Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Cybershot DSC-T25 des Produzenten Sony
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© 2007 Sony Corporation 3-100-780- 12 (1) Digital Stil l Camera Cyber-shot Handbook DSC-T20/T25 Before oper ating th e unit, pl ease read this Handbook, “Instruction Man ual” and “Cyber-shot St ep-up Guide” th oroughly, and retain them for f uture referen ce.
2 Notes on using your cam era T ypes of “M emor y Stick” that can b e used ( not suppl ied) The IC recor ding med ium used by this camera is a “ Memory Stick D uo”. T here a re two types o f “Mem ory Stick”. “Mem or y Stick Duo” : you can us e a “Mem or y Stick Duo” with your cam era.
3 T able of contents Notes on usi ng your c amera . .......... ...... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... ... 2 Basic techniq ues f or better imag es ....... ....... ......... .......... .......... .......... ...... 7 Focus – Focu sing o n a su bject su ccess fully .
4 T a ble of co ntents Playing back images fr om the HOM E screen ............. .......... ...... 46 (Single Image): Pl aying back a single image (Inde x Disp lay): Playing back a l ist of images (Slid e Sho w): Pla ying back a series of imag es Vi ewin g me nu .
5 T a ble of con tents Viewing images on a TV........... .......... ....... ......... .......... .......... ......... ........ 68 Connectin g your camera to a TV with cable f or multi-use te rminal .......... ........ . 68 Connectin g your camera to an HD TV .
6 T a ble of co ntents Inde x ...... .......... ......... .......... ....... ......... .......... .......... ......... .......... .......... . 115 Index.
7 Basi c tech niques for bette r imag es When yo u press the shutter b utton h alfway down, the camer a adjust s the focu s automati cally (Aut o Fo cus) .
8 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages Y ou can create various i mages by a djusting the exposure a nd the IS O sensitivity . Exposur e is the am ount of ligh t that the camera will rece iv e when you rele ase the shutte r .
9 Basic t echniqu es for bett er images The appa rent colo r of the subje ct is affected by the lightin g conditi ons. Exam ple: Th e color of an imag e affec ted by li ght sou rces The color tones are adju sted aut omatica lly in the aut o adjust ment mode.
10 Basi c tech niqu es for bet ter i mages A digi tal imag e is made up of a collect ion of smal l dots ca lled p ixels. If it cont ains a large numbe r of pixels, the picture bec omes large, it takes up more mem ory , and the image is displayed in fine detail.
11 Basic t echniqu es for bett er images • The larger the image size, the high er the image quality . • The more frames per second you played back, the smoother playback can be. Movie image size Frame/Second Usage guidelines 640(Fine) (640×480) Approx.
12 Identif ying part s See the pages in pare ntheses for details of oper atio n. A Shutter button (20) B Flash (21 ) C AF illum inato r (63 )/Se lf-tim er la mp (23) D Lens E Lens cover A POWER button.
13 Ident ifying pa rts Q M ulti co nnector (bottom) Used in t he foll owi ng situat ions: • Making a USB connection between the camera and the computer . • Making a connection to audio/video input jacks on a TV . • Making a connection to a PictBridge compliant pr inter .
14 Indicat ors on the scre en Each time you press v (DISP) butt on, the disp lay chan ges ( page 18) . See the pages in pare ntheses for details of oper atio n.
15 Indica tors on the sc reen B C D Displ ay Indication 1.0m Focus pres et dis tanc e (41) z AE/AF loc k (20) Standb y REC Standby/Rec ording a movie ISO40 0 ISO number (39) NR slow shutter • When t.
16 Indic ators on the sc reen When pl ayin g ba ck sti ll i mages When pl ayin g ba ck movi es A B Displ ay Indication Batter y remaini ng Image size (35) - Prot ect (5 2) VO L .
