Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung full range of siemens home appliances des Produzenten Siemens
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1 F u l l R a ng e o f Si em ens Home A ppl i a nc e s. 2 0 12 / G C C Germany's No.1.
3 2 W el co m e t o a wo r l d o f i n n ova t io n. W el co m e t o Si emens. “Progr ess in the ser vice of mankind” was the vision that W erner von Siemens creat ed for his compan y , and it’ .
5 4 Investing in all our futures. Siemens is committed t o pro tecting the earth’s natur al r esources. W e invest some $2.4 billion a year in the de velopment of eco-friendly t echnology , and hold roughly 30,000 pat ents. Nearly half of our entire pat ent por tf olio is in the environmental field.
7 6 Sav e en erg y w i t h S i em en s h om e ap plia n ces. Washing mac hines up to –50 % 2011 1996 0.26 kWh 0.13 kWh up to –46 % 13.0 Litres 7.0 Litres 2011 1996 Consump tion per kg laundr y (ho.
9 8 Contents Home appliances by Siemens. The futur e moving in. Cookers Ovens Hoods Cookers Hobs Cooling Dishwashing Washing ‘ And t he winner’ Once considered no thing more than a w orkspace, the kitchen is increasing ly an important living area in many homes.
Ger man y’s N o.1 Brand In a countr y known f or its technical excellence, Siemens is the trust ed and preferred c hoice of the people. Every appliance leaving the factory is engineered to the highest standard and perfected to the last de t ail. When y ou choose Siemens, you can be assur ed of quality .
13 12 Freest anding Gas Cook er s HG72G7125M HG72G6155M HG72G7155M HG72G8155M Main Features f Cast iron pan supports with rubber feet f Full flame saf ety f or hob and oven f Catalytic self cleaning (.
15 14 Freest anding Gas Cook er s HP243527M HP22B511M Main Features f Cast iron pan supports f Full flame saf ety f or hob and oven f Extra large capacity ov en with grey enamel f Full glass inner doo.
17 16 Ov ens Our new o vens don’ t just ha ve great brains. They ha v e great looks too. With their elegant framed design flush fitting doors, the brand new o vens range is a br eakthrough in Siemens design and technology .
19 18 Function symbol models • Split glass and metal control fascia • light Control • Function symbols • Blue indicat or lights f or control dial and buttons • Single, pop-out full metal con.
21 20 Stylish tubular bar handle All our ovens ha ve tubular bar handles that both look and f eel top quality . Cooling fan The integral cooling fan is designed t o k eep the control panel operating components cool and also helps reduce the tem peratures on bot h the oven door and an y adjacent furniture.
23 22 Oven residual heat indicat or With the residual heat indicat or bars, the temperature of the ov en is displayed ev en after the oven has been switc hed off, reducing in stages down t o 60°C, so that food can be k ept warm until you need it. Once all the bars ha ve extinguished, the residual t emperature will be under 60ºC.
25 24 Built-in Ovens HB331E0GC f Built-in single oven f Stainless steel HB43AB550B f Built-in single oven f Stainless steel HB75GB550B f Built-in single oven f Stainless steel HB22AR521E f Built-in si.
27 26 Built-in Ovens HSL6EI23 f Built-in single Gas oven f Stainless steel HB90055 f Built-in single oven f Stainless steel HB953R50 f Built-in single oven f Stainless steel Main features f Gas oven w.
29 28 Multi-function ov en with microwa ve The Siemens compact ov en is primarily a normal multi-function ov en, but offers the option of a micr owa ve function, which can be used independently or in combination with many of the standar d cooking functions.
31 30 Compact Appliances 60 HF24G561M Main Features f 800 W Microwa ve f 5 settings: 800 W , 600W, 360W , 180W , 90W f Grill 1000 W f Combination of Grill and Microwa ve power lev els 360/180/90 W f 3.
