Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DSR-1500A des Produzenten Sony
Zur Seite of 128
DSR-1500A/1500AP © 2002 Sony Corporation 3-619-327- 11 (1) Digital Videocassette Recorder Oper ati ng Instr uction s Before opera ting the u nit, pleas e read this manual thoroug hly and r etain it fo r future refer ence.
2 Owne r’ s Recor d The m odel and se rial numb ers are located at the bottom . Record these numbers in the spac es provided below . Refer to them w henever y ou ca ll upon your So ny de aler regarding this product. Mo del N o. Serial N o. T o pre vent fire or shoc k hazar d, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture .
3 • Read these instructions. • Keep these instructions. • Heed all w arn ing s. • Follow a ll instructions. • Do n ot use this apparatus near w ater. • Clean o nly w ith dry cloth. • Do n ot block a ny v entilation openings. Install in accordance w ith the m an ufacturer ’ s instructions.
4 Afin d ’é viter tout risque d ’ incendie ou d ’é lectr ocution, ne pas exposer l ’ appareil à la pluie ou à l ’ humidit é . Afin d ’é carter tout risque d ’é l ectr ocuti on, gar der le coffret f erm é . Ne confier l ’ entret ie n de l ’ appareil qu ’à un personnel qualifi é .
5 ATTENZ IONE Per e vitare il pericolo di incend i o scosse e lettriche, non esporre l ’ a pparecc hio alla pioggia o all ’ um idit à . Per e vitare scosse elet triche, non aprire l ’ appa recchio. Per le riparazioni, riv olgersi solo a pe rsonale qu alif icato.
6 Videog rab adora di gi ta l AD VERTENCIA P ara e vit ar el riesgo de incend ios o electrocu ci ó n, no expon ga la unidad a la lluvia ni a la hume dad. P ara e vit ar descar g as el é ctricas, no abra el aparato. Solicite asistencia t é cnica ú nicam ente a personal especializado.
7 Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 1 Ove rview Features ......... .............. .............. .............. .............. ....... 9 DVCAM Format ............................................................. 9 Variety of Interfaces .....
8 Tabl e o f Cont ent s Digitally Dubbing Signals i n DVCAM/DV Format .... 59 Chapter 4 Menu Settings Menu Organization .......... .............. .............. .............. 63 Menu Contents ................. .............. ................... .....
9 Feat ur es Chapter 1 Overview Features The D SR - 1500A /1500A P i s a 1 / 4 - inch digital videocassette recorder u sing the D V CAM ™ digital recording form at.
10 Feat ur es Chapter 1 Overvi ew Not e W hen p laying back a tape recorded in D VC PR O (25 Mb ps) form at, the outputs in SD TI format of this unit are muted. Fu rthermore, it is not possible to playback the cue- audio track of the tape. Suppor t for three cassette sizes There are two sizes o f DV C A M cassette: standard and mini.
11 Feat ur es Chapter 1 Overvi ew at any speed in the rang e 0 (st ill) to 60 times norm al speed in both directions. You can also search fram e-by-frame in jog mo de. At search sp eeds u p to 10 tim es no rm al speed in both directions, you can also hea r playback aud io.
12 Feat ur es Chapter 1 Overvi ew The an alog video signals that can be input are as follow s. • Com posit e video signals • S-video signals • Compon en t v id eo s i gnal s ( Y, R − Y and B .
13 Using the CD-RO M Manua l Chapter 1 Overvi ew Using the CD-ROM Manual The sup plied CD -RO M include s operation ma nuals for the DSR - 1500A /1500AP D i gital Video C assette Rec order (English, Japanese, F rench, Germ an, It alian and S panish versions).
15 Locatio n and F unction of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew a a a a POWER swi t ch Press the “” side to powe r on the u nit. This cau ses the audio level m eters and the display section to light. T o powe r off the unit, press the “” side of the switch.
