Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DVP-NS315 Marketing des Produzenten Sony
Zur Seite of 72
3-073-379- 11 (1) Oper ating I ns t ructio ns © 2002 Sony Corporation D VP-NS315 D VP-NS415 CD/DVD Player.
2 WARNIN G To pr event f ire or shoc k hazard , do not expose the unit to r ain or mo isture. To avoi d elect rical shock, d o not op en the c abin et. Ref er servicin g to qual ified perso nnel onl y. CAUTION The use of optical instrum ents with this product will increase eye hazard.
3 Precau tio ns • The po w er requir em e nts an d po wer consum ption o f this player ar e indi cated o n the bac k of the play er. Ch ec k th at the player’s operating voltage is identica l with your lo ca l power su pply. On sa f ety • Caution – The use of o ptical instr uments with th is pro d uct w ill in cr ea se ey e haz ard.
4 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Welcome! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions .
5 Enjo ying M o vies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Changing the Angle s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Displaying th e Subtitles . . . . . . . . . .
6 About th is Man ua l • Instru ctions in this manual descri be the contr ols on the remo te. Yo u can al so use the controls on th e playe r if they h ave th e sa me or similar names as t hose on the r emote.
7 • A dis c record ed in a co lor sys tem ot her th an NTSC, such a s PAL or SECAM (this player conforms to the NTSC color sy st em). • A disc th at has a non- standa rd sha pe (e.g., card , hea rt). • A disc wi th pa per or sti ckers on i t. • A disc th at has the adhe sive of celloph an e tape or a sticker still le ft on it.
8 Index t o Part s an d Con tro ls For more informatio n, refer to the pa ges indic ated in par entheses . Front panel DVP-NS31 5 DVP-NS41 5 A [ / 1 (o n/standb y) bu tton/ind icator (27) Lights up in green wh en the pow e r is on and lights up in red when th e p la yer is in standb y m o de.
9 Front panel dis play When pla ying ba ck a DVD When playin g back a VIDEO CD with Playba ck Co ntrol (P BC) (32) When pla ying ba ck a CD, DAT A CD (M P3 audi o), or VI D EO CD (w i thout PBC) Curre.
10 Rear panel DVP-NS31 5 DVP-NS41 5 A DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL) jack (22) (23) (24) B DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) jack (DVP-NS415 only) (22) (23) (24) C LINE IN L/R (AUDIO) jacks (DVP- NS415 on ly) ( 16) (18) D.
11 Remote DVP-N S315 A Z OPEN/CLOSE b utton (2 8) B SUR (surround) button (4 4) C SUBTITLE button (47) D AUDIO bu tto n (43 ) E ANGLE b utton (47) F CLEA R butto n ( 35) G . / > PREV/NEXT (previous/ next) butt ons (28) H m / M SCAN/SLOW buttons (29) I X PAUSE bu tto n (28 ) J H PLAY but ton (27) The H butt on h as a tacti le dot.
12 DVP-NS41 5 A TV [ / 1 (o n/st an dby) bu tto n ( 55 ) B Z OPEN/C LOSE b utton ( 28) C Numbe r but ton s (3 2) The num be r 5 but t o n has a tac ti le do t.
13 Gui de to On-S creen Displ ays (Contro l Bar) The foll ow ing ex pl ai ns the Cont ro l Bar. The Control Bar i s used for ma king adjustme nts to the setti ng s or displ ay ing inf or mation du ring playba ck. The dis played conten ts differ accordi ng to th e type of d is c be ing play ed .
14 Displaying the Control Bar in stop mode The foll ow ing dis plays ap pea r when the DISPLAY button is repeat ed ly presse d during stop mo de . You ca n m ak e basic adjust m ents an d custom ize t he p laye r t o su it your vi ewin g pref eren ce s.
15 Simple Start Guide Simple Start Guide Quick Ov ervi e w A quick overvi ew p resente d in this guide will give y ou e nough i nform ation to s tart us ing t he player for yo ur enjoy m en t. To use the surrou nd sou nd f eature s of th is play er , ref er to “Ho oku ps” on pag e 18.
16 Step 3 : TV Ho okup s Connect the sup plied audi o/vid eo cord a nd the po wer cord in the or der ( 1 ~ 3 ) shown be low . Be sur e t o co nnect th e power co rd last .
