Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DPF-D80 des Produzenten Sony
Zur Seite of 48
4-114-914- 11 (1) Digital Photo Frame DPF-D70/D80/D1 00 © 2008 Sony Corporation Bef ore op erat io n Basic op erations Adva nced oper ations Connec ting to a com puter Erro r me ssa ges Troublesh oot.
2 GB To reduce fire or shock haz ard, do not expose the unit to rai n or moisture. Do not expose the bat teries to excessiv e heat suc h as sunshine , fire or the like. CAUTION Replace th e batte ry with th e specifie d type only. O therwise, fire or injury may res ult.
3 GB Note: This equip ment has be en tested an d found to comp ly with the lim its fo r a Class B digi tal devic e, pursu ant to Par t 15 of the F CC Ru les. Thes e limi ts are de signed to pro vide r eason able protect ion against harm ful interf erence in a resid ential in stall ation.
4 GB Notice for the c ustomers in th e countries applying EU Directiv es The manu facturer of this pr oduct is Sony Corporatio n, 1-7-1 Konan Mi nato-ku Tokyo, 108- 0075 Japan. The Autho rized Re presentati ve for EM C and produ ct safe ty is S ony Deut schland GmbH, Hedelfin ger Strasse 61, 70327 St uttgart, Germa ny.
5 GB Notice fo r use rs Program © 200 8 Sony Corporati on Documenta tion © 2008 Son y Corporation All right s reserve d. This ma nual or the softwar e describ ed herein, in whole or in part, may not be reprodu ced, tran slated or redu ced to any mac hine read able form wi thout prior writt en approv al f rom Sony C orporation.
6 GB Table of Cont ents Before operation Enjoy your photo frame in v arious ways .............. ........................... ...... 7 Features ......... .................. ............... 8 Checking included items ................. 9 Identifying the parts .
7 GB Before oper ation Before o perat ion Enjoy your photo frame in var ious ways Input to the photo frame As sho wn on th e left, th e photo f rame gi ves priority to the connec tion wit h computer if comp uter an d memory cards ar e connec ted/ insert ed to the photo f rame.
8 GB Featur es The Sony DPF-D 70/D80/ D100 i s a digital photo f rame fo r easi ly disp laying image s take n with a dig ital camera o r other d evice withou t usin g a compu ter.
9 GB Before oper ation Checking in cluded item s Make sure that the followin g items are incl uded . • Digita l photo f rame (1 ) • Remo te con trol (1 ) •A C a d a p t o r ( 1 ) • Opera ting I nstru ctio ns (t his m anu al) (1) • Warra nty ( 1) (In some re gions, th e warranty i s not suppl ied.
10 GB Rear A USB miniB connector ( . pag e 33) Connec t a U SB c able when you wa nt to use the pho to frame with a comp uter. B DC IN 12 V jack ( . page 13) Ins ert the pl ug of th e sup plie d AC adap tor to this jack , and conne ct to the wall out let.
11 GB Before oper ation Remote con trol A VIEW MODE button B (clock) but ton ( . pa ge 22) C (slideshow ) button ( . page 20) D MENU button E BACK button F 1 (on/standby) button G (add to alb um) button ( . page 25) H (zoom in)/ (zoom out) but tons ( .
12 GB Basic oper ations Prepar ing t he rem ote contro l The supplied l ithium batt ery (CR2025) ha s alre ady be en i nser ted i nto t he r emote con trol. Pull out the pr ote ctiv e shee t befor e use as show n in the fi gur e. Using the remote c ontrol Point the t op end o f the remo te contro l towards the remote sensor on the photo frame .
13 GB Basic operati ons • U sing a batte ry other tha n the specif ied one may result in th e battery ruptu ring. • Dispose of us ed batte ries as specifi ed by t he local author ities. • D o not lea ve the remot e control in a ver y hot and humi d place.
14 GB • Af ter use , remov e the A C ada ptor f rom th e DC IN 12 V jack of the photo f rame, and remove the AC ada ptor f rom the ou tle t. • This pow er uni t is i nte nded to be corr ect ly orienta ted in a vertical or floor mount pos ition. Settin g the stand Open ing th e stan d Set the phot o fra me wi th o peni ng th e st and as below.
15 GB Basic operati ons When th e phot o frame is pl aced in the por trai t orientati on, the imag e is also automatically rotate d to its prop er or ientati on. Notes • C lose t he sta nd when y ou car ry the p hoto f rame. • Check whether the sta nd is stable.
