Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DVP-F250 des Produzenten Sony
Zur Seite of 80
3-083-976- 11 (2) Oper ating Ins t ructio ns © 2003 Sony Corporation D VP-F250 CD/DVD Player.
2 WARNIN G To pr event f ire or shoc k hazard , do not expose the unit to r ain or mo isture. To avoi d elect rical shock, d o not op en the c abin et. Ref er servicin g to q ualified perso nnel onl y. The mains lead mu st only b e change d at a qualifi ed service shop.
3 Precau tio ns On sa f ety • Caution – The use of optic al instr uments with th is pro d uct w ill in cr e a se e y e haz ard. • Sho ul d any so l i d objec t or l i q uid fa ll int o the cab in et, unplu g the play er and hav e it chec ke d by qua li f ie d pe rson nel be fore operating it any fu rth e r.
4 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Welcome! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions .
5 Adjusting the Picture Quality (BNR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Adjusting the Pla yback Picture (CUSTOM PICTURE MODE) . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Enhancing the Playback Pi cture (DIGITAL VIDEO ENHANCER) . . . . . . .
6 About Th is Manu al • Op er at ions and displa ys differ slightl y, depend ing on w her e the m ode l is sold. Euro pe an mode ls ar e used for ill us tration purpos es unl ess o therwi se speci fied. Any diffe re n c e in oper ation i s cl ea rly ind icate d in the text, for example, “(Eu ropean models only).
7 – MP 3 fo rmat that confor ms to ISO9 660* Level 1/Level 2, or its extend ed for mat, Joliet • Data part of CD-E xt ras • DVD-ROMs • DVD Audio discs • HD layer on Sup er Au dio CD s * A logic al form at of file s a nd f olde r s on CD - ROMs, define d by ISO ( Inte rnat ion al Standar ds Organizati on).
8 Index t o Part s an d Con tro ls For more informa tion, see the pa ge s in pare nt hese s. Front panel A Front pane l disp la y ( 9) B (remote sensor) (15) C DISPLAY POSIT ION butto n (9) D N (pla y) butto n (28) E x (sto p) butt on ( 29 ) F .
9 Front panel dis play You can sw i tc h t he front pa nel di s play acc or ding to the placem en t of the pla yer. When you pre ss the DISPL AY PO SITIO N butto n on the player , the d ispla y change s alte rnatel y ( A or B ).
10 Rear panel A DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) jack (21) (22) (23) B DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL) jack (21) (22) (23) C COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks (16) D S VIDEO OUT jack (16) E LINE OUT (VIDEO) jack (16) F LINE OUT L.
11 Remote A TV [ / 1 (o n/standby) button (61 ) B Z (open/c lose) button (28) C Number bu ttons (31) The num be r 5 button has a t ac tile dot. * D CLEA R butto n ( 36) E (subtitle) bu tton (53 ) F (audi o) butt on (49) G .
12 Guide t o the Control Me nu Display ( Ma gic Pad) Use th e Co ntro l M e nu to sel ect a func t ion and to view r el at ed info rm a tion. P re ss DISPLA Y repeat ed ly to tur n o n or cha ng e the.
13 List of Co ntro l Menu it ems Item Item Name, Functio n, Relevant Dis c Type TITLE (page 42)/SCENE (page 4 2)/TRACK (page 42 ) Selects the title , scene, or track to be played. CHAPTER (page 42)/INDEX (p age 42) Selects the chapter o r index to be pla yed.
14 z Hint The Cont rol Menu icon ind icator li ghts up i n green when you select an y item except “OFF.” ( “TVS,” “PROGRAM ,” “SHUFFLE,” “REPEAT,” “ A-B REPEAT,” “BNR,” “DIGITAL VIDEO ENHANCER” only). The “ANG LE” indica tor lights up i n green only when the a n gles can be c hanged.
15 Hookup s Hookups Hookin g Up the Pl aye r Follow steps 1 to 7 to hook up a nd adj ust the setti ngs of the player. Notes • Plug cords se c urely to preven t unwanted noi se . • Refer t o the i nstructions supplie d with the com ponents t o be conn ected.
