Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Aspire ELD des Produzenten Acer
Zur Seite of 52
Did you kn ow your A ce r Aspir e comes with incr edible multimedia soft ware tha t was desig ned to show you all t he cool stuf f yo ur computer can do? This bo o k is your handy de sk to p re fere nc e fo r y ou r Ac er A sp i re. F o r m ore information, ac cess th e online guide.
Copyr ig ht Ac er and the Ac er logo ar e regis tered trademarks and Aspire is a trademark of Ac er Inc. and Ace r America Cor p o ra t io n . Micr osoft Window s and the Win dows Logo ar e r egister ed trademarks of Micr osoft Corporat ion. Inte l and P entium ar e regi ster ed trademarks of Intel C orp.
iii Welcome v Before You Sta rt . . . vi Safe ty Instr uctions vi Proper Setup and Placement Ti ps ix Intro ducing your Aspire 1 The System 1 The Mouse 5 The Keyboard 6 The Monitor 10 The Speakers 11 .
v Welcome and thank you for purchasing an Aspire computer . Y ou are now the owner of a multim edia computer sy stem! A lready inst all ed on y our system and read y to go are soft w are pr ograms des.
vi Befor e You Star t . . . Make su re you read this se ct ion c aref ully for proper placement a nd important Safet y In struc tions on t he use and care of your new computer . Please save these i nstruc tions fo r f ut ure re f ere n ce. Safety Ins tructions • Follow a ll war ning s and i nstruc tio ns marked on the product .
vii • Do not allow an ything t o rest o n the power cor d. Do not lo ca te this product wh ere persons will w alk on the cord. • If an ext ension cor d is used with this pr oduc t, make sure tha t the total ampere rating of the equi pment plug ged into the extensio n cor d does not exceed the extension cord ampere rating .
viii • Wa r n i n g ! Battery may explode i f not handled p roperly . Do not re charge, disa s semb le or d ispos e of in f ire. Keep away f rom c hil d ren an d di sp o s e of u s ed b at ter y promptly . • Use only the proper t yp e of power supp ly c ord set (provided in y our keyb oard/manual a ccessori es box ) for this unit .
ix Pr ope r Setup and Pl acement Ti ps It ’ s impo r tant that your computer b e set up correctly and ac c or ding t o your ow n c omf ort a nd erg onomic need s . The follow ing tips should make yo ur work st ation a co mfortable and he althy plac e: Moni tor L evel .
x Ta s k L i g h t i n g . When room li ghting is dimmed, there may be i nsuff i cient light on docum ents or refere nce materials for com fo r ta b le rea di ng .
1 The Syst em No. Description 1 Speak er/Hea dphone - out por t 2 CD - ROM/ DV D - ROM /C D - RW drive acti vi ty in dicat or 3 CD - ROM/ DV D - ROM /C D - RW drive emergen c y e je ct ho le 4 CD - RO.
2 Setting U p Your As pire Refer to the Aspire Ea sy Setup p oster included in your system box for details on how to set up your computer . Turn ing on you r Aspi re 1 T urn on all p eriph erals connec ted to your comp uter such as the monito r , pr inter , fa x , speakers , etc.
3 3 On the f ront panel of yo ur computer , press the pow er bu tt on . W h e n t h e c o m p u t e r f i n i s h e s b o o t i n g , i t i s n o w r e a d y for us e.
4 Impo rt ant : M ake sure that th e po wer c abl e is pr operly plugged in in to a n electrica l outle t. If yo u are u sing a p ower str ip o r a n A VR (Au to - Vo l t a g e Regulator ), make su re that it is plu g ged i n and turne d on. Turning off yo ur Aspire Option 1: Q uick st ar t OFF .
5 The Mouse T he m ouse uses a cursor ca lled a poi nt e r . P oint e rs co me in many different shapes but are mo st commonly shape d like a n arrow . Y o ur mous e ha s two b uttons: a le f t button and a right button. Quickly pressing and rele as ing one of these buttons is c all ed cli cking .
6 The Keyboard The way k eys are use d varies f rom pr ogr am to program. Here are some of the most common use s: No. Componen t Function 1F u n c t i o n k e y s (F1 - F12) Numbered F1 through F12, each w ill perform a s pecific and wel l - defined funct ion, sho uld an a ppli cati on u s e them.
7 6P a l m r e s t (det achabl e) Prov ides a comfort able pl ace to re st yo u r han d s while typing. 7 Nu m Lock When the Nu m Loc k/Num Pad ke y is on, the k eys on the nume ric k ey p ad can be used fo r en te ri ng number s .
8 11 Int ernet /Suspen d key s Consist o f three b uttons : Email star t s up the email program . W eb C onnec tion star ts up the I nternet browser . Su sp end puts yo ur com pu t er in to sl e ep mode . 12 Pr ogrammable key s L aun ch es a ss ig n ed pr ograms .
