Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 4-178-247-13(2) des Produzenten Sony
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©2010 Sony Corporation 4-178-247- 13 (2) Operating Instructions BDV -E870 / E370 Blu-ray Disc/DVD Home Theatr e System.
2 GB Do not inst all the applianc e in a confine d s pace, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet . To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover t he ventilat ion o pening of th e apparatus wit h newspapers, tablecl oths, curtains , etc. Do not place the naked fl ame sourc es such as lighted candles on the appar atus.
3 GB guaran tee matters plea se refer to the addresses given in separat e service or guar antee docume nts. Precautions This equipm ent has been tes ted and found to comp ly with the limi ts set out in the EMC Dire ctive using a connect ion cable shorter tha n 3 meters.
4 GB • “PhotoTV HD” and the “PhotoTV HD” logo are trademark s of Sony Corporation. • MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technolo gy and patents li censed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson. • iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S.
5 GB Tabl e of Co ntents About T hese Opera ting Inst ructi ons ....... 4 Unpackin g ............ .......... ............... .......... 6 Index to Parts and Cont rol ..... ........... ...... 8 Getting Started Step 1: Insta lling the Syste m....... 13 Step 2: Co nnecting the Syste m.
6 GB Unpacking BDV-E870 • Fro nt speak ers (2) • Surro und sp eakers (2) • Cente r spea ker (1 ) • Sub woofe r (1) • FM wir e antenna (ae rial) (1) • S peaker c ords (3 , blue /gray/ green.
7 GB BDV-E370 Inse rt two R6 (s ize AA ) batte ries (s upplie d) by ma tching the 3 and # ends on the batteri es to the markings inside the comp artment.
8 GB Index to Parts and Co ntrol For mo re in forma tion, refer to th e pages indica ted in pa renthe ses. A " / 1 (on/stan dby) Turns on the u nit, or sets i t to standby mode. B Play operation buttons Z (open/close) (page 29) Opens or c loses the d isc t ray.
9 GB About the indications in the front panel display A Displ ays the curre nt sound f ormat. B Lights up when the system is playing via the PARTY STREAMING function.
10 GB A (USB) port (page 30) B LAN (100) terminal (page 2 4) C COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks (page 20) D VIDEO OU T jack (page 20) E HDMI OUT jack (page 20) F EZW-T100 slot (page 41) G AUDIO (AUDIO IN L/R) jacks (page 22) H A.
11 GB Num ber 5, , 2 +, and N butt ons ha ve a tac tile dot. Use the tact ile dot as a reference when op erating t he remo te. • : For TV opera tions (For details , see “Controlling Your TV with the Suppl ied Remote” (page 51).) A THEATRE (page 47) Switches to the optimum video mo de for watching mo vies automatically.
12 GB m / M (fast reverse/fast forward) Fast re vers e/fast f orwar d the disc during playback. Eac h time you press the button, searc h speed chang es. Activa tes slow -moti on play whe n presse d for mor e tha n one second in pause mod e. Plays one fr ame at a time wh en press ed in pause m ode.
13 GB Getting Started Step 1: Insta lling the Sy stem For the b est pos sible s urroun d soun d, place a ll spea kers at the sam e dist ance fr om the listeni ng pos ition ( A ).
14 GB Getting Started To add the optional surround back speakers You ca n enjoy 7. 1 surro und sound by purc hasing the Wir eless Surroun d Speak er Kit (W AHT-S BP2, opti onal). The op tional produ ct li neup di ffers dependi ng on t he area . For the positi on of the surroun d back speaker s, refe r the il lustrat ion belo w ( C ).
15 GB Getting Started To disassemble the speaker (Front sp eakers of BDV-E870 only) 1 Disconnect the spea ker cords from th e speaker. 2 Remove the screw (pre-installed) at the rear of t he speaker. This scre w is used when r eassembling the speaker. Be sure not to lose th e screw.
16 GB Getting Started 4 Pull out the speaker cord from the bottom of the lower part of the speaker. The r emoved speaker cord is used whe n insta lling the spea ker on a wall. 5 Remove the protection paper from the speaker-bottom cover, then attach the speaker- bottom cover to the bottom of the upper part of the speaker.
17 GB Getting Started To install the speakers on a w all Before instal ling the sp eaker s on a wa ll, connec t the sp eaker cord to th e speak er. Be sure to match the s peaker cord s to the app ropriate termin als on the s peakers: the speaker cord with the c olo r tub e to 3 , and the speaker c ord without the col or tube to # .
