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4-183-855- 14 (1) GB © 2010 Sony Corporation NEX-3/NEX-5/NEX-5C Interchangeable Lens Digital Camera α Handbook Table of contents Sample photo search Menu search Index.
2 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Notes on using the camera How to use this handbook Clic k on a button at up per right on t he cover and ea ch page to jump to the co rrespondin g page . This is co nvenien t when sea rching for a f unction you w ant to use.
3 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Table of conten ts Notes on using the camera How to use this han dbook ········ ·········· ········· ····.
4 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Connect ing with ot her equipm ent Viewin g ima ges on a TV ······ ········· ····· ········· ····· ·.
5 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Sample phot o search “Thi s is the scene I want t o capture in a ph oto, but how can I do?” You may find the an swer by going throu gh the sample phot os listed her e. Click the desired sam ple photo.
6 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Shooting people Only the main s ubject is in focus by defocusing the background (24) The same scene with different brightness (38) A hap.
7 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Shooting macro photos Defocusing the ba ckground (24) Adjusting the co lor to indoor light ( 69) Flowers (43) Lowering the amount of fla.
8 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Shooting landscapes The sky in vivid colors (32) Running wat er (50) Vivid green colors (75) Colored leaves (75) Panoramic photos (46) S.
9 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Shooting sunset/night views Holding the camera by hand (43) Trail of light (31) Fireworks (49) Defocusing the background (24) The same s.
10 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Shooting fast moving subjects Following a moving subject (56) Expressing vigorous actio n (50) With the subject approaching the ca mera.
11 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Identi fying parts NEX-5/5C NEX -3 See the pa ges in parent heses for details of operation.
12 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index NEX-5/5C NEX -3 A (USB ) termi nal (130 ) B Hook for shoul der strap C HDMI termin al (123) D Light se nsor E LCD monitor F MOVIE butt .
13 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index NEX-5/5C NEX -3 A Batter y/memo ry ca rd cove r B Tripod r eceptacle • Use a tripod with a screw length of les s than 5.5 mm (7/32 inch). You will be unable to firmly se cure the camera t o tripods havi ng screws longer t han 5.
14 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index On the E1 8 – 200 mm lens, refer to the instructi on manual of the E 18 – 200 mm lens (sup plie d).
15 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index List of icons on the scree n Icons are disp layed on the scr een to indicate th e camera status. You c an chan ge th e scree n di splay using DISP ( Displ ay Co ntents ) on t he c ontrol wheel (page 29).
16 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index B C D Overhea ting warning Databa se file full/ Databa se file erro r Hist ogram 101-0012 Playback folder – File number Protec t 1 Print order and numb er of copies Display Indica tion Menu z Shoot Mode Shoot.
17 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Basic operations Using the c ontrol whee l and so ft keys When shooting , DISP (D isplay Conten ts), (Flash Mo de), (Expo sure C omp.) an d (Driv e Mode) func tions are assign ed to the co ntrol wh eel.
18 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index The soft keys have dif feren t roles, depen ding on the cont ext. The assi gned role (func tion) of each soft key is shown on the scre en. To use the fun ction shown at th e upper righ t corner of the scr een, press soft ke y A.
19 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Menu search You c an set up t he basic set tings for the came ra as a w hole, or execut e functi ons such a s shoo ting, pl ayback , or othe r oper ations . Allows you to select a shoot ing mode , such as exposure m ode, panora mic, Scen e Select ion.
20 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Allows you to set shooting func tions, such as cont inuous shooting, self-t imer, and flash . Allows you to set the ima ge size and aspect rati o. Allows you to make brightne ss settings such as met ering mode, and color set tings such as whit e bala nce.
21 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Allows you to set playback func tions. Allows you to make more detailed shooting se ttings, or change the ca mera settings. White B alance Adjusts the color tones acco rding to the ambi ent light conditions.
22 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index * App ears whe n a memory ca rd (sold sep arate ly) is inser ted in the ca mera. ** Appea rs when an Eye-Fi car d (sold separate ly) is ins erted in th e camera. NEX-5C does n ot have thi s functi on.
23 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Shootin g images Shooti ng images with the settings in effect when you bo ught the c amera is expl ained here . The camera makes decisi ons approp riate to t he situat ion, and a djusts the se ttings.
