Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung BDPS790 des Produzenten Sony
Zur Seite of 52
BDP-S790 4-418-506- 12 (1) Blu-ra y Disc™ / DV D P l a y e r Operating Instr uctions Hookups and Settings Pla yback Internet Settings and Ad justments Additional Inf orm ation.
2 WARNING To reduce the r isk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. To avoid electrical shock, do not open t he cabinet. Refer servicin g to quali fied personnel only. The AC power cord must be changed only at a qualified service shop.
3 particul ar install ation. If this eq uipment doe s cause ha rmful interf erence t o radi o or televi sion re ceptio n, w hich c an be deter mined by turning th e equipme nt off and on, th e user is enco uraged t o try to cor rect th e inte rference by one or more of th e following me asures: – Reorient or rel ocate t he recei ving a ntenna.
4 Precau tions This equip ment has bee n tested and fou nd to comp ly with the limit s set out in th e EMC Directiv e using a connection cable shorter than 3 me ters. On pl aceme nt • Place t he pla yer in a lo cation wi th adequ ate ventil ation to p reven t hea t build- up in the player.
5 On connectin g to the HDMI OUT jack Observe the fo llowing as im proper handl ing may dama g e the HDM I OUT jack and the connector. • Caref ully align the HDMI OUT ja ck on the rear of the play er and the HDMI c onnector by checkin g their shape s.
6 To request addi tional informati on about Cinavi a by mail, send a postcard with your ma iling address to: Cinavia Consumer Infor mation Center, P.O. Box 86851, San Diego , CA, 92138, USA. Copyr ight s and Trad emar ks • “AVC HD” and the “AVCHD 3D/ Progress ive” logo are tradema rks of Panason ic Corpora tion an d Sony Corporati on.
7 patents. Gracenote, CDDB, MusicID, MediaVOCS, th e Gracenote log o and logotype, and the “Powered by Gracenote” logo a re either registe red trade marks or tradema rks of Gracen ote in the Unit ed States and/ or other countries. Opera Brows er Opera(r) Browser from Opera Software ASA.
8 Gracenote deems sufficient. No warranty is m ade that the Gracenote Sof tware or Gracenote Servers are error-free or t hat functioning of Gracenot e Softwa re or Gracenote Servers wi ll be uninterrupted.
9 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Guide to Parts and Controls . . .
10 Guide to Part s and Con tro ls A [ / 1 (on/stand by) Turns on th e player , or se ts to stan dby mod e. B Disc tray C Front panel dis play N , X : Li ghts up dur ing pla yback or paus e. : Lights up when enabling the repeat se tting. : Lights up when ou tputting 720 p/1080i /10 80p video sign als.
11 A LINE OUT (VIDEO) jack B DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL) jack C Ventilati on holes D CONTROL S IN / IR IN ja ck If you have a CONTR OL S- comp atibl e Sony TV or AV ampli fier (re ceiv er), use a CONTROL S cable (not supplied) to connect to the CONTROL S (output) jack.
12 The availabl e functio ns of the r emote diff er depend ing on the disc or the situat ion. z Number 5, AUDIO, VOL +, and N PLAY butto ns have a tactil e dot.
13 C Color buttons (YELLOW/ BLUE/RED/GREEN) Short cut keys for inter active funct ions. D TOP MENU Opens or closes the BD’s or DVD’s Top Men u. SEN Acce sses t he “Sony Ent ertai nment Networ k™” onl ine se rvic e. POP UP/MENU Open s or clos es the BD -ROM ’s Pop-up Men u, or t he DVD’s menu.
14 The home m enu ap pears when you p ress HO ME. Sel ect a catego ry us ing < / , . Selec t an item using M / m , then pres s ENTER. [Setup]: Ad justs the player s ettings. [Pho to]: D ispla ys photo s. [Music]: P lays musi c. [Vid eo]: Pla ys vide os.
15 Hooku ps and Set tings Hookups and Settings Step 1 : Co nnec ting t he P layer Do not connect the AC po wer cor d until you have m ade a ll the oth er connec tions . For supp lie d acce ssorie s, see “ Sup plie d access ori es” (pag e 43). Select one of th e follo wing co nnect ion m ethods a ccor ding to t he inpu t jack s on you r TV.
16 Selec t one of th e follo wing c onnec tion met hods accord ing to the input ja cks on your AV amplifi er (rec eive r). Wh en you s elect A or B , make th e appropri ate settin gs in the [Audio Settings ] setup (page 33). Connecting to your AV ampli fier (receiver) t Set [BD Audio MIX Setti ng] (page 33).
17 Hooku ps and Set tings About AV Se parat ion Mo de This mod e allows you to out put video signal s via th e HDMI OUT 1 j ack and audio si gnals vi a the HD MI OUT 2 jack separate ly (page 3 6). Example: The illustrati on below shows a n example wher e a TV (3D- com patib le) and an AV amplifier (n ot 3D-compatible ) are conn ected.