18 GB Getting Started 2 Fasten the screws to th e wall. 3 Hang the speakers on the s crews. For the o ther speakers 8 to 10 mm 8 to 10 mm 219 mm For the cen ter speaker BDV-E370 8 to 10 m m 219 mm For.
19 GB Getting Started Step 2: Conn ecting the Syste m For conn ecting the sy stem, read the information on the following pa ges. Do not con nect the AC power cord (mains lead) of the unit to a wall outlet (main s) until all the other connect ions ar e made.
20 GB Getting Started This conn ectio n sends a vide o signal to the TV. Depe nding on the jacks on y our TV, se lect the co nnecti on met hod. * The HDMI cable is supplied with Sing apore, Thai, and Taiwa n models only. Method 1: HDMI cable ( A ) connection If your TV has an HDMI jack , connec t to the TV with an HD MI cable.
21 GB Getting Started This connection sends an audio signal to the unit from the TV. To listen to TV sound via the system, perfo rm this connec tion. With a di gital audio con nection, the sy stem receives a Do lby Digital multip lex broadcast signal and you can enj oy mul tiplex br oadcas t sound.
22 GB Getting Started When yo u connect the syst em and oth er compone nts to th e TV, vide o signal s from the sy stem and t he comp onents ar e sent to the TV, and audio si gnals f rom th e compon ents ar e sent t o the sy stem as follows. You ca n enjoy co nnecte d com ponents via the system’ s speake rs.
23 GB Getting Started To connect the antenna (aerial) Note • Be su re to fully ext end the FM wire an tenna (ae rial). • After con necting the FM wir e antenna (a erial), keep it as horizontal as possible.
24 GB Getting Started Wired Setup Use a LAN cabl e to connect to th e LAN ( 100) terminal o n the unit. USB Wireless Setup Use a wireless LAN via t he USB W ireless LAN Adap ter (Son y UWA- BR100* only) (n ot suppl ied). The USB Wireles s LAN Ad apter ma y not be avail able i n som e re gions/ countr ies.
25 GB Getting Started Step 3 : Perf orming the Easy Setu p Before performing Step 3 Make su re all co nnect ions ar e secur e, and the n conne ct the AC power cord (m ains lead ). Follow the Steps belo w to make the basic adjustme nts for usin g the system.
26 GB Getting Started 5 Perform the [Easy Setup]. Follow th e on-screen instructions to make the basic settings using C / X / x / c , and . For detail s about [Auto Ca libration] settings in [Easy Setup ], see “Calibra ting the Appropriate Settings Aut omatically” (page 4 8).
27 GB Getting Started Step 5: En joying Surr ound Sound After pe rform ing th e previ ous Step s and st arting playba ck, you can ea sily enjo y surro und so und. Y ou can als o sele ct pre -progr amme d surr ound set tings t hat ar e tailor ed to differen t kind s of sound s ources .
28 GB Getting Started Note • When you s elect “A. F.D. MULTI ,” dependi ng on the disc or sourc e, the b eginning of the sound may be cut off while the optim um mode is autom atically sele cted. To avoid cu tting the sound, se lect “A.F.D . STD.
Pl ayb a ck 29 GB Playing a Disc For play able dis cs, see “Pl ayab le Disc s” (page 68). 1 Switch the input sele ctor on your TV so that the signal from the system appears on your TV screen. 2 Press Z , and place a disc on the d isc tray. 3 Press Z to close the disc tray.
30 GB You ca n check th e playba ck infor mation , etc., by pres sing D ISPLAY. The di splaye d inform ation differs de pend ing on the dis c type an d player status.
Pl ayb a ck 31 GB Enjoying an iPod You can en joy the sound and c harge the battery of an iPod via the sys tem. Compatible iPod models The compatible iPod models are as f ollows. Update your iPod with the lat est software befo re using w ith the sy stem.
32 GB Playing via a Network BRAVIA Internet Video serves a s a gateway deli vering the sel ected In ternet conten t and a vari ety of on-deman d enter tainme nt stra ight to your uni t. 1 Prepare for BRAVIA I nternet Video. Connect the uni t to a networ k (pag e 24).
Pl ayb a ck 33 GB compatible with the PARTY STREAMING function. The comp onen t that play s audio for the part y throug h the use of [Sta rt Party] is calle d the “party host.” A component that is invited to the party fr om the par ty host and play s the sam e audio as the part y host is ca lled a “p arty gue st.