16 Location and Functi on of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew W hen CH -3/4 m ode is selected w ith the M ETE R CH -1/ 2 3/4 bu tton: j j j j M E T E R CH-1 /2 3/4 button Pressing this button toggles the audio leve l meter m ode bet we en CH- 1/ 2 ( chan ne ls 1 and 2) a nd CH- 3/ 4 ( cha nne ls 3 and 4).
17 Locatio n and F unction of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew B Video/audio input setting section a a a a SD TI/i.LIN K (SDT I (Q SDI) interface/i.LIN K selection) button Each p ress of this button cy cles through the following input signal selection options.
18 Location and Functi on of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew is possible to adjust the audio levels on the tw o channels separately. You can sw itch the audio recording m ode with the RE C MODE men u i t e m (see page 7 3) . The selection is indicated by the R EC MOD E display on the front pane l.
19 Locatio n and F unction of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew C Display sectio n a a a a INP U T signal display section Indicates the input video and audio signal formats selected wit h t he INP UT S ELECT bu tt on s (S DTI /i . LI NK, VI DEO, CH 1 1/2, a nd C H 2 3/4 buttons).
20 Location and Functi on of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew VIDE O in di ca to rs : The indicator (C O MPOSIT E , S VIDE O, Y − R,B, SDI, or S G ) correspon ding to the selected input video signal form at l ights.
21 Locatio n and F unction of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew AUDIO i ndi c at or s : Comp rise the C H 1/2 indi cator and CH 3/4 indicator to indicate the chan nel selection for analog au dio outpu t from the A U D IO OUT 1 /3 and AUDIO OU T 2/ 4 c onnectors.
22 Location and Functi on of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew 32K indicator: Lights du ring playback of a tape record ed in 4-c han nel mode (3 2 kHz) . o o o o RE C MOD E (audio recording m ode) display This indicates the audio record ing mode cu rrently selected wit h t he REC MODE men u i t em (see page 73) .
23 Locatio n and F unction of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew E Menu control section a a a a MENU but to n Press this button to display t he m enu on the m onitor screen and the time coun ter display. Press it again to exit the menu display. On h ow to use the m en u, see Cha pter 4 “ Menu Settings.
24 Location and Functi on of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew Rear P anel a a a a AC IN con nector Use the su pplied po w e r cord to connect this to an A C outlet. b b b b DV IN / OU T connector (6-pin IEEE -1394) This con nector inp uts and outpu ts digital video a nd audio signals in DV format.
25 Locatio n and F unction of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew A Analog video/audio signal input section (optional DSBK-1504/1504P Analog Input Board) The co nnectors in this section a re available w hen the optional DSBK -1504/1504 P bo ard is installed.
26 Location and Functi on of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew B Analog video/audio signal output section a a a a VIDEO OU T con ne ct or s (BN C ty pe) There are the following V ID E O OUT connectors for out.
27 Locatio n and F unction of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew C Digital signal input/output section (optional DSBK-1501 Digital Input/Output Boar d ) The co nnectors in this section a re available w hen the optional DSBK -1501 bo ard is installed.
28 Location and Functi on of Parts Chapter 1 Overvi ew.
29 Usable C a ssettes Chapter 2 Recording and Playback Usable Ca ssettes This un it can use the D VC AM cassettes listed below . The num bers in each model nam e indicate the maxim um recording/playback time (in m inutes) for each model. For exa m pl e, the PDV -184 M E has a ma xim u m recording/playback tim e of 184 m i nutes.
30 Usable Cassettes Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k D VCAM ca ssette s T h e fo llow ing f i g u re illus t ra tes th e DV C A M c a sse tt e s . Notes on using cassettes • Before storing the ca.
31 Usable C a ssettes Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k Preventing accidental erasure Set the R E C /SA VE sw itch on the cassette to SA VE to preven t accidental erasure of recorded c ontents. To enabl e r e- re cordi ng Set t he REC/ SAVE swi t ch to REC.