24 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index (Intelli gent Auto) allows you to defocus the backgro und easily to make the subj ect stand out. You ca n check the de focusing effect on the L CD monito r. 1 Press t he center of the control wheel.
25 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index • When the Scene Rec ognit ion functi on is en abled, th e camera a nalyzes th e scene wh en you pre ss the center of the co ntrol whe el, and us es it as th e Recogn ized Scen e. • The def ocusi ng ran ge availab le depe nds on the lens us ed.
26 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Playin g back i mages Plays b ack the record ed images . Still images and mo vies are displa yed on separat e screen s. You cannot display still imag es and movies on the same screen. 1 Press t he (Playbac k) butto n.
27 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index • You ca nnot use th e enlar ged playb ack funct ion wit h movies. • To enla rge panor amic ima ges, pau se the play back fi rst, and th en press [E nlarge]. Note s z Scaling range The scalin g range is a s follows .
28 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Deletin g images You ca n delete th e image displ ayed. • You ca nnot delet e prote cted imag es. 1 Displ ay the image yo u want to de lete, and pres s [Del ete] . 2 Press t he center of the control wheel to confirm [OK].
29 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Using functions with the control wheel DISP (Displ ay Conte nts) Using the c ontrol wheel: 1 Press D ISP (Display Content s) on the cont rol wheel repe atedly to select the de sire d mode.
30 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index • Histog ram is not displa yed during followi ng p layback modes . –M o v i e – Pan oram a – Slid e Show During playback Display Info. Sho ws re cord ing in for mat ion. Histogram Displays the lumi nance distribut ion graphica lly, in addition to record ing information.
31 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Flash Mode 1 Attach the fl ash. 2 (Flash Mod e) on the co ntrol wh eel t desire d mode. Or, [Menu] t [Camer a] t [Flash Mode] t de sired mod e. 3 Raise the f lash w hen usi ng the flash.
32 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Exposure Comp. You ca n adjust the e xposure in 1/3 EV steps in a range of –2.0 EV to +2 .0 EV. 1 (Exposu re Com p.) on the co ntrol whee l t desi red val ue. Or, [Menu] t [Brightness/Color] t [Exposure Comp.
33 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Driv e Mode You can se t the drive mo de, such as co ntinuous, self-ti mer, or brac ket shooting. 1 (Dri ve Mode) on t he control wheel t desir ed mo de. Or, [Menu] t [Camer a] t [Drive Mode] t desi red mode.
34 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Usin g function s in the menu Continu ous Adv. Shoots ima ges continuou sly while you press and hold do wn the shutter butto n. 1 (Dri ve Mode) on t he control wheel t [Con tinuous Adv .
35 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Speed Priority Cont. Shoots ima ges continuou sly while you press and hold do wn the shutter butto n, at a highe r speed than tha t of [Continuou s Adv.]. 1 (Dri ve Mode) on t he control wheel t [Speed Priority Cont.
36 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Self-timer 1 (Dri ve Mode) on t he control wheel t [Self-timer]. Or, [Menu] t [Camer a] t [Drive Mode] t [Self-timer] .
37 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Self-t imer(Co nt.) Continuo usly shoots the numbe r of images you have set after ten second s. You can choose the best shot from several shots taken. 1 (Dri ve Mode) on t he control wheel t [Self-timer(Cont.
38 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Brac ket: Con t. Shoots thr ee images whi le automa tically shiftin g the exposu re from base , to darker, then to lighter. Press and hold down the shut ter button unti l the bracket recording is com ple ted.
39 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Remote Cdr. (NEX -5/5C) You can shoot using th e SHUT TER an d 2SE C (t he sh utter is re leased aft er two seco nds) buttons on t he RMT-DSLR1 Wirele ss Remote Co mmander (sold se parately) .
40 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Imag e Index Displays mul tiple images at th e same time. 1 Press the (Playback) butt on to switch to the playback mode . 2 Pres s (Ima ge Ind ex) of th e cont rol whe el. Six-imag e index appear s.
41 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Intel ligen t Auto The ca mera an alyzes th e subject , and all o ws you to shoo t with appro priate set tings . • [Flash Mode] is se t to [Autof lash] or [F lash Off]. • You ca n shoot eve n if the cam era has not recogn ized the sc ene.