34 GB Available Options Vari ous set tings and p layb ack opera tions are avai lable by pre ssing O PTIONS. The av aila ble items differ depen ding on t he situ ation.
Pl ayb a ck 35 GB [Photo] only When the sound does not match the picture s on the TV scr een, yo u can a djust th e dela y betw een the pi cture and so und. 1 Press SYSTE M MENU. 2 Press X / x repeated ly until “A/V SYNC” appears in the fr ont panel display, then press o r c .
36 GB Selec ting the Ef fect to Suit the So urce You can select a sui table sou nd mod e for movi es or mu sic. Press SOUND M ODE repeatedly during playback until the desired mode appears in the front panel display.
Sound Adjustm ent 37 GB displayed t wo or more times, t he BD/DVD VIDEO is reco rded in multiple a udio formats. x DVD -VR The type s of sou nd trac ks reco rded on a d isc are displa yed.
38 GB 2 Press X / x repeatedly until “NIGHT MODE” appears in the front panel display, then press or c . 3 Press X / x to select a setting. • “NIG HT ON”: On.
T uner 39 GB Listening to the Radio You ca n enjoy radi o sound wit h the system ’s speak ers. 1 Press FUNCTION rep eatedly until “TUNER FM” appears in the front panel display. 2 Select the radio st ation. Automatic tuning Press a nd hold TUNING +/– unti l the auto sca nning st arts.
40 GB 5 Press X / x to select the preset number you want. Ti p • You can select the pr eset number dire ctly by pressing the nu mber b uttons. 6 Press . “COMP LETE” appe ars in the f ront pan el display , and the station i s store d. 7 Repeat Steps 2 to 6 to store other stations.
External A udio De vice 41 GB Using an S-AIR Product When you purchas e the S-AI R product, you need to p erform the foll owing settings to activat e wireless tra nsmission. About S-AIR products There are tw o types of S-AIR pro duct. • S-AIR main unit ( this unit): This is for tran smitti ng sou nd.
42 GB 3 Make sure to use the same screws to secure the wireless t ransmitter. Note • Do not use other sc rews to fasten the wir eless trans mitte r. To insert the wireless transceiver into the S-AIR.
External A udio De vice 43 GB You ca n enjoy th e sys tem’s soun d in anoth er room by using the S- AIR recei ver. 1 Press HOME. The ho me menu appe ars on the TV sc reen. 2 Press C / c to select [Setup]. 3 Press X / x to selec t [System Set tings], then press .
44 GB When us ing S-AI R product s, neigh bors may also receive your sys tem’s so und if IDs are the same , or y ou may receiv e sou nd from neig hbors. To prevent this , you can identify the unit with a speci fic S-AIR su b unit by per formin g the pair ing oper ation .
External A udio De vice 45 GB •[ A u t o ] : Normally select this. The syste m change s [RF Chang e] to [On] or [Off] automatical ly. • [O n]: Th e syst em tran smits sound by searchi ng for the better channel for tran sm ittin g. • [Off]: Th e system tr ansmits sound by fixin g the chan nel for transmi tting.
46 GB Using the Contro l for HDMI Function f or “BRAVIA” Sync This fu nction is availa ble on TV s with the “BRAVIA” Sync function. By conn ecting Sony compone nts th at are compatibl e with t.
Other Operati ons 47 GB 6 Press X / x to selec t the setting, then press . •[ O n ] : On. • [Off]: Off. (System Power Off ) When yo u turn the TV off by usin g the POWER button on th e TV’s remote or TV " / 1 on th e system ’s remo te, the syst em t urns off automatica lly.
48 GB compatible with the Audio Return Channel funct ion. Yo u can enjo y TV sound via the system b y using just one HDMI cable. F or details, see [Audio Retur n Channel] (page 56) . (Remote Ea sy Control ) You ca n contro l the bas ic func tions of the system v ia the TV remote when t he system’ s video o utpu t is disp layed on the TV screen.
Other Operati ons 49 GB location, such as another room , proper measure men t will no t be obtaine d. • When you use the W ireless Surrou nd Speaker Kit (WAHT-SB P2, optional) for the surround back spea kers (page 14), instal l the speak ers in appropriat e location and turn the surround amplifie r on.