33 32 The sty lish cof f ee mac hine and war ming dra wers co-ordinate wit h all ov ens and t he com pact range..
35 34 Compact Appliances W ar ming Draw er TK76K573GB Main features f Innovative heating system “senso flow system” f Reduced heating-up time: Fast es t first cup! f Innovative bre wing technology.
37 36 T raditional hot air cooking The combination model offers hot air cooking with a tem perature range of 30-230ºC – ideal for traditional baking and roasting. Great f or midweek meals when a smaller capacity is requir ed. Our new wall steamer sa ves space, but won’t compromise on looks or ability .
39 38 T ec hnical Drawings Cooking Built-in Ovens Compact Appliances HB36D572B HF24G561M HW140562B Ventilation ar ea in th e base, min. 50 cm 2 Ventilation openings behind, min. 250 cm 2 4 19 (*20) 454 454 450 450 600 Back panels open min. 550 min. 550 45 45 520 595 450 min.
41 40 Hobs Intr oducing our brand new range of fully co-or dinated appliances . Good looking on their own and fabulous t ogether , the y‘re no t labelled for no thing! Eye-catching design is at the heart of our hobs. Razor -sharp looks and style harmonise with an array of cutting-edge and easy-to-use functions and benefits.
43 42 W elcome to t he wor ld of Induction. Better energy efficiency Only areas of the flex Induction cook surface that are actually in contact with the cookware ar e active at any particular time, so no energy is wasted.
45 44 ET975SV11D EH611T A16E Main features f 5 HighSpeed cooking zones, including: f 1 triple zone f 1 dual zone f 1 extendible triple zone f Zone extension activation with a T ouch sensor f Residual .
47 46 ET13051EU ET375GU11E Electr ic Hobs ET130501 f Sealed plate cooktop f 60 cm ET375GF11E 30 30 30 f Ceramic hob f 30 cm f Sealed plate cooktop f 30 cm f Barbecue grill f 30 cm induktions Main feat.
49 48 Simmer cap Only found on our g as hobs, this special extra wide burner cap fits on the smallest burner and is designed to diffuse the minimum power heat (and spread the higher power heat) o ver a wider surface area, av oiding hot spo ts and absolutely perfect f or simmering.
51 50 Gas Hobs EC645PB80Q EC945RB91E ER64051L T Main features f 4 gas burners f Flame failure safe ty device f St eel pan supports f 1-handed ignition via control knobs General information f 1 rapid, 2 standard, 1 economy burner f Fr ont left: Standard burner 1.
53 52 EH611T A16E ET651RF11E ET975SV11D EH975SZ11E EH675MV11E ET975MD11Q ET675MN11E ER926SB90E 490+1 **Position of the gas connection in the cut-out *Minimum distance from the hob cut-out to the wall 45 520 912 850+1 min.
55 54 Hoods S tyle, speed and silent running. Sty le, speed and silent running are what sets a Siemens hood apart from the com petition. That, and the fact that they’r e all installed with a variety of ingenious and easily operat ed functions.
57 56 New wall mounting syst em Once you’ ve c hosen which option y ou want to go f or and you ’re r eady to install, we have made lif e even easier . Offset ‘cam’ rings mean that the fixings can be adjusted within a 6mm radius, making it simpler t han ever t o level the hood when fixing it.
59 58 Noise lev els and sound insulation There ar e two commonly used measures f or noise levels – sound pressur e (dBA) and sound power (dB r e 1pW).
61 60 Extractor Hoods LC96W A530B LC98BD540B LF98BC540B Main features f Maximum extraction rate exhaust air 450 m³/h according to EN 61591 f 2 x 25 W high volt halogen spot f 3-stage + intensive cont.
63 62 Extractor LU14150SGC LU22350MGC Main features f T win motor f Extraction rate according to EN 61591 max. 420 m3/h f 3 speeds control f 2 x 40 W lights General information f For installation unde.