17 Simple Start Guide Step 4 : Play ing a Disc A Turn on the TV. B Press [ / 1 on the player. C Switch th e input select or on your TV so that the sign al from the player app ear s on the TV screen. D Press A on t h e player to open the disc tray. E Place the disc on th e tray with the playb ack side f acing down.
18 Hookups Hooki ng Up t he Pla yer Fol lo w Step s 1 t o 4 to ho ok up and ad just the set t i ngs of t h e pl a yer. Befo re you s tart, d isconn ect th e powe r cord s, c heck th at you have al l of the supp lied a ccesso ries, and ins ert the batt eries in to the re mote (page 15).
19 Hookup s A If you a re connec ting to a video inp ut jack Connect the ye llow plug of the audio/v ideo cord (supplied) to the yellow (video) jacks. You will enjoy s tandard qual ity images. Use th e re d and wh ite plu gs to connec t to the a udi o input jacks (p age 21 ).
20 Ste p 2: Conne cting the Audi o Cord s Refer to th e chart below to select the connectio n that best s uits your system. Be su re to also read the inst ructions for the components y ou wish to connect. Select a connecti on Select one of the fo ll ow ing co nne ction s, throug h .
21 Hookup s Connecti ng to you r TV This conn ecti on wil l u se you r TV s pea kers for so und. * The yellow plug is used for video signa ls (p a ge 18).
22 Conn ecting to a stereo amp lifier (rece iver) and 2 speakers/Co nnecting to an MD de ck or DA T deck If the st ereo ampli fie r ( receiver) h as a udio in put j acks L and R only , u se . If the amplif ie r (recei ver) ha s a digital i nput jac k, or when conne cting to an MD deck or DAT dec k, use .
23 Hookup s Connect ing to a n A V ampl ifie r (receiver ) havin g a Dol by Surround (Pro Logic) d ecoder and 3 to 6 speakers You can en joy t he Do lby S urrou nd e ffects only when play ing Dolby Surro und audio o r m ulti- chann el au dio (D ol by D i gi t al) discs .
24 Connec ti ng t o an A V amplifier ( rec ei ver) w it h a d igi tal inp ut jack ha vi ng a Dol by Digital o r DTS de coder a nd 6 speak ers This connecti on will allo w you to use the Dolby Digital or DTS decoder function of y our AV ampli fier (rec eive r).
25 Hookup s Step 3 : Conn ecting the Power Cord Plu g th e playe r and TV po wer cord s int o an AC out le t . Step 4: Qu ic k Setu p Follow the steps belo w to make the mini mum number of basi c adjust ments for using th e player. To skip a n adjustment, p ress > .
26 9 Press X / x to select the type of jack (if any) yo u are using to connect to an amplifier (receiver), then press ENTER. Choose the ite m that matches the audio conn ection y ou s elected on pages 21 to 24 ( through ). • If you c onne ct ju st a TV an d not hin g else, se lect “N O .
27 Playin g Di sc s Playing Disc s Playi ng Disc s Depending on the DVD or VIDEO CD, some operat io ns may b e di ffere n t or r es tricted . Refer to the op erating instructio ns supplied with yo ur disc. 1 Turn on your TV. 2 Press [ / 1 . The pl ayer t urns on a nd the pow er indicat or lights up i n gr ee n.
28 and ma y af fect you r ears or ca use yo ur speak ers t o be dama ged. Notes on play in g DVDs with a DTS sound track • DTS audi o si gnal s ar e out put only thr ough the DIGITAL OUT (COA XIAL or OPTICAL) ja ck. • When you pla y a DVD with DTS sou nd tracks, set “DTS” to “ON” in “AUDIO SETUP ” (pag e 62 ).
29 Playin g Di sc s Note Even if you select “RESET” under “SETUP ” in the Control Bar (pag e 58), th e di sc tr ay re mains locke d. Sear ching for a Particu lar Po int on a Disc (Scan, Sl ow-moti on Play, Search, F reeze Frame) You ca n quickl y locate a parti cular p oint on a disc by monito ring the pict ure or playi ng back slowly.