42 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index z If you shoot a still image of a subject that is difficul t to focus on • Fo cusing may be difficu lt in the following situ ations: – It is da rk and the s ubj ect is dist ant. – The co ntras t between the subjec t and th e backgro und is poo r.
43 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Scene Selec tion Allows y ou to sh oot with preset s etting s accor ding to t he scen e. 1 [Men u] t [Sho ot Mode] t [Sc ene Selection] t des ired mode . (Portr ait) Blurs away backgro unds and sharpens the subject.
44 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index • In the [N ight View ] and [Nig ht Portrai t] modes, the shutt er speed is slower, s o using a trip od is reco mmende d to p rev ent th e imag e fro m blur ring. • In the [H and-hel d Twiligh t] mode, the shutter cli cks six times and a n image is re corded.
45 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Anti Motion Blur This is suita ble for indoor shots with out using the flash, to re duce the subject bl ur. 1 [Men u] t [Sho ot Mode] t [Anti Motion Blur]. 2 Shoo t with the shut ter button.
46 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Sweep Panorama Allows you to creat e a panor amic image from comp osed imag es. • If you ca nnot p an the cam era across the entire su bject within the given ti me, a gra y area occu rs in the comp osed image.
47 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index z Tips for shooting a panoramic image Pan the cam era in an arc with a co nstant velo city and in th e same dire ction as the indication on the LCD mon itor. [Swe ep Panoram a] is b etter suited for still su bjects, rather than moving ones.
48 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Manual Exp osure You can sho ot with t he desired exposure setting by adj usting both the shut ter speed and apertur e. • You ca nnot selec t [Flash O ff] and [Au toflash] in [Flash M ode].
49 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index You ca n shoot trails w ith long expo sure. BULB is suitable for shoo ting trails of light, such as firew orks. • Since the shutter speed b ecomes sl ow and the camera sh ake tends to occur mo re easily, it is reco mmende d that you u se a t ripo d.
50 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Shutte r Priority You can e xpress the move ment of a moving subject in various w ay by adjusting t he shutte r speed, for ex ample, a t the instant of the movement with high speed shu tter, or as a trail ing imag e with l ow speed s hutter .
51 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Aper ture P riori ty Blurs or sha rpens things in front of a nd beyond the subj ect. • You ca nnot selec t [Flash O ff] and [Au toflash] in [Flash M ode].
52 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Program Auto While exposu re is adj usted by the ca mera autom atically, y ou can set shoo ting func tions such a s ISO se nsitivity, Creative Style, D -Range optimi zer. 1 [Men u] t [Sho ot Mode] t [Program A uto].
53 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index AF/MF Sele ct Sel ects auto focus ing o r ma nual f ocus ing. 1 [Men u] t [Camer a] t [AF /MF Select] t desi red mode. • If you tu rn the focu sing ring w hen [Manua lfocus] or [DMF] is s elected, the image is enlarge d autom atical ly to enabl e you to che ck focus ar ea easi er.
54 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index 1 [Men u] t [Camer a] t [AF /MF Select] t [DMF]. 2 Press t he shutter button hal fway dow n to focus aut omatic ally. 3 Keep the shu tter butto n halfw ay down , rotate t he focu sing ring of the le ns to achiev e a sharp fo cus.
55 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Autofo cus Area Selec ts the focusing ar ea. Use this func tion when it is difficult to get the prope r focus in auto fo cus mode. 1 [Men u] t [Camer a] t [Autof ocus Ar ea] t desi red mode.
56 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Auto focus Mode Selects t he focus me thod to su it the mo vement of the subj ect. 1 [Men u] t [Camer a] t [Autof ocus Mo de] t desired mode. • [Si ngle-sho t AF] is selected w hen using the foll owing fu nctions: – [In telli gent Au to] – [ Self-tim er] –[ R e m o t e C d r .
57 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Precision Dig. Zoom Wh en a si ngle foc us lens is at tac hed, y ou c an sho ot st ill images wh ile zoo min g in on the center po rtion. 1 Attac h a single fo cus lens. 2 [Men u] t [Camer a] t [Precision Dig.
58 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Face Dete ction Detects th e faces of your su bjects and ad justs the focus, fla sh, exposure, and w hite balance se ttings automatica lly. You can sele ct the p riority fa ce to be focused o n.
