Feature 36 Sending the AIBO ® Enter tainment Robot a message or song Using e- mail from you r PC or mobil e communicati on de vice*, you can send t he AIBO robot messages or songs t o play bac k or perform. * A JPEG e-mail vie wing capab ility required .
The AIBO EYES Feature 37 AIBO MAIL example of a MSG command z When the AIBO r obot has receives a message command Say “Check messages” to the AIBO robot .
The AIBO EYES Feature 38 Having t he AIB O ® Enter tainment Robot pla y back the messa ge or song immediatel y [PLA Y comma nd] This command can be u sed when the message rec ipient i s near th e AIBO robot. Specify a message or song and se nd it to t he AIBO robot usi ng the AIBO MA IL f uncti on.
The AIBO EYES Feature 39 The AIBO ® Entertainment Robot will notify y ou of ne w e-mail If a ne w e-mail ar ri ves at the e- mail ad dress tha t the AIBO robot che cks, its wire less lig ht will fla sh blue and noti fy you of thi s arri va l. (Y our PC do es not n eed to be acti vat ed fo r this notif ication f eature to w ork.
Additional Information This section provide s notes o n usag e and a troublesh ooting gui de..
Additional I nformati on 41 Notes on use T o protect the data stored on the AIBO MIND soft ware “Memory S tick™” medi a, note th e follo wing: • The AIBO MIND soft ware “Memor y Stick” medi a is designed e xclusi vely for use wit h the AIBO ® Entertai nment Robot ERS-7 .
Additional I nformati on 42 T r oub leshooting If you e xperience an y diff iculties, us e this tr oubleshoo ting guide to check f or the pos sible ca uses of t he problem be fore conta cti ng the AIB O C ustom er Link ( cus tome r serv ice ).
Additional I nformati on 43 After telling AIBO ® Entertainment Robot “Send e-mail”, the AIBO robo t says “I’ ve finished sending the e-mail”, but the e-mail fails to reach the r ecipient. • The recipient’ s e-mail address s etting may be incorrect.
Appendix z W ords tha t the AI BO ® E nter tainment Robot c an und erstand (AIBO EY ES feature) z Command pa rameter li st (for AIBO MAIL c omman ds) z AIBO En tertainme nt Robo t ERS- 7 lig ht z Vie.
Appendix 45 W or ds th at the AIBO ® Enter tainment Robot ca n under s tand (AIBO EYES feature) Below ar e som e wor ds (voice com man ds) th at t he A IBO robot ca n underst and when usin g the AIBO EYES fe ature.
Appendix 46 Command parameter list (f or AIBO MAIL commands) The foll o wing is a list of codes t hat can b e used as command parame ters for the AIBO MAI L function . • All codes must be e ntered i n plain t ext. Co des are not case sensiti ve. • Include “ Code” v alues from the se tables in your AI BO MAIL.
Appendix 47 MSG, PLA Y comma nd pa rame ters SONG *1 The con tents of values S5-S10 can be pr ovided vi a AIBO Cust om Manag er (sup plied s epara tely ). AIBO Customer Man ager is software that runs on a com puter . For the l atest in forma tion abou t AIBO Custome r Manager an d av ailab le cont ents, visi t our W eb site at http://www .
Appendix 48 AIBO ® Enter tainment Ro bot ERS-7 light Wireless lig ht Lit b lue: Con nected to the mail server . Flashing blue : Ne w mail ..
Appendix 49 Vie wing pictures t aken b y the AIBO ® Ente r tainment Robot with a “Memory Sti c k™” media reader/wri ter 1 Remove the “Memory St ick” medi a from the AIBO robot. For i nstructi ons on remo ving the “Memory Stic k” med ia, re fer to the “User ’ s Gu ide (Basi c)” for the AIBO robot ERS-7 .