17 Indica tors on the sc reen C Displ ay Indication Play back Med ia Play back fol der (54) • This does not appear when using internal me mory . 8/8 12/1 2 Ima ge nu mbe r/Num ber of imag es rec orde d in s ele cted fold er Chang e fold er (54) • This does not appear when using internal me mory .
18 Changi ng t he scr een disp lay Each ti me you pr ess the v (DISP) b utton, the dis play chan ges as fo llo ws. • If you vi ew images in bright outside light, adjust the brightness of the LCD backlight up. Howe ver , the battery po wer may decrease f aster under such condition.
19 Using the in ternal memo r y The camer a has approximat ely 31 MB of internal memo ry . This memor y is not remov able. Even when t here is n o “Memo ry Stic k Duo” inserted in th e camera, you c an reco rd image s usi ng this inte rnal memo ry .
20 Basic O perations Shoot ing im ages easi ly (Aut o adjus tment mode) 1 Slide the l ens cover downwar d. 2 Hold the camera steady , keeping your arm at y our side. 3 Shoot with the shutter button. 1 Press and hol d the shutter button halfway down to focus.
21 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges easi ly (Auto ad justmen t mode) Shooting movie s Press HOME button and sel ect (Shootin g) and then select [ Movie Mode] (page 28 .) If you sho ot a still ima ge of a subject that is diff icult to f ocus on • The shortest shooting distance is approx.
22 Shoo ting im ages easi ly (Auto ad justmen t mode ) Macro /Close Foc us (Shoo ting clos e-up) Press b ( ) on the contr ol butto n rep eated ly un til th e desir ed mo de is s electe d. (No Indicator) : Macro Off : Macro On (W side: Approx. 8 cm or farther (3 1/4 inches or farther), T side: Approx.
23 Bas ic Op erat ion s Shoo ting ima ges easi ly (Auto ad justmen t mode) Using the s elf-timer Press V ( ) on the contr ol but ton repeated ly until th e desired mode is sel ected.
24 View ing images 1 Press the (Playback) button. If you press (Playback) when the camera is powered off , the camera is turned on automatically and set to playback mode. T o set to the shooting mode, press (Playback) again. 2 Select an image with b / B on the con trol button .
25 Bas ic Op erat ion s Viewin g images Viewin g an index screen Press (Index) to displa y the in dex scre en while a still i mage is di splayed. Select an imag e with v / V / b / B .
26 Deletin g images 1 Press the (Playback) button. 2 Press MENU while a single image or m ultiple imag es are displayed. 3 Select [ Delete] wi th v on th e con trol button . 4 Select the desired deletion method with b / B fr om among [This Image], [Multiple Imag es] and [All I n This Folder], then press z .
27 Bas ic Op erat ion s Dele tin g im age s When yo u select [Mul tiple Imag es] Selects an d deletes multip le images at once. 1 Se lect the im ages you want to de lete, then press z . The (check ma rk) is checked in the che ckbox of the im age. 2 Pr ess MENU.
28 Lear ning the various f uncti ons – HOM E/Menu The HOME screen i s the bas ic scree n use d for acce ssing the v ario us func tions you can a ccess the HOME screen re gardless of the shoo ting/viewing mode. 1 Press HOME to display the HOME screen.
29 Bas ic Op erat ion s Learni ng the var ious fu nction s – HOME/ Menu Pressing the HOME button di splays the fo llowin g items. Deta ils on the it ems are display ed on the scr een b y the gu ide.
30 Lea rning th e variou s functi ons – H OME/Me nu 1 Press MENU to displa y the menu. • The menu can be displayed only when the camera is in shooting mode or playback mode. • Dif ferent items are available depending on the selected mode. 2 Select the desired menu item w ith v / V on th e contr ol b utto n.
31 Bas ic Op erat ion s Menu ite ms The av ai lable menu it ems va ry depending on the camera mode . The shooti ng menu is av aila ble only in the shoo ting mode, and th e vie wing menu is av aila ble only in the playbac k mode.