59 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Smile Shutter When the cam era detect s a smile, the shutter is released au tomatical ly.
60 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Smile Dete ction Sets t he sensitivity of the Smile Sh utter func tion for detectin g smiles.
61 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Panorama Direction Sets the direc tion to pan the camer a when you shoot Sweep Pan orama images. 1 [Men u] t [Camer a] t [ Panorama Direc tion] t desired m ode. (Right) Pan the c amera in the directi on you se t.
62 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Shooting Tip Lis t Allow s you to search thr ough all shoo ting tips in the ca mera. Use th is item when you want to look at shooting tip s you have seen before. 1 [Men u] t [Camer a] t [Shoot ing Ti p List] .
63 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Imag e Size The im age size determ ines the size of the image file that is r ecorde d when yo u record an image. The lar ger the image size, the more d etail wi ll be re produc ed when t he image i s printe d on lar ge-form at pa per.
64 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index The larg er the image s ize, the hi gher the ima ge quali ty. NEX-5/5C NEX -3 • A telep hoto imag e results e xcept whe n the [VGA] ima ge size is selected for movie s.
65 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Aspect Ratio Sets the aspec t ratio of still images. 1 [Men u] t [Image Size] t [ Aspect Ratio] t desired m ode. • You ca nnot selec t [Aspect Ratio] when usin g [Sweep Pan orama]. 3:2 Standa rd aspect r atio.
66 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Qualit y Selects t he compressi on format of stil l images. 1 [Men u] t [Image Size] t [ Quality] t desired mode. • You ca nnot selec t the imag e qualit y when using [Sweep Pa norama ].
67 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index File Fo rmat (NEX- 5/5C) Selects th e movie file form at. 1 [Men u] t [Image Size] t [ Fil e For mat] t des ired mod e. AVCHD This fil e format is suitable for viewing smoo th video ima ges on a high-defin ition TV.
68 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index ISO Sets the lumi nous sensitivi ty. 1 [Men u] t [Brightness/Color] t [ISO] t desire d setti ng.
69 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index White Balance Adju sts th e co lor ton es acc ordi ng to th e ambi ent l ight c ondi tion s. Use thi s featu re when the colo r tone of the i mage d id not c ome out a s you expected , or when you w ant to chan ge the color tone o n purp ose for p hotograp hic ex pression.
70 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index 1 [Men u] t [Brightness/Color] t [White Balanc e] t de sired mod e. 2 As necessary, [Op tion] t adjust th e color tone . Adjusting it toward + turns th e image r eddish and a djusting it toward – t urns the i mage bluish.
71 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Meteri ng Mod e Select s the meteri ng mode that set s which par t of the sub ject to measu re to deter mine the expos ure. 1 [Men u] t [Brightness/Color] t [Metering M ode] t desire d mode.
72 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Flash Comp ensati on Adjusts th e amount of fla sh light in 1/3 E V steps in a range of –2 .
73 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index DRO/Auto HDR Correc ts the brigh tness or contr ast. 1 [Men u] t [Brightness/Color] t [DRO/Auto HDR] t desire d mode.
74 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Widens th e range (grada tions) so that you can record from bright parts to dark pa rts in correc t brightness (Aut o High Dyna mic Range ). One image with proper exposure and one over laid im age are record ed.
75 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Creati ve Styl e Allows you to select the desire d image pr ocessing. You ca n adjus t exposu re (shutt er spee d and ape rture) as you like w ith [Cre ative S tyle], unlike wi th [Scene S electio n] where the camera adjusts the exposure.
76 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Del ete Allows you to select unw anted image s for deletion. 1 [Men u] t [Playb ack] t [D elete] t de sired m ode. • You ca n selec t up to 100 im ages. Multiple Img . D eletes the selected ima ges.
77 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Slide Show Plays ba ck imag es automat ically . 1 [Men u] t [Playb ack] t [Sli de Show ] t desired mode t [O K]. • You ca nnot paus e the sli de show. To stop the slide show , press th e center of the con trol wheel .
78 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Still/Movie Select Selects st ill imag es or movi es to pla y back. 1 [Men u] t [Playb ack] t [Still/Movie Select] t desired m ode. • You ca nnot disp lay stil l images and m ovies on th e same ind ex screen .