16 Ste p 3: Conne cting the Vi deo Cord s Conn ect this player t o yo u r T V monit or, pr ojector , or AV ampli fier (receive r) using a video cord. Select one of the pat t er ns A through D , according to the input jack on your TV monitor, projec t or , or AV am p lifie r ( re ceiver ).
17 Hookup s A If yo u are conn ectin g to a v ideo inpu t j ack Connect the yellow plug of th e audio/ video c ord (sup plied) to the yello w (video) jack. Yo u will enjoy s tandard qual ity images. Use th e re d and wh ite plu gs to conn ec t to the a udi o input ja ck s (pag e 20).
18 Note Do not connect the pla yer to a VCR. If you pass the playe r signals via the VCR, you ma y not receive a clear image on the TV scr een . If your TV only has one audio /vid eo input jack, conne ct the play er to th is jack.
19 Hookup s Step 4 : Conn ecti ng the Audio Cor ds Refer to th e chart b elow to sele ct the co nnection th at best su its your syst em. Be su re to also read the inst ructions for t he components you wish to connect. Select a connecti on Select one of the foll ow i n g conne ct i ons , through .
20 Conne cting to your TV This con ne ction wi l l us e yo ur TV sp ea kers for so und. * The yello w plug is used for video si gnals (page 16). z Hint When co nnectin g to a m onaural TV, use a stereo- mono conve r sion cord (not suppli ed). Conne ct the LINE OUT L/R (AUDIO) jac ks to the TV’s a udio input jac k.
21 Hookup s Connecti ng to a stere o amplifier (re ceiver) and 2 speakers/Con necting to an MD d eck or DA T deck If the st e reo a mpli fie r ( receiver ) ha s audio input jacks L a nd R o nly, u se . If the amplif ier (recei ver) ha s a digit al input j ack, or wh en con nectin g to an MD deck or DAT dec k, use .
22 Connect ing to a n A V amplifier (receiver) having a Dolb y Surround (Pro Logic) de coder and 3 to 6 speakers You can enj oy the D ol b y Surroun d effec ts onl y w h en pla yi ng Dolby Sur round aud io or mu l ti- channel audio ( D ol by Digital ) discs.
23 Hookup s Connec ti ng t o an AV ampl i fi er ( r ece i v er) with a di gita l input ja ck having a Dol by Digita l, MPEG au dio or D TS decod er and 6 sp eakers This conn ection wil l allow you to us e the Dolby Di gital, MPEG audio, or DTS de coder fun ction of yo ur AV ampli fier (re ceive r).
24 Step 5 : Atta chi ng the Stand You can use the pl ay er laid flat, or i n an upright po sitio n. Be sure to atta ch the suppl ied st and when using in the uprig ht posit io n. I f th e play er is to be used in th e fl at position, go to “Step 6: Conne ct i ng the Ma i ns Lead ” ( pag e 25).
25 Hookup s Step 6 : Conn ecting the Mains Lead When y ou ha ve finish ed connec ting all o f the comp onent s, p lug t he pla yer and T V main s lead (power c ord) into th e mains. Step 7: Qu ic k Setu p Follow the steps belo w to make the mini mum number of basi c adjust ments for using th e player.
26 6 Press ENTER. The Setu p D i sp lay for sel ec ti n g the aspect ra tio of the TV to be co nnected appe ars. Examp le : As ian/Oc eanian models 7 Press X / x to select the settin g that matches your TV type.
27 Hookup s 12 Press X / x to sel ect whethe r or not you w ish to send a DTS signal to your amplifier (receiver). Choose the item that match es the a udio connect ion you select ed o n pages 21 to 23 ( throug h ). • OF F (p age 67 ) • ON ( only i f the am plif ier (rec eive r) has a DTS deco de r) (page 67) 13 Press ENTER.