32 Using f unctions f or shootin g Switch ing th e shootin g mode Y ou can switch the shootin g mode on the HOME screen. Shooting modes: Ther e are th ree shoo ting mode s available for st ill ima ges: Au to Adj ustment , Scen e Select ion, Prog ram Auto ; and ther e is one reco rding mo de for mo vies.
33 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoot ing im ages using Scene Sele ction Scene Se lection m odes The f ollowing modes ar e predet ermined to match the sce ne conditi ons. * Wh en you shoot images using [Twili ght Portrait], [Twilig ht] or [Firewor ks] mode, the shutter sp eed is slower.
34 Shoo ting im ages usin g Scene Se lection Funct ions that cann ot be com bined with Scene Se lection For shootin g an image ap propria tely acco rding to the scene cond ition, a combinat ion of functi ons is dete rmined by the camer a. Some fun ctions are not av aila ble, dep ending on th e Scen e Sele ction m ode.
35 For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 30 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoot ing menu The fu nctions in sh ooting mode u sing the M ENU button are de scribed be low . For details on how to oper ate the m enu, see page 30. The defau lt s ettin gs are ma rked wit h .
36 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Select s whet her t o use t he Fac e Dete ct func tion o r not. • A vailab le only for [S oft Snap] when you selec t the Scene S election mode. In this cas e, the Face Detection m ode is set to [On] as the default.
37 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 30 Select s whethe r the cam era per forms co ntinuous s hooting or not w hen you press th e shutte r bu tton. On the Burst • When recording with the self timer, a series of a maximum of fiv e images is recorde d.
38 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Y ou can ch ange t he br ightne ss of t he im age, a ccompanie d b y ef fect s. • Y ou can select only [Normal], [B & W] or [Sepia] when shooting movies.
39 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 30 Select s a luminous sensi tivity with uni ts of ISO. Th e larger the num ber, the higher the sens itivity . • For details on the ISO sensitivity , see page 8.
40 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Selects t he mete ring mode th at sets which part of the subject t o measure t o determ ine the exposure.
41 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 30 Y ou can change the foc us method . Use the me nu when it is diff icult t o get the pro per focu s in auto f ocus m ode. Focus: Changing the focus method (Mult i AF) Focus es on a s ubject in all ranges of the f inder frame auto matica lly .
42 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 • AF stands for Auto Focus. • Distance setting information in [Focus preset] is approximate.
43 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 30 Adju sts t he c olor ton es a ccor ding to t he l ighti ng c ondit ion in a situ atio n, fo r ex ampl e, w hen the colo rs of an imag e look str ange. White Bal: Adjustin g the color tones (Auto) Adjusts the White Bal ance autom atically .
44 Shoot ing m enu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 • For details on the w hite balance, see page 9. • Under fluorescent li ghts that flicker, the white balance function may not work correctly even though you select [Fluorescent Light 1], [Fluorescent Light 2], [Fluorescent Light 3].
45 Using funct ions for shooti ng Shoo ting m enu For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 30 The flash strobes t wo or more times before shooting to reduce th e red-eye phenome non when using th e flas h. • Because it takes about a sec ond until the shutter clicks, hold the camera firmly to pre vent the ef fects of vibration.
46 Using f unctions f or viewing Play ing back images f rom the H OME scre en Y ou can pl ayback image s using the HO ME scre en. 1 Press HOME. 2 Select (V iew Images ) with b / B on the control button. 3 Select the desire d viewing method with v / V .
47 Using f unctions f or viewing Playi ng back ima ges from the HOM E scree n T o end the sli de sho w Select [Exi t] with v / V wh ile the slid e show is pa used , then press z . T o change the setu p The defau lt s ettin gs are ma rked wit h . • Only still images are displayed when [Simple], [Nostalgic], [Stylish] or [Acti ve] is selected.