30 Playba ck dir ection Oppo si te di re ction The “ × 2 B ”/“ × 2 b ” play back s peed is a bou t twice t he norm al spee d. The “2 M ”/“2 m ” pla yback sp eed is fa ster than “ 1 M ”/ “1 m .” Watching frame by frame ( Slow- motion play) Press m or M w h en the pla y er is in pause mode.
31 Playin g Di sc s Resum ing Pl ayba ck from the Po in t Whe r e You Stoppe d the Disc (Resume Play/Multi-disc R esume) The play er remembe rs the po in t wh ere you stoppe d the disc.
32 Using t he DVD’s Menu A DVD is divid ed into long sec tions of a pic ture or a music feat ure ca lle d “t itles .” When y ou p lay a DVD wh ich contai ns severa l title s, you can sel ect the title yo u want using the TOP MEN U bu tton.
33 Playin g Di sc s To retu rn to the m enu Press O RETURN. z Hint To play without usi ng PBC, press . / > while the player is st opped to selec t a track, then press H or ENTER. “Play without PB C” a ppe ars on the TV scr een and the playe r starts continuous play.
34 2 Selec t an albu m usin g X / x an d press ENTER . The list o f t ra cks contai ne d in the albu m appe ars. 3 Select a track u sing X / x and pre ss ENTER . The sel ected trac k starts p laying . When a t rack or album is being p layed, it s title is shaded.
35 Playin g Di sc s When yo u inser t a DAT A CD and press H , the number ed tracks are played sequen tially, from 1 through 7 . Any su b-al bums/t rack s contai ne d within a curren tly selec ted alb um take pri ority over the next al bum in the same tree.
36 1 Press DIS PLAY t wice wh ile th e player is in sto p mode . The fol lowing Co ntrol Ba r a ppears. 2 Press C / c to select (PROGRAM) , then p ress EN TER. 3 Press c . The cursor moves to th e title or track row “T” (in t his c ase, “01”).
37 Playin g Di sc s To tur n off th e dis pl ay Press DISP LAY repeatedly until the display is tu rned off . To ch ang e or ca ncel a pro gram 1 Follow Steps 1 and 2 of “Crea ting you r own pr ogr am ( Progra m Play).
38 Playing repeatedl y (Repeat Play) You can play all of the t itles or tr acks on a disc or a single title, ch apter, o r track repeat edly. You can use a com bi n a tion of Shu ffle or Program Play modes. 1 Press DISPLAY during pl ayba ck. The fol lowing Co ntrol Ba r a ppears.
39 Playin g Di sc s Repeating a speci fic portion (A- B Repeat Play) You can play a spec ific portion of a title, chapter or t ra ck repeate dly. (This fu nct io n is useful when you want to m emorize lyr ics, et c.) 1 Press D I SPLAY dur ing play back.
40 Sear c hi ng for a S cene Search ing f or a Title/ Chap ter/T rack/ Inde x/ Scene (Search m ode) You can search a DVD by t itle or cha pter, and you can se arch a V IDE O CD / C D by track, index, or scene. As titles a nd tracks a re assig ned u nique n umber s on t he dis c, you can select the desired one by ente ring its number .
41 Viewing In formation Ab out the D isc Viewing In formation About th e Disc Checki ng the Playi ng Time an d Remai nin g Time You ca n ch eck th e playi ng ti m e an d remaining t ime of the cur rent title, cha pter, or track. A lso, yo u can che ck the D VD/C D text or trac k na me (MP 3 audio) re corde d on the disc.
42 change th e time informa tion on you r TV scre en. When pl aying a D VD When playing a DATA CD (M P3 audi o) When p laying a VIDEO C D (wi thout PBC functions ) or CD z Hints • When playing VIDEO C Ds with P BC functio ns, the scene number or th e playin g time are displaye d.
43 Sound Adjustm en ts Sound Adjustm ents Changi ng the Sou nd When playi ng a DVD recorde d in multip le audio formats (PC M, Dolb y Digital , or DTS), you can chan ge the audio format . If th e DV D is reco rded with multilingual tracks, y ou can also cha nge the l an guage .