28 Playing Discs Play in g Discs Depending on the DVD or VIDEO CD, some operat i ons may be di f ferent or r es tr i ct ed . Refer t o the operat ing in struc tions s upplied with your disc.
29 Playin g Di sc s For A sian /Oc eani an mo dels You can have th e player turn of f automat icall y whenever you le ave it i n stop mode for more than 30 minutes. To turn on th is functio n, set “ AUTO POWER OFF” i n “CUSTOM SETUP” to “ON” (the defa ult setti ng is “ OFF”) (pa ge 6 5).
30 Locking the di sc tray (Chi ld Lock) You ca n lock th e disc tra y to prev ent chil dren from ope ning it . When t he pl ayer is in st andby m ode, press O RETURN, E NTER, an d the n [ / 1 on the remote. The pla yer turns on a nd “LOC KED” appear s on the fr on t panel d is pl ay .
31 Playin g Di sc s – you change the se tti ngs on the Setup Dis play. • This func tion may not work wit h some discs. • Resume P lay does not work du ring Shuf fle Play and Programme Play .
32 Select ing “ORIGINAL ” or “PLAY LI ST ” on a DVD- RW Some DVD-RWs in VR (Vid eo Recording) mode have two types of titles for playb ack: originally recorded titl e s (ORIGINAL) and titles that can be created o n recordable DVD pla yers fo r editing (PLAY LIS T).
33 Playin g Di sc s Playi ng VID EO CD s With PBC Fun cti ons (PBC Pla yback) PBC (Pla yback Control) allows you to play VID EO C D s int era ctiv ely b y fo ll ow ing t he menu on the TV s creen. 1 Start playing a VIDE O CD with PBC functions. The men u for yo ur select ion appe ars.
34 Play in g an MP3 Aud i o Track You can play back DATA CDs (CD-ROMs/ CD-Rs/ C D-RWs) re corde d in MP3 (MPEG 1 Audio La yer 3) format. 1 Press Z and pla ce a DAT A CD on the disc tray. 2 Press H . The di sc tr ay clo ses, and th e play er sta rts to play the first M P3 audio tr ack in the first a lbum on th e disc.
35 Playin g Di sc s Refer t o the instruc tions of the CD-R/CD-RW device or record ing sof twar e (n ot sup pl i ed ) for deta ils on the reco rding format . To play a Multi Sess ion CD This player c an play Multi Ses sion CDs when an MP3 audio track is located in the fir st ses si o n.
36 Var i ou s Play Mode Functi ons (Programme Play, Shuffl e Play, Rep eat Play , A-B Repe at Play) You can set the follo wing play mode s: • Programme Pl ay (pa ge 36) • Shuffle Pl ay (pa ge 37) • Repeat Play (p age 38) • A-B Repeat Play ( page 3 9) Note The play mode i s cancell ed when: – you open th e d isc tray.
37 Playin g Di sc s Next, p ress X / x or the num ber butto ns to select “03” und er “C ,” th en pre ss ENTER. ◆ When play ing a VIDEO CD o r CD For ex amp le, sel ect t rack “02.” Press X / x or th e numb er button s to select “02” und er “T,” t hen press EN TE R.
38 2 Press X / x to select (SHU FFLE) , th en p ress E NTE R. The opti on s for “SHU FFL E” ap pear. 3 Press X / x to selec t the ite m to be shuff led.
39 Playin g Di sc s To return to normal play Press CL E AR, or select “O FF ” in step 2. z Hints • You can set Rep ea t Play while the player is stopped. A fter se lecting t he “R EPEAT” op tion, press H . Rep eat P lay star ts. • You can a l so sel ect “REPEAT” from t h e C ontrol Menu (pa ge 12).
40 • A-B R epeat Pla y does not work for tit les containing still pictu res on a DVD -RW in VR mode. • A-B R epeat Pla y does not work across multiple titles on a DVD-RW i n VR mode.