48 Play ing ba ck i mages fr om th e HOME s creen z T o ad d /change Music file s Y ou can transfer a desired music file from your CDs or MP3 files to the camera to play back during Slide show .
49 For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 30 Using f unctions f or viewing Viewin g menu This sec tion expl ains the m enu ite ms available whe n you p ress the M ENU button in p layback mode. For details o n how to use the me nu, see page 30. Selec ts an d dele tes im ages on the sing le-ima ge sc reen or the inde x scr een.
50 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 (Partial Color) Surround a chos en point in monochrom e 1 Se t the center point of the desired im age to retouc h with v / V / b / B , then pres s MENU bu tton. 2 Adjust the desi red range to ret ouch with W/T button.
51 Using f unctions f or viewing Viewin g menu For details on the operatio n 1 page 30 When you selec t [Trimming] • The image size that you can trim may v ary depending on the image. • The quality of tr immed images may deterior ate. • Images cannot be retouched while connected to a High Def inition TV .
52 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Prot ects imag es aga inst accide ntal e rasure . T o protect an image 1 Display the image you want to protec t, or select the image s on the index screen. 2 Press MENU to displa y the menu. 3 Select (Protect) with v / V , and sel ect [This Image] wit h b / B , then pres s z .
53 Using f unctions f or viewing Viewin g menu For details on the operatio n 1 page 30 T o cancel t he protect ion Select the imag e for which yo u want to ca ncel prot ection , and unlock it by performing the same proce dure to protec t it. The - (Protect) ind icator disap pears.
54 Viewi ng menu For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 30 Select s the f older c ontai ning the image you w ant to p lay b ack when u sing t he came ra with “Memory St ick Duo”. 1 Select the desired fo lder with b / B on the control button . 2 Select [OK] with v , then press z .
55 Customizi ng the settings Customizi ng the setting s Custom izing the Mana ge Memor y featu re and the Set tings Y ou can cha nge the default set tings using (Manag e Memory) or (Setti ngs) on the HOME screen. 1 Press HOME to display the HOME screen.
56 Custom izing t he Manage M emor y featu re and th e Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 5 Select the desired setting with v / V , then press z . T o canc el th e sett ing c hange Select [ Cancel] if it i s one of the setti ng ite m, then p ress z .
57 For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 55 Customizi ng the settings Manage Memor y Memor y T ool – Memory Stick T ool This it em app ears on ly when a “Memory Stick Duo ” is in serted in the camera.
58 Mana ge Memor y For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 Change s the f older current ly u sed fo r record ing im ages. 1 Select [Change REC. Folder] wi th v / V / b / B on the contro l button, th en press z . The folder s election screen appear s.
59 Customizi ng the settings Mana ge Me mory For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 55 Memor y T ool – Internal Memor y T ool This ite m does not ap pear wh en a “Me mory Stick D uo” is insert ed in th e camera.
60 For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 Setting s Main Settings – Main Sett ings 1 The de fault s ettings are mar ked with . Selects the soun d produced when you ope rate the cam era. When yo u operate the camera , the description of fu nctions is displayed.
61 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 55 Main Settings – Main Setting s 2 The defau lt s ettin gs are ma rked wit h . Selec ts the USB mode to be use d when conne cting the cam era to a comput er or a PictBr idge compli ant pri nter usi ng th e cable f or mult i-use t ermina l.
62 Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 Sets th e video sig nal output ac cording to the TV c olor system of the conne cted v ideo equipme nt.
63 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 55 Shooting Settings – Shooting Setti ngs 1 The defau lt s ettin gs are ma rked wit h . The AF il luminator supplies fill light t o focus more easil y on a subje ct in da rk surroun dings.
64 Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 Sele cts the au to focu s operat ion mo de. • When [Face Detection] is set to [On], [AF Mode] does not work. Selects t he di gital zo om mode. The camer a enlar ges th e imag e using optical zoom (up to 3×).