79 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Imag e Index Selects th e number of images to be displaye d on the index. 1 [Men u] t [Playb ack] t [Ima ge Index] t de sired mod e. 6 Images Displays six images. 12 Images Displays 12 images.
80 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Select Folder When multi ple folder s are crea ted in a me mory card, this select s the folder contain ing the still image you want to play back. • You ca nnot selec t this item during mo vie playb ack.
81 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Select D ate Movies a re stored by da te. You can sel ect the date of m ovies to be pla yed back. • You ca nnot selec t this item during stil l image pla yback. 1 [Men u] t [Playb ack] t [Still/Movie Select] t [Movie].
82 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Rota te Rotate s a still image counte r-clockwi se. Use this to display a h oriz ontal orienta tion imag e in ve rtical or ient ation . On ce y ou ro tate the ima ge, th e im age is pl ayed bac k in the rotated position, even if yo u turn off the po wer.
83 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Protect Protect s reco rded im ages aga inst acc ident al eras ure. The mar k is displayed for regi stered images. 1 [Men u] t [Playb ack] t [P rote ct ] t desi red mode. • You can pro tect up to 10 0 imag es at a time.
84 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Enlarge Image You ca n check the fo cus by enl arging a po rtion of the playbac k image.
85 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Volume Settings Adjusts th e sound volume of movies in eigh t steps. This item appears du ring movie playb ack only.
86 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Specify Printing You can spe cify which an d how man y copies of still imag es you shot on the mem ory card t hat you wan t to pr int out la ter. The (Print orde r) mark is displayed for re gistered images (DPOF: Digital Print Orde r Format).
87 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index AF Illumi nator Th e AF il lumin ato r suppl ies f ill lig ht to focus more ea sily on a su bjec t in dark surroundi ngs. The red AF illumin ator al lows the c amera to focus eas ily when th e shutter button i s pre ssed h alf way, un til th e focu s is lo cked .
88 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Red Eye Re duction The flas h strobes two or more times before shooting to redu ce the red -eye phen omenon when usin g the flash . 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Red Eye R eduction] t desir ed set tin g.
89 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Auto Re view You can che ck the re corded image on the L CD m onitor righ t after the sho oting. Y ou can chang e the displaye d time. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [A uto Re view] t des ired settin g.
90 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Grid L ine Sets whether the gr id line is displaye d or not. The grid line will help yo u to adjust the comp osition of images. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Grid Line ] t desir ed sett ing. On Displays the grid line.
91 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index His tog ram Sets wh ether the histogr am is displa yed or not. Th e histogram di splays the lum inance distributi on that shows how many pixels of a part icular brig htness exist in the ima ge.
92 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index MF Assist Enlarges th e image on the scree n automatica lly to make manual -focusi ng easier. This works in the [Ma nualfocus] or [DMF] mod es. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [MF Assist] t [On].
93 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Colo r Space The w ay colo rs are re presen ted with co mbin ations of num bers or the rang e of color reprodu ction i s called “color spac e.” You can ch ange the c olor spac e, dependi ng on your purpo se.
94 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index SteadyShot Sets wh ether or not you use the SteadyShot fun ction of the lens. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [SteadyShot] t des ired se tti ng.
95 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Rele ase w/ oLens Set s whethe r or not the shutte r can be rel eased when no lens is at tached . 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Releas e w/oLens] t desir ed sett ing. Enable Rel eases th e shutter w hen no lens is att ached.
96 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Long Expos ure NR When you set the shutte r speed to a secon d or longer (Lo ng exposure shooting), noise reductio n is tur ned on for the same d uration t hat the shu tter is open. This is to red uce the grain y noise typ ical in a long exposu re.
97 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index High ISO NR When shooting w ith the high ISO, the camera red uces the noise t hat beco mes more not icea ble wh en th e came ra se nsitiv ity is high. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [High ISO NR] t des ired se tting .
98 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Movie Aud io Rec Sets whether or not you record th e sound durin g movie reco rding. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Mov ie A udio R ec] t des ired set ting . • The sou nd of the le ns and the ca mera in op eration w ill also be re corde d, when [On ] is selecte d.
99 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Beep Sel ects the s ound pro duced w hen you op erate th e cam era. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [B eep] t desi red se tting . AF So und The audio signals will sound on ly when the su bject is in focus, and during self -timer countdo wn.