41 Searchi ng for a Scene Sear c hi ng fo r a Scen e Search ing for a Parti cular Point on a Disc (Scan, Slow-m otion Pla y, Search, Freeze Frame) You can quickly loca te a particu lar point on a disc by m onitori ng the pi cture or pl aying ba ck slow ly.
42 The “2 ”/ “2 ” play back speed is sl ower than “1 ”/“1 .” Locating a poi nt quickly usi ng the previous /next button (Search) You c an se arch fo r a particul ar p oint o n a dis c using . / > on th e pl ayer . Durin g play ba ck, press an d hold > to locate a p oint in the playback dir ection, or press a nd hold .
43 Searchi ng for a Scene ◆ When play in g a VI DE O CD with PBC Playba ck SCEN E INDEX ◆ When pl ay in g a CD TRACK INDEX ◆ When play ing a D ATA CD (MP3 audio) ALBUM TRACK Examp le : wh en you sel ec t CHAPTER “ ** ( ** )” is se le ct ed ( ** refers to a numbe r).
44 Search ing by Sce ne (PICTURE NAVIGATION ) You can div ide the screen into 9 s ubscreen s and fi nd the de s ir e d sc e n e qu ickly. 1 Press PICTURE NA VI during playback. The f o llowing display appea rs. 2 Press PICTUR E NAVI repe atedly to select the item.
45 Viewing In formation Ab out the Disc Viewing In formation About th e Disc Checki ng the Pla ying Time an d Re mainin g Time You ca n ch eck the playi ng time and remaining t ime of the cur rent title, cha pter, or track. A lso, yo u can c heck th e DVD /CD text or trac k na me (MP 3 audio) record e d on the disc.
46 Checking the information on the front panel dis play You can view the time info rmation a nd text displaye d on the TV s creen al so on the f ront panel dis play. Th e i nf ormat io n on the fron t panel di s play cha nges a s fo llow s w h en you change th e time informa tion on you r TV scre en.
47 Viewing In formation Ab out the Disc Checki ng the Pla y Informa tion You ca n ch eck informat ion such as the bi t rate or the di sc layer th at is bein g play ed . Checking the play information of a DVD (ADVANCED) 1 Press D I SPLAY during pl ayba ck.
48 Checking the play information of a DATA CD By pressing TIME/TEXT wh ile playing MP3 audio trac ks on a DATA CD, you can display the audi o b it rate (t he amou nt of d at a pe r sec on d of the cu rr ent audio) .
49 Sound Adjustm en ts Sound Adjustm ents Changi ng the Sou nd When playing a DVD VIDEO recorded i n multipl e audio formats (PCM, Dolby Digita l, MPEG a udi o , or DTS), you can chang e the audio format . If the DVD VIDEO is recorded with m ultilingu al tracks , you can a lso chan ge the lan gua ge .
50 Displaying the audio information of the disc Press D I SP LAY du ri ng playb ack to di sp lay the Control Menu. Select “ AUDIO” using X / x . The ch annels being pl ayed ar e display ed on the sc reen . For exampl e, in Dolby Dig ital format , multip le sig nals ra nging fr om m onaural to 5.
51 Sound Adjustm en ts TV Virt ual Surround Setti ngs (TVS ) When you conne ct a stereo TV or 2 fr ont speaker s, TVS (TV Virtu al Sur r ound) le ts you en jo y su rrou nd sound e ff ec ts by u sing s.
52 z Hint You can al so select “T VS” from th e Control M enu (page 12). Notes • When t he playing si gnal does not conta in a signal for the rear s peak ers , the surro und effe cts will b e difficu lt to he a r . • When you sele c t one of the TVS mod es , tu rn off the surrou nd se tti ng of the connecte d TV or amplifi er (rece iver).
53 Enjoyi ng Movie s Enjoying M ovies Changi ng the Ang les If vari ou s angl es (mult i -ang le s) for a s cen e are reco rded on t he D V D VID EO, “ ” appears in the front pane l displa y. This m eans that yo u ca n chang e t he viewing a ngle.