65 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 55 Shooting Settings – Shooting Setti ngs 2 The defau lt s ettin gs are ma rked wit h . When t he camera is rotat ed to sh oot a po rtrait image, th e camera r ecords its positi on chan ge and displa ys the image in the portr ait posit ion.
66 Sett ings For det ails on the oper ati on 1 pa ge 55 Clock Settings Sets the da te an d time. 1 Press HOME and select [ Clock Settings] from (Settings ) on the HOME screen. 2 Select the date disp lay form at with v / V , then press z . 3 Sele ct each i tem with b / B and set the nu meric value with v / V , then pre ss z .
67 Customizi ng the settings Setti ngs For detail s on the ope ration 1 pa ge 55 Language Setting Selects the langu age to be used to display the menu items, warnings, an d messages.
68 Viewin g images o n a TV View ing images on a TV Y ou can vie w imag es on a TV scr een b y co nnecti ng th e camer a to a TV . The co nnecti on v aries a ccordin g to t he type of TV t he came ra is c onnected to. T urn of f both your camer a and the TV before co nnecti ng the camer a and the TV .
69 Viewing im ages on a TV Viewin g images o n a TV Y ou can vi ew i mages by co nnecti ng the c amera t o an HD ( High De finit ion) TV with t he HD Outpu t Ada ptor Cabl e. Th is cable is suppli ed onl y with th e DSC- T25. Please purcha se the cable sepa rately if you a re using the DSC -T20.
70 Viewi ng images on a TV 3 Press to turn on the camera. Images shot wit h the ca mera ap pear on the TV scr een. Press b / B on the con tro l button to sele ct the desi red im age . • Set [COM PONENT] to [ HD(1080i)] in [ Main Se ttings 2] by selecting (Settings) o n the HOME scr een (p ag e 61) .
71 Using your comp uter Using your compu ter Enjoy ing your Windows co mpute r Fo r deta ils o n usin g a Ma cint osh comput er , re fer to “Usin g your Maci ntosh comp uter” (page 88). This sectio n describes the English version of screen contents.
72 Enjo ying y our Windo ws comp uter The follo wing en vironmen t is recom mend ed for a c omputer connec ted to the camer a. Reco mmen ded envi ronme nt for co pying images OS (pre-install ed): Micr.
73 Using your comp uter Inst alling th e softwa re (su pplied) Y ou can install th e software (supplied) using the fo llowing proced ure. • When using Windows 2000, do not connect the camera to the comput er before installation . • In Windo ws 2000/XP, log on as Administrator.
74 Copyin g images to you r compu ter This sect ion descri bes the p rocess usi ng a W indo ws compu ter as an ex ample. Y ou can copy image s from the camera to your comput er as follows. For a compu ter wit h a Me mory Sti ck sl ot Remove the “ Memo ry Stick Du o” from the camera and inse rt it in the Memory Stick Du o Adap tor .
75 Using your comp uter Copyin g images t o your comp uter Connect the camera to your computer . • With W indows XP/V ista, the Auto Play wi zard appears on the desktop. “Conn ectin g to Mass St orage ...” app ears on the scr een of the camer a.
76 Copyi ng images to your com puter The “S canner an d Camera Wizard” scr een appe ars. 2 Click [Next]. The i mages saved on the “M emor y Stick Du o” of the ca mera appea r . • If no “Memory Stick Duo” is ins erted, images in the in ternal memor y appear .
77 Using your comp uter Copyin g images t o your comp uter 6 Clic k [Finis h]. The wi zard sc reen clo ses. • T o con tinue copying other i mages, disconnect t he cable for multi- use termina l (page 78). Then follo w the procedure explained in “Stage 2: Connecting the camera and your computer” on page 75.
78 Copyi ng images to your com puter This se ction de scribes the proced ure for viewing copi ed images in t he “My Docu ments” fol der . 1 Click [Start] t [My Documents]. The cont ents of th e “My Do cume nts” folder are displ ayed. • If you are not using W indo ws XP, double-click [My Documents] on the desktop.