100 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Langua ge Selects the l anguage to be used in the menu items, warnings and m essages.
101 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Date/T ime Setup Sets the date and time ag ain. • The cam era does not have a f eature for superi mpos ing dates on images . By using “ PMB” in t he CD-ROM (su pplied), you can pr int or sa ve images with the da te.
102 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Area Se tting Set s th e area wh ere y ou ar e us ing t he c ame ra. Th is a llow s you to s et th e lo cal area whe n you u se the c amera abr oad. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Area Setting] t desi red set ting .
103 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Help Guide Display You ca n select whet her or not the he lp guide is displ ayed when yo u operate the camera. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [H elp Gu ide D ispla y] t desir ed setting . On Displays the help guide.
104 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Power Save You can set time inter vals fo r the camera to switch to powe r save mode. Pr essing the shutter button h alfway down ret urns the c amera to the shoo ting m ode. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Power Save] t desire d setting.
105 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index LCD Brightness The brightn ess of the LCD monitor is auto matically adjusted to the ambient lighti ng condi tions using the ligh t sensor (page 1 2). You can se t the brightness of the LCD monitor m anually.
106 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Display Color Sel ects th e colo r of th e LCD moni tor. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Display Col or] t de sired se tting.
107 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Wide Image Selects th e method used for displayi ng the wide images. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Wide Imag e] t de sired se tting. Full Screen Displays the w ide image s on the e ntire screen.
108 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Playbac k Display Selec ts the orientat ion when playing back still images rec orded in the portrait posi tion.
109 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index CTRL FOR HDMI Wh en con nectin g the c ame ra to a “B RAV IA” Sy nc com patib le TV with an HD MI cab le (sold separately), yo u can play back images on your camera by the TV’ s remote cont rol aiming at the TV.
110 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index USB Connection Sel ects the m etho d used fo r a USB conn ecti on. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [USB Conn ection] t desired set ting. • You ca nnot import m ovies and RAW image s with [PT P].
111 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Cleani ng Mode Allows you to clean the image se nsor. • Clean ing can be p erformed only whe n the batter y level is (three rem aining ba ttery ic ons) or mo re. The u se of an AC- PW20 AC Adap tor ( sold s epara tely ) is r ecomme nded .
112 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Version Displays th e version of your ca mera and lens. Conf irm the versio n when a firmware upda te is releas ed. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Version]. • An up date can be p erforme d onl y when the batte ry lev el is (t hree r emainin g bat tery i cons) or more .
113 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Demo Mode The [Demo Mode] fun ction displa ys the movies recor ded on the m emory ca rd automat ically (demon stration ), when the cam era ha s not been op erated for a certa in time . Norma lly select [Off].
114 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Rese t Defaul t Initiali zes the set ting to the defau lt settin g. Even if you acti vate [Res et Defaul t], the images ar e retain ed. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [R eset D efaul t] t [OK].
115 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Format Format s the memory card. When yo u use a memory car d with this cam era for the first time, it is recomme nded to form at the card using the ca mera for stabl e perform ance of the memo ry card befo re shootin g.
116 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index File Number Selects t he method f or assignin g file nu mbers to ima ges. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [File Number] t de sired setting. Series The camer a does not re set numbers, a nd assigns number s to files in sequenc e until the n umber reach es “9999.
117 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Folder Name Still images you shoot are recorded in a fo lder that is automat ically created u nder the DCIM fo lder on the mem ory card. You can cha nge the folde r name form. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Fo lder Nam e] t desir ed sett ing.
118 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Select Shoot. Folder When a s tandar d form fo lder is select ed and th ere are two or more fo lders, you can select the re cording fo lder to b e used to record s till ima ges. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Select Shoot.
119 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index New Folder Creates a folder in the mem ory card for reco rding image s. Images are re corded in the newly create d folde r unt il you c reate another folder or se lect anoth er recordi ng folder.
120 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Recove r Image DB When inconsistenc ies are found in t he image dat abase file of movies, cau sed by proce ssing movies on compu ters , etc., movies on th e memor y card wi ll not be pl ayed back in this form.
121 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Display Card Sp ace Displays the remai ning reco rding ti me of mov ies on the memory c ard. Number of rec ordab le st ill ima ges is als o disp laye d. 1 [Men u] t [Setup ] t [Display Ca rd Space] t [OK].