50 GB The speakers in the ill ustration correspond to the following: 1 Center sp eaker 2 Front left speaker (L) 3 Front r ight spea ker (R) 4 Subwoof er 5 Surroun d left spe aker (L) 6 Surroun d right speaker (R ) 7 Surround ba ck left speaker (L) (optional) 8 Surroun d back right spe aker (R) (opti onal) [Front Le ft/Rig ht] 3.
Other Operati ons 51 GB Using the Slee p Timer You ca n set the sys tem to turn off at a preset time, so you can fall a sleep listenin g to music. The time can be preset in interva ls of 10 minutes. Press SLEEP. Each time you press SLEEP, the minutes di splay (the remain ing time) changes by 10 minutes.
52 GB Using the Setu p Display You ca n make variou s adjus tments o f item s such as pictur e and sou nd. Selec t (Setup ) on th e home m enu wh en you need to change the set tings of th e system .
Settings and Adjustments 53 GB [Screen Se ttings] x [3D Ou tput Setti ng] [Aut o] : Normally se lect this. [Off]: Sele ct this to display all contents in 2D.
54 GB [Fram e]: Th e pict ure, incl uding subjec ts tha t do not move dynamic ally, is output i n high resolutio n. [Audio Settings] x [BD Audio MIX Setting] [On] : Outputs the audi o obtaine d by mix ing the interac tive au dio and se cond ary audi o to the primar y audio.
Settings and Adjustments 55 GB [BD/DVD Viewing Setting s] You can make detailed setti ngs for BD/DVD playbac k. x [BD/DVD Menu] You ca n select th e default menu langu age for BD-ROMs or DVD VIDEOs. When y ou s elect [ Select Langu age C ode], t he displa y for enter ing the languag e code a ppears.
56 GB [Music Sett ings] You ca n make detail ed sett ings fo r Super Audio CD pl aybac k. x [Super Audio CD Playback Layer] [Supe r Audi o CD] : Plays the Super Au dio CD layer. [CD]: Plays th e CD lay er. x [Super Audio CD Playback Channels] [DSD 2c h]: Plays the 2ch ar ea.
Settings and Adjustments 57 GB x [Auto Display] [On] : Automatically displ ays informatio n on the screen when changi ng the vi ewing t itles, p icture modes, audio signals, etc. [Off]: Displays info rmation only when you press DISPLA Y. x [Screen Saver] [On] : Turns on th e screen sa ver func tion.
58 GB [Ren dere r Name ]: Disp lays th e syste m’s name as it is l isted on ot her DLN A dev ices on t he networ k. x [Party Auto Start] [On] : Start s a p arty or jo ins an exis ting par ty at the request of a networked device compat ible with the PARTY STREAMING function.
Additio nal Informat ion 59 GB Precaut ions On safety • To prevent fire or sho ck hazard, do not place obje cts filled w ith li quids, s uch as va ses, o n the s ystem, or place the sys tem near water, such as near a bathtub or shower room .
60 GB On moving the system • Before movi ng the system, mak e sure that there is no disc ins erted, and r emove t he AC powe r cord ( mains lead) f rom the w all outlet ( mains) . Notes about the Discs On handling discs • T o keep t he disc cle an, handl e the di sc by its edge.
Additio nal Informat ion 61 GB Trou blesho oting If you exp erienc e any of the follo wing dif ficulti es whil e using the s ystem , use this troubles hootin g guide to help reme dy the pro blem be fore re questing repair s. Shoul d any prob lem pers ist, cons ult your near est Son y deal er.
62 GB Sound Video s ignals are only out put from the HDMI OUT jac k when connectin g the HDMI OUT jack and oth er video output j acks at the sam e time. • Set [Output Video Forma t] in [Scree n Settings] to [Component Vid eo] (page 53). The dar k area of t he picture i s too dark/the bright ar ea is too br ight or unnatural .
Additio nal Informat ion 63 GB Operation There is no digit al sound from the HDMI OUT jack when using the Audio Return Ch annel function . • Set [Control for HDMI] in [HDMI Settings] of [System Settings] to [On] (page 5 6). Also , set [Audi o Return Channel] in [ HDMI Se ttings] of [System Settings] to [Auto] (pa ge 56).
64 GB The disc does not play. • You are attempting to play a di sc with a format that canno t be played back by this system (p age 68). • The region code on the BD/DVD does not match the system. • Moisture has condense d inside the unit and may cause dam age to the lenses.
Additio nal Informat ion 65 GB USB device The Control for HDMI function does not work. • Set [Control for HDMI] in [HDMI Settings] of [System Settings] to [On] (page 56) . • Make s ure that t he connected c omponen t is compat ible with the [Contro l for HDMI] function.