79 Using your comp uter Copyin g images t o your comp uter The ima ge f iles r ecorded wi th your camera are groupe d as folders on the “Memory Stick Duo”.
80 Viewin g image files s tored on a co mputer with your camera ( using a “M emory Stick D uo”) This sect ion descri bes the p rocess usi ng a W indo ws compu ter as an ex ample.
81 Using your comp uter Using the “Pi cture Motion Br owser ” (suppl ied) Y ou can use still im ages and movies from the ca mera mor e than e v er by taking adv antag e of the soft ware . This sec tion s ummarizes t he “Pic ture Motion Browser” and gives the basic instructio ns.
82 Usin g the “Pic ture Moti on Brow ser” (su ppli ed) 2 Connect the camera to your computer with the cable for multi- use terminal. After the camer a is auto matical ly detec ted, the [Im port Im ages] s creen is displayed. • If you use the M emory Stick sl ot, refer to page 74 first.
83 Using your comp uter Using t he “Pictur e Motion Br owse r” (supp lied) Y ear display screen Month displa y screen Hour displa y screen • T o list images from a particular year or month, click that period on the left of the scr een .
84 Usin g the “Pic ture Moti on Brow ser” (su ppli ed) Images ca n be sa ved in C D or D VD as a data disc. • CD burner d riv e or DVD burner drive required . • The fo llowing disc can be use d for creati ng a data di sc. –C D - R / R W ( 1 2 c m ) – D VD±R/RW (12 cm) – D VD±R DL (12 cm) 1 Select images to save o n the disc.
85 Using your comp uter Using t he “Pictur e Motion Br owse r” (supp lied) Prepar ing imag es stored on the computer fo r viewing T o view them , regis ter th e folde r that conta ins the im ages as one of the “V ie we d folders”. 1 Click on the m ain screen, or choose [Register Folders to View] from the [File] menu.
86 Usin g the “Pic ture Moti on Brow ser” (su ppli ed) 1 Click [Sta rt] t [Control Panel] (i n W indows 2000, [Start] t [Settings] t [Control Panel ]), then double -click [Add / Remove Program s]. 2 Sele ct [Sony Pict ure Utility ], then click [Remove] (in Windows 2000, [Chan ge/ Remove]) to execute the uninstall ation .
87 Using your comp uter Using th e “Music T rans fer” (sup plied) Y ou can ch ange th e Music f ile s that a re preset at t he fac tory with desired Music files using “Music Transfer” in the CD- R OM (sup plied). Also, y ou can delete or add these files whenever you want.
88 Using yo ur Macin tosh comput er Y ou can copy ima ges to your Ma cintosh comput er . • “Picture Motio n Browser” is not compatible with Macintosh computers. The follo wing en vironmen t is recom mend ed for a c omputer connec ted to the camer a.
89 Using your comp uter Usi ng you r Maci ntos h com puter 4 View images on the computer . Doub le-clic k the hard disk icon t the desired i mage f ile in the f older contai ning the co pied f ile s to op en th at image f ile .
90 Printing s till images How to print st ill images When yo u print images shot in [16: 9] mode, both edges may be cut off, so be sure to chec k before printing (pa ge 104). Y ou can pri nt imag es b y conne cting the came ra dire ctly t o a PictBri dge co mplian t print er .
91 Printin g still images Print ing i mages d irect ly u sing a PictB ridge compl iant prin ter Even if you do not have a computer, you can prin t images shot us ing your cam era by connec ting the c amera di rectly to a Pict Bridge co mplian t print er .
92 Print ing images directly using a Pi ctBridge c omplian t printer 1 Connect the camera to the printer . 2 T urn on your camera and the prin ter . After t he con nection is made , the i ndicator appears . The camer a is set to play back mode , then an image an d the print menu appe ar on the screen.