9 Be low a re ot her k ey boa r d ke ys w hic h c an he lp y ou pe rform you r tas ks: • Esc k ey . E xits the current action, s creen, or prog ram. • Ta b k e y . M ov es th e c urs or o ve r a set nu mber o f sp ac es i n wor d pr oc essi n g so ft war e.
10 The Monitor Connec t a monitor by simply pl ug gi ng the monitor cabl e into th e mo ni to r/ VG A p or t lo c ated o n th e ba ck of y our com p ut e r . Note: Refer to the manua l that c ame with your As pire mon itor for m ore i nfor mati on o n th e monito r fea tures.
11 The Speake rs Y our sy st em c omes w it h a se t o f s peak er s . C on nect i t t o your sy stem either thr ough the f ront or rear audio - ou t/ line - ou t po rt of your comp uter . Note: Pl e a se re fe r to th e m an ua l tha t c a m e w i th you r sp eak ers fo r m ore i nfor mati on.
12 Drives on Your Computer Wh eth er it ’ s the s oft ware progra m that you bought f rom your l ocal computer stor e or the sho pping lis t you ju st ty pe d up u sing yo ur word processor , all infor matio n in a computer is stored e le ctroni cally .
13 Usin g Your Flop py Dr ive Floppy disk s a re used for putti ng dat a into yo ur computer or f or taking it out. 1 Inser t the f lop py disk into the drive , as shown . (The metal circle on the disk ’ s unde rs ide s hou ld be facing down .) 2 Push it i n gently until it pops into pl ace.
14 3 Click on the Start bu tton , point to Programs , and click on Windows E x plo rer . 4P o i n t t o 3 . 5 ” Floppy (A:) un der My C omputer . 5 Click on the right mou se but ton, then selec t Format . Cautions: For m atting a disk remove s any d ata that migh t have b ee n s aved on that d isk .
15 CD - ROM s w hi ch me ans th at D V D p laye rs c a n p l ay no t only DV D - ROMs , but C D - ROMs , C D - I discs , video CD s , and CD - R discs a s well. D VD u ses M PEG - 2 to c ompr ess vide o d ata . Usin g Your CD/DVD Dr ive Unlike f l oppy disk s , CD/D VD d iscs c an b e u sed only for putting d ata into your compute r .
16 2 T o ins ert a CD or a DVD , place it in the tray wi th the title side f acing up, then press the CD ejec t button to close it . Note: Y ou r CD /D VD dr ive w il l p robab ly em it a sound lik e that of a fan. U nless you ar e ha vi ng othe r problems with your drive, yo u sho uld not b e conce rne d.
17 Your Data/Fax Mode m Y our dat a/f a x m o dem make s it p ossib le for you to communicate el ect ronically around the glob e. Once y ou ’ ve plug ged your telephone line into your Acer compute r.
18 Connecting an Opti onal Printer 1 Make su re your computer is completely turne d off (see page 4). 2 Connec t the printer cabl e purchased with you r printer f rom th e pr i nte r to th e pr i nte r p o r t on t he b a ck o f y ou r com p ut e r . 3 Pl u g you r pr i nte r p o we r c a bl e i nto a w al l o utl et o r pow e r str ip.
19 Connectin g an Optional Serial Devi ce 1 Before you proceed, make sure your computer is completely turned off (see page 4). 2 Locate the serial p ort o n the back of your computer .
20 Connecting an Opti onal Joystick or MIDI Devi ce 1 Before you proceed, make sure your computer is completely turned off (see page 4). 2 Locate the Game/MID I por t on the back of your com p ut e r . 3 Plug you r joystick o r MID I de vice cabl e into this p or t.
21 Playing an Aud io CD W o uld you like t o pla y a little music while you work? P op your favo rite audio CD into t he CD - RO M drive , w ait ten to twenty seconds and, v oila! Music! Ad justi ng t.
22 • Double - click on the Volume icon to u se the el e c t ro ni c mi x in g b o ard . The Electr onic Mi xing Boar d Y o ur Aspire c omputer c omes with an e le ct ro nic mixing board that enables the exp erienced audiophil e to make the mo st o f t he ste r eo s oun d sy st em .
23 Y ou can ad d hard drives , memo r y , expansi on ca rds , and other optio ns to your Asp ire computer . For d irectio ns o n upg rading and how to disa ssemble the computer cha ssis , refer t o the online guide. Y o u c an f ind information regar ding you r motherboard jump er setting s by referring to the panel inside yo ur Aspi re chassis .
24 4 Gently push the computer ’ s side pan el slig htly backward (a), then pull it upward t o r emove i t f rom the chass is (b)..
25 Replac ing the L eft Pa nel Cover After you install the sy stem component s into the hous ing , you mu st replace t he l ef t panel co ver . 1 Align the s ide panel to the housing f rame (a), gently push i t in (b), then slid e it for ward into place (c).