32 Usable Cassettes Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k No double insertion of cassettes W h en you insert a cassette, the orange lock-o ut plate appears in the cassette com p artm ent to prev ent double insertion. Ejecting a cass et te Press the E JEC T button.
33 Recor d i ng Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k Recording This section d escribes the ne cessary setting s and operations to p erform recording on this unit. The sam e settings and operations apply w he ther you are using the un it as part of an editing system, for dub bing , or as a stand-alon e recorder.
34 Reco rd i ng Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k Settings for Recor ding W hen c ontrolling this un it from an editing con trol unit connected to the RE M OTE conne ctor, see “ LOC AL/R EM O TE switch ” on page 15 a nd the description of the R EM OTE I/F m en u item on page 7 5.
35 Recor d i ng Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k W hen the RE M OT E indicator is lit, selecti on of the time d ata type is carried out at the editing control unit.
36 Reco rd i ng Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k 6 Select the audio m ode . Se le ct e it he r t wo- c ha nne l mo de (2 CHANNEL) or f our - ch ann el mode ( 4 CHANNE L) wi t h th e RE C MODE me nu i t e m (see page 73) . T h e corresponding ind icator lights in the RE C M ODE display.
37 Recor d i ng Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k Notes • Wh en controlling this unit from an editing control unit conn ected to the REM OTE con nector of this un it, set the LO C A L / RE M OTE sw itch to REM OTE, turning the R E M OTE indicator o n.
38 Reco rd i ng Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k If the RE C IN H I indicator lights: It indicates that the REC/S A V E sw i tch of the loaded cassette has b een se t to SAV E. Press the E JEC T button in the tap e transport con t rol section to remove the cassette, then set the RE C/SAV E sw itch to REC and reload the cassette.
39 Recor d i ng Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k To per for m the fol l owi ng ope ra ti ons Re ferec e level for reco rd ing in D V (S P) form a t On m any consum er D V devices, recording is carried out at a reference level of − 12 d B .
40 Playback Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k Playback This section de scribes the settings and operations necessary to perform playback on this unit. The sam e settings and operations apply whether you are using the unit as part of an editing system , for du bbing, or as a stand -alone playe r VC R.
41 Playback Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k Play bac k Pr ocedure Not e W h en controlling this unit from an ed iting control unit conne cted to the RE M OTE co nnec tor of this u nit, set the LO CAL/R E M OTE sw itch of this u nit to RE M OTE , turning the REM OTE indicator o n.
42 Playback Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k To per for m the fol l owi ng ope ra ti ons a) Whe n th e SEA RC H ENAB LE menu it em (see page 67) is set to ENABLE .
43 Playback Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k Repeat Playbac k — A u tomatic Cyclical P laybac k Proceed as follows to perform automatic cyclical playback of recording (repeat playback ) betw een selected start and end points. 1 Set the desired repeat start and end po ints w ith the R E P EA T FUN C T IO N men u it e m (see page 6 6) .
44 Playback Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k Setting the current tape position as point A or B Proceed as follow s to set the current tape position as po int A or B for rep eat playback. W h ile holding dow n the SET (Y ES ) button in the m enu control section, press the g or G butt on.
45 Playback Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k Inputting time code v a lues for points A and B Using the follow i ng proced ure, you can modify the time co de value for point A or B. 1 Press the M E N U button. The f ol l owi ng men u di spl a y app ear s.
46 Playback Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k 3 W ith “ OPERATI ONAL FUNCT ION ” selected, press the G button. The display ch anges as follows. 4 W ith “ REPEAT FUNC TION ” selected, press the G button. The conten ts of the RE PE A T FUNC TION menu item are displayed .
47 Playback Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k 6 Press the G button. The display ch anges as follows. 7 Press the F button to select “ A POIN T. ” 8 Press the g butt on. The display ch anges as follows. >>> T ape top SETUP MENU OPERATIONAL FUNCTION REPEAT FUNCTION REPEAT TOP * TAPE TOP A POINT : T.