66 GB S-AIR BRAVIA Internet Video Network connection Symptom Problem s and soluti ons There is no soun d from t he S-AIR sub unit, noise is heard from th e S-AIR sub unit, or sound from the S-AIR sub unit skips. • If you us e another S-AIR main unit , place it m ore than 8 m eters away from the unit.
Additio nal Informat ion 67 GB Other Symptom Probl ems and so lution s “Exxxx” appe ars in the front panel disp lay. • Contact you r nearest Sony dealer or local authorized Sony se rvice facilit y and give the error code . appears withou t any messages on th e entire sc reen.
68 GB Playable Discs 1) Since the Blu -ray Disc specifica tions are new and evolvin g, some dis cs may not be pl ayable dep ending on the disc type and the version. Al so, the a udio outpu t differs depending on the source, connec ted outpu t jack, and sele cted audio setti ngs.
Additio nal Informat ion 69 GB Playable Ty pes of Files Video 7) Musi c Photo 7) 1) The sy stem does not play files enco ded with DRM. 2) ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX ® is a digital video format crea ted by DivX, Inc. This is an official DivX Certifie d device that pla ys DivX video.
70 GB Support ed Audio Fo rmats Audi o form ats supp orted by this sy stem a re as fol lows. a : Supported format. –: Unsupp orted form at. Video Outp ut Resolution Outp ut reso lution di ffers d epend ing on th e [Output Video Format] setting i n [Scree n Setting s] (page 5 3).
Additio nal Informat ion 71 GB Specific ations Amplifi er Section BDV-E870: POWER OUTPUT ( rated) Front L/Front R: 108 W + 108 W (a t 3 ohms, 1 kHz, 1% THD) POWER OUTPUT ( reference) Front L/Front R /.
72 GB Dimensions ( approx.) 430 mm × 85 m m × 335 mm (w/ h/d) in cl. projecting par ts Mass (approx .) 4.8 kg Design and specifi cations ar e subjec t to c hange without noti ce. • S t andby power consumpti on 0.3 W. • Halogenated fl ame retar dants are no t used in the certain printe d wiring boards .
Additio nal Informat ion 73 GB Language Code List The langua ge spellings co nform to the ISO 6 39: 1988 (E/F) st andard. Code Language Code La nguage Code Language Cod e Language 1027 Afar 1028 Abkha.
74 GB Glossary AVCHD The AVCHD format is a high-definition digita l vide o camera format used to re cord SD (sta ndard definit ion) or HD (hi gh def initio n) sign als of either the 1080 i spec ificati on* or the 720p spe cificat ion** on DVDs, us ing effic ient data compre ssion coding te chnology.
Additio nal Informat ion 75 GB Dolb y Pro Logic I I Dolb y Pro Logi c II create s five ful l-band width output channel s from 2 ch annel so urces. This is done usi ng an advan ced, hi gh-p urity matr ix surround decoder that e xtracts the spat ial propert ies of the origin al recordi ng wi thout adding a ny new so unds or t onal color ation s.
76 GB Pop- up menu An enh anced m enu opera tion av ailable on BD- ROMs. The pop- up me nu appe ars when POP UP/ME NU i s pres sed dur ing pl ayback, and can be op erated while playback is i n progre ss.
77 GB Index Numerics 24p True Cinema 76 3D 29 3D Outpu t Sett ing 5 3 A A/V SYNC 35 Attenuate - A UDI O 54 Audi o 55 Audio DRC 54 Audio O utput 54 Audio R eturn C hannel 56 Audio Se ttings 54 Auto Cal.
78 GB Screen Format 53 Screen Sav er 57 Screen Setti ngs 53 SLEEP 51 Slideshow 35 Sound Effect 54 Speaker Settings 49, 54 Connect ion 49 Distance 49 Level 50 Subtitle 55 Super Audio CD Playback Chan n.
The software of this system may be updated in the future. To f ind out details on any available updates, please vis it the following URL. For customers in Europe and R ussia: For customers in Asia and A ustralia: http://www.
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Wenn Sie Sony 4-178-247-13(2) noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sony 4-178-247-13(2) - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sony 4-178-247-13(2) reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sony 4-178-247-13(2) erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sony 4-178-247-13(2) besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sony 4-178-247-13(2) verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sony 4-178-247-13(2). Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sony 4-178-247-13(2) gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.