16 GB Opera tions in an initia l stat e When the pho to frame is turned on without a memory card connected, the initial display below appe ars on the scre en. When t he ph oto fram e is not oper ated for 10 second s, de mo mod e is dis play ed. If an y other butt on th an t he p ower butto n is pres sed, th e screen r eturns to initial displa y.
17 GB Basic operati ons Set the time in the order of hour, minute , and seco nd. 7 Set the da y to s tart the week for the calenda r. You can set the da y that appea rs on t he very left whe n the ca lend ar is di splaye d. 1 Press v / V to sel ect [F irst We ekda y] and then pr ess .
18 GB Notes • When inser tin g the memo ry ca rd, it wi ll on ly inser t the port ion of the wa y, so do not tr y to force it as this c ould dam age t he memor y card and/o r photo frame. • This pho to frame has “M emory Stick” sta ndard and Duo size com patible slot, so you do not need a Memor y Stick ad aptor.
19 GB Basic operati ons x Overvi ew of displ ay • If the power is on an d no memory card is inserted, the i mage s in inter nal m emory are displa yed. If no images ar e sav ed to i ntern al me mory, demons tratio n mode star ts auto matica lly. Demons trat ion mode end s, if a me mory card is insert ed.
20 GB x Slid eshow d isp lay Images in a memory card are aut omatically disp laye d one af ter anot her . Tip For details on play back order, see page 30. To st art th e sli des how • To star t a slid eshow from si ngle ima ge, clock, or index image displa y, press (sli desh ow).
21 GB Basic operati ons Notes • The [Effec t] setti ng in the [Slide show Setti ngs] menu is a pplie d o nly w hen s lides how is d isp laye d on the single view mo de. • The [Delete ] menu cannot be used duri ng the slidesh ow disp lay. If yo u wan t to de lete i mages, switch the displa y to the single image dis play.
22 GB 2 Image displ ay order/Total number of images 3 Imag e details – Fil e form at (JPE G, RAW ) – Number of pixels (width × height ) – Manuf acture r nam e of im age inpu t devi ce – Model name of image input device – Shutt er speed (e.g.
23 GB Basic operati ons Tip To perform thi s operation from the photo frame, select th e clock displa y in the menu on the single image dis play. Press VIEW MODE to switch the modes of the cloc k disp lay. Analog clock m ode Displays th e time on analog clo ck.
24 GB Advanced ope rati ons Specify ing the playbac k device You ca n spec ify the memor y card to be disp laye d. 1 Press MENU. The men u is disp layed. 2 Press v / V to se lect [Se lect dev ice] and then press . The sc reen for sele cting a devic e is displ ayed.
25 GB Advance d opera tions 2 Press v / V to selec t [Rotate ] and then pr ess . The Rot ate me nu is di spla ye d. 3 Press v / V to selec t the di rection to rotate and then p ress . •: Rotates the image 90 degree s clockwi se. •: Rotate s the ima ge 90 deg rees counter - clockwi se.
26 GB Index image disp lay Tips • To perform this operation from the menu, press MENU on remot e control pres s v / V to select [A dd to album], and the n press . • Images in the int ernal mem ory cannot be added to the al bum. 2 Press v / V to se lect [T his imag e], [Selecte d images ] or [All images] and then press .
27 GB Advance d opera tions Expor ting an image You can expor t the images of the internal memory to a memo ry card. 1 Press M ENU. The menu is disp layed. 2 Press v / V to selec t [Export] an d then pr ess . The Export menu is displayed. 3 Press v / V to selec t [This im age], [Selected images ] or [All images] and then press .
28 GB Deleting a n image 1 Press MENU. The men u is disp layed. 2 Press v / V to se lect [De lete] a nd then press . The Delete menu is displayed. 3 Press v / V to se lect [T his imag e], [Selecte d images ] or [All images] and then press . [This ima ge]: Delete s th e imag e cu rren tly displ ayed.
29 GB Advance d opera tions Changing th e vario us settings You ca n chang e displ ay, sli deshow , brigh tness, langu age, and othe r settin gs of the phot o fram e. It is al so possib le to res et the settings t o their factory d efaults and forma t the intena l memory.
30 GB Items to set *: Factory defa ult settin gs Item Set ting D escr ipt ion Slidesh ow Sett ings Interva l Se t a value fro m 3 sec., 10 sec. *, 30 sec., 1 minute , 5 min., 30 min. , 1 hour, 3 hours , 12 hours, 24hours fo r the interval bet ween images wh en the patt ern is sin gle vi ew or cale nda r vie w.
