Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 350 des Produzenten Siemens
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1 SINVERT 350, SINVERT 420 and SINVERT 500 TL Operating Manual – 11/2009 SINVERT Answers for environment..
Photovoltaic SINVERT SINVERT 350, SINVERT 420 and SINVERT 500 TL Introduction 1 Description 2 Hardware operation 3 Alarm and fault messages 4 Support 5.
Safety instructions These Operating Instructions contai n information which you shou ld o bserve to ensure y our own personal safety as well as to protect the pro duct and connect ed equipment. The notices ref erring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol.
Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 About this documentation ................................................................................
Tables Table 3-1 Pin assignment X 5 (SUB -D 9-pin / RS422 for PP so lar) ........................................... 13 Table 4- 1 Alarm and fa ult m essa ges ................................................................................. 27 Table 4-2 I S O fau lt .
Introducti on 1.1 About thi s documentation 6 1 Introduction 1.1 About this documentation This manual will provide you with guidance in the us e of SINVERT PV inverters. It provides you with a detailed overview of all the information you n eed to know about SINVERT PV inverters.
Introduction 1.1 About thi s documentation 7 and their master-slave variants: • SINVERT 700 MS (two SINVERT 350 inverters in parallel) • SINVERT 1000 MS (three SINVERT 350 inverters in parallel) .
Description 2.1 Application 8 2 Description 2.1 Application The SINVERT PV inverter is a fully assembled, ready-to-connect inverter unit for PV installations. Figure 2-1 Overview of PV system The inverter transforms the DC voltage produced by the PV modules into an AC voltage.
Hardware operation 3.1 Commissi oning the inverter 9 3 Hardware operation 3.1 Commissioning the inverter Commissioning an installation requires certain switching opera tions to be performed. This type of work must always be undertaken by qualified, properly trained personnel.
Hardware operation 3.1 Commissi oning the inverter 10 3.1.2 Switching off and disconnecting the power supply The entire system must be disconnected from the power supply before test and maintenance work can be carried out in the containers. Carry out these tasks in the sequence given below: 1.
Hardware operation 3.1 Commissi oning the inverter 11 3.1.3 Switching on The inverter is switched on in the same way as it is switched off, but in th e reverse sequence. 1. Check that all connections have been made correctly (including polarity). 2. Switch on the junction boxes in the PV field.
Hardware operation 3.2 Operating the inverter 12 3.2 Operating the inverter 3.2.1 Operator panel Figure 3-1 Front view of control panel Grid LED indicator bar Status display Fault display Display Serv.
Hardware operation 3.2 Operating the inverter 13 Figure 3-2 Front view of control panel Table 3-1 Pin assignment X5 (SUB-D 9-pin/ RS422 for PPsola r) Pin Signal 1 RRS485P 5 TRS485N 6 TRS485P 9 RRS485N.
Hardware operation 3.2 Operating the inverter 14 3.2.2 Operating mode You can choose between modes "Automatic" and "Test". In Test mode, you can adjust the DC voltage manually. In Automatic mode, the inverter determines the Maximum Power Point (MPP) automatically.
Hardware operation 3.2 Operating the inverter 15 3.2.5 Fault reset You can reset a fault by turning the keyswitch from "AUTO" to "TEST" and back to "AUTO" or vice versa. If the inverter has been disabled due to a fault, it can now be activated again.
Hardware operation 3.2 Operating the inverter 16 Maximum Power Point (LED "MPP") The power which can be generated by a PV system depends on the level of insolation and the temperature of the PV modules.
Hardware operation 3.3 Communi cation with the invert er 17 3.3 Communication with the inverter Various possible methods of communicating with the inverter are presented below. 3.3.1 WEB’log WEB’log is generally used to log inverter data, i’checker data and meteorological data which has been recorded while the inverter is in operation.
Hardware operation 3.3 Communicati on with the inverter 18 Gray: No information available about the system components Blue: System components are ready; no energy flowing Green: System components are .
Hardware operation 3.3 Communi cation with the invert er 19 The Control Panel (Figure 3-6) contains the same display and control elements as the control panel of the SINVERT PV inverter.
Hardware operation 3.3 Communicati on with the inverter 20 The Oscilloscope function (Figure 3-7) enables you to record data in two channels and to print output voltages, output currents, inverter currents and the PV generator voltage. The right to use this special function is reserved for Siemens customer service personnel.