48 Playback Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k 9 Press the F button to select “ A PRESET . ” 10 Press the G but ton . The A PR ESE T M OD E screen appears.
49 Playback Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k 13 Press the SET (YE S ) bu tton to confirm the defined value. The m essage “ NO W SAVING .. . ” is displayed on the m o nitor screen an d “ Savi ng. . . ” is show n in the tim e counter display while the new setting is being saved in m e m o ry.
50 Playback Chapter 2 Recordi ng and Pla ybac k.
51 Setting the T im e D a ta Chapter 3 Convenient Functions for Editing Operation Setting the Time Data This unit is provided with the follow ing fun ctions related to time data.
52 Se tting the T im e Da ta Chapt er 3 Conveni ent Func t ion s for Edi t i ng Oper at ion Mo nitor screen conten ts The co ntents of the m onitor screen are show n below . A Tim e data ty pe The follow ing time data type ind ications are displayed .
53 Setting the T im e D a ta Chapt er 3 Conveni ent Func t ion s for Edi t i ng Oper at ion T o display the desired time data in the time counter displa y Pr es s t h e COUNTER S ELEC T but t on on th e f ro nt pa ne l. Each p ress of this button cy cles through three options: CN T value, time code, and user bit data.
54 Se tting the T im e Da ta Chapt er 3 Conveni ent Func t ion s for Edi t i ng Oper at ion 2 Set the T IM E CO D E menu item s (see pag e 70) as show n below . 3 Pre ss t he TC PR ESET bu tt on in th e me nu co nt ro l section. The current setting is shown on the m onitor screen and in the time co unter display o n the front p anel.
55 Setting the T im e D a ta Chapt er 3 Conveni ent Func t ion s for Edi t i ng Oper at ion automa tically synchronize w ith the external time cod e input to the unit via the SD T I or i.
56 Se tting the T im e Da ta Chapt er 3 Conveni ent Func t ion s for Edi t i ng Oper at ion 4 Press the F button to select “ TC I NSERT. ” 5 Press the G button. The fo llowing m essage appears. Note If the recording form at is not DV CAM , a different messa ge app ears.
57 Setting the T im e D a ta Chapt er 3 Conveni ent Func t ion s for Edi t i ng Oper at ion Press the SET (Y ES) button to end the operation and do it over again a fter replacing the tape w ith on e recorde d in DVCAM f or ma t . Not D VCAM! TC INSERT TC INSERT IS ABORTED DUE TO NON DVCAM FORMAT SOURCE.
58 High-Speed and Low-S peed Search — Quickly and Accurately Determining Edit ing Point s Chapt er 3 Conveni ent Func t ion s for Edi t i ng Oper at ion High-Speed and Low- Speed Search — Quickl y.
59 Di gi t al l y Dubb i ng Si gna l s i n DVCAM/ DV For mat Chapt er 3 Conveni ent Func t ion s for Edi t i ng Oper at ion Digitally Dubbing Signals in DVCAM/DV Format In addition to straightforward .
60 Di gi t al l y Dubb i ng Si g nal s i n DVCA M/DV F orma t Chapt er 3 Conveni ent Func t ion s for Edi t i ng Oper at ion 3 Press the G button. This displays the item s on level 1 of the auto mod e execution m en u .
61 Di gi t al l y Dubb i ng Si gna l s i n DVCAM/ DV For mat Chapt er 3 Conveni ent Func t ion s for Edi t i ng Oper at ion 9 W h en the dubbing is com pleted, press the MEN U button to exit the m enu.
62 Di gi t al l y Dubb i ng Si g nal s i n DVCA M/DV F orma t Chapt er 3 Conveni ent Func t ion s for Edi t i ng Oper at ion In either case, the source tape section reco rded in DV (LP) format is dub bed as a no-signa l section. SDTI DUBBING (A/V/TC/CM) ABORT:MENU KEY DUBBING COMPLETED.