54 Adjust ing the Pict ure Quali ty (B NR) The B lock N ois e Redu ctio n (BN R) fun ction adjust s the pictur e quali ty by reduci ng the “block nois e ” or mosaic like patterns th at appe ar on your T V screen. 1 Press DISPL AY tw ice dur ing playback.
55 Enjoyi ng Movie s Adj us ting the Playba ck Pictu re ( CUSTOM PI CTURE M ODE) You can adjust the video signal o f the DVD or VIDEO CD from the player to obtain the picture quality you wa nt. Choose th e setting that bes t suits the progra mme you are watchi ng.
56 Enhanc ing the Pl ayba ck Pict ure (DIGITAL VIDEO ENHAN CER) The Dig ita l Video Enh ancer (DV E ) func tion makes th e pictur e a ppear cl ea r and cr i sp by enhanci ng the ou tlines of images on yo ur TV screen. Also, th is fu nc tio n can soft en the imag es on the scr een.
57 Using Vari ous Additi ona l Functio ns Using Various Additional Functions Lockin g Disc s (CU STOM PARENTA L CONTRO L, PARE NTAL CONTR OL) You can set two ki nds of p laybac k restr ictions for th e desir ed disc . • Cust om Pa r ental Cont ro l You can set play back res tricti ons so tha t the player w i ll not play in app ropri at e di scs.
58 To tur n off th e Custo m Par e n tal Co ntrol functi on 1 Follo w st ep s 1 to 3 of “Cu stom Par ental Contro l.” 2 Press X / x to s elect “OF F t ,” the n press ENTER. 3 Enter y our 4-di gi t pas sword using th e number buttons, then press ENTER.
59 Using Vari ous Additi ona l Functio ns ◆ When yo u have alr ea dy reg is te re d a passwor d The dis p lay for en tering the pa ssword appe ars. 4 Enter o r re-e nter your 4-d igit passwor d using the number buttons, t hen pr ess ENTER . The disp lay for sett ing the p la yb ack limitatio n level appears.
60 Area Code Changing the pass word 1 Press DISPLA Y while the play er is in stop mod e. The Con trol M en u appe ar s. 2 Press X / x to selec t (PA RE NTAL C ONTROL) , the n pr ess ENTER. The options for “PAREN TAL CON TR O L” appe ar. 3 Press X / x to se le ct “PAS SWORD t ,” th en press EN TER.
61 Using Vari ous Additi ona l Functio ns Contro llin g Your T V With the Su pp li e d R em ot e You can control th e soun d level, inpu t source , and pow er sw i tc h of yo ur Son y TV w i th th e supplie d remote . You ca n co ntrol your TV us ing the but t on s below.
62 Settings and Adjustmen ts Using the Setu p Di sp lay By usi n g the Setup Dis play, yo u ca n m ak e various adjustmen ts to it ems such a s picture and sou nd. You can also set a language fo r the subti tles and t he Setu p Disp lay, am ong othe r things.
63 Settings a nd Adjustm ents The settin g is sele c ted and setup is complete. Example: “4:3 PAN SCAN” (As ian/ Ocea nian mode ls) To tur n off th e dis p l ay Press DISP LAY repeatedly until the display is tu rned off . To en ter th e Quick Setup mode Select “Q U I CK” in step 3.
64 Setti ngs fo r th e Disp la y (SCREEN SETUP) Choose sett ings accordin g to the TV to be conn ected. Select “SC REEN SETU P ” in the Set up Disp la y. To us e t he displ a y, see “Us ing the Setu p Disp lay” (p age 62 ). The defa ult settin gs are und erlin ed.
65 Settings a nd Adjustm ents ◆ BACKGRO UND Sel ects the backgr ound co lour or p ictu re on the T V scr ee n in sto p mo de or w h ile p la y i ng a CD or DATA CD (MP3 audio) . Custom Settings (CUSTOM SETUP) Use this to set up p layback rela ted and oth er setting s.