18 Step 2: Prepar ing for Networ k Conn ecti on Use a LAN cable to connect to the LAN (100) termin al on th e player . z Using a shi elded i nterface cable (LAN cable) is recom mended. Use the wireless LAN that is built into the pla yer . z Use a wi reless LAN r outer su pporting 802.
19 Hooku ps and Set tings Step 3 : Ea sy Set up 1 Insert two S ize AA (R6 ) batteries by ma tchi ng the 3 and # ends on the ba tteries to the m arkings inside the ba ttery co mpartm ent. 2 Plug the player into the AC outl et. 3 Press [ / 1 to tur n on th e pla yer.
20 Playback Play ing a Di sc For pl ayable discs, see “Pla yabl e disc s” (page 4 3). 1 Switch th e input selector on you r TV so t hat th e si gnal fr om the player appe ars on your TV s creen. 2 Press Z OP EN/CLO SE, an d plac e a disc on the d isc tr ay.
21 Playback 2 Insert a Blu-ray 3 D Disc. The oper ation m ethod differs depend ing on the disc . Refer to the instru ction manual suppli ed with the disc . z Refer a lso to t he i nstruction manu als suppl ied with your TV and the c onnected device. You ca n check playbac k inf ormati on, etc.
22 Play ing via a Ne twor k Serves as a gateway delivering the selec ted Intern et co ntent and a vari ety of on-d emand ente rtainm ent st raigh t to your pl ayer. z • S ome Interne t content requi res regis tration via a P C before i t can be play ed.
23 Playback 1 Prep are for u sing DLNA. • Conn ect the playe r to a netw ork (page 1 8). • Pre pare the ot her nece ssar y DLNA-compatible produ cts. Refer to the instructio n manual suppl ied wit h the prod uct. 2 Select the DLN A Server icon f rom [Video], [Music], or [Pho to] on t he hom e menu .
24 You ca n acqu ire conten t infor mati on based on Gracen ote t ech nolo gy and search for the relat ed info rmati on. 1 Connec t the playe r to a netwo rk (page 18). 2 Insert a dis c you want to sear ch. • Video: For a BD-ROM or DVD- ROM only • M us ic: F or a CD-D A onl y 3 Select [Video] or [Music] using < / , .
25 Playback [Music] only Video Settings • Pictu re Qu alit y Mode: Selects the picture se ttings. • Texture R emast er: Adjusts the sharpness and detail of t he edges. • S uper Resoluti on: Improv es the reso luti on. • S moothing: Reduc es on-screen bandi ng by smoothing grada tions on fl at ar eas.
26 [Photo] only Item Detail s Slideshow Speed Changes the slideshow speed. Slideshow Effec t Sets the e ffect for slideshows. Slideshow BGM • O ff: Turns off the func tion. • My Music fro m USB: Sets the m usic files registe red in [Add Slideshow B GM].
27 Inte rnet Internet Brows ing Website s You ca n conne ct to th e Intern et an d enjoy w ebsites . 1 Conne ct the pl ayer t o a netw ork (page 18). 2 Select [Network] on th e home menu usin g < / , . 3 Select [Internet B rowser] using M / m , and pres s ENTE R.
28 H Scroll b ar Pres s < / M / m / , to move the p age disp lay. Vari ous set ting s and op erat ions are avai labl e by pres sing OPTI ONS. The availa ble item s dif fer de pending on the situatio n. Enjoy ing Skype Skyp e is a comm unicat ion softwar e using the Internet.
29 Inte rnet 1 Prep are for S kype. • Conn ect the playe r to a netw ork (page 1 8). • Connect the web camera with microphone to the USB jack (page 1 0). 2 Select [Network] on the home menu usin g < / , . 3 Selec t [Skype] using M / m , and pres s ENTE R.
30 C Sign al stren gth indica tor /Networ k transmission speed (wireless networ k conn ecti on only ) D Video of yourself (for vide o calls only) E Available bu ttons The availabl e buttons d iffer depend ing o n the sit uatio n. • Full screen/Wind ow screen: Chan ges th e displ ay mode.
31 Settings an d Adjustm ents Settings and Ad justment s Using th e Set tings Displa ys Select [Se tup] on the hom e m enu when y ou nee d to chan ge the setti ngs of the pl ayer . The default setti ngs are underlined. 1 Select [Setu p] on th e ho me menu usin g < / , .
32 Screen Setti ngs 3D Outpu t Sett ing Auto : Normally select thi s. Off : Se lec t th is to di spla y al l con te nt in 2D. z If you enjoy 4K/24p 3D cont ents, set to [Off] in [3D Output Se tting]. TV Scre en Size S e tting fo r 3D Sets the scre en si ze of your 3D- compatible TV.
33 Settings an d Adjustm ents DVD-ROM 2 4p Output Auto : Output s 1080 /24p or 4K /24p vide o sign als on ly if yo u conne ct a 1080/2 4p or 4K/24p- compat ible T V with the HDMI OUT j ack. Off : Sele ct this if y ou r TV i s no t compa tible w ith 1080 /24p or 4K/ 24p vid eo signa ls.