Hardware operation 3.3 Communi cation with the invert er 21 The Process Data window (Figure 3-8) displays information about the inverter. For the sake of better clarity, the window is divided into a number of panes. You can specify the number of panes and their content in a configuration file.
Hardware operation 3.3 Communicati on with the inverter 22 Actual Value Summary The window with the overview of actual values displays a summary of key data of the PV system. You can alter data (e.g. reactive power transfer from SINVERT to the three-phase AC grid) in this window when it is active.
Hardware operation 3.3 Communi cation with the invert er 23 The Data Storage window (Figure 3-9) is used to start, stop and configure the data archiving function of the PowerProtect solar system. The data to be archived, the scan rate, the data length and archiving path are specified in this window.
Hardware operation 3.3 Communicati on with the inverter 24 Energy The Energy window displays all the available energy data of the PV system. Check the boxes for the values that you want PowerProtect solar to archive.
Hardware operation 3.3 Communi cation with the invert er 25 The Analysis window (Figure 3-10) displays the data archived by PowerProtect solar. The data are saved in Microsoft Access database format by the data storage function. You can access this information at any time, even while the archiving function is active.
Alarm and fault messages 4.1 Fault handling 26 4 Alarm and fault messages 4.1 Fault handling 4.1.1 Fault types There are two different types of fault, i.
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 27 4.2 Alarm and fault messages The table below provides an overview of alarm and fault messages supplied on the inverter.
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messagesAlarm and fault messagesAlarm and fault messages 28 92 DC overvoltage protection has responded (or fuse (if insta lled) has tripped) Fault Overvolt.
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 29 4.2.1 Faults – Causes/diagnostics/remedial measures First acknowledge the fault with the keyswitch o n the control panel.
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 30 Table 4-2 ISO fault ISO fault Damaged, worn-through cable s (loose, buffeted by wind) Cables damaged by animals Water in junction box Damaged i.
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 31 Table 4-3 Fault 0 (Alarm) General fault on transformer Condition The hardware contact in the power unit has tripp ed. Causes There is a defect in the inverter. Measures Replace the affected components.
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 32 Causes Inlet air temperature too high o Air inlet to switchroom is blocked o Air outlet from switchr oom is restri cted o Ambient temperature i.
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 33 Table 4-9 Fault 36 (Alarm) AC contactor defective (no ch eckba ck), or Fast Stop button pressed Condition There is no signal at i nput 11/12 of the CU (green connector); transferred via Prof ibus to the S7; drive has received an ON command.
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 34 Table 4-11 Fault 39 (Alarm) DC link overvoltage Condition The CU has detected a DC voltage in excess of the permissible value Causes The measur.
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 35 Table 4-13 Fault 43 (Alarm) Vce monitor has respond ed Condition The CU has detected an inadmissible circuit voltage (voltage on semiconductor module between emitter and collector).
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 36 Table 4-16 Fault 63 (Alarm) Direct current too high Condition The CU / S7 has detected a direct current in excess of the set permissible limit .
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 37 Table 4-19 Fault 91 (Alarm) Fuse has trip ped Condition No power supply available for signali ng circuit A contact in the signaling circuit is .
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 38 Table 4-22 Fault 94 (Alarm) Profibus system h as failed Condition The S7 has detected serious erro rs on the Profibus Equalizing current on the.
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 39 Table 4-24 Fault 96 (Alarm) Grid voltage outside tolera nce Condition The CU has detected that the grid voltage is outside the set tolerance li.
Alarm and fault messages 4.2 Alarm and fault messages 40 (Alarm) Symmetry fault Condition The S7 routine for monitoring symmetry has detecte d an imbalance Alarm in the PV field o Automatic fuse or fu.
Support 5.1 Contact addresses 41 5 Support 5.1 Contact addresses The support hotline for SINVERT can be reached via the contact methods listed b elow from Monday to Friday between 8 am and 5 pm CET: Phone: +49 911 750-2211 Fax: +49 911 750-2246 E-mail: sinvert-service.
42 Siemens AG Indus try Sect or, I A SE S P V P.O. Box 2355 90766 Fuerth GERMANY Subject to change © Siemens AG 2009
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