63 Me nu Organization Chapter 4 Menu Settings Menu Organization As s hown i n t he fo l lowi ng fi gu re , th e men u sy st em consists of four levels and is functionally divided into three subsystem s: the setup m enu , the auto m o de (A U TO FUN CTIO N) execution menu and the digital hours m eter display me nu.
66 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs Menu Contents Setup Menu The pu rpose an d settings of the setup menu item s are described below. Indications of men u items and settings • In the tabl.
67 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs A UTO EE SELECT [> Au to EE]: Determine wh ether the un it enters EE mo de or PB m ode when aud io and video signal s from other e quipment are i nput. When t his u ni t i s us ed a s the recorder f or cut ed iting, it i s possi ble to output th e input audio a nd vi deo signa ls to the mon itor .
68 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs PLA Y ST ART [> PLA Y start]: Set the timing f or s witching from stop m ode to pla yback mode . In an edi ting sys tem includ ing an edi ting con tro.
69 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs SUB ST A TUS [> Sub status]: Selec t supple mentary statu s infor matio n supe ri mpos ed on o utput from the B − Y/CPST (SUPER) connecto r to the monit or .
70 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs TIME CODE [Time code]: Setti ngs related to the time co de generator Descriptio n of settings TC MODE [> TC mode]: Determine th e time code to use: in.
71 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs VITC POS SEL-1 [> VITC pos-1]: Select a line to in ser t the VITC in. Not e Y ou ca n insert the VITC signal in two p laces. T o inser t it in tw o places , set both this item an d also VITC POS SEL-2.
72 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs VIDEO CONTR OL [Video] : Se ttings re lated to v ideo co ntr ol Desc riptio n of settings INT VIDEO SG [> Vid eo SG]: Select the test sign al to be output fr om the int ernal test sign al gener ator .
73 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs PR OCESS CONTROL [> Pr oc ctrl] C PHASE MODE [>> C Phas MD]: Sele ct the phase rota tion mode f or chr oma phas e control . The ef fe ct of this setting applies to the ou tput le vels of all o f the com posite video , S-video , SDI and compo nent vide o signals .
74 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs INPUT ARRANGE [> Input a rng]: Ma ke sett ings f or input audio m ixing. Not e When, in 4-channel mode , analog audio is selected fo r all f our channel s (chann els 1/2 an d 3/4), the same analog au dio signals are recor ded on channels 1 and 3 a nd on cha nnels 2 and 4, res pectiv ely .
75 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs JOG CON TROL [ > Jog ctrl]: Sele ct whet her to adju st the audio p la ybac k speed during sl ow pla ybac k. OFF [>> OFF]: D o not ad just the a udio pla yback speed. * ON [>> ON]: Adjus t the audio pla ybac k speed.
76 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs SETUP B ANK OPERA TION [Setup Bank]: Settings relate d to menu bank operatio ns Description of s ettings RECALL B ANK1 [> Recall 1]: Reca l l menu setti ngs fr om menu bank 1. (1) Select the bank y ou want to recall, then pr ess the G butt on.
77 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs EE OUT PHASE s ettings f or time code output Use the fo llowing as reference inform ation when setting th e EE OUT PHAS E men u i t em (see page 71) . THROUGH mo de In this mod e, the LTC signal is outpu t with the phase synchronized with the input ti m e code signal.
78 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs VI DEO OUTPUT P HASE mod e The tim e code output signa l is synchronized w ith the output video signal. This m ode is appropriate when outputting signals from a single device to a n um ber of VC Rs using separate cables for video, audio, and time co de.
79 Me nu Contents Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs A uto Mode (A U T O FUNCTION) Execution Menu The f ollowing table shows the purpo se and function o f the items in the auto m ode ex ecution m enu.