44 • LFE (L ow Freq uency Eff ect) si g nal Note If “DTS” is se t t o “OFF ” in “AUDIO SETUP,” the DTS trac k selectio n option w ill not appe ar on the screen ev en if the dis c contai ns DTS tra cks (pag e 62).
45 Sound Adjustm en ts 2 Press C / c to select (SURROUND), then pre ss ENTER repeat edly to select one of t he TVS sounds. Refer t o the follow ing exp lana tions gi ven for e ach item . • TVS DYNAMIC •T V S W I D E • TVS NIGHT • TVS STANDARD To can c el the set t ing Select “O F F” in Step 2.
46 • “TVS NIGHT” only w orks with Dolby Dig ital discs. How ever, no t all discs wi ll respond to the “TVS NIGHT” function in t he same way. • If you use the DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL or COAXIA.
47 Enjoyi ng Movie s Enjoying M ovies Changi ng the Angl es If vari ou s angl es (mult i -a ngle s) fo r a scen e are rec orded on the D VD, “ ” appears in the front pa nel disp lay. This me ans that y ou can chan ge the vi ewin g ang le. 1 Pres s ANGL E dur ing pl ayba ck.
48 Adjust ing th e Pi cture Quali ty (BNR) The B lock N ois e Redu ctio n (BN R) fun ction adjust s the pictur e quali ty by r educing the “block nois e” or mosa ic like patt erns that appe ar on your T V sc reen. 1 Press DISPL AY tw ice duri ng playback.
49 Enjoyi ng Movie s Adj us ting th e P layba ck Pictu re (CUS TOM PI CTURE M ODE) You can adjust the video signal o f the DVD or VIDEO CD from the player to obtain the picture quality you wa nt. Choose th e setting that be st sui t s t he program yo u are wa tc hi ng.
50 Enhanc ing the Pl ayback Pict ure (DIGITAL VIDEO ENHANCE R) (DVP-NS 41 5 only) The Dig ita l Video Enh ancer (D V E ) func tion makes th e picture a ppear cl ea r and cri sp by enhanci ng the ou tlines of images on yo ur TV screen. Also, th is fu nc tio n can soft en the imag es on the scr een .
51 Using Vari ous Additi ona l Functions Using Various Additional Functions Lockin g Disc s (CU STOM PARENTA L CONTRO L, PARE NTAL CONTR OL) You can set two ki nds of pl ayback restric tions for th e desir ed disc . • Custom Pa renta l Co nt ro l You can set play back res trictions so that t he player w i ll not play in app ropri at e di s cs.
52 5 Enter o r re-e nter your 4-d igit pa ssword by p ressing X / x to sele ct the di git, followed b y C / c to move the cursor, then p ress E NTER. You ca n al so use th e numbe r butto ns to enter your pas sword (DVP-NS 415 only ). “Cus tom par ental c ontrol i s set.
53 Using Vari ous Additi ona l Functions 3 Press X / x to se le ct “PLAY ER t ,” then pre ss ENTER . ◆ If you ha ve n ot entere d a passw or d The dis play fo r regi steri ng a ne w passw or d appe ar s. Enter a 4 -digit pa sswor d us i ng X / x to select the di git, followed by C / c to move the curso r, then pre ss EN TER .
54 The low e r the val ue, t he strict er the limitatio n. To tur n off th e Pare ntal C ontro l funct ion Set “LEVEL” to “OF F” in Step 8. To p lay a d isc fo r wh ich Pa renta l Cont rol i s set 1 Insert the di sc a nd press H . The disp lay for ent ering your pa sswor d appe ars.
55 Using Vari ous Additi ona l Functions 5 Enter a ne w 4-dig it passw o rd us in g X / x to se lect the digit, fo llowed by C / c to move the cursor, then pres s ENTER. You can also use the num ber butt on s to enter y our pass word (D VP- N S4 15 onl y) .
56 Controlling other TVs with the remote (DVP-NS415 only) You can control th e sound leve l, input source, and pow er switch o f no n-Sony TV s as well.
57 Settings a nd Adjustm ents Settings and Adjustmen ts Usin g th e Se tu p Disp la y By usi n g the Se t u p Disp l ay , you ca n make various a djustments to items su ch as pictu re and so und. You ca n also set a languag e fo r the subtitl es and t he Setu p Disp lay, am ong othe r things.