66 ◆ PAUSE M ODE (DVD VIDEO/DVD-RW only) Selects the pictur e in paus e mode. ◆ TRACK S ELECTION (D VD VIDEO only) Gives th e sound t rack wh i ch c ontain s t he hig hest number of channe ls pri orit y when yo u play a DVD VIDEO on which multiple audio form ats (PCM , MPE G audio, DT S, or Dolb y Digital fo rma t) are recorded.
67 Settings a nd Adjustm ents ◆ DOWN MIX (DVD V IDEO/DVD-RW o nly) Switches the method for mixing down to 2 chan nels when yo u pl ay a DVD which has rear s ound elem ents ( chann els) or is r ecorded in Dolby Digi tal format. For details on the rea r s ig nal compone nt s, see “Displ aying th e audio i nformat ion of th e disc ” (page 50).
68 Note When you use the DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL or OPTICA L) ja ck to lis te n to MP E G a udio signals and set “MPEG” to M PEG in “AUDIO SETUP”, no sound will come from yo ur speake rs if you selec t one of t he TVS mod e.
69 Additional Informat ion Additional Info rmation Troubl esh ooting If you exp erienc e any of th e follo w i ng difficul tie s while using the player, use this troubles hooti ng g uide to he lp rem edy the proble m bef ore req uestin g re pairs . Sh ou ld any prob lem pers ist, cons ult your ne arest Sony deal e r.
70 The disc does no t pla y . , The disc is tur ne d ove r. Insert the d isc with the playback si de faci ng the dis c tray (p ag e 28). , The disc is skewed. , The pl ay er ca nno t pla y cer tai n di scs ( pag e 6) . , The region code on the DVD does not match the pl ay er (pag e 6).
71 Additional Informat ion The pla yer does n ot oper ate pr op erly. , When st atic el ectricity , etc., causes the player t o ope ra te abnorm al ly , unplug th e player. 5 number s or lett ers are di splaye d on th e scree n an d on the fr on t pan e l dis pla y .
72 Glos sary Chapte r (page 9) Secti ons of a pictur e or a m us ic feat ur e that are smalle r th an tit les. A title is composed of severa l chap t er s. D ep endi ng on the dis c, n o chap te rs may be reco rded . Dolby Digita l (pag e 19 , 67) Digital audio compres sion technolo gy develo pe d by Dolb y Labo ra tories .
73 Additional Informat ion Scen e ( page 9 ) On a VIDEO CD with PB C (playback contro l) fu nctio ns, the menu sc reen s, mov ing pictures and sti ll pi ctures ar e di vided i nt o secti ons called “s cenes . ” Title (p age 9) The l ongest s ection of a pi cture o r mus ic feature o n a DVD, movie, etc.
74 Spec ifica tions Syst em Laser: Semic onductor laser Signal fo rmat sy stem: PAL/NTS C Audi o ch ar acteristics Freq uenc y resp ons e: DVD VIDEO (PCM 96 kHz): 2 Hz to 44 kHz (±1.0 dB)/DVD VIDEO (PCM 48 kHz): 2 H z to 22 kHz (±0.5 dB)/CD: 2 Hz to 20 kHz (±0.
75 Additional Informat ion Langua ge Co de Lis t For deta i ls, see pag es 49, 53, 63 . The lang uag e spell in gs con form to t he ISO 6 39: 1988 ( E/F) stand ard.
76 Index Numerics 16:9 64 4:3 L ETTER BOX 64 4:3 PAN SCAN 64 5.1 Chann el Surro und 19 A A-B RE PEAT 39 ADVANCED 47 ALBUM 42 Album 34 ANGLE 53 AUDIO 49 , 63 AUDIO ATT 66 AUDIO DRC 66 AUDIO SETUP 66 AU.
Printed o n 100% r ecycled pap er using VOC (V olatil e Orga nic Co mpound) -free vegetable o il based ink. Sony Corporation.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony DVP-F250 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony DVP-F250 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony DVP-F250 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony DVP-F250 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony DVP-F250 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony DVP-F250 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony DVP-F250 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony DVP-F250. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony DVP-F250 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.