26 Connecting USB Devi ces The Universal Seri al Bu s (USB) on y our A spi re allows for easy an d c on venie n t e xpa ns ion o pt ion s. Wi th i t, in sta llin g devi ces such as d igit al c amera s , sc anners , and j oysticks is a breeze.
27 Ac er is dedicated t o bringi ng you a re liable and easy t o maintain computer . W e r ealize, though, that problems can arise unexp ectedly . Pleas e refer to the troublesho oting tips in this sec tio n to help diagnose and solve yo ur probl ems .
28 3 If the p robl em p ers ist s , ca ll Acer T ech ni ca l Supp o rt . My modem connec ts , but there is no dial tone. 1 Check to see i f the pho ne l ines (in a nd ou t) ar e pr oper ly connec ted. S om etime s the line to the ph on e and th e l ine to the wall jac ks ar e r ever sed.
29 3U s e a l i n t - f r ee cloth or a cotton swab dippe d in rubbin g alco hol to c lean all mo ving pa rts . 4 Inse rt the b all b ack in to the m ouse and r e plac e the ri ng , mak ing sure to tur n the r in g cl ock w ise unti l it is se c urely back i n pla ce.
30 Tr oubles hooting - Err or Me ssag es I keep getting one of the foll owing error mes sage s: Equipm ent Config uration Erro r This error occurs when the CMO S settin gs have be en changed to a config uration that pr events successful boot - up.
31 Hard disk 0 Er ror Call Acer T e chnic al Supp or t. Hard disk 1 Er ror Call Acer T e chnic al Supp or t. Ke yboard Er ror , No Keyboard Connec ted or Ke yboard Inter face Er ror Check that the keyboard is securely plugged into the correct po rt on the back of the computer .
32 Addition al Acer Ser v ices About the Aspire Web Site The Ac er Internet site http://www .acer .com/ 1 has a nswers for the most f re quently asked supp or t questions and offers a searchable d ataba s e of extens ive technic al i nform ation, n ew product d ata and upgr ade information.
33 Notices Disclaimer of Warr anties Acer mak es no represe ntati on or w ar ranti es , eith er exp ress ed or imp lie d, wi th resp ec t to the contents hereof a nd sp e cif i ca lly disc laim s th e im pli ed w ar ra ntie s o f merch ant abi lit y or f itn es s for a par ticular pur pose.
35 4 Customer Remed ies . The S o ft ware Pu bl ish er ’ s entire liab ilit y an d you r on ly rem edy shal l b e, at the So f t w are Publ ish ers ’ op tion, to (a ) at tempt to corre c t the er .
36 Sy st em Wa rra nty I n form at io n For Li mit ed Pr oduct W arran t y info rmati on, please ref er to t he follo win g p age s . The A ce r warra nty does not cov e r the f ollo wing • Acer pro.
37 pur chases , leases or otherwise obt ains the Product f rom you. It exclud es exp end able par ts . During the wa rranty period, Ac er wi ll, a t no addi tio nal ch ar ge, rep a ir o r re p l a ce d e fe ct i v e h a rd w a re w it h f a c tor y - re f i n i sh ed pa rt s or pr oducts .
38 par t rep lacement s er vice for the d ur atio n of the s ystem w ar ra nt y . The w arranty servic e pr ovi ded on t hese s upported c ompone nts wil l be equ al t o the wa rranty se r vic e in effect o n the s yst e m on which the components are installed.
39 FCC Statement FCC Class B Radio Frequency Inte r ference Stat eme nt Note: Thi s equ ipmen t has been te st ed an d fou nd t o c omply with the l im it s for a C la ss B di gita l devi ce, p urs uant to Pa rt 15 o f FC C R ules.
40 If you r tele p hone eq uipmen t ca uses harm t o th e tele phon e network, the T elephone Compa ny ma y disc ontinue your se rvice te mporaril y . If possible, they wi ll no tify in advan ce. But, if ad vanc e notice isn ’ t practi cal, yo u will be no tified as soon as possible .
41 Acer Year 2 000 C ompli ance Statement Thi s pr oduct is Y ear 20 00 - complia nt a nd carries t he “ NSTL Har dwar e T ested Y ear 20 00 Co mpliant ” logo. This pr oduct has been te st ed bot h b y Ac er ’ s intern al te st la bs and NS TL u s ing NSTL ’ s YM A RK2 000 cer tif icatio n test .
42 Caution on Lithium Batteries CA UTION Danger of exp los ion if bat ter y is i ncor rec tly replace d . Re place only wit h the sam e or eq uivale nt type r ec ommended by the manu fa ctu rer . Disc ard u se d batteri es accordin g to the manufacturer ’ s inst r uc tio ns .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Acer Aspire ELD (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Acer Aspire ELD noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Acer Aspire ELD - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Acer Aspire ELD reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Acer Aspire ELD erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Acer Aspire ELD besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Acer Aspire ELD verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Acer Aspire ELD. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Acer Aspire ELD gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.