80 Cha nging Menu S etti ngs Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs Changing Menu Settings This section exp lains how to change men u settings. Buttons Used to Change Settings Use the fo llowing b u ttons in the m enu control section to change the m enu se ttings.
81 Changing Men u Settings Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs 2 Wi t h “ SE TU P M ENU ” selected, press the G butt on. This displays all item s o n m enu level 1. 3 Press the f or F button to select the required item. 4 Press the G button. This displays m enu level 2 fo r the menu item selected in step 3 .
82 Cha nging Menu S etti ngs Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs 8 To ch ange other settings, press the g butt o n to retu r n to the previous screen, then repeat steps 5 to 7 as required . 9 W hen you hav e completed the settings, press the SET (YE S ) button.
83 Changing Men u Settings Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs 2 Wi t h “ SE TU P M ENU ” selected, press the G butt on. This displays all basic an d enh anced items on m enu level 1.
84 Displayi ng Supplem entary Status Infor ma ti on Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs Displaying Supplementary Status Information W hen you set the SUB STATU S menu item (see page 69 ) to other than O FF , you can view su pplem entary status information on the m onitor screen below the op erating mod e display area .
85 Displaying Suppl eme ntary Stat us Informati on Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs Display f o rmat of supplementary status inf ormation when the SUB ST A TUS menu item is set to ALL All items of sup plem entary status inform ati on are displayed in the ord er show n b elow .
86 Displayi ng Supplem entary Status Infor ma ti on Chapt e r 4 Menu Set ti n gs.
87 Connections for a Digit al Non-Linear Editing System Chapter 5 Connections and Settings Connections for a Digital Non-Linear Editing System This unit can b e con n ected to a n E S -7 E ditStation to configure a d igital non-linear editing system.
88 Connections for a Di gital Non-Linear Edi ting System Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Settings on the D SR -1500A /1500A P For details of video/au dio input an d au dio m ode set tings, see “ Settings for Recording ” on page 34.
89 Connections for a Cut Editing Syst em Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Connections for a Cu t Editing System The follow ing figure show s a cut editing syst em configuration that includes tw o DSR-15 00A/1500AP uni ts to serve as the play er and rec order.
90 Connections for a Cut Edit ing System Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Settings on the D SR -1500A /15 00AP s (record er and pl ayer ) a) for pl ayer onl y b) for record er on ly For details of the video /audio inpu t and au dio m ode settings for the recorder, see “ Settings for Recording ” on page 34.
91 Connections for an A/B Roll Edit ing System Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Connections for an A/B Ro ll Editing System The follow i ng is an exam ple configuration of A/B ro ll editing system u sing the D SR -1500A/1500AP.
92 Connections for an A/B Roll Edit ing Syst em Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs a) When using a DFS-500/500P DME Switcher, the phase of the video signals processed by the DFS-500/500P is delayed.
93 Connections for an A/B Roll Edit ing System Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs A udio monitor system connections The follow i ng show s an exam ple of audio mo nit or system connections. For details of these co nnections, refer to the instruction manu al for each conn ected de vice.
94 Connections for an A/B Roll Edit ing Syst em Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Control si gnal connections The follow ing show s a n exa m ple of control signal connections to en able the editing control unit to control all other A/B roll editing system devices.
95 Connections for an A/B Roll Edit ing System Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Video/audio signal connections The follow ing show s a n exa m ple of video/audio signal connections in a n A /B roll editing system .
96 Connections for an A/B Roll Edit ing Syst em Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Settings on the D SR -1500A /1500A P (player) Connection of a video monitor Set up the follow ing co nnections to e n able m on itoring of video an d audio sign als on a v ideo mo nitor.
97 Connections for an A/B Roll Edit ing System Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Settings on an editing control unit W hen connecting a n editing control unit, make the settings as follows, according to the m odel. PVE- 500 No settin gs are req uired .