65 64 LC98BD540B *Fr om upper edge of pan support min. 550 electric r ecommendation 650 min. 650 gas* 45 300 (900mm) 210 (600mm) 209 (900mm) 124 (600mm) 394.5 51.5 *Fr om upper edge of pan support min. 550 electric recommendation 650 min. 650 gas* Ducted air outlet 300/ 240 min.
67 66 Cooling Introducing the next g eneration of cooling appliances. F ridges, F reezers and F ridge F reezers from Siemens . Saving ener gy is paramount to Siemens, as is clean design, first-class quality and smart thinking. T ogether , they’re the backbone of our approac h to e verything we create.
69 68 Smar t cooling: t he Freshness Centr e. The science of food pr eser vation is about cr eating the right conditions f or the right foodstuff. That science has led to the development of t he Sieme.
71 70 First class thinking Four star freezing compartments allow frozen f ood to be stored at belo w -18°C. This means that fresh f ood can be frozen and st ored f or longer periods up to 12 mont hs. Foamed in evaporat or All models featur e a foamed-in e vaporator t o pro tect it from damage.
73 72 Bott om Fr eezer K G57DPI20M K G56NAI20M KG57NVL20M KF91NP J10N KA80DA40ME K G57NSB20M Main Features f Automatic defr ost in freezer and fridge section f Separate fridge and freezer contr ol f S.
75 74 Side by Side / Fridges and Freezers Fr idg es and Freezer s / Built-in Cooling KS38RA92ME Main Features f 7 segment electronic control f Super cool function f Active cooling via integ rated fan .
77 76 KU15L A60GB KI38VV20GB 545 1089 592 557 1772 541 674 min. 550 min. 50 1176+Ü (max.) 592+A (min.) 670+A (max.) 1098+Ü (min.) Ü 4 4 Ü A A 1772 +8 1772 +8 min. 560 Ve ntilation space in the base min. 200cm 2 A i r outlet min. 200cm 2 Fro nt panel ove rhan g Lower edge of front panel The given measurements are fo r a door gap of 4mm.
Dishwashing Intoducing our ne w brand range of dishwashers that work in comple te harmon y . Good looking on their own and fabulous tog e ther , they’r e no t labelled f or nothing! We’re alwa ys looking for ways t o impr ove our dishwashers.
Introducing speedMatic dishwasher s from Siemens. Easy Hygiene We kno w you won’t settle f or less. When we talk about hygiene, we mean tem peratures so high germs won’t sur vive them. And with suc h sparkling solutions at the touc h of a button, there’s really no need to ge t any of that greasy stuff on your hands.
83 82 Faster drying and lower energy consumption. Naturally. Siemens engineers have alw ays w ork ed hard to mak e our machines just that little bit better , and as a result we hav e achieved a worldwide reputation f or the highest st andar ds of technology and performance.
85 84 Half load 1 2 iQDrive Innovative friction-fr ee, brushless magnet technology means that wear and tear on t he iQ Drive mo tor is vir tu - ally non-existent.
87 86 loadSensor The load Sensor notices the slight es t change in t he amount of water running thr ough the machine. Any perceiv ed loss in water (due t o putting a cup in the wrong w ay r ound, for instance) and the sensor com pensates, ensuring that the op timal amount of water is being used at an y one time.
89 88 V V Child lock Most Siemens dishwashers include a child lock that pr events c hildren fr om opening the door . Child loc k Wa te r Whisper quiet Hygiene option If you’re concerned about germs and bacteria, this option is ideal.
91 90 Freest anding Dishwasher / Built-in Dishwasher dosag e Assis t a aquaS to p a Au tomatic Detergent Main Features f 5 programmes: Int ensive 70°C, Auto 45-65°C, Economy 50°C, Delicate 40°C, Q.