122 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Upload Setting s Sets wh ether or not you use the upload func tion when using an Eye -Fi card (co mmerc ially av aila ble). Th is ite m appear s when an Ey e-Fi ca rd is inse rted in the camera.
123 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Connecting with other equipment Viewing imag es on a T V To vie w images recor ded on the ca mera on a TV, an HDMI ca ble (sold separa tely) and an HD TV equip ped wit h an HD MI conn ector a re re quired.
124 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index By co nnecti ng the ca mera to a TV that supports “BRAVI A” Syn c using an HDMI cable (sold separate ly), you can ope rate the cam era with the T V Remote Control. 1 Conn ect a TV that suppo rts “BRAV IA” Sync to th e camera.
125 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Using wit h your computer Follo wing appl icat ions ar e contai ned on the CD -ROM (su pplie d) to allow mo re vers atile use of i mages shot with your came ra.
126 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index The fol lowing c omputer environm ent is recom mended w hen using the supplied software and impo rting imag es via a USB con nection .
127 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Usin g the softwa re Log on a s Administr ator. 1 Turn on y our comp uter, and ins ert the CD-R OM (sup plied) into the CD-ROM drive.
128 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Log on a s Administr ator. 1 Turn on your Mac intosh co mputer, and insert the CD-RO M (sup plied) into the CD- ROM dr ive. 2 Double-click t he CD-ROM icon. 3 Copy the [IDS_INST.pkg] file in the [MAC] folder to the hard disk icon.
129 GB Table of contents Sample photo search Menu search Index With “Image Data Lightbox SR” you can do the following, etc.: • To display and compare RAW/JPEG im ages recorded w ith this camera. • To rate the images on a scale of five. • To set color labels and so on.
130 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Conn ectin g the cam era to the comp uter “PMB” allo ws you to e asily impor t images.
131 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Perform the procedures from step 1 to 3 below before : • Disconn ecting t he USB cable .
132 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Creati ng a mov ie disc ( NEX-5/5C) You can create a disc f rom AVCHD f ormat mov ies reco rded on the camer a. Select th e method t hat best suits you r disc pla yer. See “PMB Help” for details on creati ng a disc using “PMB .
133 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index z Characteristics of each type of disc A Blu-ray disc enables you to record high definitio n image quality (HD) movies of a longe r duration than DVD di scs.
134 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index You ca n create a high def inition im age qual ity (HD) AVCHD form at disc fro m AVCH D forma t movies imp orted to a com puter using the supplied softw are “PMB. ” 1 Turn on y our comp uter and pla ce an empty disc on the D VD drive.
135 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index You ca n create a stand ard defini tion image qua lity (STD ) disc from A VCHD form at movies imported to a co mputer using sup plied softw are “PMB.” 1 Turn on y our comp uter and pla ce an empty disc on the D VD drive.
136 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Printing still images You can pr int still image s using the follo wing methods. • Printing di rectly usi ng a p rinter which su pports you r memory card type For details, see the ope rating instruc tions supplied with the printer.
137 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Troubl eshooti ng Troubleshoo ting If you expe rience trouble wit h the came ra, try the fo llowing solutions. The batt ery pack canno t be installe d. • When you in sert th e bat tery pack, u se the tip of the battery pack to pus h the lock lever.
138 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index bat tery pack. Slow flas hing indicates that cha rging is suspend ed bec ause the am bient tem peratur e is outs ide the suit able r ange f or ch argin g the batte ry pac k.
139 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index The imag e taken with the flash is to o dark. • If the subjec t is beyond the flas h range (the distan ce that the flas h can rea ch), the p icture s will be dar k becau se the flash light do es not reac h the subje ct.
140 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index The imag e cannot be deleted. • Can cel the pro tection (p age 83). The imag e was dele ted by mistake. • Once yo u have dele ted an i mage, you ca nnot re store it. We recomm end tha t you protec t imag es that you do not wa nt to de lete ( page 83) .
141 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Cannot insert a memory card. • Ins ertion direction of the memory card is wrong. Inse rt it in the cor rect dir ection. Cannot recor d on a memor y card . • The memory card is full.