98 Connections for SDTI ( QS DI) Dubbing Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Connections for SDTI (Q SDI) Dubbing The follow ing show s a n exa m ple of connections for digitally dubbing SD TI (QSD I) signals (see page 59) using a pair of DSR -1500A/150 0A P units.
99 Connections for Analog Recording Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Connections for An alog Recording It is possible to record analog playback signals from another recorde r or player o n this unit.
100 Connections for Anal og Recording Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Settings on the D SR -1500A /1500A P (player) Switch/ menu item Setting LOCAL/REMO TE switch LOCAL OUTPUT LEVEL men u items (see page 74) Normal ly + 4 dBm VIDEO OUTPUT menu item (see page 75) Y − R, B (Y − R,B indicato r lights.
101 Adjusti ng the Sync and Subcarrier Phases Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs Adjusting the Sync an d Subcarrier Phases W hen using tw o or more p layers, as in an A/B roll editing system, it is necessary to synch ron ize the sy nc and subcarrier (for com p osite signals) phase s of the signals to be edited.
102 Adjusti ng the Sync and Subcarrier Phases Chapter 5 Connections and Setti ngs P erf orming a phase adjustment operation 1 Press the SC H button o n the v ectorscope . The vectorscope switches t o SCH m ode. 2 Press the B chan nel button o n the ve ctorscope.
103 Ma int enance Chapter 6 Maintenance and Troubleshooting Maintenance Condensation If you m ove the unit sudd enly from a cold to a warm location, or if you use it in a very hum i d place, mo isture from the air ma y condense on the head drum .
104 Ma int enance Chapter 6 Maintenance and T r oubleshooting Displaying the digital hour s meter Use the fo llowing p rocedure . 1 Press the M E NU button in the m en u co ntrol section. The m enu selection leve l display appears on the mo nitor screen an d in the tim e coun ter display.
105 Ma int enance Chapter 6 Maintenance and T r oubleshooting To end th e di gi ta l hour s mete r d is pl ay Press the M EN U b utton in the m enu con trol section.
106 Troubleshooting Chapter 6 Maintenance and T r oubleshooting Troubleshooting If an alarm m essage appears on the m onitor screen, or if the unit appears to b e m alf unctioning, please che ck the following befo re contacting y our So ny d ealer. T ape prob lems Symptom Cause Remed y Recording is not possib le.
107 Troubleshooti ng Chapter 6 Maintenance and T r oubleshooting Monitor pr oblems Symptom Cause Remed y Data is n ot superimpos ed on the monitor sc reen . The CHARA. DISPLA Y menu item is se t to O FF . Set the CHARA. DI SPLA Y menu i tem (see page 68) to ON.
108 Troubleshooting Chapter 6 Maintenance and T r oubleshooting Err o r Messa g es This unit is provided with a se lf-diagnostic function that detects internal abnorm alities. W h en it detects an abnorm ality, it outputs an error m essag e to the monitor screen and indicates an error code in the time co unter display.
109 Troubleshooti ng Chapter 6 Maintenance and T r oubleshooting Alarm me ssages and associated directions Alarm messa g e on monito r screen (Cause) Directi on Alarm mess age in time counter dis play A cleaning tape has been inse r ted. The tape will automat ically be ejecte d after cleaning is complete d.
110 Troubleshooting Chapter 6 Maintenance and T r oubleshooting T ape end ha s been de tected. Use a ne w cle aning tap e. T ape end ! T ape not edi table . Use a tape rec orded in D VCAM f ormat. Not D VCAM! Use a tape recorded i n 525/60 f or mat. (F or DSR- 1500A) 625/ 50 T ape (F or DSR - 1500A) Use a tape recorded i n 625/50 f or mat.
111 Precauti ons Appendixes Precautions On safety • Should a ny liquid or so lid object fall into the cabinet, unplug the unit and have it check ed b y qualified personnel be fore ope rating it further. • Unp l ug the unit from the wall ou tlet if it is not to be u sed for an extend ed pe riod of time.