34 Dolby D igital / DT S Downm ix P CM: Co nver ts to outpu t Linear PCM signal s. Sele ct this when conne cting an audi o device without a bu ilt-in Dolby Dig ital/ DTS de coder . Bitstream : Select this wh en conn ecting an audi o device with a built-i n Dol by Digit al/DTS de code r.
35 Settings an d Adjustm ents BD Hyb rid Di sc Pl aybac k Layer BD : Plays BD layer. DVD/CD: Plays DVD or CD layer. BD Inte rnet C onnec tion Allo w: No rma ll y sele ct this . Do not allow : Prohibits Intern et connec tion. Parent al Con trol Setti ngs Password Sets or chang es the pas swor d for t he Paren tal Contr ol fu ncti on.
36 Off: Tur ns off the fu nction. z For detai ls, refer to the ins truc tion manua l supplie d with the TV or compon ents. T o enable th e BRAVIA Sync features, connect your TV via the HDMI OUT 1 jack.
37 Settings an d Adjustm ents View Ne twor k Status : Displ ays the curre nt netw ork s tatus . z For furthe r detai ls, visit the following website and ch eck the F AQ con te nts: http:// www.
38 Additional Information Trouble shooting If you e xperie nce any of the followi ng difficult ies while u sing the player, use this tr oublesh ootin g guid e to help reme dy the probl em b efor e requ estin g repai rs. Sho uld any pr oblem persist , con sult you r neares t Son y dealer .
39 Additi onal Info rmati on OUT 2 ja ck ( See “ About AV Separ ati on Mode” (pag e 1 7).). , The HDMI OUT jack is c onnected to a DVI de vice. (DV I jack s do not ac cept audio signal s.) , The devi ce conn ected to the HDMI OUT jack does no t support the audio forma t of the pl ayer .
40 Ther e is seve re hummin g or no ise. , Set t he v olum e of th e con nec ted T V lower. , Try movi ng the web cam era wit h micropho ne awa y from t he speake rs of the conn ecte d TV. The pla yer canno t con nect to the netwo rk. , Check t he ne twor k conne ction (pa ge 18) an d the ne two rk set tings (pa ge 36).
41 Additi onal Info rmati on , If power fai lure occu rs, set [Control for HDMI] to [O ff], then set [Contr ol for H DMI] to [ On] (page 35). , Check t he foll owing an d refer to the instruc tion ma nual suppl ied wit h the compon ent. – the conn ected co mpon ent is compat ible wi th the [Contro l for HDMI] f unction .
42 “Exx xx” or “TE MP” ap pears on the front panel dis play. , When “ Exxxx ” appear s, conta ct you r neares t Son y de aler or loc al au thori zed Sony servi ce facil ity and g ive the erro r code. , When “T EMP” app ears, try the followi ng: 1 Check that the ventila tion holes on th e rear of the playe r are not blo cked.
43 Additi onal Info rmati on Dimensions (appro x.): 430 mm × 193 mm × 42 mm (17 in. × 7 5 / 8 in. × 1 11 / 16 in.) (width /dept h/heigh t) i ncl. p rojec ting parts Mass (app rox.
44 Region code (BD-RO M/DVD VIDEO only) Your player has a reg ion c ode prin ted on the rear of the unit and will only play BD-ROMs/DVD VIDEOs labeled with ident ical re gion cod es or . Video Music Phot o *1 The player doe s not play co ded files such a s DRM.
45 Additi onal Info rmati on *5 The player plays AVCHD format fil es that are record ed on a digital video came ra, etc. The AVCHD format di sc will not play if it has not been co rrectly final ized. *6 The play er does n ot play c oded fil es su ch as Lossless.
46 • T o keep the dis c clean, ha ndle the di sc by its edge . Do no t to uch th e s urfa ce . Dust, fingerpr ints, or scratch es on t he disc may caus e it to malfunc tion.
47 Additi onal Info rmati on For detail s, se e “BD/DVD Viewing Set tings ” (page 34 ). The language spellings conform to the ISO 639 : 19 88 ( E/F) standa rd.
48 For detail s, see “P aren tal Co ntrol Area Code ” (pag e 35). Parental control/are a code Code Area 2044 A rge ntin a 2047 A ustr alia 204 6 Aust ria 205 7 Be lgi um 2070 Bra zil 2090 Chil e 2.
49 Index Numerics 3D 12 , 20 3D Output Setting 32 4K Outp ut 33 A AUDIO 12 Audio S ettings 33 B BD/DVD Viewing Settings 34 BD-LIVE 20 BD-R 43 BD-RE 43 Bitstream 39 Blu-ray Disc 43 BONUSVIEW 20 BRAVIA .
The software of this player ma y be updated in the future. For information about any available updates and the lat est Operating Instructions, please visit the following website: http://www.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony BDPS790 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony BDPS790 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony BDPS790 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony BDPS790 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony BDPS790 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony BDPS790 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony BDPS790 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony BDPS790. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony BDPS790 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.