31 GB Advance d opera tions Screen Settings LCD backligh t Allows you to set the brightness of the backligh t of the LCD screen to a leve l from 1 to 10*. Brightne ss Allow s you to set the lum inance of images to a level from 1, 2*, 3. Display Mo de You can sele ct the view mode for the singl e image display.
32 GB System Information Version Displays the version of the f irmware of the p hoto fr ame. Internal memor y Memo ry capacit y Indicat es th e maximu m amount of s pace av ailabl e in interna l mem ory in th e in itial state. Remain ing capacit y Indicat es the a mount of free s pace curre ntly av ailable in intern al me mory.
33 GB Connec ting to a c omputer Connecti ng to a co mputer Connecting to a comp uter You ca n conn ect to a co mpu ter to view and copy i mages of t he in tern al mem ory o f the phot o fram e to the comput er, and copy i mages of the computer to the photo frame.
34 GB 5 Move th e cursor in th is win dow and right clic k, and then click [N ew] - [Folder]. Nam e th is new fol der . I n thi s m anu al, the folder nam e “son y” is use d for an examp le.
35 GB Error messages Error messa ges If an error message appear s If an err or occurs, one of the following error mess ages may be displaye d on the LCD scr een of the photo fram e. Fo llow t he corres ponding solu tion b elow to s olve the proble m. Error messag e Meaning/Solut ions No Memory Stic k.
36 GB Troublesh ooting If tr oubl e occu rs Before submit ting the ph oto frame for r epair, try using th e followin g guidance t o solve the problem. If the pr oblem persis ts, con sult with y our Sony deale r or Son y service f acilities.
37 GB Troubles hootin g Some images are not dis pl ayed . • Does t he mark disp laye d bel ow ap pear in t he i ndex view? • Were th e imag es cre ated with an application on a comput er? c If th .
38 GB Saving and de letin g images Conn ectin g a comp uter Blan k areas app ear at the to p and bott om. • I s the imag e extr emel y high or wide ? c If an im age is ex treme ly high or wide, blank areas may app ear be cause of the ratio be twee n the hei ght and w idth.
39 GB Troubles hootin g Phot o fram e Remote con trol Symptom Che ck item Cause/Solut ions Noth ing happ ens even i f yo u opera te the ph oto fra me. — c Disc onne ct an d rec onnec t the A C adap tor. And then t urn t he p ower o n agai n. Symptom Che ck item Cause/Solut ions Noth ing happ ens even i f yo u opera te the remote control.
40 GB Addi tional inf ormat ion Precau tion s • Be caref ul no t to set or dr op any heavy object s on th e powe r cord , or to dam age the power cord in any wa y.
41 GB Addi ti onal inf orma tio n TV prog rams, films, vide o tape s, port raits of other peopl e or othe r ma terials may be copyri ght ed. Unautho rize d use of such material s may infringe the provisi ons of the copyri ght law.
42 GB protection te chnology de veloped by Sony us ing authen ticati on and encrypt ion. *6 The photo frame doe s not support 8 bit parallel data tr ansfer .
43 GB Addi ti onal inf orma tio n Notes on us e Data r eading/rec ording t hat requi res copy right protection c annot be perform ed. With the xD- Pictu re Car d slot of the phot o frame, you ca n use an xD -Pict ure Card *5 .
44 GB Specifica tions x Photo fram e LCD s creen LCD panel: DPF-D7 0: 7 inch es, TFT ac tive mat rix DPF-D8 0: 8 inch es, TFT ac tive mat rix DPF-D1 00: 10.
45 GB Addi ti onal inf orma tio n DPF-D 100: Appr ox. 2 81. 7 × 206. 9 × 1 65 mm (11 1 / 8 × 8 1 / 4 × 6 1 / 2 inches ) (wid th /he igh t/d ept h ) Mass DPF-D 70: A pprox.
46 GB Index A AC adaptor 13 Acce ss ori es 9 Adding to th e inte rnal memory 2 5 Auto di spla y orien tat ion 31 Auto imag e orien tation 3 1 Auto power ON/O FF 31 C Changi ng the settings 2 9 Cleanin.
Sony Corporat ion Printed in China Printed usi ng VOC (Volatile Organic Compou nd)-free vegetable oil based in k..
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony DPF-D80 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony DPF-D80 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony DPF-D80 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony DPF-D80 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony DPF-D80 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony DPF-D80 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony DPF-D80 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony DPF-D80. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony DPF-D80 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.