93 Printin g still images Prin ting i mages dire ctly using a Pi ctBri dge c omplia nt pr inter 1 Select print settings with v / V / b / B . [Qua ntit y] When the [ La yout] is set to [1-up/ Borderles s] or [1-up/Border]: Sel ect the numbe r of shee ts o f an imag e that y ou want to print.
94 Print ing at a sh op Y ou can tak e a “Memory S tick Du o” containi ng images shot with yo ur camera to a photo print ing servic e shop. As long as the shop supports p hoto pri nting servic es .
95 Printin g still images Printin g at a shop 1 Press MENU to display the menu. 2 Select [DPO F] with v / V an d select [Multiple Images], then press z . 3 Select the image you want to mark with v / V / b / B , then press z . A m ark is atta ched to the sel ected image.
96 T roubleshooting T roublesho oting If you experienc e trouble with you r camera, try th e following solutions. Please un derstand that you giv e your conse nt that the cont ents of the interna l memory , Music files may be checked whe n you send your ca mera to be repai red.
97 T roubleshooting T r oubles hooting The batt ery pack ca nnot be insta lled. • Install the batt ery pack corre ctly usi ng the tip of the b attery pa ck to push the ba ttery eject lev er to ward the bottom of th e camera. Cannot turn on the camera.
98 T r oubles hooting • The image si ze is set to [640(Fi ne)] when record ing movi es. Do one of the follo wing: – S et the imag e size to other than [ 640(Fine)]. – Ins ert a “Memory Stic k PR O Duo”. Movie record ing stops during shooting • Movi e recording stop s automatic ally when the f ile size of the mo vie reach es approx.
99 T roubleshooting T r oubles hooting • Set the flash to (Flas h forced on) wh en (Close F ocus) is set , or [Lands cape], [Hi-Speed Shutter ], [Beach ], or [Snow] m ode is se lected in the Sce ne Select ion mode ( page 21) . Fuzzy specks appear i n images shot using the flash.
100 T r oubles hooting Noise appears in the i mage when you view the screen in a dark place . • The camera is attempti ng to increas e the visibi lity of the scr een by tem poraril y brighteni ng the image under conditions of low illumination. There is no effect on the recorded imag e.
101 T roubleshooting T r oubles hooting The image d oes not appear on th e TV screen. • Che ck [V ideo Ou t] to s ee if th e video out put signa l of you r camera i s set t o the color system of your T V (page 62) . • Check whether the con nection i s correct (page 6 8).
102 T r oubles hooting • Connect the came ra directly to your co mputer withou t passing through a USB hub or other device (page 75). • The software (s upplied) is not install ed.
103 T roubleshooting T r oubles hooting Y ou cannot print an image . • Re fer to the operat ion manual of the prin ter . Images once cop ied to a computer cannot be viewed on the camera. • Copy the m to a folder rec ognized by the came ra, such as “101MS DCF” (page 79) .
104 T r oubles hooting Y ou have formatted a “ Memory Stick Duo” by mistake . • All the data on the “Memory Stic k Duo” is deleted by for matting. Y ou can not restore it. W e recommend that you s et the wri te-protect s witch on the “Mem ory Stick Du o” to t he LOCK position to pr ev ent accid ental erasure (p age 111).
105 T roubleshooting T r oubles hooting A connection cannot be established. • Th e cam era ca nnot be conne cted di rectl y to a pr inter that is not c ompli ant w ith the PictBr idge stand ard. Con sult the pri nter ma nufac turer as to wh ether the prin ter is comp liant wi th PictBrid ge or not.
106 T r oubles hooting Cannot pri nt the image at t he size selec ted. • Disconn ect the c able for mu lti-u se termina l and reconn ect it wh enever you change the paper size aft er the printer h as been connecte d to the camera. • The prin t setting of the camera differs from tha t of t he printe r .