112 Specificat ions Appendix es Specifications General Signal system DSR-1500A : NT SC DSR-1500A P: PAL Pow er requirements 100 V to 2 40 V A C, 50/60 Hz Pow er consum pt ion (with all options install.
113 Sp ecif ica tio ns Appendix es Video perf ormance Band width Compo site/S-video (DSR-1500 A): 30 H z to 4.2 M Hz ± 1.0 d B (Y ) Comp osite/S-video (D SR -1500AP): 25 H z to 4.8 M Hz ± 1.0 d B (Y ) Comp onen t (DSR -1500A): 30 H z to 5.0 M Hz ± 1.
114 Specificat ions Appendix es Output connectors Dig it al si gnal out put s SDI/SD TI (QS DI) OUT (optional D SBK-1501 Digital Input/Output B oard re quired) BNC type ( × 2) SDT I (Q S D I) form at.
115 C lip Link Gu id e Appendix es ClipLi nk G uide What Is Cl ipLink? The C lipLink function greatly im proves the efficiency of the video prod uction proc ess as a w ho le by rec ording various editing-related data on tape w hen shooting.
116 C lip L in k G u ide Appendix es Example System Configu ration and Op erati on Flow The follow i ng illustration shows a n exa m p le system configuration for using the ClipLink fu nction and a typical ClipLink op eration flow .
117 C lip Link Gu id e Appendix es Data Generated When Shooti ng The following describes the kinds of data that is generated when using the C l ipLink function. Index pictures W h en sh ooting, a single-fram e im age from the M ark IN point at the st art of each scene is recorded as a still picture into the cam corder ’ s internal me m ory.
118 C lip L in k G u ide Appendix es How to recor d ClipLink log data The follow ing desc ribes how to reco rd the va rious ClipLink log data items. OK/N G st at us To designa te a scene as “ NG, ” press the NG button on the camera wh i le shooting the scene or at any time b efore you begin shooting the next scene.
119 C lip Link Gu id e Appendix es Time codes recor ded f or Mark IN/OUT points There is a g ap betw een actual time codes and M ark IN/ OU T tim e cod es recorde d in the ca ssette mem o ry, as shown in the figure below .
120 Glossary Appen dixes Glossary A / B r o ll e d iting An ed iting m etho d that uses tw o or more p layback V C R s to create special effects such as d issolve and wipe, and uses one rec ord V C R to record the results of the ed iting. Using an editing con trol unit allows efficient control of the VC Rs and very precise ed iting.
121 Glossary Appen dixes S/ N Abbrev iation of Signal-to-Noise (ratio). The higher the S /N value, the less noise and higher the picture quality. Searc h m o de A V C R operating mode used w h en sear.
122 Glossary Appen dixes.
123 Ind ex Inde x Index Numerics 2CH indicat or 22 32K indicat or 22 44.1K in dicator 21 48K indicat or 21 4CH indicat or 22 9P indi cator 21 A A/B roll editing system 91 AC IN connector 24 Accessorie.
124 Index Inde x audio 58 sound 10 L LOCAL/REMOTE switch 15 LP 2 1 M Maintenance 11, 103 Mark IN/OUT points 118, 119 Menu 63 AUDIO CONTROL 73 AUTO FUNCTION 79 changing settings 80 contents 66 DISPLAY .
125 Ind ex Inde x User bit data setting 53 V V SDTI indi cator 19 VAR swit ch 16 VIDEO button 17 IN connec tors 25 indicators 20 INPUT PHASE m ode 77 OUT connectors 26 OUTPUT PHASE mode 78 Video perfo.
126 Index Inde x.
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Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony DSR-1500A (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony DSR-1500A noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony DSR-1500A - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony DSR-1500A reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony DSR-1500A erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony DSR-1500A besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony DSR-1500A verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony DSR-1500A. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony DSR-1500A gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.