58 6 Select a setting using X / x , then press ENTER . The setting is selecte d and setup is complete. Exam ple: “16: 9” To turn off the di splay Press DISPLAY repea tedly until the display is tur ned off. To en ter the Qu ick Setu p mode Sele ct “ QU ICK ” in Ste p 3.
59 Settings a nd Adjustm ents Setti ngs f or th e Disp lay (SCREEN SETUP) Choose sett ings according to the TV to b e connect ed. Select “SCREEN SETUP” in the Se tup Displ ay. To use the di spla y, see “U si ng the Setu p D isp lay” (pa ge 57) .
60 Custom Set tings (CUSTOM SETUP) Use t his to s et up play back rela ted and ot her settings . Select “CUS TOM SE TU P” in the Setu p Disp la y. To us e t he displa y, see “U s in g the Setu p D isp lay” (pa ge 57) . The defa ult settin gs are und erlined.
61 Settings a nd Adjustm ents Settin gs for the Soun d (AUDIO SETUP ) “AUDIO SETUP” allows you to set th e sound accordi n g to the play back a nd c onnec tio n conditi ons. Select “AUDIO SETUP” in the Setup Displ ay. To use the di spla y, see “U si ng the Setu p D isp lay” (pa ge 57) .
62 Setting th e digital output s ignal Swit c hes th e method of out p ut t in g au dio signal s wh en you con nect a com ponent such as an ampli fier (recei ver) o r MD deck w ith a digital i nput jack. For co nn ection det ai ls, see pa ge 20. Select “DOLBY DIGITAL” and “ DTS” after setting “DIGITAL OUT” to “ON.
63 Additional Informat ion Additional Info rmation Troubl eshoo ting If you exp erienc e an y of the f ollowi ng difficul tie s while using the player, use this troubles hooti ng g uide to he lp rem ed y the proble m bef ore req ues ting re pa irs. Shou ld any prob lem pers ist, cons ul t y our neares t Sony deal e r.
64 the pl ay er. , Moisture has co nde nse d inside the pla ye r (page 3 ). , The pl ayer cannot play CD-Rs , CD-RWs , DVD-Rs, or DVD-RWs (video mode) that are n ot fin alized (pag e 6). The MP3 au dio tra ck cannot be played (pag e 34 ) . , The DA TA CD is not r ecord ed in the MP3 format that c onforms to ISO9660 Level 1/ Leve l 2 or Joli e t.
65 Additional Informat ion The disc tray doe s not ope n and “TR AY LOCKE D” appea rs on th e fron t panel display. , Contac t you r Sony dealer or loca l auth ori zed Sony servic e fa cility . “Da ta er r o r” ap pear s on the TV sc r e en when pl ay ing a DATA CD.
66 Glos sary Chapte r (pag e 9) Secti ons of a picture or a music fe ature tha t are smalle r th an tit les. A title is c omp osed of severa l chapt ers. Dep ending on the dis c, n o chap te rs may be reco rded . Dolby Digita l (pag e 24 , 62) Digital audio compres sion technolo gy develo pe d by Dolb y La bora to ri es.
67 Additional Informat ion Spec ifica tions Syst em Laser: S em i co nductor laser Signal form at sy stem: NTS C Audio chara cteri stics Freq uency resp onse: DVD VIDEO (PCM 96 kHz ): 2 Hz to 44 kHz (±1. 0 dB)/DV D VIDEO (PCM 48 kHz): 2 Hz to 22 kHz (±0.
68 Langua ge C ode Li st For de tails, see p ages 4 3, 47 , 58. The lang ua ge spell i ngs co nform to the ISO 639: 19 88 (E/F) standard . Code Lan guage Code Lan guage Code L anguage Code Langu age 1.
69 Inde x Numerics 16:9 59 4:3 L ETTER BOX 59 4:3 PAN SCAN 59 5.1 Channel Surrou nd 43 A A-B REPEAT 39 album 33 ANGLE 47 AUDIO 43 , 58 AUDIO ATT 61 AUDIO DRC 61 AUDIO SETUP 61 AUTO PLAY 60 AUTO POWER .
Sony Corporation Print ed in Malaysia.
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