142 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index The messa ge “Set Ar ea/Date/Time.” ap pears when th e camera is turn ed on. • The camera ha s been left unused for somet ime with a low batter y or no ba ttery pack . Charg e the batt ery pack a nd set the da te agai n (page 101 ).
143 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Warning mess ages If the fo llowing messages appear , follow the instru ctions bel ow. Incompa tible battery. Use correct model . • An incompat ible batte ry pack is being us ed. Set Area/D ate/Time.
144 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index No ima ges • The re is no image on th e memory card. Image pr otecte d • Yo u tried to del ete protec ted imag es. Unable to print. • Yo u tried to mark RAW images with a DPOF mar k.
145 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Unable to magnify. Unable to rotate image. • Ima ges recor ded wi th othe r cameras may not be enlarged o r rotate d. No ima ges selecte d. • You a ttemp ted to pr int wi thout spec ifyin g im ages.
146 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Othe rs Using th e camera abroad You ca n use the battery charger (supp lied), and t he AC-PW20 AC Adapto r (sold separate ly) in any count ry or region wh ere the power supp ly is within 100 V to 240 V AC, 50 Hz/60 Hz .
147 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Memory card You can use f ollowing mem ory cards w ith thi s camera : “Mem ory Stick PRO Duo” media, “Memory Stick PR O-HG Duo” media, SD memory card, SDHC m emory card, and SDX C memory card.
148 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index *2 Suppo rts high-s peed data transf er using a pa rallel interface. *3 When using “Me mory Stic k PRO Du o” medi a to recor d movi es, only those m arked with Mar k2 can b e used.
149 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index “InfoL ITHIUM” b attery pa ck Your c amera ope rates o nly with an “InfoLIT HIUM” ba ttery pa ck NP-F W50. You c annot use any ot her battery pa cks. “InfoLI THIUM” W series batte ry packs have th e mark.
150 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index On battery life • The batter y life is limit ed. Batte ry capacit y decreas es over time an d through rep eated use. If dec reased u sage ti me betwee n charg es beco mes sign ificant, it is probabl y time to replac e it with a ne w one.
151 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Batt ery charge r • Only NP-FW type batter y packs (and no others) can be ch arged in th e battery cha rger (supplied ).
152 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Moun t Adaptor Using the Mount Ada ptor LA-E A1 (sold separa tely), you ca n attach an A-mount lens to your c amera. For detai ls, refer to the o perating instructio ns supplied with the Mount Ada pto r.
153 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index AVCHD fo rmat (NEX-5/5C) The A VCHD form at is a high defi nition digi tal video cam era format use d to record a high d efinition (HD) sig nal of eit her the 10 80i spec ification *1 or the 720p specificat ion *2 using ef ficient da ta comp ression coding technol ogy.
154 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Cle aning • Do not touch the inside of the came ra, such as lens c ontacts. Bl ow away dust from inside the mo unt using a co mmerciall y availabl e blower*. For details on cle aning the image sensor, see page 111 .
155 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Index Inde x A AdobeRG B .............. ........... ........... ........... .......... 93 AF Illuminato r .... ........... ............... ........... .......... 87 AF/MF Se lect ......
156 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index I Icons . ........... ............ ........... ........... ........... .......... 15 Identify ing parts ............. ........... ............ ........... .. 11 Image Data Conv erter SR .
157 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Shutter Priority ........ ............... ........... ........... ...... 50 Shutter speed ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... 50 Single- shot AF ........... .....
158 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index Notes on th e License “C Libr ary”, “Expat”, “zlib ”, “dtoa” , “pcre” , and “ libjpeg ” softwa re are pr ovided in the camera. We pro vide th is soft ware ba sed on li cense a greemen ts with their owners of copyright .
159 GB Table of conte nts Sample photo searc h Menu s earch Index On GNU GPL/LGPL ap plied softwar e The softwa re that is e ligible for the f ollowin g GNU General Pu blic Lice nse (her einafter referred to as “GPL”) or GNU Lesser General Public License (hereinafter referred to as “LG PL”) a re includ ed in th e cam era.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sony Alpha NEX-5 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sony Alpha NEX-5 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony Alpha NEX-5 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony Alpha NEX-5 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony Alpha NEX-5 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony Alpha NEX-5 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony Alpha NEX-5 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony Alpha NEX-5. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony Alpha NEX-5 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.