107 T roubleshooting Warning in dic ators an d mess ages If a code st arting wi th a lette r of the alpha bet ap pears, your ca mera h as a se lf- diagno sis display . The last two digit s (indica ted by ss ) will d if fer depe nding on the st ate of the c amera.
108 Warnin g indica tors and m essag es Memory Stick f ormatting erro r Internal memory formatting err or • For mat the med ia agai n (pages 59 and 57). Memory Stick locked • Y ou are using the “M emory Stick Duo” with t he wr ite-prot ect sw itch, a nd t he switc h is set to the LO CK pos ition .
109 T roubleshooting Warning i ndicator s and mess ages Mac ro is in valid • Y ou ha ve selected a sett ing that is not av aila ble for shooti ng in Macro mode (page 22, 34). Flash settings cannot be changed • Y ou ha ve selected a sett ing that is not av ailabl e for s hooting wi th the flash (page 34) .
110 Others T o use your ca mera ab road — Pow er sour ces Y ou c an use your camera, the b attery c harger (s upplied), and th e AC-LS5K AC Adap tor ( not supplied) in any country or region whe re the power supply is wi thin 100 V to 240 V A C, 50/ 60 Hz .
111 Others On the “Mem or y St ick” A “Memor y Stick” i s a comp act, por table IC rec ording me dium. The types of “Mem ory Stick ” that ca n be used w ith thi s camera are li sted in t he table belo w . Howev er, proper operat ion canno t be guar anteed f or al l “Memor y Sti ck” func ti ons.
112 On th e “Memor y Sti ck” • Do not use or store the “Memory S tick Duo” under the following conditions: – High temperature locations such as t he hot interior of a car parked in direct .
113 Others On the ba ttery pack On ch argi ng th e batt ery pac k W e r ecommend charging the battery pack in an ambient temperature of between 10°C to 30°C (50°F to 86°F ). Y ou may not be able to ef ficiently charge the battery pack outside of this temperature range.
114 On th e bat ter y ch arger On the ba ttery charger • Do not charge any other battery pack other than the NP-BG type battery pa cks in the battery charger supplied with your camera. Batteries other than the sp ecified kind may leak, ov erheat, or explode if you attem pt to charge them, posing a risk of inj ury from electrocutio n and burns.
115 Index Index Index A Adju sting EV ..... ....... ....... .....39 AE/AF l ock indi cator......... ...42 AF Ill uminator .......... ..... ...... .63 AF lo ck ....... ....... ....... ....... .....42 AF Mod e ... ....... ....... ....... .... ...64 AF ra nge f inder frame .
116 Index Indicat or...... ....... ...... ....... ..... . 14 Initiali ze ......... .............. ......... 60 Insta ll ....... ....... ..... ....... ...... .... 73 Inter nal memor y ......... ...... .... 19 Inte rnal M emory T ool ...... ..... 59 ISO.
117 Index Index U Underexposure ........ ......... .......8 USB Conn ect .......... ....... ...... .61 V VGA...... ...... ....... ....... ....... .....10 V ideo Out ......... ....... .... ....... ...62 V ie w Im ages .. ....... .... ....... .....29 V ie win g menu .
118 Index Notes o n the Lice nse “C Lib rary, ” “Exp at, ” and “z lib” s oftw are are pr ovid ed in yo ur ca mera. W e pro vide this softw are based on license a greemen ts with their owners of copyrig ht.
Additional information on this pr oduct and a nswers to frequen tly asked questio ns can be found at our Custome r Support W ebsite..
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony Cybershot DSC-T25 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony Cybershot DSC-T25 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony Cybershot DSC-T25 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony Cybershot DSC-T25 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony Cybershot DSC-T25 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony Cybershot DSC-T25 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony Cybershot DSC-T25 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony Cybershot DSC-T25. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony Cybershot DSC-T25 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.