93 92 SK26E800EU Main Features f 6 programmes: Int ensive 70°C, Auto 45-65°C, f Economy 50°C, Delicate 40°C, Quick Wash 45°C, Pr e Rinse f Special option: varioSpeed, extraDry f Consumption in pr ogramme Economy 50: 2100 litres water per y ear / 174 kwh energy per year .
95 94 SN64E005EU SN56U592EU, SN55M536EU, SN54E502EU SN65U090EU SN65U090EU SN55M536EU SN64E003TR, SN64E005EU SN56T598EU Integ rated Connection dimension f or 60 cm Dishwashers T ec hnical Drawings Dish.
97 96 W ashing Intr oducing our brand new range of full y co-ordinated washing and dr ying . Good looking on their own and fabulous tog e ther . A new range of energy-efficient models reinfor ce Siemens‘ claim to have led t he way in cr eating reliable, cleverl y-designed and quietly efficient washing machines and dr yers f or over 100 years.
99 98 The ne w integ rated i-Dos A utomatic. Doing the laundr y has ne ver been this easy . Just follow t hese three st eps: The new int elligent automatic programmes. With the two int elligent automatic programmes of the Mast er Class, you only need t o choose betw een “ Automatic” for normal laundr y or “ Automatic soft” for delicat es.
101 100 S t ate-of-the-art anti-vibration design. The inno vativ e iQdrive. Maximum energy eff iciency . The iQdrive is pow ered by a frictionless permanent magne t, allowing it to remain cool while eliminating unnecessar y loss of energy t hrough frictional heat.
103 102 It know s how to sa v e time and energy: varioPer f ect. Perfect laundr y done quickl y , or with maximum energy efficiency? With the new varioPerfect tec hnology , it ’s your choice. Y ou can activate either function f or any standard or special wash cycle ex cept for wool/hand wash and super15.
105 104 rainFlow A two-wa y water in-flo w system called rain Flow allo ws for rapid soaking, r educing the dry friction within the drum to pro tect delicat e fabrics.
107 106 8 kg 8k g + 7kg WM12S425GC WM12P260GC WM14S790GC WM16Y790GB WM14Y890GB Main features f Capacity: 8 kg f XXL Drum volume: 65 litres f Spin speed selection 1200 to 400 rpm Programmes f Special p.
109 108 Built-in WI12A200GC Main features f Label: A / A / B f 10% more economical (0.17 kWh/ kg) than t he standard value (0.19 kWh/kg) f or qualifying for energy efficiency class A f electricity 1.
111 110 W asher / Dr yer WK14D320GB WD12D523GB WD14H420GB Main features f Label: B / A f Electricity consumption wash and dry 4.85 kwh, water consumption wash and dry 83 litres in label-/ normprogramm.
113 112 W or ldwide low es t energy consump tion. blueTher m: t he condenser dr yer technology from Siemens. blueTherm, the best condenser dr y er in the world f or conser ving energy resources. It uses its energy efficiently . For life. The innovative blueTherm heat pum p condenser dr y er bears the energy efficiency label A .
115 114 Condensation / Dr yer T ec hnical Drawings W ashing Machine Aut omatic W ashing Machine WT44C101GC W T46S515GC Main features f Label: B f 7 kg capacity f Consumption of 7 k g cotton cupboard dry: 1400 U/min - 3.
117 116 Over 160 y ears, Siemens has built a reputation as one of the most trusted, r eliable and durable brands in the world. And now , it has become one of the world’s lar gest green com panies. Our gr eat attention t o detail and the highest quality standards ha ve made us Germany’s No.
119 118 Siemens Customer Ser vice. Kno wledge and exper tise only t he manufacturer can provide. Our Ser vices. Choosing a Siemens appliance gives you access t o an exper t Customer Service T eam who will always be ther e to help, f or the life time of your appliance.
120 BSH Home Appliances FZE Regional Headquarters Middle East – Africa – South Asia P .O. Box 17312, Jebel Ali F ree Zone - Dubai, U AE T el +971 4 8030 400 www .
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