Appendix 50 Err or e-mail e xamples If the f oll owing pro blem s occ ur wh ile u sing the AI BO EYES feat ure, the AIBO ® Ent ert ainm ent Rob ot wi ll s end a n error not ification e-ma il to the A IBO MA IL sen der or the o wner of the e-mail address .
Appendix 51 z When the head angle cannot be maintained When the he ad angle c annot be mai ntained a nd the AIB O ® En tertain ment Robot’ s head fall s forwa rd, an error not if ication is sent, a nd the AIBO ro bot is deacti vat ed.
Appendix 52 Editing “WLANCONF .TXT” man ually Users of W indo ws ® 98, Mac OS ® , and other ope rating systems t hat do not support the “ AIBO WLAN Manager” can use t he follo wing proce dure to manua lly edit the content s of “WLANCONF .TXT” to conf igure the netw ork.
Appendix 53 (This proc edure is for th e W indo ws ® 98 SE operating system only . If using ano ther oper ating sys tem, consult its Help.) 1 Clic k “S tar t” t “Settings” t “Control Panel ”. 2 Double-cl ick “Netw ork”. 3 Click “TCP/IP” t “Netwo rk Ca rd N ame” , and clic k the “Pr opert ies” button.
Appendix 54 When using a DHCP server in y our netw ork en vironment # # WLAN # HOSTNAME=AIBO ESSID=AIBONET WEPEN ABLE=1 WEPKEY=AIB O2 APMODE=1 # # IP net wo rk # USE_DHCP=1 # # If DHCP is not used (USE_ DHCP=0) , you need to spec ify the # network co nfiguration using IP addre sses.
Appendix 55 When not using a DHCP server in y our netw ork en vir onment # # WLAN # HOSTNAME=AIBO ESSID=AIBONET WEPEN ABLE=1 WEPKEY=AIB O2 APMODE=1 # # IP net wo rk # #USE_DHCP=1 # # If DHCP is not used (USE_ DHCP=0) , you need to spec ify the # network co nfiguration using IP addre sses.
Appendix 56 WLANCONF .TXT p arameter list This li st ex plains ea ch param eter in t he wirele ss LAN conf iguration f ile. HOSTN A ME Defines the name the AIBO ® Entertai nment Robot uses o n the wireless n etwork. Th is name can be up to 8 alphanumeric c haracters and must co ntain at least one letter .
Appendix 57 SSDP_ ENAB LE Def ines whether to use SSDP ( Simple Servi ce Disco very Protocol) . In the “ AIBO WLAN Manager”, when you click th e “Search” button o n the “ AIBO Search” tab, the AIBO ® Entertainment Robot will sho w up as an icon.
Appendix 58 AIBO ® Enter tainmen t Robot netw ork setting s This list describes the conf iguration values for the AIB O robot’ s internal wirele ss LAN func tion. Once the A IBO robot has comm unicated with the netwo rk de vices, you can change these settings to suit your en vironment.
Appendix 59 Glossa ry Access point A netw ork de vice that cont ains both a wireles s communic ation int erfa ce and an Et hernet inte rface , an access point act s as a bridge between wir eless LAN and wired LAN.
Appendix 60 Router By connect ing an exter nal netw ork (Int ernet) to a pri vate netw ork at h ome, a router allo ws one ext ernal netw ork line to be sha red by mult iple net work de vices. Router funct ionality c an be found inside DSL modems, wireles s LAN access points, an d other network de vices.
Appendix 61 WEP (Wired Equi valent Priv acy) When using wi reless communicatio n, WEP is used t o encrypt data to pr e vent i t from bei ng analyzed by another party .
Customer Support How can you contact the AIB O Customer Link (cus tomer service)? In the U.S.A.: Call 1- 800-427- 2988 E-mail addres s: aibosupport @info.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony ERS-7 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony ERS-7 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony ERS-7 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony ERS-7 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony ERS-7 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony ERS-7 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony ERS-7 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony ERS-7. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony ERS-7 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.